Genesis A 9 |
|| heagum þrymmum / soþfæst |
and |
swiþfeorm || sweglbosmas heo |
Genesis A 10 |
ld / þa wæron gesette || wide |
and |
side / þurh geweald godes || w |
Genesis A 12 |
asta weardum || hæfdon gleam |
and |
dream / and heora ordfruman || |
Genesis A 13 |
um || hæfdon gleam and dream / |
and |
heora ordfruman || engla þre |
Genesis A 21 |
ran on roderum || nymþe riht |
and |
soþ / ærþon engla weard || f |
Genesis A 28 |
an wic || werodes þrymme / sid |
and |
swegltorht || him þær sar g |
Genesis A 29 |
|| him þær sar gelamp / æfst |
and |
oferhygd || and þæs engles |
Genesis A 29 |
gelamp / æfst and oferhygd || |
and |
þæs engles mod / þe þone un |
Genesis A 31 |
ongan || ærest fremman / wefan |
and |
weccean || þa he worde cwæ |
Genesis A 33 |
|| þæt he on norþdæle / ham |
and |
heahsetl || heofena rices / aga |
Genesis A 35 |
wolde || þa wearþ yrre god / |
and |
þam werode wraþ || þe he |
Genesis A 36 |
|| þe he ær wurþode / wlite |
and |
wuldre || sceop þam werlogan |
Genesis A 43 |
le geinnod / geondfolen fyre || |
and |
færcyle / rece and reade lege |
Genesis A 44 |
len fyre || and færcyle / rece |
and |
reade lege || heht þa geond |
Genesis A 48 |
e || reþemode / agan woldan || |
and |
swa eaþe meahtan / him seo wen |
Genesis A 55 |
/ besloh synsceaþan || sigore |
and |
gewealde / dome and dugeþe || |
Genesis A 56 |
n || sigore and gewealde / dome |
and |
dugeþe || and dreame benam / h |
Genesis A 56 |
gewealde / dome and dugeþe || |
and |
dreame benam / his feond friþo |
Genesis A 57 |
ame benam / his feond friþo || |
and |
gefean ealle / torhte tire || a |
Genesis A 58 |
d gefean ealle / torhte tire || |
and |
his torn gewræc / on gesacum s |
Genesis A 62 |
grap on wraþe / faum folmum || |
and |
him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on |
Genesis A 65 |
|| wuldorgestealdum / sceof þa |
and |
scyrede || scyppend ure / oferh |
Genesis A 70 |
gylp forod / beot forborsten || |
and |
forbiged þrym / wlite gewemmed |
Genesis A 74 |
helltregum / werige wunodon || |
and |
wean cuþon / sar and sorge || |
Genesis A 75 |
unodon || and wean cuþon / sar |
and |
sorge || susl þrowedon / þyst |
Genesis A 84 |
s asprungen / oht mid englum || |
and |
orlegniþ / siþþan herewosan |
Genesis A 89 |
wende || on godes rice / beorht |
and |
geblædfæst || buendra leas / |
Genesis A 99 |
tum / wolde þæt him eorþe || |
and |
uproder / and sid wæter || ges |
Genesis A 100 |
æt him eorþe || and uproder / |
and |
sid wæter || geseted wurde / w |
Genesis A 105 |
ac þes wida grund / stod deop |
and |
dim || drihtne fremde / idel an |
Genesis A 106 |
nd dim || drihtne fremde / idel |
and |
unnyt || on þone eagum wlat / |
Genesis A 107 |
um wlat / stiþfrihþ cining || |
and |
þa stowe beheold / dreama leas |
Genesis A 110 |
|| sweart under roderum / wonn |
and |
weste || oþþæt þeos worul |
Genesis A 113 |
hten / helm eallwihta || heofon |
and |
eorþan / rodor arærde || and |
Genesis A 114 |
and eorþan / rodor arærde || |
and |
þis rume land / gestaþelode | |
Genesis A 118 |
eahte / sweart synnihte || side |
and |
wide / wonne wægas || þa wæs |
Genesis A 142 |
rode || siþþan æfre / drugon |
and |
dydon || drihtnes willan / ece |
Genesis A 147 |
holmas dælde / waldend ure || |
and |
geworhte þa / roderas fæsten |
Genesis A 168 |
/ onrihtne ryne || rumum flode / |
and |
gefetero/ # || / ne þuhte þa |
Genesis A 168 |
ihtne ryne, || rūmum flōde, / |
and |
ġe·fetoru. / Ne þūhte þā |
Genesis A 172 |
nges || niwre gesceafte / hyrde |
and |
healdend || forþon him heahc |
Genesis A 174 |
| fultum tiode / wif aweahte || |
and |
þa wraþe sealde / lifes leoht |
Genesis A 177 |
| of adames / lice aleoþode || |
and |
him listum ateah / rib of sidan |
Genesis A 179 |
sidan || he wæs reste fæst / |
and |
softe swæf || sar ne wiste / e |
Genesis A 194 |
nnes / þa forman twa || fæder |
and |
moder / wif and wæpned || he |
Genesis A 195 |
n twa || fæder and moder / wif |
and |
wæpned || he þa worde cwæ |
Genesis A 196 |
he þa worde cwæþ / temaþ nu |
and |
wexaþ || tudre fyllaþ / eorþ |
Genesis A 198 |
ælgrene || incre cynne / sunum |
and |
dohtrum || inc sceal sealt w |
Genesis A 199 |
wæter / wunian on gewealde || |
and |
eall worulde gesceaft / brucaþ |
Genesis A 200 |
gesceaft / brucaþ blæddaga || |
and |
brimhlæste / and heofonfugla | |
Genesis A 201 |
blæddaga || and brimhlæste / |
and |
heofonfugla || inc is halig f |
Genesis A 202 |
fonfugla || inc is halig feoh / |
and |
wilde deor || on geweald gese |
Genesis A 203 |
de deor || on geweald geseald / |
and |
lifigende || þa þe land tre |
Genesis A 207 |
ppend ure / his weorca wlite || |
and |
his wæstma blæd / niwra gesce |
Genesis A 209 |
eafta || neorxnawong stod / god |
and |
gastlic || gifena gefylled / fr |
Genesis A 220 |
sceop / wætre wlitebeorhtum || |
and |
on woruld sende / þæra anne h |
Genesis A 225 |
tyrf / niþþas findaþ || nean |
and |
feorran / gold and gymcynn || g |
Genesis A 226 |
daþ || nean and feorran / gold |
and |
gymcynn || gumþeoda bearn / þ |
Genesis A 229 |
onne seo æftre || ethiopia / l |
and |
and liodgeard || beligeþ uto |
Genesis B 238 |
ofoncyninge / georne togenes || |
and |
sædon ealles þanc / lista and |
Genesis B 239 |
and sædon ealles þanc / lista |
and |
þara lara || he let heo þæ |
Genesis B 251 |
forþon he him gewit forgeaf / |
and |
mid his handum gesceop || hal |
Genesis B 257 |
he his dreamas on heofonum || |
and |
sceolde his drihtne þancian / |
Genesis B 265 |
þæt his lic wære || leoht |
and |
scene / hwit and hiowbeorht || |
Genesis B 266 |
wære || leoht and scene / hwit |
and |
hiowbeorht || ne meahte he æ |
Genesis B 269 |
te him sylfum / þæt he mægyn |
and |
cræft || maran hæfde / þonne |
Genesis B 275 |
his hige speone / þæt he west |
and |
norþ || wyrcean ongunne / trym |
Genesis B 294 |
l / ahebban wiþ his hearran || |
and |
spræc healic word / dollice wi |
Genesis B 296 |
rc þæs gewinnes gedælan || |
and |
sceolde his wite habban / ealra |
Genesis B 304 |
þ hine þa fram his hyldo || |
and |
hine on helle wearp / on þa de |
Genesis B 307 |
/ þurhlonge swa || þreo niht |
and |
dagas / þa englas of heofnum o |
Genesis B 308 |
englas of heofnum on helle || |
and |
heo ealle forsceop / drihten to |
Genesis B 309 |
oflum || forþon heo his dæd |
and |
word / noldon weorþian || for |
Genesis B 325 |
owelm || helle tomiddes / brand |
and |
brade ligas || swilce eac þa |
Genesis B 326 |
eac þa biteran recas / þrosm |
and |
þystro || forþon hie þegns |
Genesis B 332 |
atan hell || þurh hygeleaste / |
and |
þurh ofermetto || sohton oþ |
Genesis B 333 |
nd / þæt wæs leohtes leas || |
and |
wæs liges full / fyres fær mi |
Genesis B 336 |
rim / þurh heora miclan mod || |
and |
þurh miht godes / and þurh of |
Genesis B 337 |
n mod || and þurh miht godes / |
and |
þurh ofermetto || ealra swi |
Genesis B 339 |
scynost / hwitost on heofne || |
and |
his hearran leof / drihtne dyre |
Genesis B 343 |
an / niþer on þæt niobedd || |
and |
sceop him naman siþþan / cwæ |
Genesis B 351 |
|| oþ hine his hyge forspeon / |
and |
his ofermetto || ealra swiþo |
Genesis B 367 |
healdan / wesan him on wynne || |
and |
we þis wite þolien / hearm on |
Genesis B 369 |
a ahte ic minra handa geweald / |
and |
moste ane tid || ute weorþan |
Genesis B 375 |
ngen || her is fyr micel / ufan |
and |
neoþone || ic a ne geseah / la |
Genesis B 386 |
wa ic wat he minne hige cuþe / |
and |
þæt wiste eac || weroda dri |
Genesis B 389 |
helle || þæt syndon þystro |
and |
hæto / grimme grundlease || ha |
Genesis B 399 |
adame || gif we æfre mægen / |
and |
on his eafrum swa some || and |
Genesis B 407 |
e sculon hie þas helle secan / |
and |
þas grimman grundas || þonn |
Genesis B 411 |
odan rice / gesælige sæton || |
and |
hæfdon ure setla geweald / þo |
Genesis B 416 |
e / cuman þurh þas clustro || |
and |
hæfde cræft mid him / þæt h |
Genesis B 419 |
| þær geworht stondaþ / adam |
and |
eue || on eorþrice / mid welan |
Genesis B 420 |
rþrice / mid welan bewunden || |
and |
we synd aworpene hider / on þa |
Genesis B 422 |
rihtne synt / wurþran micle || |
and |
moton him þone welan agan / þ |
Genesis B 431 |
biþ him se wela onwended || |
and |
wyrþ him wite gegarwod / sum h |
Genesis B 440 |
yninges / unwurþlice || wordum |
and |
dædum / lare # || / angan hine |
Genesis B 444 |
leþhelm on heafod asette || |
and |
þone full hearde geband / spen |
Genesis B 452 |
dum || men beswican / forlædan |
and |
forlæran || þæt hie wurdon |
Genesis B 456 |
rone funde / wislice geworht || |
and |
his wif somed / freo fægroste |
Genesis B 460 |
d mancynnes || mearcode selfa / |
and |
him bi twegin || beamas stodo |
Genesis B 465 |
earn || moste on ceosan / godes |
and |
yfeles || gumena æghwilc / wel |
Genesis B 466 |
eles || gumena æghwilc / welan |
and |
wawan || næs se wæstm gelic |
Genesis B 467 |
er wæs swa wynlic || wlitig |
and |
scene / liþe and lofsum || þ |
Genesis B 468 |
lic || wlitig and scene / liþe |
and |
lofsum || þæt wæs lifes be |
Genesis B 473 |
mle wesan / lungre on lustum || |
and |
his lif agan / hyldo heofoncyni |
Genesis B 478 |
oþer || eallenga sweart / dim |
and |
þystre || þæt wæs deaþes |
Genesis B 480 |
witan / ylda æghwilc || yfles |
and |
godes / gewand on þisse woruld |
Genesis B 482 |
| sceolde on wite a / mid swate |
and |
mid sorgum || siþþan libban |
Genesis B 485 |
beniman || ellendæda / dreamas |
and |
drihtscipes || and him beon d |
Genesis B 485 |
da / dreamas and drihtscipes || |
and |
him beon deaþ scyred / lytle h |
Genesis B 491 |
arp hine þa on wyrmes lic || |
and |
wand him þa ymbutan / þone de |
Genesis B 493 |
/ genam þær þæs ofætes || |
and |
wende hine eft þanon / þær h |
Genesis B 500 |
te || cwæþ þæt þin abal |
and |
cræft / and þin modsefa || ma |
Genesis B 501 |
þ þæt þin abal and cræft / |
and |
þin modsefa || mara wurde / an |
Genesis B 502 |
nd þin modsefa || mara wurde / |
and |
þin lichoma || leohtra micle |
Genesis B 507 |
|| ic gehyrde hine þine dæd |
and |
word / lofian on his leohte || |
Genesis B 508 |
word / lofian on his leohte || |
and |
ymb þin lif sprecan / swa þu |
Genesis B 511 |
d on worulde / grene geardas || |
and |
god siteþ / on þam hehstan || |
Genesis B 519 |
e þis ofæt on hand / bit his |
and |
byrige || þe weorþ on þinu |
Genesis B 525 |
an gehyrde / strangre stemne || |
and |
me her stondan het / his bebodu |
Genesis B 526 |
dan het / his bebodu healdan || |
and |
me þas bryd forgeaf / wlitesci |
Genesis B 527 |
yd forgeaf / wlitesciene wif || |
and |
me warnian het / þæt ic on þ |
Genesis B 537 |
het me his word weorþian || |
and |
wel healdan / læstan his lare |
Genesis B 566 |
ruld ealle / geseon siþþan || |
and |
selfes stol / herran þines || |
Genesis B 567 |
selfes stol / herran þines || |
and |
habban his hyldo forþ / meaht |
Genesis B 569 |
/ gif þu his willan hæfst || |
and |
he þinum wordum getrywþ / gif |
Genesis B 588 |
lædde hie swa mid ligenum || |
and |
mid listum speon / idese on þ |
Genesis B 600 |
es æt || alwaldan bræc / word |
and |
willan || þa meahte heo wide |
Genesis B 603 |
hire þuhte hwitre || heofon |
and |
eorþe / and eall þeos woruld |
Genesis B 604 |
e hwitre || heofon and eorþe / |
and |
eall þeos woruld wlitigre || |
Genesis B 604 |
eall þeos woruld wlitigre || |
and |
geweorc godes / micel and mihti |
Genesis B 605 |
re || and geweorc godes / micel |
and |
mihtig || þeah heo hit þurh |
Genesis B 613 |
|| þæt þe is ungelic / wlite |
and |
wæstmas || siþþan þu minu |
Genesis B 625 |
n hira hearran hearm-cwide || |
and% |
habban his hyldu forþ. / Þā |
Genesis B 639 |
a drihten || deaþbeames ofet / |
and |
þæt word acwæþ || wuldres |
Genesis B 648 |
ode / on hete heofoncyninges || |
and |
hyge euan / wifes wac geþoht | |
Genesis B 650 |
m truwian / læstan his lare || |
and |
geleafan nom / þæt he þa bys |
Genesis B 653 |
um sægde / iewde hire tacen || |
and |
treowa gehet / his holdne hyge |
Genesis B 656 |
a swete / bliþe on breostum || |
and |
þes boda sciene / godes engel |
Genesis B 667 |
sylf siteþ || þæt is suþ |
and |
east / welan bewunden || se þa |
Genesis B 674 |
ldend || gehyran mæg ic rume / |
and |
swa wide geseon || on woruld |
Genesis B 677 |
wearþ me on hige leohte / utan |
and |
innan || siþþan ic þæs of |
Genesis B 684 |
e / hio spræc him þicce to || |
and |
speon hine ealne dæg / on þa |
Genesis B 687 |
a boda / legde him lustas on || |
and |
mid listum speon / fylgde him f |
Genesis B 692 |
|| men forweorpan / forlæran |
and |
forlædan || þæt hie læn g |
Genesis B 696 |
godes yrre / habban sceoldon || |
and |
hellgeþwing / þone nearwan ni |
Genesis B 714 |
were swelce / tacen oþiewde || |
and |
treowe gehet / oþþæt adame | |
Genesis B 716 |
breostum / his hyge hwyrfde || |
and |
his heorte ongann / wendan to h |
Genesis B 718 |
he æt þam wife onfeng / helle |
and |
hinnsiþ || þeah hit nære h |
Genesis B 720 |
t wæs þeah deaþes swefn || |
and |
deofles gespon / hell and hinns |
Genesis B 721 |
fn || and deofles gespon / hell |
and |
hinnsiþ || and hæleþa forl |
Genesis B 721 |
s gespon / hell and hinnsiþ || |
and |
hæleþa forlor / menniscra mor |
Genesis B 724 |
/ hran æt heortan || hloh þa |
and |
plegode / boda bitre gehugod || |
Genesis B 727 |
e hyldo me / witode geworhte || |
and |
þinne willan gelæst / to ful |
Genesis B 729 |
ge || men synt forlædde / adam |
and |
eue || him is unhyldo / waldend |
Genesis B 737 |
mas nu / þreaweorc þoliaþ || |
and |
þystre land / and þurh þin m |
Genesis B 746 |
aþ on mode / on hyge hearde || |
and |
us on helle bedraf / on þæt f |
Genesis B 748 |
æt fyr fylde || folca mæste / |
and |
mid handum his || eft on heof |
Genesis B 749 |
ofonrice / rihte rodorstolas || |
and |
þæt rice forgeaf / monna cynn |
Genesis B 753 |
ice sculon / leode forlætan || |
and |
on þæt lig to þe / hate hweo |
Genesis B 757 |
forgolden / mid hearran hete || |
and |
mid hæleþa forlore / monnum m |
Genesis B 766 |
æled || sorgedon ba-twa / adam |
and |
eue || and him oft betuh / gnor |
Genesis B 766 |
rgedon ba-twa / adam and eue || |
and |
him oft betuh / gnornword gengd |
Genesis B 778 |
ede feollon / sinhiwan somed || |
and |
sigedrihten / godne gretton || |
Genesis B 779 |
sigedrihten / godne gretton || |
and |
god nemdon / heofones waldend | |
Genesis B 780 |
od nemdon / heofones waldend || |
and |
hine bædon / þæt hie his hea |
Genesis B 790 |
sinhiwan twa / adam gemælde || |
and |
to euan spræc / hwæt þu eue |
Genesis B 793 |
u-þa sweartan helle / grædige |
and |
gifre || nu þu hie grimman m |
Genesis B 802 |
mæstne || nu slit me hunger |
and |
þurst / bitre on breostum || |
Genesis B 811 |
blicþ þeos beorhte sunne || |
and |
wit her baru standaþ / unwered |
Genesis B 850 |
ne forgeate || god ælmihtig / |
and |
him gewisade || waldend se go |
Genesis A 861 |
lig word / drihtnes gehyrdon || |
and |
ondredon him / þa sona ongann |
Genesis A 876 |
lum / for hwon wast þu wean || |
and |
wrihst sceome / gesyhst sorge | |
Genesis A 877 |
rihst sceome / gesyhst sorge || |
and |
þin sylf þecest / lic mid lea |
Genesis A 892 |
da name / on treowes telgum || |
and |
me on teonan / æte þa unfreme |
Genesis A 897 |
ndswarode / me nædre beswac || |
and |
me neodlice / to forsceape scyh |
Genesis A 898 |
odlice / to forsceape scyhte || |
and |
to scyldfrece / fah wyrm þurh |
Genesis A 901 |
gefremede || fæhþe geworhte / |
and |
þa reafode || swa hit riht n |
Genesis A 902 |
iht ne wæs / beam on bearwe || |
and |
þa blæda æt / þa nædran sc |
Genesis A 905 |
|| fagum wyrme / wide siþas || |
and |
þa worde cwæþ / þu scealt w |
Genesis A 912 |
feoþ / hataþ under heofnum || |
and |
þin heafod tredeþ / fah mid f |
Genesis A 916 |
under wolcnum || nu þu wast |
and |
canst / laþ leodsceaþa || hu |
Genesis A 923 |
æda gedwild || deaþes bidan / |
and |
þurh wop and heaf || on woru |
Genesis A 924 |
ennan / þurh sar micel || sunu |
and |
dohtor / abead eac adame || ece |
Genesis A 928 |
þel secean / wynleasran wic || |
and |
on wræc hweorfan / nacod niedw |
Genesis A 931 |
d || þe is gedal witod / lices |
and |
sawle || hwæt þu laþlice / w |
Genesis A 933 |
|| forþon þu winnan scealt / |
and |
on eorþan þe || þine andli |
Genesis A 940 |
hearmstafas / wraþe onwocan || |
and |
woruldyrmþo / hie þa wuldres |
Genesis A 945 |
him on laste beleac || liþsa |
and |
wynna / hihtfulne ham || halig |
Genesis A 950 |
on || ac se weard hafaþ / miht |
and |
strengþo || se þæt mære l |
Genesis A 953 |
lmihtig || ealra wolde / adame |
and |
euan || arna ofteon / fæder æ |
Genesis A 957 |
stedne hrof || halgum tunglum / |
and |
him grundwelan || ginne seald |
Genesis A 958 |
lde / het þam sinhiwum || sæs |
and |
eorþan / tuddorteondra || teoh |
Genesis A 962 |
synne || sorgfulre land / eard |
and |
eþyl || unspedigran / fremena |
Genesis A 967 |
| swa him metod bebead / adames |
and |
euan || aforan wæron / freolic |
Genesis A 969 |
twa || frumbearn cenned / cain |
and |
abel || us cyþaþ bec / hu þa |
Genesis A 971 |
man || dugeþa stryndon / welan |
and |
wiste || willgebroþor / oþer |
Genesis A 984 |
omæg ofsloh / broþor sinne || |
and |
his blod ageat / cain abeles || |
Genesis A 992 |
n / hrinon hearmtanas || hearde |
and |
sare / drihta bearnum || doþ g |
Genesis A 1012 |
æstne rinc / broþor þinne || |
and |
his blod to me / cleopaþ and c |
Genesis A 1013 |
| and his blod to me / cleopaþ |
and |
cigeþ || þu þæs cwealmes |
Genesis A 1014 |
wealmes scealt / wite winnan || |
and |
on wræc hweorfan / awyrged to |
Genesis A 1026 |
ahcyning || hyldo þine / lufan |
and |
freode || forþon ic lastas s |
Genesis A 1032 |
um / ademest me fram duguþe || |
and |
adrifest from / earde minum || |
Genesis A 1048 |
heht þa from hweorfan / meder |
and |
magum || manscyldigne / cnosle |
Genesis A 1051 |
f gesyhþe / wineleas wrecca || |
and |
him þa wic geceas / eastlandum |
Genesis A 1077 |
n eþle || eaforan feddon / ada |
and |
sella || þara anum wæs / iaba |
Genesis A 1085 |
o sped || smiþcræftega wæs / |
and |
þurh modes gemynd || monna |
Genesis A 1088 |
n folca bearn / æres cuþon || |
and |
isernes / burhsittende || bruca |
Genesis A 1092 |
eolfa || leofum gebeddum / adan |
and |
sellan || unarlic spel / ic on |
Genesis A 1103 |
gryre || golden wurþan / fyll |
and |
feorhcwealm || þonne ic for |
Genesis A 1107 |
s seth noma / se wæs eadig || |
and |
his yldrum þah / freolic to fr |
Genesis A 1108 |
h / freolic to frofre || fæder |
and |
meder / adames and euan || wæs |
Genesis A 1109 |
re || fæder and meder / adames |
and |
euan || wæs abeles gield / on |
Genesis A 1114 |
tæl / þæs þe cain ofsloh || |
and |
me cearsorge / mid þys magotim |
Genesis A 1120 |
yde || beorn ellenrof / þritig |
and |
hund || þisses lifes / wintra |
Genesis A 1123 |
nd || iecte siþþan / mægþum |
and |
mæcgum || mægburg sine / adam |
Genesis A 1126 |
hæfde / nigenhund wintra # || / |
and |
þritig eac || þa he þas wo |
Genesis A 1130 |
ter yldrum || eþelstol heold / |
and |
wif begeat || wintra hæfde / f |
Genesis A 1131 |
f begeat || wintra hæfde / fif |
and |
hundteontig || þa he furþum |
Genesis A 1133 |
ægburge || men geicean / sunum |
and |
dohtrum || sethes eafora / se y |
Genesis A 1139 |
nde / seofon winter her || suna |
and |
dohtra / ond eahtahund || ealra |
Genesis A 1140 |
inter hēr || suna and dohtra / |
and% |
eahta-hund. || Ealra hæfde / [ |
Genesis A 1141 |
htahund || ealra hæfde / twelf |
and |
nigonhund || þa seo tid gewe |
Genesis A 1146 |
hes lice / he wæs leof gode || |
and |
lifde her / wintra hundnigontig |
Genesis A 1151 |
n eþle || siþþan eahtahund / |
and |
fiftyno || on friþo drihtnes |
Genesis A 1153 |
leþ || geogoþe strynde / suna |
and |
dohtra || swealt þa he hæfd |
Genesis A 1154 |
e hæfde / frod fyrnwita || fif |
and |
nigonhund / þære cneorisse w |
Genesis A 1157 |
fter enose || aldordema / weard |
and |
wisa || wintra hæfde / efne hu |
Genesis A 1162 |
n eahtahund || æþelinga rim / |
and |
feowertig eac || feorum geict |
Genesis A 1165 |
æfde || þa he woruld ofgeaf / |
and |
tyne eac || þa his tiddæge / |
Genesis A 1167 |
fylled / him on laste heold || l |
and |
and yrfe / malalehel siþþan | |
Genesis A 1169 |
ssera worn / se frumgara || fif |
and |
sixtig / wintra hæfde || þa h |
Genesis A 1175 |
iared haten / lifde siþþan || |
and |
lissa breac / malalehel lange | |
Genesis A 1178 |
estreona || wintra hæfde / fif |
and |
hundnigontig || þa he forþ |
Genesis A 1179 |
igontig || þa he forþ gewat / |
and |
eahtahund || eaforan læfde / l |
Genesis A 1180 |
eahtahund || eaforan læfde / l |
and |
and leodweard || longe siþþ |
Genesis A 1183 |
s æþele || æfæst hæleþ / |
and |
se frumgar his || freomagum l |
Genesis A 1184 |
gar his || freomagum leof / fif |
and |
hundteontig || on fyore lifde |
Genesis A 1186 |
ra gebidenra || on woruldrice / |
and |
syxtig eac || þa seo sæl ge |
Genesis A 1192 |
eahtahund || ealra hæfde / fif |
and |
syxtig || þa he forþ gewat / |
Genesis A 1193 |
syxtig || þa he forþ gewat / |
and |
nigonhund eac || nihtgerimes / |
Genesis A 1195 |
hē þās weorold of·ġeaf / |
and% |
Ġeāred þā || glēawum lǣ |
Genesis A 1196 |
geared þa || gleawum læfde / l |
and |
and leodweard || leofum rince |
Genesis A 1199 |
isa || nalles feallan let / dom |
