Verses addressed to Prince Athelstan University of Oxford CLASP ProjectÆthelstan.Vers Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings Latin Poems Verses addressed to Prince Athelstan
‘Archalis’ clamare, triumuir, nomine ‘saxI’. Diue tuo fors prognossim feliciter aeuO: ‘Augusta’ Samu- cernentis ‘rupis’ eris -elH, Laruales forti beliales robure contrA. Saepe seges messem fecunda prenotat altam; iN Tutis solandum petrinum solibus agmeN. Amplius amplificare sacra sophismatis arcE. Nomina orto- petas donet, precor, inclita -doxuS.