Christ University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems Christ
cyninge ðu eart se weallstan ðe ða wyrhtan iu wiðwurpon to weorce wel ðe geriseð ðæt ðu heafod sie healle mærre ond gesomnige side weallas fæste gefoge flint unbræcne ðæt geond eorðb/ /g eall eagna gesihðe wundrien to worlde wuldres ealdor gesweotula nu ðurh searocræft ðin sylfes weorc soðfæst sigorbeorht ond sona forlæt weall wið wealle nu is ðam weorce ðearf ðæt se cræftga cume ond se cyning sylfa ond ðonne gebete nu gebrosnad is hus under hrofe he ðæt hra gescop leomo læmena nu sceal liffrea ðone wergan heap wraðum ahreddan earme from egsan swa he oft dyde eala ðu reccend ond ðu riht cyning se ðe locan healdeð lif ontyneð eadga/ upwegas oðrum forwyrneð wlitigan wilsiðes gif his weorc ne deag huru we for ðearfe ðas word sprecað ond m/ /giað ðone ðe mon gescop ðæt he ne /ete/ /ceose weorðan cearfulra ðing ðe we in carcerne sittað sorgende sunnan wenað hwonne us liffrea leoht ontyne weorðe ussum mode to mundboran ond ðæt tydre gewitt tire bewinde gedo usic ðæs wyrðe ðe he to wuldre forlet ða we heanlice hweorfan sceoldan to ðis enge lond eðle bescyrede forðon secgan mæg se ðe soð spriceð ðæt he ahredde ða forhwyrfed wæs frumcyn fira wæs seo fæmne geong mægð manes leas ðe he him to meder geceas ðæt wæs geworden butan weres frigum ðæt ðurh bearnes gebyrd bryd eacen wearð nænig efenlic ðam ær ne siððan in worlde gewearð wifes gearnung ðæt degol wæs dryhtnes geryne eal giofu gæstlic grundsceat geondspreot ðær wisna fela wearð inlihted lare longsume ðurh lifes fruman ðe ær under hoðman biholen lægon witgena woðsong ða se waldend cwom se ðe reorda gehwæs ryne gemiclað ðara ðe geneahhe noman scyppendes ðurh horscne had hergan willað eala sibbe gesihð sancta hierusalem cynestola cyst cristes burglond engla eðelstol ond ða ane in ðe saule soðfæstra simle gerestað wuldrum hremge næfre wommes tacn in ðam eardgearde eawed weorðeð ac ðe firina gehwylc feor abugeð wærgðo ond gewinnes bist to wuldre full halgan hyhtes swa ðu gehaten eart sioh nu sylfa ðe geond ðas sidan gesceaft swylce rodores hrof rume geondwlitan ymb healfa gehwone hu ðec heofones cyning siðe geseceð ond sylf cymeð nimeð eard in ðe swa hit ær gefyrn witgan wisfæste wordum sægdon cyðdon cristes gebyrd cwædon ðe to frofre burga betlicast nu is ðæt bearn cymen awæcned to wyrpe weorcum ebrea bringeð blisse ðe benda onlyseð niðum genedde nearoðearfe conn hu se earma sceal are gebidan eala wifa wynn geond wuldres ðrym fæmne freolicast ofer ealne foldan sceat ðæs ðe æfre sundbuend secgan hyrdon arece us ðæt geryne ðæt ðe of roderum cwom hu ðu eacnunge æfre onfenge bearnes ðurh gebyrde ond ðone gebedscipe æfter monwisan mod ne cuðes ne we soðlice swylc ne gefrugnan in ærdagum æfre gelimpan ðæt ðu in sundurgiefe swylce befenge ne we ðære wyrde wenan ðurfon toweard in tide huru treow in ðe weorðlicu wunade nu ðu wuldres ðrym bosme gebære ond no gebrosnad wearð mægðhad se micla swa eal manna bearn sorgum sawað swa eft ripað cennað to cwealme cwæð sio eadge mæg symle sigores full sancta maria hwæt is ðeos wundrung ðe ge wafiað ond geomrende gehðum mænað sunu solimæ somod his dohtor fricgað ðurh fyrwet hu ic fæmnan had mund minne geheold ond eac modor gewearð mære meotudes suna forðan ðæt monnum nis cuð geryne ac crist onwrah in dauides dyrre mægan ðæt is euan scyld eal forpynded wærgða aworpen ond gewuldrad is se heanra had hyht is onfangen ðæt nu bletsung mot bæm gemæne werum ond wifum a to worulde forð in ðam uplican engla dreame mid soðfæder symle wunian eala earendel engla beorhtast ofer middangeard monnum sended ond soðfæsta sunnan leoma torht ofer tunglas ðu tida gehwane of sylfum ðe symle inlihtes swa ðu god of gode gearo acenned sunu soðan fæder swegles in wuldre butan anginne æfre wære swa ðec nu for ðearfum ðin agen geweorc bideð ðurh byldo ðæt ðu ða beorhtan us sunnan onsende ond ðe sylf cyme ðæt ðu inleohte ða ðe longe ær ðrosme beðeahte ond in ðeostrum her sæton sinneahtes synnum bifealdne deorc deaðes sceadu dreogan sceoldan nu we hyhtfulle hælo gelyfað ðurh ðæt word godes weorodum brungen ðe on frymðe wæs fæder ælmihtigum efenece mid god ond nu eft gewearð flæsc firena leas ðæt seo fæmne gebær geomrum to geoce god wæs mid us gesewen butan synnum somod eardedon mihtig meotudes bearn ond se monnes sunu geðwære on ðeode we ðæs ðonc magon secgan sigedryhtne symle bi gewyrhtum ðæs ðe he hine sylfne us sendan wolde eala gæsta god hu ðu gleawlice mid noman ryhte nemned wære emmanuhel swa hit engel gecwæð ærest on ebresc ðæt is eft gereht rume bi gerynum nu is rodera weard god sylfa mid us swa ðæt gomele gefyrn ealra cyninga cyning ond ðone clænan eac sacerd soðlice sægdon toweard swa se mæra iu melchisedech gleaw in gæste godðrym onwrah eces alwaldan se wæs æ bringend lara lædend ðam longe his hyhtan hidercyme swa him gehaten wæs ðætte sunu meotudes sylfa wolde gefælsian foldan mægðe swylce grundas eac gæstes mægne siðe gesecan nu hie softe ðæs bidon in bendum hwonne bearn godes cwome to cearigum forðon cwædon swa suslum geslæhte nu ðu sylfa cum heofones heahcyning bring us hælolif werigum witeðeowum wope forcymenum bitrum brynetearum is seo bot gelong eal æt ðe anum // oferðearfum hæftas hygegeomre hider /es ne læt ðe behindan ðonne ðu heonan cyrre mænigo ðus micle ac ðu miltse on us gecyð cynelice crist nergende wuldres æðeling ne læt awyrgde ofer us onwald agan læf us ecne gefean wuldres ðines ðæt ðec weorðien weoroda wuldorcyning ða ðu geworhtes ær hondum ðinum ðu in heannissum wunast wideferh mid waldend fæder eala ioseph min iacobes bearn mæg dauides mæran cyninges nu ðu freode scealt fæste gedælan alætan lufan mine ic lungre eam deope gedrefed dome bereafod forðon ic worn for ðe worde hæbbe sidra sorga ond sarcwida hearmes gehyred ond me hosp sprecað tornworda fela ic tearas sceal geotan geomormod god eaðe mæg gehælan hygesorge heortan minre afrefran feasceaftne eala fæmne geong mægð maria hwæt bemurnest ðu cleopast cearigende ne ic culpan in ðe incan ænigne æfre onfunde womma geworhtra ond ðu ða word spricest swa ðu sylfa sie synna gehwylcre firena gefylled ic to fela hæbbe ðæs byrdscypes bealwa onfongen hu mæg ic ladigan laðan spræce oððe ondsware ænige findan wraðum towiðere is ðæt wide cuð ðæt ic of ðam torhtan temple dryhtnes onfeng freolice fæmnan clæne womma lease ond nu gehwyrfed is ðurh nathwylces me nawðer deag secge ne swige gif ic soð sprece ðonne sceal dauides dohtor sweltan stanum astyrfed gen strengre is ðæt ic morðor hele scyle manswara lað leoda gehwam lifgan siððan fracoð in folcum ða seo fæmne onwrah ryhtgeryno ond ðus reordade soð ic secge ðurh sunu meotudes gæsta geocend ðæt ic gen ne conn ðurh gemæcscipe monnes ower ænges on eorðan ac me eaden wearð geongre in geardum ðæt me gabrihel heofones heagengel hælo gebodade sægde soðlice ðæt me swegles gæst leoman onlyhte sceolde ic lifes ðrym geberan beorhtne sunu bearn eacen godes torhtes tirfruman nu ic his tempel eam gefremed butan facne in me frofre gæst geeardode nu ðu ealle forlæt sare sorgceare saga ecne ðonc mærum meotodes sunu