Elene University of Oxford CLASP Project nick.white@ell.ox.ac.uk https://clasp.ell.ox.ac.uk/poem/A.2.6 Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems Elene
þa wæs agangen geara hwyrftum tu hund ond þreo geteled rimes swylce þritig eac þinggemearces wintra for worulde þæs þe wealdend god acenned wearþ cyninga wuldor in middangeard þurh mennisc heo soþfæstra leoht þa wæs syxte gear constantines caserdomes þæt he romwara in rice wearþ ahæfen hildfruma to hereteman wæs se leodhwata lindgeborga eorlum arfæst æþelinges weox rice under roderum he wæs riht cyning guþweard gumena hine god trymede mærþum ond mihtum þæt he manegum wearþ geond middangeard mannum to hroþer werþeodum to wræce syþþan wæpen ahof wiþ hetendum him wæs hild boden wiges woma werod samnodan huna leode ond hreþgotan foron fyrdhwate francan ond hugas wæron hwate weras # gearwe to guþe garas lixtan wriþene wælhlencan wordum ond bordum hofon herecombol þa wæron heardingas sweotole gesamnod ond eal sib geador for folca gedryht fyrdleoþ agol wulf on wealde wælrune ne maþ urigfeþera earn sang ahof laþum on laste lungre scynde ofer burg enta beaduþreata mæst hergum to hilde swylce huna cyning ymbsittendra awer meahte abannan to beadwe burgwigendra for fyrda mæst feþan trymedon eoredcestum þæt on ælfylce deareþlacende on danubie stærcedfyrhþe stæþe wicedon ymb þæs wæteres wylm werodes breahtme woldon romwara rice geþringan hergum ahyþan þær wearþ huna cyme cuþ ceasterwarum þa se casere heht ongean gramum guþgelæcan under earhfære ofstum myclum bannan to beadwe beran ut þræce rincas under roderum wæron romware secgas sigerofe sona gegearwod wæpnum to wigge þeah hie werod læsse hæfdon to hilde þonne huna cining ridon ymb rofne þonne rand dynede campwudu clynede cyning þreate for herge to hilde hrefen uppe gol wan ond wælfel werod wæs on tyhte hleopon hornboran hreopan friccan mearh moldan træd mægen samnode cafe to cease cyning wæs afyrhted egsan geaclad siþþan elþeodige huna ond hreþa here sceawede þæt he on romwara rices ende ymb þæs wæteres stæþ werod samnode mægen unrime modsorge wæg romwara cyning rices ne wende for werodleste hæfde wigena to lyt eaxlgestealna wiþ ofermægene hrora to hilde here wicode eorlas ymb æþeling egstreame neah on neaweste nihtlangne fyrst þæs þe hie feonda gefær fyrmest gesægon þa wearþ on slæpe sylfum ætywed þam casere þær he on corþre swæf sigerofum gesegen swefnes woma þuhte him wlitescyne on weres hade hwit ond hiwbeorht hæleþa nathwylc geywed ænlicra þonne he ær oþþe siþ gesege under swegle he of slæpe onbrægd eofurcumble beþeaht him se ar hraþe wlitig wuldres boda wiþ þingode ond be naman nemde nihthelm toglad constantinus heht þe cyning engla wyrda wealdend wære beodan duguþa dryhten ne ondræd þu þe þeah þe elþeodige egesan hwopan heardre hilde þu to heofenum beseoh on wuldres weard þær þu wraþe findest sigores tacen he wæs sona gearu þurh þæs halgan hæs hreþerlocan onspeon up locade swa him se ar abead fæle friþowebba geseah he frætwum beorht wliti wuldres treo ofer wolcna hrof golde geglenged gimmas lixtan wæs se blaca beam bocstafum awriten beorhte ond leohte mid þys beacne þu on þam frecnan fære feond oferswiþesþ geletest laþ werod þa þæt leoht gewat up siþode ond se ar somed on clænra gemang cyning wæs þy bliþra ond þe sorgleasra secga aldor on fyrhþsefan þurh þa fægeran gesyhþ heht þa onlice æþelinga hleo beorna beaggifa swa he þæt beacen geseah heria hildfruma þæt him on heofonum ær geiewed wearþ ofstum myclum constantinus cristes rode tireadig cyning tacen gewyrcan heht þa on uhtan mid ærdæge wigend wreccan ond wæpenþræce hebban heorucumbul ond þæt halige treo him beforan ferian on feonda gemang beran beacen godes byman sungon hlude for hergum hrefn weorces gefeah urigfeþra earn siþ beheold wælhreowra wig wulf sang ahof holtes gehleþa hildegesa stod þær wæs borda gebrec ond beorna geþrec heard handgeswing ond herga gring syþþan heo earhfære ærest metton on þæt fæge folc flana scuras garas ofer geolorand on gramra gemang hetend heorugrimme hildenædran þurh fingra geweald forþ onsendan stopon stiþhidige stundum wræcon bræcon bordhreþan bil in dufan þrungon þræchearde þa wæs þuf hafen segn for sweotum sigeleoþ galen gylden grima garas lixtan on herefelda hæþene grungon feollon friþelease flugon instæpes huna leode swa þæt halige treo aræran heht romwara cyning heaþofremmende wurdon heardingas wide towrecene sume wig fornam sume unsofte aldor generedon on þam heresiþe sume healfcwice flugon on fæsten ond feore burgon æfter stanclifum stede weardedon ymb danubie sume drenc fornam on lagostreame lifes æt ende þa wæs modigra mægen on luste ehton elþeoda oþ þæt æfen forþ fram dæges orde daroþæsc flugon hildenædran heap wæs gescyrded laþra lindwered lythwon becwom huna herges ham eft þanon þa wæs gesyne þæt sige forgeaf constantino cyning ælmihtig æt þam dægweorce domweorþunga rice under roderum þurh his rode treo gewat þa heriga helm ham eft þanon huþe hremig hild wæs gesceaden wigge geweorþod com þa wigena hleo þegna þreate þryþbold secan beadurof cyning burga neosan heht þa wigena weard þa wisestan snude to sionoþe þa þe snyttro cræft þurh fyrngewrito gefrigen hæfdon heoldon higeþancum hæleþa rædas þa þæs fricggan ongan folces aldor sigerof cyning ofer sid weorod wære þær ænig yldra oþþe gingra þe him to soþe secggan meahte galdrum cyþan hwæt se god wære boldes brytta þe þis his beacen wæs þe me swa leoht oþywde ond mine leode generede tacna torhtost ond