Daniel University of Oxford CLASP Project nick.white@ell.ox.ac.uk https://clasp.ell.ox.ac.uk/poem/A.1.3 Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems Daniel
gefrægn ic hebreos eadge lifgean in hierusalem goldhord dælan cyningdom habban swa him gecynde wæs siþþan þurh metodes mægen on moyses hand wearþ wig gifen wigena mænieo and hie of egyptum ut aforon mægene micle þæt wæs modig cyn þenden hie þy rice rædan moston burgum wealdan wæs him beorht wela þenden þæt folc mid him hiera fæder wære healdan woldon wæs him hyrde god heofonrices weard halig drihten wuldres waldend se þam werude geaf mod and mihte metod alwihta þæt hie oft fela folca feore gesceodon heriges helmum þara þe him hold ne wæs oþþæt hie wlenco anwod æt winþege deofoldædum druncne geþohtas þa hie æcræftas ane forleton metodes mægenscipe swa no man scyle his gastes lufan wiþ gode dælan þa geseah ic þa gedriht in gedwolan hweorfan israhela cyn unriht don wommas wyrcean þæt wæs weorc gode oft he þam leodum to lare sende heofonrices weard halige gastas þa þam werude wisdom budon hie þære snytro soþ gelyfdon lytle hwile oþþæt hie langung beswac eorþan dreamas eces rædes þæt hie æt siþestan sylfe forleton drihtnes domas curon deofles cræft þa wearþ reþemod rices þeoden unhold þeodum þam þe æhte geaf wisde him æt frymþe þa þe on fruman ær þon wæron mancynnes metode dyrust dugoþa dyrust drihtne leofost herepaþ tæhte to þære hean byrig eorlum elþeodigum on eþelland þær salem stod searwum afæstnod weallum geweorþod to þæs witgan foron caldea cyn to ceastre forþ þær israela æhta wæron bewrigene mid weorcum to þam þæt werod gefor mægenþreat mære manbealwes georn awehte þone wælniþ wera aldorfrea babilones brego on his burhstede nabochodonossor þurh niþhete þæt he secan ongan sefan gehygdum hu he israelum eaþost meahte þurh gromra gang guman oþþringan gesamnode þa suþan and norþan wælhreow werod and west foran herige hæþencyninga to þære hean byrig israela eþelweardas hæfdon lufan lifwelan þenden hie let metod þa ic eþan gefrægn ealdfeonda cyn winburh wera þa wigan ne gelyfdon bereafodon þa receda wuldor readan golde since and seolfre salomones templ gestrudan gestreona under stanhliþum swilc eall swa þa eorlas agan sceoldon oþþæt hie burga gehwone abrocen hæfdon þara þe þam folce to friþe stodon gehlodon him to huþe hordwearda gestreon feoh and frætwa swilc þær funden wæs and þa mid þam æhtum eft siþedon and gelæddon eac on langne siþ israela cyn on eastwegas to babilonia beorna unrim under hand hæleþ hæþenum deman nabochodonossor him on nyd dyde israela bearn ofer ealle lufen wæpna lafe to weorcþeowum onsende þa sinra þegna worn þæs werudes west toferan þæt him þara leoda land geheolde eþne eþel æfter ebreum het þa secan sine gerefan geond israela earme lafe hwilc þære geogoþe gleawost wære boca bebodes þe þær brungen wæs wolde þæt þa cnihtas cræft leornedon þæt him snytro on sefan secgan mihte nales þy þe he þæt moste oþþe gemunan wolde þæt he þara gifena gode þancode þe him þær to duguþe drihten scyrede þa hie þær fundon þry freagleawe æþele cnihtas and æfæste ginge and gode in godsæde an wæs annanias oþer azarias þridda misael metode gecorene þa þry comon to þeodne foran hearde and higeþancle þær se hæþena sæt