The Paris Psalter: Psalm 56 University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems The Paris Psalter: Psalm 56
miltsa min god and me milde weorþ forþon min sawel on þe swyþe getryweþ and ic on fægerum scuan fiþera þinra gewicie oþþæt gewite forþ and unriht me eall beglide
heonan ic cleopige to heahgode and to wealdendgode þe me wel dyde
he þa of heofenum hider onsende þe me alysde laþum wiþferede sealde on edwit þe me ær trædan
sende mihtig god his milde gehigd and his soþfæst mod samod ætgædere and mine sawle sona alysde of leon hwelpum reþe gemanan wæs ic slæpende sare gedrefed
synd me manna bearn mihtigum toþum wæpenstrælas þa me wundedon wæron hyra tungan getale teonan gehwylcre and to yfele gehwam ungemet scearpe
ahefe þe ofer heofenas halig drihten is wuldur þin wide and side ofer þas eorþan ealle mære
fotum heo minum fæcne grine grame gearwodon and geornlice mine sawle swyþe onbigdon
hi deopne seaþ dulfon widne þær ic eagum on locade and hi on þone ylcan eft gefeollan
gearo is min heorte þæt ic gode cweme gearo is min heorte þæt ic gode swylce sealmas singe soþword sprece
aris wuldur min wynpsalterium and ic on ærmergene eac arise and min hearpe herige drihten
ic þe on folcum frine drihten ecne andete eac geond þeode sealmas singe swiþe geneahhige
forþon þin mildheortnes is mycel wiþ heofenas is þin soþfæstnes swylce wiþ wolcnum
ahafen þu eart ofer heofenas halig drihten is ofer ealle eorþan swylce þines wuldres wlite wide and side