ðæt ic his modor gewearð fæmne forð seðeah ond ðu fæder cweden woruldcund bi wene sceolde witedom in him sylfum beon soðe gefylled eala ðu soða ond ðu sibsuma ealra cyninga cyning crist ælmihtig hu ðu ær wære eallum geworden worulde ðrymmum mid ðinne wuldorfæder cild acenned ðurh his cræft ond meaht nis ænig nu eorl under lyfte secg searoðoncol to ðæs swiðe gleaw ðe ðæt asecgan mæge sundbuendum areccan mid ryhte hu ðe rodera weard æt frymðe genom him to freobearne ðæt wæs ðara ðinga ðe her ðeoda cynn gefrugnen mid folcum æt fruman ærest geworden under wolcnum ðæt witig god lifes ordfruma leoht ond ðystro gedælde dryhtlice ond him wæs domes geweald ond ða wisan abead weoroda ealdor nu sie geworden forð a to widan feore leoht lixende gefea lifgendra gehwam ðe in cneorissum cende weorðen ond ða sona gelomp ða hit swa sceolde leoma leohtade leoda mægðum torht mid tunglum æfter ðon tida bigong sylfa sette ðæt ðu sunu wære efeneardigende mid ðinne engan frean ærðon oht ðisses æfre gewurde ðu eart seo snyttro ðe ðas sidan gesceaft mid ði waldende worhtes ealle forðon nis ænig ðæs horsc ne ðæs hygecræftig ðe ðin fromcyn mæge fira bearnum sweotule geseðan cum nu sigores weard meotod moncynnes ond ðine miltse her arfæst ywe us is eallum neod ðæt we ðin medrencynn motan cunnan ryhtgeryno nu we areccan ne mægon ðæt fædrencynn fier owihte ðu ðisne middangeard milde geblissa ðurh ðinne hercyme hælende crist ond ða gyldnan geatu ðe in geardagum ful longe ær bilocen stodan heofona heahfrea hat ontynan ond usic ðonne gesece ðurh ðin sylfes gong eaðmod to eorðan us is ðinra arna ðearf hafað se awyrgda wulf tostenced deor dædscua dryhten ðin eowde wide towrecene ðæt ðu waldend ær blode gebohtes ðæt se bealofulla hyneð heardlice ond him on hæft nimeð ofer usse nioda lust forðon we nergend ðe biddað geornlice breostgehygdum ðæt ðu hrædlice helpe gefremme wergum wreccan ðæt se wites bona in helle grund hean gedreose ond ðin hondgeweorc hæleða scyppend mote arisan ond on ryht cuman to ðam upcundan æðelan rice ðonan us ær ðurh synlust se swearta gæst forteah ond fortylde ðæt we tires wone a butan ende sculon ermðu dreogan butan ðu usic ðon ofostlicor ece dryhten æt ðam leodsceaðan lifgende god helm alwihta hreddan wille eala ðu mæra middangeardes seo clæneste cwen ofer eorðan ðara ðe gewurde to widan feore hu ðec mid ryhte ealle reordberend hatað ond secgað hæleð geond foldan bliðe mode ðæt ðu bryd sie ðæs selestan swegles bryttan swylce ða hyhstan on heofonum eac cristes ðegnas cweðað ond singað ðæt ðu sie hlæfdige halgum meahtum wuldorweorudes ond worldcundra hada under heofonum ond helwara forðon ðu ðæt ana ealra monna geðohtest ðrymlice ðristhycgende ðæt ðu ðinne mægðhad meotude brohtes sealdes butan synnum nan swylc ne cwom ænig oðer ofer ealle men bryd beaga hroden ðe ða beorhtan lac to heofonhame hlutre mode siððan sende forðon heht sigores fruma his heahbodan hider gefleogan of his mægenðrymme ond ðe meahta sped snude cyðan ðæt ðu sunu dryhtnes ðurh clæne gebyrd cennan sceolde monnum to miltse ond ðe maria forð efne unwemme a gehealdan eac we ðæt gefrugnon ðæt gefyrn bi ðe soðfæst sægde sum woðbora in ealddagum esaias ðæt he wære gelæded ðæt he lifes gesteald in ðam ecan ham eal sceawode wlat ða swa wisfæst witga geond ðeodland oððæt he gestarode ðær gestaðelad wæs æðelic ingong eal wæs gebunden deoran since duru ormæte wundurclommum bewriðen wende swiðe ðæt ænig elda æfre ne meahte swa fæstlice forescyttelsas on ecnesse o inhebban oððe ðæs ceasterhlides clustor onlucan ær him godes engel ðurh glædne geðonc ða wisan onwrah ond ðæt word acwæð ic ðe mæg secgan ðæt soð gewearð ðæt ðas gyldnan gatu giet sume siðe god sylf wile gæstes mægne gefælsian fæder ælmihtig ond ðurh ða fæstan locu foldan neosan ond hio ðonne æfter him ece stondað simle singales swa beclysed ðæt nænig oðer nymðe nergend god hy æfre ma eft onluceð nu ðæt is gefylled ðæt se froda ða mid eagum ðær on wlatade ðu eart ðæt wealldor ðurh ðe waldend frea æne on ðas eorðan ut siðade ond efne swa ðec gemette meahtum gehrodene clæne ond gecorene crist ælmihtig swa ðe æfter him engla ðeoden eft unmæle ælces ðinges lioðucægan bileac lifes brytta iowa us nu ða are ðe se engel ðe godes spelboda gabriel brohte huru ðæs biddað burgsittende ðæt ðu ða frofre folcum cyðe ðinre sylfre sunu siððan we motan anmodlice ealle hyhtan nu we on ðæt bearn foran breostum stariað geðinga us nu ðristum wordum ðæt he us ne læte leng owihte in ðisse deaðdene gedwolan hyran ac ðæt he usic geferge in fæder rice ðær we sorglease siððan motan wunigan in wuldre mid weoroda god eala ðu halga heofona dryhten ðu mid fæder ðinne gefyrn wære efenwesende in ðam æðelan ham næs ænig ða giet engel geworden ne ðæs miclan mægenðrymmes nan ðe in roderum up rice biwitigað ðeodnes ðryðgesteald ond his ðegnunga ða ðu ærest wære mid ðone ecan frean sylf settende ðas sidan gesceaft brade brytengrundas bæm inc is gemæne heahgæst hleofæst we ðe hælend crist ðurh eaðmedu ealle biddað ðæt ðu gehyre hæfta stefne ðinra niedðiowa nergende god hu we sind geswencte ðurh ure sylfra gewill habbað wræcmæcgas wergan gæstas hetlen helsceaða hearde genyrwad gebunden bealorapum is seo bot gelong eall æt ðe anum ece dryhten hreowcearigum help ðæt ðin hidercyme afrefre feasceafte ðeah we fæhðo wið ðec ðurh firena lust gefremed hæbben ara nu onbehtum ond usse yrmða geðenc hu we tealtrigað tydran mode hwearfiað heanlice cym nu hæleða cyning ne lata to lange us is lissa ðearf ðæt ðu us ahredde ond us hælogiefe soðfæst sylle ðæt we siððan forð ða sellan ðing symle moten geðeon on ðeode ðinne willan eala seo wlitige weorðmynda full heah ond halig heofoncund ðrynes brade geblissad geond brytenwongas ða mid ryhte sculon reordberende earme eorðware ealle mægene hergan healice nu us hælend god wærfæst onwrah ðæt we hine witan moton forðon hy dædhwæte dome geswiðde ðæt soðfæste seraphinnes cynn uppe mid englum a bremende unaðreotendum ðrymmum singað ful healice hludan stefne fægre feor ond neah habbað folgoða cyst mid cyninge him ðæt crist forgeaf ðæt hy motan his ætwiste eagum brucan simle singales swegle gehyrste weorðian waldend wide ond side ond mid hyra fiðrum frean ælmihtges onsyne weardiað ecan dryhtnes ond ymb ðeodenstol ðringað georne hwylc hyra nehst mæge ussum nergende flihte lacan friðgeardum in lofiað leoflicne ond in leohte him ða word cweðað ond wuldriað æðelne ordfruman ealra gesceafta halig eart ðu halig heahengla brego soð sigores frea simle ðu bist halig dryhtna dryhten a ðin dom wunað eorðlic mid ældum in ælce tid wide geweorðad ðu eart weoroda god forðon ðu gefyldest foldan ond rodoras wigendra hleo wuldres ðines helm alwihta sie ðe in heannessum ece hælo ond in eorðan lof beorht mid beornum ðu gebletsad leofa ðe in dryhtnes noman dugeðum cwome heanum to hroðre ðe in heahðum sie a butan ende ece herenis eala hwæt ðæt is wræclic wrixl in wera life ðætte moncynnes milde scyppend onfeng æt fæmnan flæsc unwemme ond sio weres friga wiht ne cuðe ne ðurh sæd ne cwom sigores agend monnes ofer moldan ac ðæt wæs ma cræft ðonne hit eorðbuend ealle cuðan ðurh