Andreas University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems Andreas
hwæt we gefrunan on fyrndagum twelfe under tunglum tireadige hæleþ þeodnes þegnas no hira þrym alæg camprædenne þonne cumbol hneotan syþþan hie gedældon swa him dryhten sylf heofona heahcyning hlyt getæhte þæt wæron mære men ofer eorþan frome folctogan ond fyrdhwate rofe rincas þonne rond ond hand on herefelda helm ealgodon on meotudwange wæs hira matheus sum se mid iudeum ongan godspell ærest wordum writan wundorcræfte þam halig god hlyt geteode ut on þæt igland þær ænig þa git ellþeodigra eþles ne mihte blædes brucan oft him bonena hand on herefelda hearde gesceode eal wæs þæt mearcland morþre bewunden feondes facne folcstede gumena hæleþa eþel næs þær hlafes wist werum on þam wonge ne wæteres drync to bruconne ah hie blod ond fel fira flæschoman feorrancumenra þegon geond þa þeode swelc wæs þeaw hira þæt hie æghwylcne ellþeodigra dydan him to mose meteþearfendum þara þe þæt ealand utan sohte swylc wæs þæs folces freoþoleas tacen unlædra eafoþ þæt hie eagena gesihþ hettend heorogrimme heafodgimmas agetton gealgmode gara ordum syþþan him geblendan bitere tosomne dryas þurh dwolcræft drync unheorne se onwende gewit wera ingeþanc heortan on hreþre hyge wæs oncyrred þæt hie ne murndan æfter mandreame hæleþ heorogrædige ac hie hig ond gærs for meteleaste meþe gedrehte þa wæs matheus to þære mæran byrig cumen in þa ceastre þær wæs cirm micel geond mermedonia manfulra hloþ fordenera gedræg syþþan deofles þegnas geascodon æþelinges siþ eodon him þa togenes garum gehyrsted lungre under linde nalas late wæron eorre æscberend to þam orlege hie þam halgan þær handa gebundon ond fæstnodon feondes cræfte hæleþ hellfuse ond his heafdes segl abreoton mid billes ecge hwæþre he in breostum þa git herede in heortan heofonrices weard þeah þe he atres drync atulne onfenge eadig ond onmod he mid elne forþ wyrþode wordum wuldres aldor heofonrices weard halgan stefne of carcerne him wæs cristes lof on fyrhþlocan fæste bewunden he þa wepende weregum tearum his sigedryhten sargan reorde grette gumena brego geomran stefne weoruda wilgeofan ond þus wordum cwæþ hu me elþeodige inwitwrasne searonet seowaþ a ic symles wæs on wega gehwam willan þines georn on mode nu þurh geohþa sceal dæde fremman swa þa dumban neat þu ana canst ealra gehygdo meotud mancynnes mod in hreþre gif þin willa sie wuldres aldor þæt me wærlogan wæpna ecgum sweordum aswebban ic beo sona gearu to adreoganne þæt þu drihten min engla eadgifa eþelleasum dugeþa dædfruma deman wille forgif me to are ælmihtig god leoht on þissum life þy læs ic lungre scyle ablended in burgum æfter billhete þurh hearmcwide heorugrædigra laþra leodsceaþena leng þrowian edwitspræce ic to anum þe middangeardes weard mod staþolige fæste fyrhþlufan ond þe fæder engla beorht blædgifa biddan wille þæt þu me ne gescyrige mid scyldhetum werigum wrohtsmiþum on þone wyrrestan dugoþa demend deaþ ofer eorþan æfter þyssum wordum com wuldres tacen halig of heofenum swylce hadre segl to þam carcerne þær gecyþed wearþ þæt halig god helpe gefremede þa wearþ gehyred heofoncyninges stefn wrætlic under wolcnum wordhleoþres sweg mæres þeodnes he his maguþegne under hearmlocan hælo ond frofre beadurofum abead beorhtan stefne ic þe matheus mine sylle sybbe under swegle ne beo þu on sefan to forht ne on mode ne murn ic þe mid wunige ond þe alyse of þyssum leoþubendum ond ealle þa menigo þe þe mid wuniaþ on nearonedum þe is neorxnawang blæda beorhtost boldwela fægrost hama hyhtlicost halegum mihtum torht ontyned þær þu tyres most to widan feore willan brucan geþola þeoda þrea nis seo þrah micel þæt þe wærlogan witebendum synnige þurh searocræft swencan motan ic þe andreas ædre onsende to hleo ond to hroþre in þas hæþenan burg he þe alyseþ of þyssum leodhete is to þære tide tælmet hwile emne mid soþe seofon ond twentig nihtgerimes þæt þu of nede most sorgum geswenced sigore gewyrþod hweorfan of henþum in gehyld godes gewat him þa se halga helm ælwihta engla scyppend to þam uplican eþelrice he is on riht cyning staþolfæst styrend in stowa gehwam þa wæs matheus miclum onbryrded niwan stefne nihthelm toglad lungre leorde leoht æfter com dægredwoma duguþ samnade hæþne hildfrecan heapum þrungon guþsearo gullon garas hrysedon bolgenmode under bordhreoþan woldon cunnian hwæþer cwice lifdon þa þe on carcerne clommum fæste hleoleasan wic hwile wunedon hwylcne hie to æte ærest mihton æfter fyrstmearce feores berædan hæfdon hie on rune ond on rimcræfte awriten wælgrædige wera endestæf hwænne hie to mose meteþearfendum on þære werþeode weorþan sceoldon cirmdon caldheorte corþor oþrum getang reþe ræsboran rihtes ne gimdon meotudes mildse oft hira mod onwod under dimscuan deofles larum þonne hie unlædra eafeþum gelyfdon hie þa gemetton modes glawne haligne hæle under heolstorlocan bidan beadurofne þæs him beorht cyning engla ordfruma unnan wolde þa wæs first agan frumrædenne þinggemearces butan þrim nihtum swa hit wælwulfas awriten hæfdon þæt hie banhringas abrecan þohton lungre tolysan lic ond sawle ond þonne todælan duguþe ond geogoþe werum to wiste ond to wilþege fæges flæschoman feorh ne bemurndan grædige guþrincas hu þæs gastes siþ æfter swyltcwale geseted wurde swa hie symble ymb þritig þing gehedon nihtgerimes wæs him neod micel þæt hie tobrugdon blodigum ceaflum fira flæschoman him to foddorþege þa wæs gemyndig se þe middangeard gestaþelode strangum mihtum hu he in ellþeodigum yrmþum wunode belocen leoþubendum þe oft his lufan adreg for ebreum ond israhelum swylce he iudea galdorcræftum wiþstod stranglice þa sio stefn gewearþ gehered of heofenum þær se halga wer in achaia andreas wæs leode lærde on lifes weg þa him cirebaldum cininga wuldor meotud mancynnes modhord onleac weoruda drihten ond þus wordum cwæþ þu scealt feran ond friþ lædan siþe gesecan þær sylfætan eard weardigaþ eþel healdaþ morþorcræftum swa is þære menigo þeaw þæt hie uncuþra ængum ne willaþ on þam folcstede feores geunnan syþþan manfulle on mermedonia onfindaþ feasceaftne þær sceall feorhgedal earmlic ylda cwealm æfter wyrþan þær ic seomian wat þinne sigebroþor mid þam burgwarum bendum fæstne nu biþ fore þreo niht þæt he on þære þeode sceal fore hæþenra handgewinne þurh gares gripe gast onsendan ellorfusne butan þu ær cyme ædre him andreas agef andsware hu mæg ic dryhten min ofer deop gelad fore gefremman on feorne weg swa hrædlice heofona scyppend wuldres waldend swa þu worde becwist þæt mæg engel þin eaþ geferan halig of heofenum con him holma begang sealte sæstreamas ond swanrade waroþfaruþa gewinn ond wæterbrogan wegas ofer widland ne synt me winas cuþe eorlas elþeodige ne þær æniges wat hæleþa gehygdo ne me herestræta ofer cald wæter cuþe sindon him þa ondswarude ece dryhten eala andreas þæt þu a woldest þæs siþfætes sæne weorþan nis þæt uneaþe eallwealdan gode to gefremmanne on foldwege þæt sio ceaster hider on þas cneorisse under swegles gang aseted wyrþe breogostol breme mid þam burgwarum gif hit worde becwiþ wuldres agend ne meaht þu þæs siþfætes sæne weorþan