cyning corþres georn in caldea byrig þa hie þam wlancan wisdom sceoldon weras ebrea wordum cyþan higecræft heane þurh halig mod þa se beorn bebead babilone weard swiþmod cyning sinum þegnum þæt þa frumgaras be feore dæde þæt þam gengum þrym gad ne wære wiste ne wæde in woruldlife þa wæs breme babilone weard mære and modig ofer middangeard egesful ylda bearnum no he æ fremede ac in oferhygde æghwæs lifde þa þam folctogan on frumslæpe siþþan to reste gehwearf rice þeoden com on sefan hwurfan swefnes woma hu woruld wære wundrum geteod ungelic yldum oþ edsceafte wearþ him on slæpe soþ gecyþed þætte rices gehwæs reþe sceolde gelimpan eorþan dreamas ende wurþan þa onwoc wulfheort se ær wingal swæf babilone weard næs him bliþe hige ac him sorh astah swefnes woma no he gemunde þæt him meted wæs het þa tosomne sinra leoda þa wiccungdom widost bæron frægn þa þa mænigeo hwæt hine gemætte þenden reordberend reste wunode wearþ he on þam egesan acol worden þa he ne wisse word ne angin swefnes sines het him secgan þeah þa him unbliþe andswaredon deofolwitgan næs him dom gearu to asecganne swefen cyninge hu magon we swa dygle drihten ahicgan on sefan þinne hu þe swefnede oþþe wyrda gesceaft wisdom bude gif þu his ærest ne meaht or areccan þa him unbliþe andswarode wulfheort cyning witgum sinum næron ge swa eacne ofer ealle men modgeþances swa ge me sægdon and þæt gecwædon þæt ge cuþon mine aldorlege swa me æfter wearþ oþþe ic furþor findan sceolde nu ge mætinge mine ne cunnon þa þe me for werode wisdom beraþ ge sweltaþ deaþe nymþe ic dom wite soþan swefnes þæs min sefa myndgaþ ne meahte þa seo mænigeo on þam meþelstede þurh witigdom wihte aþencean ne ahicgan þa hit forhæfed gewearþ þætte hie sædon swefn cyninge wyrda gerynu oþþæt witga cwom daniel to dome se wæs drihtne gecoren snotor and soþfæst in þæt seld gangan se wæs ordfruma earmre lafe þære þe þam hæþenan hyran sceolde him god sealde gife of heofnum þurh hleoþorcwyde haliges gastes þæt him engel godes eall asægde swa his mandrihten gemæted wearþ þa eode daniel þa dæg lyhte swefen reccan sinum frean sægde him wislice wereda gesceafte þætte sona ongeat swiþmod cyning ord and ende þæs þe him ywed wæs þa hæfde daniel dom micelne blæd in babilonia mid bocerum siþþan he gesæde swefen cyninge þæt he ær for fyrenum onfon ne meahte babilonie weard in his breostlocan no hwæþere þæt daniel gedon mihte þæt he wolde metodes mihte gelyfan ac he wyrcan ongan weoh on felda þam þe deormode diran heton se wæs on þære þeode þe swa hatte bresne babilonige þære burge weard anne manlican ofer metodes est gyld of golde gumum arærde for þam þe gleaw ne wæs gumrices weard reþe and rædleas riht // þa wearþ hæleþa hlyst þa hleoþor cwom byman stefne ofer burhware þa hie for þam cumble on cneowum sæton onhnigon to þam herige hæþne þeode wurþedon wihgyld ne wiston wræstran ræd efndon unrihtdom swa hyra aldor dyde mane gemenged mode gefrecnod fremde folcmægen swa hyra frea ærest unræd efnde him þæs æfter becwom yfel endelean unriht dyde þær þry wæron on þæs þeodnes byrig eorlas israela þæt hie a noldon hyra þeodnes dom þafigan onginnan þæt hie to þam beacne gebedu rærde þeah þe þær on herige byman sungon þa wæron æþelum god abrahames bearn wæron wærfæste wiston drihten