The Paris Psalter: Psalm 101 University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems The Paris Psalter: Psalm 101
þu min gebed mære drihten gehyr heofenes weard and gehlyde min to þe becume þeoda reccend
na þu andwlitan æfre þinne awend fram me wuldres ealdor gif ic geswenced sy þu swæs to me þin eare onhyld and me ofestlice gehyr heofenes weard helpys benan
forþon dagas mine gedroren syndan smece gelice and forspyrcende synd mine mearhcofan þæs þe me þinceþ swylce hi on cocerpannan cocas gehyrstan
ic eom hege gelic þam þe hraþe weornaþ þonne hit byþ amawyn mannes folmum is min heorte eac hearde geswenced forþon ic ær forgeat þæt ic etan sceolde minne swetne hlaf forþon me is swære stefn hefig gnorniende heortan getenge ætfeolen eac min ban flæsce minum
ic geworden eom pellicane gelic se on westene wunaþ wat ic eac swiþe geare þæt ic genemned eam nihthrefne gelic þe on scræfe eardaþ and ic spearuwan swa some gelice gewearþ anlicum fugele
hwæt me ealne dæg edwitspræce on mine feondas fæste brohtan and þa me heredan hi me hraþe æfter full swyþe eft swerigean ongunnon
forþon ic anlic ætt æscean hlafe and ic minne drinc mengde wiþ tearum
for andwlitan yrres þines feor þu me ahofe and gehnæctest eft
dagas mine gedruran swa se deorca scua and ic hege gelic swa hit hraþe weornaþ
þu on ecnysse wunast awa drihten wunaþ þin gemynd þenden woruld standeþ
aris nu mihtig god miltsa sione nu is hire helpe heahsæl cumen
forþon þæs þancunga þine scealcas ambyhtmæcgas ealle hæfdan forþon þe þu stiþlice stanum and eorþan eallum ætgædere ær miltsadest
forþon neodlice on naman þinum ealle eorþbuend egsan habbaþ and þin wuldor ongitaþ wise cyningas
eft timbrade ece drihten and gesette sion þurh his sylfes miht þær wæs gesyne his seo soþe sped
oft he þearfendra bene þance gehyrde and he ne forhogode heora hold gebed
þa wislice awriten standaþ and on cneoressum cyþed syndan þæt he folc gesceop fægere drihten heraþ holdlice hrore geþance
forþon he fæstlice forþ locade of his þam hean halgan setle drihten geseah of heofenum her on eorþan
he þa gehyrde heahgnornunge þæra þe gebundene bitere wæron and þa bealdlice bearn alysde þara þe ofslegene sliþe wæran
þonne byþ on sione sægd soþ nama drihtnes and his lof swylce leoda bearnum on hierusalem gleawast and mærust
cumaþ folc syþþan feorran togædere and ricu eac þæt hraþe drihtne ful holdlice hyran syþþan
he him andwyrdeþ eallum sona on wege worulde þær his gewis mægen fæste standeþ ic þe feawe dagas minra mættra mode secge þæt þu me meaht on midle minra dagena sona gecigean gif þu sylfa wylt earon þines anes gear awa to feore
æt fruman þu drihten geworhtest eorþan frætwe and upheofen þæt is heahgeweorc handa þinra
sweotule þa forweorþaþ and þu sylf wunast eall forwisnaþ wædum anlice and þu hi onwendest swa man wrigels deþ and hi beoþ to worulde wended syþþan
þu þonne byst se ilca se þu ær wære ne beoþ winter þin wiht þe sæmran
bearn þinra scealca her bu namon and þær eardedan ealle þrage and heora sylfra cynn syþþan to feore on worulda woruld well gerehtest