ne on gewitte to wac gif þu wel þencest wiþ þinne waldend wære gehealdan treowe tacen beo þu on tid gearu ne mæg þæs ærendes ylding wyrþan þu scealt þa fore geferan ond þin feorh beran in gramra gripe þær þe guþgewinn þurh hæþenra hildewoman beorna beaducræft geboden wyrþeþ scealtu æninga mid ærdæge emne to morgene æt meres ende ceol gestigan ond on cald wæter brecan ofer bæþweg hafa bletsunge ofer middangeard mine þær þu fere gewat him þa se halga healdend ond wealdend upengla fruma eþel secan middangeardes weard þone mæran ham þær soþfæstra sawla moton æfter lices hryre lifes brucan þa wæs ærende æþelum cempan aboden in burgum ne wæs him bleaþ hyge ah he wæs anræd ellenweorces heard ond higerof nalas hildlata gearo guþe fram to godes campe gewat him þa on uhtan mid ærdæge ofer sandhleoþu to sæs faruþe þriste on geþance ond his þegnas mid gangan on greote garsecg hlynede beoton brimstreamas se beorn wæs on hyhte syþþan he on waruþe widfæþme scip modig gemette þa com morgentorht beacna beorhtost ofer breomo sneowan halig of heolstre heofoncandel blac ofer lagoflodas he þær lidweardas þrymlice þry þegnas gemette modiglice menn on merebate sittan siþfrome swylce hie ofer sæ comon þæt wæs drihten sylf dugeþa wealdend ece ælmihtig mid his englum twam wæron hie on gescirplan scipferendum eorlas onlice ealiþendum þonne hie on flodes fæþm ofer feorne weg on cald wæter ceolum lacaþ hie þa gegrette se þe on greote stod fus on faroþe fægn reordade hwanon comon ge ceolum liþan macræftige menn on mereþissan ane ægflotan hwanon eagorstream ofer yþa gewealc eowic brohte him þa ondswarode ælmihti god swa þæt ne wiste se þe þæs wordes bad hwæt se manna wæs meþelhegendra þe he þær on waroþe wiþþingode we of marmedonia mægþe syndon feorran geferede us mid flode bær on hranrade heahstefn naca snellic sæmearh snude bewunden oþþæt we þissa leoda land gesohton wære bewrecene swa us wind fordraf him þa andreas eaþmod oncwæþ wolde ic þe biddan þeh ic þe beaga lyt sincweorþunga syllan meahte þæt þu us gebrohte brante ceole hea hornscipe ofer hwæles eþel on þære mægþe biþ þe meorþ wiþ god þæt þu us on lade liþe weorþe eft him ondswarode æþelinga helm of yþlide engla scippend ne magon þær gewunian widferende ne þær elþeodige eardes brucaþ ah in þære ceastre cwealm þrowiaþ þa þe feorran þyder feorh gelædaþ ond þu wilnast nu ofer widne mere þæt þu on þa fægþe þine feore spilde him þa andreas agef ondsware usic lust hweteþ on þa leodmearce mycel modes hiht to þære mæran byrig þeoden leofesta gif þu us þine wilt on merefaroþe miltse gecyþan him ondswarode engla þeoden neregend fira of nacan stefne we þe estlice mid us willaþ ferigan freolice ofer fisces bæþ efne to þam lande þær þe lust myneþ to gesecanne syþþan ge eowre gafulrædenne agifen habbaþ sceattas gescrifene swa eow scipweardas aras ofer yþbord unnan willaþ him þa ofstlice andreas wiþ wineþearfende wordum mælde næbbe ic fæted gold ne feohgestreon welan ne wiste ne wira gespann landes ne locenra beaga þæt ic þe mæge lust ahwettan willan in worulde swa þu worde becwist him þa beorna breogo þær he on bolcan sæt ofer waroþa geweorp wiþþingode hu gewearþ þe þæs wine leofesta þæt þu sæbeorgas secan woldes merestreama gemet maþmum bedæled ofer cald cleofu ceoles neosan nafast þe to frofre on faroþstræte hlafes wiste ne hlutterne drync to dugoþe is se drohtaþ strang þam þe lagolade lange cunnaþ þa him andreas þurh ondsware wis on gewitte wordhord onleac ne gedafenaþ þe nu þe dryhten geaf welan ond wiste ond woruldspede þæt þu ondsware mid oferhygdum sece sarcwide selre biþ æghwam þæt he eaþmedum ellorfusne oncnawe cuþlice swa þæt crist bebead þeoden þrymfæst we his þegnas synd gecoren to cempum he is cyning on riht wealdend ond wyrhta wuldorþrymmes an ece god eallra gesceafta swa he ealle befehþ anes cræfte hefon ond eorþan halgum mihtum sigora selost he þæt sylfa cwæþ fæder folca gehwæs ond us feran het geond ginne grund gasta streonan faraþ nu geond ealle eorþan sceatas emne swa wide swa wæter bebugeþ oþþe stedewangas stræte gelicgaþ bodiaþ æfter burgum beorhtne geleafan ofer foldan fæþm ic eow freoþo healde ne þurfan ge on þa fore frætwe lædan gold ne seolfor ic eow goda gehwæs on eowerne agenne dom est ahwette nu þu seolfa miht siþ userne gehyran hygeþancol ic sceal hraþe cunnan hwæt þu us to duguþum gedon wille him þa ondswarode ece dryhten gif ge syndon þegnas þæs þe þrym ahof ofer middangeard swa ge me secgaþ ond ge geheoldon þæt eow se halga bead þonne ic eow mid gefean ferian wille ofer brimstreamas swa ge benan sint þa in ceol stigon collenfyrhþe ellenrofe æghwylcum wearþ on merefaroþe mod geblissod þa ofer yþa geswing andreas ongann mereliþendum miltsa biddan wuldres aldor ond þus wordum cwæþ forgife þe dryhten domweorþunga willan in worulde ond in wuldre blæd meotud manncynnes swa þu me hafast on þyssum siþfæte sybbe gecyþed gesæt him þa se halga helmwearde neah æþele be æþelum æfre ic ne hyrde þon cymlicor ceol gehladenne heahgestreonum hæleþ in sæton þeodnas þrymfulle þegnas wlitige þa reordode rice þeoden ece ælmihtig heht his engel gan mærne maguþegn ond mete syllan frefran feasceafte ofer flodes wylm þæt hie þe eaþ mihton ofer yþa geþring drohtaþ adreogan þa gedrefed wearþ onhrered hwælmere hornfisc plegode glad geond garsecg ond se græga mæw wælgifre wand wedercandel swearc windas weoxon wægas grundon streamas styredon strengas gurron wædo gewætte wæteregsa stod þreata þryþum þegnas wurdon acolmode ænig ne wende þæt he lifgende land begete þara þe mid andreas on eagorstream ceol gesohte næs him cuþ þa gyt hwa þam sæflotan sund wisode him þa se halga on holmwege ofer argeblond andreas þa git þegn þeodenhold þanc gesægde ricum ræsboran þa he gereordod wæs þe þissa swæsenda soþfæst meotud lifes leohtfruma lean forgilde weoruda waldend ond þe wist gife heofonlicne hlaf swa þu hyldo wiþ me ofer firigendstream freode gecyþdest nu synt geþreade þegnas mine geonge guþrincas garsecg hlymmeþ geofon geotende grund is onhrered deope gedrefed duguþ is geswenced modigra mægen myclum gebysgod him of helman oncwæþ hæleþa scyppend læt nu geferian flotan userne lid to lande ofer lagufæsten ond þonne gebidan beornas þine aras on earde hwænne þu eft cyme edre him þa eorlas agefan ondsware þegnas þrohthearde þafigan ne woldon þæt hie forleton æt lides stefnan leofne lareow ond him land curon hwider hweorfaþ we hlafordlease geomormode gode orfeorme synnum wunde gif we swicaþ þe we bioþ laþe on landa gehwam folcum fracoþe þonne fira bearn ellenrofe æht besittaþ hwylc hira selost symle gelæste hlaforde æt hilde þonne hand ond rond on beaduwange billum forgrunden æt niþplegan nearu þrowedon þa reordade rice þeoden wærfæst cining word stunde ahof gif þu þegn sie þrymsittendes wuldorcyninges swa þu worde becwist rece þa gerynu hu he reordberend lærde under lyfte lang is þes siþfæt ofer fealuwne flod frefra þine mæcgas on mode mycel is nu gena lad ofer lagustream land swiþe feorr to gesecanne sund is geblonden grund wiþ greote god eaþe mæg heaþoliþendum helpe gefremman ongan þa gleawlice gingran