ecne uppe ælmihtigne cnihtas cynegode cuþ gedydon þæt hie him þæt gold to gode noldon habban ne healdan ac þone hean cyning gasta hyrde þe him gife sealde oft hie to bote balde gecwædon þæt hie þæs wiges wihte ne rohton ne hie to þam gebede mihte gebædon hæþen heriges wisa þæt hie þider hweorfan wolden guman to þam gyldnan gylde þe he him to gode geteode þegnas þeodne sægdon þæt hie þære geþeahte wæron hæftas hearan in þisse hean byrig þa þis hegan ne willaþ ne þysne wig wurþigean þe þu þe to wuldre wundrum teodest þa him bolgenmod babilone weard yrre andswarode eorlum onmælde grimme þam gingum and geocre oncwæþ þæt hie gegnunga gyldan sceolde oþþe þrowigean þreanied micel frecne fyres wylm nymþe hie friþes wolde wilnian to þam wyrrestan weras ebrea guman to þam golde þe he him to gode teode noldon þeah þa hyssas hyran larum in hige hæþnum hogedon georne þæt æ godes ealle gelæste and ne awacodon wereda drihtne ne þan mæ gehwurfe in hæþendom ne hie to facne freoþo wilnedan þeah þe him se bitera deaþ geboden wære þa wearþ yrre anmod cyning het he ofn onhætan to cwale cnihta feorum forþam þe hie his cræftas onsocon þa he wæs gegleded swa he grimmost mihte frecne fyres lige þa he þyder folc samnode and gebindan het babilone weard grim and gealhmod godes spelbodan het þa his scealcas scufan þa hyssas in bælblyse beornas geonge gearo wæs se him geoce gefremede þeah þe hie swa grome nydde in fæþm fyres lige hwæþere heora feorh generede mihtig metodes weard swa þæt mænige gefrunon halige him þær help geteode sende him of hean rodore god gumena weard gast þone halgan engel in þone ofn innan becwom þær hie þæt aglac drugon freobearn fæþmum beþeahte under þam fyrenan hrofe ne mihte þeah heora wlite gewemman owiht wylm þæs wæfran liges þa hie se waldend nerede hreohmod wæs se hæþena þeoden het hie hraþe bærnan æled wæs ungescead micel þa wæs se ofen onhæted isen eall þurhgleded hine þær esnas mænige wurpon wudu on innan swa him wæs on wordum gedemed bæron brandas on bryne blacan fyres wolde wulfheort cyning wall onsteallan iserne ymb æfæste oþþæt up gewat lig ofer leofum and þurh lust gesloh micle mare þonne gemet wære þa se lig gewand on laþe men hæþne of halgum hyssas wæron bliþemode burnon scealcas ymb ofn utan alet gehwearf teonfullum on teso þær to geseah babilone brego bliþe wæron eorlas ebrea ofestum heredon drihten on dreame dydon swa hie cuþon ofne on innan aldre generede guman glædmode god wurþedon under þæs fæþme þe geflymed wearþ frecne fyres hæto freobearn wurdon alæten liges gange ne hie him þær laþ gedydon næs him se sweg to sorge þon ma þe sunnan scima ne se bryne beot mæcgum þe in þam beote wæron ac þæt fyr fyr scyde to þam þe þa scylde worhton hwearf on þa hæþenan hæftas fram þam halgan cnihton werigra wlite minsode þa þe þy worce gefægon geseah þa swiþmod cyning þa he his sefan ontreowde wundor on wite agangen him þæt wræclic þuhte hyssas hale hwurfon in þam hatan ofne ealle æfæste þry him eac þær wæs an on gesyhþe engel ælmihtiges him þær on ofne owiht ne derede ac wæs þær inne ealles gelicost efne þonne on sumera sunne scineþ and deaw dryge on dæge weorþeþ winde geondsawen þæt wæs wuldres god þe hie generede wiþ þam niþhete þa azarias ingeþancum hleoþrade halig þurh