The Paris Psalter: Psalm 77 University of Oxford CLASP Project Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings English, Old (ca. 450-1100) Poems The Paris Psalter: Psalm 77
geheald þu min folc mine fæste æ ahyldaþ eowre earan þæt ge holdlice mines muþes word mihte gehyran
ic on anlicnessum ærest ontyne mines sylfes muþ secggean onginne þa on worldricum wæron æt frymþe
ealle þa we oncneowan cuþ ongeaton and ure fæderas us æror sægdon
noldan hi þa swiþe heora synna dyrnan ac ylda gehwylc oþrum cyþde
sægdon lof symble leofum drihtne and his þa myclan miht mænigu wundur þa he geworhte wera cneorissum
he aweahte gewitnesse on iacobe goode and strange and israhelum æ gesette
þa he fæste bebead fæderum ussum þæt hi heora bearnum budun and sægdun and cinn oþrum cyþden and mærden
gif bearn wære geboren þam fæder him sceolde se yldra eall gesæcgan
þæt hi gleawne hiht to gode hæfdan and his weorþlicu weorc gemundon and godes bebodu georne heoldan
ne wesen hi on facne fæderum gelice þæt wæs earfoþcynn yrre and reþe næfdon heora heortan hige gestaþelod nis to wenanne þætte wolde god hiora gasta mid him gyman awiht
effremes bearn ærest ongunnan of bogan stræle bitere sendan þæs hi on wiges dæge wendon æfter
ne heoldan hi halgan drihtnes gewitnesse ne his weorca æ awiht wislice woldan begangan
ealra goddæda hi forgiten hæfdon and þara wundra þe he worhte ær þara heora yldran on locadan
he on ægypta agenum lande him worhte fore wundur mære and on campotanea eac mid soþe
he sæ toslat sealte yþa gefæstnade and hi foran þurh
him wisode wolcen unlytel daga æghwylce swa hit drihten het and him ealle niht oþer beacen fyres leoma folcnede heold
he on westene wide ædran him of stane let strange burnan
of þam wæter cwoman weorude to helpe swyþe wynlice wætera þryþe
þa hi hira firene furþur ehtan and hine on yrre eft gebrohtan heora heafodweard holdne on lande
hi þa on heortan hogedon to niþe and geornlice godes costadan bædan hiora feorum foddur geafe and gramlice be gode spræcan ac we þæs ne wenaþ þæt us witig god mæge bringan to beod gegearwod on þisum westene widum and sidum
þeah þe he of stane streamas lete wæter on willan wynnum flowan
ne we hwæþere wenaþ þæt he wihte mæge mid hlafe þis folc her afedan
syþþan þæt gehyrde halig drihten he ylde þa gyt and eft gespræc wæs gegleded fyr on iacobe and his yrre barn on israhelas
forþon þe hi ne woldon wordum drihtnes lustum gelyfan lare forhogedon
het he þa widan duru wolcen ontynan hea of heofenum and hider rignan manna to mose manna cynne sealde him heofenes hlaf hider on foldan and engla hlaf æton mancynn and hwætenne hæfdon to genihte
and awehte þa windas of heofenum auster ærest and þa affricum
him þa eac feoll ufan flæsc to genihte swa sand sæs oþþe þiss swearte dust coman gefiþrade fugelas swylce
and on middan þa wic manige feollan and ymb hiora selegescotu swiþe geneahhe
swiþe ætan and sade wurdan and hiora lusta lifdan hwile næron hi bescyrede sceattes willan
þa gyt hi on muþe heora mete hæfdon þa him on becwom yrre drihtnes and heora mænige mane swultan æþele israhela eac forwurdan
in eallum hi þissum ihtan synne and noldan his wundrum wel gelyfan
hi heora dagena tid dædun idle and heora geara gancg eac unnytte
þonne he hi sare sloh þonne hi sohton hine and ær leohte to him lustum cwoman