sine wuldorspedige weras wordum trymman ge þæt gehogodon þa ge on holm stigon þæt ge on fara folc feorh gelæddon ond for dryhtnes lufan deaþ þrowodon on ælmyrcna eþelrice sawle gesealdon ic þæt sylfa wat þæt us gescyldeþ scyppend engla weoruda dryhten wæteregesa sceal geþyd ond geþreatod þurh þryþcining lagu lacende liþra wyrþan swa gesælde iu þæt we on sæbate ofer waruþgewinn wæda cunnedan faroþridende frecne þuhton egle ealada eagorstreamas beoton bordstæþu brim oft oncwæþ yþ oþerre hwilum upp astod of brimes bosme on bates fæþm egesa ofer yþlid ælmihtig þær meotud mancynnes on mereþyssan beorht basnode beornas wurdon forhte on mode friþes wilnedon miltsa to mærum þa seo menigo ongan clypian on ceole cyning sona aras engla eadgifa yþum stilde wæteres wælmum windas þreade sæ sessade smylte wurdon merestreama gemeotu þa ure mod ahloh syþþan we gesegon under swegles gang windas ond wægas ond wæterbrogan forhte gewordne for frean egesan forþan ic eow to soþe secgan wille þæt næfre forlæteþ lifgende god eorl on eorþan gif his ellen deah swa hleoþrode halig cempa þeawum geþancul þegnas lærde eadig oreta eorlas trymede oþþæt hie semninga slæp ofereode meþe be mæste mere sweoþerade yþa ongin eft oncyrde hreoh holmþracu þa þam halgan wearþ æfter gryrehwile gast geblissod ongan þa reordigan rædum snottor wis on gewitte wordlocan onspeonn næfre ic sælidan selran mette macræftigran þæs þe me þynceþ rowend rofran rædsnotterran wordes wisran ic wille þe eorl unforcuþ anre nu gena bene biddan þeah ic þe beaga lyt sincweorþunga syllan mihte fætedsinces wolde ic freondscipe þeoden þrymfæst þinne gif ic mehte begitan godne þæs þu gife hleotest haligne hyht on heofonþrymme gif þu lidwerigum larna þinra este wyrþest wolde ic anes to þe cynerof hæleþ cræftes neosan þæt þu me getæhte nu þe tir cyning ond miht forgef manna scyppend hu þu wægflotan wære bestemdon sæhengeste sund wisige ic wæs on gifeþe iu ond nu-þa syxtyne siþum on sæbate mere hrerendum mundum freorig eagorstreamas is þys ane ma swa ic æfre ne geseah ænigne mann þryþbearn hæleþa þe gelicne steoran ofer stæfnan streamwelm hwileþ beateþ brimstæþo is þes bat ful scrid færeþ famigheals fugole gelicost glideþ on geofone ic georne wat þæt ic æfre ne geseah ofer yþlade on sæleodan syllicran cræft is þon geliccost swa he on landsceare stille stande þær hine storm ne mæg wind awecgan ne wæterflodas brecan brondstæfne hwæþere on brim snoweþ snel under segle þu eart seolfa geong wigendra hleo nalas wintrum frod hafast þe on fyrhþe faroþlacende eorles ondsware æghwylces canst worda for worulde wislic andgit him ondswarode ece dryhten oft þæt gesæleþ þæt we on sælade scipum under scealcum þonne sceor cymeþ brecaþ ofer bæþweg brimhengestum hwilum us on yþum earfoþlice gesæleþ on sæwe þeh we siþ nesan frecne geferan flodwylm ne mæg manna ænigne ofer meotudes est lungre gelettan ah him lifes geweald se þe brimu bindeþ brune yþa þyþ ond þreataþ he þeodum sceal racian mid rihte se þe rodor ahof ond gefæstnode folmum sinum worhte ond wreþede wuldras fylde beorhtne boldwelan swa gebledsod wearþ engla eþel þurh his anes miht forþan is gesyne soþ orgete cuþ oncnawen þæt þu cyninges eart þegen geþungen þrymsittendes forþan þe sona sæholm oncneow garsecges begang þæt þu gife hæfdes haliges gastes hærn eft onwand aryþa geblond egesa gestilde widfæþme wæg wædu swæþorodon seoþþan hie ongeton þæt þe god hæfde wære bewunden se þe wuldres blæd gestaþolade strangum mihtum þa hleoþrade halgan stefne cempa collenferhþ cyning wyrþude wuldres waldend ond þus wordum cwæþ wes þu gebledsod brego mancynnes dryhten hælend a þin dom lyfaþ ge neh ge feor is þin nama halig wuldre gewlitegad ofer werþeoda miltsum gemærsod nænig manna is under heofonhwealfe hæleþa cynnes þætte areccan mæg oþþe rim wite hu þrymlice þeoda baldor gasta geocend þine gife dælest huru is gesyne sawla nergend þæt þu þissum hysse hold gewurde ond hine geongne geofum wyrþodest wis on gewitte ond wordcwidum ic æt efenealdum æfre ne mette on modsefan maran snyttro him þa of ceole oncwæþ cyninga wuldor frægn fromlice fruma ond ende saga þances gleaw þegn gif þu cunne hu þæt gewurde be werum tweonum þæt þa arleasan inwidþancum iudea cynn wiþ godes bearne ahof hearmcwide hæleþ unsælige no þær gelyfdon in hira liffruman grome gealgmode þæt he god wære þeah þe he wundra feala weorodum gecyþde sweotulra ond gesynra synnige ne mihton oncnawan þæt cynebearn se þe acenned wearþ to hleo ond to hroþre hæleþa cynne eallum eorþwarum æþelinge weox word ond wisdom ah he þara wundra a domagende dæl nænigne frætre þeode beforan cyþde him þa andreas agef andsware hu mihte þæt gewyrþan in werþeode þæt þu ne gehyrde hælendes miht gumena leofost hu he his gif cyþde geond woruld wide wealdendes bearn sealde he dumbum gesprec deafe gehyrdon healtum ond hreofum hyge blissode þa þe limseoce lange wæron werige wanhale witum gebundene æfter burhstedum blinde gesegon swa he on grundwæge gumena cynnes manige missenlice men of deaþe worde awehte swylce he eac wundra feala cynerof cyþde þurh his cræftes miht he gehalgode for heremægene win of wætere ond wendan het beornum to blisse on þa beteran gecynd swylce he afedde of fixum twam ond of fif hlafum fira cynnes fif þusendo feþan sæton reonigmode reste gefegon werige æfter waþe wiste þegon menn on moldan swa him gemedost wæs nu þu miht gehyran hyse leofesta hu us wuldres weard wordum ond dædum lufode in life ond þurh lare speon to þam fægeran gefean þær freo moton eadige mid englum eard weardigan þa þe æfter deaþe dryhten secaþ þa gen weges weard wordhord onleac beorn ofer bolcan beald reordade miht þu me gesecgan þæt ic soþ wite hwæþer wealdend þin wundor on eorþan þa he gefremede nalas feam siþum folcum to frofre beforan cyþde þær bisceopas ond boceras ond ealdormenn æht besæton mæþelhægende me þæt þinceþ þæt hie for æfstum inwit syredon þurh deopne gedwolan deofles larum hæleþ hynfuse hyrdon to georne wraþum wærlogan hie seo wyrd beswac forleolc ond forlærde nu hie lungre sceolon werige mid werigum wræce þrowian biterne bryne on banan fæþme him þa andreas agef ondsware secge ic þe to soþe þæt he swiþe oft beforan fremede folces ræswum wundor æfter wundre on wera gesiehþe swylce deogollice dryhten gumena folcræd fremede swa he to friþe hogode him ondswarode æþelinga helm miht þu wis hæleþ wordum gesecgan maga mode rof mægen þa he cyþde deormod on digle þa mid dryhten oft rodera rædend rune besæton him þa andreas ondsware agef hwæt frinest þu me frea leofesta wordum wrætlicum ond þe wyrda gehwære þurh snyttra cræft soþ oncnawest þa git him wæges weard wiþþingode ne frine ic þe for tæle ne þurh teoncwide on hranrade ac min hige blissaþ wynnum wridaþ þurh þine wordlæþe æþelum ecne ne eom ic ana þæt ac manna gehwam mod biþ on hyhte fyrhþ afrefred þam þe feor oþþe neah on mode geman hu se maga fremede godbearn on grundum gastas hweorfon sohton siþfrome swegles dreamas engla eþel þurh þa æþelan miht edre him andreas agef ondsware nu ic on þe sylfum soþ oncnawe wisdomes gewit wundorcræfte sigesped geseald snyttrum bloweþ beorhtre blisse breost innanweard nu ic þe sylfum secgan wille oor ond ende swa ic þæs æþelinges word ond wisdom on wera gemote þurh his sylfes muþ symle gehyrde oft gesamnodon side herigeas folc unmæte to frean dome þær hie hyrcnodon haliges lare þonne eft gewat æþelinga helm beorht blædgifa in bold oþer þær him togenes god herigende to þam meþelstede manige comon snottre selerædend symble gefegon beornas bliþheorte burhweardes cyme swa gesælde iu þæt se sigedema ferde frea mihtig næs þær folces ma on siþfate sinra leoda nemne ellefne orettmæcgas geteled tireadige he wæs twelfta sylf þa we becomon to þam cynestole þær getimbred wæs tempel dryhtnes heah ond horngeap hæleþum gefrege wuldre gewlitegod huscworde ongan þurh inwitþanc ealdorsacerd herme hyspan hordlocan onspeon wroht webbade he on gewitte oncneow þæt we soþfæstes swaþe folgodon læston larcwide he lungre ahof woþe wiþerhydig wean onblonden hwæt ge syndon earme ofer ealle menn wadaþ widlastas weorn geferaþ earfoþsiþa ellþeodiges nu butan leodrihte larum hyraþ eadiges orhlytte æþeling cyþaþ secgaþ soþlice þæt mid suna meotudes drohtigen dæghwæmlice þæt is duguþum cuþ hwanon þam ordfruman æþelu onwocon he wæs afeded on þysse folcsceare cildgeong acenned mid his cneomagum þus syndon haten hamsittende fæder ond modur þæs we gefrægen habbaþ þurh modgemynd maria ond ioseph syndon him on æþelum oþere twegen beornas geborene broþorsybbum suna iosephes simon ond iacob swa hleoþrodon hæleþa ræswan dugoþ domgeorne dyrnan þohton meotudes mihte man eft gehwearf yfel endeleas þær hit ær aras þa se þeoden gewat þegna heape fram þam meþelstede mihtum geswiþed dugeþa dryhten secan digol land he þurh wundra feala on þam westenne cræfta gecyþde þæt he wæs cyning on riht ofer middangeard mægene geswiþed waldend ond wyrhta wuldorþrymmes an ece god eallra gesceafta swylce he oþerra unrim cyþde wundorworca on wera gesyhþe syþþan eft gewat oþre siþe getrume mycle þæt he in temple gestod wuldres aldor wordhleoþor astag geond heahræced haliges lare synnige ne swulgon þeah he soþra swa feala tacna gecyþde þær hie to segon swylce he wrætlice wundor agræfene anlicnesse engla sinra geseh sigora frea on seles wage on twa healfe torhte gefrætwed wlitige geworhte he worde cwæþ þis is anlicnes engelcynna þæs bremestan þe mid þam burgwarum in þære ceastre is [Cheruphim et Seraphim] þa on swegeldreamum syndon nemned fore onsyne ecan dryhtnes standaþ stiþferþe stefnum herigaþ halgum hleoþrum heofoncyninges þrym meotudes mundbyrd her amearcod is haligra hiw þurh handmægen awriten on wealle wuldres þegnas þa gen worde cwæþ weoruda dryhten heofonhalig gast fore þam heremægene nu ic bebeode beacen ætywan wundor geweorþan on wera gemange þæt þeos onlicnes eorþan sece wlitig of wage ond word sprece secge soþcwidum þy sceolon gelyfan eorlas on cyþþe hwæt min æþelo sien ne dorste þa forhylman hælendes bebod wundor fore weorodum ac of wealle ahleop frod fyrngeweorc þæt he on foldan stod stan fram stane stefn æfter cwom hlud þurh heardne hleoþor dynede wordum wemde wrætlic þuhte stiþhycgendum stanes ongin septe sacerdas sweotolum tacnum witig werede ond worde cwæþ ge synd unlæde earmra geþohta searowum beswicene oþþe sel nyton mode gemyrde ge mon cigaþ godes ece bearn þone þe grund ond sund heofon ond eorþan ond hreo wægas salte sæstreamas ond swegl uppe amearcode mundum sinum þis is se ilca ealwalda god þone on fyrndagum fæderas cuþon he abrahame ond isace ond iocobe gife bryttode welum weorþode wordum sægde ærest habrahame æþeles geþingu þæt of his cynne cenned sceolde weorþan wuldres god is seo wyrd mid eow open orgete magan eagum nu geseon sigores god swegles agend æfter þyssum wordum weorud hlosnode geond þæt side sel swigodon ealle þa þa yldestan eft ongunnon secgan synfulle soþ ne oncneowan þæt hit drycræftum gedon wære scingelacum þæt se scyna stan mælde for mannum man wridode geond beorna breost brandhata niþ weoll on gewitte weorm blædum fag attor ælfæle þær orcnawe wearþ þurh teoncwide tweogende mod mæcga misgehygd morþre bewunden þa se þeoden bebead þryþweorc faran stan on stræte of stedewange ond forþ gan foldweg tredan grene grundas godes ærendu larum lædan on þa leodmearce to channaneum cyninges worde beodan habrahame mid his eaforum twæm of eorþscræfe ærest fremman lætan landreste leoþo gadrigean gaste onfon ond geogoþhade edniwinga andweard cuman frode fyrnweotan folce gecyþan hwylcne hie god mihtum ongiten hæfdon gewat he þa feran swa him frea mihtig scyppend wera gescrifen hæfde ofer mearcpaþu þæt he on mambre becom beorhte blican swa him bebead meotud þær þa lichoman lange þrage heahfædera hra beheled wæron het þa ofstlice up astandan habraham ond isaac æþeling þriddan iacob of greote to godes geþinge sneome of slæpe þæm fæstan het hie to þam siþe gyrwan faran to frean dome sceoldon hie þam folce gecyþan hwa æt frumsceafte furþum teode eorþan eallgrene ond upheofon hwær se wealdend wære þe þæt weorc staþolade ne dorston þa gelettan leng owihte wuldorcyninges word geweotan þa þa witigan þry modige mearcland tredan forlætan moldern wunigean open eorþscræfu woldon hie ædre gecyþan frumweorca fæder þa þæt folc gewearþ egesan geaclod þær þa æþelingas wordum weorþodon wuldres aldor hie þa ricene het rices hyrde to eadwelan oþre siþe secan mid sybbe swegles dreamas ond þæs to widan feore willum neotan nu þu miht gehyran hyse leofesta hu he wundra worn wordum cyþde swa þeah ne gelyfdon larum sinum modblinde menn ic wat manig nu gyt mycel mære spell þe se maga fremede rodera rædend þa þu aræfnan ne miht hreþre behabban hygeþances gleaw þus andreas ondlangne dæg herede hleoþorcwidum haliges lare oþþæt hine semninga slæp ofereode on hronrade heofoncyninge neh þa gelædan het lifes brytta ofer yþa geþræc englas sine fæþmum ferigean on fæder wære leofne mid lissum ofer lagufæsten oþþæt sæwerige slæp ofereode þurh lyftgelac on land becwom to þære ceastre þe him cining engla # þa þa aras siþigean eadige on upweg eþles neosan leton þone halgan be herestræte swefan on sybbe under swegles hleo bliþne bidan burhwealle neh his niþhetum nihtlangne fyrst oþþæt dryhten forlet dægcandelle scire scinan sceadu sweþerodon wonn under wolcnum þa com wederes blæst hador heofonleoma ofer hofu blican onwoc þa wiges heard wang sceawode fore burggeatum beorgas steape hleoþu hlifodon ymbe harne stan tigelfagan trafu torras stodon windige weallas þa se wisa oncneow þæt he marmedonia mægþe hæfde siþe gesohte swa him sylf bebead þa he him fore gescraf fæder mancynnes geseh he þa on greote gingran sine beornas beadurofe biryhte him swefan on slæpe he sona ongann wigend weccean ond worde cwæþ ic eow secgan mæg soþ orgete þæt us gystrandæge on geofones stream ofer arwelan æþeling ferede in þam ceole wæs cyninga wuldor waldend werþeode ic his word oncneow þeh he his mægwlite bemiþen hæfde him þa æþelingas ondsweorodon geonge gencwidum gastgerynum we þe andreas eaþe gecyþaþ siþ userne þæt þu sylfa miht ongitan gleawlice gastgehygdum us sæwerige slæp ofereode þa comon earnas ofer yþa wylm faran on flyhte feþerum hremige