Epigram094 University of Oxford CLASP Project nick.white@ell.ox.ac.uk ££.PROSP.Epigram094 Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings Latin Poems Epigram094
Omne bonum mundo concretum, et tempore partum Quacumque amitti conditione potest. Et quamuis damnis uigilanter cura resistat, Saepe tamen propriis dispoliatur homo. At bona, quae uere bona sunt, nec fine tenentur, Semper habet, quisquis semper habere cupit. Nec uim ferre potest Christo subnixa uoluntas, In quo persistens omnia uincit amor.