geryne hu he rodera ðrim heofona heahfrea helpe gefremede monna cynne ðurh his modor hrif ond swa forðgongende folca nergend his forgifnesse gumum to helpe dæleð dogra gehwam dryhten weoroda forðon we hine domhwate dædum ond wordum hergen holdlice ðæt is healic ræd monna gehwylcum ðe gemynd hafað ðæt he symle oftost ond inlocast ond geornlicost god weorðige he him ðære lisse lean forgildeð se gehalgoda hælend sylfa efne in ðam eðle ðær he ær ne cwom in lifgendra londes wynne ðær he gesælig siððan eardað ealne widan feorh wunað butan ende amen nu ðu geornlice gæstgerynum mon se mæra modcræfte sec ðurh sefan snyttro ðæt ðu soð wite hu ðæt geeode ða se ælmihtiga acenned wearð ðurh clænne had siððan he marian mægða weolman mærre meowlan mundheals geceas ðæt ðær in hwitum hræglum gewerede englas ne oðeowdun ða se æðeling cwom beorn in betlem bodan wæron gearwe ða ðurh hleoðorcwide hyrdum cyðdon sægdon soðne gefean ðætte sunu wære in middangeard meotudes acenned in betleme hwæðre in bocum ne cwið ðæt hy in hwitum ðær hræglum oðywden in ða æðelan tid swa hie eft dydon ða se brega mæra to bethania ðeoden ðrymfæst his ðegna gedryht gelaðade leof weorud hy ðæs lareowes on ðam wildæge word ne gehyrwdon hyra sincgiefan sona wæron gearwe hæleð mid hlaford to ðære halgan byrg ðær him tacna fela tires brytta onwrah wuldres helm wordgerynum ærðon up stige ancenned sunu efenece bearn agnum fæder ðæs ymb feowertig ðe he of foldan ær from deaðe aras dagena rimes hæfde ða gefylled swa ær biforan sungon witgena word geond woruld innan ðurh his ðrowinga ðegnas heredon lufedun leofwendum lifes agend fæder frumsceafta he him fægre ðæs leofum gesiðum lean æfter geaf ond ðæt word acwæð waldend engla gefysed frea mihtig to fæder rice gefeoð ge on ferððe næfre ic from hweorfe ac ic lufan symle læste wið eowic ond eow meaht giefe ond mid wunige awo to ealdre ðæt eow æfre ne bið ðurh gife mine godes onsien farað nu geond ealne yrmenne grund geond widwegas weoredum cyðað bodiað ond bremað beorhtne geleafan ond fulwiað folc under roderum hweorfað to hæðnum hergas breotað fyllað ond feogað feondscype dwæscað sibbe sawað on sefan manna ðurh meahta sped ic eow mid wunige forð on frofre ond eow friðe healde strengðu staðolfæstre on stowa gehware ða wearð semninga sweg on lyfte hlud gehyred heofonengla ðreat weorud wlitescyne wuldres aras cwomun on corðre cyning ure gewat ðurh ðæs temples hrof ðær hy to segun ða ðe leofes ða gen last weardedun on ðam ðingstede ðegnas gecorene gesegon hi on heahðu hlaford stigan godbearn of grundum him wæs geomor sefa hat æt heortan hyge murnende ðæs ðe hi swa leofne leng ne mostun geseon under swegle song ahofun aras ufancunde æðeling heredun lofedun liffruman leohte gefegun ðe of ðæs hælendes heafelan lixte gesegon hy ælbeorhte englas twegen fægre ymb ðæt frumbearn frætwum blican cyninga wuldor cleopedon of heahðu wordum wrætlicum ofer wera mengu beorhtan reorde hwæt bidað ge galilesce guman on hwearfte nu ge sweotule geseoð soðne dryhten on swegl faran sigores agend wile up heonan eard gestigan æðelinga ord mid ðas engla gedryht ealra folca fruma fæder eðelstoll we mid ðyslice ðreate willað ofer heofona gehlidu hlaford fergan to ðære beorhtan byrg mid ðas bliðan gedryht ealra sigebearna ðæt seleste ond æðeleste ðe ge her on stariað ond in frofre geseoð frætwum blican wile eft swa ðeah eorðan mægðe sylfa gesecan side herge ond ðonne gedeman dæda gehwylce ðara ðe gefremedon folc under roderum ða wæs wuldres weard wolcnum bifongen heahengla cyning ofer hrofas upp haligra helm hyht wæs geniwad blis in burgum ðurh ðæs beornes cyme gesæt sigehremig on ða swiðran hand ece eadfruma agnum fæder gewitan him ða gongan to hierusalem hæleð hygerofe in ða halgan burg geomormode ðonan hy god nyhst up stigende eagum segun hyra wilgifan ðær wæs wopes hring torne bitolden wæs seo treowlufu hat æt heortan hreðer innan weoll beorn breostsefa bidon ealle ðær ðegnas ðrymfulle ðeodnes gehata in ðære torhtan byrig tyn niht ða gen swa him sylf bibead swegles agend ærðon up stige ealles waldend on heofona gehyld hwite cwoman eorla eadgiefan englas togeanes ðæt is wel cweden swa gewritu secgað ðæt him albeorhte englas togeanes in ða halgan tid heapum cwoman sigan on swegle ða wæs symbla mæst geworden in wuldre wel ðæt gedafenað ðæt to ðære blisse beorhte gewerede in ðæs ðeodnes burg ðegnas cwoman weorud wlitescyne gesegon wilcuman on heahsetle heofones waldend folca feorhgiefan frætwum ealles waldend middangeardes ond mægenðrymmes hafað nu se halga helle bireafod ealles ðæs gafoles ðe hi geardagum in ðæt orlege unryhte swealg nu sind forcumene ond in cwicsusle gehynde ond gehæfte in helle grund duguðum bidæled deofla cempan ne meahtan wiðerbrogan wige spowan wæpna wyrpum siððan wuldres cyning heofonrices helm hilde gefremede wið his ealdfeondum anes meahtum ðær he of hæfte ahlod huða mæste of feonda byrig folces unrim ðisne ilcan ðreat ðe ge her on stariað wile nu gesecan sawla nergend gæsta giefstol godes agen bearn æfter guðplegan nu ge geare cunnon hwæt se hlaford is se ðisne here lædeð nu ge fromlice freondum togeanes gongað glædmode geatu ontynað wile in to eow ealles waldend cyning on ceastre corðre ne lytle fyrnweorca fruma folc gelædan in dreama dream ðe he on deoflum genom ðurh his sylfes sygor sib sceal gemæne englum ond ældum a forð heonan wesan wideferh wær is ætsomne godes ond monna gæsthalig treow lufu lifes hyht ond ealles leohtes gefea hwæt we nu gehyrdan hu ðæt hælubearn ðurh his hydercyme hals eft forgeaf gefreode ond gefreoðade folc under wolcnum mære meotudes sunu ðæt nu monna gehwylc cwic ðendan her wunað geceosan mot swa helle hienðu swa heofones mærðu swa ðæt leohte leoht swa ða laðan niht swa ðrymmes ðræce swa ðystra wræce swa mid dryhten dream swa mid deoflum hream swa wite mid wraðum swa wuldor mid arum swa lif swa deað swa him leofre bið to gefremmanne ðenden flæsc ond gæst wuniað in worulde wuldor ðæs age ðrynysse ðrym ðonc butan ende ðæt is ðæs wyrðe ðætte werðeode secgen dryhtne ðonc duguða gehwylcre ðe us sið ond ær simle gefremede ðurh monigfealdra mægna geryno he us æt giefeð ond æhta sped welan ofer widlond ond weder liðe under swegles hleo sunne ond mona æðelast tungla eallum scinað heofoncondelle hæleðum on eorðan dreoseð deaw ond ren duguðe weccað to feorhnere fira cynne iecað eorðwelan ðæs we ealles sculon secgan ðonc ond lof ðeodne ussum ond huru ðære hælo ðe he us to hyhte forgeaf ða he ða yrmpðu eft oncyrde æt his upstige ðe we ær drugon ond geðingade ðeodbuendum wið fæder swæsne fæhða mæste cyning anboren cwide eft onhwearf saulum to sibbe se ðe ær sungen wæs ðurh yrne hyge ældum to sorge ic ðec ofer eorðan geworhte on ðære ðu scealt yrmðum lifgan wunian in gewinne ond wræce dreogan feondum to hroðor fusleoð galan ond to ðære ilcan scealt eft geweorðan wyrmum aweallen ðonan wites fyr of ðære eorðan scealt eft gesecan hwæt us ðis se æðeling yðre gefremede ða he leomum onfeng ond lichoman monnes magutudre siððan meotodes sunu engla eðel up gestigan wolde weoroda god us se willa bicwom heanum to helpe on ða halgan tid bi ðon giedd