me tir forgeaf wigsped wiþ wraþum þurh þæt wlitige treo hio him ondsware ænige ne meahton agifan togenes ne ful geare cuþon sweotole gesecggan be þam sigebeacne þa þa wisestan wordum cwædon for þam heremægene þæt hit heofoncyninges tacen wære ond þæs tweo nære þa þæt gefrugnon þa þurh fulwihte lærde wæron him wæs leoht sefa ferhþ gefeonde þeah hira fea wæron þæt hie for þam casere cyþan moston godspelles gife hu se gasta helm in þrynesse þrymme geweorþad acenned wearþ cyninga wuldor ond hu on galgan wearþ godes agen bearn ahangen for hergum heardum witum alysde leoda bearn of locan deofla geomre gastas ond him gife sealde þurh þa ilcan gesceaft þe him geywed wearþ sylfum on gesyhþe sigores tacen wiþ þeoda þræce ond hu þy þriddan dæge of byrgenne beorna wuldor of deaþe aras dryhten ealra hæleþa cynnes ond to heofonum astah þus gleawlice gastgerynum sægdon sigerofum swa fram siluestre lærde wæron æt þam se leodfruma fulwihte onfeng ond þæt forþ geheold on his dagana tid dryhtne to willan þa wæs on sælum sinces brytta niþheard cyning wæs him niwe gefea befolen in fyrhþe wæs him frofra mæst ond hyhta nihst heofonrices weard ongan þa dryhtnes æ dæges ond nihtes þurh gastes gife georne cyþan ond hine soþlice sylfne getengde goldwine gumena in godes þeowdom æscrof unslaw þa se æþeling fand leodgebyrga þurh larsmiþas guþheard garþrist on godes bocum hwær ahangen wæs heriges beorhtme on rode treo rodora waldend æfstum þurh inwit swa se ealda feond forlærde ligesearwum leode fortyhte iudea cyn þæt hie god sylfne ahengon herga fruman þæs hie in hynþum sculon to widan feore wergþu dreogan þa wæs cristes lof þam casere on firhþsefan forþ gemyndig ymb þæt mære treo ond þa his modor het feran foldwege folca þreate to iudeum georne secan wigena þreate hwær se wuldres beam halig under hrusan hyded wære æþelcyninges rod elene ne wolde þæs siþfates sæne weorþan ne þæs wilgifan word gehyrwan hiere sylfre suna ac wæs sona gearu wif on willsiþ swa hire weoruda helm byrnwiggendra beboden hæfde ongan þa ofstlice eorla mengu to flote fysan fearoþhengestas ymb geofenes stæþ gearwe stodon sælde sæmearas sunde getenge þa wæs orcnæwe idese siþfæt siþþan wæges helm werode gesohte þær wlanc manig æt wendelsæ on stæþe stodon stundum wræcon ofer mearcpaþu mægen æfter oþrum ond þa gehlodon hildesercum bordum ond ordum byrnwigendum werum ond wifum wæghengestas leton þa ofer fifelwæg famige scriþan bronte brimþisan bord oft onfeng ofer earhgeblond yþa swengas sæ swinsade ne hyrde ic siþ ne ær on egstreame idese lædan on merestræte mægen fægerre þær meahte gesion se þone siþ beheold brecan ofer bæþweg brimwudu snyrgan under swellingum sæmearh plegean wadan wægflotan wigan wæron bliþe collenferhþe cwen siþes gefeah syþþan to hyþe hringedstefnan ofer lagofæsten geliden hæfdon on creca land ceolas leton æt sæfearoþe sande bewrecene ald yþhofu oncrum fæste on brime bidan beorna geþinges hwonne heo sio guþcwen gumena þreate ofer eastwegas eft gesohte þær wæs on eorle eþgesyne brogden byrne ond bill gecost geatolic guþscrud grimhelm manig ænlic eoforcumbul wæron æscwigan secggas ymb sigecwen siþes gefysde fyrdrincas frome foron on luste on creca land caseres bodan hilderincas hyrstum gewerede þær wæs gesyne sincgim locen on þam hereþreate hlafordes gifu wæs seo eadhreþige elene gemyndig þriste on geþance þeodnes willan georn on mode þæt hio iudeas ofer herefeldas heape gecoste lindwigendra land gesohte secga þreate swa hit siþþan gelamp ymb lytel fæc þæt þæt leodmægen guþrofe hæleþ to hierusalem cwomon in þa ceastre corþra mæste eorlas æscrofe mid þa æþelan cwen heht þa gebeodan burgsittendum þam snoterestum side ond wide geond iudeas gumena gehwylcum meþelhegende on gemot cuman þa þe deoplicost dryhtnes geryno þurh rihte æ reccan cuþon þa wæs gesamnod of sidwegum mægen unlytel þa þe moyses æ reccan cuþon þær on rime wæs þreo þusend þæra leoda alesen to lare ongan þa leoflic wif weras ebrea wordum negan ic þæt gearolice ongiten hæbbe þurg witgena wordgeryno on godes bocum þæt ge geardagum wyrþe wæron wuldorcyninge dryhtne dyre ond dædhwæte hwæt ge ealle snyttro unwislice wraþe wiþweorpon þa ge wergdon þane þe eow of wergþe þurh his wuldres miht fram ligcwale lysan þohte of hæftnede ge mid horu speowdon on þæs ondwlitan þe eow eagena leoht fram blindnesse bote gefremede edniowunga þurh þæt æþele spald ond fram unclænum oft generede deofla gastum ge to deaþe þone deman ongunnon se þe of deaþe sylf woruld awehte on wera corþre in þæt ærre lif eowres cynnes swa ge modblinde mengan ongunnon lige wiþ soþe leoht wiþ þystrum æfst wiþ are inwitþancum wroht webbedan eow seo wergþu forþan sceþþeþ scyldfullum ge þa sciran miht deman ongunnon ond gedweolan lifdon þeostrum geþancum oþ þysne dæg gangaþ nu snude snyttro geþencaþ weras wisfæste wordes cræftige þa þe eowre æ æþelum cræftige on ferhþsefan fyrmest hæbben þa me soþlice secgan cunnon ondsware cyþan for eowic forþ tacna gehwylces þe ic him to sece eodan þa on geruman reonigmode eorlas æcleawe egesan geþreade gehþum geomre georne sohton þa wisestan wordgeryno þæt hio þære cwene oncweþan meahton swa tiles swa trages swa hio him to sohte hio þa on þreate þusend manna fundon ferhþgleawra þa þe fyrngemynd mid iudeum gearwast cuþon þrungon þa on þreate þær on þrymme bad in cynestole caseres mæg geatolic guþcwen golde gehyrsted elene maþelode ond for eorlum spræc gehyraþ higegleawe halige rune word ond wisdom hwæt ge witgena lare onfengon hu se liffruma in