us ofslæpendum sawle abrugdon mid gefean feredon flyhte on lyfte brehtmum bliþe beorhte ond liþe lissum lufodon ond in lofe wunedon þær wæs singal sang ond swegles gong wlitig weoroda heap ond wuldres þreat utan ymbe æþelne englas stodon þegnas ymb þeoden þusendmælum heredon on hehþo halgan stefne dryhtna dryhten dream wæs on hyhte we þær heahfæderas halige oncneowon ond martyra mægen unlytel sungon sigedryhtne soþfæstlic lof dugoþ domgeorne þær wæs dauid mid eadig oretta essages sunu for crist cumen cining israhela swylce we gesegon for suna meotudes æþelum ecne eowic standan twelfe getealde tireadige hæleþ eow þegnodon þrymsittende halige heahenglas þam biþ hæleþa well þe þara blissa brucan moton þær wæs wuldres wynn wigendra þrym æþelic onginn næs þær ænigum gewinn þam biþ wræcsiþ witod wite geopenad þe þara gefeana sceal fremde weorþan hean hwearfian þonne heonon gangaþ þa wæs modsefa myclum geblissod haliges on hreþre syþþan hleoþorcwide gingran gehyrdon þæt hie god wolde onmunan swa mycles ofer menn ealle ond þæt word gecwæþ wigendra hleo nu ic god dryhten ongiten hæbbe þæt þu on faroþstræte feor ne wære cyninga wuldur þa ic on ceol gestah þeh ic on yþfare engla þeoden gasta geocend ongitan ne cuþe weorþ me nu milde meotud ælmihtig bliþe beorht cyning ic on brimstreame spræc worda worn wat æfter nu hwa me wyrþmyndum on wudubate ferede ofer flodas þæt is frofre gast hæleþa cynne þær is help gearu milts æt mærum manna gehwylcum sigorsped geseald þam þe seceþ to him þa him fore eagum onsyne wearþ æþeling oþywed in þa ilcan tid cining cwicera gehwæs þurh cnihtes had þa he worde cwæþ wuldres aldor wes þu andreas hal mid þas willgedryht ferþgefeonde ic þe friþe healde þæt þe ne moton mangeniþlan grame grynsmiþas gaste gesceþþan feoll þa to foldan frioþo wilnode wordum wis hæleþ winedryhten frægn hu geworhte ic þæt waldend fira synnig wiþ seolfne sawla nergend þæt ic þe swa godne ongitan ne meahte on wægfære þær ic worda gespræc minra for meotude ma þonne ic sceolde him andswarode ealwalda god no þu swa swiþe synne gefremedest swa þu in achaia ondsæc dydest þæt þu on feorwegas feran ne cuþe ne in þa ceastre becuman mehte þing gehegan þreora nihta fyrstgemearces swa ic þe feran het ofer wega gewinn wast nu þe gearwor þæt ic eaþe mæg anra gehwylcne fremman ond fyrþran freonda minra on landa gehwylc þær me leofost biþ aris nu hrædlice ræd ædre ongit beorn gebledsod swa þe beorht fæder geweorþaþ wuldorgifum to widan aldre cræfte ond mihte þu in þa ceastre gong under burglocan þær þin broþor is wat ic matheus þurh mænra hand hrinen heorudolgum heafodmagan searonettum beseted þu hine secan scealt leofne alysan of laþra hete ond eal þæt mancynn þe him mid wunige elþeodigra inwitwrasnum bealuwe gebundene him sceal bot hraþe weorþan in worulde ond in wuldre lean swa ic him sylfum ær secgende wæs nu þu andreas scealt edre geneþan in gramra gripe is þe guþ weotod heardum heoruswengum scel þin hra dæled wundum weorþan wættre geliccost faran flode blod hie þin feorh ne magon deaþe gedælan þeh þu drype þolie synnigra slege þu þæt sar aber ne læt þe ahweorfan hæþenra þrym grim gargewinn þæt þu gode swice dryhtne þinum wes a domes georn læt þe on gemyndum hu þæt manegum wearþ fira gefrege geond feala landa þæt me bysmredon bennum fæstne weras wansælige wordum tyrgdon slogon ond swungon synnige ne mihton þurh sarcwide soþ gecyþan þa ic mid iudeum gealgan þehte rod wæs aræred þær rinca sum of minre sidan swat ut forlet dreor to foldan ic adreah feala yrmþa ofer eorþan wolde ic eow on þon þurh bliþne hige bysne onstellan swa on ellþeode ywed wyrþeþ manige syndon in þysse mæran byrig þara þe þu gehweorfest to heofonleohte þurh minne naman þeah hie morþres feala in fyrndagum gefremed habban gewat him þa se halga heofonas secan eallra cyninga cining þone clænan ham eaþmedum upp þær is ar gelang fira gehwylcum þam þe hie findan cann þa wæs gemyndig modgeþyldig beorn beaduwe heard eode in burh hraþe anræd oretta elne gefyrþred maga mode rof meotude getreowe stop on stræte stig wisode swa him nænig gumena ongitan ne mihte synfulra geseon hæfde sigora weard on þam wangstede wære betolden leofne leodfruman mid lofe sinum hæfde þa se æþeling in geþrungen cristes cempa carcerne neh geseh he hæþenra hloþ ætgædere fore hlindura hyrdas standan seofone ætsomne ealle swylt fornam druron domlease deaþræs forfeng hæleþ heorodreorige þa se halga gebæd bilwytne fæder breostgehygdum herede on hehþo heofoncyninges þrym godes dryhtendom duru sona onarn þurh handhrine haliges gastes ond þær in eode elnes gemyndig hæle hildedeor hæþene swæfon dreore druncne deaþwang rudon geseh he matheus in þam morþorcofan hæleþ higerofne under heolstorlocan secgan dryhtne lof domweorþinga engla þeodne he þær ana sæt geohþum geomor in þam gnornhofe geseh þa under swegle swæsne geferan halig haligne hyht wæs geniwad aras þa togenes gode þancade þæs þe hie onsunde æfre moston geseon under sunnan syb wæs gemæne bam þam gebroþrum blis edniwe æghwæþer oþerne earme beþehte cyston hie ond clypton criste wæron begen leofe on mode hie leoht ymbscan halig ond heofontorht hreþor innan wæs wynnum awelled þa worde ongan ærest andreas æþelne geferan on clustorcleofan mid cwide sinum gretan godfyrhtne sæde him guþgeþingu feohtan fara monna nu is þis folc on luste hæleþ hyder on # gewyrht eardes neosan æfter þyssum wordum wuldres þegnas begen þa gebroþor to gebede hyldon sendon hira bene fore bearn godes swylce se halga in þam hearmlocan his god grette ond him geoce bæd hælend helpe ær þan hra crunge fore hæþenra hildeþrymme ond þa gelædde of leoþobendum fram þam fæstenne on friþ dryhtnes tu ond hundteontig geteled rime swylce feowertig # generede fram niþe þær he nænigne forlet under burglocan bennum fæstne ond þær wifa þa gyt weorodes to eacan anes wana þe fiftig # forhte gefreoþode fægen wæron siþes lungre leordan nalas leng bidon in þam gnornhofe guþgeþingo gewat þa matheus menigo lædan on gehyld godes swa him se halga bebead weorod on wilsiþ wolcnum beþehte þe læs him scyldhatan scyþþan comon mid earhfare ealdgeniþlan þær þa modigan mid him mæþel gehedan treowgeþoftan ær hie on tu hweorfan ægþer þara eorla oþrum trymede heofonrices hyht helle witu wordum werede swa þa wigend mid him hæleþ higerofe halgum stefnum cempan coste cyning weorþadon wyrda waldend þæs wuldres ne biþ æfre mid eldum ende befangen gewat him þa andreas inn on ceastre glædmod gangan to þæs þe he gramra gemot fara folcmægen gefrægen hæfde oþþæt he gemette be mearcpaþe standan stræte neah stapul ærenne gesæt him þa be healfe hæfde hluttre lufan ece upgemynd engla blisse þanon basnode under burhlocan hwæt him guþweorca gifeþe wurde þa gesamnedon side herigeas folces frumgaras to þam fæstenne wærleasra werod wæpnum comon hæþne hildfrecan to þæs þa hæftas ær under hlinscuwan hearm þrowedon wendan ond woldon wiþerhycgende þæt hie on elþeodigum æt geworhton weotude wiste him seo wen gelah syþþan mid corþre carcernes duru eorre æscberend opene fundon onhliden hamera geweorc hyrdas deade hie þa unhyþige eft gecyrdon