awræc iob swa he cuðe herede helm wera hælend lofede ond mid siblufan sunu waldendes freonoman cende ond hine fugel nemde ðone iudeas ongietan ne meahtan in ðære godcundan gæstes strengðu wæs ðæs fugles flyht feondum on eorðan dyrne ond degol ðam ðe deorc gewit hæfdon on hreðre heortan stænne noldan hi ða torhtan tacen oncnawan ðe him beforan fremede freobearn godes monig mislicu geond middangeard swa se fæla fugel flyges cunnode hwilum engla eard up gesohte modig meahtum strang ðone maran ham hwilum he to eorðan eft gestylde ðurh gæstes giefe grundsceat sohte wende to worulde bi ðon se witga song he wæs upp hafen engla fæðmum in his ða miclan meahta spede heah ond halig ofer heofona ðrym ne meahtan ða ðæs fugles flyht gecnawan ðe ðæs upstiges ondsæc fremedon ond ðæt ne gelyfdon ðætte liffruma in monnes hiw ofer mægna ðrym halig from hrusan ahafen wurde ða us geweorðade se ðas world gescop godes gæstsunu ond us giefe sealde uppe mid englum ece staðelas ond eac monigfealde modes snyttru seow ond sette geond sefan monna sumum wordlaðe wise sendeð on his modes gemynd ðurh his muðes gæst æðele ondgiet se mæg eal fela singan ond secgan ðam bið snyttru cræft bifolen on ferðe sum mæg fingrum wel hlude fore hæleðum hearpan stirgan gleobeam gretan sum mæg godcunde reccan ryhte æ sum mæg ryne tungla secgan side gesceaft sum mæg searolice wordcwide writan sumum wiges sped giefeð æt guðe ðonne gargetrum ofer scildhreadan sceotend sendað flacor flangeweorc sum mæg fromlice ofer sealtne sæ sundwudu drifan hreran holmðræce sum mæg heanne beam stælgne gestigan sum mæg styled sweord wæpen gewyrcan sum con wonga bigong wegas widgielle swa se waldend us godbearn on grundum his giefe bryttað nyle he ængum anum ealle gesyllan gæstes snyttru ðy læs him gielp sceððe ðurh his anes cræft ofer oðre forð ðus god meahtig geofum unhneawum cyning alwihta cræftum weorðað eorðan tuddor swylce eadgum blæd seleð on swegle sibbe ræreð ece to ealdre engla ond monna swa he his weorc weorðað bi ðon se witga cwæð ðæt ahæfen wæren halge gimmas hædre heofontungol healice upp sunne ond mona hwæt sindan ða gimmas swa scyne buton god sylfa he is se soðfæsta sunnan leoma englum ond eorðwarum æðele scima ofer middangeard mona lixeð gæstlic tungol swa seo godes circe ðurh gesomninga soðes ond ryhtes beorhte bliceð swa hit on bocum cwið siððan of grundum godbearn astag cyning clænra gehwæs ða seo circe her æfyllendra eahtnysse bad under hæðenra hyrda gewealdum ðær ða synsceaðan soðes ne giemdon gæstes ðearfe ac hi godes tempel bræcan ond bærndon blodgyte worhtan feodan ond fyldon hwæðre forð bicwom ðurh gæstes giefe godes ðegna blæd æfter upstige ecan dryhtnes bi ðon salomon song sunu dauiðes giedda gearosnottor gæstgerynum waldend werðeoda ond ðæt word acwæð cuð ðæt geweorðeð ðætte cyning engla meotud meahtum swið munt gestylleð gehleapeð hea dune hyllas ond cnollas bewrið mid his wuldre woruld alyseð ealle eorðbuend ðurh ðone æðelan styll wæs se forma hlyp ða he on fæmnan astag mægeð unmæle ond ðær mennisc hiw onfeng butan firenum ðæt to frofre gewearð eallum eorðwarum wæs se oðer stiell bearnes gebyrda ða he in binne wæs in cildes hiw claðum bewunden ealra ðrymma ðrym wæs se ðridda hlyp rodorcyninges ræs ða he on rode astag fæder frofre gæst wæs se feorða stiell in byrgenne ða he ðone beam ofgeaf foldærne fæst wæs se fifta hlyp ða he hellwarena heap forbygde in cwicsusle cyning inne gebond feonda foresprecan fyrnum teagum gromhydigne ðær he gen ligeð in carcerne clommum gefæstnad synnum gesæled wæs se siexta hlyp haliges hyhtplega ða he to heofonum astag on his ealdcyððe ða wæs engla ðreat on ða halgan tid hleahtre bliðe wynnum geworden gesawan wuldres ðrym æðelinga ord eðles neosan beorhtra bolda ða wearð burgwarum eadgum ece gefea æðelinges plega ðus her on grundum godes ece bearn ofer heahhleoðu hlypum stylde modig æfter muntum swa we men sculon heortan gehygdum hlypum styllan of mægne in mægen mærðum tilgan ðæt we to ðam hyhstan hrofe gestigan halgum weorcum ðær is hyht ond blis geðungen ðegnweorud is us ðearf micel ðæt we mid heortan hælo secen ðær we mid gæste georne gelyfað ðæt ðæt hælobearn heonan up stige mid usse lichoman lifgende god forðon we a sculon idle lustas synwunde forseon ond ðæs sellran gefeon habbað we us to frofre fæder on roderum ælmeahtigne he his aras ðonan halig of heahðu hider onsendeð ða us gescildað wið sceððendra eglum earhfarum ði læs unholdan wunde gewyrcen ðonne wrohtbora in folc godes forð onsendeð of his brægdbogan biterne stræl forðon we fæste sculon wið ðam færscyte symle wærlice wearde healdan ðy læs se attres ord in gebuge biter bordgelac under banlocan feonda færsearo ðæt bið frecne wund blatast benna utan us beorgan ða ðenden we on eorðan eard weardien utan us to fæder freoða wilnian biddan bearn godes ond ðone bliðan gæst ðæt he us gescilde wið sceaðan wæpnum laðra lygesearwum se us lif forgeaf leomu lic ond gæst si him lof symle ðurh woruld worulda wuldor on heofnum ne ðearf him ondrædan deofla strælas ænig on eorðan ælda cynnes gromra garfare gif hine god scildeð duguða dryhten is ðam dome neah ðæt we gelice sceolon leanum hleotan swa we widefeorh weorcum hlodun geond sidne grund us secgað bec hu æt ærestan eadmod astag in middangeard mægna goldhord in fæmnan fæðm freobearn godes halig of heahðu huru ic wene me ond eac ondræde dom ðy reðran ðonne eft cymeð engla ðeoden ðe ic ne heold teala ðæt me hælend min on bocum bibead ic ðæs brogan sceal geseon synwræce ðæs ðe ic soð talge ðær monig beoð on gemot læded fore onsyne eces deman ðonne cen cwacað gehyreð cyning mæðlan rodera ryhtend sprecan reðe word ðam ðe him ær in worulde wace hyrdon ðendan yr ond nied yðast meahtan frofre findan ðær sceal forht monig on ðam wongstede werig bidan hwæt him æfter dædum deman wille wraðra wita bið se wyn scæcen eorðan frætwa ur wæs longe lagu-flodum bilocen lifwynna dæl feoh on foldan ðonne frætwe sculon byrnan on bæle blac rasetteð recen reada leg reðe scriðeð geond woruld wide wongas hreosað burgstede berstað brond bið on tyhte æleð ealdgestreon unmurnlice gæsta gifrast ðæt geo guman heoldan ðenden him on eorðan onmedla wæs forðon ic leofra gehwone læran wille ðæt he ne agæle gæstes ðearfe ne on gylp geote ðenden god wille ðæt he her in worulde wunian mote somed siðian sawel in lice in ðam gæsthofe scyle gumena gehwylc on his geardagum georne biðencan ðæt us milde bicwom meahta waldend æt ærestan ðurh ðæs engles word bið nu eorneste ðonne eft cymeð reðe ond ryhtwis rodor bið onhrered ond ðas miclan gemetu middangeardes beofiað ðonne beorht cyning leanað ðæs ðe hy on eorðan eargum dædum lifdon leahtrum fa ðæs hi longe sculon ferðwerige onfon in fyrbaðe wælmum biwrecene wraðlic ondlean ðonne mægna cyning on gemot cymeð ðrymma mæste ðeodegsa bið hlud gehyred bi heofonwoman cwaniendra cirm cerge reotað fore onsyne eces deman ða ðe hyra weorcum wace truwiað ðær bið oðywed egsa mara ðonne from frumgesceape gefrægen wurde æfre on eorðan ðær bið æghwylcum synwyrcendra on ða snudan tid leofra micle ðonne eall ðeos læne gesceaft ðær he hine sylfne on ðam sigeðreate