A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry


Riddles 50
Old English
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Riddles 50

Ridd50 1. Wiga is on eorþan || wundrum acenned Wiĝa is on eorðan || wundrum ā·cenned
Ridd50 2. dryhtum to nytte, || of dumbum twam dryhtum nytte, || of dumbum twǣm
Ridd50 3. torht atyhted, || þone on teon wigeð torht ā·tyhted, || þone on tēon wiġeþ
Ridd50 4. feond his feonde. fēond his fēonde. || For-strangne% oft
Ridd50 5. Forstrangne oft wīf hine wriþ; || him wēl hīereþ,
Ridd50 6. wif hine wrið; || he him wel hereð, þēowaþ him ġe·þwǣre, || ġif him þeġniaþ
Ridd50 7. þeowaþ him geþwære, || gif him þegniað mæġeþ and mæċġas || mid ġe·mete rihte,
Ridd50 8. mægeð ond mæcgas || mid gemete ryhte, fēdaþ hine fæġere; || him fremum stepeþ
Ridd50 9. fedað hine fægre; || he him fremum stepeð līfe on lissum. || Lēanaþ grymme
Ridd50 10. life on lissum. || Leanað grimme þām% þe hine wlancne || weorðan lǣteþ.
Ridd50 11. þam þe hine wloncne || weorþan læteð.