cildes had cenned wurde mihta wealdend be þam moyses sang ond þæt word gecwæþ weard israhela eow acenned biþ cniht on degle mihtum mære swa þæs modor ne biþ wæstmum geeacnod þurh weres frige be þam dauid cyning dryhtleoþ agol frod fyrnweota fæder salomones ond þæt word gecwæþ wigona baldor ic frumþa god fore sceawode sigora dryhten he on gesyhþe wæs mægena wealdend min on þa swiþran þrymmes hyrde þanon ic ne wende æfre to aldre onsion mine swa hit eft be eow essaias witga for weorodum wordum mælde deophycggende þurh dryhtnes gast ic up ahof eaforan gingne ond bearn cende þam ic blæd forgeaf halige higefrofre ac hie hyrwdon me feodon þurh feondscipe nahton foreþances wisdomes gewitt ond þa weregan neat þe man daga gehwam drifeþ ond þirsceþ ongitaþ hira goddend nales gnyrnwræcum feogaþ frynd hiera þe him fodder gifaþ ond me israhela æfre ne woldon folc oncnawan þeah ic feala for him æfter woruldstundum wundra gefremede hwæt we þæt gehyrdon þurh halige bec þæt eow dryhten geaf dom unscyndne meotod mihta sped moyse sægde hu ge heofoncyninge hyran sceoldon lare læstan eow þæs lungre aþreat ond ge þam ryhte wiþroten hæfdon onscunedon þone sciran scippend eallra dryhtna dryhten ond gedwolan fylgdon ofer riht godes nu ge raþe gangaþ ond findaþ gen þa þe fyrngewritu þurh snyttro cræft selest cunnen æriht eower þæt me ondsware þurh sidne sefan secgan cunnen eodan þa mid mengo modcwanige collenferhþe swa him sio cwen bead fundon þa fif hund forþsnottera alesen leodmæga þa þe leornungcræft þurh modgemynd mæste hæfdon on sefan snyttro heo to salore eft ymb lytel fæc laþode wæron ceastre weardas hio sio cwen ongan wordum genegan wlat ofer ealle oft ge dyslice dæd gefremedon werge wræcmæcggas ond gewritu herwdon fædera lare næfre furþur þonne nu þa ge blindnesse bote forsegon ond ge wiþsocon soþe ond rihte þæt in bethleme bearn wealdendes cyning anboren cenned wære æþelinga ord þeah ge þa æ cuþon witgena word ge ne woldon þa synwyrcende soþ oncnawan hie þa anmode ondsweredon hwæt we ebreisce æ leornedon þa on fyrndagum fæderas cuþon æt godes earce ne we geare cunnon þurh hwæt þu þus hearde hlæfdige us eorre wurde we þæt æbylgþ nyton þe we gefremedon on þysse folcscere þeodenbealwa wiþ þec æfre elene maþelade ond for eorlum spræc undearninga ides reordode hlude for herigum ge nu hraþe gangaþ sundor asecaþ þa þe snyttro mid eow mægn ond modcræft mæste hæbben þæt me þinga gehwylc þriste gecyþan untraglice þe ic him to sece eodon þa fram rune swa him sio rice cwen bald in burgum beboden hæfde geomormode georne smeadon sohton searoþancum hwæt sio syn wære þe hie on þam folce gefremed hæfdon wiþ þam casere þe him sio cwen wite þa þær for eorlum an reordode gidda gearosnotor þam wæs iudas nama wordes cræftig ic wat geare þæt hio wile secan be þam sigebeame on þam þrowode þeoda waldend eallra gnyrna leas godes agen bearn þone orscyldne eofota gehwylces þurh hete hengon on heanne beam in fyrndagum fæderas usse þæt wæs þrealic geþoht nu is þearf mycel þæt we fæstlice ferhþ staþelien þæt we þæs morþres meldan ne weorþen hwær þæt halige trio beheled wurde æfter wigþræce þy læs toworpen sien frod fyrngewritu ond þa fæderlican lare forleten ne biþ lang ofer þæt þæt israhela æþelu moten ofer middangeard ma ricsian æcræft eorla gif þis yppe biþ swa þa þæt ilce gio min yldra fæder sigerof sægde þam wæs sachius nama frod fyrnwiota fæder minum
eaferan || wende hine of worulde ond þæt word gecwæþ gif þe þæt gelimpe on lifdagum þæt þu gehyre ymb þæt halige treo frode frignan ond geflitu ræran be þam sigebeame on þam soþcyning ahangen wæs heofonrices weard eallre sybbe bearn þonne þu snude gecyþ min swæs sunu ær þec swylt nime ne mæg æfre ofer þæt ebrea þeod rædþeahtende rice healdan duguþum wealdan ac þara dom leofaþ ond hira dryhtscipe # in woruld weorulda willum gefylled þe þone ahangnan cyning heriaþ ond lofiaþ þa ic fromlice fæder minum ealdum æwitan ageaf ondsware hu wolde þæt geweorþan on woruldrice þæt on þone halgan handa sendan to feorhlege fæderas usse þurh wraþ gewitt gif hie wiston ær þæt he crist wære cyning on roderum soþ sunu meotudes sawla nergend þa me yldra min ageaf ondsware frod on fyrhþe fæder reordode ongit guma ginga godes heahmægen nergendes naman se is niþa gehwam unasecgendlic þone sylf ne mæg on moldwege man aspyrigean næfre ic þa geþeahte þe þeos þeod ongan secan wolde ac ic symle mec asced þara scylda nales sceame worhte gaste minum ic him georne oft þæs unrihtes ondsæc fremede þonne uþweotan æht bisæton on sefan sohton hu hie sunu meotudes ahengon helm wera hlaford eallra engla ond elda æþelust bearna ne meahton hie swa disige deaþ oþfæstan weras wonsælige swa hie wendon ær sarum settan þeah he sume hwile on galgan his gast onsende sigebearn godes þa siþþan wæs of rode ahæfen rodera wealdend eallra þrymma þrym þreo niht siþþan in byrgenne bidende wæs under þeosterlocan ond þa þy þriddan dæg ealles leohtes leoht lifgende aras þeoden engla ond his þegnum hine soþ sigora frea seolfne geywde beorht on blæde þonne broþor þin onfeng æfter fyrste fulwihtes bæþ leohtne geleafan þa for lufan dryhtnes stephanus wæs stanum worpod ne geald he yfel yfele ac his ealdfeondum þingode þrohtherd bæd þrymcyning þæt he him þa weadæd to wræce ne sette þæt hie for æfstum unscyldigne synna leasne sawles larum feore beræddon swa he þurh feondscipe to cwale monige cristes folces demde to deaþe swa þeah him dryhten eft miltse gefremede þæt he manegum wearþ folca to frofre syþþan him frymþa