and |
drihtscipe # || / þenden he h |
Genesis A 1199 |
|| nealles feallan lēt / dōm |
and |
dryhtsċipe, / þenden hē hier |
Genesis A 1207 |
es || swa her men doþ / geonge |
and |
ealde || þonne him god heora |
Genesis A 1208 |
|| þonne him god heora / æhta |
and |
ætwist || eorþan gestreona / |
Genesis A 1209 |
þan gestreona / on genimeþ || |
and |
heora aldor somed / ac he cwic |
Genesis A 1215 |
læfde / folc frumbearne || fif |
and |
syxtig / wintra hæfde || þa h |
Genesis A 1217 |
æfde || þa he woruld ofgeaf / |
and |
eac þreo hund || þrage siþ |
Genesis A 1221 |
de / ær his swyltdæge || suna |
and |
dohtra / hæfde frod hæle || |
Genesis A 1224 |
hweorfan || nigonhund wintra / |
and |
hundseofontig to || sunu æft |
Genesis A 1227 |
bryttade || wintra hæfde / twa |
and |
hundteontig || þa seo tid ge |
Genesis A 1229 |
ongan || æþele cennan / sunu |
and |
dohtor || siþþan lifde / fif |
Genesis A 1230 |
dohtor || siþþan lifde / fif |
and |
hundnigontig || frea moniges |
Genesis A 1232 |
nder wolcnum || werodes aldor / |
and |
fif hund eac || heold þæt f |
Genesis A 1234 |
de || him byras wocan / eaforan |
and |
idesa || he þone yldestan / no |
Genesis A 1245 |
e || geond middangeard / sunum |
and |
dohtrum || þa giet wæs seth |
Genesis A 1247 |
lufan swiþe / drihtne dyre || |
and |
domeadig / oþþæt bearn godes |
Genesis A 1250 |
| cynne secan / wergum folce || |
and |
him þær wif curon / ofer meto |
Genesis A 1252 |
an / scyldfulra mægþ || scyne |
and |
fægere / þa reordade || rodor |
Genesis A 1254 |
ora waldend / wraþ moncynne || |
and |
þa worde cwæþ / ne syndon me |
Genesis A 1258 |
sethes bearn / torn niwiaþ || |
and |
him to nimaþ / mægeþ to gem |
Genesis A 1261 |
| onwod grome / idesa ansien || |
and |
ece feond / folcdriht wera || |
Genesis A 1267 |
e / on wærlogan || wite settan / |
and |
on deaþ slean || dædum scyl |
Genesis A 1272 |
æs monna || manes on eorþan / |
and |
þæt hie wæron || womma þr |
Genesis A 1275 |
/ forgripan gumcynne || grimme |
and |
sare / heardum mihtum || hreaw |
Genesis A 1287 |
lig || sunu lameches / domfæst |
and |
gedefe || drihten wiste / þæt |
Genesis A 1295 |
ldend spræc / nergend usser || |
and |
to noe cwæþ / ic wille mid fl |
Genesis A 1297 |
le mid flode || folc acwellan / |
and |
cynna gehwilc || cucra wuhta / |
Genesis A 1298 |
|| cucra wuhta / þara þe lyft |
and |
flod || lædaþ and fedaþ / fe |
Genesis A 1298 |
þe lyft and flod || lædaþ |
and |
fedaþ / feoh and fuglas || þu |
Genesis A 1299 |
od || lædaþ and fedaþ / feoh |
and |
fuglas || þu scealt friþ ha |
Genesis A 1304 |
negum scealt / reste geryman || |
and |
rihte setl / ælcum æfter agen |
Genesis A 1308 |
ftiges wid / þrittiges heah || |
and |
þreohund lang / elngemeta || a |
Genesis A 1309 |
d þreohund lang / elngemeta || |
and |
wiþ yþa gewyrc / gefeg fæste |
Genesis A 1322 |
æst || gearo hlifigean / innan |
and |
utan || eorþan lime / gefæstn |
Genesis A 1330 |
sylle || þæt þu weg nimest / |
and |
feora fæsl || þe þu ferian |
Genesis A 1334 |
foran þine / frumgaran þry || |
and |
eower feower wif / ond þu seof |
Genesis A 1335 |
, || and ēower fēower wīf. / |
And% |
þū seofone ġe·nim || on |
Genesis A 1338 |
þe to mete || mannum lifige / |
and |
þara oþerra || ælces twa / s |
Genesis A 1352 |
ic wille / on weras stælan || |
and |
mid wægþreate / æhta and age |
Genesis A 1353 |
|| and mid wægþreate / æhta |
and |
agend || eall acwellan / þa be |
Genesis A 1358 |
lædan / weras on wægþæl || |
and |
heora wif somed / and eall þæ |
Genesis A 1359 |
gþæl || and heora wif somed / |
and |
eall þæt to fæsle || frea |
Genesis A 1365 |
undum sinum / sigora waldend || |
and |
segnade / earce innan || agenum |
Genesis A 1372 |
en sende / regn from roderum || |
and |
eac rume let / willeburnan || o |
Genesis A 1376 |
stæþweallas || strang wæs |
and |
reþe / se þe wætrum weold || |
Genesis A 1377 |
se þe wætrum weold || wreah |
and |
þeahte / manfæhþu bearn || m |
Genesis A 1388 |
beorgas / geond sidne grund || |
and |
on sund ahof / earce from eorþ |
Genesis A 1389 |
nd ahof / earce from eorþan || |
and |
þa æþelo mid / þa segnade | |
Genesis A 1397 |
on || ac hie halig god / ferede |
and |
nerede || fiftena stod / deop o |
Genesis A 1409 |
gora waldend || sunu lameches / |
and |
ealle þa wocre || þe he wi |
Genesis A 1417 |
lled / for famig scip || fiftig |
and |
hund / nihta under roderum || s |
Genesis A 1435 |
reamstaþe || stæppan mosten / |
and |
of enge ut || æhta lædan / þ |
Genesis A 1440 |
eah hlioþo || horde onfengon / |
and |
æþelum eac || eorþan tudre |
Genesis A 1456 |
heo wide hire || willan sohte / |
and |
rume fleah || nohweþere rest |
Genesis A 1467 |
| restestowe / fægere funde || |
and |
þa fotum stop / on beam hyre | |
Genesis A 1488 |
freþo gangan / ut of earce || |
and |
on eorþan bearm / of þam hean |
Genesis A 1490 |
m hean hofe || hiwan læd þu / |
and |
ealle þa wocre || þe ic wæ |
Genesis A 1493 |
iddan eþyl / he fremede swa || |
and |
frean hyrde / stah ofer streamw |
Genesis A 1495 |
stefn bebead / lustum miclum || |
and |
alædde þa / of wægþele || w |
Genesis A 1498 |
ende lac / rædfæst reþran || |
and |
recene genam / on eallum dæl | |
Genesis A 1501 |
ealde / gleaw to þam gielde || |
and |
þa gode selfum / torhtmod hæl |
Genesis A 1505 |
r || þa he noe / gebletsade || |
and |
his bearn somed / þæt he þæ |
Genesis A 1507 |
yld on þanc || agifen hæfde / |
and |
on geogoþhade || godum dædu |
Genesis A 1512 |
ldor || word to noe / tymaþ nu |
and |
tiedraþ || tires brucaþ / mid |
Genesis A 1515 |
geiceaþ || eow is eþelstol / |
and |
holmes hlæst || and heofonfu |
Genesis A 1515 |
þelstol / and holmes hlæst || |
and |
heofonfuglas / and wildu deor | |
Genesis A 1516 |
es hlæst || and heofonfuglas / |
and |
wildu deor || on geweald gese |
Genesis A 1517 |
ld geseald / eorþe ælgrene || |
and |
eacen feoh / næfre ge mid blod |
Genesis A 1526 |
slagan sece || swiþor micle / |
and |
to broþor banan || þæs þe |
Genesis A 1530 |
lc hafaþ magwlite || metodes |
and |
engla / þara þe healdan wile |
Genesis A 1532 |
ile || halige þeawas / weaxaþ |
and |
wridaþ || wilna brucaþ / ara |
Genesis A 1535 |
ynne || foldan sceatas / teamum |
and |
tudre || ic eow treowa þæs / |
Genesis A 1539 |
nd || ge on wolcnum þæs / oft |
and |
gelome || andgiettacen / magon |
Genesis A 1546 |
eaforum þrim || yrfes hyrde / |
and |
heora feower wif # || / nemde |
Genesis A 1546 |
orum þrymm, || ierfes hierde / |
and |
hira fēower wīf; / nemde wǣr |
Genesis A 1551 |
atene wæron / suna noes || sem |
and |
cham / iafeþ þridda || from |
Genesis A 1553 |
am gumrincum / folc geludon || |
and |
gefylled wearþ / eall þes mid |
Genesis A 1557 |
d hleomagum || ham staþelian / |
and |
to eorþan him || ætes tilia |
Genesis A 1558 |
rþan him || ætes tilian / won |
and |
worhte || wingeard sette / seow |
Genesis A 1564 |
druncen / swæf symbelwerig || |
and |
him selfa sceaf / reaf of lice |
Genesis A 1573 |
dum self || mid hrægle wryon / |
and |
sceome þeccan || swa gesceap |
Genesis A 1574 |
|| swa gesceapu wæron / werum |
and |
wifum || siþþan wuldres þe |
Genesis A 1575 |
an wuldres þegn / ussum fæder |
and |
meder || fyrene sweorde / on la |
Genesis A 1588 |
mede || gode wæron begen / sem |
and |
iafeþ || þa of slæpe onbr |
Genesis A 1589 |
æpe onbrægd / sunu lamehes || |
and |
þa sona ongeat / þæt him cyn |
Genesis A 1592 |
þearf || ænige cyþan / hyldo |
and |
treowa || þæt þam halgan w |
Genesis A 1597 |
an || him þa cwyde syþþan / |
and |
his fromcynne || frecne scodo |
Genesis A 1601 |
lifes / freomen æfter flode || |
and |
fiftig eac þa he forþ gewat |
Genesis A 1606 |
eorþwerod || heafodmaga / sunu |
and |
dohtra || he wæs selfa til / h |
Genesis A 1612 |
ld || freondum dælde / swæsum |
and |
gesibbum || sunu iafeþes / þ |
Genesis A 1617 |
on eþle || þa yldestan / chus |
and |
chanan || hatene wæron / ful f |
Genesis A 1620 |
|| heafodwisa / wilna brytta || |
and |
worulddugeþa / broþrum sinum |
Genesis A 1632 |
e / on þam mældagum || mægen |
and |
strengo / se wæs babylones || |
Genesis A 1635 |
nga || eþelþrym onhof / rymde |
and |
rærde || reord wæs þa giet |
Genesis A 1640 |
æron / þa wearþ seme || suna |
and |
dohtra / on woruldrice || worn |
Genesis A 1650 |
a eastan || æhta lædan / feoh |
and |
feorme || folc wæs anmod / rof |
Genesis A 1655 |
/ gesetton þa sennar || sidne |
and |
widne / leoda ræswan || leofum |
Genesis A 1666 |
on landsocne / burh geworhte || |
and |
to beacne torr / up arærde || |
Genesis A 1670 |
s ræswan / þa yldestan || oft |
and |
gelome / liþsum gewunedon || l |
Genesis A 1672 |
rum sohton / weras to weorce || |
and |
to wrohtscipe / oþþæt for wl |
Genesis A 1673 |
tscipe / oþþæt for wlence || |
and |
for wonhygdum / cyþdon cræft |
Genesis A 1675 |
æft heora || ceastre worhton / |
and |
to heofnum up || hlædræ ræ |
Genesis A 1680 |
eawigan / beorna burhfæsten || |
and |
þæt beacen somed / þe to rod |
Genesis A 1682 |
an ongunnon / adames eaforan || |
and |
þæs unrædes / stiþferhþ cy |
Genesis A 1700 |
laste bu / stiþlic stantorr || |
and |
seo steape burh / samod samworh |
Genesis A 1702 |
tod / weox þa under wolcnum || |
and |
wriþade / mægburh semes || o |
Genesis A 1708 |
| bearn afeded / freolicu tu || |
and |
þa frumgaran / hæleþ higerof |
Genesis A 1710 |
rofe || hatene wæron / abraham |
and |
aaron || þam eorlum wæs / fre |
Genesis A 1711 |
wæs / frea engla bam || freond |
and |
aldor / þa wearþ aarone || ea |
Genesis A 1715 |
s || metode geþungon / abraham |
and |
loth || unforcuþlice / swa him |
Genesis A 1722 |
e || þær he wic ahte / fæger |
and |
freolic || seo fæmne wæs / sa |
Genesis A 1729 |
brohte / sarra abrahame || suna |
and |
dohtra / gewat him þa mid cnos |
Genesis A 1735 |
f þære eþeltyrf || abraham |
and |
loth / him þa cynegode || on c |
Genesis A 1742 |
a hundteontig || geteled rime / |
and |
fife eac || þa he forþ gewa |
Genesis A 1746 |
drihten / gewit þu nu feran || |
and |
þine fare lædan / ceapas to c |
Genesis A 1749 |
ic þe hate / monna leofost || |
and |
þu minum wel / larum hyre || a |
Genesis A 1750 |
d þu minum wel / larum hyre || |
and |
þæt land gesec / þe ic þe |
Genesis A 1756 |
hine wergþo on / mine sette || |
and |
modhete / longsumne niþ || lis |
Genesis A 1760 |
e onfoþ / folcbearn freoþo || |
and |
freondscipe / blisse minre || a |
Genesis A 1761 |
d freondscipe / blisse minre || |
and |
bletsunge / on woruldrice || wr |
Genesis A 1764 |
/ swiþe under swegle || sunum |
and |
dohtrum / oþþæt fromcyme || |
Genesis A 1769 |
mearce / gumcystum god || golde |
and |
seolfre / swiþfeorm and gesæl |
Genesis A 1770 |
golde and seolfre / swiþfeorm |
and |
gesælig || swa him sigora we |
Genesis A 1773 |
carran || sohton cananea / lond |
and |
leodgeard || þa com leof god |
Genesis A 1775 |
esa lædan / swæse gebeddan || |
and |
his suhtrian / wif on willan || |
Genesis A 1777 |
n willan || wintra hæfde / fif |
and |
hundseofontig || þa he faran |
Genesis A 1778 |
ran sceolde / carran ofgifan || |
and |
cneowmagas / him þa feran gewa |
Genesis A 1786 |
ewde selfa / domfæst wereda || |
and |
drihten cwæþ / þis is seo eo |
Genesis A 1791 |
se rinc gode / wibed worhte || |
and |
þa waldende / lifes leohtfruma |
Genesis A 1800 |
hlem haten / beorn bliþemod || |
and |
his broþor sunu / forþ oferfo |
Genesis A 1803 |
e men / weallsteapan hleoþu || |
and |
him þa wic curon / þær him w |
Genesis A 1812 |
rage siþþan / wicum wunode || |
and |
wilna breac / beorn mid bryde | |
Genesis A 1821 |
seah egypta / hornsele hwite || |
and |
hea byrig / beorhte blican || o |
Genesis A 1843 |
re sceolde / fremena friclan || |
and |
us fremu secan / þa com ellenr |
Genesis A 1860 |
en wearþ / frea faraone || fah |
and |
yrre / for wifmyne || þæs wra |
Genesis A 1866 |
um geþreadne / brego egipto || |
and |
his bryd ageaf / wif to geweald |
Genesis A 1876 |
lenrofe || idese feredon / bryd |
and |
begas || þæt hie to bethlem |
Genesis A 1879 |
oþre siþe / wif on willan || |
and |
heora woruldgestreon / ongunnon |
Genesis A 1880 |
n / ongunnon him þa bytlian || |
and |
heora burh ræran / and sele se |
Genesis A 1881 |
lian || and heora burh ræran / |
and |
sele settan || salo niwian / we |
Genesis A 1889 |
e / lifes leohtfruman || lisse |
and |
ara / wunedon on þam wicum || |
Genesis A 1891 |
hæfdon wilna geniht / abraham |
and |
loth || ead bryttedon / oþþæ |
Genesis A 1893 |
leng somed / blædes brucan || |
and |
heora begra þær / æhte habba |
Genesis A 1908 |
þeoda þrymfæste || þegnum |
and |
gesiþþum / folc cananea || an |
Genesis A 1909 |
nd gesiþþum / folc cananea || |
and |
feretia / rofum rincum || ne wi |
Genesis A 1912 |
culon / teon of þisse stowe || |
and |
unc staþolwangas / rumor secan |
Genesis A 1917 |
fe leofa || leorna þe seolfa / |
and |
geþancmeta || þine mode / on |
Genesis A 1922 |
an / seo wæs wætrum weaht || |
and |
wæstmum þeaht / lagostreamum |
Genesis A 1923 |
þeaht / lagostreamum leoht || |
and |
gelic godes / neorxnawange || o |
Genesis A 1926 |
num || wylme gesealde / sodoman |
and |
gomorran || sweartan lige / him |
Genesis A 1927 |
n lige / him þa eard geceas || |
and |
eþelsetl / sunu arones || on s |
Genesis A 1930 |
lædde / beagas from bethlem || |
and |
botlgestreon / welan wunden gol |
Genesis A 1941 |
lande || lifian sceolde / facen |
and |
fyrene || and hine fægre heo |
Genesis A 1941 |
n sceolde / facen and fyrene || |
and |
hine fægre heold / þeawfæst |
Genesis A 1942 |
hine fægre heold / þeawfæst |
and |
geþyldig || on þam þeodsci |
Genesis A 1948 |
byrde heold / wilna wæstmum || |
and |
worulddugeþum / lufum and liss |
Genesis A 1949 |
m || and worulddugeþum / lufum |
and |
lissum || forþon his lof sec |
Genesis A 1953 |
þenden he eardes breac / halig |
and |
higefrod || næfre hleowlora / |
Genesis A 1955 |
rþeþ / feorhberendra || forht |
and |
acol / mon for metode || þe hi |
Genesis A 1957 |
a / þurh gemynda sped || mode |
and |
dædum / worde and gewitte || w |
Genesis A 1958 |
sped || mode and dædum / worde |
and |
gewitte || wise þance / oþ hi |
Genesis A 1966 |
/ secan suþ þanon || sodoman |
and |
gomorran / þa wæs guþhergum |
Genesis A 1972 |
þm || feollon wergend / bryda |
and |
beaga || bennum seoce / him þa |
Genesis A 1978 |
de sceoldon / gombon gieldan || |
and |
gafol sellan / oþþæt þa leo |
Genesis A 1988 |
hæfdon / sid tosomne || suþan |
and |
norþan / helmum þeahte || þ |
Genesis A 1997 |
cum swice || wurdon sodomware / |
and |
gomorre || goldes bryttan / æt |
Genesis A 2008 |
erge || hordburh wera / sodoman |
and |
gomorran || þa sæl ageald / m |
Genesis A 2010 |
ra || mægþ siþedon / fæmnan |
and |
wuduwan || freondum beslægen |
Genesis A 2016 |
iþ / þara þe læddon loth || |
and |
leoda god / suþmonna sinc || s |
Genesis A 2023 |
sodoma folc / leoda duguþe || |
and |
lothes siþ / þa þæt inwitsp |
Genesis A 2027 |
hæleþ || willgeþoftan / aner |
and |
manre || escol þriddan / cwæ |
Genesis A 2036 |
| heardum wordum / ellenrofe || |
and |
abrahame / treowa sealdon || þ |
Genesis A 2042 |
nd / æscberendra || eahtatiene / |
and |
þreo hund eac || þeodenhold |
Genesis A 2045 |
inde / him þa abraham gewat || |
and |
þa eorlas þry / þe him ær t |
Genesis A 2062 |
| hlyn wearþ on wicum / scylda |
and |
sceafta || sceotendra fyll / gu |
Genesis A 2065 |
sceat werum || scearpe garas / |
and |
feonda feorh || feollon þicc |
Genesis A 2067 |
hende || huþe feredon / secgas |
and |
gesiþþas || sigor eft ahwea |
Genesis A 2071 |
old / for his suhtrigan || sloh |
and |
fylde / feond on fitte || him o |
Genesis A 2076 |
e stod / hihtlic heorþwerod || |
and |
hæleþ lagon / on swaþe sæto |
Genesis A 2078 |
aþe sæton || þa þe sodoma / |
and |
gomorra || golde berofan / best |
Genesis A 2090 |
ferede / suþmonna eft || sinc |
and |
bryda / æþelinga bearn || oþ |
Genesis A 2105 |
gre gretan / abraham arlice || |
and |
him on sette / godes bletsunge |
Genesis A 2106 |
m on sette / godes bletsunge || |
and |
swa gyddode / wæs þu gewurþo |
Genesis A 2111 |
rymmas / on geweald gebræc || |
and |
þe wæpnum læt / rancstræte |
Genesis A 2113 |
rume wyrcan / huþe ahreddan || |
and |
hæleþ fyllan / on swaþe sæt |
Genesis A 2118 |
egsan sceolde / handum sinum || |
and |
halegu treow / seo þu wiþ rod |
Genesis A 2121 |
unga lean / þurh hand ageaf || |
and |
þæs hereteames / ealles teoþ |
Genesis A 2130 |
agen wæs || ussum folce / feoh |
and |
frætwa || læt me freo læda |
Genesis A 2132 |
nga bearn / on weste wic || wif |
and |
cnihtas / earme wydewan || eafo |
Genesis A 2138 |
eorlum || elne gewurþod / dome |
and |
sigore || drihtlice spræc / ic |
Genesis A 2141 |
þam halgan || þe heofona is / |
and |
þisse eorþan || agendfrea / w |
Genesis A 2152 |
le || þissa drihtwera / aneres |
and |
mamres || and escoles / nelle i |
Genesis A 2152 |
rihtwera / aneres and mamres || |
and |
escoles / nelle ic þa rincas | |
Genesis A 2156 |
ferian nu / ham hyrsted gold || |
and |
healsmægeþ / leoda idesa || |
Genesis A 2167 |
spræce / trymede tilmodigne || |
and |
him to reordode / meda syndon m |
Genesis A 2171 |
her / wiþ weana gehwam || wreo |
and |
scylde / folmum minum || ne þe |
Genesis A 2191 |
læsc ligeþ / sceawa heofon || |
and |
hyrste gerim / rodores tungel | |
Genesis A 2209 |
rþan sceatas || oþ eufraten / |
and |
from egypta || eþelmearce / sw |
Genesis A 2211 |
niþas || swa nilus sceadeþ / |
and |
eft wendelsæ || wide rice / ea |
Genesis A 2231 |
þa recene || reste gestigan / |
and |
afanda hwæþer || frea wille |
Genesis A 2246 |
des sorge / sarferhþ sægde || |
and |
swiþe cwæþ / ne fremest þu |
Genesis A 2247 |
þ / ne fremest þu gerysnu || |
and |
riht wiþ me / þafodest þu ge |
Genesis A 2251 |
rehte dogora gehwam || dædum |
and |
wordum / unarlice || þæt agar |
Genesis A 2263 |
þeowe || wraþ on mode / heard |
and |
hreþe || higeteonan spræc / f |
Genesis A 2265 |
|| heo þa fleon gewat / þrea |
and |
þeowdom || þolian ne wolde / |
Genesis A 2266 |
wdom || þolian ne wolde / yfel |
and |
ondlean || þæs þe ær dyde |
Genesis A 2276 |
hete || hean of wicum / tregan |
and |
teonan || nu sceal tearighleo |
Genesis A 2279 |
n || hunger oþþe wulf / sawle |
and |
sorge || somed abregde / hire |
Genesis A 2290 |
se biþ unhyre || orlæggifre / |
and |
wiþerbreca || wera cneorissu |
Genesis A 2301 |
worulde || wintra hæfde / siex |
and |
eahtatig || sunu weox and þa |
Genesis A 2301 |
iex and eahtatig || sunu weox |
and |
þah / swa se engel ær || þur |
Genesis A 2317 |
|| ic þæs folces beo / hyrde |
and |
healdend || gif ge hyraþ me / |
Genesis A 2318 |
e hyraþ me / breostgehygdum || |
and |
bebodu willaþ / min fullian || |
Genesis A 2333 |
e onfon sceal / blisse minre || |
and |
bletsunge / lufan and lisse || |
Genesis A 2334 |
minre || and bletsunge / lufan |
and |
lisse || of þam leodfruman / b |
Genesis A 2339 |
tum legde / hleor on eorþan || |
and |
mid hucse bewand / þa hleoþor |
Genesis A 2349 |
arum swilce / þeoden þinum || |
and |
þe þanc wege / heardrædne hy |
Genesis A 2351 |
trange / to dreoganne || dæges |
and |
nihtes / wordum and dædum || w |
Genesis A 2352 |
e || dæges and nihtes / wordum |
and |
dædum || willan þinne / him |
Genesis A 2367 |
dagum wille / swiþor stepan || |
and |
him soþe to / modes wære || m |
Genesis A 2369 |
elæstan / halige higetreowa || |
and |
him hold wesan / abraham fremed |
Genesis A 2376 |
im god sealde / soþe treowa || |
and |
þa seolf onfeng / torhtum tacn |
Genesis A 2415 |
þe || synna fremmaþ / þeawum |
and |
geþancum || swa hie on þweo |
Genesis A 2416 |
hie on þweorh sprecaþ / facen |
and |
inwit || þæt sceal fyr wrec |
Genesis A 2417 |
þæt sceal fyr wrecan / swefyl |
and |
sweart lig || sare and grimme |
Genesis A 2417 |
swefyl and sweart lig || sare |
and |
grimme / hat and hæste || hæ |
Genesis A 2418 |
rt lig || sare and grimme / hat |
and |
hæste || hæþnum folce / wera |
Genesis A 2420 |
telaces / wean under weallum || |
and |
heora wif somed / duguþum wlan |
Genesis A 2434 |
uþlice || cynna gemunde / riht |
and |
gerisno || and þam rincum be |
Genesis A 2434 |
a gemunde / riht and gerisno || |
and |
þam rincum bead / nihtfeormung |
Genesis A 2442 |
th # || / þam giestum hnah || |
and |
him georne bead / reste and ger |
Genesis A 2443 |
|| and him georne bead / reste |
and |
gereorda || and his recedes h |
Genesis A 2443 |
ne bead / reste and gereorda || |
and |
his recedes hleow / and þegnun |
Genesis A 2444 |
orda || and his recedes hleow / |
and |
þegnunge || hie on þanc cur |
Genesis A 2453 |
þystro || þisses lifes / sæs |
and |
sidland || comon sodomware / ge |
Genesis A 2454 |
and || comon sodomware / geonge |
and |
ealde || gode unleofe / corþru |
Genesis A 2470 |
gebedscipe || beorna neawest / |
and |
geswicaþ þære synne || ic |
Genesis A 2478 |
rode / þis þinceþ gerisne || |
and |
riht micel / þæt þu þe afer |
Genesis A 2487 |
im fylston wel / gystas sine || |
and |
hine of gromra þa / cuman arf |
Genesis A 2489 |
m abrugdon / in under edoras || |
and |
þa ofstlice / anra gehwilcum | |
Genesis A 2504 |
leofe sien / ofestum miclum || |
and |
þin ealdor nere / þy læs þu |
Genesis A 2507 |
eht || for wera synnum / sodoma |
and |
gomorra || sweartan lige / fyre |
Genesis A 2508 |