hatne lig dreag dæda georn drihten herede wer womma leas and þa word acwæþ metod alwihta hwæt þu eart mihtum swiþ niþas to nergenne is þin nama mære wlitig and wuldorfæst ofer werþeode siendon þine domas in daga gehwam soþe and geswiþde and gesigefæste swa þu eac sylfa eart # syndon þine willan on woruldspedum rihte and gerume rodora waldend geoca user georne nu gasta scyppend and þurh hyldo help halig drihten nu we þec for þreaum and for þeonydum and for eaþmedum arna biddaþ lige belegde we þæs lifgende worhton on worulde eac þon wom dyde user yldran for oferhygdum bræcon bebodo burhsittende had oferhogedon halgan lifes siendon we towrecene geond widne grund heapum tohworfene hyldelease is user lif geond landa fela fracoþ and gefræge folca manegum þa usic bewræcon to þæs wyrrestan eorþcyninga æhta gewealde on hæft heorugrimra and we nu hæþenra þeowned þoliaþ þæs þe þanc sie wereda wuldorcyning þæt þu us þas wrace teodest ne forlet þu usic ane ece drihten for þam miltsum þe þec men hligaþ and for þam treowum þe þu tirum fæst niþa nergend genumen hæfdest to abrahame and to isaace and to iacobe gasta scyppend þu him þæt gehete þurh hleoþorcwyde þæt þu hyra frumcyn in fyrndagum ican wolde þætte æfter him on cneorissum cenned wurde and seo mænigeo mære wære had to hebbanne swa heofonsteorran bebugaþ bradne hwyrft oþþe brimfaroþes sæfaroþa sand geond sealtne wæg in eare gryndeþ þæt his unrim a in wintra worn wurþan sceolde fyl nu frumspræce þeah heora fea lifigen wlitiga þinne wordcwyde and þin wuldor on us gecyþ cræft and miht þæt þa caldeas and folca fela gefrigen habbaþ þa þe under heofenum hæþene lifigeaþ and þæt þu ana eart ece drihten weroda waldend woruldgesceafta sigora settend soþfæst metod swa se halga wer hergende wæs metodes miltse and his mihta sped rehte þurh reorde þa of roderum wæs engel ælbeorht ufan onsended wlitescyne wer on his wuldorhaman se him cwom to frofre and to feorhnere mid lufan and mid lisse se þone lig tosceaf halig and heofonbeorht hatan fyres tosweop hine and toswende þurh þa swiþan miht ligges leoman þæt hyra lice ne wæs owiht geegled ac he on andan sloh fyr on feondas for fyrendædum þa wæs on þam ofne þær se engel becwom windig and wynsum wedere gelicost þonne hit on sumeres tid sended weorþeþ dropena drearung on dæges hwile wearmlic wolcna scur swylc biþ wedera cyst swylc wæs on þam fyre frean mihtum halgum to helpe wearþ se hata lig todrifen and todwæsced þær þa dædhwatan geond þone ofen eodon and se engel mid feorh nerigende se þær feorþa wæs annanias and azarias and misael þær þa modhwatan þry on geþancum þeoden heredon bædon bletsian bearn israela eall landgesceaft ecne drihten þeoda waldend swa hie þry cwædon modum horsce þurh gemæne word þe gebletsige bylywit fæder woruldcræfta wlite and weorca gehwilc heofonas and englas and hluttor wæter þa þe ofer roderum on rihtne gesceaft wuniaþ in wuldre þa þec wurþiaþ and þec ælmihtig ealle gesceafte rodorbeorhtan tunglu þa þe ryne healdaþ sunna and mona sundor anra gehwilc herige in hade and heofonsteorran deaw and deor scur þa þec domige and þec mihtig god gastas lofige byrnende fyr and beorht sumor nergend hergaþ niht somod and dæg and þec landa gehwilc leoht and þeostro herige on hade somod hat