The Paris Psalter: Psalm 63 University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems The Paris Psalter: Psalm 63
gehyr min gebed halig drihten nu me costunge cnyssaþ geneahhe and wiþ egesan yfeles feondes mine sawle gescyld symle æt þearfe
þu me oft aweredest wyrigra gemotes and fram þære menegeo þe man woldon and unrihte æghwær fremman
þa heora tungan teoþ teonan gehwylce sweorde efenscearpe and heora swiþne bogan and unscyldige mid þy scotian þenceaþ
hi hine samnuncga scearpum strelum on scotiaþ egsan ne habbaþ ac hi mid wraþum wordum trymmaþ and sare sprecaþ hwa gesyhþ usic
swa hi smeagaþ oft swiþost unriht and on þam ilcan eft forweorþaþ þær hi mamriaþ man and unriht
gangeþ man manig modig on heortan oþþæt hine ahefeþ hælend drihten
syndon hyra wita scytelum cilda æghwæs onlicost ne him awiht þon ma heora tungan nu teonan on sittaþ
ealle synd gedrefede þe hi on sioþ sceal him manna gehwylc man ondrædan and weorc godes wide mærsian and his weorc ongitan mid wisdome
se soþfæsta symble on drihten blissaþ baldlice bote geweneþ and hine heriaþ eac heortan clæne