god niþa nergend naman oncyrde ond he syþþan wæs sanctus paulus be naman haten ond him nænig wæs ælærendra oþer betera under swegles hleo syþþan æfre þara þe wif oþþe wer on woruld cendan þeah he stephanus stanum hehte abreotan on beorge broþor þinne nu þu meaht gehyran hæleþ min se leofa hu arfæst is ealles wealdend þeah we æbylgþ wiþ hine oft gewyrcen synna wunde gif we sona eft þara bealudæda bote gefremmaþ ond þæs unrihtes eft geswicaþ forþan ic soþlice ond min swæs fæder syþþan gelyfdon # þæt geþrowade eallra þrymma god lifes lattiow laþlic wite for oferþearfe ilda cynnes forþan ic þe lære þurh leoþorune hyse leofesta þæt þu hospcwide æfst ne eofulsæc æfre ne fremme grimne geagncwide wiþ godes bearne þonne þu geearnast þæt þe biþ ece lif selust sigeleana seald in heofonum þus mec fæder min on fyrndagum unweaxenne wordum lærde septe soþcwidum þam wæs symon nama guma gehþum frod nu ge geare cunnon hwæt eow þæs on sefan selest þince to gecyþanne gif þeos cwen usic frigneþ ymb þæt treo nu ge fyrhþsefan ond modgeþanc minne cunnon him þa togenes þa gleawestan on wera þreate wordum mældon næfre we hyrdon hæleþ ænigne on þysse þeode butan þec nu-þa þegn oþerne þyslic cyþan ymb swa dygle wyrd do swa þe þynce fyrngidda frod gif þu frugnen sie on wera corþre wisdomes beþearf worda wærlicra ond witan snyttro se þære æþelan sceal ondwyrde agifan for þyslicne þreat on meþle weoxan word cwidum weras þeahtedon on healfa gehwær sume hyder sume þyder þrydedon ond þohton þa cwom þegna heap to þam heremeþle hreopon friccan caseres bodan eow þeos cwen laþaþ secgas to salore þæt ge seonoþdomas rihte reccen is eow rædes þearf on meþelstede modes snyttro heo wæron gearwe geomormode leodgebyrgean þa hie laþod wæron þurh heard gebann to hofe eodon cyþdon cræftes miht þa sio cwen ongan weras ebresce wordum negan fricggan fyrhþwerige ymb fyrngewritu hu on worulde ær witgan sungon gasthalige guman be godes bearne hwær se þeoden geþrowade soþ sunu meotudes for sawla lufan heo wæron stearce stane heardran noldon þæt geryne rihte cyþan ne hire andsware ænige secgan torngeniþlan þæs hio him to sohte ac hio worda gehwæs wiþersæc fremedon fæste on fyrhþe þæt heo frignan ongan cwædon þæt hio on aldre owiht swylces ne ær ne siþ æfre hyrdon elene maþelade ond him yrre oncwæþ ic eow to soþe secgan wille ond þæs in life lige ne wyrþeþ gif ge þissum lease leng gefylgaþ mid fæcne gefice þe me fore standaþ þæt eow in beorge bæl fornimeþ hattost heaþowelma ond eower hra bryttaþ lacende lig þæt eow sceal þæt leas apundrad weorþan to woruldgedale ne magon ge þa word geseþan þe ge hwile nu on unriht wrigon under womma sceatum ne magon ge þa wyrd bemiþan bedyrnan þa deopan mihte þa wurdon hie deaþes on wenan ades ond endelifes ond þær þa ænne betæhton giddum gearusnottorne þam wæs iudas nama cenned for cneomagum þone hie þære cwene agefon sægdon hine sundorwisne he þe mæg soþ gecyþan onwreon wyrda geryno swa þu hine wordum frignest æriht from orde oþ ende forþ he is for eorþan æþeles cynnes wordcræftes wis ond witgan sunu bald on meþle him gebyrde is þæt he gencwidas gleawe hæbbe cræft in breostum he gecyþeþ þe for wera mengo wisdomes gife þurh þa myclan miht swa þin mod lufaþ hio on sybbe forlet secan gehwylcne agenne eard ond þone ænne genam iudas to gisle ond þa georne bæd þæt he be þære rode riht getæhte þe ær in legere wæs lange bedyrned ond hine seolfne sundor acigde elene maþelode to þam anhagan tireadig cwen þe synt tu gearu swa lif swa deaþ swa þe leofre biþ to geceosanne cyþ ricene nu hwæt þu þæs to þinge þafian wille iudas hire ongen þingode ne meahte he þa gehþu bebugan oncyrran rex geniþlan he wæs on þære cwene gewealdum hu mæg þæm geweorþan þe on westenne meþe ond meteleas morland trydeþ hungre gehæfted ond him hlaf ond stan on gesihþe bu samod geweorþaþ streac ond hnesce þæt he þone stan nime wiþ hungres hleo hlafes ne gime gewende to wædle ond þa wiste wiþsæce beteran wiþhyccge þonne he bega beneah him þa seo eadige ondwyrde ageaf elene for eorlum undearnunga gif þu in heofonrice habban wille eard mid englum ond on eorþan lif sigorlean in swegle saga ricene me hwær seo rod wunige radorcyninges halig under hrusan þe ge hwile nu þurh morþres man mannum dyrndun iudas maþelade him wæs geomor sefa hat æt heortan ond gehwæþres wa ge he heofonrices hyht swa mode ond þis ondwearde anforlete rice under roderum ge he þa rode ne tæhte hu mæg ic þæt findan þæt swa fyrn gewearþ wintra gangum is nu worn sceacen twa hund oþþe ma geteled rime ic ne mæg areccan nu ic þæt rim ne can is nu feala siþþan forþgewitenra frodra ond godra þe us fore wæron gleawra gumena ic on geogoþe wearþ on siþdagum syþþan acenned cnihtgeong hæleþ ic ne can þæt ic nat findan on fyrhþe þæt swa fyrn gewearþ elene maþelade him on ondsware hu is þæt geworden on þysse werþeode þæt ge swa monigfeald on gemynd witon alra tacna gehwylc swa troiana þurh gefeoht fremedon þæt wæs fyr mycle open ealdgewin þonne þeos æþele gewyrd geara gongum ge þæt geare cunnon edre gereccan hwæt þær eallra wæs on manrime morþorslehtes dareþlacendra deadra gefeallen under bordhagan ge þa byrgenna under stanhleoþum ond þa stowe swa some ond þa wintergerim on gewritu setton iudas maþelade gnornsorge wæg we þæs hereweorces hlæfdige min for nydþearfe nean myndgiaþ ond þa wiggþræce on gewritu setton þeoda gebæru ond þis næfre þurh æniges mannes muþ gehyrdon hæleþum cyþan butan her nu-þa him seo æþele cwen ageaf ondsware wiþsæcest þu to swiþe soþe ond