and ceald and þec frea mihtig forstas and snawas winterbiter weder and wolcenfaru lofige on lyfte and þec ligetu blace berhtmhwate þa þec bletsige eall eorþan grund ece drihten hyllas and hrusan and hea beorgas sealte sæwægas soþfæst metod eastream yþa and upcyme wætersprync wylla þa þec wurþiaþ hwalas þec herigaþ and hefonfugolas lyftlacende þa þe lagostreamas wæterscipe wecgaþ and wildu deor and neata gehwilc naman bletsie and manna bearn modum lufiaþ and þec israela æhta scyppend herigaþ in hade herran sinne and þec haligra heortan cræftas soþfæstra gehwæs sawle and gastas lofiaþ liffrean lean sellende eallum eadmodum ece drihten annanias þec and adzarias and misael metod domige breostgeþancum we þec bletsiaþ frea folca gehwæs fæder ælmihtig soþ sunu metodes sawla nergend hæleþa helpend and þec halig gast wurþiaþ in wuldre witig drihten we þec herigaþ halig drihten and gebedum bremaþ þu gebletsad eart gewurþad wideferhþ ofer worulde hrof heahcyning heofones halgum mihtum lifes leohtfruma ofer landa gehwilc þa þæt ehtode ealdor þeode nabochodonossor wiþ þam nehstum folcgesiþum þæt eower fela geseah þeode mine þæt we þry sendon geboden to bæle in byrnende fyres leoman nu ic þær feower men geseo to soþe nales me sefa leogeþ þa cwæþ se þe wæs cyninges ræswa wis and wordgleaw þæt is wundra sum þæt we þær eagum on lociaþ geþenc þeoden min þine gerysna ongyt georne hwa þa gyfe sealde gingum gædelingum hie god herigaþ anne ecne and ealles him be naman gehwam on neod sprecaþ þanciaþ þrymmes þristum wordum cweþaþ he sie ana ælmihtig god witig wuldorcyning worlde and heofona aban þu þa beornas brego caldea ut of ofne nis hit owihtes god þæt hie sien on þam laþe leng þonne þu þurfe het þa se cyning to him cnihtas gangan hyssas hearde hyrdon lare cyrdon cynegode swa hie gecyþde wæron hwurfon hæleþ geonge to þam hæþenan foran wæron þa bende forburnene þe him on banum lagon laþsearo leoda cyninges and hyra lice geborgen næs hyra wlite gewemmed ne nænig wroht on hrægle ne feax fyre beswæled ac hie on friþe drihtnes of þam grimman gryre glade treddedon gleawmode guman on gastes hyld þa gewat se engel up secan him ece dreamas on heanne hrof heofona rices heh þegn and hold halgum metode hæfde on þam wundre gewurþod þe þa gewyrhto ahton hyssas heredon drihten for þam hæþenan folce septon hie soþcwidum and him sædon fela soþra tacna oþþæt he sylfa gelyfde þæt se wære mihta waldend se þe hie of þam mirce generede gebead þa se bræsna babilone weard swiþmod sinum leodum þæt se wære his aldre scyldig se þæs onsoce þætte soþ wære mære mihta waldend se hie of þam morþre alysde agæf him þa his leoda lafe þe þær gelædde wæron on æht ealdfeondum þæt hie are hæfdon wæs heora blæd in babilone siþþan hie þone bryne fandedon dom wearþ æfter duguþe gecyþed siþþan hie drihtne gehyrdon wæron hyra rædas rice siþþan hie rodera waldend halig heofonrices weard wiþ þone hearm gescylde þa ic secan gefrægn soþum wordum siþþan he wundor onget # babilone weard þurh fyres bryne hu þa hyssas þry hatan ofnes færgryre fyres oferfaren hæfdon wylm þurhwodon swa him wiht ne sceod grim gleda niþ godes spelbodan frecnan fyres ac him friþ drihtnes wiþ þæs egesan gryre aldor gescylde þa se þeoden ongan geþinges wyrcan het þa tosomne