syþþan hi ongeaton þæt wæs god heora fæle fultum freond æt þearfe wæs hea god heora alysend
hi hine lufedan lease muþe ne þæs on heortan hogedan awiht
næs him on hreþre heorte clæne ne hi on gewitnesse wisne hæfdon on hiora fyrhþe fæstne geleafan
he þonne is mildheort and manþwære hiora fyrendædum nolde hi to flymum gedon
he þa manige fram him mangewyrhtan yrre awende eall ne wolde þurh hatne hyge hæleþum cyþan
and he gemunde þæt hi wæran moldan and flæsc gast gangende næs se geancyr eft
hi hine on westenne wordum and dædum on yrre mod eft gebrohtan aweahtan hine on eorþan oft butan wætere
oft hi grimlice godes costodan and israhela god eac abulgan
na gemynd hæfdan hu his seo mycle hand on gewindæge werede and ferede
he ægypti egesan geþywde mid feala tacna and forebeacna in campotaneos þæt wæs cuþ werum
þær he wæterstreamas wende to blode ne meahte wæter drincan wihta ænig
sette him heard wite hundes fleogan and hi ætan eac yfle tostan hæfdan hi eallunga ut aworpen
sealde erucan yfelan wyrme let hiora wyrta wæstme forslitan and hiora gram gewinn hæfdan gærshoppan
heora wingeardas wraþe hægle nede fornamon nænig moste heora hrorra hrim æpla gedigean
sealde heora neat eac swylce hæglum and heora æhta ealle fyre
he æbyligþe on hi bitter and yrre sarlic sende oþ sawlhord and þæt wiþ yfele englas sende
he him weg worhte wraþan yrres ne he heora sawlum deaþ swiþe ne sparude and heora neat niþcwealm forswealh
he þa on þam folce frumbearna gehwylc on ægiptum eall acwealde and frumwæstme folce chames
þa he his folc genam swa fæle sceap lædde geliccast leofe eowde þurh westenas wegas uncuþe
and he hi on hihte holdre lædde næs him on fyrhtu feondes egsa ac ealle þa yþa fornamon
he hi þa gelædde on leofre byrig and haligre þa his hand begeat
and he manige for him mære þeode awearp of wicum sealde him weste land þæt hi mid tane getugan rihte
þa israelas æhte gesætan hrores folces þa hi heanne god gebysmredan noldon his bebodu fæste healdan #
hi awendan aweg nalæs wel dydan swa heora fæderas beforan heoldan and on wiþermede wendan and cyrdan
swa hi his yrre oft aweahtan þonne hi oferhydig up ahofan and him wohgodu worhtan and grofun
þa þæt gehyrde halig drihten he hi forhogode and hraþe syþþan israhela cynn egsan geþyde
and he þa swa gelome wiþsoc snytruhuse wæs his agen hus þær he eard genam ær mid mannum mihtig hæfde
he hi þa on hæftnyd hean gesealde and heora fæger folc on feondes hand
sealde þa his swæs folc sweorde under ecge and his yrfe eac eall forhogode
heora geoguþe eac grimme lige fyr fæþmade fæmnan ne wæran geonge begrette þeah þe hi grame swultan
wæran sacerdas heora sweordum abrotene ne þæt heora widwan wepan mostan
þa wearþ aweaht wealdend drihten swa he slæpende softe reste oþþe swa weorþ man wine druncen
he þa his feondas sloh and him ætfæste eac ece edwit awa to feore
and he georne wiþsoc iosepes huse ne þon ær geceas effremes cynn ac he geceas iudan him geswæs frumcynn on sione byrig þær him wæs symble leof
he þa anhornan ealra gelicast his halige hus her on eorþan getimbrade het þæt teala syþþan on worldrice wunian ece
and him þa dauid geceas deorne esne and genam hine æt eowde ute be sceapum fostur feormade he him onfencg hraþe
he þonne fedeþ folc iacobes and israhela yrfelafe
and he hi þonne butan facne fedeþ syþþan and his folmum syþþan hi forþ lædeþ