The Paris Psalter: Psalm 72 University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems The Paris Psalter: Psalm 72
hu god is ece god mid israhelum þam þe mid heortan hycgeaþ rihte me fornean syndon losode nu-þa ealle on foldan fota gangas
forþon ic fæstlice fyrenwyrcende oft elnade noldun earme mid him sibbe secean sohton fyrene
forþon hira deaþes byþ deorc endestæf ne heora wites biþ wislic trymnes
ne synd hi on miclum manna gewinnum and hi mid manna ne beoþ mægene beswungene
forþon hi oferhygd nam ungemete swyþe þurh þæt hira unriht wearþ eall untyned
þanon forþ becom fæcne unriht swa swa hit of gelynde lungre cwome and hi on heortan hogedon and þohton hu hi fyrmest facen and unriht on hean huse hraþost acwædon
hwæt hi on heofon setton hyge hyra muþes and hira tungan tugon ofer eorþan
forþon min folc hider fægere hweorfeþ þær hi fulle dagas findaþ sona
and þonne cwædon hu weorþeþ þis cuþ gode oþþe þeos gewitness weorþeþ on heagum
þi nu fyrenfulle foldan æhta and þysse worulde welan wynnum namon
þa ic on mode cwæþ minum sona þeah þe ic on me ingcan ænne ne wiste hu ic mine heortan heolde mid soþe and mine handa þwoh þær ic hete nyste and ic wæs ealne dæg eac geswungen wæs me leawfinger be leohtne dæg
gif ic sylf cwæde and sæcge eac swa þe bearn weorþaþ geboren syþþan þa ylcan ic ær foreteode
ic þæs wende þæt ic mid wisdome full gleawlice ongitan mihte hu þis gewinn wolde gangan oþþæt ic on his hus halig gange and ic þa nehstan ongite neode syþþan
hwæþere þu him for inwite yfel befæle awurpe hi wraþe þa hi wendan ær þæt hi wæron alysde laþum wiþferede
nu syndon hi gewordene wraþe tolysde and semninga sneome forwurdon for unrihte þe hi ær dydon swa fram slæpe hwylc swærum arise
and hi on byrig drihtnes bealde habbaþ hiora ansyne and þu hi eaþe miht to nawihte forniman sneome
ys minre heortan hige hluttor and clæne wærun mine ædra ealle tolysde and ic to nawihte eom nyde gebiged swa ic þæt be owihte ær ne wiste
ic eom anlic mid þe anum neate and ic symble mid þe syþþan hwæþere
þu mine swyþran hand sylfa gename and me mid þinon willan well gelæddest and me þa mid wuldres welan gename
hwæt mæg me wiþerhabban on heofonrice hwæt wolde ic fram þe wyrcean ofer eorþan
me is heorte and flæsc hearde geteorad ys me heortan gehygd hyldu drihtnes and ece dæl awa to worulde
forþan þa forweorþaþ þe hira wynne to þe habban noldan ne heora hyge settan huru þu forleosest þa forhealdaþ þe
min is ætfele mihtigum drihtne good is swylce þæt ic on god drihten minne hiht sette healde fæste
and ic eall þin lof eft asecge sione dohtrum on hire sylfre durum