Riddles 93
frea min
willum sinum
heah ond hyht/
/wilum sohte
/s wod
dægrime frod
deo/ /s
hwilum stealc hliðo
stigan sceolde
up in eðel
hwilum eft gewat
in deop dalu
duguðe secan
strong on stæpe
stanwongas grof
hwilum hara scoc
forst of feaxe
ic on fusum rad
oððæt him ðone gleawstol
gingra broðor
min agnade
ond mec of earde adraf
siððan mec isern
brun bennade
blod ut ne com
heolfor of hreðre
ðeah mec heard bite
stiðecg style
no ic ða stunde bemearn
ne for wunde weop
ne wrecan meahte
on wigan feore
wonnsceaft mine
ac ic aglæca
ealle ðolige
ðæt /e bord biton
nu ic blace swelge
wuda ond wætre
w/ /b/ befæðme
ðæt mec on fealleð
ufan ðær ic stonde
eorpes nathwæt
hæbbe anne fot
nu min hord warað
hiðende feond
se ðe ær wide bær
wulfes gehleðan
oft me of wombe
bewaden fereð
steppeð on stið bord
deaðes d/
ðonne dægcondel
eagum wliteð
ond spe/