behydan mæge ðonne herga fruma æðelinga ord eallum demeð leofum ge laðum lean æfter ryhte ðeoda gehwylcre is us ðearf micel ðæt we gæstes wlite ær ðam gryrebrogan on ðas gæsnan tid georne biðencen nu is ðon gelicost swa we on laguflode ofer cald wæter ceolum liðan geond sidne sæ sundhengestum flodwudu fergen is ðæt frecne stream yða ofermæta ðe we her on lacað geond ðas wacan woruld windge holmas ofer deop gelad wæs se drohtað strong ærðon we to londe geliden hæfdon ofer hreone hrycg ða us help bicwom ðæt us to hælo hyðe gelædde godes gæstsunu ond us giefe sealde ðæt we oncnawan magun ofer ceoles bord hwær we sælan sceolon sundhengestas ealde yðmearas ancrum fæste utan us to ðære hyðe hyht staðelian ða us gerymde rodera waldend halge on heahðu ða he heofonum astag ðonne mid fere foldbuende se micla dæg meahtan dryhtnes æt midre niht mægne bihlæmeð scire gesceafte swa oft sceaða fæcne ðeof ðristlice ðe on ðystre fareð on sweartre niht sorglease hæleð semninga forfehð slæpe gebundne eorlas ungearwe yfles genægeð swa on syne beorg somod up cymeð mægenfolc micel meotude getrywe beorht ond bliðe him weorðeð blæd gifen ðonne from feowerum foldan sceatum ðam ytemestum eorðan rices englas ælbeorhte on efen blawað byman on brehtme beofað middangeard hruse under hæleðum hlydað tosomne trume ond torhte wið tungla gong singað ond swinsiað suðan ond norðan eastan ond westan ofer ealle gesceaft weccað of deaðe dryhtgumena bearn eall monna cynn to meotudsceafte egeslic of ðære ealdan moldan hatað hy upp astandan sneome of slæpe ðy fæstan ðær mon mæg sorgende folc gehyran hygegeomor hearde gefysed cearum cwiðende cwicra gewyrhtu forhte afærde ðæt bið foretacna mæst ðara ðe ær oððe sið æfre gewurde monnum oðywed ðær gemengde beoð onhælo gelac engla ond deofla beorhtra ond blacra weorðeð bega cyme hwitra ond sweartra swa him is ham sceapen ungelice englum ond deoflum ðonne semninga on syne beorg suðaneastan sunnan leoma cymeð of scyppende scynan leohtor ðonne hit men mægen modum ahycgan beorhte blican ðonne bearn godes ðurh heofona gehleodu hider oðyweð cymeð wundorlic cristes onsyn æðelcyninges wlite eastan fram roderum on sefan swete sinum folce biter bealofullum gebleod wundrum eadgum ond earmum ungelice he bið ðam godum glædmod on gesihðe wlitig wynsumlic weorude ðam halgan on gefean fæger freond ond leoftæl lufsum ond liðe leofum monnum to sceawianne ðone scynan wlite weðne mid willum waldendes cyme mægencyninges ðam ðe him on mode ær wordum ond weorcum wel gecwemdun he bið ðam yflum egeslic ond grimlic to geseonne synnegum monnum ðam ðær mid firenum cumað forð forworhte ðæt mæg wites to wearninga ðam ðe hafað wisne geðoht ðæt se him eallunga owiht ne ondrædeð se for ðære onsyne egsan ne weorðeð forht on ferðe ðonne he frean gesihð ealra gesceafta ondweardne faran mid mægenwundrum mongum to ðinge ond him on healfa gehwone heofonengla ðreat ymbutan farað ælbeorhtra scolu hergas haligra heapum geneahhe dyneð deop gesceaft ond fore dryhtne færeð wælmfyra mæst ofer widne grund hlemmeð hata leg heofonas berstað trume ond torhte tungol ofhreosað ðonne weorðeð sunne sweart gewended on blodes hiw seo ðe beorhte scan ofer ærworuld ælda bearnum mona ðæt sylfe ðe ær moncynne nihtes lyhte niðer gehreoseð ond steorran swa some stredað of heofone ðurh ða strongan lyft stormum abeatne wile ælmihtig mid his engla gedryht mægencyninga meotod on gemot cuman ðrymfæst ðeoden bið ðær his ðegna eac hreðeadig heap halge sawle mid hyra frean farað ðonne folca weard ðurh egsan ðrea eorðan mægðe sylfa geseceð weorðeð geond sidne grund hlud gehyred heofonbyman stefn ond on seofon healfa swogað windas blawað brecende bearhtma mæste weccað ond woniað woruld mid storme fyllað mid fere foldan gesceafte ðonne heard gebrec hlud unmæte swar ond swiðlic swegdynna mæst ældum egeslic eawed weorðeð ðær mægen werge monna cynnes wornum hweorfað on widne leg ða ðær cwice meteð cwelmende fyr sume up sume niðer ældes fulle ðonne bið untweo ðæt ðær adames cyn cearena full cwiðeð gesargad nales fore lytlum leode geomre ac fore ðam mæstan mægenearfeðum ðonne eall ðreo on efen nimeð won fyres wælm wide tosomne se swearta lig sæs mid hyra fiscum eorðan mid hire beorgum ond upheofon torhtne mid his tunglum teonleg somod ðryðum bærneð ðreo eal on an grimme togædre grornað gesargad eal middangeard on ða mæran tid swa se gifra gæst grundas geondseceð hiðende leg heahgetimbro fylleð on foldwong fyres egsan widmære blæst woruld mid ealle hat heorogifre hreosað geneahhe tobrocene burgweallas beorgas gemeltað ond heahcleofu ða wið holme ær fæste wið flodum foldan sceldun stið ond stæðfæst staðelas wið wæge wætre windendum ðonne wihta gehwylce deora ond fugla deaðleg nimeð færeð æfter foldan fyrswearta leg weallende wiga swa ær wæter fleowan flodas afysde ðonne on fyrbaðe swelað sæfiscas sundes getwæfde wægdeora gehwylc werig swelteð byrneð wæter swa weax ðær bið wundra ma ðonne hit ænig on mode mæge aðencan hu ðæt gestun ond se storm ond seo stronge lyft brecað brade gesceaft beornas gretað wepað wanende wergum stefnum heane hygegeomre hreowum gedreahte seoðeð swearta leg synne on fordonum ond goldfrætwe gleda forswelgað eall ærgestreon eðelcyninga ðær bið cirm ond cearu ond cwicra gewin gehreow ond hlud wop bi heofonwoman earmlic ælda gedreag ðonan ænig ne mæg firendædum fah frið gewinnan legbryne losian londes ower ac ðæt fyr nimeð ðurh foldan gehwæt græfeð grimlice georne aseceð innan ond utan eorðan sceatas oððæt eall hafað ældes leoma woruldwidles wom wælme forbærned ðonne mihtig god on ðone mæran beorg mid ðy mæstan mægenðrymme cymeð heofonengla cyning halig scineð wuldorlic ofer weredum waldende god ond hine ymbutan æðelduguð betast halge herefeðan hlutre blicað eadig engla gedryht ingeðoncum forhte beofiað fore fæder egsan forðon nis ænig wundor hu him woruldmonna seo unclæne gecynd cearum sorgende hearde ondrede ðonne sio halge gecynd hwit ond heofonbeorht heagengla mægen for ðære onsyne beoð egsan afyrhte bidað beofiende beorhte gesceafte dryhtnes domes daga egeslicast weorðeð in worulde ðonne wuldorcyning ðurh ðrym ðreað ðeoda gehwylce hateð arisan reordberende of foldgrafum folc anra gehwylc cuman to gemote moncynnes gehwone ðonne eall hraðe adames cynn onfehð flæsce weorðeð foldræste eardes æt ende sceal ðonne anra gehwylc fore cristes cyme cwic arisan leoðum onfon ond lichoman edgeong wesan hafað eall on him ðæs ðe he on foldan in fyrndagum godes oððe gales on his gæste gehlod geara gongum hafað ætgædre bu lic ond sawle sceal on leoht cuman sinra weorca wlite ond worda gemynd ond heortan gehygd fore heofona cyning ðonne bið geyced ond geedniwad moncyn ðurh meotud micel ariseð dryhtfolc to dome siððan deaðes bend toleseð liffruma lyft bið onbærned hreosað heofonsteorran hyðað wide gifre glede gæstas hweorfað on ecne eard opene weorðað ofer middangeard monna dæde ne magun hord weras heortan geðohtas fore waldende wihte bemiðan ne sindon him dæda dyrne ac ðær bið dryhtne cuð on ðam miclan dæge hu monna gehwylc ær earnode eces lifes ond eall ondweard ðæt hi ær oððe sið worhtun in worulde ne bið