Distichs from the Benedictional of Æthelwold University of Oxford CLASP Project nick.white@ell.ox.ac.uk https://clasp.ell.ox.ac.uk/poem/N.BenÆthelwold.Coloph Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Library of Congress Subject Headings Latin Poems Distichs from the Benedictional of Æthelwold
[5v] Nuntius e caelo stat hic praedicando Mariae: ‘Ecce Deum paries hominemque simul, benedicta.’ [‘An angel from heaven stands here speaking to Mary: / ‘Behold, O blessed one, you shall give birth to man and God at once’’ J. Martin] [6r] Quisque caput cernis praesto est benedictio presul Libri huius nati aduentus tibi nam patris almi. [‘You, O bishop, whoever looks upon this heading, a benediction is at hand for you, of this book of the coming of the Son of the Loving Father’]