weartan lige / fyre gesyllan || |
and |
þas folc slean / cynn on ceast |
Genesis A 2510 |
n ceastrum || mid cwealmþrea / |
and |
his torn wrecan || þære tid |
Genesis A 2517 |
e gesecan || git me sibblufan / |
and |
freondscipe || fægre cyþaþ |
Genesis A 2518 |
cipe || fægre cyþaþ / treowe |
and |
hyldo || tiþiaþ me / ic wat h |
Genesis A 2521 |
eastre || lyfaþ me þær / are |
and |
reste || þæt we aldornere / o |
Genesis A 2531 |
ne || wit þe friþe healdaþ / |
and |
mundbyrde || ne moton wyt / on |
Genesis A 2534 |
sægor þin / bearn gelæde || |
and |
bryd somed / þa onette || abra |
Genesis A 2543 |
les aldor / swefl of heofnum || |
and |
sweartne lig / werum to wite || |
Genesis A 2554 |
dan || geondsended wæs / bryne |
and |
brogan || bearwas wurdon / to a |
Genesis A 2555 |
gan || bearwas wurdon / to axan |
and |
to yslan || eorþan wæstma / e |
Genesis A 2558 |
wera / strudende fyr || steapes |
and |
geapes / swogende leg || forswe |
Genesis A 2561 |
sodoma byrig || secgas ahton / |
and |
on gomorra || eall þæt god |
Genesis A 2571 |
an ne wolde || nu sceal heard |
and |
steap / on þam wicum || wyrde |
Genesis A 2581 |
rec / hie þæs wlenco onwod || |
and |
wingedrync / þæt hie firendæ |
Genesis A 2584 |
ofergeaton / drihtnes domas || |
and |
hwa him dugeþa forgeaf / blæd |
Genesis A 2594 |
loth gewat / of byrig gangan || |
and |
his bearn somed / wælstowe fyr |
Genesis A 2599 |
ldende leof / dægrimes worn || |
and |
his dohtor twa / hie dydon swa |
Genesis A 2605 |
ofan || fæste genearwod / mode |
and |
gemynde || þæt he mægþa s |
Genesis A 2637 |
sprecan / to þam æþelinge || |
and |
him yrre hweop / þu abrahames |
Genesis A 2647 |
on ræde fæst / modgeþance || |
and |
him miltse / to þe seceþ || m |
Genesis A 2658 |
elm || aldres recce / he is god |
and |
gleaw || mæg self wiþ god s |
Genesis A 2660 |
|| þu sweltan scealt / mid feo |
and |
mid feorme || gif þu þam fr |
Genesis A 2663 |
me || ærendu wile / þeawfæst |
and |
geþyldig || þin abeodan / þ |
Genesis A 2687 |
we þe arlice / gefeormedon || |
and |
þe freondlice / on þisse wer |
Genesis A 2699 |
olca gesohte / wina uncuþra || |
and |
þis wif mid me / freonda feasc |
Genesis A 2714 |
n ic þegnum || þinum dyrnde / |
and |
sylfum þe || swiþost micle / |
Genesis A 2718 |
m swiþan / woruldgestreonum || |
and |
him his wif ageaf / sealde him |
Genesis A 2720 |
s bryd genam / gangende feoh || |
and |
glæd seolfor / and weorcþeos |
Genesis A 2721 |
nde feoh || and glæd seolfor / |
and |
weorcþeos || spræc þa word |
Genesis A 2723 |
elinga helm / wuna mid usic || |
and |
þe wic geceos / on þissum lan |
Genesis A 2738 |
scipe || be frean hæse / lufum |
and |
lissum || he wæs leof gode / f |
Genesis A 2740 |
on he sibbe || gesælig dreah / |
and |
his scippende || under sceade |
Genesis A 2744 |
e synne || þe he wiþ sarrai / |
and |
wiþ abrahame || ær gefremed |
Genesis A 2746 |
gedælde || him deore twa / wif |
and |
wæpned || he þæs weorc geh |
Genesis A 2754 |
onleac / folccyninge || freora |
and |
þeowra / wera and wifa || let |
Genesis A 2755 |
ge || freora and þeowra / wera |
and |
wifa || let weaxan eft / heora |
Genesis A 2757 |
imgetel || rodora waldend / ead |
and |
æhta || ælmihtig wearþ / mil |
Genesis A 2764 |
æsted || lifes aldor / eaforan |
and |
idese || abrahame woc / bearn o |
Genesis A 2772 |
ne || modor brohte / cniht weox |
and |
þag || swa him cynde wæron / |
Genesis A 2781 |
sæton bu-tu / halig on hige || |
and |
heora hiwan eall / druncon and |
Genesis A 2782 |
and heora hiwan eall / druncon |
and |
drymdon || þa cwæþ drihtle |
Genesis A 2785 |
|| hat siþian / agar ellor || |
and |
ismael / lædan mid hie || ne b |
Genesis A 2798 |
ge of breostum / modgewinnan || |
and |
mægeþ hire / bryde þinre || |
Genesis A 2800 |
hat bu-tu aweg / agar feran || |
and |
ismael / cniht of cyþþe || ic |
Genesis A 2802 |
þe || ic his cynn gedo / brad |
and |
bresne || bearna tudre / wæstm |
Genesis A 2806 |
eorigmod tu / idese of earde || |
and |
his agen bearn / sweotol is and |
Genesis A 2807 |
and his agen bearn / sweotol is |
and |
gesene || þæt þe soþ meto |
Genesis A 2810 |
sigor seleþ || snytru mihtum / |
and |
þin mod trymeþ # || / godcun |
Genesis A 2810 |
or seleþ || snytru% meahtum / |
and |
þīn mōd trymeþ, / godcundum |
Genesis A 2825 |
t ic þe hneaw ne wæs / landes |
and |
lissa || wes þissum leodum n |
Genesis A 2826 |
issa || wes þissum leodum nu / |
and |
mægburge || minre arfæst / gi |
Genesis A 2841 |
hsteap reced / burh timbrede || |
and |
bearo sette / weobedd worhte || |
Genesis A 2842 |
bearo sette / weobedd worhte || |
and |
his waldende / on þam glædste |
Genesis A 2851 |
braham feran / lastas lecgan || |
and |
þe læde mid / þin agen bearn |
Genesis A 2857 |
rwan / bælfyr bearne þinum || |
and |
blotan sylf / sunu mid sweordes |
Genesis A 2858 |
ylf / sunu mid sweordes ecge || |
and |
þonne sweartan lige / leofes l |
Genesis A 2859 |
lige / leofes lic forbærnan || |
and |
me lac bebeodan / ne forsæt he |
Genesis A 2862 |
frean engla / word ondrysne || |
and |
his waldend leof / þa se eadga |
Genesis A 2870 |
|| mæg wæs his agen þridda / |
and |
he feorþa sylf || þa he fus |
Genesis A 2873 |
ead metod / efste þa swiþe || |
and |
onette / forþ foldwege || swa |
Genesis A 2885 |
gewat him þa se æþeling || |
and |
his agen sunu / to þæs gemear |
Genesis A 2888 |
|| wudu bær sunu / fæder fyr |
and |
sweord || þa þæs fricgean |
Genesis A 2890 |
|| wordum abraham / wit her fyr |
and |
sweord || frea min habbaþ / hw |
Genesis A 2903 |
þa ad hladan || æled weccan / |
and |
gefeterode || fet and honda / b |
Genesis A 2903 |
weccan / and gefeterode || fet |
and |
honda / bearne sinum || and þa |
Genesis A 2904 |
fet and honda / bearne sinum || |
and |
þa on bæl ahof / isaac geongn |
Genesis A 2905 |
on bæl ahof / isaac geongne || |
and |
þa ædre gegrap / sweord be ge |
Genesis A 2911 |
stille gebad / ares spræce || |
and |
þam engle oncwæþ / him þa o |
Genesis A 2922 |
æt þe wæs leofre his / sibb |
and |
hyldo || þonne þin sylfes b |
Genesis A 2927 |
dega bewlat / rinc ofer exle || |
and |
him þær rom geseah / unfeor |
Genesis A 2930 |
æstne / þone abraham genam || |
and |
hine on ad ahof / ofestum miclu |
Genesis A 2935 |
ac gode || sægde leana þanc / |
and |
ealra þara sælþa || þe he |
Genesis A 2935 |
ra sælþa || þe he him siþ |
and |
ær / gifena drihten || forgife |
Exodus 1 |
# Exodus / / hwæt we feor |
and |
neah || gefrigen habaþ / ofer |
Exodus 10 |
his sylfes miht / gewyrþode || |
and |
him wundra fela / ece alwalda | |
Exodus 13 |
eof gode || leoda aldor / horsc |
and |
hreþergleaw || herges wisa / f |
Exodus 19 |
m / heah wæs þæt handlean || |
and |
him hold frea / gesealde wæpna |
A.1.2 19 |
ames sunum. / Hēah wæs þæt h |
and |
-lēan || and him hold frêa, / |
Exodus 26 |
drihten / eorþan ymbhwyrft || |
and |
uprodor / gesette sigerice || a |
Exodus 27 |
d uprodor / gesette sigerice || |
and |
his sylfes naman / þone yldo b |
Exodus 31 |
geswiþed || soþum cræftum / |
and |
gewurþodne || werodes aldor / |
Exodus 57 |
d þy folce || fæstena worn / l |
and |
and leodweard || laþra manna |
Exodus 76 |
cen || widum fæþmum / eorþan |
and |
uprodor || efne gedæled / læd |
Exodus 93 |
etan / him beforan foran || fyr |
and |
wolcen / in beorhtrodor || beam |
Exodus 97 |
astes / deormodra siþ || dagum |
and |
nihtum / þa ic on morgen gefr |
Exodus 185 |
endo / þæt wæron cyningas || |
and |
cneowmagas / on þæt eade riht |
Exodus 271 |
e gewurþien || wuldres aldor / |
and |
eow liffrean || lissa bidde / s |
Exodus 275 |
|| se þas fyrd wereþ / modig |
and |
mægenrof || mid þære micla |
Exodus 280 |
undra sum / hu ic sylfa sloh || |
and |
þeos swiþre hand / grene tacn |
Exodus 309 |
læste near / sweg swiþrode || |
and |
sances bland / þa þæt feorþ |
Exodus 339 |
ht || freobroþor oþþah / ead |
and |
æþelo || he wæs gearu swa |
Exodus 371 |
e / frumcneow gehwæs || fæder |
and |
moder / tuddorteondra || getele |
Exodus 381 |
niwan asceop || eac þon neah |
and |
feor / halige heapas || in gehy |
Exodus 394 |
sesta || on woruldrice / heahst |
and |
haligost || hæleþum gefræg |
Exodus 395 |
|| hæleþum gefrægost / mæst |
and |
mærost || þara þe manna be |
Exodus 427 |
e / ne behwylfan mæg || heofon |
and |
eorþe / his wuldres word || wi |
Exodus 428 |
e / his wuldres word || widdra |
and |
siddra / þonne befæþman mæg |
Exodus 430 |
sceattas / eorþan ymbhwyrft || |
and |
uprodor / garsecges gin || and |
Exodus 431 |
and uprodor / garsecges gin || |
and |
þeos geomre lyft / he aþ swer |
Exodus 433 |
ngla þeoden / wyrda waldend || |
and |
wereda god / soþfæst sigora | |
Exodus 435 |
es lif / þæt þines cynnes || |
and |
cneowmaga / randwiggendra || ri |
Exodus 506 |
þmum || hilde gesceadan / yrre |
and |
egesfull || egyptum wearþ / þ |
Exodus 537 |
nder foldan || þær biþ fyr |
and |
wyrm / open ece scræf || yfela |
Exodus 546 |
|| on uprodor / þær is leoht |
and |
lif || eac þon lissa blæd / d |
Exodus 557 |
n cananea || cyn gelyfed / burh |
and |
beagas || brade rice / wile nu |
Exodus 587 |
yþlafe || ealde madmas / reaf |
and |
randas || heo on riht sceodon |
Exodus 588 |
s || heo on riht sceodon / gold |
and |
godweb || iosepes gestreon / we |
Daniel 6 |
wig gifen || wigena mænieo / |
and |
hie of egyptum || ut aforon / m |
Daniel 14 |
nd || se þam werude geaf / mod |
and |
mihte || metod alwihta / þæt |
Daniel 52 |
ingan / gesamnode þa || suþan |
and |
norþan / wælhreow werod || an |
Daniel 53 |
nd norþan / wælhreow werod || |
and |
west foran / herige hæþencyni |
Daniel 60 |
wuldor || readan golde / since |
and |
seolfre || salomones templ / ge |
Daniel 66 |
e || hordwearda gestreon / feoh |
and |
frætwa || swilc þær funden |
Daniel 67 |
wa || swilc þær funden wæs / |
and |
þa mid þam æhtum || eft si |
Daniel 68 |
d þam æhtum || eft siþedon / |
and |
gelæddon eac || on langne si |
Daniel 89 |
freagleawe / æþele cnihtas || |
and |
æfæste / ginge and gode || in |
Daniel 90 |
cnihtas || and æfæste / ginge |
and |
gode || in godsæde / an wæs a |
Daniel 94 |
on || to þeodne foran / hearde |
and |
higeþancle || þær se hæþ |
Daniel 105 |
breme || babilone weard / mære |
and |
modig || ofer middangeard / ege |
Daniel 138 |
eþances || swa ge me sægdon / |
and |
þæt gecwædon || þæt ge c |
Daniel 151 |
e wæs drihtne gecoren / snotor |
and |
soþfæst || in þæt seld ga |
Daniel 162 |
ongeat || swiþmod cyning / ord |
and |
ende || þæs þe him ywed w |
Daniel 177 |
wæs || gumrices weard / reþe |
and |
rædleas || riht // / þa wear |
Daniel 211 |
nmælde / grimme þam gingum || |
and |
geocre oncwæþ / þæt hie geg |
Daniel 220 |
t æ godes || ealle gelæste / |
and |
ne awacodon || wereda drihtne |
Daniel 228 |
|| þa he þyder folc samnode / |
and |
gebindan het || babilone wear |
Daniel 229 |
an het || babilone weard / grim |
and |
gealhmod || godes spelbodan / h |
Daniel 248 |
t up gewat / lig ofer leofum || |
and |
þurh lust gesloh / micle mare |
Daniel 276 |
ne on sumera || sunne scineþ / |
and |
deaw dryge || on dæge weorþ |
Daniel 282 |
hten herede / wer womma leas || |
and |
þa word acwæþ / metod alwiht |
Daniel 285 |
|| is þin nama mære / wlitig |
and |
wuldorfæst || ofer werþeode |
Daniel 287 |
domas || in daga gehwam / soþe |
and |
geswiþde || and gesigefæste |
Daniel 287 |
gehwam / soþe and geswiþde || |
and |
gesigefæste / swa þu eac sylf |
Daniel 290 |
llan || on woruldspedum / rihte |
and |
gerume || rodora waldend / geoc |
Daniel 292 |
r georne nu || gasta scyppend / |
and |
þurh hyldo help || halig dri |
Daniel 293 |
ten / nu we þec for þreaum || |
and |
for þeonydum / and for eaþmed |
Daniel 294 |
þreaum || and for þeonydum / |
and |
for eaþmedum || arna biddaþ |
Daniel 303 |
f || geond landa fela / fracoþ |
and |
gefræge || folca manegum / þa |
Daniel 306 |
ealde / on hæft heorugrimra || |
and |
we nu hæþenra / þeowned þol |
Daniel 311 |
ltsum || þe þec men hligaþ / |
and |
for þam treowum || þe þu t |
Daniel 313 |
numen hæfdest / to abrahame || |
and |
to isaace / and to iacobe || ga |
Daniel 314 |
/ to abrahame || and to isaace / |
and |
to iacobe || gasta scyppend / |
Daniel 319 |
on cneorissum || cenned wurde / |
and |
seo mænigeo || mære wære / h |
Daniel 326 |
n / wlitiga þinne wordcwyde || |
and |
þin wuldor on us / gecyþ cræ |
Daniel 327 |
in wuldor on us / gecyþ cræft |
and |
miht || þæt þa caldeas / and |
Daniel 328 |
and miht || þæt þa caldeas / |
and |
folca fela || gefrigen habba |
Daniel 330 |
eofenum || hæþene lifigeaþ / |
and |
þæt þu ana eart || ece dri |
Daniel 334 |
rgende wæs / metodes miltse || |
and |
his mihta sped / rehte þurh re |
Daniel 338 |
aman / se him cwom to frofre || |
and |
to feorhnere / mid lufan and mi |
Daniel 339 |
|| and to feorhnere / mid lufan |
and |
mid lisse || se þone lig tos |
Daniel 340 |
|| se þone lig tosceaf / halig |
and |
heofonbeorht || hatan fyres / t |
Daniel 341 |
t || hatan fyres / tosweop hine |
and |
toswende || þurh þa swiþan |
Daniel 346 |
þær se engel becwom / windig |
and |
wynsum || wedere gelicost / þo |
Daniel 352 |
| wearþ se hata lig / todrifen |
and |
todwæsced || þær þa dædh |
Daniel 353 |
tan / geond þone ofen eodon || |
and |
se engel mid / feorh nerigende |
Daniel 355 |
ær feorþa wæs / annanias || |
and |
azarias / and misael || þær |
Daniel 356 |
wæs / annanias || and azarias / |
and |
misael || þær þa modhwatan |
Daniel 363 |
fæder / woruldcræfta wlite || |
and |
weorca gehwilc / heofonas and e |
Daniel 364 |
| and weorca gehwilc / heofonas |
and |
englas || and hluttor wæter / |
Daniel 364 |
ehwilc / heofonas and englas || |
and |
hluttor wæter / þa þe ofer r |
Daniel 367 |
wuldre || þa þec wurþiaþ / |
and |
þec ælmihtig || ealle gesce |
Daniel 369 |
| þa þe ryne healdaþ / sunna |
and |
mona || sundor anra gehwilc / h |
Daniel 370 |
nra gehwilc / herige in hade || |
and |
heofonsteorran / deaw and deor |
Daniel 371 |
de || and heofonsteorran / deaw |
and |
deor scur || þa þec domige / |
Daniel 372 |
deor scur || þa þec domige / |
and |
þec mihtig god || gastas lof |
Daniel 373 |
gastas lofige / byrnende fyr || |
and |
beorht sumor / nergend hergaþ |
Daniel 374 |
nergend hergaþ || niht somod |
and |
dæg / and þec landa gehwilc | |
Daniel 375 |
ergaþ || niht somod and dæg / |
and |
þec landa gehwilc || leoht a |
Daniel 375 |
d þec landa gehwilc || leoht |
and |
þeostro / herige on hade || so |
Daniel 376 |
o / herige on hade || somod hat |
and |
ceald / and þec frea mihtig || |
Daniel 377 |
n hade || somod hat and ceald / |
and |
þec frea mihtig || forstas a |
Daniel 377 |
d þec frea mihtig || forstas |
and |
snawas / winterbiter weder || a |
Daniel 378 |
d snawas / winterbiter weder || |
and |
wolcenfaru / lofige on lyfte || |
Daniel 379 |
wolcenfaru / lofige on lyfte || |
and |
þec ligetu / blace berhtmhwate |
Daniel 382 |
n grund || ece drihten / hyllas |
and |
hrusan || and hea beorgas / sea |
Daniel 382 |
drihten / hyllas and hrusan || |
and |
hea beorgas / sealte sæwægas |
Daniel 384 |
fæst metod / eastream yþa || |
and |
upcyme / wætersprync wylla || |
Daniel 386 |
iaþ / hwalas þec herigaþ || |
and |
hefonfugolas / lyftlacende || |
Daniel 388 |
reamas / wæterscipe wecgaþ || |
and |
wildu deor / and neata gehwilc |
Daniel 389 |
ipe wecgaþ || and wildu deor / |
and |
neata gehwilc || naman bletsi |
Daniel 390 |
eata gehwilc || naman bletsie / |
and |
manna bearn || modum lufiaþ / |
Daniel 391 |
manna bearn || modum lufiaþ / |
and |
þec israela || æhta scyppen |
Daniel 393 |
igaþ in hade || herran sinne / |
and |
þec haligra || heortan cræf |
Daniel 394 |
/ soþfæstra gehwæs || sawle |
and |
gastas / lofiaþ liffrean || le |
Daniel 397 |
ece drihten / annanias þec || |
and |
adzarias / and misael || metod |
Daniel 398 |
annanias þec || and adzarias / |
and |
misael || metod domige / breost |
Daniel 402 |
a nergend / hæleþa helpend || |
and |
þec halig gast / wurþiaþ in |
Daniel 405 |
ec herigaþ || halig drihten / |
and |
gebedum bremaþ || þu geblet |
Daniel 417 |
e wæs || cyninges ræswa / wis |
and |
wordgleaw || þæt is wundra |
Daniel 422 |
hie god herigaþ / anne ecne || |
and |
ealles him / be naman gehwam || |
Daniel 426 |
/ witig wuldorcyning || worlde |
and |
heofona / aban þu þa beornas |
Daniel 435 |
n / laþsearo leoda cyninges || |
and |
hyra lice geborgen / næs hyra |
Daniel 442 |
of || heofona rices / heh þegn |
and |
hold || halgum metode / hæfde |
Daniel 445 |
olce / septon hie soþcwidum || |
and |
him sædon fela / soþra tacna |
Daniel 469 |
het þa tosomne || sine leode / |
and |
þa on þam meþle || ofer me |
Daniel 470 |
nigo bebead / wyrd gewordene || |
and |
wundor godes / þætte on þam |
Daniel 490 |
ceod / wearþ him hyrra hyge || |
and |
on heortan geþanc / mara on mo |
Daniel 503 |
rd || oþ merestreamas / twigum |
and |
telgum || þær he to geseah / |
Daniel 509 |
an of roderum / stigan cwome || |
and |
stefne abead / torhtan reorde | |
Daniel 511 |
de || het þæt treow ceorfan / |
and |
þa wildan deor || on weg fle |
Daniel 514 |
dan || seolfes blædum / twigum |
and |
telgum || and þeh tacen wesa |
Daniel 514 |
blædum / twigum and telgum || |
and |
þeh tacen wesan / wunian wyrtr |
Daniel 519 |
one miclan / ærenum clammum || |
and |
isernum / and gesæledne || in |
Daniel 520 |
renum clammum || and isernum / |
and |
gesæledne || in susl don / þ |
Daniel 535 |
wisse / sefan sidne geþanc || |
and |
snytro cræft / wisne wordcwide |
Daniel 539 |
an || swefnes woman / heahheort |
and |
hæþen || heriges wisa / ealne |
Daniel 542 |
run bude / hofe haligu word || |
and |
in hige funde / to gesecganne | |
Daniel 545 |
bude || þe he blican geseah / |
and |
him witgode || wyrda geþingu |
Daniel 553 |
fen cuman / heofonheane beam || |
and |
þa halgan word / yrre and eges |
Daniel 554 |
m || and þa halgan word / yrre |
and |
egeslicu || þa se engel cwæ |
Daniel 557 |
llan || þæt ær fæste stod / |
and |
þonne mid deorum || dreamlea |
Daniel 558 |
eamleas beon / westen wunian || |
and |
his wyrtruman / foldan befolen |
Daniel 565 |
eallum || eorþbuendum / weard |
and |
wisa || nis þe wiþerbreca / m |
Daniel 568 |
ec aceorfeþ || of cyningdome / |
and |
þec wineleasne || on wræc s |
Daniel 569 |
ineleasne || on wræc sendeþ / |
and |
þonne onhweorfeþ || heortan |
Daniel 576 |
|| ac þec regna scur / weceþ |
and |
wreceþ || swa wildu deor / oþ |
Daniel 579 |
etod || eallum mannum / reccend |
and |
rice || se on roderum is / is m |
Daniel 582 |
ole || swa seo stefn gecwæþ / |
and |
ymbe seofan tide || sæde onf |
Daniel 608 |
ra life / þu eart seo micle || |
and |
min seo mære burh / þe ic gew |
Daniel 611 |
rice || ic reste on þe / eard |
and |
eþel || agan wille / þa for |
Daniel 613 |
a drihten / forfangen wearþ || |
and |
on fleam gewat / ana on oferhyd |
Daniel 633 |
eþafian / wundorlic wræcca || |
and |
wæda leas / mætra on modgeþa |
Daniel 637 |
ard || æfter mandrihtne / eard |
and |
eþel || æfter þam æþelin |
Daniel 665 |
ce / heold hæleþa gestreon || |
and |
þa hean burh / frod foremihtig |
Daniel 680 |
hton / þa metod onlah || medum |
and |
persum / aldordomes || ymb lyte |
Daniel 692 |
stna || folcum cuþost / mæst |
and |
mærost || þara þe men bun / |
Daniel 709 |
æd forbræcon || billa ecgum / |
and |
þurh hleoþorcyme || herige |
Daniel 715 |
t his hergas || hyrran wæron / |
and |
mihtigran || mannum to friþe |
Daniel 736 |
com || drihtne gecoren / snotor |
and |
soþfæst || in þæt seld ga |
Daniel 740 |
æt he him bocstafas / arædde |
and |
arehte || hwæt seo run bude / |
Daniel 761 |
na || ealra gesceafta / drihten |
and |
waldend || se him dom forgeaf |
Daniel 763 |
cyndne blæd || eorþan rices / |
and |
þu lignest nu || þæt sie l |
Christ and Satan 2 |
m / þæt meotod hæfde || miht |
and |
strengþo / þa he gefestnade | |
Christ and Satan 4 |
s / seolfa he gesette || sunnan |
and |
monan / stanas and eorþan || s |
Christ and Satan 5 |
te || sunnan and monan / stanas |
and |
eorþan || stream ut on sæ / w |
Christ and Satan 6 |
an || stream ut on sæ / wæter |
and |
wolcn || þurh his wundra mih |
Christ and Satan 8 |
mbhaldeþ / meotod on mihtum || |
and |
alne middangeard / he selfa mæ |
Christ and Satan 11 |
n geofene || godes agen bearn / |
and |
he ariman mæg || rægnas scu |
Christ and Satan 15 |
þurh his wuldres gast / serede |
and |
sette || on six dagum / eorþan |
Christ and Satan 17 |
þan dæles || up on heofonum / |
and |
heanne holm || hwa is þæt |
Christ and Satan 19 |
dreamas he gedelde || duguþe |
and |
geþeode / adam ærest || and |
Christ and Satan 20 |
e and geþeode / adam ærest || |
and |
þæt æþele cyn / engla ordfr |
Christ and Satan 32 |
n þone neowlan grund / gredige |
and |
gifre || god ana wat / hu he þ |
Christ and Satan 42 |
tsomne || susel þrowian / wean |
and |
wergu || nalles wuldres blæd |
Christ and Satan 48 |
ld || herigaþ drihten / wordum |
and |
wercum || and ic in wite scea |
Christ and Satan 48 |
drihten / wordum and wercum || |
and |
ic in wite sceal / bidan in ben |
Christ and Satan 49 |
wite sceal / bidan in bendum || |
and |
me bættran ham / for oferhygdu |
Christ and Satan 52 |
eradan || atole gastas / swarte |
and |
synfulle || susle begnornende |
Christ and Satan 56 |
u ahtest alles gewald / heofnes |
and |
eorþan || wære halig god / sc |