luste belorene laþspell beran sægdon þam folce þæt þær feorrcundra ellreordigra ænigne to lafe in carcerne cwicne ne gemetton ah þær heorodreorige hyrdas lagan gæsne on greote gaste berofene fægra flæschaman þa wearþ forht manig for þam færspelle folces ræswa hean hygegeomor hungres on wenum blates beodgastes nyston beteran ræd þonne hie þa belidenan him to lifnere deade gefeormedon duruþegnum wearþ in ane tid eallum ætsomne þurh heard gelac hildbedd styred þa ic lungre gefrægn leode tosomne burgwaru bannan beornas comon wiggendra þreat wicgum gengan on mearum modige mæþelhegende æscum dealle þa wæs eall geador to þam þingstede þeod gesamnod leton him þa betweonum taan wisian hwylcne hira ærest oþrum sceolde to foddurþege feores ongyldan hluton hellcræftum hæþengildum teledon betwinum þa se tan gehwearf efne ofer ænne ealdgesiþa se wæs uþweota eorla dugoþe heriges on ore hraþe siþþan wearþ fetorwrasnum fæst feores orwena cleopode þa collenferhþ cearegan reorde cwæþ he his sylfes sunu syllan wolde on æhtgeweald eaforan geongne lifes to lisse hie þa lac hraþe þegon to þance þeod wæs oflysted metes modgeomre næs him to maþme wynn hyht to hordgestreonum hungre wæron þearle geþreatod swa se þeodsceaþa reow ricsode þa wæs rinc manig guþfrec guma ymb þæs geongan feorh breostum onbryrded to þam beadulace wæs þæt weatacen wide gefrege geond þa burh bodad beorne manegum þæt hie þæs cnihtes cwealm corþre gesohton duguþe ond eogoþe dæl onfengon lifes to leofne hie lungre to þæs hæþene herigweardas here samnodan ceastrewarena cyrm upp astah þa se geonga ongann geomran stefne gehæfted for herige hearmleoþ galan freonda feasceaft friþes wilnian ne mihte earmsceapen are findan freoþe æt þam folce þe him feores wolde ealdres geunnan hæfdon æglæcan sæcce gesohte sceolde sweordes ecg scerp ond scurheard of sceaþan folme fyrmælum fag feorh acsigan þa þæt andrea earmlic þuhte þeodbealo þearlic to geþolianne þæt he swa unscyldig ealdre sceolde lungre linnan wæs se leodhete þrist ond þrohtheard þrymman sceocan modige maguþegnas morþres on luste woldon æninga ellenrofe on þam hysebeorþre heafolan gescenan garum agetan hine god forstod halig of hehþo hæþenum folce het wæpen wera wexe gelicost on þam orlege eall formeltan þy læs scyldhatan sceþþan mihton egle ondsacan ecga þryþum swa wearþ alysed of leodhete geong of gyrne gode ealles þanc dryhtna dryhtne þæs þe he dom gifeþ gumena gehwylcum þara þe geoce to him seceþ mid snytrum þær biþ symle gearu freod unhwilen þam þe hie findan cann þa wæs wop hæfen in wera burgum hlud heriges cyrm hreopon friccan mændon meteleaste meþe stodon hungre gehæfte hornsalu wunedon weste winræced welan ne benohton beornas to brucanne on þa bitran tid gesæton searuþancle sundor to rune ermþu eahtigan næs him to eþle wynn fregn þa gelome freca oþerne ne hele se þe hæbbe holde lare on sefan snyttro nu is sæl cumen þrea ormæte is nu þearf mycel þæt we wisfæstra wordum hyran þa for þære dugoþe deoful ætywde wann ond wliteleas hæfde weriges hiw ongan þa meldigan morþres brytta hellehinca þone halgan wer wiþerhycgende ond þæt word gecwæþ her is gefered ofer feorne weg æþelinga sum innan ceastre ellþeodigra þone ic andreas nemnan herde he eow neon gesceod þa he aferede of fæstenne manncynnes ma þonne gemet wære nu ge magon eaþe oncyþdæda wrecan on gewyrhtum lætaþ wæpnes spor iren ecgheard ealdorgeard sceoran fæges feorhhord gaþ fromlice þæt ge wiþerfeohtend wiges gehnægan him þa andreas agef ondsware hwæt þu þristlice þeode lærest bældest to beadowe wæst þe bæles cwealm hatne in helle ond þu here fysest feþan to gefeohte eart þu fag wiþ god dugoþa demend hwæt þu deofles stræl icest þine yrmþo þe se ælmihtiga heanne gehnægde ond on heolstor besceaf þær þe cyninga cining clamme belegde ond þe syþþan a satan nemdon þa þe dryhtnes a deman cuþon þa gyt se wiþermeda wordum lærde folc to gefeohte feondes cræfte nu ge gehyraþ hæleþa gewinnan se þyssum herige mæst hearma gefremede þæt is andreas se me on fliteþ wordum wrætlicum for wera menigo þa wæs beacen boden burhsittendum ahleopon hildfrome heriges brehtme ond to weallgeatum wigend þrungon cene under cumblum corþre mycle to þam orlege ordum ond bordum þa worde cwæþ weoroda dryhten meotud mihtum swiþ sægde his magoþegne scealt þu andreas ellen fremman ne miþ þu for menigo ah þinne modsefan staþola wiþ strangum nis seo stund latu þæt þe wælreowe witum belecgaþ cealdan clommum cyþ þe sylfne herd hige þinne heortan staþola þæt hie min on þe mægen oncnawan ne magon hie ond ne moton ofer mine est þinne lichoman lehtrum scyldige deaþe gedælan þeah þu drype þolige mirce manslaga ic þe mid wunige æfter þam wordum com werod unmæte lyswe larsmeoþas mid lindgecrode bolgenmode bæron ut hræþe ond þam halgan þær handa gebundon siþþan geypped wæs æþelinga wynn ond hie andweardne eagum meahton gesion sigerofne þær wæs sec manig on þam welwange wiges oflysted leoda duguþe lyt sorgodon hwylc him þæt edlean æfter wurde heton þa lædan ofer landsceare þragmælum teon torngeniþlan swa hie hit frecnost findan meahton drogon deormodne æfter dunscræfum ymb stanhleoþo stærcedferþne efne swa wide swa wegas to lagon enta ærgeweorc innan burgum stræte stanfage storm upp aras æfter ceasterhofum cirm unlytel hæþnes heriges wæs þæs halgan lic sarbennum soden swate bestemed banhus abrocen blod yþum weoll hatan heolfre hæfde him on innan ellen untweonde wæs þæt æþele mod asundrad fram synnum þeah he sares swa feala deopum dolgslegum dreogan sceolde swa wæs ealne dæg oþþæt æfen com sigetorht swungen sar eft gewod ymb þæs beornes breost oþþæt beorht gewat sunne swegeltorht to sete glidan læddan þa leode laþne gewinnan to carcerne he wæs criste swa þeah leof on mode him wæs leoht sefa halig heortan neh hige untyddre þa se halga wæs under heolstorscuwan eorl ellenheard ondlange niht searoþancum beseted snaw eorþan band wintergeworpum weder coledon heardum hægelscurum swylce hrim ond forst hare hildstapan hæleþa eþel lucon leoda gesetu land wæron freorig cealdum cylegicelum clang wæteres þrym ofer eastreamas is brycgade blæce brimrade bliþheort wunode eorl unforcuþ elnes gemyndig þrist ond þrohtheard in þreanedum wintercealdan niht no on gewitte blon acol for þy egesan þæs þe he ær ongann þæt he a domlicost dryhten herede weorþade wordum oþþæt wuldres gim heofontorht onhlad þa com hæleþa þreat to þære dimman ding duguþ unlytel wadan wælgifre weorodes brehtme heton ut hræþe æþeling lædan in wraþra geweald wærfæstne hæleþ þa wæs eft swa ær ondlangne dæg swungen sarslegum swat yþum weoll þurh bancofan blodlifrum swealg hatan heolfre hra weorces ne sann wundum werig þa cwom wopes hring þurh þæs beornes breost blat ut faran weoll waþuman stream ond he worde cwæþ geseoh nu dryhten god drohtaþ minne weoruda willgeofa þu wæst ond const anra gehwylces earfeþsiþas ic gelyfe to þe min liffruma þæt þu mildheort me for þinum mægenspedum nerigend fira næfre wille ece ælmihtig anforlætan swa ic þæt gefremme þenden feorh leofaþ min on moldan þæt ic meotud þinum larum leofwendum lyt geswice þu eart gescyldend wiþ sceaþan