sine leode and þa on þam meþle ofer menigo bebead wyrd gewordene and wundor godes þætte on þam cnihtum gecyþed wæs onhicgaþ nu halige mihte wise wundor godes we gesawon þæt he wiþ cwealme gebearh cnihtum on ofne lacende lig þam þe his lof bæron forþam he is ana ece drihten dema ælmihtig se þe him dom forgeaf spowende sped þam þe his spel beraþ forþon witigaþ þurh wundor monig halgum gastum þe his hyld curon cuþ is þæt me daniel dyglan swefnes soþ gesæde þæt ær swiþe oþstod manegum on mode minra leoda forþam ælmihtig eacenne gast in sefan sende snyttro cræftas swa wordum spræc werodes ræswa babilone weard siþþan he beacen onget swutol tacen godes no þy sel dyde ac þam æþelinge oferhygd gesceod wearþ him hyrra hyge and on heortan geþanc mara on modsefan þonne gemet wære oþþæt hine mid nyde nyþor asette metod ælmihtig swa he manegum deþ þara þe þurh oferhyd up astigeþ þa him wearþ on slæpe swefen ætywed nabochodonossor him þæt neh gewearþ þuhte him þæt on foldan fægre stode wudubeam wlitig se wæs wyrtum fæst beorht on blædum næs he bearwe gelic ac he hlifode to heofontunglum swilce he oferfæþmde foldan sceatas ealne middangeard oþ merestreamas twigum and telgum þær he to geseah þuhte him þæt se wudubeam wilddeor scylde ane æte eallum heolde swylce fuglas eac heora feorhnere on þæs beames bledum name þuhte him þæt engel ufan of roderum stigan cwome and stefne abead torhtan reorde het þæt treow ceorfan and þa wildan deor on weg fleon swylce eac þa fugolas þonne his fyll come het þonne besnædan seolfes blædum twigum and telgum and þeh tacen wesan wunian wyrtruman þæs wudubeames eorþan fæstne oþþæt eft cyme grene bleda þonne god sylle het eac gebindan beam þone miclan ærenum clammum and isernum and gesæledne in susl don þæt his mod wite þæt migtigra wite wealdeþ þonne he him wiþ mæge þa of slæpe onwoc swefn wæs æt ende eorþlic æþeling him þæs egesa stod gryre fram þam gaste þe þyder god sende het þa tosomne sine leode folctogan feran frægn ofer ealle swiþmod cyning hwæt þæt swefen bude nalles þy he wende þæt hie hit wiston ac he cunnode hu hie cweþan woldon þa wæs to þam dome daniel haten godes spelboda him wæs gæst geseald halig of heofonum se his hyge trymede on þam drihtenweard deopne wisse sefan sidne geþanc and snytro cræft wisne wordcwide oft he wundor manig metodes mihta for men ætbær þa he secgan ongan swefnes woman heahheort and hæþen heriges wisa ealne þone egesan þe him eowed wæs bæd hine areccan hwæt seo run bude hofe haligu word and in hige funde to gesecganne soþum wordum hwæt se beam bude þe he blican geseah and him witgode wyrda geþingu he þa swigode hwæþere soþ ongeat daniel æt þam dome þæt his drihten wæs gumena aldor wiþ god scyldig wandode se wisa hwæþre he worde cwæþ æcræftig ar to þam æþelinge þæt is weredes weard wundor unlytel þæt þu gesawe þurh swefen cuman heofonheane beam and þa halgan word yrre and egeslicu þa se engel cwæþ þæt þæt treow sceolde telgum besnæded foran afeallan þæt ær fæste stod and þonne mid deorum dreamleas beon westen wunian and his wyrtruman foldan befolen fyrstmearc wesan stille on staþole swa seo stefn gecwæþ ymb seofon tida sæde eft onfon swa þin blæd liþ swa se beam geweox heah to heofonum swa þu hæleþum eart ana eallum eorþbuendum