Christ and Satan 60 |
woruld ahtest / alra onwald || |
and |
we englas mid þec / atol is þ |
Christ and Satan 79 |
þonne he spreocan ongan / fyre |
and |
atre || ne biþ swelc fæger |
Christ and Satan 83 |
d gode / micelne for meotode || |
and |
þeos menego swa some / þa ic |
Christ and Satan 87 |
burga gewald / eall to æhte || |
and |
þeos earme heap / þe ic hebbe |
Christ and Satan 104 |
|| feond seondon reþe / dimme |
and |
deorce || ne her dæg lyhteþ |
Christ and Satan 111 |
n ham / ac ic sceal on flyge || |
and |
on flyhte þragum / earda neosa |
Christ and Satan 112 |
lyhte þragum / earda neosan || |
and |
eower ma / þe þes oferhydes | |
Christ and Satan 118 |
| ah him alles gewald / wuldres |
and |
wita || waldendes sunu / forþo |
Christ and Satan 119 |
es sunu / forþon ic sceal hean |
and |
earm || hweorfan þy widor / wa |
Christ and Satan 131 |
ynnum forwundod / hwæt her hat |
and |
ceald || hwilum mencgaþ / hwil |
Christ and Satan 151 |
fonum || hæfdon ærror / wlite |
and |
weorþmynt || ful oft wuldres |
Christ and Satan 173 |
u meotodes / drihten adrifan || |
and |
agan me þæs dreames gewald / |
Christ and Satan 174 |
þæs dreames gewald / wuldres |
and |
wynne || me þær wyrse gelam |
Christ and Satan 184 |
| ic þæt morþer sceal / wean |
and |
witu || and wrace dreogan / god |
Christ and Satan 184 |
orþer sceal / wean and witu || |
and |
wrace dreogan / goda bedæled | |
Christ and Satan 191 |
| dydon his gingran swa / gifre |
and |
grædige || þa hig god bedra |
Christ and Satan 206 |
tum || bliþe geþohtas / sibbe |
and |
snytero || gemunan soþ and r |
Christ and Satan 206 |
e and snytero || gemunan soþ |
and |
riht / þonne we to hehselde || |
Christ and Satan 208 |
o hehselde || hnigan þencaþ / |
and |
þone anwaldan || ara biddan / |
Christ and Satan 213 |
eos folde seo / is þær wlitig |
and |
wynsum || wæstmas scinaþ / be |
Christ and Satan 219 |
ælend || in þæm deoran ham / |
and |
ymb þæt hehsetl || hwite st |
Christ and Satan 220 |
wite standaþ / engla feþan || |
and |
eadigra / halige heofenþreatas |
Christ and Satan 222 |
as || herigaþ drihten / wordum |
and |
weorcum || heora wlite scine |
Christ and Satan 225 |
/ wæs him eall ful strang wom |
and |
witu || hæfdon wuldorcyning / |
Christ and Satan 233 |
e halgan gode || heran woldon / |
and |
him sang ymb seld || secgan s |
Christ and Satan 237 |
htword aras / engla ordfruma || |
and |
to þæm æþelan / hnigan him |
Christ and Satan 240 |
ece drihten || ofer us gestod / |
and |
gebletsode || bilewitne heap / |
Christ and Satan 241 |
witne heap / dogra gehwilcne || |
and |
his se deora sunu / gasta scypp |
Christ and Satan 244 |
andfeng || þe þær up becom / |
and |
hine on eorþan || ær gelefd |
Christ and Satan 246 |
þæt se þeoden wæs / strang |
and |
stiþmod || ongan ic þa step |
Christ and Satan 247 |
ppan forþ / ana wiþ englum || |
and |
to him eallum spræc / ic can e |
Christ and Satan 269 |
n hweorfan || geond hæleþa l |
and |
/ and unsibbe || oft onstyrian / |
Christ and Satan 274 |
niþæs || beala gnornian / sic |
and |
sorhful || þæs ic seolfa we |
Christ and Satan 288 |
|| þær is se ælmihtiga god / |
and |
us befæþman wile || freobea |
Christ and Satan 290 |
on eorþan || ær geþencaþ / |
and |
us to þam halgan || helpe ge |
Christ and Satan 297 |
forþ || wunian moten / cestre |
and |
cynestol || uton cyþan þæt |
Christ and Satan 302 |
end engla || gif þider moton / |
and |
þæt on eorþan || ær gewyr |
Christ and Satan 320 |
windsele || wean cwanedon / man |
and |
morþur || wæs seo menego þ |
Christ and Satan 324 |
eþan || fæste gebunden / fyre |
and |
lige || þæt wæs fæstlic |
Christ and Satan 331 |
gryndes ad / wunian ne moten || |
and |
þone werigan sele / þær is w |
Christ and Satan 332 |
one werigan sele / þær is wom |
and |
wop || wide gehered / and grist |
Christ and Satan 333 |
s wom and wop || wide gehered / |
and |
gristbitungc || and gnornungc |
Christ and Satan 333 |
e gehered / and gristbitungc || |
and |
gnornungc mecga / nabbaþ he to |
Christ and Satan 334 |
þ he to hyhte || nymþe cyle |
and |
fyr / wean and witu || and wyrm |
Christ and Satan 335 |
e || nymþe cyle and fyr / wean |
and |
witu || and wyrma þreat / drac |
Christ and Satan 335 |
cyle and fyr / wean and witu || |
and |
wyrma þreat / dracan and nædd |
Christ and Satan 336 |
tu || and wyrma þreat / dracan |
and |
næddran || and þone dimman |
Christ and Satan 336 |
þreat / dracan and næddran || |
and |
þone dimman ham / forþon miht |
Christ and Satan 339 |
þær wæs toþa geheaw / hlude |
and |
geomre || godes andsacan / hweo |
Christ and Satan 341 |
nd helle || hate onæled / ufan |
and |
utan || him wæs æghwær wa / |
Christ and Satan 347 |
riht geheold / hired heofona || |
and |
þæt halige seld / nis nænig |
Christ and Satan 359 |
fæþmeþ || fæder mancynnes / |
and |
hie gesegnaþ || mid his swi |
Christ and Satan 364 |
e hælende || heran þenceþ / |
and |
wel is þam || þe þæt wyrc |
Christ and Satan 375 |
he to helle || hnigan sceolde / |
and |
his hired mid hine || in hyn |
Christ and Satan 376 |
o geglidan / nergendes niþ || |
and |
no seoþþan / þæt hi mosten |
Christ and Satan 380 |
|| þa he duru in helle / bræc |
and |
begde || blis wearþ monnum / |
Christ and Satan 396 |
e uppe heonan / sawla lædan || |
and |
we seoþþan a / þæs yrreweor |
Christ and Satan 418 |
e scræf || hweorfan sceoldon / |
and |
wintra rim || wunian seoþþa |
Christ and Satan 423 |
s || þæt ic up heonon / mæge |
and |
mote || mid minre mægþe / and |
Christ and Satan 424 |
and mote || mid minre mægþe / |
and |
ymb þreo niht com || þegen |
Christ and Satan 430 |
htan / aras þa anra gehwylc || |
and |
wiþ earm gesæt / hleonade wi |
Christ and Satan 440 |
e || þæt þu eart sylfa god / |
and |
ece ordfruma || ealra gesceaf |
Christ and Satan 443 |
clomma / feondum oþfæsted || |
and |
heo furþor sceaf / in þæt ne |
Christ and Satan 446 |
arte þingaþ / earm aglæca || |
and |
þa atolan mid him / witum weri |
Christ and Satan 452 |
wites clom / atole to æhte || |
and |
egsan gryre / dimne and deorcne |
Christ and Satan 453 |
hte || and egsan gryre / dimne |
and |
deorcne || deaþes scuwan / hat |
Christ and Satan 456 |
t se feþa com / up to earde || |
and |
se eca mid him / meotod mancynn |
Christ and Satan 466 |
|| þa he helle duru / forbræc |
and |
forbegde || ban weornodon / þa |
Christ and Satan 471 |
mihte geworhte / adam ærest || |
and |
þæt æþele wif / þa hie beg |
Christ and Satan 475 |
middangeard || menio onwocon / |
and |
wintra feola || wunian moston |
Christ and Satan 481 |
þa tanas up / æpla bæron || |
and |
git æton þa / beorhtan blæda |
Christ and Satan 494 |
æmnan had / ufan from eþle || |
and |
on eorþan gebad / tintregan fe |
Christ and Satan 495 |
rþan gebad / tintregan fela || |
and |
teonan micelne / me seredon ymb |
Christ and Satan 497 |
n ymb || secgas monige / dæges |
and |
nihtes || hu heo me deaþes c |
Christ and Satan 501 |
wæs || wintra gerimes / þreo |
and |
þritig geara || ær ic þrow |
Christ and Satan 505 |
gan sceolon / drihtnes domas || |
and |
duguþe þrym / wuniaþ in wynn |
Christ and Satan 510 |
algum || heow se giunga þær / |
and |
ic eft up becom || ece dreama |
Christ and Satan 519 |
drihten / on þæm fæstenne || |
and |
gefatian het / englas eallbeorh |
Christ and Satan 521 |
lbeorhte || andleofan gingran / |
and |
huru secgan het || simon petr |
Christ and Satan 523 |
galileam || god sceawian / ecne |
and |
trumne || swa he ær dyde / þa |
Christ and Satan 531 |
eca wæs / feollon on foldan || |
and |
to fotum hnigon / þanceden þe |
Christ and Satan 547 |
oden ure / he on beame astah || |
and |
his blod ageat / god on galgan |
Christ and Satan 550 |
ecgan drihtne þanc || dædum |
and |
weorcum / þæs þe he us of h |
Christ and Satan 554 |
sceolon / drihtnes domas # || / |
and |
we in wynnum || wunian moton / |
Christ and Satan 565 |
d godes / onfeng freodrihten || |
and |
hine forþ lædde / to þam hal |
Christ and Satan 581 |
hwæm || drihten weoroda / help |
and |
hælo || hæleþa bearnum / geo |
Christ and Satan 584 |
a is || ealra gescefta / wyrhta |
and |
waldend || þurh his wuldres |
Christ and Satan 605 |
ht / þæt biþ daga lengust || |
and |
dinna mæst / hlud gehered || |
Christ and Satan 608 |
e þonne gesceadan || wlitige |
and |
unclæne / on twa healfe || til |
Christ and Satan 609 |
nclæne / on twa healfe || tile |
and |
yfle / him þa soþfæstan || o |
Christ and Satan 614 |
on / gongan in godes rice # || / |
and |
heo gesenaþ || mid his swiþ |
Christ and Satan 630 |
um scriþaþ / þusendmælum || |
and |
þider leaþaþ / in þæt scea |
Christ and Satan 632 |
runde / in þæt nearwe niþ || |
and |
no seoþþan / þæt hie up þo |
Christ and Satan 635 |
sceolon || earmlic wite / clom |
and |
carcern || and þone caldan g |
Christ and Satan 635 |
mlic wite / clom and carcern || |
and |
þone caldan grund / deopne adr |
Christ and Satan 636 |
ldan grund / deopne adreogan || |
and |
deofles spellunge / hu hie him |
Christ and Satan 639 |
n || stæleþ feondas / fæhþe |
and |
firne || þær þe hie freodr |
Christ and Satan 650 |
gongan moten || to godes rice / |
and |
ymb þa weallas || wlitige sc |
Christ and Satan 651 |
itige scinaþ / engla gastas || |
and |
eadige sawla / þa þe heonon f |
Christ and Satan 654 |
r martiras || meotode cwemaþ / |
and |
herigaþ hehfæder || halgum |
Christ and Satan 656 |
us / þu eart hæleþa helm || |
and |
heofendema / engla ordfruma || |
Christ and Satan 657 |
heofendema / engla ordfruma || |
and |
eorþan tudor / up gelæddest | |
Christ and Satan 1 |
genom || / atol þurh edwit || |
and |
on esle ahof / herm bealowes ga |
Christ and Satan 2 |
le ahof / herm bealowes gast || |
and |
on beorh astah / asette on dune |
A.1.4 3 |
f, / hearm% bealwes% gāst, || |
and |
on beorh ā·stāh, / ā·sette |
Christ and Satan 6 |
|| on þines seolfes dom / folc |
and |
foldan || foh hider to me / bur |
Christ and Satan 7 |
oldan || foh hider to me / burh |
and |
breotone || bold to gewealde / |
A.1.4 8 |
an. || Foh hider tō mē / burh |
and |
brytene || bold tō% ġe·wea |
Christ and Satan 9 |
gif þu seo riht cyning / engla |
and |
monna || swa þu ær myntest / |
A.1.4 10 |
f þū sēo riht cyning / engla |
and |
manna, || swā þū ǣr mynte |
Christ and Satan 19 |
ite þu eac awyrgda || hu wid |
and |
sid / helheoþo dreorig || and |
Christ and Satan 20 |
and sid / helheoþo dreorig || |
and |
mid hondum amet / grip wiþ þ |
A.1.4 21 |
d / hell-hēoðu drēoriġ, || |
and |
mid heandum ā·met. / Grip wi |
Christ and Satan 23 |
þone ymbhwyrft || alne cunne / |
and |
ærest amet || ufan to grunde |
Christ and Satan 24 |
ærest amet || ufan to grunde / |
and |
hu sid seo || se swarta eþm / |
A.1.4 25 |
t ā·met || ufan tō grunde, / |
and |
hū sīd sīe% || sē swearta |
Christ and Satan 27 |
fast || handum ametene / hu heh |
and |
deop || hell inneweard seo / gr |
A.1.4 28 |
heandum ā·metene / hū hēah |
and |
dēop || hell inneweard sīe, |
Christ and Satan 32 |
u getenge / satan seolua ran || |
and |
on susle gefeol / earm æglæce |
A.1.4 33 |
tenġe. / Satan selfa rann% || |
and |
on sūsle ġe·fēoll, / earm |
Christ and Satan 34 |
| hwilum mid folmum mæt / wean |
and |
witu || hwilum se wonna læg / |
A.1.4 35 |
Hwīlum mid folmum mæt / wēan |
and |
wītu. || Hwīlum sē wanna l |
Christ and Satan 49 |
n þa werigan gastas / reordian |
and |
cweþan # || / la þus beo nu |
A.1.4 50 |
ā% werĝan gāstas / reordian |
and |
cweðan: / ‘Lā, þus bēo n |
A.2.1 8 |
eorðan, / frame folc-toĝan || |
and |
fyrd-hwate, / rōfe rincas, || |
A.2.1 9 |
ate, / rōfe rincas, || þonne r |
and |
and hand / on here-felda || hel |
A.2.1 23 |
brūcanne, || āh hīe blōd |
and |
fell, / fīra flǣsċ-haman, || |
A.2.1 38 |
u-grǣdġe, || ac hīe hīeġ |
and |
gærs / for mete-lēaste || mē |
A.2.1 49 |
an ðǣr || handa ġe·bundon / |
and |
fæstnodon || fēondes cræft |
A.2.1 50 |
ræfte, / hæleþ hell-fūse || |
and |
his hēafdes seġl / ā·brēot |
A.2.1 54 |
|| atolne on·fenge. / Ēadiġ |
and |
an-mōd, || hē mid elne for |
A.2.1 62 |
efne, / weoroda will-ġiefan || |
and |
þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Hū m |
A.2.1 83 |
olie, / fæste ferhð-lufan || |
and |
þē, fæder engla, / beorht bl |
A.2.1 95 |
ne / under hearm-locan || hǣlu |
and |
frōfre / beadu-rōfum ā·bēa |
A.2.1 100 |
% murn. || Iċ þē mid wunie / |
and |
þē ā·līese || of þissum |
A.2.1 101 |
e || of þissum liðu-bendum, / |
and |
ealle þā meniġu || þe þ |
A.2.1 111 |
|| ǣdre on·sende / tō hlēow |
and |
tō hroðre || on þās hǣð |
A.2.1 114 |
le / efene mid sōðe || seofon |
and |
twentiġ / niht-ġe·rīmes, || |
A.2.1 134 |
dan. / Hæfdon hīe on rūne || |
and |
on rīm-cræfte / ā·writen, w |
A.2.1 151 |
/ lungre tō·līesan || līċ |
and |
sāwle, / and þonne tō·dǣla |
A.2.1 152 |
līesan || līċ and sāwle, / |
and |
þonne tō·dǣlan || duĝuþ |
A.2.1 152 |
onne tō·dǣlan || duĝuþe |
and |
ġuĝuþe, / werum tō wiste || |
A.2.1 153 |
ġuĝuþe, / werum tō wiste || |
and |
tō will-þeġe, / fǣġes flǣ |
A.2.1 165 |
ufan ā·drēah / for Ebreum || |
and |
Israhelum; / swelċe hē Iūdē |
A.2.1 173 |
on·lēac, / weoroda drihten || |
and |
þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Þu s |
A.2.1 174 |
þ: / ‘Þu sċealt fēran || |
and |
ferhþ lǣdan, / sīðe ġe·s |
A.2.1 196 |
ng, / sealte% sǣ-strēamas% || |
and |
swan-rāde, / waroþ-faroþa ġ |
A.2.1 197 |
, / waroþ-faroþa ġe·winn || |
and |
wæter-brōĝan, / weĝas ofer |
A.2.1 216 |
ealt þā fore ġe·fēran || |
and |
þīn feorh beran / on gramra g |
A.2.1 222 |
ende / ċēol ġe·stīĝan || |
and |
on ċeald wæter / brecan ofer |
A.2.1 225 |
þā sē hālĝa || healdend |
and |
wealdend, / up-engla fruma, || |
A.2.1 233 |
-rǣd || ellen-weorces, / heard |
and |
hyġe-rōf, || nealles hild-l |
A.2.1 237 |
e, / þrīste on ġe·þance || |
and |
his þeġnas mid, / gangan on g |
A.2.1 283 |
þider || feorh ġe·lǣdaþ, / |
and |
þū wilnast nū || ofer wīd |
A.2.1 318 |
| nū þe drihten ġeaf / welan |
and |
wiste || and weorold-spēde, / |
A.2.1 318 |
hten ġeaf / welan and wiste || |
and |
weorold-spēde, / þæt þū an |
A.2.1 325 |
is cyning on riht, / wealdend |
and |
wyrhta || wuldor-þrymmes, / ā |
A.2.1 328 |
hþ || ānes cræfte, / heofon |
and |
eorðan, || hālĝum meahtum, |
A.2.1 330 |
, / fæder folca ġe·hwæs || |
and |
ūs fēran hēt / ġond ġinne |
A.2.1 346 |
, || swā ġē mē seċġaþ, / |
and |
ġē ġe·hēoldon þæt ēow |
A.2.1 354 |
ltsa biddan / wuldres ealdor || |
and |
þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘For· |
A.2.1 356 |
ðunga, / willan on weorolde || |
and |
on wuldre blǣd, / metod mann-c |
A.2.1 366 |
gān, / mǣrne maĝu-þeġn || |
and |
mete sellan, / frēfran feasċe |
A.2.1 371 |
de, / glād ġond gārseċġ || |
and |
sē grǣġa mǣw / wæl-ġīfre |
A.2.1 388 |
ġielde, / weoroda wealdend || |
and |
þē wist ġiefe, / heofonlicne |
A.2.1 399 |
lande || ofer laĝu-fæsten, / |
and |
þonne ġe·bidan || beornas |
A.2.1 404 |
s stefnan / lēofne lārēow || |
and |
him land curon: / ‘Hwider hwe |
A.2.1 412 |
āforde æt hilde, || þonne h |
and |
and rand / on beadu-wange || bi |
A.2.1 431 |
a folc || feorh ġe·lǣddon, / |
and |
for dryhtnes lufan || dēaþ |
A.2.1 436 |
r-eġesa sċeall, / ġe·þīed |
and |
ġe·þrēatod || þurh þrȳ |
A.2.1 456 |
| under sweġeles gang / windas |
and |
wǣĝas || and wæter-brōĝa |
A.2.1 456 |
es gang / windas and wǣĝas || |
and |
wæter-brōĝan / forhte ġe·w |
A.2.1 486 |
ǣhte, || nū þe tīr cyning / |
and |
meaht for·ġeaf, || manna s |
A.2.1 489 |
Iċ wæs on ġiefeþe || ġō |
and |
nū þā% / siex-tīene sīðum |
A.2.1 520 |
deþ, || brūne ȳða / þīeþ |
and |
þrēataþ. || Hē þēodum s |
A.2.1 522 |
te, || sē þe rodor ā·hōf / |
and |
ġe·fæstnode || folmum sīn |
A.2.1 523 |
node || folmum sīnum, / worhte |
and |
wreðede, || wuldras fylde / be |
A.2.1 539 |
eorðode, / wuldres wealdend || |
and |
þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Wes þ |
A.2.1 551 |
issum hyse || hold ġe·wurde / |
and |
hine ġungne || ġiefum weor |
A.2.1 552 |
ðodest, / wīsum ġe·witte || |
and |
word-cwīdum. / Iċ æt efen-ea |
A.2.1 556 |
, / fræġn framlīċe || fruma |
and |
ende: / ‘Sæġe, þances glē |
A.2.1 565 |
rodum ġe·cȳðde, / sweotolra |
and |
ġe·sīenra. || Synniĝe ne |
A.2.1 567 |
ā·cenned wearþ / tō hlēow |
and |
tō hroðre || hæleþa cynne |
A.2.1 569 |
rum. || Æðelinge wēox / word |
and |
wīsdōm, || āh hē þāra w |
A.2.1 578 |
dēafe ġe·hīerdon, / healtum |
and |
hrēofum || hyġe blissode, / |
A.2.1 587 |
e-mæġene / wīn of wætere || |
and |
wendan hēt, / beornum tō blis |
A.2.1 590 |
ā·fēdde || of fiscum twǣm / |
and |
of fīf hlāfum || fīra cynn |
A.2.1 596 |
ūs wuldres weard || wordum |
and |
dǣdum / lufode on līfe || and |
A.2.1 597 |
and dǣdum / lufode on līfe || |
and |
þurh lāre spēon / tō þām |
A.2.1 607 |
n cȳðde, / ðǣr bisċopas || |
and |
bōceras / and ealdor-menn || e |
A.2.1 608 |
ǣr bisċopas || and bōceras / |
and |
ealdor-menn || eaht be·sǣto |
A.2.1 614 |
o wyrd be·swāc, / for·lēolc |
and |
for·lǣrde. || Nū hīe lung |
A.2.1 630 |
ofesta, / wordum wrætlicum || |
and |
þēah wyrda ġe·hwǣre / þur |
A.2.1 649 |
selfum || seċġan wille / ōr |
and |
ende, || swā iċ þæs æðe |
A.2.1 650 |
ā iċ þæs æðelinges / word |
and |
wīsdōm || on wera ġe·mōt |
A.2.1 668 |
æs || tempel dryhtnes, / hēah |
and |
horn-ġēap, || hæleþum ġe |
A.2.1 687 |
ten || hām-sittende, / fæder |
and |
mōdor, || þæs we ġe·fræ |
A.2.1 688 |
urh mōd-ġe·mynd, || Maria |
and |
Ioseph. / Sindon him on æðelu |
A.2.1 691 |
bbum, / suna Iosephes, || Simon |
and |
Iacob.’ / Swā hlēoðrodon | |
A.2.1 702 |
ġene ġe·swīðed, / wealdend |
and |
wyrhta || wuldor-þrymmes, / ā |
A.2.1 732 |
sēċe, / wlitiġ of wǣĝe || |
and |
word sprece, / seċġe sōþ-cw |
A.2.1 743 |
um tācnum, / wītiġ werede || |
and |
worde cwæþ: / 'Ġē sind unl |
A.2.1 747 |
e bearn, || þone% þe grund |
and |
sund, / heofon and eorðan || a |
A.2.1 748 |
e% þe grund and sund, / heofon |
and |
eorðan || and hrēo wǣĝas, |
A.2.1 748 |
d sund, / heofon and eorðan || |
and |
hrēo wǣĝas, / sealte sǣ-str |
A.2.1 749 |
ĝas, / sealte sǣ-strēamas || |
and |
sweġel uppe / ā·mearcode || |
A.2.1 753 |
eras cūðon. / Hē Abrahame || |
and |
Isace / and Iocobe || ġiefe br |
A.2.1 754 |
on. / Hē Abrahame || and Isace / |
and |
Iocobe || ġiefe bryttode, / we |
A.2.1 775 |
n% strǣte || of stede-wange, / |
and |
forþ gān || fold-weġ treda |
A.2.1 782 |
u gadrian, / gāste on·fôn || |
and |
ġuĝoþhāde, / ed-nīewunga | |
A.2.1 793 |
e || up ā·standan / Habraham |
and |
Isaac, || æðeling þriddan / |
A.2.1 798 |
tēode / eorðan eall-grēne || |
and |
up-heofon, / hwǣr sē wealdend |
A.2.1 810 |
sibbe || sweġeles drēamas, / |
and |
þæs tō wīdan fēore || wi |
A.2.1 850 |
on·gann / wīġend weċċan || |
and |
worde cwæþ: / ‘Iċ ēow se |
A.2.1 867 |
breahtmum blīðe, || beorhte |
and |
līðe. / Lissum lufodon || and |
A.2.1 868 |
and līðe. / Lissum lufodon || |
and |
on lofe wunodon, / ðǣr wæs s |
A.2.1 869 |
n, / ðǣr wæs singāl sang || |
and |
sweġeles gang, / wlitiġ weoro |
A.2.1 870 |
ang, / wlitiġ weoroda hēap || |
and |
wuldres þrēat. / Ūtan ymbe |
A.2.1 876 |
deras || hālġe on·cnēowon / |
and |
martira || mæġen unlȳtel, / |
A.2.1 896 |
miċeles || ofer menn ealle, / |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ || wī |
A.2.1 934 |
|| ānra ġe·hwelcne / fremman |
and |
fyrðran || frēonda mīnra / o |
A.2.1 939 |
|| tō wīdan ealdre, / cræfte |
and |
meahte. || þū on þā ċeas |
A.2.1 945 |
·līesan || of lāðra hete, / |
and |
eall þæt manncynn || þe hi |
A.2.1 948 |
æðe / weorðan on weorolde || |
and |
on wuldre lēan, / swā iċ him |
A.2.1 964 |
|| Wordum tierĝdon, / slōĝon |
and |
swungon, || synniġe ne mihto |
A.2.1 1001 |
dhrīne% || hālġes gæstes, / |
and |
ðǣr in·ēode, || elnes ġe |
A.2.1 1016 |
arme be·þeahte, / cyston hīe |
and |
clypton. || Crīste wǣron b |
A.2.1 1018 |
e lēoht ymb·sċān / hāliġ |
and |
heofon-torht. || Hreðer inna |
A.2.1 1030 |
arm-locan / his god grētte% || |
and |
him ġēoce bæd, / hǣlend hel |
A.2.1 1033 |
e hǣðenra || hilde-þrymme, / |
and |
þā ġe·lǣdde || of liðu- |
A.2.1 1035 |
enne || on friþ dryhtnes / tū |
and |
hundtēontiġ || ġe·teled r |
A.2.1 1039 |
rĝ-locan || bennum fæstne), / |
and% |
ðǣr wīfa þā-ġīet, || w |
A.2.1 1072 |
|| hearm þrōwedon. / Wēndan |
and |
woldon || wiðer-hyċġende / |
A.2.1 1122 |
orðre ġe·sōhton, / duĝuþe |
and |
ġuĝuþe, || dæl on·fēngo |
A.2.1 1133 |
olde% sweordes eċġ, / sċearp |
and |
sċūr-heard, || of sċaðan |
A.2.1 1139 |
Wæs sē lēod-hete / þrīst% |
and% |
þroht-heard. || Þrymman sċ |
A.2.1 1169 |
|| dēoful æt·īewde, / wann |
and |
wlitelēas, || hæfde wērġe |
A.2.1 1172 |
an wer / wiðer·hyċġende || |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘H |
A.2.1 1187 |
es cwealm, / hātne on helle || |
and |
þū here fȳsest, / fēðan t |
A.2.1 1191 |
tĝa / hēanne ġe·hnǣġde || |
and |
on% heolstor be·sċēaf, / ð |
A.2.1 1193 |
cyning || clamme be·leġde, / |
and |
þe siþþan ā || Satan% nem |
A.2.1 1203 |
ild-frame || herġes bearhtme / |
and |
tō weall-ġeatum || wīġend |
A.2.1 1205 |
/ tō þām or-leġe, || ordum |
and |
bordum. / Þā worde cwæþ || |
A.2.1 1215 |
n on·cnāwan. / Ne maĝon hīe |
and |
ne mōton || ofer mīne ēst / |
A.2.1 1222 |
-mōde; || bǣron ūt hræðe / |
and |
þām hālĝan ðǣr || handa |
A.2.1 1224 |
pped wæs || æðelinga wynn, / |
and |
hīe andweardne || ēaĝum me |
A.2.1 1257 |
el-sċūrum, || swelċe hrīm |
and |
forst, / hāre hild-stapan, || |