ðær wiht forholen monna gehygda ac se mæra dæg hreðerlocena hord heortan geðohtas ealle ætyweð ær sceal geðencan gæstes ðearfe se ðe gode mynteð bringan beorhtne wlite ðonne bryne costað hat heorugifre hu gehealdne sind sawle wið synnum fore sigedeman ðonne sio byman stefen ond se beorhta segn ond ðæt hate fyr ond seo hea duguð ond se engla ðrym ond se egsan ðrea ond se hearda dæg ond seo hea rod ryht aræred rices to beacne folcdryht wera biforan bonnað sawla gehwylce ðara ðe sið oððe ær on lichoman leoðum onfengen ðonne weoroda mæst fore waldende ece ond edgeong ondweard gæð neode ond nyde bi noman gehatne berað breosta hord fore bearn godes feores frætwe wile fæder eahtan hu gesunde suna sawle bringen of ðam eðle ðe hi on lifdon ðonne beoð bealde ða ðe beorhtne wlite meotude bringað bið hyra meaht ond gefea swiðe gesæliglic sawlum to gielde wuldorlean weorca wel is ðam ðe motun on ða grimman tid gode lician ðær him sylfe geseoð sorga mæste synfa men sarigferðe ne bið him to are ðæt ðær fore ellðeodum usses dryhtnes rod ondweard stondeð beacna beorhtast blode bistemed heofoncyninges hlutran dreore biseon mid swate ðæt ofer side gesceaft scire scineð sceadu beoð bidyrned ðær se leohta beam leodum byrhteð ðæt ðeah to teonum geteod weorðeð ðeodum to ðrea ðam ðe ðonc gode womwyrcende wita ne cuðun ðæs he on ðone halgan beam ahongen wæs fore moncynnes manforwyrhtu ðær he leoflice lifes ceapode ðeoden moncynne on ðam dæge mid ðy weorðe ðe no wom dyde his lichoma leahtra firena mid ðy usic alysde ðæs he eftlean wile ðurh eorneste ealles gemonian ðonne sio reade rod ofer ealle swegle scineð on ðære sunnan gyld on ða forhtlice firenum fordone swearte synwyrcend sorgum wlitað geseoð him to bealwe ðæt him betst bicwom ðær hy hit to gode ongietan woldan ond eac ða ealdan wunde ond ða openan dolg on hyra dryhtne geseoð dreorigferðe swa him mid næglum ðurhdrifan niðhycgende ða hwitan honda ond ða halgan fet ond of his sidan swa some swat forletan ðær blod ond wæter bu-tu ætsomne ut bicwoman fore eagna gesyhð rinnan fore rincum ða he on rode wæs eall ðis magon him sylfe geseon ðonne open orgete ðæt he for ælda lufan firenfremmendra fela ðrowade magun leoda bearn leohte oncnawan hu hine lygnedon lease on geðoncum hysptun hearmcwidum ond on his hleor somod hyra spatl speowdon spræcon him edwit ond on ðone eadgan ondwlitan swa some helfuse men hondum slogun folmum areahtum ond fystum eac ond ymb his heafod heardne gebigdon beag ðyrnenne blinde on geðoncum dysge ond gedwealde gesegun ða dumban gesceaft eorðan ealgrene ond uprodor forhte gefelan frean ðrowinga ond mid cearum cwiðdun ðeah hi cwice næron ða hyra scyppend sceaðan onfengon syngum hondum sunne wearð adwæsced ðream aðrysmed ða sio ðeod geseah in hierusalem godwebba cyst ðæt ær ðam halgan huse sceolde to weorðunga weorud sceawian ufan eall forbærst ðæt hit on eorðan læg on twam styccum ðæs temples segl wundorbleom geworht to wlite ðæs huses sylf slat on tu swylce hit seaxes ecg scearp ðurhwode scire burstan muras ond stanas monge æfter foldan ond seo eorðe eac egsan myrde beofode on bearhtme ond se brada sæ cyðde cræftes meaht ond of clomme bræc up yrringa on eorðan fæðm ge on stede scynum steorran forleton hyra swæsne wlite on ða sylfan tid heofon hluttre ongeat hwa hine healice torhtne getremede tungolgimmum forðon he his bodan sende ða wæs geboren ærest gesceafta scircyning hwæt eac scyldge men gesegon to soðe ðy sylfan dæge ðe on ðrowade ðeodwundor micel ðætte eorðe ageaf ða hyre on lægun eft lifgende up astodan ða ðe heo ær fæste bifen hæfde deade bibyrgde ðe dryhtnes bibod heoldon on hreðre hell eac ongeat scyldwreccende ðæt se scyppend cwom waldende god ða heo ðæt weorud ageaf hloðe of ðam hatan hreðre hyge wearð mongum blissad sawlum sorge toglidene hwæt eac sæ cyðde hwa hine gesette on sidne grund tirmeahtig cyning forðon he hine tredne him ongean gyrede ðonne god wolde ofer sine yðe gan eahstream ne dorste his frean fet flode bisencan ge eac beamas onbudon hwa hy mid bledum sceop monge nales fea ða mihtig god on hira anne gestag ðær he earfeðu geðolade fore ðearfe ðeodbuendra laðlicne deað leodum to helpe ða wearð beam monig blodigum tearum birunnen under rindum reade ond ðicce sæp wearð to swate ðæt asecgan ne magun foldbuende ðurh frod gewit hu fela ða onfundun ða gefelan ne magun dryhtnes ðrowinga deade gesceafte ða ðe æðelast sind eorðan gecynda ond heofones eac heahgetimbro eall fore ðam anum unrot gewearð forhtafongen ðeah hi ferðgewit of hyra æðelum ænig ne cuðen wendon swa ðeah wundrum ða hyra waldend for of lichoman leode ne cuðon modblinde men meotud oncnawan flintum heardran ðæt hi frea nerede fram hellcwale halgum meahtum alwalda god ðæt æt ærestan foreðoncle men from fruman worulde ðurh wis gewit witgan dryhtnes halge higegleawe hæleðum sægdon oft nales æne ymb ðæt æðele bearn ðæt se earcnanstan eallum sceolde to hleo ond to hroðer hæleða cynne weorðan in worulde wuldres agend eades ordfruma ðurh ða æðelan cwenn hwæs weneð se ðe mid gewitte nyle gemunan ða mildan meotudes lare ond eal ða earfeðu ðe he fore ældum adreag forðon ðe he wolde ðæt we wuldres eard in ecnesse agan mosten swa ðam bið grorne on ðam grimman dæge domes ðæs miclan ðam ðe dryhtnes sceal deaðfirenum forden dolg sceawian wunde ond wite on werigum sefan geseoð sorga mæste hu se sylfa cyning mid sine lichoman lysde of firenum ðurh milde mod ðæt hy mostun manweorca tome lifgan ond tires blæd ecne agan hy ðæs eðles ðonc hyra waldende wita ne cuðon forðon ðær to teonum ða tacen geseoð orgeatu on gode ungesælge ðonne crist siteð on his cynestole on heahsetle heofonmægna god fæder ælmihtig folca gehwylcum scyppend scinende scrifeð bi gewyrhtum eall æfter ryhte rodera waldend ðonne beoð gesomnad on ða swiðran hond ða clænan folc criste sylfum gecorene bi cystum ða ær sinne cwide georne lustum læstun on hyra lifdagum ond ðær womsceaðan on ðone wyrsan dæl fore scyppende scyrede weorðað hateð him gewitan on ða winstran hond sigora soðcyning synfulra weorud ðær hy arasade reotað ond beofiað fore frean forhte swa fule swa gæt unsyfre folc arna ne wenað ðonne bið gæsta dom fore gode sceaden wera cneorissum swa hi geworhtun ær ðær bið on eadgum eðgesyne ðreo tacen somod ðæs ðe hi hyra ðeodnes wel wordum ond weorcum willan heoldon an is ærest orgeate ðær ðæt hy fore leodum leohte blicað blæde ond byrhte ofer burga gesetu him on scinað ærgewyrhtu on sylfra gehwam sunnan beorhtran oðer is to eacan ondgete swa some ðæt hy him in wuldre witon waldendes giefe ond on seoð eagum to wynne ðæt hi on heofonrice hlutre dreamas eadge mid englum agan motun ðonne bið ðridde hu on ðystra bealo ðæt gesælige weorud gesihð ðæt fordone sar ðrowian synna to wite weallendne lig ond wyrma slite bitrum ceaflum byrnendra scole of ðam him aweaxeð wynsum gefea ðonne hi ðæt yfel geseoð oðre dreogan ðæt hy ðurh miltse meotudes genæson ðonne hi ðy geornor gode ðonciað blædes ond blissa ðe hy bu geseoð ðæt he hy generede from niðcwale ond eac forgeaf ece dreamas bið him hel bilocen heofonrice agiefen swa sceal gewrixled ðam ðe ær wel heoldon ðurh