Verses from a letter to Sigeric, Abbot of St Augustine’s; Bishop of Ramsbury (985×986-990); Archbishop of Canterbury (990-994) University of Oxford CLASP ProjectÆLFWEARD.Sigeric.Epist Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings Latin Poems Verses from a letter to Sigeric, Abbot of St Augustine’s; Bishop of Ramsbury (985×986-990); Archbishop of Canterbury (990-994)
Mitis ab æthereo clementia Christus Olimpo Protegat, exaltet, ornet, amet, foveat. Nec, precor, aspiciat clementi lumine nostras Litterulas, scripsit quæ pietatis amor. Terra, polus, pelagus, homines volucresque feræque, Cantoris resonent voce, valeto pater. Pagina si brevis est, non est brevis ardor amantis, Nam plus corda colunt quam mea verba sonant. Christicolæ angelica Sigerico carmina laudent Salve, sancte Dei præsul resonantque per ævum.