rihte ymb þæt lifes treow ond nu lytle ær sægdest soþlice be þam sigebeame leodum þinum ond nu on lige cyrrest iudas hire ongen þingode cwæþ þæt he þæt on gehþu gespræce ond on tweon swiþost wende him trage hnagre him oncwæþ hraþe caseres mæg hwæt we þæt hyrdon þurh halige bec hæleþum cyþan þæt ahangen wæs on caluarie cyninges freobearn godes gastsunu þu scealt geagninga wisdom onwreon swa gewritu secgaþ æfter stedewange hwær seo stow sie caluarie ær þec cwealm nime swilt for synnum þæt ic hie syþþan mæge geclænsian criste to willan hæleþum to helpe þæt me halig god gefylle frea mihtig feores ingeþanc weoruda wuldorgeofa willan minne gasta geocend hire iudas oncwæþ stiþhycgende ic þa stowe ne can ne þæs wanges wiht ne þa wisan cann elene maþelode þurh eorne hyge ic þæt geswerige þurh sunu meotodes þone ahangnan god þæt þu hungre scealt for cneomagum cwylmed weorþan butan þu forlæte þa leasunga ond me sweotollice soþ gecyþe heht þa swa cwicne corþre lædan scufan scyldigne scealcas ne gældon in drygne seaþ þær he duguþa leas siomode in sorgum seofun nihta fyrst under hearmlocan hungre geþreatod clommum beclungen ond þa cleopigan ongan sarum besylced on þone seofeþan dæg meþe ond meteleas mægen wæs geswiþrod ic eow healsie þurh heofona god þæt ge me of þyssum earfeþum up forlæten heanne fram hungres geniþlan ic þæt halige treo lustum cyþe nu ic hit leng ne mæg helan for hungre is þes hæft to þan strang þreanyd þæs þearl ond þes þroht to þæs heard dogorrimum ic adreogan ne mæg ne leng helan be þam lifes treo þeah ic ær mid dysige þurhdrifen wære ond þæt soþ to late seolf gecneowe þa þæt gehyrde sio þær hæleþum scead beornes gebæro hio bebead hraþe þæt hine man of nearwe ond of nydcleofan fram þam engan hofe up forlete hie þæt ofstlice efnedon sona ond hine mid arum up gelæddon of carcerne swa him seo cwen bebead stopon þa to þære stowe stiþhycgende on þa dune up þe dryhten ær ahangen wæs heofonrices weard godbearn on galgan ond hwæþre geare nyste hungre gehyned hwær sio halige rod þurh feondes searu foldan getyned lange legere fæst leodum dyrne wunode wælreste word stunde ahof elnes oncyþig ond on ebrisc spræc dryhten hælend þu þe ahst doma geweald ond þu geworhtest þurh þines wuldres miht heofon ond eorþan ond holmþræce sæs sidne fæþm samod ealle gesceaft ond þu amæte mundum þinum ealne ymbhwyrft ond uprador ond þu sylf sitest sigora waldend ofer þam æþelestan engelcynne þe geond lyft faraþ leohte bewundene mycle mægenþrymme ne mæg þær manna gecynd of eorþwegum up geferan in lichoman mid þa leohtan gedryht wuldres aras þu geworhtest þa ond to þegnunge þinre gesettest halig ond heofonlic þara on hade sint in sindreame syx genemned þa ymbsealde synt mid syxum eac fiþrum gefrætwad fægere scinaþ þara sint feower þe on flihte a þa þegnunge þrymme beweotigaþ fore onsyne eces deman singallice singaþ in wuldre hædrum stefnum heofoncininges lof woþa wlitegaste ond þas word cweþaþ clænum stefnum þam is ceruphin nama halig is se halga heahengla god weoroda wealdend is þæs wuldres ful heofun ond eorþe ond eall heahmægen tire getacnod syndon tu on þam sigorcynn on swegle þe man seraphin be naman hateþ he sceal neorxnawang ond lifes treo legene sweorde halig healdan heardecg cwacaþ beofaþ brogdenmæl ond bleom wrixleþ grapum gryrefæst þæs þu god dryhten wealdest widan fyrhþ ond þu womfulle scyldwyrcende sceaþan of radorum awurpe wonhydige þa sio werge sceolu under heolstorhofu hreosan sceolde in wita forwyrd þær hie in wylme nu dreogaþ deaþcwale in dracan fæþme þeostrum forþylmed he þinum wiþsoc aldordome þæs he in ermþum sceal ealra fula ful fah þrowian þeowned þolian þær he þin ne mæg word aweorpan is in witum fæst ealre synne fruma susle gebunden gif þin willa sie wealdend engla þæt ricsie se þe on rode wæs ond þurh marian in middangeard acenned wearþ in cildes had þeoden engla gif he þin nære sunu synna leas næfre he soþra swa feala in woruldrice wundra gefremede dogorgerimum no þu of deaþe hine swa þrymlice þeoda wealdend aweahte for weorodum gif he in wuldre þin þurh þa beorhtan bearn ne wære gedo nu fæder engla forþ beacen þin swa þu gehyrdest þone halgan wer moyses on meþle þa þu mihta god geywdest þam eorle on þa æþelan tid under beorhhliþe ban iosephes swa ic þe weroda wyn gif hit sie willa þin þurg þæt beorhte gesceap biddan wille þæt me þæt goldhord gasta scyppend geopenie þæt yldum wæs lange behyded forlæt nu lifes fruma of þam wangstede wynsumne up under radores ryne rec astigan lyftlacende ic gelyfe þe sel ond þy fæstlicor ferhþ staþelige hyht untweondne on þone ahangnan crist þæt he sie soþlice sawla nergend ece ælmihtig israhela cining walde widan ferhþ wuldres on heofenum a butan ende ecra gestealda þa of þære stowe steam up aras swylce rec under radorum þær aræred wearþ beornes breostsefa he mid bæm handum eadig ond ægleaw upweard plegade iudas maþelode gleaw in geþance nu ic þurh soþ hafu seolf gecnawen on heardum hige þæt þu hælend eart middangeardes sie þe mægena god þrymsittendum þanc butan ende þæs þu me swa meþum ond swa manweorcum þurh þin wuldor inwrige wyrda geryno nu ic þe bearn godes biddan wille weoroda willgifa nu ic wat þæt þu eart gecyþed ond acenned allra cyninga þrym þæt þu ma ne sie minra gylta þara þe ic gefremede nalles feam siþum metud gemyndig læt mec mihta god on rimtale rices þines mid haligra hlyte wunigan in þære beorhtan byrig þær is broþor min geweorþod in wuldre þæs he wære wiþ þec stephanus heold þeah he stangreopum worpod