modlufan meotudes willan ðonne bið ðam oðrum ungelice willa geworden magon weana to fela geseon on him selfum synne genoge atolearfoða ær gedenra ðær him sorgendum sar oðclifeð ðroht ðeodbealu on ðreo healfa an is ðara ðæt hy him yrmða to fela grim helle fyr gearo to wite ondweard seoð on ðam hi awo sculon wræc winnende wærgðu dreogan ðonne is him oðer earfeðu swa some scyldgum to sconde ðæt hi ðær scoma mæste dreogað fordone on him dryhten gesihð nales feara sum firenbealu laðlic ond ðæt ællbeorhte eac sceawiað heofonengla here ond hæleða bearn ealle eorðbuend ond atol deofol mircne mægencræft manwomma gehwone magun ðurh ða lichoman leahtra firene geseon on ðam sawlum beoð ða syngan flæsc scandum ðurhwaden swa ðæt scire glæs ðæt mon yðæst mæg eall ðurhwlitan ðonne bið ðæt ðridde ðearfendum sorg cwiðende cearo ðæt hy on ða clænan seoð hu hi fore goddædum glade blissiað ða hy unsælge ær forhogdun to donne ðonne him dagas læstun ond be hyra weorcum wepende sar ðæt hi ær freolice fremedon unryht geseoð hi ða betran blæde scinan ne bið him hyra yrmðu an to wite ac ðara oðerra ead to sorgum ðæs ðe hy swa fægre gefean on fyrndagum ond swa ænlice anforletun ðurh leaslice lices wynne earges flæschoman idelne lust ðær hi ascamode scondum gedreahte swiciað on swiman synbyrðenne firenweorc berað on ðæt ða folc seoð wære him ðonne betre ðæt hy bealodæde ælces unryhtes ær gescomeden fore anum men eargra weorca godes bodan sægdon ðæt hi to gyrne wiston firendæda on him ne mæg ðurh ðæt flæsc se scrift geseon on ðære sawle hwæðer him mon soð ðe lyge sagað on hine sylfne ðonne he ða synne bigæð mæg mon swa ðeah gelacnigan leahtra gehwylcne yfel unclæne gif he hit anum gesegð ond nænig bihelan mæg on ðam heardan dæge wom unbeted ðær hit ða weorud geseoð eala ðær we nu magon wraðe firene geseon on ussum sawlum synna wunde mid lichoman leahtra gehygdu eagum unclæne ingeðoncas ne ðæt ænig mæg oðrum gesecgan mid hu micle elne æghwylc wille ðurh ealle list lifes tiligan feores forhtlice forð aðolian synrust ðwean ond hine sylfne ðrean ond ðæt wom ærran wunde hælan ðone lytlan fyrst ðe her lifes sy ðæt he mæge fore eagum eorðbuendra unscomiende eðles mid monnum brucan bysmerleas ðendan bu somod lic ond sawle lifgan mote nu we sceolon georne gleawlice ðurhseon usse hreðercofan heortan eagum innan uncyste we mid ðam oðrum ne magun heafodgimmum hygeðonces ferð eagum ðurhwlitan ænge ðinga hwæðer him yfel ðe god under wunige ðæt he on ða grimman tid gode licie ðonne he ofer weoruda gehwylc wuldre scineð of his heahsetle hlutran lege ðær he fore englum ond fore elðeodum to ðam eadgestum ærest mæðleð ond him swæslice sibbe gehateð heofona heahcyning halgan reorde frefreð he fægre ond him frið beodeð hateð hy gesunde ond gesenade on eðel faran engla dreames ond ðæs to widan feore willum neotan onfoð nu mid freondum mines fæder rice ðæt eow wæs ær woruldum wynlice gearo blæd mid blissum beorht eðles wlite hwonne ge ða lifwelan mid ðam leofstum swase swegldreamas geseon mosten ge ðæs earnedon ða ge earme men woruldðearfende willum onfengun on mildum sefan ðonne hy him ðurh minne noman eaðmode to eow arna bædun ðonne ge hyra hulpon ond him hleoð gefon hingrendum hlaf ond hrægl nacedum ond ða ðe on sare seoce lagun æfdon unsofte adle gebundne to ðam ge holdlice hyge staðeladon mid modes myne eall ge ðæt me dydon ðonne ge hy mid sibbum sohtun ond hyra sefan trymedon forð on frofre ðæs ge fægre sceolon lean mid leofum lange brucan onginneð ðonne to ðam yflum ungelice wordum mæðlan ðe him bið on ða wynstran hond ðurh egsan ðrea alwalda god ne ðurfon hi ðonne to meotude miltse gewenan lifes ne lissa ac ðær lean cumað werum bi gewyrhtum worda ond dæda reordberendum sceolon ðone ryhtan dom anne geæfnan egsan fulne bið ðær seo miccle milts afyrred ðeodbuendum on ðam dæge ðæs ælmihtigan ðonne he yrringa on ðæt fræte folc firene stæleð laðum wordum hateð hyra lifes riht ondweard ywan ðæt he him ær forgeaf syngum to sælum onginneð sylf cweðan swa he to anum sprece ond hwæðre ealle mæneð firensynnig folc frea ælmihtig hwæt ic ðec mon minum hondum ærest geworhte ond ðe ondgiet sealde of lame ic ðe leoðo gesette geaf ic ðe lifgendne gæst arode ðe ofer ealle gesceafte gedyde ic ðæt ðu onsyn hæfdest mægwlite me gelicne geaf ic ðe eac meahta sped welan ofer widlonda gehwylc nysses ðu wean ænigne dæl ðystra ðæt ðu ðolian sceolde ðu ðæs ðonc ne wisses ða ic ðe swa scienne gesceapen hæfde wynlicne geworht ond ðe welan forgyfen ðæt ðu mostes wealdan worulde gesceaftum ða ic ðe on ða fægran foldan gesette to neotenne neorxnawonges beorhtne blædwelan bleom scinende ða ðu lifes word læstan noldes ac min bibod bræce be ðines bonan worde fæcnum feonde furðor hyrdes sceððendum scaðan ðonne ðinum scyppende nu ic ða ealdan race anforlæte hu ðu æt ærestan yfle gehogdes firenweorcum forlure ðæt ic ðe to fremum sealde ða ic ðe goda swa fela forgiefen hæfde ond ðe on ðam eallum eades to lyt mode ðuhte gif ðu meahte sped efenmicle gode agan ne moste ða ðu of ðan gefean fremde wurde feondum to willan feor aworpen neorxnawonges wlite nyde sceoldes agiefan geomormod gæsta eðel earg ond unrot eallum bidæled dugeðum ond dreamum ond ða bidrifen wurde on ðas ðeostran weoruld ðær ðu ðolades siððan mægenearfeðu micle stunde sar ond swar gewin ond sweartne deað ond æfter hingonge hreosan sceoldes hean in helle helpendra leas ða mec ongon hreowan ðæt min hondgeweorc on feonda geweald feran sceolde moncynnes tuddor mancwealm seon sceolde uncuðne eard cunnian sare siðas ða ic sylf gestag maga in modor ðeah wæs hyre mægdenhad æghwæs onwalg wearð ic ana geboren folcum to frofre mec mon folmum biwond biðeahte mid ðearfan wædum ond mec ða on ðeostre alegde biwundenne mid wonnum claðum hwæt ic ðæt for worulde geðolade lytel ðuhte ic leoda bearnum læg ic on heardum stane cildgeong on crybbe mid ðy ic ðe wolde cwealm afyrran hat helle bealu ðæt ðu moste halig scinan eadig on ðam ecan life forðon ic ðæt earfeðe wonn næs me for mode ac ic on magugeoguðe yrmðu geæfnde arleas licsar ðæt ic ðurh ða wære ðe gelic ond ðu meahte minum weorðan mægwlite gelic mane bidæled ond fore monna lufan min ðrowade heafod hearmslege hleor geðolade oft ondlata arleasra spatl of muðe onfeng manfremmendra swylce hi me geblendon bittre tosomne unswetne drync ecedes ond geallan ðonne ic fore folce onfeng feonda geniðlan fylgdon me mid firenum fæhðe ne rohtun ond mid sweopum slogun ic ðæt sar for ðe ðurh eaðmedu eall geðolade hosp ond heardcwide ða hi hwæsne beag ymb min heafod heardne gebygdon ðream biðrycton se wæs of ðornum geworht ða ic wæs ahongen on heanne beam rode gefæstnad ða hi ricene mid spere of minre sidan swat ut guton dreor to foldan ðæt ðu of deofles ðurh ðæt nydgewalde genered wurde ða ic womma leas wite ðolade yfel earfeðu oððæt ic anne forlet of minum lichoman lifgendne gæst geseoð nu-ða feorhdolg ðe ge gefremedun ær on minum folmum ond on fotum swa some ðurh ða ic hongade hearde gefæstnad meaht her eac geseon orgete nu gen on minre sidan swatge wunde hu ðær wæs unefen racu unc gemæne ic onfeng ðin sar ðæt ðu moste gesælig mines eðelrices