weard and wisa nis þe wiþerbreca man on moldan nymþe metod ana se þec aceorfeþ of cyningdome and þec wineleasne on wræc sendeþ and þonne onhweorfeþ heortan þine þæt þu ne gemyndgast æfter mandreame ne gewittes wast butan wildeora þeaw ac þu lifgende lange þrage heorta hlypum geond holt wunast ne biþ þec mælmete nymþe mores græs ne rest witod ac þec regna scur weceþ and wreceþ swa wildu deor oþþæt þu ymb seofon winter soþ gelyfest þæt sie an metod eallum mannum reccend and rice se on roderum is is me swa þeah willa þæt se wyrtruma stille wæs on staþole swa seo stefn gecwæþ and ymbe seofan tide sæde onfenge swa þin rice restende biþ anwalh for eorlum oþþæt þu eft cymst gehyge þu frea min fæstlicne ræd syle ælmyssan wes earmra hleo þinga for þeodne ær þam seo þrah cyme þæt he þec aworpe of woruldrice oft metod alæt monige þeode wyrcan bote þonne hie woldon sylfe fyrene fæstan ær him fær godes þurh egesan gryre aldre gesceode no þæs fela daniel to his drihtne gespræc soþra worda þurh snytro cræft þæt þæs a se rica reccan wolde middangeardes weard ac his mod astah heah fram heortan he þæs hearde ongeald ongan þa gyddigan þurh gylp micel caldea cyning þa he ceastergeweorc babilone burh on his blæde geseah sennera feld sidne bewindan heah hlifigan þæt se heretyma werede geworhte þurh wundor micel wearþ þa anhydig ofer ealle men swiþmod in sefan for þære sundorgife þe him god sealde gumena rice world to gewealde in wera life þu eart seo micle and min seo mære burh þe ic geworhte to wurþmyndum rume rice ic reste on þe eard and eþel agan wille þa for þam gylpe gumena drihten forfangen wearþ and on fleam gewat ana on oferhyd ofer ealle men swa wod wera on gewindagum geocrostne siþ in godes wite þara þe eft lifigende leode begete nabochodonossor siþþan him niþ godes hreþ of heofonum hete gesceode seofon winter samod susl þrowode wildeora westen winburge cyning þa se earfoþmæcg up locode wilddeora gewita þurh wolcna gang gemunde þa on mode þæt metod wære heofona heahcyning hæleþa bearnum ana ece gast þa he eft onhwearf wodan gewittes þær þe he ær wide bær herewosan hige heortan getenge þa his gast ahwearf in godes gemynd mod to mannum siþþan he metod onget gewat þa earmsceapen eft siþian nacod nydgenga niþ geþafian wundorlic wræcca and wæda leas mætra on modgeþanc to mancynne þonne gumena weard in gylpe wæs stod middangeard æfter mandrihtne eard and eþel æfter þam æþelinge seofon winter samod swa no swiþrode rice under roderum oþþæt se ræswa com þa wæs eft geseted in aldordom babilone weard hæfde beteran þeaw leohtran geleafan in liffruman þætte god sealde gumena gehwilcum welan swa wite swa he wolde sylf ne lengde þa leoda aldor witegena wordcwyde ac he wide bead metodes mihte þær he meld ahte siþfæt sægde sinum leodum wide waþe þe he mid wilddeorum ateah oþþæt him frean godes in gast becwom rædfæst sefa þa he to roderum beseah wyrd wæs geworden wundor gecyþed swefn geseþed susl awunnen dom gedemed swa ær daniel cwæþ þæt se folctoga findan sceolde earfoþsiþas for his ofermedlan swa he ofstlice godspellode metodes mihtum for mancynne siþþan in babilone burhsittendum lange hwile lare sægde daniel domas siþþan deora gesiþ wildra wærgenga of waþe cwom nabochodonossor of niþwracum siþþan weardode