A.2.1 1264 |
| elnes ġe·myndiġ, / þrīst |
and |
þroht-heard || on þrēa-nī |
A.2.1 1280 |
n, / wēoll waðuman strēam || |
and |
hē worde cwæþ: / ‘Ġe·seo |
A.2.1 1282 |
da will-ġiefa. || þū wāst |
and |
canst / ānra ġe·hwelċes || |
A.2.1 1299 |
ful / ā·wierġed on wītum || |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘Sl |
A.2.1 1307 |
bræġd || beorĝas stēape, / |
and |
sē hālĝa wæs || tō hofe |
A.2.1 1308 |
æs || tō hofe lǣded, / dēor |
and |
dōm-ġeorn, || on þæt dimm |
A.2.1 1321 |
e ānum || eall ġe·teohhad / l |
and |
and lēode, || swā dyde lār |
A.2.1 1326 |
ūdēa, / rīċes be·rǣdde || |
and |
hine rōde be·fealh, / þæt h |
A.2.1 1340 |
-fenge, / forhte, ā·fǣrde || |
and |
on flēam numen. / On·gann eft |
A.2.1 1346 |
ndsware, / fāh fyrn-sċaða || |
and |
his fæder on·cwæþ: / ‘Ne |
A.2.1 1361 |
stefne, / wītum be·wǣled || |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘Þ |
A.2.1 1364 |
þū lēoda fela / for·leolce |
and |
for·lǣrdest. || Nū lenġ n |
A.2.1 1395 |
a || nīþ on·hrēred, / heard |
and |
hete-grīm. || Wæs sē hāl |
A.2.1 1400 |
efne / wēop wēriġ-ferhþ% || |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘N |
A.2.1 1411 |
clipodest, / cyninga wuldor || |
and |
cwǣde þus: / 'Iċ þē, fæde |
A.2.1 1414 |
æt for·lǣtest þū mē?’ / |
And |
iċ nū þrīe daĝas || þol |
A.2.1 1438 |
s wlitie ġe·sċeaft, / heofon |
and |
eorðe, || hrēosaþ tō·gæ |
A.2.1 1451 |
ndra hleo: / ‘Sīe þē þanc |
and |
lof, || þēoda wealdend, / tō |
A.2.1 1464 |
n-reċed, || hæleþa wuldor, / |
and |
þā wine sīnne || wordum gr |
A.2.1 1465 |
wine sīnne || wordum grētte / |
and |
frōfre ġe·cwæþ, || fæde |
A.2.1 1477 |
ðelan meaht / lof lǣdende || |
and |
on his līċe trum. / Hwæt%, i |
A.2.1 1496 |
ē wiþ ǣnne þāra, / mehtiġ |
and |
mōd-rōf%, || mæðel ġe·h |
A.2.1 1501 |
e fæder ġe·sēoþ / heofonas |
and |
eorðan || herġa mǣste / on m |
A.2.1 1511 |
cȳðde / recene ġe·rȳnu || |
and |
rihte ǣ / ġe·tācnode || on |
A.2.1 1562 |
s sēo wyrd sċieðeþ, / heard |
and |
hete-grimm. || Þæt is hēr% |
A.2.1 1566 |
mōde, || (ofost is sēlest), / |
and |
ūs þone hālĝan || helpe b |
A.2.1 1567 |
ĝan || helpe biddan, / ġēoce |
and |
frōfre. || Ūs biþ ġearu s |
A.2.1 1588 |
d, / eorþ-sċræf eġesliċ || |
and |
ðǣr inn for·lēt / flōd fæ |
A.2.1 1597 |
āste. / Wēndon hīe wīfa% || |
and |
wera cwealmes, / þearlra ġe· |
A.2.1 1628 |
wæs eall ġeador / leoðoliċ |
and |
gǣstliċ, || þēah hīe lun |
A.2.1 1630 |
ton. / on·fengon fullwihte || |
and |
friðu-wǣre, / wuldres wedde | |
A.2.1 1635 |
rās / þurh fæder fulwiht || |
and |
sē flōd on·sprang. / Þā ġ |
A.2.1 1637 |
ġond þā wīn-burh || wīde |
and |
sīde, / eorlas ān-mōde || an |
A.2.1 1638 |
nd sīde, / eorlas ān-mōde || |
and |
hira idesa mid, / cwǣdon holdl |
A.2.1 1641 |
s bæþ / drihtne tō willan || |
and |
dēoful-ġield, / ealde eolh-st |
A.2.1 1644 |
hæfen, / æðele mid eorlum || |
and |
ǣ godes / riht ā·rǣred, || |
A.2.1 1650 |
iġ || bisċop þām lēodum, / |
and |
ġe·hālĝode || fore þām |
A.2.1 1652 |
emned, / þēodum on þearfe || |
and |
þrīste be·bēad / þæt hīe |
A.2.1 1656 |
wolde, / seċġa sele-drēam || |
and |
sinċ-ġe·strēon, / beorht b |
A.2.1 1657 |
strēon, / beorht bēah-salu || |
and |
him brim-þīsan / æt sǣs far |
A.2.1 1663 |
-fæte || selfum æt·īewde, / |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ, || we |
A.2.1 11 |
an. || Crīstenra wēox / word |
and |
wīsdōm, || siþþan wuldres |
A.2.1 17 |
heofona rīċes, / ðǣr fæder |
and |
sunu || and frōfre gǣst / on |
A.2.1 17 |
es, / ðǣr fæder and sunu || |
and |
frōfre gǣst / on þrīnesse | |
A.2.1 21 |
, / dēoful-ġild tō·drāf || |
and |
ġe·dwolan fielde. / Þæt wæ |
A.2.1 31 |
/ On·gann hine þā fȳsan || |
and |
tō flote ġierwan, / blissum h |
A.2.1 37 |
lle ċeafl / sīþ ā·sette || |
and |
siþþan% nā, / fāh, frēonda |
A.2.1 48 |
h-paðu || ġe·sēon mihton, / |
and |
þā weorðodon || wuldres ā |
A.2.1 49 |
ĝend, / clipodon on corðre || |
and |
cwǣdon þus: / ‘Ān is ēċe |
A.2.1 51 |
a ġe·sċeafta. / Is his meaht |
and |
his ǣht || ofer middan-ġear |
A.2.1 52 |
ġeard / brēme ġe·bletsod || |
and |
his blǣd ofer eall / on heofon |
A.2.2 4 |
gas || ellen cȳðdon, / torhte |
and |
tīr-ēadġe. || Twelfe wǣro |
A.2.2 7 |
e. || Lof wīde sprang, / meaht |
and |
mǣrþu, || ofer middan-ġear |
A.2.2 14 |
nes || nearwe% searwe, / Petrus |
and |
Paulus. || Is sē apostol-hā |
A.2.2 46 |
Astrias || on Albano, / hǣðen |
and |
hyġe-blind, || heafde be·n |
A.2.2 57 |
ē of dēaðe ā·rās, / ġung |
and |
gūþ-hwæt || and him wæs G |
A.2.2 57 |
ās, / ġung and gūþ-hwæt || |
and |
him wæs Gad nama, / and þā |
A.2.2 58 |
æt || and him wæs Gad nama, / |
and |
þā þǣm folce || feorh ġe |
A.2.2 77 |
sōhton sīþ-frame, || Simon |
and |
Thaddeus%, / beornas beadu-rōf |
A.2.2 81 |
wian, / siġe-lēan sēċan || |
and |
þone sōðan ġe·fēan, / dr |
A.2.2 83 |
ed wearþ / līf wiþ līċe || |
and |
þās lǣnan ġe·strēon, / ī |
A.2.2 91 |
hēap || helpe bidde, / friðes |
and |
fultumes. || Hū, iċ frēond |
A.2.2 103 |
tō·glīdeþ. / Þonne% //C// |
and% |
//Y// || cræftes nēosaþ / ni |
A.2.2 109 |
ng, || þæt hē ġēoce mē% / |
and% |
frōfre% fricle. || Iċ sċea |
A.2.2 113 |
|| Wiċ sindon uncūþ, / eard |
and |
ēðel, || swā biþ% ǣlcum |
A.2.2 121 |
ā his lof standeþ, / miċel |
and |
mǣre || and his meaht seoma |
A.2.2 121 |
standeþ, / miċel and mǣre || |
and |
his meaht seomaþ, / ēċe and |
A.2.2 122 |
and his meaht seomaþ, / ēċe |
and |
ed-ġung, || ofer ealle ġe· |
A.2.3 5 |
| þe ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ |
and |
sāwle. || Lang biþ siþþan |
A.2.3 30 |
, || of his mæġen-þrymme, / |
and |
þē ġe·bōhte || blōde þ |
A.2.3 31 |
hte || blōde þȳ hālĝan, / |
and |
þū mē mid þȳ heardan || |
A.2.3 32 |
heardan || hungre ġe·bunde / |
and |
ġe·hæftnodest || helle wī |
A.2.3 34 |
cuman, / flǣsċe be·fangen || |
and |
mē firen-lustas / þīne ġe· |
A.2.3 39 |
Wǣre þū þe wiste wlanc || |
and |
wīnes sǣd, / þrymfull þunod |
A.2.3 40 |
sǣd, / þrymfull þunodest || |
and |
iċ% of·þyrsted wæs / Godes |
A.2.3 44 |
t þū wǣre þurh flǣsċ || |
and |
þurh firen-lustas / strange ġ |
A.2.3 45 |
tas / strange ġe·strīened || |
and |
ġe·staðolod þurh mē, / and |
A.2.3 46 |
and ġe·staðolod þurh mē, / |
and |
iċ wæs gāst on þē || fra |
A.2.3 62 |
rēafod, / be·sliten sīnum || |
and |
þē þīn sāwol sċeall% / m |
A.2.3 65 |
t tō mē. / Eart þū nū dumb |
and |
dēaf, || ne sint þīne drē |
A.2.3 67 |
ċan, / synnum ġe·sārĝod || |
and |
eft sōna fram þē / hweorfan |
A.2.3 71 |
| þe þū mē hēr sċrīfe, / |
and |
þā ār-lēasan || eardung-s |
A.2.3 72 |
r-lēasan || eardung-stōwe, / |
and |
þē sċulon hēr mold-wyrmas |
A.2.3 74 |
ċe || swearte wihta, / ġīfre |
and |
grǣdġe. || Ne sint þīne |
A.2.3 119 |
ē þā tungan tō·tiehþ || |
and |
þā tēþ þurh·smiehþ / and |
A.2.3 120 |
and þā tēþ þurh·smiehþ / |
and |
þā ēaĝan þurh·eteþ || |
A.2.3 121 |
teþ || ufan on þæt hēafod / |
and |
tō ǣt-welan || ōðrum ġe |
A.2.3 133 |
aþ%, / snotere, siġefæste || |
and |
þus sōðlīċe / þone līċ- |
A.2.3 142 |
e. / Fæstest þū on foldan || |
and |
ġe·fyldest mē / Godes līċ- |
A.2.3 146 |
dene bēoþ / þā synfullan || |
and |
þā sōþfæstan / on þǣm m |
A.2.3 150 |
t / on ġe·mōt-stede || manna |
and |
engla. / Bīeġdest þū þē f |
A.2.3 151 |
st þū þē for hæleþum || |
and |
ā·hōfe% mē on ēċne drē |
A.2.3 159 |
t·samne || siþþan brūcan / |
and |
unc on heofonum || hēah-þun |
A.2.4 2 |
ragment I / / sorh cymeþ / maniġ |
and |
misliċ || on manna drēam. / E |
A.2.4 4 |
l ōðerne || mid æf-þancum / |
and |
mid tēon-wordum || tǣleþ b |
A.2.4 5 |
priceþ fæġere be·foran || |
and |
þæt fācen swā% þēah / haf |
A.2.4 13 |
smēðe || sprǣċe habbaþ, / |
and |
on gāst-cofan || grymme ġe |
A.2.4 20 |
t·samne / ārlicne an-lifan || |
and |
ǣttrenne tæġel / hafaþ on h |
A.2.4 29 |
ccas, / smēðne sibb-cwide || |
and |
on sefan innan / þurh dēofles |
A.2.4 32 |
|| māne ġe·blanden, / wanaþ |
and |
weaxeþ. || Wācaþ sē ealda |
A.2.4 33 |
|| Wācaþ sē ealda, / dweleþ |
and |
drēfeþ || dæġes and nihte |
A.2.4 33 |
eleþ and drēfeþ || dæġes |
and |
nihtes / miltse mid māne, || m |
A.2.4 44 |
nū we bōt% cunnon, / hyċġan |
and |
hyhtan, || þæt we heofones |
A.2.5 12 |
gāstas, / menn ofer moldan, || |
and |
eall þēos mǣre ġe·sċeaf |
A.2.5 13 |
līċ wæs sē siġebēam, || |
and |
iċ synnum fāh, / forwunded mi |
A.2.5 22 |
t fūse bēacen / wendan wǣdum |
and |
blēom; || hwīlum hit wæs m |
A.2.5 40 |
s god æl–mehtiġ), / strang |
and |
stiðmōd. || ġestāh hē on |
A.2.5 64 |
e ðǣr heofones drihten, || |
and |
hē hine ðǣr hwīle ræste, |
A.2.5 77 |
nas, / frēondas ġe·frugnon, / |
and |
ġieredon mē || golde and se |
A.2.5 77 |
n, / and ġieredon mē || golde |
and |
seolfre. / nū þū meaht ġe· |
A.2.5 81 |
þæt mē weorðiaþ || wīde |
and |
sīde / menn ofer moldan, || an |
A.2.5 82 |
nd sīde / menn ofer moldan, || |
and |
eall þēos mǣre ġe·sċeaf |
A.2.5 85 |
ū / hlīfie under heofonum, || |
and |
iċ hǣlan mæġ / ǣg·hwelcne |
A.2.5 100 |
manncynnes || maniĝum synnum / |
and |
ādames || eald–ġe·wyrhtu |
A.2.5 106 |
ten selfa, / ælmihtiġ god, || |
and |
his englas mid, / þæt hē þo |
A.2.5 115 |
/ ac hīe þonne forhtiaþ, || |
and |
fēa þenċaþ / hwæt hīe tō |
A.2.5 130 |
tō þām / miċel on mōde, || |
and |
min mundbyrd is / ġeriht tō |
A.2.5 135 |
ædere, / wuniaþ on wuldre, || |
and |
iċ wene mē / daĝa ġe·hwel |
A.2.5 139 |
lǣnan || līfe ġe·feċċe / |
and |
mē þonne ġe·brinġe || ð |
A.2.5 142 |
le, || ðǣr is singal bliss, / |
and |
mē þonne ā·sette || ðǣr |
A.2.5 147 |
synnum. / hē ūs onlīesde || |
and |
ūs līf forġeaf, / heofon·l |
A.2.5 149 |
wæs ġe·nīewod / mid blǣdum |
and |
mid blisse || þām þe ðǣr |
A.2.5 151 |
on þām sīþfæte, / mehtiġ |
and |
spēdiġ, || þā hē mid men |
A.2.5 154 |
mehtiġ, || englum tō blisse / |
and |
eallum þām hālgum || þām |
A.2.6 2 |
|| ġēara hwyrftum / tū-hund |
and |
þrīe || ġe·teled rīmes, / |
A.2.6 15 |
|| Hine God trymede / mǣrþum |
and |
meahtum, || þæt hē maniĝu |
A.2.6 20 |
orod samnodon / Hūna lēode || |
and |
Hrēð-Gotan, / fōron% fyrd-hw |
A.2.6 21 |
fōron% fyrd-hwate || Francan |
and |
Hūĝas%. / Wǣron hwate weras, |
A.2.6 24 |
ðene wæl-hlencan. || Wordum |
and |
bordum / hōfon here-cumbol. || |
A.2.6 26 |
ingas / sweotole ġe·samnod || |
and% |
eall sibb% ġeador. / For folca |
A.2.6 53 |
e. || Hræfen uppe gōl, / wann |
and |
wæl-fell. || Weorod wæs on |
A.2.6 58 |
siþþan ell-þēodġe, / Hūna |
and |
Hrēða || here sċēawode%, / |
A.2.6 73 |
īene || on weres hāde / hwīt |
and |
hīew-beorht || hæleþa nāt |
A.2.6 78 |
uldres boda, || wiþ þingode / |
and |
be naman nemde, || (niht-helm |
A.2.6 92 |
c-stafum ā·writen%, / beorhte |
and |
lēohte: || ‘Mid þȳs bēa |
A.2.6 95 |
oht ġe·wāt, / up sīðode || |
and |
sē ār samod, / on clǣnra ġe |
A.2.6 97 |
|| Cyning wæs þȳ blīðra / |
and |
þe sorĝ-lēasra, || seċġa |
A.2.6 106 |
-dæġe / wīġend wreċċan || |
and |
wǣpen-þræce / hebban heoru-c |
A.2.6 107 |
ræce / hebban heoru-cumbol || |
and |
þæt hālġe trēo / him be·f |
A.2.6 114 |
ǣr wæs borda ġe·bræc || |
and |
beorna ġe·þræc, / heard han |
A.2.6 115 |
nd beorna ġe·þræc, / heard h |
and |
-ġe·swing || and herġa crin |
A.2.6 134 |
f-cwice / fluĝon on fæsten || |
and |
fēore burgon / aefter stān-cl |
A.2.6 163 |
ē swā lēoht oþ·īewde || |
and |
mīne lēode ġe·nerede, / tā |
A.2.6 164 |
e·nerede, / tācna torhtost || |
and |
mē tīr for·ġeaf, / wīġ-sp |
A.2.6 171 |
ofon-cininges / tācen wǣre || |
and |
þæs twēo nǣre. / Þā þæt |
A.2.6 179 |
ed wearþ, || cyninga wuldor, / |
and |
hū on ġalĝan wearþ || god |
A.2.6 182 |
n dēofla, / ġōmre gāstas || |
and |
him ġiefe sealde / þurh þā |
A.2.6 185 |
en%, / wiþ þēoda þræce. || |
And |
hū þȳ þriddan dæġe / of b |
A.2.6 188 |
hten ealra / hæleþa cynnes || |
and |
tō heofonum ā·stāh. / Þus |
A.2.6 192 |
d-fruma / fulwihte on·fēng || |
and |
þæt forþ ġe·hēold / on hi |
A.2.6 197 |
e, || wæs him frōfra mǣst / |
and |
hyhta% nīehst || heofon-rī |
A.2.6 198 |
n þā dryhtnes ǣ || dæġes |
and |
nihtes / þurh gāstes ġiefe | |
A.2.6 200 |
es ġiefe || ġeorne cȳðan, / |
and |
hine sōðlīċe || selfne ġ |
A.2.6 214 |
diġ / ymb þæt mǣre trēo || |
and |
þā his mōdor hēt / fēran f |
A.2.6 234 |
u, || mæġen aefter ōðrum, / |
and |
þā ġe·hlōdon || hilde-si |
A.2.6 235 |
don || hilde-sierċum, / bordum |
and |
ordum, || byrn-wīġendum, / we |
A.2.6 236 |
um, || byrn-wīġendum, / werum |
and |
wīfum, || wǣġ-henġestas. / |
A.2.6 257 |
ġe·sīene / broĝden byrne || |
and |
bill ġe·cost, / ġeatoliċ g |
A.2.6 277 |
um / þām snotorestum || sīde |
and |
wīde / ġond Iūdēas, || gume |
A.2.6 292 |
or-cyninge, / drihtne dīere || |
and |
dǣd-hwate. / Hwæt, ġē ealle |
A.2.6 301 |
| þurh þæt æðele spāld, / |
and |
fram unclǣnum || oft ġe·ne |
A.2.6 311 |
an% meht / dēman on·gunnon || |
and |
ġe·dwolan lifdon, / þīestru |
A.2.6 332 |
·hyrsted. / Elene maðelode || |
and |
for eorlum spræc: / ‘Ġe·h |
A.2.6 334 |
ēawe, || hālġe rūne, / word |
and |
wīsdōm. || Hwæt, ġē wīt |
A.2.6 338 |
end. || Be þām Moyses sang, / |
and |
þæt word% ġe·cwæþ || we |
A.2.6 344 |
rn-wita, || fæder Salomones, / |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ || wi |
A.2.6 354 |
p ā·hōf || eaforan ġungne / |
and |
bearn cēnde, || þām iċ bl |
A.2.6 357 |
ces, / wīsdōmes ġe·witt. || |
and |
þā werĝan nēat, / þe man d |
A.2.6 358 |
daĝa ġe·hwǣm || drīfeþ |
and |
þirsċeþ, / on·ġietaþ hira |
A.2.6 361 |
|| þe him fōdor ġiefaþ%, / |
and |
mē Israhela || ǣfre ne wold |
A.2.6 369 |
ow þæs lungre ā·þrēat, / |
and |
ġē þām rihte || wiþ·rot |
A.2.6 371 |
nd ealra, / dryhtna% drihten || |
and |
ġe·dwolan fylgdon / ofer riht |
A.2.6 373 |
. || Nū ġē hræðe gangaþ / |
and |
findaþ ġīen || þā þe fy |
A.2.6 387 |
on, / werġe wræc-mæċġas || |
and |
ġe·writu hieredon, / fædera |
A.2.6 390 |
ndnesse || bōte for·sāwon, / |
and |
ġē wiþ·sōcon || sōðe a |
A.2.6 390 |
d ġē wiþ·sōcon || sōðe |
and |
rihte, / þæt on Bethleme || b |
A.2.6 404 |
ǣfre.’ / Elene maðelode || |
and |
for eorlum spræc, / undearnung |
A.2.6 408 |
þe snytru mid ēow, / mæġen |
and |
mōd-cræft, || mǣste hæbbe |
A.2.6 431 |
īen / frōd fyrn-ġe·writu || |
and |
þā fæderlican / lāre for·l |
A.2.6 2 |
|| / wende hine of weorolde || |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / 'Ġif |
A.2.6 5 |
lġe trēo / frōde friġnan || |
and |
ġe·flitu rǣran / be þām si |
A.2.6 13 |
an, || ac þāra dōm leofaþ / |
and |
hira dryhtsċipe, || / on weor |
A.2.6 15 |
·hangnan cyning || herġaþ |
and |
lofiaþ.’ / þā iċ framlī |
A.2.6 38 |
wera, || hālford ealra / engla |
and |
ielda, || æðelost bearna. / N |
A.2.6 47 |
wæs / under þeostor-locan || |
and |
þā þȳ þriddan dæġ / eall |
A.2.6 49 |
e ā·rās, / þēoden engla || |
and |
his þeġnum hine%, / sōþ si |
A.2.6 66 |
rġend, || naman on·ċierde, / |
and |
hē siþþan wæs || sanctus |
A.2.6 67 |
tus Paulus / be naman hāten || |
and |
him nǣniġ wæs / ǣ-lǣrendra |
A.2.6 78 |
-dǣda || bōte ġe·fremmaþ / |
and |
þæs unryhtes || eft ġe·sw |
A.2.6 79 |
/ For·þon iċ sōðlīċe || |
and |
min swǣs fæder / siþþan ġe |
A.2.6 97 |
ēo, || nū ġē ferhþ-sefan / |
and |
mōd-ġe·þanc || mīnne cun |
A.2.6 106 |
e·ðearf, / worda wǣrlicra || |
and |
witan snytru, / sē ðǣre æð |
A.2.6 111 |
hider, sume þider, / þridodon |
and |
þōhton. || Þā cōm þeġn |
A.2.6 135 |
hīerdon. / Elene maðelode || |
and |
him ierre on·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ |
A.2.6 137 |
tō sōðe || seċġan wille, / |
and |
þæs on līfe || lyġe ne wi |
A.2.6 141 |
eþ, / hātost heaðu-wielma || |
and |
ēower hrǣw bryttaþ, / lācen |
A.2.6 147 |
īe dēaðes on wēnan, / ādes |
and |
ende-līfes || and ðǣr þā |
A.2.6 147 |
nan, / ādes and ende-līfes || |
and |
ðǣr þā ǣnne be·tǣhton / |
A.2.6 154 |
cynnes, / word-cræftes wīs || |
and |
wītĝan sunu, / beald on mæð |
A.2.6 161 |
ġe·hwelcne / āgenne eard || |
and |
þone ǣnne ġe·nam, / Iudas t |
A.2.6 162 |
e·nam, / Iudas tō ġīsle || |
and |
þā ġeorne bæd / þæt hē b |
A.2.6 165 |
wæs || lange || be·dierned, / |
and |
hine selfne || sundor ā·ċ |
A.2.6 174 |
an || þe on wēstenne / mēðe |
and |
metelēas || mōrland trideþ |
A.2.6 175 |
ġe·hæfted || and him hlāf |
and |
stān / on ġe·sihþe bū || s |
A.2.6 177 |
amod% ġe·weorðaþ, / strēac |
and |
hnesċe, || þæt hē þone s |
A.2.6 179 |
eme, / ġe·wende tō wǣdle || |
and |
þā wiste wiþ·sæce, / beter |
A.2.6 184 |
bban wille / eard mid englum || |
and |
on eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan |
A.2.6 190 |
mor sefa, / hāt æt heortan || |
and |
ġe·hwæðres wā, / ġe hē h |
A.2.6 192 |
n-rīċes || hiht% swā mōde / |
and |
þis andwearde || ān-for·l |
A.2.6 199 |
| forþ-ġe·wītenra / frōdra |
and |
gōdra || þe ūs% fore wǣro |
A.2.6 215 |
ġenna / under stān-hliðum || |
and |
þā stōwe swā same, / and þ |
A.2.6 216 |
|| and þā stōwe swā same, / |
and |
þā winter-ġe·rīm || on |
A.2.6 220 |
ed-þearfe || nēan myniaþ, / |
and |
þā wīġ-þræce || on ġe |
A.2.6 221 |
setton, / þēoda ġe·bǣru || |
and |
þis nǣfre / þurh ǣnġes man |
A.2.6 225 |
st þū tō swīðe || sōðe |
and |
rihte / ymb þæt līfes trēo |
A.2.6 226 |
hte / ymb þæt līfes trēo || |
and |
nū lȳtle ǣr / sæġdest sō |
A.2.6 228 |
ġe-bēame / lēodum þīnum || |
and |
nū on lyġe ċierrest.’ / Iu |
A.2.6 230 |
æt on ġiehþu ġe·sprǣċe / |
and |
on% twēon swīðost, || wēn |
A.2.6 252 |
for·lǣte || þā lēasunga / |
and |
mē sweotollīċe || sōþ ġ |
A.2.6 258 |
atod, / clammum be·clungen || |
and |
þā clipian on·gann / sārum |
A.2.6 260 |
þone seofoþan dæġ, / mēðe |
and |
metelēas, || (mæġen wæs |
A.2.6 266 |
/ þrēa-nīed þæs þearl || |
and |
þēs þroht tō þæs heard / |
A.2.6 270 |
dysġe || þurh·drifen wǣre / |
and |
þæt sōþ tō læte || self |
A.2.6 273 |
e / þæt hine man of nearwe || |
and |
of nīed-clifan, / fram þām e |
A.2.6 276 |
ofostlīċe || efnedon sōna, / |
and |
hine mid ārum || up ġe·lǣ |
A.2.6 281 |
ard, / god-bearn on ġalĝan || |
and |
hwæðere ġeare niste, / hungr |
A.2.6 286 |
ā·hōf / elnes an-cȳðiġ || |
and |
on Ebrisċ spræc: / ‘Dryhten |
A.2.6 288 |
þe āhst dōma ġe·weald, / |
and |
þū ġe·worhtest || þurh |
A.2.6 289 |
þīnes wuldres meaht / heofon |
and |
eorðan || and holm-þræce, / |
A.2.6 289 |
s meaht / heofon and eorðan || |
and |
holm-þræce, / sǣs sīdne fæ |
A.2.6 291 |
|| samod ealle ġe·sċeaft, / |
and |
þū ā·mǣte || mundum þī |
A.2.6 292 |
m þīnum / ealne ymb-hwyrft || |
and |
up-rodor, / and þū self sites |
A.2.6 293 |
e ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / |
and |
þū self sitest, || siĝora% |
A.2.6 300 |
s. || Þū ġe·worhtest þā / |
and |
tō þeġnunge || þīnre ġe |
A.2.6 301 |
þīnre ġe·settest, / hāliġ |
and |
heofonliċ. || Þāra on hād |
A.2.6 310 |
s lof, / wōða wlite-gāste || |
and |
þās word cweðaþ / clǣnum s |
A.2.6 314 |
Is þæs wuldres full / heofon |
and |
eorðe || and eall hēah-mæ |
A.2.6 314 |
res full / heofon and eorðe || |
and |
eall hēah-mæġen, / tīre ġe |
A.2.6 318 |
. || Hē sċeall neorxna-wang / |
and |
līfes trēo || līeġene swu |
A.2.6 320 |
caþ, / bifaþ broĝden-mǣl || |
and |
blēom wrixleþ / grāpum gryre |
A.2.6 322 |
en, / wealdest wīdan ferhþ || |
and |
þū wamfulle / sċield-wyrċen |
A.2.6 336 |
sie || sē þe on rōde wæs, / |
and |
þurh Marian || on middan-ġe |
A.2.6 358 |
|| Iċ ġe·līefe þȳ sēl / |
and |
þȳ fæstlīcor || ferhþ st |
A.2.6 367 |
Hē mid bǣm heandum, / ēadiġ |
and |
ǣ-glēaw, || uppweard pleĝo |
A.2.6 373 |
æs þū mē swā mēðum || |
and |
swā mān-weorcum / þurh þīn |
A.2.6 377 |
þæt þū eart / ġe·cȳðed |
and |
ā·cenned || ealra cyninga |
A.2.6 405 |
·fēng / wuldres wynn-bēam || |
and |
mid weorode ā·hōf / of fold- |
A.2.6 411 |
ġe·feah / on ferhþ-sefan || |
and |
þā friġnan on·gann / on hwe |
A.2.6 416 |
n mid him / ġe·þrōwodon, || |
and |
hē wæs þridda self / on rōd |
A.2.6 426 |
yriġ / bēamas mid breahtme || |
and |
ġe·bīdan ðǣr / oþ·þæt |
A.2.6 433 |
eniġu cōm, / folc unlȳtel || |
and |
ġe·farenne man / brōhton on |
A.2.6 440 |
ċ on eorðan, / unlibbendes || |
and |
up ā·hōf / rihtes wēmend || |
A.2.6 451 |
d, || ġeador bū samod / līċ |
and |
sāwl. || Þǣr wæs lof hafe |
A.2.6 453 |
folce. || Fæder weorðodon, / |
and |
þone sōðan || sunu wealden |
A.2.6 454 |
m heredon. || Sīe him wuldor |
and |
þanc / ā būtan ende || ealra |
A.2.6 484 |
s ǣr / hyhtfull ġe·wearþ || |
and |
nū ġe·hīened eom, / gōda g |
A.2.6 486 |
sne, || þurh Iudas eft, / fāh |
and |
frēondlēas. || Ġīen iċ f |
A.2.6 490 |
cyning, || sē ēhteþ þīn, / |
and |
hē for·lǣteþ || lāre þ |
A.2.6 491 |
for·lǣteþ || lāre þīne / |
and |
mān-þēawum || mīnum folĝ |
A.2.6 492 |
-þēawum || mīnum folĝaþ, / |
and |
þeċ þonne sendeþ || on þ |
A.2.6 493 |
endeþ || on þā sweartestan / |
and |
þā wierrestan || wīte-brō |
A.2.6 500 |
t || þurh wītĝan% snytru), / |
and |
þæt word ġe·cwæþ, || w |
A.2.6 502 |
e·myndiġ, / sār nīewian || |
and |
sæce rǣran, / morðres mān-f |
A.2.6 509 |
r·lēte / lēohta beorhtost || |
and |
lufan dryhtnes, / þone fæġra |
A.2.6 510 |
/ þone fæġran ġe·fēan || |
and |
on fȳr-bæðe / sūslum be·þ |
A.2.6 512 |
n wunodest, / āde on·ǣled || |
and |
ðǣr āwa sċealt, / wiðer-hy |
A.2.6 515 |
e ġe·hīerde / hū sē fēond |
and |
sē frēond || ġe·flitu rǣ |
A.2.6 516 |
·flitu rǣrdon, / tīr-ēadiġ |
and |
trāh, || on twā healfa%, / sy |
A.2.6 517 |
, || on twā healfa%, / synniġ |
and |
ġe·sǣliġ. || Sefa wæs þ |
A.2.6 520 |
wīðedne%, || synna bryttan, / |
and |
þā wundrode || ymb% þæs w |
A.2.6 522 |
fful || on swā lȳtlum fæce / |
and |
swā uncȳðiġ || ǣfre wurd |
A.2.6 538 |
heofonum || ā·hafen wurde, / |
and |
wæs Iūdēum || gnorn-sorĝa |
A.2.6 545 |