eadig neotan ond ðe mine deaðe deore gebohte ðæt longe lif ðæt ðu on leohte siððan wlitig womma leas wunian mostes læg min flæschoma in foldan bigrafen niðre gehyded se ðe nængum scod in byrgenne ðæt ðu meahte beorhte uppe on roderum wesan rice mid englum for hwon forlete ðu lif ðæt scyne ðæt ic ðe for lufan mid mine lichoman heanum to helpe hold gecypte wurde ðu ðæs gewitleas ðæt ðu waldende ðinre alysnesse ðonc ne wisses ne ascige ic nu owiht bi ðam bitran deaðe minum ðe ic adreag fore ðe ac forgield me ðin lif ðæs ðe ic iu ðe min ðurh woruldwite weorð gesealde ðæs lifes ic manige ðe ðu mid leahtrum hafast ofslegen synlice sylfum to sconde for hwan ðu ðæt selegescot ðæt ic me swæs on ðe gehalgode hus to wynne ðurh firenlustas fule synne unsyfre bismite sylfes willum ge ðu ðone lichoman ðe ic alysde me feondum of fæðme ond ða him firene forbead scyldwyrcende scondum gewemdest for hwon ahenge ðu mec hefgor on ðinra honda rode ðonne iu hongade hwæt me ðeos heardra ðynceð nu is swærra mid mec ðinra synna rod ðe ic unwillum on beom gefæstnad ðonne seo oðer wæs ðe ic ær gestag willum minum ða mec ðin wea swiðast æt heortan gehreaw ða ic ðec from helle ateah ðær ðu hit wolde sylfa siððan gehealdan ic wæs on worulde wædla ðæt ðu wurde welig in heofonum earm ic wæs on eðle ðinum ðæt ðu wurde eadig on minum ða ðu ðæs ealles ænigne ðonc ðinum nergende nysses on mode bibead ic eow ðæt ge broðor mine in woruldrice wel aretten of ðam æhtum ðe ic eow on eorðan geaf earmra hulpen earge ge ðæt læstun ðearfum forwyrndon ðæt hi under eowrum ðæce mosten in gebugan ond him æghwæs oftugon ðurh heardne hyge hrægles nacedum moses meteleasum ðeah hy him ðurh minne noman werge wonhale wætan bædan drynces gedreahte duguða lease ðurste geðegede ge him ðriste oftugon sarge ge ne sohton ne him swæslic word frofre gespræcon ðæt hy ðy freoran hyge mode gefengen eall ge ðæt me dydan to hynðum heofoncyninge ðæs ge sceolon hearde adreogan wite to widan ealdre wræc mid deoflum geðolian ðonne ðær ofer ealle egeslicne cwide sylf sigora weard sares fulne ofer ðæt fæge folc forð forlæteð cwið to ðara synfulra sawla feðan farað nu awyrgde willum biscyrede engla dreames on ece fir ðæt wæs satane ond his gesiðum mid deofle gegearwad ond ðære deorcan scole hat ond heorogrim on ðæt ge hreosan sceolan ne magon hi ðonne gehynan heofoncyninges bibod rædum birofene sceolon raðe feallan on grimne grund ða ær wið gode wunnon bið ðonne rices weard reðe ond meahtig yrre ond egesful ondweard ne mæg on ðissum foldwege feond gebidan swapeð sigemece mid ðære swiðran hond ðæt on ðæt deope dæl deofol gefeallað in sweartne leg synfulra here under foldan sceat fæge gæstas on wraðra wic womfulra scolu werge to forwyrde on witehus deaðsele deofles nales dryhtnes gemynd siððan gesecað synne ne aspringað ðær hi leahtrum fa lege gebundne swylt ðrowiað bið him synwracu ondweard undyrne ðæt is ece cwealm ne mæg ðæt hate dæl of heoloðcynne in sinnehte synne forbærnan to widan feore wom of ðære sawle ac ðær se deopa seað dreorge fedeð grundleas giemeð gæsta on ðeostre æleð hy mid ðy ealdan lige ond mid ðy egsan forste wraðum wyrmum ond mid wita fela frecnum feorhgomum folcum scendeð ðæt we magon eahtan ond on an cweðan soðe secgan ðæt se sawle weard lifes wisdom forloren hæbbe se ðe nu ne giemeð hwæðer his gæst sie earm ðe eadig ðær he ece sceal æfter hingonge hamfæst wesan ne bisorgað he synne to fremman wonhydig mon ne he wihte hafað hreowe on mode ðæt him halig gæst losige ðurh leahtras on ðas lænan tid ðonne mansceaða fore meotude forht deorc on ðam dome standeð ond deaðe fah wommum awyrged bið se wærloga fyres afylled feores unwyrðe egsan geðread ondweard gode won ond wliteleas hafað werges bleo facentacen feores ðonne firena bearn tearum geotað ðonne ðæs tid ne bið synne cwiðað ac hy to sið doð gæstum helpe ðonne ðæs giman nele weoruda waldend hu ða womsceaðan hyra ealdgestreon on ða openan tid sare greten ne bið ðæt sorga tid leodum alyfed ðæt ðær læcedom findan mote se ðe nu his feore nyle hælo strynan ðenden her leofað ne bið ðær ængum godum gnorn ætywed ne nængum yflum wel ac ðær æghwæðer anfealde gewyrht ondweard wigeð forðon sceal onettan se ðe agan wile lif æt meotude ðenden him leoht ond gæst somodfæst seon he his sawle wlite georne bigonge on godes willan ond wær weorðe worda ond dæda ðeawa ond geðonca ðenden him ðeos woruld sceadum scriðende scinan mote ðæt he ne forleose on ðas lænan tid his dreames blæd ond his dagena rim ond his weorces wlite ond wuldres lean ðætte heofones cyning on ða halgan tid soðfæst syleð to sigorleanum ðam ðe him on gæstum georne hyrað ðonne heofon ond hel hæleða bearnum fira feorum fylde weorðeð grundas swelgað godes ondsacan lacende leg laðwende men ðreað ðeodsceaðan ond no ðonan læteð on gefean faran to feorhnere ac se bryne bindeð bidfæstne here feoð firena bearn frecne me ðinceð ðæt ðas gæstberend giman nellað men on mode ðonne man fremmað hwæt him se waldend to wrace gesette laðum leodum ðonne lif ond deað sawlum swelgað bið susla hus open ond oðeawed aðlogum ongean ðæt sceolon fyllan firengeorne men sweartum sawlum ðonne synna to wrace scyldigra scolu ascyred weorðeð heane from halgum on hearmcwale ðær sceolan ðeofas ond ðeodsceaðan lease ond forlegene lifes ne wenan ond mansworan morðorlean seon heard ond heorogrim ðonne hel nimeð wærleasra weorud ond hi waldend giefeð feondum in forwyrd fa ðrowiað ealdorbealu egeslic earm bið se ðe wile firenum gewyrcan ðæt he fah scyle from his scyppende ascyred weorðan æt domdæge to deaðe niðer under helle cinn in ðæt hate fyr under liges locan ðær hy leomu ræcað to bindenne ond to bærnenne ond to swingenne synna to wite ðonne halig gæst helle biluceð morðerhusa mæst ðurh meaht godes fyres fulle ond feonda here cyninges worde se bið cwealma mæst deofla ond monna ðæt is dreamleas hus ðær ænig ne mæg ower losian caldan clommum hy bræcon cyninges word beorht boca bibod forðon hy abidan sceolon in sinnehte sar endeleas firendædum fa forð ðrowian ða ðe her forhogdun heofonrices ðrym ðonne ða gecorenan fore crist berað beorhte frætwe hyra blæd leofað æt domdæge agan dream mid gode liðes lifes ðæs ðe alyfed bið haligra gehwam on heofonrice ðæt is se eðel ðe no geendad weorðeð ac ðær symle forð synna lease dream weardiað dryhten lofiað leofne lifes weard leohte biwundne sibbum bisweðede sorgum biwerede dreamum gedyrde dryhtne gelyfde awo to ealdre engla gemanan brucað mid blisse beorhte mid lisse freogað folces weard fæder ealra geweald hafað ond healdeð haligra weorud ðær is engla song eadigra blis ðær is seo dyre dryhtnes onsien eallum ðam gesælgum sunnan leohtra ðær is leofra lufu lif butan endedeaðe glæd gumena weorud gioguð butan ylde heofonduguða ðrym hælu butan sare ryhtfremmendum ræst butan gewinne domeadigra dæg butan ðeostrum beorht blædes full blis butan sorgum frið freondum bitweon forð butan æfestum gesælgum on swegle sib butan niðe halgum on gemonge nis ðær hungor ne ðurst slæp ne swar leger ne sunnan bryne ne cyle ne cearo ac ðær cyninges giefe awo brucað eadigra gedryht weoruda wlitescynast wuldres mid dryhten