wæpnum ece eadfruma eallum þinum ne læt nu bysmrian banan manncynnes facnes frumbearn þurh feondes cræft leahtrum belecgan þa þin lof beraþ þa þær ætywde se atola gast wraþ wærloga wigend lærde for þam heremægene helle dioful awerged in witum ond þæt word gecwæþ sleaþ synnigne ofer seolfes muþ folces gewinnan nu to feala reordaþ þa wæs orlege eft onhrered niwan stefne niþ upp aras oþþæt sunne gewat to sete glidan under niflan næs niht helmade brunwann oferbræd beorgas steape ond se halga wæs to hofe læded deor ond domgeorn in þæt dimme ræced sceal þonne in neadcofan nihtlangne fyrst wærfæst wunian wic unsyfre þa com seofona sum to sele geongan atol æglæca yfela gemyndig morþres manfrea myrce gescyrded deoful deaþreow duguþum bereafod ongan þa þam halgan hospword sprecan hwæt hogodest þu andreas hidercyme þinne on wraþra geweald hwæt is wuldor þin þe þu oferhigdum upp arærdest þa þu goda ussa gild gehnægdest hafast nu þe anum eall getihhad land ond leode swa dyde lareow þin cyneþrym ahof þam wæs crist nama ofer middangeard þynden hit meahte swa þone herodes ealdre besnyþede forcom æt campe cyning iudea rices berædde ond hine rode befealg þæt he on gealgan his gast onsende swa ic nu bebeode bearnum minum þegnum þryþfullum þæt hie þe hnægen gingran æt guþe lætaþ gares ord earh ættre gemæl in gedufan in fæges ferþ gaþ fromlice þæt ge guþfrecan gylp forbegan hie wæron reowe ræsdon on sona gifrum grapum hine god forstod staþulfæst steorend þurh his strangan miht syþþan hie oncneowon cristes rode on his mægwlite mære tacen wurdon hie þa acle on þam onfenge forhte afærde ond on fleam numen ongan eft swa ær ealdgeniþla helle hæftling hearmleoþ galan hwæt wearþ eow swa rofum rincas mine lindgesteallan þæt eow swa lyt gespeow him þa earmsceapen agef ondsware fah fyrnsceaþa ond his fæder oncwæþ ne magan we him lungre laþ ætfæstan swilt þurh searwe ga þe sylfa to þær þu gegninga guþe findest frecne feohtan gif þu furþur dearst to þam anhagan aldre geneþan we þe magon eaþe eorla leofost æt þam secgplegan selre gelæran ær þu gegninga guþe fremme wiges woman weald hu þe sæle æt þam gegnslege utan gangan eft þæt we bysmrigen bendum fæstne oþwitan him his wræcsiþ habbaþ word gearu wiþ þam æglæcan eall getrahtod þa hleoþrade hludan stefne witum bewæled ond þæt word gecwæþ þu þe andreas aclæccræftum lange feredes hwæt þu leoda feala forleolce ond forlærdest nu leng ne miht gewealdan þy weorce þe synd witu þæs grim weotud be gewyrhtum þu scealt werigmod hean hroþra leas hearm þrowigan sare swyltcwale secgas mine to þam guþplegan gearwe sindon þa þe æninga ellenweorcum unfyrn faca feorh ætþringan hwylc is þæs mihtig ofer middangeard þæt he þe alyse of leoþubendum manna cynnes ofer mine est him þa andreas agef ondsware hwæt me eaþe ælmihtig god niþa neregend se þe in niedum iu gefæstnode fyrnum clommum þær þu syþþan a susle gebunden in wræc wunne wuldres blunne syþþan þu forhogedes heofoncyninges word þær wæs yfles or ende næfre þines wræces weorþeþ þu scealt widan feorh ecan þine yrmþu þe biþ a symble of dæge on dæg drohtaþ strengra þa wearþ on fleame se þe þa fæhþo iu wiþ god geara grimme gefremede com þa on uhtan mid ærdæge hæþenra hloþ haliges neosan leoda weorude heton lædan ut þrohtheardne þegn þriddan siþe woldon aninga ellenrofes mod gemyltan hit ne mihte swa þa wæs niowinga niþ onhrered heard ond hetegrim wæs se halga wer sare geswungen searwum gebunden dolgbennum þurhdrifen þendon dæg lihte ongan þa geomormod to gode cleopian heard of hæfte halgan stefne weop werigferþ ond þæt word gecwæþ næfre ic geferde mid frean willan under heofonhwealfe heardran drohtnoþ þær ic dryhtnes æ deman sceolde sint me leoþu tolocen lic sare gebrocen banhus blodfag benne weallaþ seonodolg swatige hwæt þu sigora weard dryhten hælend on dæges tide mid iudeum geomor wurde þa þu of gealgan god lifigende fyrnweorca frea to fæder cleopodest cininga wuldor ond cwæde þus ic þe fæder engla frignan wille lifes leohtfruma hwæt forlætest þu me ond ic nu þry dagas þolian sceolde wælgrim witu bidde ic weoroda god þæt ic gast minne agifan mote sawla symbelgifa on þines sylfes hand þu þæt gehete þurh þin halig word þa þu us twelfe trymman ongunne þæt us heterofra hild ne gesceode ne lices dæl lungre oþþeoded ne synu ne ban on swaþe lagon ne loc of heafde to forlore wurde gif we þine lare læstan woldon nu sint sionwe toslopen is min swat adropen licgaþ æfter lande loccas todrifene fex on foldan is me feorhgedal leofre mycle þonne þeos lifcearo him þa stefn oncwæþ stiþhycgendum wuldorcyninges word hloþrode ne wep þone wræcsiþ wine leofesta nis þe to frecne ic þe friþe healde minre mundbyrde mægene besette me is miht ofer eall # sigorsped geseald soþ þæt gecyþeþ mænig æt meþle on þam myclan dæge þæt þæt geweorþeþ þæt þeos wlitige gesceaft heofon ond eorþe hreosaþ togadore ær awæged sie worda ænig þe ic þurh minne muþ meþlan onginne geseoh nu seolfes swæþe swa þin swat aget þurh bangebrec blodige stige lices lælan no þe laþes ma þurh daroþa gedrep gedon motan þa þe heardra mæst hearma gefremedan þa on last beseah leoflic cempa æfter wordcwidum wuldorcyninges geseh he geblowene bearwas standan blædum gehrodene swa he ær his blod aget þa worde cwæþ wigendra hleo sie þe þanc ond lof þeoda waldend to widan feore wuldor on heofonum þæs þu me on sare sigedryhten min ellþeodigne an ne forlæte swa se dædfruma dryhten herede halgan stefne oþþæt hador sægl wuldortorht gewat under waþu scriþan þa þa folctogan feorþan siþe egle ondsacan æþeling læddon to þam carcerne woldon cræfta gehygd magorædendes mod oncyrran on þære deorcan niht þa com dryhten god in þæt hlinræced hæleþa wuldor ond þa wine synne wordum grette ond frofre gecwæþ fæder manncynnes lifes lareow heht his lichoman hales brucan ne scealt þu in henþum a leng searohæbbendra sar þrowian aras þa mægene rof sægde meotude þanc hal of hæfte heardra wita næs him gewemmed wlite ne wloh of hrægle lungre alysed ne loc of heafde ne ban gebrocen ne blodig wund lice gelenge ne laþes dæl þurh dolgslege dreore bestemed ac wæs eft swa ær þurh þa æþelan miht lof lædende ond on his lice trum hwæt ic hwile nu haliges lare leoþgiddinga lof þæs þe worhte wordum wemde wyrd undyrne ofer min gemet mycel is to secganne langsum leornung þæt he in life adreag eall æfter orde þæt scell æglæwra mann on moldan þonne ic me tælige findan on ferþe þæt fram fruman cunne eall þa earfeþo þe he mid elne adreah grimra guþa hwæþre git sceolon lytlum sticcum leoþworda dæl furþur reccan þæt is fyrnsægen hu he weorna feala wita geþolode heardra hilda in þære hæþenan byrig he be wealle geseah wundrum fæste under sælwage sweras unlytle stapulas standan storme bedrifene eald enta geweorc he wiþ anne þæra mihtig ond modrof mæþel gehede wis wundrum gleaw word stunde ahof geher þu marmanstan meotudes rædum fore þæs onsyne ealle gesceafte forhte geweorþaþ þonne hie fæder geseoþ heofonas ond eorþan herigea mæste on middangeard mancynn secan læt nu of þinum staþole streamas weallan ea inflede nu þe ælmihtig hateþ heofona cyning þæt þu hrædlice on þis fræte folc