wære he hafaþ wigges lean blæd butan blinne sint in bocum his wundor þa he worhte on gewritum cyþed ongan þa wilfægen æfter þam wuldres treo elnes anhydig eorþan delfan under turfhagan þæt he on twentig fotmælum feor funde behelede under neolum niþer næsse gehydde in þeostorcofan he þær þreo mette in þam reonian hofe roda ætsomne greote begrauene swa hio geardagum arleasra sceolu eorþan beþeahton iudea cynn hie wiþ godes bearne niþ ahofun swa hie no sceoldon þær hie leahtra fruman larum ne hyrdon þa wæs modgemynd myclum geblissod hige onhyrded þurh þæt halige treo inbryrded breostsefa syþþan beacen geseh halig under hrusan he mid handum befeng wuldres wynbeam ond mid weorode ahof of foldgræfe feþegestas eodon æþelingas in on þa ceastre asetton þa on gesyhþe sigebeamas þreo eorlas anhydige fore elenan cneo collenferhþe cwen weorces gefeah on ferhþsefan ond þa frignan ongan on hwylcum þara beama bearn wealdendes hæleþa hyhtgifa hangen wære hwæt we þæt hyrdon þurh halige bec tacnum cyþan þæt twegen mid him geþrowedon ond he wæs þridda sylf on rode treo rodor eal geswearc on þa sliþan tid saga gif þu cunne on hwylcre þyssa þreora þeoden engla geþrowode þrymmes hyrde ne meahte hire iudas ne ful gere wiste sweotole gecyþan be þam sigebeame on hwylcne se hælend ahafen wære sigebearn godes ær he asettan heht on þone middel þære mæran byrig beamas mid bearhtme ond gebidan þær oþþæt him gecyþde cyning ælmihtig wundor for weorodum be þam wuldres treo gesæton sigerofe sang ahofon rædþeahtende ymb þa roda þreo oþ þa nigoþan tid hæfdon neowne gefean mærþum gemeted þa þær menigo cwom folc unlytel ond gefærenne man brohton on bære beorna þreate on neaweste wæs þa nigoþe tid gingne gastleasne þa þær iudas wæs on modsefan miclum geblissod heht þa asettan sawlleasne life belidenes lic on eorþan unlifgendes ond up ahof rihtes wemend þara roda twa fyrhþgleaw on fæþme ofer þæt fæge hus deophycgende hit wæs dead swa ær lic legere fæst leomu colodon þreanedum beþeaht þa sio þridde wæs ahafen halig hra wæs on anbide oþþæt him uppan æþelinges wæs rod aræred rodorcyninges beam sigebeacen soþ he sona aras gaste gegearwod geador bu samod lic ond sawl þær wæs lof hafen fæger mid þy folce fæder weorþodon ond þone soþan sunu wealdendes wordum heredon sie him wuldor ond þanc a butan ende eallra gesceafta þa wæs þam folce on ferhþsefan ingemynde swa him a scyle wundor þa þe worhte weoroda dryhten to feorhnere fira cynne lifes lattiow þa þær ligesynnig on lyft astah lacende feond ongan þa hleoþrian helledeofol eatol æclæca yfela gemyndig hwæt is þis la manna þe minne eft þurh fyrngeflit folgaþ wyrdeþ iceþ ealdne niþ æhta strudeþ þis is singal sacu sawla ne moton manfremmende in minum leng æhtum wunigan nu cwom elþeodig þone ic ær on firenum fæstne talde hafaþ mec bereafod rihta gehwylces feohgestreona nis þæt fæger siþ feala me se hælend hearma gefremede niþa nearolicra se þe in nazareþ afeded wæs syþþan furþum weox of cildhade symle cirde to him æhte mine ne mot ænige nu rihte spowan is his rice brad ofer middangeard min is geswiþrod ræd under roderum ic þa rode ne þearf hleahtre herigean hwæt se hælend me in þam engan ham oft getynde geomrum to sorge ic þurh iudas ær hyhtful gewearþ ond nu gehyned eom goda geasne þurh iudas eft fah ond freondleas gen ic findan can þurh wrohtstafas wiþercyr siþþan of þam wearhtreafum ic awecce wiþ þe oþerne cyning se ehteþ þin ond he forlæteþ lare þine ond manþeawum minum folgaþ ond þec þonne sendeþ in þa sweartestan ond þa wyrrestan witebrogan þæt þu sarum forsoht wiþsæcest fæste þone ahangnan cyning þam þu hyrdest ær him þa gleawhydig iudas oncwæþ hæleþ hildedeor him wæs halig gast befolen fæste fyrhat lufu weallende gewitt þurh witgan snyttro ond þæt word gecwæþ wisdomes ful ne þearft þu swa swiþe synna gemyndig sar niwigan ond sæce ræran morþres manfrea þæt þe se mihtiga cyning in neolnesse nyþer bescufeþ synwyrcende in susla grund domes leasne se þe deadra feala worde awehte wite þu þe gearwor þæt þu unsnyttrum anforlete leohta beorhtost ond lufan dryhtnes þone fægran gefean ond on fyrbæþe suslum beþrungen syþþan wunodest ade onæled ond þær awa scealt wiþerhycgende wergþu dreogan yrmþu butan ende elene gehyrde hu se feond ond se freond geflitu rærdon tireadig ond trag on twa halfa synnig ond gesælig sefa wæs þe glædra þæs þe heo gehyrde þone hellesceaþan oferswiþedne synna bryttan ond þa wundrade ymb þæs weres snyttro hu he swa geleafful on swa lytlum fæce ond swa uncyþig æfre wurde gleawnesse þurhgoten gode þancode wuldorcyninge þæs hire se willa gelamp þurh bearn godes bega gehwæþres ge æt þære gesyhþe þæs sigebeames ge þæs geleafan þe hio swa leohte oncneow wuldorfæste gife in þæs weres breostum þa wæs gefrege in þære folcsceare geond þa werþeode wide læded mære morgenspel manigum on andan þara þe dryhtnes æ dyrnan woldon boden æfter burgum swa brimo fæþmeþ in ceastra gehwære þæt cristes rod fyrn foldan begræfen funden wære selest sigebeacna þara þe siþ oþþe ær halig under heofenum ahafen wurde ond wæs iudeum gnornsorga mæst werum wansæligum wyrda laþost þær hie hit for worulde wendan meahton cristenra gefean þa sio cwen bebead ofer eorlmægen aras fysan ricene to rade sceoldon romwarena ofer heanne holm hlaford secean ond þam wiggende wilspella mæst seolfum gesecgan þæt þæt sigorbeacen þurh meotodes est meted wære funden in foldan þæt ær feala mæla behyded wæs halgum to teonan cristenum folce þa þam cininge wearþ þurh þa mæran word mod geblissod