wide rice heold hæleþa gestreon and þa hean burh frod foremihtig folca ræswa caldea cyning oþþæt him cwelm gesceod swa him ofer eorþan andsaca ne wæs gumena ænig oþþæt him god wolde þurh hryre hreddan hea rice siþþan þær his aferan ead bryttedon welan wunden gold in þære widan byrig ealhstede eorla unwaclice heah hordmægen þa hyra hlaford læg þa in þære þeode awoc his þæt þridde cneow wæs baldazar burga aldor weold wera rices oþþæt him wlenco gesceod oferhyd egle þa wæs endedæg þæs þe caldeas cyningdom ahton þa metod onlah medum and persum aldordomes ymb lytel fæc let babilone blæd swiþrian þone þa hæleþ healdan sceoldon wiste he ealdormen in unrihtum þa þe þy rice rædan sceoldon þa þæt gehogode hamsittende meda aldor þæt ær man ne ongan þæt he babilone abrecan wolde alhstede eorla þær æþelingas under wealla hleo welan brytnedon þæt wæs þara fæstna folcum cuþost mæst and mærost þara þe men bun babilon burga oþþæt baldazar þurh gylp grome godes frasade sæton him æt wine wealle belocene ne onegdon na orlegra niþ þeah þe feonda folc feran cwome herega gerædum to þære heahbyrig þæt hie babilone abrecan mihton gesæt þa to symble siþestan dæge caldea cyning mid cneomagum þær medugal wearþ mægenes wisa het þam æþelum beran israela gestreon huslfatu halegu on hand werum þa ær caldeas mid cyneþrymme cempan in ceastre clæne genamon gold in gerusalem þa hie iudea blæd forbræcon billa ecgum and þurh hleoþorcyme herige genamon beorhte frætwe þa hie tempel strudon salomanes seld swiþe gulpon þa wearþ bliþemod burga aldor gealp gramlice gode on andan cwæþ þæt his hergas hyrran wæron and mihtigran mannum to friþe þonne israela ece drihten him þæt tacen wearþ þær he to starude egeslic for eorlum innan healle þæt he for leodum ligeword gecwæþ þa þær in egesan engel drihtnes let his hand cuman in þæt hea seld wrat þa in wage worda gerynu baswe bocstafas burhsittendum þa wearþ folctoga forht on mode acul for þam egesan geseah he engles hand in sele writan sennera wite þæt gyddedon gumena mænigeo hæleþ in healle hwæt seo hand write to þam beacne burhsittendum werede comon on þæt wundor seon sohton þa swiþe in sefan gehydum hwæt seo hand write haliges gastes ne mihton arædan runcræftige men engles ærendbec æþelinga cyn oþþæt daniel com drihtne gecoren snotor and soþfæst in þæt seld gangan þam wæs on gaste godes cræft micel to þam ic georne gefrægn gyfum ceapian burhge weardas þæt he him bocstafas arædde and arehte hwæt seo run bude him æcræftig andswarode godes spelboda gleaw geþances no ic wiþ feohsceattum ofer folc bere drihtnes domas ne þe dugeþe can ac þe unceapunga orlæg secge worda gerynu þa þu wendan ne miht þu for anmedlan in æht bere huslfatu halegu on hand werum on þam ge deoflu drincan ongunnon þa ær israela in æ hæfdon æt godes earce oþþæt hie gylp beswac windruncen gewit swa þe wurþan sceal no þæt þin aldor æfre wolde godes goldfatu in gylp beran ne þy hraþor hremde þeah þe here brohte israela gestreon in his æhte geweald ac þæt oftor gecwæþ aldor þeoda soþum wordum ofer sin mægen siþþan him wuldres weard wundor gecyþde þæt he wære ana ealra gesceafta drihten and waldend se him dom forgeaf unscyndne blæd eorþan rices and þu lignest nu þæt sie lifgende se ofer deoflum dugeþum wealdeþ