forþ onsende wæter widrynig to wera cwealme geofon geotende hwæt þu golde eart sincgife sylla on þe sylf cyning wrat wuldres god wordum cyþde recene geryno ond ryhte æ getacnode on tyn wordum meotud mihtum swiþ moyse sealde swa hit soþfæste syþþan heoldon modige magoþegnas magas sine godfyrhte guman iosua ond tobias nu þu miht gecnawan þæt þe cyning engla gefrætwode furþur mycle giofum geardagum þonne eall gimma cynn þurh his halige hæs þu scealt hræþe cyþan gif þu his ondgitan ænige hæbbe næs þa wordlatu wihte þon mare þæt se stan togan stream ut aweoll fleow ofer foldan famige walcan mid ærdæge eorþan þehton myclade mereflod meoduscerwen wearþ æfter symbeldæge slæpe tobrugdon searuhæbbende sund grunde onfeng deope gedrefed duguþ wearþ afyrhted þurh þæs flodes fær fæge swulton geonge on geofene guþræs fornam þurh sealtne weg þæt wæs sorgbyrþen biter beorþegu byrlas ne gældon ombehtþegnas þær wæs ælcum genog fram dæges orde drync sona gearu weox wæteres þrym weras cwanedon ealde æscberend wæs him ut myne fleon fealone stream woldon feore beorgan to dunscræfum drohtaþ secan eorþan ondwist him þæt engel forstod se þa burh oferbrægd blacan lige hatan heaþowælme hreoh wæs þær inne beatende brim ne mihte beorna hloþ of þam fæstenne fleame spowan wægas weoxon wadu hlynsodon flugon fyrgnastas flod yþum weoll þær wæs yþfynde innan burgum geomorgidd wrecen gehþo mændan forhtferþ manig fusleoþ golon egeslic æled eagsyne wearþ heardlic hereteam hleoþor gryrelic þurh lyftgelac leges blæstas weallas ymbwurpon wæter mycladon þær wæs wop wera wide gehyred earmlic ylda gedræg þa þær an ongann feasceaft hæleþ folc gadorigean hean hygegeomor heofende spræc nu ge magon sylfe soþ gecnawan þæt we mid unrihte ellþeodigne on carcerne clommum belegdon witebendum us seo wyrd scyþeþ heard ond hetegrim þæt is her swa cuþ is hit mycle selre þæs þe ic soþ talige þæt we hine alysan of leoþobendum ealle anmode ofost is selost ond us þone halgan helpe biddan geoce ond frofre us biþ gearu sona sybb æfter sorge gif we secaþ to him þa þær andrea orgete wearþ on fyrhþlocan folces gebæro þær wæs modigra mægen forbeged wigendra þrym wæter fæþmedon fleow firgendstream flod wæs on luste oþþæt breost oferstag brim weallende eorlum oþ exle þa se æþeling het streamfare stillan stormas restan ymbe stanhleoþu stop ut hræþe cene collenferþ carcern ageaf gleawmod gode leof him wæs gearu sona þurh streamræce stræt gerymed smeolt wæs se sigewang symble wæs dryge folde fram flode swa his fot gestop wurdon burgware bliþe on mode ferhþgefeonde þa wæs forþ cumen geoc æfter gyrne geofon swaþrode þurh haliges hæs hlyst yst forgeaf brimrad gebad þa se beorg tohlad eorþscræf egeslic ond þær in forlet flod fæþmian fealewe wægas geotende gegrind grund eall forswealg nalas he þær yþe ane bisencte ach þæs weorodes eac þa wyrrestan faa folcsceaþan feowertyne gewiton mid þy wæge in forwyrd sceacan under eorþan grund þa wearþ acolmod forhtferþ manig folces on laste wendan hie wifa ond wera cwealmes þearlra geþinga þrage hnagran syþþan mane faa morþorscyldige guþgelacan under grund hruron hie þa anmode ealle cwædon nu is gesyne þæt þe soþ meotud cyning eallwihta cræftum wealdeþ se þisne ar hider onsende þeodum to helpe is nu þearf mycel þæt we gumcystum georne hyran þa se halga ongann hæleþ blissigean wigendra þreat wordum retan ne beoþ ge to forhte þeh þe fell curen synnigra cynn swylt þrowode witu be gewyrhtum eow is wuldres leoht torht ontyned gif ge teala hycgaþ sende þa his bene fore bearn godes bæd haligne helpe gefremman gumena geogoþe þe on geofene ær þurh flodes fæþm feorh gesealdon þæt þa gastas gode orfeorme in wita forwyrd wuldre bescyrede in feonda geweald gefered ne wurdan þa þæt ærende ealwealdan gode æfter hleoþorcwidum haliges gastes wæs on þanc sprecen þeoda ræswan het þa onsunde ealle arisan geonge of greote þa ær geofon cwealde þa þær ofostlice upp astodon manige on meþle mine gefrege eaforan unweaxne þa wæs eall eador leoþolic ond gastlic þeah hie lungre ær þurh flodes fær feorh aleton onfengon fulwihte ond freoþuwære wuldres wedde witum aspedde mundbyrd meotudes þa se modiga het cyninges cræftiga ciricean getimbran gerwan godes tempel þær sio geogoþ aras þurh fæder fulwiht ond se flod onsprang þa gesamnodon secga þreate weras geond þa winburg wide ond side eorlas anmode ond hira idesa mid cwædon holdlice hyran woldon onfon fromlice fullwihtes bæþ dryhtne to willan ond diofolgild ealde eolhstedas anforlætan þa wæs mid þy folce fulwiht hæfen æþele mid eorlum ond æ godes riht aræred ræd on lande mid þam ceasterwarum cirice gehalgod þær se ar godes anne gesette wisfæstne wer wordes gleawne in þære beorhtan byrig bisceop þam leodum ond gehalgode fore þam heremægene þurh apostolhad platan nemned þeodum on þearfe ond þriste bebead þæt hie his lare læston georne feorhræd fremedon sægde his fusne hige þæt he þa goldburg ofgifan wolde secga seledream ond sincgestreon beorht beagselu ond him brimþisan æt sæs faroþe secan wolde þæt wæs þam weorode weorc to geþoligenne þæt hie se leodfruma leng ne wolde wihte gewunian þa him wuldres god on þam siþfæte sylfum ætywde ond þæt word gecwæþ weoruda dryhten folc of firenum is him fus hyge gaþ geomriende geohþo mænaþ weras wif samod hira wop becom murnende mod #
fore sneowan || ne scealt þu þæt eowde anforlætan on swa niowan gefean ah him naman minne on ferþlocan fæste getimbre wuna in þære winbyrig wigendra hleo salu sinchroden seofon nihta fyrst syþþan þu mid mildse minre ferest þa eft gewat oþre siþe modig mægene rof marmedonia ceastre secan cristenra weox word ond wisdom syþþan wuldres þegn æþelcyninges ar eagum sawon lærde þa þa leode on geleafan weg trymede torhtlice tireadigra wenede to wuldre weorod unmæte to þam halgan ham heofona rices þær fæder ond sunu ond frofre gast in þrinnesse þrymme wealdeþ in woruld worulda wuldorgestealda swylce se halga herigeas þreade deofulgild todraf ond gedwolan fylde þæt wæs satane sar to geþolienne mycel modes sorg þæt he þa menigeo geseah hweorfan higebliþe fram helltrafum þurh andreas este lare to fægeran gefean þær næfre feondes ne biþ gastes gramhydiges gang on lande þa wæron gefylde æfter frean dome dagas on rime swa him dryhten bebead þæt he þa wederburg wunian sceolde ongan hine þa fysan ond to flote gyrwan blissum hremig wolde on brimþisan achaie oþre siþe sylfa gesecan þær he sawulgedal beaducwealm gebad þæt þam banan ne wearþ hleahtre behworfen ah in helle ceafl siþ asette ond syþþan no fah freonda leas frofre benohte þa ic lædan gefrægn leoda weorode leofne lareow to lides stefnan mæcgas modgeomre þær manegum wæs hat æt heortan hyge weallende hie þa gebrohton æt brimes næsse on wægþele wigan unslawne stodon him þa on ofre æfter reotan þendon hie on yþum æþelinga wunn ofer seolhpaþu geseon mihton ond þa weorþedon wuldres agend cleopodon on corþre ond cwædon þus an is ece god eallra gesceafta is his miht ond his æht ofer middangeard breme gebledsod ond his blæd ofer eall in heofonþrymme halgum scineþ wlitige on wuldre to widan ealdre ece mid englum þæt is æþele cyning