ferhþ gefeonde næs þa fricgendra under goldhoman gad in burgum feorran geferede wæs him frofra mæst geworden in worlde æt þam willspelle hlihende hyge þe him hereræswan ofer eastwegas aras brohton hu gesundne siþ ofer swonrade secgas mid sigecwen aseted hæfdon on creca land hie se casere heht ofstum myclum eft gearwian sylfe to siþe secgas ne gældon syþþan andsware edre gehyrdon æþelinges word heht he elenan hæl abeodan beadurofre gif hie brim nesen ond gesundne siþ settan mosten hæleþ hwætmode to þære halgan byrig heht hire þa aras eac gebeodan constantinus þæt hio cirican þær on þam beorhhliþe begra rædum getimbrede tempel dryhtnes on caluarie criste to willan hæleþum to helpe þær sio halige rod gemeted wæs mærost beama þara þe gefrugnen foldbuende on eorþwege hio geefnde swa siþþan winemagas westan brohton ofer lagufæsten leofspell manig þa seo cwen bebead cræftum getyde sundor asecean þa selestan þa þe wrætlicost wyrcan cuþon stangefogum on þam stedewange girwan godes tempel swa hire gasta weard reord of roderum heo þa rode heht golde beweorcean ond gimcynnum mid þam æþelestum eorcnanstanum besettan searocræftum ond þa in seolfren fæt locum belucan þær þæt lifes treo selest sigebeama siþþan wunode æþelum anbræce þær biþ a gearu wraþu wannhalum wita gehwylces sæce ond sorge hie sona þær þurh þa halgan gesceaft helpe findaþ godcunde gife swylce iudas onfeng æfter fyrstmearce fulwihtes bæþ ond geclænsod wearþ criste getrywe lifwearde leof his geleafa wearþ fæst on ferhþe siþþan frofre gast wic gewunode in þæs weres breostum bylde to bote he þæt betere geceas wuldres wynne ond þam wyrsan wiþsoc deofulgildum ond gedwolan fylde unrihte æ him wearþ ece rex meotud milde god mihta wealdend þa wæs gefulwad se þe ær feala tida leoht gearu # inbryrded breostsefa on þæt betere lif gewended to wuldre huru wyrd gescreaf þæt he swa geleaffull ond swa leof gode in worldrice weorþan sceolde criste gecweme þæt gecyþed wearþ siþþan elene heht eusebium on rædgeþeaht rome bisceop gefetian on fultum forþsnoterne hæleþa gerædum to þære halgan byrig þæt he gesette on sacerdhad in ierusalem iudas þam folce to bisceope burgum on innan þurh gastes gife to godes temple cræftum gecorene ond hine cyriacus þurh snyttro geþeaht syþþan nemde niwan stefne nama wæs gecyrred beornes in burgum on þæt betere forþ æ hælendes þa gen elenan wæs mod gemynde ymb þa mæran wyrd geneahhe for þam næglum þe þæs nergendes fet þurhwodon ond his folme swa some mid þam on rode wæs rodera wealdend gefæstnod frea mihtig be þam frignan ongan cristenra cwen cyriacus bæd þæt hire þa gina gastes mihtum ymb wundorwyrd willan gefylde onwrige wuldorgifum ond þæt word acwæþ to þam bisceope bald reordode þu me eorla hleo þone æþelan beam rode rodera cininges ryhte getæhtesþ on þa ahangen wæs hæþenum folmum gasta geocend godes agen bearn nerigend fira mec þæra nægla gen on fyrhþsefan fyrwet myngaþ wolde ic þæt þu funde þa þe in foldan gen deope bedolfen dierne sindon heolstre behyded a min hige sorgaþ reonig reoteþ ond geresteþ no ærþan me gefylle fæder ælmihtig wereda wealdend willan minne niþa nergend þurh þara nægla cyme halig of hiehþa nu þu hrædlice eallum eaþmedum ar selesta þine bene onsend in þa beorhtan gesceaft on wuldres wyn bide wigena þrym þæt þe gecyþe cyning ælmihtig hord under hrusan þæt gehyded gen duguþum dyrne deogol bideþ þa se halga ongan hyge staþolian breostum onbryrded bisceop þæs folces glædmod eode gumena þreate god hergendra ond þa geornlice cyriacus on caluariæ hleor onhylde hygerune ne maþ gastes mihtum to gode cleopode eallum eaþmedum bæd him engla weard geopenigean uncuþe wyrd niwan on nearwe hwær he þara nægla swiþost on þam wangstede wenan þorfte leort þa tacen forþ þær hie to sægon fæder frofre gast þurh fyres bleo up eþigean þær þa æþelestan hæleþa gerædum hydde wæron þurh nearusearwe næglas on eorþan þa cwom semninga sunnan beorhtra lacende lig leode gesawon hira willgifan wundor cyþan þa þær of heolstre swylce heofonsteorran oþþe goldgimmas grunde getenge næglas of nearwe neoþan scinende leohte lixton leode gefægon weorud willhreþig sægdon wuldor gode ealle anmode þeah hie ær wæron þurh deofles spild in gedwolan lange acyrred fram criste hie cwædon þus nu we seolfe geseoþ sigores tacen soþwundor godes þeah we wiþsocun ær mid leasingum nu is in leoht cymen onwrigen wyrda bigang wuldor þæs age on heannesse heofonrices god þa wæs geblissod se þe to bote gehwearf þurh bearn godes bisceop þara leoda niwan stefne he þam næglum onfeng egesan geaclod ond þære arwyrþan cwene brohte hæfde ciriacus eall gefylled swa him seo æþele bebead wifes willan þa wæs wopes hring hat heafodwylm ofer hleor goten nalles for torne tearas feollon ofer wira gespon wuldres gefylled cwene willa heo on cneow sette leohte geleafan lac weorþode blissum hremig þe hire brungen wæs gnyrna to geoce gode þancode sigora dryhtne þæs þe hio soþ gecneow ondweardlice þæt wæs oft bodod feor ær beforan fram fruman worulde folcum to frofre heo gefylled wæs wisdomes gife ond þa wic beheold halig heofonlic gast hreþer weardode æþelne innoþ swa hie ælmihtig sigebearn godes sioþþan freoþode ongan þa geornlice gastgerynum on sefan secean soþfæstnesse weg to wuldre huru weroda god gefullæste fæder on roderum cining ælmihtig þæt seo cwen begeat willan in worulde wæs se witedom þurh fyrnwitan beforan sungen eall æfter orde swa hit eft gelamp þinga gehwylces þeodcwen ongan þurh gastes gife georne secan nearwe geneahhe to hwan hio