anne holm || hālford sēċan / |
and |
þām wīġende || will-spell |
A.2.6 566 |
fre, || ġif hīe brim nesen / |
and |
ġe·sundne sīþ || settan m |
A.2.6 585 |
de hēt / golde be·wyrċan || |
and |
ġimm-cynnum, / mid þām æðe |
A.2.6 587 |
be·settan% searu-cræftum || |
and |
þā on sielfren fæt / locum b |
A.2.6 592 |
|| wīta ġe·hwelċes, / sæce |
and |
sorĝe. || Hīe sōna ðǣr / |
A.2.6 596 |
st-mearce || fulwihtes bæþ, / |
and |
ġe·clǣnsod wearþ || Crīs |
A.2.6 601 |
ġe·ċēas, / wuldres wynne || |
and |
þām wiersan wiþ·sōc, / dē |
A.2.6 602 |
þ·sōc, / dēoful-ġieldum || |
and |
ġe·dwolan fielde, / unrihte |
A.2.6 609 |
t hē swā ġe·lēaffull || |
and |
swā lēof gode / on weorold-r |
A.2.6 620 |
emple / cræftum ġe·corene || |
and |
hine Cyriacus / þurh snytru ġ |
A.2.6 627 |
ġendes / fēt þurh·wōdon || |
and |
his folme swā same, / mid þā |
A.2.6 633 |
/ on·wriġe wuldor-ġiefum || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ / tō þ |
A.2.6 644 |
orĝaþ, / rēoniġ rēoteþ || |
and |
ġe·resteþ nā / ǣr·þon m |
A.2.6 658 |
na þrēate / god herġendra || |
and |
þā ġeornlīċe / Cyriacus || |
A.2.6 690 |
fēng, / eġesan ġe·āclod || |
and |
ðǣre ār·wierðan / cwēne b |
A.2.6 705 |
led wæs / wīsdōmes ġiefe || |
and |
þā wīċ be·hēold / hāliġ |
A.2.6 720 |
on hēo þā næġlas sēlest / |
and |
dēorlicost || ġe·dōn meah |
A.2.6 725 |
cūðe, / frōdne on ferhþe || |
and |
hine friġnan on·gann / hwæt |
A.2.6 727 |
þūhte / tō ġe·lǣstenne || |
and |
his lāre ġe·ċēas / þurh |
A.2.6 731 |
ġe rūne, / cwēn sēleste% || |
and |
þæs cininges be·bod / ġeorn |
A.2.6 733 |
sealde / sāwle siġe-spēd || |
and |
snytru cræft, / nerġend fīra |
A.2.6 744 |
spēd, / siĝor æt sæċċe || |
and |
sibbe ġe·hwǣr, / æt ġe·fe |
A.2.6 748 |
guman ġe·coste, / beraþ bord |
and |
ord. || Þis biþ beorna ġe |
A.2.6 756 |
ēacen gode / hāliġ nemned || |
and |
sē hwæt-ēadiġ, / wīġe weo |
A.2.6 768 |
|| þæt hīe lufan dryhtnes, / |
and |
sibbe swā same || selfra be |
A.2.6 771 |
ēase || on hira līfes tīd, / |
and |
þæs lāttēowes || lārum h |
A.2.6 776 |
, heoru-drēorġe, || hrēofe |
and |
blinde, / hēane, hyġe-ġōmre |
A.2.6 781 |
īðes fūs / eft tō ēðle || |
and |
þā eallum be·bēad / on þā |
A.2.6 783 |
ċe || god herġendum, / werum |
and |
wīfum, || þæt hīe weorðo |
A.2.6 784 |
| þæt hīe weorðoden / mōde |
and |
mæġene || þone mǣran dæ |
A.2.6 793 |
a rīċe, / drēam unhwīlen || |
and |
hira dæl sċīred / mid Marian |
A.2.6 798 |
hte. || Finit. / Þus iċ frōd |
and |
fūs || þurh þæt fǣcne h |
A.2.6 799 |
e hūs / word-cræftum% wæf || |
and |
wundrum læs, / þrāĝum þrid |
A.2.6 800 |
m læs, / þrāĝum þridode || |
and |
ġe·þanc reodode / nihtes nea |
A.2.6 809 |
de / mæġen-cyning ā·mæt || |
and |
on ġe·mynd be·ġeat, / torht |
A.2.6 836 |
wolcnum, || wēdende færeþ / |
and |
eft samnunga || swīġe ġe· |
A.2.6 840 |
weorlod || eall ġe·wīteþ, / |
and |
ēac swā same || þe hire in |
A.2.6 846 |
|| þurh þæs dēman mūþ, / |
and |
worda swā same || wedd ġe· |
A.2.6 854 |
wā hīe ā·drēoĝan maĝon / |
and |
būtan earfeþum || ēaðe ġ |
A.2.6 874 |
eall ġe·clǣnsod, / ā·mered |
and |
ġe·melted || Swā biþ þā |
A.2.6 875 |
āra manna ǣlċ / ā·sċiered |
and |
ā·sċēaden || sċielda ġe |
A.2.6 879 |
|| Him biþ engla weard / milde |
and |
blīðe, || þæs þe hīe m |
A.2.6 880 |
/ for·sāwon, synna weorc || |
and |
tō suna metodes / wordum clipo |
Christ A 5 |
afod% sīe || healle mǣrre, / |
and |
ġe·samnie || sīde weallas / |
Christ A 10 |
/ sōþfæst, siĝor-beorht || |
and |
sōna for·lǣt% / weall wiþ w |
Christ A 12 |
/ þæt sē cræftĝa% cume || |
and |
sē cyning selfa, / and þonne |
Christ A 13 |
cume || and sē cyning selfa, / |
and |
þonne ġe·bēte, || nū ġe |
Christ A 18 |
de. / Ēalā þū% reċċend || |
and |
þū riht cyning, / sē þe loc |
Christ A 23 |
earfe || þās word sprecaþ, / |
and |
m[…]giaþ || þone þe mann |
Christ A 29 |
ssum mōde || tō mund-boran, / |
and |
þæt tīedre ġe·witt || t |
Christ A 52 |
-land, / engla ēðel-stōl || |
and |
þā āne on þē / sāwle sō |
Christ A 57 |
feorr ā·būĝeþ, / wǣrhþo |
and |
ġe·winnes. || Bist tō wuld |
Christ A 62 |
yning / sīðe ġe·sēċeþ || |
and |
self cymeþ, / nimeþ eard on |
Christ A 76 |
e / bearnes þurh ġe·byrde || |
and |
þone ġe·bedsċipe / aefter m |
Christ A 84 |
s þrymm / bōsme ġe·bǣre || |
and |
nā ġe·brosnod wearþ / mæġ |
Christ A 90 |
undrung || þe ġē wāfiaþ, / |
and |
ġōmrende || ġīehþum mǣn |
Christ A 93 |
d, / mund mīnne ġe·hēold || |
and |
ēac mōdor ġe·wearþ / mǣre |
Christ A 98 |
nded, / wierhþa% ā·worpen || |
and |
ġe·wuldrod is / sē hēanra h |
Christ A 101 |
ōt || bǣm ġe·mǣne, / werum |
and |
wīfum, || ā tō weorolde fo |
Christ A 106 |
ddan-ġeard || mannum sended, / |
and |
sōþfæsta || sunnan lēoma, |
Christ A 114 |
rhtan ūs / sunnan on·sende || |
and |
þē self cyme / þæt þū on |
Christ A 116 |
e ǣr, / þrosme be·þeahte || |
and |
on þīestrum hēr, / sǣton s |
Christ A 122 |
mihtĝum / efen-eċe mid god || |
and |
nū eft ġe·wearþ / flǣsċ f |
Christ A 126 |
odon / mehtiġ metodes bearn || |
and |
sē mannes sunu / ġe·þwǣre |
Christ A 136 |
fyrn / ealra cyninga cyning || |
and |
þone clǣnan ēac / sācerd s |
Christ A 170 |
worde hæbbe / sīdra sorĝa || |
and |
sār-cwida, / hearmes ġe·hīe |
Christ A 171 |
wida, / hearmes ġe·hīered || |
and |
mē hosp sprecaþ, / torn-worda |
Christ A 179 |
funde, / wamma ġe·worhtra || |
and |
þū þā word spricest / swā |
Christ A 188 |
mnan clǣne, / wamma lēase || |
and |
nū ġe·hwierfed is / þurh n |
Christ A 196 |
on·wrāh / riht-ġe·rȳno || |
and |
þus reordade: / ‘Sōþ iċ s |
Christ A 211 |
rþ, / fǣmne forþ seþēah || |
and |
þū fæder cweden / weoroldcun |
Christ A 214 |
led.’ / Ēalā þū sōða || |
and |
þū sibsuma / ealra cyninga cy |
Christ A 218 |
·cenned || þurh his cræft |
and |
meaht. / Nis ǣniġ nū || eorl |
Christ A 227 |
, / līfes ord-fruma, || lēoht |
and |
þīestru / ġe·dǣlde dryhtl |
Christ A 228 |
ru / ġe·dǣlde dryhtlīċe || |
and |
him wæs dōmes ġe·weald, / a |
Christ A 229 |
d him wæs dōmes ġe·weald, / |
and |
þā wīsan ā·bēad || weor |
Christ A 233 |
-rissum || cende weorðen.’ / |
And |
þā sōna ġe·lamp, || þā |
Christ A 244 |
s weard, / metod mann-cynnes || |
and |
þīne miltse% hēr / ārfæst |
Christ A 251 |
ēr-cyme, || hǣlende Crīst, / |
and |
þā gyldnan ġeatu, || þe o |
Christ A 254 |
ah-frēa, || hāt on·tȳnan, / |
and |
ūsiċ þonne ġe·sēċe || |
Christ A 260 |
fulla / hīeneþ heardlīċe || |
and |
him on hæft nimeþ / ofer ūss |
Christ A 266 |
grund || hēan ġe·drēose, / |
and |
þīn hand-ġe·weorc, || hæ |
Christ A 267 |
ieppend, / mōte ā·rīsan || |
and |
on riht cuman / tō þām up-cu |
Christ A 270 |
sē swearta gǣst / for·tēah |
and |
for·tylde, || þæt we, tīr |
Christ A 279 |
|| ealle reord-berend / hātaþ |
and |
seċġaþ, || hæleþ ġond f |
Christ A 283 |
rīstes þeġnas, || cweðaþ |
and |
singaþ / þæt þū sīe hlæf |
Christ A 285 |
um meahtum / wuldor-weorodes || |
and |
weoroldcundra% / hāda under he |
Christ A 286 |
ndra% / hāda under heofonum || |
and |
hell-wara. / For·þon þū þ |
Christ A 296 |
an / of his mæġen-þrymme || |
and |
þē meahta spēd / snūde cȳ |
Christ A 299 |
sċolde / mannum tō miltse || |
and |
þē, Maria, forþ / efne unwem |
Christ A 316 |
þanc / þā wīsan on·wrah || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ |
Christ A 321 |
lsian, || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / |
and |
þurh þā fæstan locu || fo |
Christ A 322 |
stan locu || foldan nēosan, / |
and |
hēo þonne aefter him || ē |
Christ A 330 |
ās eorðan || ūt sīðode, / |
and |
efene swā þeċ ġe·mette, |
Christ A 331 |
meahtum ġe·hrodene, / clǣne |
and |
ġe·corene, || Crīst æl-me |
Christ A 354 |
odnes þrȳð-ġe·steald || |
and |
his þeġnunga, / þā þū ǣr |
Christ A 370 |
hæbben. / Āra nū ambihtum || |
and |
ūsse iermþa ġe·þenċ, / h |
Christ A 374 |
/ þæt þū ūs ā·hredde || |
and |
ūs hǣlu-ġiefe / sōþfæst s |
Christ A 379 |
e, || weorðmynda full, / hēah |
and |
hāliġ, || heofoncund þrīn |
Christ A 390 |
lūdan stefne, / fæġere feorr |
and |
nēah. || Habbaþ folĝoþa / c |
Christ A 394 |
, / weorðian wealdend || wīde |
and |
sīde, / and mid hira fiðerum |
Christ A 395 |
wealdend || wīde and sīde, / |
and |
mid hira fiðerum || frēan |
Christ A 397 |
ardiaþ%, || ēċan dryhtnes, / |
and |
ymb þēoden-stōl || þringa |
Christ A 400 |
inn. / Lofiaþ lēoflīċne || |
and |
on lēohte him / þā word cwe |
Christ A 401 |
hte him / þā word cweðaþ || |
and |
wuldriaþ / æðelne ordfruman |
Christ A 408 |
n þū ġe·fyldest || foldan |
and |
rodoras, / wīġendra hleo, || |
Christ A 411 |
on hēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || |
and |
on eorðan lof, / beorht mid be |
Christ A 419 |
t fǣmnan || flǣsċ unwemme, / |
and |
sēo weres frīĝa || wiht% n |
Christ A 426 |
nne || þurh his mōdor hrif. / |
And |
swā forþ-gangende || folca |
Christ A 429 |
we hine dōm-hwate || dǣdum |
and |
wordum / herġen holdlīċe. || |
Christ A 432 |
þ, / þæt hē simle oftost || |
and |
inlocast / and ġeornlicost || |
Christ A 433 |
simle oftost || and inlocast / |
and |
ġeornlicost || god weorðie. |
Christ B 474 |
īðum || lēan aefter ġeaf, / |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ || weal |
Christ B 478 |
simle || lǣste wiþ ēowiċ, / |
and |
ēow meaht ġiefe || and mid |
Christ B 478 |
iċ, / and ēow meaht ġiefe || |
and |
mid wunie, / āwa tō ealdre, | |
Christ B 483 |
|| weorodum cȳðaþ, / bodiaþ |
and |
brēmaþ || beorhtne ġe·lē |
Christ B 484 |
aþ || beorhtne ġe·lēafan, / |
and |
fulwiaþ || folc under rodoru |
Christ B 486 |
| herġas brēotaþ, / fiellaþ |
and |
fēoĝaþ, || fēondsċipe dw |
Christ B 489 |
id wunie, / forþ on frōfre || |
and |
ēow friðe healde / strengþu |
Christ B 521 |
iġe-bearna || þæt sēleste / |
and |
æðeleste, || þe ġe· hēr |
Christ B 522 |
|| þe ġe· hēr on stariaþ / |
and |
on frōfre ġe·sēoþ || fr |
Christ B 525 |
ġe·sēċan || sīde herġe, / |
and |
þonne ġe·dēman || dǣda |
Christ B 557 |
s wealdend / middan-ġeardes || |
and |
mæġen-þrymmes. / ‘Hafaþ n |
Christ B 561 |
ealh. / Nū sind for·cumene || |
and |
on cwic-sūsle / ġe·hīende a |
Christ B 562 |
d on cwic-sūsle / ġe·hīende |
and |
ġe·hæfte, || on helle grun |
Christ B 582 |
ibb sċeall ġe·mǣne / englum |
and |
ieldum || ā forþ heonan / wes |
Christ B 584 |
. || Wǣr is æt·samne / godes |
and |
manna, || gǣst-hāliġ trēo |
Christ B 585 |
trēow, / lufu, līfes hiht || |
and |
ealles lēohtes ġe·fēa.’ |
Christ B 588 |
eft for·ġeaf, / ġe·frēode |
and |
ġe·friðode || folc under w |
Christ B 597 |
fremmanne, || þenden flǣsċ |
and |
gǣst / wuniaþ on weorolde. || |
Christ B 602 |
a ġe·hwelcre / þe ūs sīþ |
and |
ǣr || simle ġe·fremede / þu |
Christ B 604 |
ȳnu. / Hē ūs ǣt ġiefeþ || |
and |
ǣhta spēd, / welan ofer wīd- |
Christ B 605 |
pēd, / welan ofer wīd-land || |
and |
weder līðe / under sweġeles |
Christ B 606 |
nder sweġeles hleo. || Sunne |
and |
mōna, / æðelost tungla || ea |
Christ B 609 |
m on eorðan. / Drēoseþ dēaw |
and |
reġn, || duĝuþe weċċaþ / |
Christ B 612 |
ealles sċulon / seċġan þanc |
and |
lof || þēodne ūssum, / and h |
Christ B 613 |
c and lof || þēodne ūssum, / |
and |
hūru ðǣre hǣlu || þe hē |
Christ B 616 |
stiġe || þe we ǣr druĝon, / |
and |
ġe·þingode || þēod-būen |
Christ B 622 |
bban, / wunian on ġe·winne || |
and |
wræce drēoĝan, / fēondum t |
Christ B 624 |
rōðor || fūs-leoþ gālan, / |
and |
tō ðǣre īlcan sċealt || |
Christ B 628 |
þā hē lēomum on·fēng || |
and |
līċ-haman, / mannes maĝu-tū |
Christ B 635 |
helm wera, || hǣlend lofode, / |
and |
mid sibb-lufan || sunu wealde |
Christ B 636 |
aldendes / frēo-naman cende || |
and |
hine fuĝol nemde, / þone Iūd |
Christ B 640 |
|| fēondum on eorðan / dierne |
and |
dēaĝol, || þām þe deorc |
Christ B 653 |
elan || meahta spēde, / hēah |
and |
hāliġ, || ofer heofona þry |
Christ B 656 |
īġes || and·sæc fremedon, / |
and |
þæt ne ġe·lyfdon, || þæ |
Christ B 660 |
·sċōp, / godes gǣst-sunu || |
and |
ūs ġiefe sealde, / uppe mid e |
Christ B 662 |
id englum || ēċe staðolas, / |
and |
ēac maniġfealde || mōdes s |
Christ B 663 |
fealde || mōdes snytru / sēow |
and |
sette || ġond sefan manna. / S |
Christ B 667 |
|| Sē mæġ eall fela / singan |
and |
seċġan || þām biþ snytru |
Christ B 690 |
eþ / ēċe tō ealdre || engla |
and |
manna; / swā hē his weorc weo |
Christ B 694 |
ungol, || healīċe up, / sunne |
and |
mōna. || Hwæt sindon þā / |
Christ B 697 |
sta || sunnan lēoma, / englum |
and |
eorð-warum || æðele sċīm |
Christ B 700 |
urh ġe·samnunga || sōðes |
and |
rihtes / beorhte blīceþ. || S |
Christ B 708 |
ac hīe godes tempel / brǣcon |
and |
bærndon, || blōd-ġēote wo |
Christ B 709 |
lōd-ġēote worhton, / feodan% |
and |
fyldon. || Hwæðere forþ be |
Christ B 714 |
num, / wealdend wer-þēoda || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Cū |
Christ B 717 |
ēapeþ hēa dūne, || hyllas |
and |
cnollas / be·wrīþ mid his wu |
Christ B 721 |
·stāh, / mæġeþ unmǣle || |
and |
ðǣr mennisċ hīew / on·fēn |
Christ B 750 |
um weorcum, || ðǣr is hiht |
and |
bliss, / ġe·þungen þeġn-we |
Christ B 757 |
tas, / synn-wunde for·sēon || |
and |
þæs sēlran% ġe·fēon. / Ha |
Christ B 774 |
ilnian, / biddan bearn godes || |
and |
þone blīðan gǣst / þæt h |
Christ B 777 |
līf for·ġeaf, / limu, līċ |
and |
gǣst. || Sīe% him lof simle |
Christ B 790 |
ehþu. || Huru iċ wēne mē / |
and |
ēac on·drǣde || dōm þȳ% |
Christ B 800 |
wāce hīerdon, / þendan //Y// |
and |
//N// || īeðast meahtan / fr |
Christ B 825 |
|| þonne eft cymeþ, / rēðe |
and |
riht-wīs. || Rodor biþ on· |
Christ B 826 |
s. || Rodor biþ on·hrēred, / |
and |
þās miċelan ġe·metu || m |
Christ B 860 |
·lǣde, / godes gǣst-sunu% || |
and |
ūs ġiefe sealde / þæt we on |
Christ C 877 |
| metode ġe·trīewe, / beorht |
and |
blīðe. || Him weorðeþ bl |
Christ C 883 |
|| Hlydaþ tō·samne, / trume |
and |
torhte, || wiþ tungla gang, / |
Christ C 884 |
|| wiþ tungla gang, / singaþ |
and |
swinsiaþ || sūðan and nor |
Christ C 884 |
gaþ and swinsiaþ || sūðan |
and |
norðan, / ēastan and westan, |
Christ C 885 |
sūðan and norðan, / ēastan |
and |
westan, || ofer ealle% ġe·s |
Christ C 895 |
þ / unhǣlu ġe·lāc || engla |
and |
dēofla, / beorhtra and blācra |
Christ C 896 |
| engla and dēofla, / beorhtra |
and |
blācra. || Weorðeþ bēga c |
Christ C 897 |
Weorðeþ bēga cyme, / hwītra |
and |
sweartra, || swā him is hām |
Christ C 898 |
eapen / unġelīċe, || englum% |
and |
dēoflum. / Þonne samnunga || |
Christ C 909 |
ġe·blēod wundrum, / ēadĝum |
and |
earmum || unġelīċe. / Hē bi |
Christ C 912 |
e·fēan fǣġer, || frēond |
and |
lēof-tǣl, / lufsum and līðe |
Christ C 913 |
rēond and lēof-tǣl, / lufsum |
and |
līðe || lēofum mannum / tō |
Christ C 917 |
m þe him on mōde ǣr / wordum |
and |
weorcum || wēl ġe·cwēmdon |
Christ C 918 |
biþ þām yflum || eġesliċ |
and |
grimmliċ / tō ġe·sēonne, | |
Christ C 927 |
drum || maniĝum tō þinġe, / |
and |
him on healfa ġe·hwone% || |
Christ C 930 |
/ Dyneþ dēop ġe·sċeaft || |
and |
fore drihtne færeþ / wielm-f |
Christ C 933 |
, || heofonas berstaþ, / trume |
and |
torhte, || tungol of·hrēosa |
Christ C 939 |
hte, || niðer ġe·hrēoseþ / |
and |
steorran swā some || streda |
Christ C 949 |
ered || heofon-bīeman stefn, / |
and |
on seofon healfa || swōĝaþ |
Christ C 951 |
|| bearhtma mǣste, / weċċaþ |
and |
waniaþ || weorold mid storme |
Christ C 954 |
æc, || hlūd, unmǣte, / swǣr |
and |
swīðliċ, || sweġ-dynna m |
Christ C 967 |
/ eorðan mid hire beorĝum || |
and |
up-heofon / torhtne mid his tun |
Christ C 978 |
las. || Beorĝas ġe·meltaþ / |
and |
hēah-clifu, || þā% wiþ ho |
Christ C 980 |
|| foldan sċieldon%, / stīþ |
and |
stæðfæst, || staðolas wi |
Christ C 982 |
ne wihta ġe·hwelċe, / dēora |
and |
fuĝola, || dēað-līeġ nim |
Christ C 990 |
þenċan, / hū þæt ġe·stun |
and |
sē storm || and sēo strange |
Christ C 990 |
t ġe·stun and sē storm || |
and |
sēo strange lyft / brecaþ br |
Christ C 995 |
eġ || synne on for·dōnum, / |
and |
gold-frætwe || glēda for·s |
Christ C 997 |
el-cyninga. / Þǣr biþ ċierm |
and |
cearu || and cwicra ġe·winn |
Christ C 997 |
ǣr biþ ċierm and cearu || |
and |
cwicra ġe·winn, / ġe·hrēow |
Christ C 998 |
cwicra ġe·winn, / ġe·hrēow |
and |
hlūd wōp || be heofon-wōma |
Christ C 1004 |
|| ġeorne ā·sēċeþ / innan |
and |
ūtan || eorðan sċēatas, / o |
Christ C 1011 |
er weredum, || wealdende god, / |
and |
hine ymb·ūtan || æðel-du |
Christ C 1018 |
sēo hālġe ġe·cynd, / hwīt |
and |
heofon-beorht, || hēaĝ-engl |
Christ C 1031 |
rīsan, / lēoðum on·fōn || |
and |
līċ-haman, / ed-ġung wesan. |
Christ C 1036 |
afaþ æt·gædere bū, / līċ |
and |
sāwle. || Sċeal on lēoht c |
Christ C 1037 |
cuman / sīnra weorca wlite || |
and |
worda ġe·mynd / and heortan |
Christ C 1038 |
wlite || and worda ġe·mynd / |
and |
heortan ġe·hyġd || fore he |
Christ C 1039 |
Þonne biþ ġe·īeċed || |
and |
ġe·ed-nīewod / mann-cynn þu |
Christ C 1052 |
ǣr earnode || ēċes līfes, / |
and |
eall andweard || þæt hīe |
Christ C 1061 |
Þonne sēo bīeman stefen || |
and |
sē beorhta seġn, / and þæt |
Christ C 1062 |
fen || and sē beorhta seġn, / |
and |
þæt hāte fȳr || and sēo |
Christ C 1062 |
eġn, / and þæt hāte fȳr || |
and |
sēo hēa duĝuþ, / and sē en |
Christ C 1063 |
ȳr || and sēo hēa duĝuþ, / |
and |
sē engla þrymm || and sē e |
Christ C 1063 |
uþ, / and sē engla þrymm || |
and |
sē eġesan þrēa, / and sē h |
Christ C 1064 |
mm || and sē eġesan þrēa, / |
and |
sē hearda dæġ || and sēo |
Christ C 1064 |
rēa, / and sē hearda dæġ || |
and |
sēo hēa rōd, / riht ā·rǣr |
Christ C 1070 |
ǣst || fore wealdende, / ēċe |
and |
ed-ġung, || andweard gæþ / n |
Christ C 1071 |
ung, || andweard gæþ / nēode |
and |
nīede, || be naman ġe·hāt |
Christ C 1077 |
bringaþ. || Biþ hira meaht |
and |
ġe·fēa / swīðe ġe·sǣli |
Christ C 1107 |
gōde || on·ġietan woldon. / |
And |
ēac þā ealdan wunde || and |
Christ C 1107 |
And ēac þā ealdan wunde || |
and |
þā openan dolh / on hira drih |
Christ C 1110 |
ġende / þā hwītan handa || |
and |
þā hālĝan fēt, / and of hi |
Christ C 1111 |
da || and þā hālĝan fēt, / |
and |
of his sīdan swā same || sw |
Christ C 1112 |
wāt for·lǣton, / ðǣr blōd |
and |
wæter || bū-tū æt·samne / |
Christ C 1120 |
ncum, / hyspton hearm-cwidum || |
and |
on his hlēor samod / hira spat |
Christ C 1122 |
don. || Sprǣcon him ed-wīt, / |
and |
on þone ēadĝan || andwlita |
Christ C 1125 |
reahtum || ond fȳstum ēac, / |
and |
ymb his hēafod || heardne ġ |
Christ C 1127 |
linde on ġe·þancum, / dysġe |
and |
ġe·dwealde. || Ġe·sǣĝon |
Christ C 1128 |
eaft, / eorðan eall-grēne || |
and |
up-rodor, / forhte ġe·fēlan |
Christ C 1130 |
fēlan || frēan þrōwunga, / |
and |
mid ċearum cwīðdon, || þ |
Christ C 1142 |
de. || Sċīre burstan / mūras |
and |
stānas || manġe aefter fold |
Christ C 1143 |
nas || manġe aefter foldan, / |
and |
sēo eorðe ēac, || eġesan |
Christ C 1144 |
myrde, / bifode on bearhtme || |
and |
sē brāda sǣ / cȳðde cræft |
Christ C 1145 |
sǣ / cȳðde cræftes meaht || |
and |
of clamme brēac / up yrrunga | |
Christ C 1175 |
unnen under rindum, || rēade |
and |
þicce; / sæp wearþ tō swāt |
Christ C 1181 |
t sind || eorðan ġe·cynda, / |
and |
heofones ēac || heah-ġe·ti |
Christ C 1196 |
n || eallum sċolde / tō hleo |
and |
tō hrōðor || hæleþa cynn |
Christ C 1201 |
þā mildan || metodes lāre, / |
and |
eall þā earfoþu || þe hē |
Christ C 1207 |
en, || dolh sċēawian, / wunde |
and |
wīte. || On wērĝum sefan / |
Christ C 1211 |
n mān-weorca / tōme libban || |
and |
tīres blǣd / ēċne āĝan. | |
Christ C 1225 |
ston || on hira līf-daĝum, / |
and |
ðǣr wōm-sċaðan || on þo |
Christ C 1229 |
hīe ā·rāsode || rēotaþ |
and |
bifiaþ / fore frēan forhte, | |
Christ C 1236 |
e hira þēodnes wēl / wordum |
and |
weorcum || willan hēoldon. / A |
Christ C 1239 |
m || lēohte blīcaþ, / blǣde |
and |
byrhte || ofer burga ġe·set |
Christ C 1244 |
e witon || wealdendes ġiefe, / |
and |
inn sēoþ, || ēaĝum tō wy |
Christ C 1250 |
wīte, / weallendne līeġ || |
and |
wyrma slite / biterum ċeaflum, |
Christ C 1256 |
nor || gode þanciaþ / blǣdes |
and |
blissa || þe hīe bū ġe·s |
Christ C 1258 |
e·nerede || fram nīþ-cwale / |
and |
ēac for·ġeaf || ēċe drē |
Christ C 1276 |
sum || firen-bealu lāðliċ, / |
and |
þæt æl-beorhte || ēac sċ |
Christ C 1277 |
ēawiaþ / heofon-engla here || |
and |
hæleþa bearn, / ealle eorð-b |
Christ C 1278 |
bearn, / ealle eorð-būend || |
and |
atol dēoful, / miercne mæġen |
Christ C 1289 |
|| þonne him daĝas lǣston; / |
and |
be hira weorcum || wēpende s |
Christ C 1295 |
ġe·fēan% || on fyrn-daĝum / |
and |
swā ǣnlīċe || ān·for·l |
Christ C 1310 |
if hē hit ānum ġe·seġð, / |
and |
nǣniġ be·hēlan mæġ || o |
Christ C 1320 |
olian, / synn-rūst þwēan || |
and |
hine selfne þrēan, / and þæ |
Christ C 1321 |
n || and hine selfne þrēan, / |
and |
þæt wamm ǣrran || wunde h |
Christ C 1326 |
s, || þendan bū samod / līċ |
and |
sāwle || libban mōte. / Nū w |
Christ C 1336 |
ġe. / Þǣr hē fore englum || |
and |
fore el-þēodum / tō þām ē |
Christ C 1338 |
ĝostum || ǣrest mæðleþ%, / |
and |
him swæslīċe || sibbe ġe |
Christ C 1340 |
rde / frēfreþ hē fæġere || |
and |
him friþ bēodeþ, / hāteþ h |
Christ C 1341 |
, / hāteþ hīe ġe·sunde || |
and |
ġe·senade / on ēðel faran | |
Christ C 1343 |
ðel faran || engla drēames, / |
and |
þæs tō wīdan fēore || wi |
Christ C 1353 |
, / þonne ġe· hira hulpon || |
and |
him hlēoþ ġe·fōn, / hingre |
Christ C 1354 |
e·fōn, / hingrendum hlāf || |
and |
hræġl nacedum; / and þā þe |
