A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: won

Number of occurrences in corpus: 15

Genesis A 1558a o eorþan him || ætes tilian / won and worhte || wingeard sette /
Christ C 965a eall ðreo || on efen nimeð / won fyres wælm || wide tosomne / s
Christ C 1564a san geðread || ondweard gode / won ond wliteleas || hafað werge
The Order of the World 95a æghwæs genoh / nis him wihte won || ðam ðe wuldres cyning / ge
Soul and Body II 20a icnes || lyt ðu geðohtes / to won ðinre sawle sið || siððan
Guthlac A 399a awum || he wæs ðeara sum / ne won he æfter worulde || ac he in
Guthlac B 1280a ng sohte || swearc norðrodor / won under wolcnum || woruld miste
Riddles 11 8a de gedwolene || deorað mine / won wisan gehwam || wa him ðæs
Riddles 3 37a e || ðæt me on bæce rideð / won wægfatu || wide toðringe / la
Riddles 4 107a rg bellende || ðe on bocwuda / won wrotende || wynnum lifde / ðæ
Riddles 40 112a llende, || / þe on bocwuda, / won wrotende || wynnum lifde / þæ
The Phoenix 99a ægred || ond seo deorce niht / won gewiteð || ðonne waðum str
The Wanderer 103b indeð / wintres woma || ðonne won cymeð / nipeð nihtscua || nor
Beowulf 1132a edstefnan || holm storme weol / won wið winde || winter yðe bel
Beowulf 1374a non yðgeblond || up astigeð / won to wolcnum || ðonne wind sty