þa næglas selost ond deorlicost gedon meahte dugoþum to hroþer hwæt þæs wære dryhtnes willa heht þa gefetigean forþsnotterne ricene to rune þone þe rædgeþeaht þurh gleawe miht georne cuþe frodne on ferhþe ond hine frignan ongan hwæt him þæs on sefan selost þuhte to gelæstenne ond his lare geceas þurh þeodscipe he hire þriste oncwæþ þæt is gedafenlic þæt þu dryhtnes word on hyge healde halige rune cwen seleste ond þæs cininges bebod georne begange nu þe god sealde sawle sigesped ond snyttro cræft nerigend fira þu þas næglas hat þam æþelestan eorþcyninga burgagendra on his bridels don meare to midlum þæt manigum sceall geond middangeard mære weorþan þonne æt sæcce mid þy oferswiþan mæge feonda gehwylcne þonne fyrdhwate on twa healfe tohtan secaþ sweordgeniþlan þær hie ymb sige winnaþ wraþ wiþ wraþum he ah æt wigge sped sigor æt sæcce ond sybbe gehwær æt gefeohte friþ se þe foran lædeþ bridels on blancan þonne beadurofe æt garþræce guman gecoste beraþ bord ond ord þis biþ beorna gehwam wiþ æglæce unoferswiþed wæpen æt wigge be þam se witga sang snottor searuþancum sefa deop gewod wisdomes gewitt he þæt word gecwæþ cuþ þæt gewyrþeþ þæt þæs cyninges sceal mearh under modegum midlum geweorþod bridelshringum biþ þæt beacen gode halig nemned ond se hwæteadig wigge weorþod se þæt wicg byrþ þa þæt ofstlice eall gelæste elene for eorlum æþelinges heht beorna beaggifan bridels frætwan hire selfre suna sende to lace ofer geofenes stream gife unscynde heht þa tosomne þa heo seleste mid iudeum gumena wiste hæleþa cynnes to þære halgan byrig cuman in þa ceastre þa seo cwen ongan læran leofra heap þæt hie lufan dryhtnes ond sybbe swa same sylfra betweonum freondræddenne fæste gelæston leahtorlease in hira lifes tid ond þæs latteowes larum hyrdon cristenum þeawum þe him cyriacus bude boca gleaw wæs se bissceophad fægere befæsted oft him feorran to laman limseoce lefe cwomon healte heorudreorige hreofe ond blinde heane hygegeomre symle hælo þær æt þam bisceope bote fundon ece to aldre þa gen him elene forgeaf sincweorþunga þa hio wæs siþes fus eft to eþle ond þa eallum bebead on þam gumrice god hergendum werum ond wifum þæt hie weorþeden mode ond mægene þone mæran dæg heortan gehigdum in þam sio halige rod gemeted wæs mærost beama þara þe of eorþan up aweoxe geloden under leafum wæs þa lencten agan butan siex nihtum ær sumeres cyme on maias calend sie þara manna gehwam behliden helle duru heofones ontyned ece geopenad engla rice dream unhwilen ond hira dæl scired mid marian þe on gemynd nime þære deorestan dægweorþunga rode under roderum þa se ricesta ealles oferwealdend earme beþeahte [finit] þus ic frod ond fus þurh þæt fæcne hus wordcræftum wæf ond wundrum læs þragum þreodude ond geþanc reodode nihtes nearwe nysse ic gearwe be þære rode riht ær me rumran geþeaht þurh þa mæran miht on modes þeaht wisdom onwreah ic wæs weorcum fah synnum asæled sorgum gewæled bitrum gebunden bisgum beþrungen ær me lare onlag þurh leohtne had gamelum to geoce gife unscynde mægencyning amæt ond on gemynd begeat torht ontynde tidum gerymde bancofan onband breostlocan onwand leoþucræft onleac þæs ic lustum breac willum in worlde ic þæs wuldres treowes oft nales æne hæfde ingemynd ær ic þæt wundor onwrigen hæfde ymb þone beorhtan beam swa ic on bocum fand wyrda gangum on gewritum cyþan be þam sigebeacne a wæs secg oþ þæt cnyssed cearwelmum cen drusende þeah he in medohealle maþmas þege æplede gold yr gnornode niedgefera nearusorge dreah enge rune þær him eoh fore milpaþas mæt modig þrægde wirum gewlenced wyn is geswiþrad gomen æfter gearum geogoþ is gecyrred ald onmedla ur wæs geara geogoþhades glæm nu synt geardagas æfter fyrstmearce forþ gewitene lifwynne geliden swa lagu toglideþ flodas gefysde feoh æghwam biþ læne under lyfte landes frætwe gewitaþ under wolcnum winde geliccost þonne he for hæleþum hlud astigeþ wæþeþ be wolcnum wedende færeþ ond eft semninga swige gewyrþeþ in nedcleofan nearwe geheaþrod þream forþrycced # swa a þeos world eall gewiteþ ond eac swa some þe hire on wurdon atydrede tionleg nimeþ þonne dryhten sylf dom geseceþ engla weorude sceall æghwylc þær reordberendra riht gehyran dæda gehwylcra þurh þæs deman muþ ond worda swa same wed gesyllan eallra unsnyttro ær gesprecenra þristra geþonca þonne on þreo dæleþ in fyres feng folc anra gehwylc þara þe gewurdon on widan feore ofer sidne grund soþfæste bioþ yfemest in þam ade eadigra gedryht duguþ domgeorne swa hie adreogan magon ond butan earfeþum eaþe geþolian modigra mægen him gemetgaþ eall ældes leoma swa him eþost biþ sylfum geseftost synfulle beoþ mane gemengde in þam midle þread hæleþ higegeomre in hatne wylm þrosme beþehte biþ se þridda dæl awyrgede womsceaþan in þæs wylmes grund lease leodhatan lige befæsted þurh ærgewyrht arleasra sceolu in gleda gripe gode no syþþan of þam morþorhofe in gemynd cumaþ wuldorcyninge ac hie worpene beoþ of þam heaþuwylme in hellegrund torngeniþlan biþ þam twam dælum ungelice moton engla frean geseon sigora god hie asodene beoþ asundrod fram synnum swa smæte gold þæt in wylme biþ womma gehwylces þurh ofnes fyr eall geclænsod amered ond gemylted swa biþ þara manna ælc ascyred ond asceaden scylda gehwylcre deopra firena þurh þæs domes fyr moton þonne siþþan sybbe brucan eces eadwelan him biþ engla weard milde ond bliþe þæs þe hie mana gehwylc forsawon synna weorc ond to suna metudes wordum cleopodon forþan hie nu on wlite scinaþ englum gelice yrfes brucaþ wuldorcyninges to widan feore amen