Christ C 1355 |
hlāf || and hræġl nacedum; / |
and |
þā þe on sāre || sēoce l |
Christ C 1359 |
ē hīe mid sibbum sōhton || |
and |
hira sefan trymedon / forþ on |
Christ C 1367 |
erum be ġe·wyrhtum || worda |
and |
dǣda, / reord-berendum; || sċ |
Christ C 1377 |
/ swā hē tō ānum sprece || |
and |
hwæðere ealle mæneþ, / fire |
Christ C 1380 |
heandum / ǣrest ġe·worhte || |
and |
þē andġiet sealde%. / Of lā |
Christ C 1387 |
æfde, / wynlicne ġe·worht || |
and |
þē welan for·ġiefen / þæt |
Christ C 1400 |
fela || for·ġiefen hæfde / |
and |
þē on þām eallum || ēade |
Christ C 1407 |
-mōd, || gǣsta ēðel, / earh |
and |
unrōt, || eallum be·dǣled / |
Christ C 1408 |
| eallum be·dǣled / duĝuþum |
and |
drēamum || and þā be·drif |
Christ C 1408 |
led / duĝuþum and drēamum || |
and |
þā be·drifen wurde / on þā |
Christ C 1411 |
foþu || miċele stunde, / sār |
and |
swǣr ġe·winn || and sweart |
Christ C 1411 |
, / sār and swǣr ġe·winn || |
and |
sweartne dēaþ, / and aefter h |
Christ C 1412 |
winn || and sweartne dēaþ, / |
and |
aefter hin-gange% || hrēosan |
Christ C 1422 |
eahte mid þearfan wǣdum || |
and |
mec þā on þīestre ā·le |
Christ C 1431 |
ā || wǣre þē% ġe·liċ%, / |
and |
þū meahte || mīnum weorða |
Christ C 1433 |
e·liċ, || māne be·dǣled. / |
And |
fore manna lufan || min þrō |
Christ C 1438 |
ne / unswētne drinc || eċedes |
and |
ġeallan. / Þonne iċ fore fol |
Christ C 1441 |
renum, || fǣhþe ne rōhton, / |
and |
mid swipum slōĝon. || Iċ |
Christ C 1443 |
du || eall ġe·þolode, / hosp |
and |
heard-cwide. || Þā hīe hw |
Christ C 1455 |
medun ǣr / on mīnum folmum || |
and |
on fōtum swā same, / þurh þ |
Christ C 1462 |
l-rīċes || ēadiġ nēotan, / |
and |
þē mīne dēaðe || dīere |
Christ C 1485 |
de mē / fēondum of fæðme || |
and |
þā him firene for·bēad, / s |
Christ C 1504 |
ce mosten / inn ġe·būĝan || |
and |
him ǣghwæs of·tuĝon, / þur |
Christ C 1521 |
ċe fȳr / þæt wæs Satane || |
and |
his ġe·sīðum mid, / dēofle |
Christ C 1522 |
mid, / dēofle ġe·ġearwod || |
and |
ðǣre deorcan sċole, / hāt a |
Christ C 1523 |
d ðǣre deorcan sċole, / hāt |
and |
heoru-grimm. || On þæt ġē |
Christ C 1527 |
onne rīċes weard || rēðe |
and |
mehtiġ, / ierre and eġesfull. |
Christ C 1528 |
|| rēðe and mehtiġ, / ierre |
and |
eġesfull. || Andweard ne mæ |
Christ C 1546 |
e mid þȳ ealdan līeġe || |
and |
mid þȳ eġesan forste, / wrā |
Christ C 1547 |
an forste, / wrāðum wyrmum || |
and |
mid wīta fela, / frēcnum feor |
Christ C 1549 |
þ. / Þæt we maĝon eahtan || |
and |
on ān cweðan, / sōðe seċġ |
Christ C 1560 |
rc on þām dōme standeþ || |
and |
dēaðe fāh, / wammum ā·wier |
Christ C 1564 |
þrǣd, || andweard gode / wann |
and |
wlitelēas || hafaþ wērġes |
Christ C 1579 |
metode, || þenden him lēoht |
and |
gǣst / samodfæst sēon. || H |
Christ C 1582 |
be·gange || on godes willan, / |
and |
wǣr% weorðe || worda and d |
Christ C 1582 |
n, / and wǣr% weorðe || worda |
and |
dǣda, / þēawa and ġe·þanc |
Christ C 1583 |
e || worda and dǣda, / þēawa |
and |
ġe·þanca, || þenden him |
Christ C 1586 |
an tīd / his drēames blǣd || |
and |
his daĝena rīm, / and his weo |
Christ C 1587 |
lǣd || and his daĝena rīm, / |
and |
his weorces wlite || on wuldr |
Christ C 1591 |
eorne hīeraþ. / Þonne heofon |
and |
hell || hæleþa bearnum, / fī |
Christ C 1595 |
, / þrēaþ þēod-sċaðan || |
and |
nā þonan lǣteþ% / on ġe· |
Christ C 1602 |
ðum lēodum. || Þonne līf |
and |
dēaþ / sāwlum swelĝaþ. || |
Christ C 1604 |
aþ. || Biþ sūsla hūs / open |
and |
oþ·īewed, || āð-loĝum o |
Christ C 1609 |
le. / Þǣr sċulon þēofas || |
and |
þēod-sċaðan, / lēase and f |
Christ C 1610 |
| and þēod-sċaðan, / lēase |
and |
for·leġene, || līfes ne w |
Christ C 1611 |
leġene, || līfes ne wēnan, / |
and |
mān-swaran || morðor-lēan% |
Christ C 1612 |
| morðor-lēan% sēon, / heard |
and |
heoru-grimm. || Þonne hell n |
Christ C 1613 |
nimeþ / wǣrlēasra weorod || |
and |
hīe wealdend ġiefeþ / fēond |
Christ C 1621 |
imu rǣċaþ / tō bindenne% || |
and |
tō bærnenne / and tō swīĝe |
Christ C 1622 |
indenne% || and tō bærnenne / |
and |
tō swīĝenne || synna tō w |
Christ C 1625 |
meaht godes, / fȳres fulle || |
and |
fēonda here, / cininges worde. |
Christ C 1627 |
ē biþ cwealma mǣst / dēofla |
and |
manna. || þæt is drēamlēa |
Christ C 1648 |
æder ealra ġe·weald / hafaþ |
and |
healdeþ || hāliġra weorod. |
A.3.10 7 |
bearn, / wilġest on wīcum || |
and |
þone wācran swā some, / sċy |
A.3.10 12 |
ġe·myndum || mōdes gǣlsan / |
and |
on his dæġ-rīme || druncen |
A.3.10 28 |
fācen-searwum; / brēodaþ hē |
and |
bælceþ, || bōþ his selfes |
A.3.10 33 |
ntan sċēawaþ. / Wrenceþ hē |
and |
blenċeþ, || worn ġe·þen |
A.3.10 51 |
sang, / ġearu-wierdiġ guma || |
and |
þæt ġiedd ā·wræc: / Sē% |
A.3.10 62 |
þā hīe tō swice þōhton / |
and |
þrymm-cyning || þēoden-st |
A.3.10 64 |
an, || swā hit riht ne wæs, / |
and |
þonne ġe·settan || on hira |
A.3.10 69 |
orðan || ēað-mōd leofaþ, / |
and |
wiþ ġe·sibbra ġe·hwone | |
A.3.10 70 |
healdeþ / frēode% on folce || |
and |
his fēond lufaþ, / þēah þe |
A.3.11 15 |
æs Hwala% || hwīle sēlost, / |
and |
Alexandreas || ealra rīcost / |
A.3.11 16 |
ealra rīcost / manna cynnes || |
and |
hē mǣst ġe·þeah / þāra |
A.3.11 20 |
a. / Cāsere wēold Crēacum || |
and |
Cæliċ% Finnum, / Haĝena Holm |
A.3.11 21 |
innum, / Haĝena Holm-rygum% || |
and |
Hēoden% Glommum / Witta wēold |
A.3.11 26 |
rnum. / Oswine wēold Ēowum || |
and |
Ytum Ġewulf, / Fin Folcwalding |
A.3.11 33 |
Longbeardum, / Hun Hætwerum || |
and |
Holen Wrosnum / Hringweald wæs |
A.3.11 44 |
hēoldon forþ siþþan / Engle |
and |
Swǣfe, || swā hit Offa ġe |
A.3.11 45 |
it Offa ġe·slōh / Hrōðwulf |
and |
Hrōðgār || hēoldon lenġe |
A.3.11 48 |
or·wrǣcon || wīċinga cynn / |
and |
Inġeldes || ord for·bīeġd |
A.3.11 51 |
/ ġond ġinne grund. || Godes |
and |
yfles / ðǣr iċ cunnode || cn |
A.3.11 54 |
For·þon iċ mæġ singan || |
and |
seċġan spell, / mǣnan fore m |
A.3.11 57 |
ōhten. / Iċ wæs mid Hunum || |
and |
mid Hrēð-ġotum, / mid Sweom |
A.3.11 58 |
mid Hrēð-ġotum, / mid Sweom |
and |
mid Ġēatum || and mid Sūð |
A.3.11 58 |
mid Sweom and mid Ġēatum || |
and |
mid Sūð-Denum. / Mid Wenlum i |
A.3.11 59 |
ð-Denum. / Mid Wenlum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Wærnum || and mid wīċi |
A.3.11 59 |
m iċ wæs and mid Wærnum || |
and |
mid wīċingum. / Mid Ġefþum |
A.3.11 60 |
ingum. / Mid Ġefþum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Winedum || and mid Ġeffl |
A.3.11 60 |
m iċ wæs and mid Winedum || |
and |
mid Ġeffleĝum. / Mid Englum i |
A.3.11 61 |
ffleĝum. / Mid Englum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Swǣfum || and mid ǣnĝu |
A.3.11 61 |
m iċ wæs and mid Swǣfum || |
and |
mid ǣnĝum. / Mid Seaxum iċ w |
A.3.11 62 |
ǣnĝum. / Mid Seaxum iċ wæs |
and |
Syċġum || and mid Sweord-we |
A.3.11 62 |
axum iċ wæs and Syċġum || |
and |
mid Sweord-werum. / Mid Hronum |
A.3.11 63 |
rd-werum. / Mid Hronum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Deanum || and mid Heaðu- |
A.3.11 63 |
um iċ wæs and mid Deanum || |
and |
mid Heaðu-reamum. / Mid Þyrin |
A.3.11 64 |
um. / Mid Þyringum iċ wæs || |
and |
mid Þrōwendum, / and mid Bur |
A.3.11 65 |
wæs || and mid Þrōwendum, / |
and |
mid Burġendum, || ðǣr iċ |
A.3.11 68 |
cyning. / Mid Francum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Friesum || and mid Frumti |
A.3.11 68 |
m iċ wæs and mid Friesum || |
and |
mid Frumtingum. / Mid Ruĝum i |
A.3.11 69 |
umtingum. / Mid Ruĝum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Glammum || and mid Rumwal |
A.3.11 69 |
m iċ wæs and mid Glammum || |
and |
mid Rumwalum. / Swelċe iċ wæ |
A.3.11 75 |
es. / Mid Sercingum iċ wæs || |
and |
mid Seringum; / mid Creacum iċ |
A.3.11 76 |
eringum; / mid Creacum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Finnum || and mid Casere, |
A.3.11 76 |
um iċ wæs and mid Finnum || |
and |
mid Casere, / sē þe wīn-burg |
A.3.11 78 |
|| ġe·weald āhte, / weolena% |
and |
wilna || and Wala rīċes. / Mi |
A.3.11 78 |
āhte, / weolena% and wilna || |
and |
Wala rīċes. / Mid Sċottum i |
A.3.11 79 |
īċes. / Mid Sċottum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Peohtum || and mid Sċrī |
A.3.11 79 |
m iċ wæs and mid Peohtum || |
and |
mid Sċrīde-Finnum; / mid Lid- |
A.3.11 80 |
; / mid Lid-Wīċingum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Leonum || and mid Lang-be |
A.3.11 80 |
um iċ wæs and mid Leonum || |
and |
mid Lang-beardum, / mid hǣðnu |
A.3.11 81 |
id Lang-beardum, / mid hǣðnum |
and |
mid hæleþum || and mid Hund |
A.3.11 81 |
hǣðnum and mid hæleþum || |
and |
mid Hundingum. / Mid Israhelum |
A.3.11 82 |
um. / Mid Israhelum iċ wæs || |
and |
mid Ex-Syringum, / mid Ebreum a |
A.3.11 83 |
d mid Ex-Syringum, / mid Ebreum |
and |
mid Indeum || and mid Eġyptu |
A.3.11 83 |
/ mid Ebreum and mid Indeum || |
and |
mid Eġyptum. / Mid Moidum iċ |
A.3.11 84 |
Eġyptum. / Mid Moidum iċ wæs |
and |
mid Persum || and mid Myrĝin |
A.3.11 84 |
um iċ wæs and mid Persum || |
and |
mid Myrĝingum, / and Mofdingum |
A.3.11 85 |
Persum || and mid Myrĝingum, / |
and |
Mofdingum || and onġend Myr |
A.3.11 85 |
Myrĝingum, / and Mofdingum || |
and |
onġend Myrĝingum, / and mid A |
A.3.11 86 |
um || and onġend Myrĝingum, / |
and |
mid Amothingum. || Mid East- |
A.3.11 87 |
ringum iċ wæs / and mid Eolum |
and |
mid Istum || and Idumingum. / A |
A.3.11 87 |
nd mid Eolum and mid Istum || |
and |
Idumingum. / And iċ wæs mid E |
A.3.11 88 |
d mid Istum || and Idumingum. / |
And |
iċ wæs mid Eormanrīċe || |
A.3.11 97 |
r ēðel, || frēa Myrĝinga. / |
and |
mē þā Ealhhild || ōðerne |
A.3.11 112 |
anrīċes. / Heðcan sōhte iċ |
and |
Beadecan || and Herelingas, / E |
A.3.11 112 |
an sōhte iċ and Beadecan || |
and |
Herelingas, / Emercan sōhte i |
A.3.11 113 |
erelingas, / Emercan sōhte iċ |
and |
Frīdlan || and Eastgotan, / fr |
A.3.11 113 |
an sōhte iċ and Frīdlan || |
and |
Eastgotan, / frōdne and gōdne |
A.3.11 114 |
lan || and Eastgotan, / frōdne |
and |
gōdne || fæder Unwenes. / Se |
A.3.11 115 |
Unwenes. / Seċċan sōhte iċ |
and |
Beccan, || Seafolan and Þēo |
A.3.11 115 |
e iċ and Beccan, || Seafolan |
and |
Þēodrīċ, / Heaðurīċ and |
A.3.11 116 |
and Þēodrīċ, / Heaðurīċ |
and |
Sifecan, || Hliðe and Inċġ |
A.3.11 116 |
urīċ and Sifecan, || Hliðe |
and |
Inċġenþēow. / Ēadwine sōh |
A.3.11 117 |
enþēow. / Ēadwine sōhte iċ |
and |
Elsan, || Æġelmund and Hung |
A.3.11 117 |
iċ and Elsan, || Æġelmund |
and |
Hungar, / and þā wlancan ġe |
A.3.11 118 |
an, || Æġelmund and Hungar, / |
and |
þā wlancan ġe·dryht || Wi |
A.3.11 119 |
yrġinga. / Wulfhere sōhte iċ |
and |
Wyrmhere; || full oft ðǣr w |
A.3.11 123 |
lēodum. / Rædhere sōhte iċ |
and |
Randhere, || Rumstān and Gis |
A.3.11 123 |
iċ and Randhere, || Rumstān |
and |
Gislhere, / Wiðerġield and Fr |
A.3.11 124 |
n and Gislhere, / Wiðerġield |
and |
Frēoðerīċ, || Wudĝan and |
A.3.11 124 |
and Frēoðerīċ, || Wudĝan |
and |
Haman; / ne wǣron þæt ġe·s |
A.3.11 130 |
ealdan || wundnan golde / werum |
and |
wīfum, || Wudĝa and Hama. / S |
A.3.11 130 |
e / werum and wīfum, || Wudĝa |
and |
Hama. / Swā iċ þæt simle on |
A.3.11 142 |
þæt eall sċæceþ, / lēoht |
and |
līf samod; || lof sē ġe·w |
A.3.12 2 |
id godes meahtum, / þætte wer |
and |
wīf || on weorold cennaþ / be |
A.3.12 3 |
naþ / bearn mid ġe·byrdum || |
and |
mid blēom ġierwaþ, / tennaþ |
A.3.12 4 |
mid blēom ġierwaþ, / tennaþ |
and |
tǣtaþ, || oþ·þæt sēo t |
A.3.12 7 |
oden weorðaþ. / Ferĝaþ swā |
and |
fēðaþ || fæder and mōdor |
A.3.12 7 |
swā and fēðaþ || fæder |
and |
mōdor, / ġiefaþ and ġierwa |
A.3.12 8 |
| fæder and mōdor, / ġiefaþ |
and |
ġierwaþ. || God ana wāt / hw |
A.3.12 28 |
feorr-weĝas / nīede gangan || |
and |
his nest beran, / tredan ūriġ |
A.3.12 40 |
n, || biþ his līf sċæcen, / |
and |
hē felelēas, || fēores or- |
A.3.12 56 |
lu || drēamum be·sċierwed, / |
and |
hine tō self-cwale || seċġ |
A.3.12 60 |
-sīþ || ealne for·spildan, / |
and |
on ieldu eft || ēadiġ weor |
A.3.12 61 |
orðan, / wunian wynn-daĝum || |
and |
welan þiċġan, / māðmas and |
A.3.12 62 |
and welan þiċġan, / māðmas |
and |
medu-full || mǣġ-burĝe inn |
A.3.12 66 |
|| eallum dǣleþ, / sċīreþ |
and |
sċrīfeþ || and ġe·sċapu |
A.3.12 66 |
, / sċīreþ and sċrīfeþ || |
and |
ġe·sċapu healdeþ, / sumum |
A.3.12 74 |
ull oft hē ġe·hīerdeþ || |
and |
ġe·hyrsteþ wēl, / bryten-ci |
A.3.12 75 |
ēl, / bryten-cininges beorn || |
and |
hē him brād sileþ / land tō |
A.3.12 82 |
um sittan, || feoh þiċġan, / |
and |
ā snellīċe || snere wrǣst |
A.3.12 90 |
þæt sē wielisca || wǣdum |
and |
dǣdum / his æt-ġiefan || ēa |
A.3.12 92 |
iefan || ēað-mōd weorðeþ / |
and |
tō haĝu-stealdes || handa |
A.3.12 95 |
eard || manna cræftas / sċōp |
and |
sċierede || and ġe·sċapu |
A.3.12 95 |
ftas / sċōp and sċierede || |
and |
ġe·sċapu ferede / ǣġhwelcu |
A.3.13 3 |
īnne hyġe-cræft hylest || |
and |
þīne heortan ġe·þōhtas. |
A.3.13 6 |
æt frymþe ġe·tēode / līf |
and |
lǣnne willan: || hē ūsiċ |
A.3.13 18 |
d, || efen-fela bēga / þēoda |
and |
ēawa. || Þing sċeall ġe· |
A.3.13 24 |
ġe·mæċċan; / sċeall wīf |
and |
wer || on weorold cennan / bear |
A.3.13 28 |
all fēran, || fǣġe sweltan / |
and |
dōĝra ġe·hwǣm || ymb ġe |
A.3.13 46 |
mon ġeongne mannan, / trymman |
and |
tyhtan þæt hē teala cunne, |
A.3.13 47 |
emedne hæbbe, / sille him wist |
and |
wǣdu, || oþ·þæt hine man |
A.3.13 57 |
him on ġe·sundum þingum || |
and |
þonne mid ġe·sīðum heald |
A.3.13 82 |
| cwēne ġe·biċġan, / bunum |
and |
bēaĝum; || bū sċulon ǣre |
A.3.13 84 |
n eorle, / wīġ ġe·weaxan || |
and |
wīf ġe·þēon / lēof% mid h |
A.3.13 87 |
, || rūm-heort bēon / mēarum |
and |
māðmum, || medu-rǣdenne / fo |
A.3.13 91 |
hand / rīċene ġe·rǣċan || |
and |
him rǣd witan / bold-āĝendum |
A.3.13 96 |
eþ; / biþ his ċēol cumen || |
and |
hire ċeorl tō hām, / āĝen |
A.3.13 97 |
ō hām, / āĝen æt-ġeofa || |
and |
hēo hine inn lāðaþ, / wǣs |
A.3.13 98 |
sċeþ his wāriġ hræġl || |
and |
him sileþ wǣde nīewe, / liġ |
A.3.13 109 |
| þonne līðan cymeþ; / wuda |
and |
wæteres nyttaþ, || þonne h |
A.3.13 120 |
d nimeþ. / Gōd biþ genġe || |
and |
wiþ God lenġe. / Hyġe sċeal |
A.3.13 136 |
eaf || þæt we inn libbaþ, / |
and |
eft æt þām ende || eallum |
A.3.13 141 |
s ōnettan. / Til mann tiles || |
and |
tames mēares, / cūðes and ġ |
A.3.13 142 |
|| and tames mēares, / cūðes |
and |
ġe·costes || and calc-rande |
A.3.13 142 |
s, / cūðes and ġe·costes || |
and |
calc-randes; / nǣniġ fīra || |
A.3.13 156 |
God sellan / ēadĝum ǣhte || |
and |
eft niman. / Sele sċeall stand |
A.3.13 159 |
eþ. / Trēo sċulon brǣdan || |
and |
trēow weaxan, / sēo ġond bil |
A.3.13 161 |
t ā·rīseþ. / Wærlēas mann |
and |
wan-hyġdiġ, || / ǣtren-mōd |
A.3.13 162 |
wan-hyġdiġ, || / ǣtren-mōd |
and |
un-ġe·trēow, || / þæs ne |
A.3.13 166 |
rīsaþ, / glēo-menn ġiedd || |
and |
guman snytru. / Swā maniġe b |
A.3.13 178 |
rincas || ġe·rǣdan lǣdan / |
and |
him æt·samne swefan; || / n |
A.3.13 200 |
e ġond eorðan, / ā·hoĝodan |
and |
ā·hīerdon || heoru slīðe |
A.3.13 202 |
sċeafte, / eċġ on swurde || |
and |
ord spere, / hyġe heardum menn |
A.3.13 204 |
menn. || Helm sċeall cēnum, / |
and |
ā þæs hēanan hyġe || hor |
A.3.14 15 |
friċġende || fīra cynnes / |
and |
seċġende || searu-rūna ġe |
A.3.14 36 |
if ūs on ferhþe ġe·nēah / |
and |
we willaþ healdan || heofon- |
A.3.14 37 |
hīer nū þis here-spell || |
and |
þīnne hyġe ġe·fæstna. / H |
A.3.14 39 |
hēah hordes weard, || heofon |
and |
eorðan%, / sǣs sīdne grund, |
A.3.14 42 |
| þurh þēodnes hand / hēaþ |
and |
hebbaþ || þone hālĝan% bl |
A.3.14 48 |
beraþ / dryhtnes duĝuþe || |
and |
his dǣda þrymm, / līexende l |
A.3.14 54 |
þ tīehþ / heofon-candelle || |
and |
holmas mid, / laðaþ and lǣde |
A.3.14 55 |
le || and holmas mid, / laðaþ |
and |
lǣdeþ% || līfes āĝend / on |
A.3.14 59 |
ūs þis līf ġe·sċōp || |
and |
þis lēohte beorht / cymeþ mo |
A.3.14 62 |
as || wundrum ġe·ġierwed, / |
and |
mid ǣr-dæġe || ēastan sn |
A.3.14 63 |
e || ēastan snōweþ / wlitiġ |
and |
wynsum || wera cnēorissum; / l |
A.3.14 65 |
þ bireþ / branda beorhtost || |
and |
his brūcan mōt / ǣġhwelċ o |
A.3.14 89 |
ām sīe ā·hefed || heofon |
and |
eorðe. / Bēoþ þonne ēadġe |
A.3.14 96 |
on sweġle; || him is simble |
and |
drēam / ēċe unhwīlen || ēa |
A.3.15 2 |
|| sē þis lēoht on·wrāh, / |
and |
þæt torhte ġe·teoh, || ti |
A.3.15 58 |
/ stēapum atole mis·þāh || |
and |
eall stund ġe·nāh. / Swā n |
A.3.15 60 |
ld wendeþ, || wyrde sendeþ, / |
and |
hetes henteþ, || hæleþe s |
A.3.15 70 |
. / Mē þæt wyrd ġe·wæf || |
and |
ġe·wyrht% for·ġeaf, / þæt |
A.3.15 71 |
af, / þæt iċ grōfe græf || |
and |
þæt grymme græf / flēan fl |
A.3.15 74 |
/ sēo mē ēðles of·ann% || |
and |
mec hēr eardes% on·cann. / Þ |
A.3.15 76 |
/ ac him wenne ġe·wiġeþ || |
and |
þā wist ġe·þiġeþ, / oþ |
A.3.15 78 |
æt bēoþ þā bān || ān, / |
and |
æt nīehstan nan || nefne s |
A.3.15 87 |
ōt / sōðne god ġe·sēon || |
and |
ā on sibbe ġe·fēan. |
A.3.16 5 |
| ġond weorold% innan / fuĝla |
and |
dēora || fold-hrērendra / wor |
A.3.16 26 |
iġda ġe·hwæs, || beorhtra |
and |
sċīenra / wundrum lixeþ, || |
A.3.16 29 |
ōðrum, || ǣnlicra ġīen / |
and |
fæġerra || frætwum blīce |
A.3.16 32 |
| Hē is mann-þwǣre, / lufsum |
and |
lēof-tæl, || nele lāðes w |
A.3.16 46 |
, || wynsumra stēam, / swētra |
and |
swīðra || swæċċa ġe·hw |
A.3.16 47 |
·hwelcum, / wyrta blōstmum || |
and |
wudu-blēdum, / eallum æðelic |
A.3.16 49 |
twum%. / Þonne of ċeastrum || |
and |
cyne-stōlum / and of burh-salu |
A.3.16 50 |
ċeastrum || and cyne-stōlum / |
and |
of burh-salum || beorn-þrēa |
A.3.16 60 |
·sǣlde || on sūsla grund%, / |
and |
ġe·feterode || fyrnum tēa |
A.3.16 61 |
be·þeahte þrēa-nīedum || |
and |
þȳ þriddan dæġe / of dēa |
A.3.16 65 |
t wæs swēte stenċ, / wlitiġ |
and |
wynsum || ġond weorold ealle |
A.3.16 72 |
|| þe ūs tō ġiefe dǣleþ / |
and |
tō feorh-nere || fæder æl- |
A.3.16 73 |
h-nere || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / |
and |
sē ānga hiht || ealra ġe· |
A.3.17 5 |
um || oft ġe·mēted, / frecne |
and |
ferhþ-grimm, || faroð-lāce |
A.3.17 13 |
a-land sum || ēaĝum wliten, / |
and |
þonne ġe·hȳdaþ || hēah- |
A.3.17 16 |
-mēaras || sundes æt ende, / |
and |
þonne on þæt eġ-land || u |
A.3.17 30 |
ǣst, || grund ġe·sēċeþ, / |
and |
þonne on dēaþ-sele || dren |
A.3.17 34 |
aht || duĝuþe be·swīcaþ, / |
and |
on teosu tyhtaþ || tilra dǣ |
A.3.17 43 |
| siþþan weorðeþ, / wlancum |
and |
hēanum, || þe his willan h |
A.3.17 49 |
ċeþ || sǣ-līðende / eorlas |
and |
ȳþ-mēaras. || Hē hafaþ |
A.3.17 52 |
on holme || hungor bisiĝaþ / |
and |
þone āĝlæċan || ǣtes ly |
A.3.17 74 |
fiaþ, / gyltum ġe·hrodene || |
and |
ǣr ġeorne his / on hira līf- |
A.3.17 83 |
linga || / dryhtna drihtne% || |
and |
ā dēoflum wiþ·sace / wordum |
A.3.17 84 |
ā dēoflum wiþ·sace / wordum |
and |
weorcum, || þæt we wuldor-c |
A.3.18 6 |
tō mē / on hyġe hweorfaþ || |
and |
ġē hell-firena / sweartra ġe |
A.3.18 10 |
torhte tīr-ēadġe || talode |
and |
rīmde, / beorhte ġe·brōðor |
A.3.19 5 |
þe ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ |
and |
sāwle%. || Lang biþ siþþa |
A.3.19 24 |
s, || hū þis is lang hider, / |
and |
þe þurh enġel || ufan of r |
A.3.19 27 |
, || of his mæġen-þrymme, / |
and |
þē þā ġe·bohte || blōd |
A.3.19 28 |
ohte || blōde þȳ hālĝan, / |
and |
þū mē þȳ heardan || hung |
A.3.19 29 |
heardan || hungre ġe·bunde / |
and |
ġe·hæftnodest || helle wī |
A.3.19 31 |
eahte, / flǣsċe be·fangen || |
and |
mē firen-lustas / þīne% ġe |
A.3.19 36 |
Wǣre þū þe wiste wlanc || |
and |
wīnes sǣd, / þrymfull þunod |
A.3.19 37 |
sǣd, / þrymfull þunodest || |
and |
iċ of·þyrsted wæs / godes |
A.3.19 41 |
t þū wǣre þurh flǣsċ || |
and |
þurh firen-lustas / strange% |
A.3.19 42 |
tas / strange% ġe·stīered || |
and |
ġe·staðolod þurh mec%, / an |
A.3.19 43 |
nd ġe·staðolod þurh mec%, / |
and |
iċ wæs gǣst on þē || fra |
A.3.19 57 |
rēafod, / be·sliten sinwum || |
and |
þē% þīn sāwol sċeall / m |
A.3.19 60 |
htest tō mē. / Eart þū dumb |
and |
dēaf, || ne sindan þīne dr |
A.3.19 62 |
ċan, / synnum ġe·sarĝod || |
and |
eft sōna fram þē / hweorfan |
A.3.19 66 |
|| þe þū mē ǣr sċrīfe, / |
and |
þā ārlēasan || eardung-st |
A.3.19 67 |
ārlēasan || eardung-stōwe, / |
and |
þē% sċulon mold-wyrmas || |
A.3.19 69 |
tan || swearte wihte, / ġīfre |
and |
grǣdġe. || Ne sindon þīne |
A.3.19 114 |
hē þā tungan tō·tyhð || |
and |
þā tōðas þurh·smȳhþ, / |
A.3.19 115 |
þā tōðas þurh·smȳhþ, / |
and |
tō ǣt-welan || ōðrum ġe |
A.3.19 116 |
elan || ōðrum ġe·rȳmeþ, / |
and |
þā ēaĝan% þurh·iteþ || |
Guthlac A 2 |
t frymþe ġe·metaþ, / enġel |
and |
sēo ēadġe sāwl. || Of·ġ |
Guthlac A 3 |
teþ þās lǣnan drēamas || |
and |
hēo wiþ þām līċe ġe·d |
Guthlac A 7 |
| þider þū fundodest / lange |
and |
ġe·lōme. || Iċ þeċ lǣd |
Guthlac A 8 |
. / Weĝas þe sindon wēðe || |
and |
wuldres lēoht / torht on·tīe |
Guthlac A 12 |
ðǣr biþ engla drēam, / sibb |
and |
ġe·sǣlĝness || and sāwla |
Guthlac A 12 |
, / sibb and ġe·sǣlĝness || |
and |
sāwla ræst, / and ðǣr ā t |
Guthlac A 13 |
lĝness || and sāwla ræst, / |
and |
ðǣr ā tō fēore || ġe·f |
Guthlac A 21 |
sēl; / ġuĝuþe brūcaþ || |
and |
godes miltsa. / Þider sōþfæ |
Guthlac A 24 |
þe hēr Crīstes ǣ / lǣraþ |
and |
lǣstaþ || and his lof rǣra |
Guthlac A 24 |
es ǣ / lǣraþ and lǣstaþ || |
and |
his lof rǣraþ; / ofer·winna |
