A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: æþelan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Exodus 227b hrered / wæs on anra gehwam || æþelan cynnes / alesen under lindum ||
Christ and Satan 237b ngla ordfruma || and to þæm æþelan / hnigan him sanctas || sigetor
Andreas 642b amas / engla eþel || þurh þa æþelan miht / edre him andreas || agef
Andreas 1476b wæs eft swa ær || þurh þa æþelan miht / lof lædende || ond on h
Elene 275b te / eorlas æscrofe || mid þa æþelan cwen / heht þa gebeodan || bur
Elene 106a | ond witan snyttro / se þære æþelan sceal || ondwyrde agifan / for
Elene 347b geywdest þam eorle || on þa æþelan tid / under beorhhliþe || ban
Elene 634b de / þu me eorla hleo || þone æþelan beam / rode rodera cininges ||
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4b þ / his agen bearn || on þone æþelan stan / þonne we sion gemunan |
The Battle of Maldon 149a se to forþ gewat / þurh þone æþelan || æþelredes þegen / him be