The Paris Psalter: Psalm 142 University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems The Paris Psalter: Psalm 142
drihten min gebed deore gehyre and mid earum onfoh ungemetum georne mine halsunge heald me syþþan on þinre soþfæstnesse and me on soþe gehyr
ne ga þu mid þinum esne in to dome forþon on þinre gesihþe ne biþ soþfæst ænig þe on þisse foldan feorhlif bereþ
forþon mine sawle swiþe feondas ealle ehtan ungemete strange habbaþ me gehnæged heanne to eorþan and min lif swylce gelytlad is
hi me on digle deorce stowe settan sarlice samed anlice swa þu worulddeade wrige mid foldan is me ænge gast innan hreþres and me is heorte on hearde gedrefed
þonne ic on mode gemyndgade hu me ærran dagas oft alumpan metegade on mode ealle þine mæran weorc and ymbe þine handgeweorc hogode georne
þonne ic mine handa to þe holde þenede and mine sawle sette mid mode swa eorþan biþ ansyn wæteres gehyr me hrædlice hæl me syþþan
nu me deope is drihten leofa min sylfes gast swær geworden ne awend fram me wuldres ealdur þine ansyne wese ic earmum gelic þe on sweartne grund syþþan astigaþ
gedo þæt ic gehyre holde on morgene þine mildheortnesse mihtig drihten forþon ic hycge to þe helpe gelyfe
do me wegas wise þæt ic wite gearwe on hwylcne ic gange gleawe mode nu ic to drihtnes dome wille mine sawle settan geornast
afyrr me frea drihten feondum minum nu ic helpe to þe holde gelyfe lær me hu ic þinne willan wyrce and fremme forþon þu min god eart þu me god dydest
me þin se goda gast gleawe lædde þæt ic on rihtne weg reþne ferde for naman þines neodweorþunge drihten usser do me halne þæt ic on þinum rihte rædfæst lifige
and þu of costunge clæne alæddest sawle mine þær heo syþþan forþ on þinre mildheortnesse mote wunian and þu mine feondas fæcne todrife and eac forleose laþra gehwylcne þe mine sawle synne ætfæsten forþon ic þin esne eom agen symble