Guthlac A 36 |
sǣle brūcan / gōdra tīda || |
and |
his gǣste forþ / weġes willi |
Guthlac A 41 |
pell-bodan / wordum sæġdon || |
and |
þurh wītedōm / eall ā·nemd |
Guthlac A 44 |
blǣd || æðela ġe·hwelcre / |
and |
of wlite wendaþ || wæstma |
Guthlac A 53 |
um || hādas cennaþ, / miċele |
and |
mǣte. || Is þēs middan-ġe |
Guthlac A 57 |
dōĝra ġe·hwelċe / wānian |
and |
wendan || of weorold-ryhte / þ |
Guthlac A 61 |
n willaþ / weġan on wordum || |
and |
þā weorc ne dōþ. / Biþ him |
Guthlac A 69 |
-ġeard / drihtne þēowiaþ || |
and |
þæs dēoran hām / wilniaþ b |
Guthlac A 75 |
es / þurh be·bodu brūcaþ || |
and |
þæs beteran forþ / wȳsċaþ |
Guthlac A 76 |
þæs beteran forþ / wȳsċaþ |
and |
wēnaþ. || Wuldres byċġaþ |
Guthlac A 82 |
þ || on wēstennum, / sēċaþ |
and |
ġe·sittaþ || selfra willum |
Guthlac A 100 |
fes weġ / gǣstum ġearwaþ || |
and |
him ġiefe sealde / enġel-cund |
Guthlac A 102 |
gann / beorh-seþel būĝan || |
and |
his blǣd gode / þurh ēað-m |
Guthlac A 116 |
n druĝon, / enġel dryhtnes || |
and |
sē atola gǣst. / Nealles hīe |
Guthlac A 120 |
sæġde / lǣne under lyfte || |
and |
þā langan god / herede on heo |
Guthlac A 125 |
llaþ / þiċġan tō þance || |
and |
him þās weorold / ūtor lǣta |
Guthlac A 128 |
na ġe·mōt / nihtes sōhte || |
and |
þurh nēðinge / wunne aefter |
Guthlac A 138 |
oce ġe·wunode, / lufode hine |
and |
lǣrde || lenge hū ġeornor, |
Guthlac A 141 |
ðǣr brōĝa cōm / eġesliċ |
and |
uncūþ, || eald-fēonda nī |
Guthlac A 143 |
self hira / ansīen īewdon || |
and |
ðǣr ǣr fela / setla ġe·sǣ |
Guthlac A 156 |
cu / wunder hine% weorðiaþ || |
and |
his wīsdōmes / hlisan healda |
Guthlac A 160 |
ðǣr hē dryhtnes lof / reahte |
and |
rǣrde; || oft þurh reorde |
Guthlac A 164 |
-haman / wynna for·wiernde || |
and |
weorold-blissa, / sēftra setla |
Guthlac A 165 |
rold-blissa, / sēftra setla || |
and |
simble-daĝa, / swelċe ēac ī |
Guthlac A 184 |
naþ. / Hē him siġe sealde || |
and |
snytru-cræft, / mund-byrd meah |
Guthlac A 193 |
m beorĝe || beornan sċolde / |
and |
his līċ-haman || līeġ for |
Guthlac A 197 |
e wolde / selfa ġe·sēċan || |
and |
his sibbe riht / mid mann-cynne |
Guthlac A 216 |
drihtne on ġe·myndum / īdel |
and |
ǣ-menn, || ēðel-rihte feor |
Guthlac A 249 |
m || gǣst-ġe·rȳnum / wunaþ |
and |
weaxeþ, || sē mē wrāðe h |
Guthlac A 251 |
r || ēaðe ġe·timbre / hūs |
and |
hlēonaþ; || mē on heofonum |
Guthlac A 254 |
eþ / spōwende spēd || spreca |
and |
dǣda. / Ġe·wītaþ nū, ā· |
Guthlac A 275 |
e fēdeþ; / bēoþ þē hungor |
and |
þurst || hearde ġe·winnan, |
Guthlac A 286 |
þriceþ% / mēara þrēatum || |
and |
mann-farum. / Bēoþ þā ġe· |
Guthlac A 288 |
eċ bredwiaþ, / tredaþ þeċ |
and |
terĝaþ || and hira torn wre |
Guthlac A 288 |
tredaþ þeċ and terĝaþ || |
and |
hira torn wrecaþ, / tō·bera |
Guthlac A 293 |
ne god fremede / on andsware || |
and |
on elne strang. / Ne wand hē f |
Guthlac A 300 |
þā ealle || ūt ā·banne%, / |
and |
ēow ēac ġe·wyrċe || wīd |
Guthlac A 328 |
þōhton. / Hē wæs on elne || |
and |
on ēað-mēdum, / bād on beor |
Guthlac A 345 |
on his mōde / gode campian || |
and |
his gǣst beran / oft on andan |
Guthlac A 357 |
m ānade / ġeornost grētte || |
and |
him ġiefe sealde, / þæt hine |
Guthlac A 362 |
ġ gǣst / wīsaþ on willan || |
and |
his weorc trymaþ, / laðaþ hi |
Guthlac A 380 |
ēaðes sorh. / Þēah min bān |
and |
blōd || bū tū ġe·weorðe |
Guthlac A 395 |
lāces || gōdum mōde / wēox |
and |
wunode || and hine weoroda go |
Guthlac A 395 |
dum mōde / wēox and wunode || |
and |
hine weoroda god / freoðode on |
Guthlac A 411 |
id heandum || hrīnan mosten, / |
and |
þæt friþ wiþ hīe || ġe |
Guthlac A 418 |
ust brūcan, / īdlum ǣhtum || |
and |
ofer-wlencum, / ġierelum ġiel |
Guthlac A 431 |
bearn / þrēam ofer·þunge || |
and |
swā þearfendliċ / him tō ea |
Guthlac A 454 |
an wolde, || þā þū hēan% |
and |
earm / on þis or-leġe || ǣre |
Guthlac A 489 |
e for·bær / rūme reĝulas || |
and |
rēðe mōd / ġungra manna || |
Guthlac A 492 |
lof, / sōhton þā sǣmran || |
and |
þā sellan nā / dēmdon aefte |
Guthlac A 495 |
ille. / God sċōp ġuĝuþe || |
and |
gumena drēam; / ne maĝon þā |
Guthlac A 500 |
æt sē gǣst lufaþ / ansīen |
and |
æt-wist || ieldran hādes, / |
Guthlac A 507 |
aþ, || sōþfæstra nā / mōd |
and |
mann-þēaw || mǣran willaþ |
Guthlac A 520 |
rme gæstas / hrīnan lēton || |
and |
þæt hwæðere ġe·lamp. / W |
Guthlac A 522 |
n-ġeard / selfa ġe·sōhte || |
and |
his swāt ā·ġēat / on banen |
Guthlac A 524 |
hte bēga ġe·weald, / līfes |
and |
dēaðes, || þā hē lustum |
Guthlac A 536 |
ǣr his sāwol wearþ / clǣne |
and |
ġe·costod. || Cuþ is wīde |
Guthlac A 553 |
wolde / nerġan wiþ nīðum || |
and |
hira nīed-wræce / dēope dēm |
Guthlac A 565 |
n, || budon or-leġe, / eġesan |
and |
andan || ārlēaslīċe, / frec |
Guthlac A 568 |
willaþ / synnum be·swīcan || |
and |
searu-cræftum. / On·gunnon gr |
Guthlac A 573 |
e·hīened || tō hell-warum, / |
and |
ðǣr on bendum || bryne þr |
Guthlac A 581 |
stod, || ne cempa god, / wordum |
and |
weorcum || wēl ġe·cȳðed, |
Guthlac A 597 |
ges, / sē ēow ġe·hīende || |
and |
on hæft be·drāf / under near |
Guthlac A 602 |
ǣr ealles || his ānne dōm, / |
and |
him ġeornlīċe || gǣst-ġe |
Guthlac A 605 |
e || mīnum hǣlende / þēawum |
and |
ġe·þyncþum || and him þa |
Guthlac A 605 |
ēawum and ġe·þyncþum || |
and |
him þancian / ealra þāra ġi |
Guthlac A 607 |
ġe·sċōp / englum ǣrest || |
and |
eorð-warum; / and iċ blētsie |
Guthlac A 608 |
um ǣrest || and eorð-warum; / |
and |
iċ blētsie || blīðe mōde |
Guthlac A 609 |
mōde / līfes lēoht-fruman || |
and |
him lof singe / þurh ġe·dēf |
Guthlac A 610 |
h ġe·dēfne dōm || dæġes |
and |
nihtes, / herġe on heortan || |
Guthlac A 619 |
num / wille weorðian || wordum |
and |
dǣdum, / lufian on līfe, || s |
Guthlac A 620 |
ian on līfe, || swā is lār |
and |
ār / tō spōwendre || sprǣċ |
Guthlac A 635 |
sċulon drēoĝan || dēaþ |
and |
þīestru, / wōp tō wīdan ea |
Guthlac A 637 |
ē þæs wierpe ġe·bīdaþ. / |
And |
iċ þæt ġe·līefe || on l |
Guthlac A 639 |
/ þæt hē mec for miltsum || |
and |
mæġen-spēdum, / niþþa ner |
Guthlac A 643 |
m iċ lange || on līċ-haman / |
and |
on mīnum gǣste || gode camp |
Guthlac A 647 |
m / hafaþ on heandum || heofon |
and |
eorðan, / þæt ġē mec mid n |
Guthlac A 650 |
tin-treĝu, / mīne myrðran || |
and |
mān-sċaðan, / swearte siġel |
Guthlac A 652 |
īċe / lēohte ġe·lēafan || |
and |
mid lufan dryhtnes / fæġere |
Guthlac A 657 |
ðǣr is ēðel-land / fǣġer |
and |
ġe·fēaliċ || on fæder wu |
Guthlac A 663 |
lles tō swīðe. / Wendon ġē |
and |
woldon%, || wiðer-hyċġende |
Guthlac A 680 |
e / dēaþ sċulon drēoĝan || |
and |
iċ drēama wynn / āĝan mid e |
Guthlac A 683 |
|| ðǣr is riht cyning, / help |
and |
hǣlu || hæleþa cynne, / duĝ |
Guthlac A 684 |
lu || hæleþa cynne, / duĝuþ |
and |
drohtaþ.’ || þā cōm dry |
Guthlac A 697 |
dlum% band, / nīed onsette || |
and |
ġe·neahhe be·bēad: / ‘Ne |
Guthlac A 705 |
hwelċ / heandum ġe·hǣlde || |
and |
him hīersume / on his selfes d |
Guthlac A 720 |
n wille; / sċeall iċ his word |
and |
his weorc || on ġe·witnesse |
Guthlac A 729 |
an dǣle. / Hīe hine bǣron || |
and |
him bryċe hēoldon, / hōfon h |
Guthlac A 730 |
oldon, / hōfon hine heandum || |
and |
him hryre burgon. / Wǣron hira |
Guthlac A 732 |
| under godes eġesan / smēðe |
and |
ġe·sēfte. || Siġe-hrēði |
Guthlac A 742 |
/ Smolt wæs sē siġe-wang || |
and |
sele nīewe, / fǣġer fuĝla r |
Guthlac A 745 |
|| Gūð·lāc mōste / ēadiġ |
and |
anmōd || eardes brūcan. / St |
Guthlac A 766 |
ðe, / þā hē ūs tō āre || |
and |
tō andġiete / syleþ and send |
Guthlac A 767 |
e || and tō andġiete / syleþ |
and |
sendeþ, || sāwlum rȳmeþ / l |
Guthlac A 772 |
swā hē Gūð·lāces / daĝas |
and |
dǣde || þurh his dōm ā·h |
Guthlac A 793 |
þā þe ræfnaþ hēr / wordum |
and |
weorcum || wuldor-cininges / l |
Guthlac A 802 |
le, / ġearwaþ gæstes hūs || |
and |
mid glēawnesse / fēond ofer· |
Guthlac A 803 |
esse / fēond ofer·feohtaþ || |
and |
firen-lustas / for·beraþ on b |
Guthlac A 809 |
/ beorĝaþ him bealu-nīþ || |
and |
ġe·bedu sēċaþ, / swincaþ |
Guthlac A 810 |
iþ synnum, || healdaþ sōþ |
and |
riht. / Him þæt ne hrēoweþ |
Guthlac A 816 |
|| ġeorne be·healdan, / sibbe |
and |
ġe·sihþe, || ðǣr hēo s |
Guthlac B 825 |
|| anstæll wynliċ, / fǣġer |
and |
ġe·fēaliċ. || Fæder wæs |
Guthlac B 838 |
mōston, / limu līċ samod || |
and |
līfes gǣst, / and ðǣr siþ |
Guthlac B 839 |
ċ samod || and līfes gǣst, / |
and |
ðǣr siþþan ā || on sīn- |
Guthlac B 843 |
woldon / beorht on brēostum || |
and |
his be·bodu lǣstan, / efnan o |
Guthlac B 847 |
lārum / blǣde for·bodene || |
and |
of bēame ā·hnēop / wæstm% |
Guthlac B 849 |
ord godes, / wuldor-cininges || |
and |
hire were sealde / þurh dēofl |
Guthlac B 853 |
l || uð-genġe wearþ / Ādame |
and |
Ēuan, || eard-wīca cyst / beo |
Guthlac B 854 |
cyst / beorht oþ·broġden || |
and |
hira bearnum swā, / eaforum ae |
Guthlac B 861 |
|| siþþan sċoldon / mæġeþ |
and |
mæċġas || morðres on·ġi |
Guthlac B 881 |
him ēċe ġe·ċēas / meaht |
and |
mund-byrd. || Mǣre wurdon / hi |
Guthlac B 882 |
is wundra ġe·weorc || wīde |
and |
sīde, / brēme aefter burgum | |
Guthlac B 890 |
mpan || ġearwe fundon, / helpe |
and |
hǣlu. || Nǣniġ hæleþa is |
Guthlac B 918 |
e feorh-nere / witode fundon || |
and |
hine weorðodon / mēaglum stef |
Guthlac B 921 |
að-mēdum || eft nēosedon, / |
and |
ðǣr sīþ-frame || on þām |
Guthlac B 929 |
omre, || hǣlde bū tū / līċ |
and |
sāwle, || þenden līfes wea |
Guthlac B 953 |
e || dōm-ēadiġ bād, / heard |
and |
hyġe-rōf. || Hyht wæs ġe |
Guthlac B 967 |
nan tīd, || þēah his līċ |
and |
gǣst / hira sam-wiste, || sīn |
Guthlac B 979 |
| Wæs sēo ādl þearl, / hāt |
and |
heoru-grimm. || Hreðer innan |
Guthlac B 983 |
relode / ǣrost ðǣre idese || |
and |
hēo Ādame, / hire swǣsum wer |
Guthlac B 990 |
tte meahte him / ġe·beorĝan |
and |
be·būĝan || þone blēatan |
Guthlac B 1005 |
tan || lārēow ġe·corenne, / |
and |
þā inn ēode || ēadĝum t |
Guthlac B 1040 |
iðen, / sorh ġe·sweðrod% || |
and |
iċ siþþan mōt / fore metode |
Guthlac B 1042 |
hlēotan, / ġingra ġiefena || |
and |
godes lambor / on sīn-drēamum |
Guthlac B 1047 |
līfes.’ || þā wæs wōp |
and |
hēaf, / ġungum ġōcor sefa, |
Guthlac B 1076 |
duĝuþa ġe·hwelcre, / lufena |
and |
lissa. || Mīn þæt lēofe b |
Guthlac B 1082 |
ġel-cyning, || ðǣr is sibb |
and |
bliss, / dōmfæstra drēam, || |
Guthlac B 1086 |
tīd || dǣdum cwēmde, / mōde |
and |
mæġene. || Iċ þā meorde |
Guthlac B 1107 |
ġ || blissum hrēmiġ, / milde |
and |
ġe·metfæst, || mæġen uns |
Guthlac B 1114 |
e·rȳnum || on godes temple, / |
and |
his þeġne on·gann, || swā |
Guthlac B 1116 |
n, / seċġan siĝor-tācnum || |
and |
his sefan trymman / wundrum tō |
Guthlac B 1131 |
æs þæs dēopliċ eall / word |
and |
wīsdōm || and þæs weres s |
Guthlac B 1131 |
iċ eall / word and wīsdōm || |
and |
þæs weres stihtung, / mōd an |
Guthlac B 1132 |
nd þæs weres stihtung, / mōd |
and |
mæġen-cræft, || þe him me |
Guthlac B 1140 |
/ stōp stal-gangum, || strang |
and |
hrēðe / sōhte sāwol-hus. || |
Guthlac B 1157 |
þā hyġe-ġōmor, / frēoriġ |
and |
ferhþ-wēriġ, || fūsne gr |
Guthlac B 1172 |
is. || Lǣst ealle wēl / wǣre |
and |
winesċipe, || word þā wit |
Guthlac B 1176 |
sīþ ġearu, / siþþan līċ |
and |
limu || and þēs līfes gǣs |
Guthlac B 1176 |
u, / siþþan līċ and limu || |
and |
þēs līfes gǣst / ā·sundri |
Guthlac B 1182 |
þ mīnne, / on ēċne eard || |
and |
hire ēac ġe·cȳþ / wordum m |
Guthlac B 1210 |
e gnornende / nihtes nearwe || |
and |
iċ nǣfre þē, / fæder, frō |
Guthlac B 1218 |
s, / dæġ-wōman be·twēon || |
and |
ðǣre deorcan niht, / mæðel- |
Guthlac B 1219 |
t, / mæðel-cwide mæċġes || |
and |
on morĝne swā, / on·ġeat ġ |
Guthlac B 1232 |
læs þæt wundrodon || weras |
and |
idesa, / and on ġēaþ guton, |
Guthlac B 1233 |
wundrodon || weras and idesa, / |
and |
on ġēaþ guton, || ġieddum |
Guthlac B 1243 |
m, / mehtiġ metodes þeġn || |
and |
on morĝne eft, / siĝorfæst |
Guthlac B 1244 |
t, / siĝorfæst ġe·sōhte || |
and |
mē sāra ġe·hwelċ / ġe·h |
Guthlac B 1245 |
/ ġe·hǣlde hyġe-sorĝe || |
and |
mē on hreðere be·lēac / wul |
Guthlac B 1258 |
|| nū iċ for lufan þīnre, / |
and |
ġe·fērsċype || þæt wit |
Guthlac B 1296 |
|| ‘Tid is þæt þū fere, / |
and |
þā ǣrendu || eall be·þen |
Guthlac B 1303 |
-mōd tō ġeofona lēanum || |
and |
þā his gǣst on·sende / weor |
Guthlac B 1318 |
·fylled, / swēotum stencum || |
and |
sweġel-wundrum, / ēadġes ier |
Guthlac B 1321 |
weard. || Þǣr wæs ǣnlicra / |
and |
wynsumra || þonne hit on weo |
Guthlac B 1322 |
·reċċan, || hū sē stenċ |
and |
sē swēġ, / heofonliċ hlēo |
Guthlac B 1323 |
ēġ, / heofonliċ hlēoðor || |
and |
sē hālĝa sang, / ġe·hīere |
Guthlac B 1341 |
ēoll, / hāte hlēor-dropan || |
and |
on hreðere wæġ / miċele mō |
Guthlac B 1347 |
ā·gōl / wine-þearfende || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Ell |
Guthlac B 1358 |
lford min, / beorna bealdor || |
and |
brōðor þīn, / sē sēlosta |
Guthlac B 1368 |
n innan / wunaþ wæl-ræste || |
and |
sē wuldres dæl / of līċ-fæ |
Guthlac B 1370 |
godes / siĝor-lēan sōhte || |
and |
þē seċġan hēt / þæt ġit |
Guthlac B 1374 |
an, || willum nēotan / blǣdes |
and |
blissa. || Ēac þē ā·bēo |
A.3.20 3 |
m tō ġe·sīþþe || sorĝe |
and |
langoþ, / winter-ċealde wræc |
A.3.21 10 |
nne hit wæs rēniġ weder || |
and |
iċ rēotiĝu sæt, / þonne me |
A.3.22.1 1 |
is hæleþa þæs horsċ || |
and |
þæs hyġe-cræftiġ / þæt |
A.3.22.10 1 |
0 / / Nebb wæs min on nearwe || |
and |
iċ niðan wætere, / flōde un |
A.3.22.10 3 |
rēamum / swīðe be·suncen || |
and |
on sunde ā·wēox / ufan ȳðu |
A.3.22.10 7 |
iċ of fæðmum cōm / brimes |
and |
bēames || on blacum hræġle |
A.3.22.11 2 |
h, || hyrste beorhte, / rēade |
and |
sċīre || on rēafe mīnum%. |
A.3.22.11 3 |
mīnum%. / Iċ dysġe dwelle || |
and |
dole hwette / un-rǣd-sīðas, |
A.3.22.12 8 |
t / wann-feax Wēale || weġeþ |
and |
þīeþ, / dol drunc-mennen || |
A.3.22.12 15 |
e iċ libbende || land reafie / |
and |
aefter dēaðe || dryhtum þ |
A.3.22.13 2 |
ealra, / [VI] ġe·brōðor || |
and |
hira sweostor mid; / hæfdon fe |
A.3.22.13 4 |
icu. || Fell hangodon / sweotol |
and |
ġe·sīene || on seles wǣġ |
A.3.22.14 2 |
ng haĝu-steald mann || golde |
and |
seolfre, / woum wir-boĝum. || |
A.3.22.15 1 |
les 15 / / Heals is min hwīt || |
and |
hēafod fealu, / sīdan swā sa |
A.3.22.15 9 |
būĝe, / bold% mid bearnum || |
and |
iċ bīde ðǣr / mid ġeuĝuþ |
A.3.22.15 22 |
| þurh dūne% þȳrel / swǣse |
and |
ġe·sibbe; || iċ mē siþþ |
A.3.22.15 28 |
hylles || hrōf ġe·rāċe, / |
and |
þurh hest hrīno || hildepil |
A.3.22.16 1 |
sċeall wiþ wǣġe winnan || |
and |
wiþ winde feohtan, / samod wi |
A.3.22.16 6 |
bēoþ swīðran þonne iċ, / |
and |
mec slītende || sōna flīem |
A.3.22.16 9 |
e, || ġif min steort þolaþ / |
and |
mec stīðne wiþ || stānas |
A.3.22.18 4 |
e. || / Iċ wæs on ċēole || |
and |
mīnes cnōsles mā. |
A.3.22.2 7 |
þ / on stealc hliða || stāne |
and |
sande, / wāre and wǣġe, || |
A.3.22.2 8 |
a || stāne and sande, / wāre |
and |
wǣġe, || þonne iċ winnend |
A.3.22.20 10 |
yning mec ġierweþ / sinċe || |
and |
seolfre || and mec on sele we |
A.3.22.20 10 |
weþ / sinċe || and seolfre || |
and |
mec on sele weorðaþ; / ne wie |
A.3.22.21 2 |
erweard; || neowol iċ fēre / |
and |
be grunde græfe, || ġunge s |
A.3.22.21 3 |
wīsaþ / hār holtes fēond || |
and |
hālford min / wōh færeþ || |
A.3.22.21 5 |
aþ on wange, || weġeþ mec |
and |
þīeþ, / sāweþ on swæþ mi |
A.3.22.21 10 |
gangendre || grēne on healfe / |
and |
min swæþ sweotol || sweart |
A.3.22.21 13 |
l, || ōðer on heafde, / fæst |
and |
forðweard. || Fealleþ on s |
A.3.22.22 9 |
ĝan þā / on wæġn weras || |
and |
hira wiċġ samod / hlōdan und |
A.3.22.22 11 |
Þā þā hors oþ·bær / eoh |
and |
eorlas, || æscum dealle, / ofe |
A.3.22.22 18 |
ðere / beornas ofer burnan || |
and |
hira blancan mid / fram stæðe |
A.3.22.22 21 |
len-rōfe, / weras of wǣġe || |
and |
hira wiċġ ġe·sund. |
A.3.22.23 3 |
pen. / Þonne iċ on·būĝe || |
and |
mē of bōsme fareþ / ǣtren a |
A.3.22.24 8 |
/ mec nemnaþ, / swelċe //Ā// |
and |
//R// || //O// fullesteþ, / // |
A.3.22.24 9 |
// || //O// fullesteþ, / //H// |
and |
//I//. || Nū iċ hāten eom / |
A.3.22.26 7 |
grunden; / fingras fēoldan || |
and |
mec fuĝoles wynn / ġond spēd |
A.3.22.26 15 |
angen. / Nū þā ġe·rēnu || |
and |
sē rēada telg / and þā wuld |
A.3.22.26 16 |
rēnu || and sē rēada telg / |
and |
þā wuldor-ġe·steald || w |
A.3.22.26 19 |
e bēoþ þȳ ġe·sundran || |
and |
þȳ siġefæstran, / heortum |
A.3.22.26 20 |
ran, / heortum þȳ hwætran || |
and |
þȳ hyġe-blīðran, / ferhþe |
A.3.22.26 22 |
þ frēonda þȳ mā, / swǣsra |
and |
ġe·sibbra, || sōðra and g |
A.3.22.26 22 |
a and ġe·sibbra, || sōðra |
and |
gōdra, / tilra and ġe·trēow |
A.3.22.26 23 |
|| sōðra and gōdra, / tilra |
and |
ġe·trēowra, || þā hira t |
A.3.22.26 23 |
·trēowra, || þā hira tīr |
and |
ēad / ēstum īeċaþ || and h |
A.3.22.26 24 |
r and ēad / ēstum īeċaþ || |
and |
hīe ār-stafum / lissum be·le |
A.3.22.26 25 |
tafum / lissum be·leċġaþ || |
and |
hīe lufan fæðmum / fæste cl |
A.3.22.26 28 |
s mǣre, / hæleþum ġīfre || |
and |
hāliġ self. |
A.3.22.27 2 |
funden, / brungen of bearwum || |
and |
of burĝ-hliðum, / of denum an |
A.3.22.27 3 |
nd of burĝ-hliðum, / of denum |
and |
of dūnum. || Dæġes mec wǣ |
A.3.22.27 7 |
ydene. || Nū iċ eom bindere / |
and |
swingere, || sōna weorpe% / es |
A.3.22.27 10 |
ē þe mec fēhð on·ġēan, / |
and |
wiþ mæġen-þisan || mīnre |
A.3.22.28 2 |
ierwed / mid þȳ heardostan || |
and |
mid þȳ sċearpostan / and mid |
A.3.22.28 3 |
|| and mid þȳ sċearpostan / |
and |
mid þȳ grymmestan || gumena |
A.3.22.28 10 |
ange hwīle / wilna brūceþ || |
and |
nā wiþ spriceþ, / and þonne |
A.3.22.28 11 |
eþ || and nā wiþ spriceþ, / |
and |
þonne aefter dēaðe || dēm |
A.3.22.29 9 |
·hredde þā þā hūðe || |
and |
tō hām be·drāf% / wreċċan |
A.3.22.3 3 |
nges% / bearm þone% brādan || |
and |
on bid wriċeþ, / þrafaþ on |
A.3.22.3 11 |
e þynceþ / lyft ofer lande || |
and |
laĝu swīġe, / oþ·þæt iċ |
A.3.22.3 15 |
afte || furðum leġde, / bende |
and |
clamme, || þæt iċ on·bū |
A.3.22.3 18 |
ġan, / strēamas% styrġan || |
and |
tō staðe þȳwan% / flint-gr |
A.3.22.3 40 |
ǣst, / breahtma ofer burgum || |
and |
ġe·breca hlūdost, / þonne s |
A.3.22.3 44 |
swǣtaþ, / blācan līeġe || |
and |
ġe·brecu fēraþ / deorc ofer |
A.3.22.3 65 |
er lyfte helm || lande nēar, / |
and |
mē on% hryċġ hlade || þæ |
A.3.22.3 72 |
wrēġe, || wīde fēre / swift |
and |
swīþ-feorm. || Saĝa hwæt |
A.3.22.30 6 |
fter heandum, / þæt mec weras |
and |
wīf || wlance cyssaþ. / Þonn |
A.3.22.30 7 |
/ Þonne iċ mec on·hæbbe || |
and |
hīe on·hnīġaþ% tō mē / m |
A.3.22.31 7 |
eard% || wæs nebb hire, / fēt |
and |
folme || fuĝole ġe·līċe; |
A.3.22.31 11 |
|| ċierreþ ġe·neahhe / oft |
and |
ġe·lōme || eorlum on ġe· |
A.3.22.32 11 |
ēoĝeþ, / wist inn wiġeþ || |
and |
werum ġieldeþ / gafol ġēara |
A.3.22.32 13 |
s þe guman brūcaþ, / rīċe |
and |
hēane. || Rece, ġif þū cu |
A.3.22.34 4 |
ngeþ, / hūðeþ holdlīċe || |
and |
tō hām tīehþ, / wǣðeþ ġ |
A.3.22.34 9 |
, / beorhte blīcan, || blōwan |
and |
grōwan. |
A.3.22.36 4 |
fēowere || fēt under wambe / |
and |
ehtuwe || / mann h w M wīf m |
A.3.22.36 7 |
ġe; || / hæfde tu fiðeru || |
and |
twelf ēaĝan / and siex heafdu |
A.3.22.36 8 |
fiðeru || and twelf ēaĝan / |
and |
siex heafdu. || Saĝa hwæt h |
A.3.22.36 11 |
| ānra ġe·līċness / horses |
and |
mannes, || hundes and fuĝole |
A.3.22.36 11 |
/ horses and mannes, || hundes |
and |
fuĝoles, / and ēac wīfes wli |
A.3.22.36 12 |
nnes, || hundes and fuĝoles, / |
and |
ēac wīfes wlite. || Þū w |
A.3.22.37 3 |
lĝode, / mæġen-rōfa mann || |
and |
miċel hæfde / ġe·fēred þ |
A.3.22.39 3 |
ne || miċelum tīdum / sweotol |
and |
ġe·sīene. || Sundor-cræft |
A.3.22.4 11 |
t selfe, / ðǣr wiht wīte || |
and |
wordum min / on spēd mæġe || |
A.3.22.40 2 |
ū / wreð-stuþum wealdeþ% || |
and |
þās world healdeþ. / Rīċe% |
A.3.22.40 3 |
þ. / Rīċe% is sē reccend || |
and |
on riht cyning / ealra an-weald |
A.3.22.40 4 |
g / ealra an-wealda, || eorðan |
and |
heofones, / healdeþ and wealde |
A.3.22.40 5 |
orðan and heofones, / healdeþ |
and |
wealdeþ, || swā hē ymb þ |
A.3.22.40 10 |
ne slǣpe || siþþan ǣfre, / |
and |
mec samnunga || slǣp ofer·g |
A.3.22.40 18 |
gende || grymma ā·brēĝan, / |
and |
eofore eom || ǣġhwǣr cēnr |
A.3.22.40 22 |
isne hēan heofon || healdeþ |
and |
wealdeþ. / Iċ eom on stence | |
A.3.22.40 31 |
wētnesse || simle ǣġhwǣr, / |
and |
iċ fulre eom || þonne þis |
A.3.22.40 36 |
hte || reċċan mōste / þicce |
and |
þynne; || þinga ġe·hwelċ |
A.3.22.40 44 |
eard || meahte ġe·weorðan, / |
and |
iċ ġiestran wæs || ġung |
A.3.22.40 51 |
an eom || ǣġhwǣr brǣdre, / |
and |
wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs |
A.3.22.40 52 |
a; / folm mec mæġ be·fōn || |
and |
fingras þrīe / ūtan ēaðe | |
A.3.22.40 54 |
b·clyppan. / Heardra iċ eom |
and |
ċealdra || þonne sē hearda |
A.3.22.40 63 |
mēsan mæġ || meahtelīcor / |
and |
efen-etan || ealdum þyrse%, / |
A.3.22.40 64 |
efen-etan || ealdum þyrse%, / |
and |
iċ ġe·sǣliġ mæġ || sim |
A.3.22.40 71 |
wiftra, || snelra% reġn-wyrm / |
and |
fenyce || fōre hreðre; / is% |
A.3.22.40 83 |
ðan eom || ǣġhwǣr brǣdre / |
and |
wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs |
A.3.22.40 92 |
n%, ne sċeall. / Māra iċ eom |
and |
strengra || þonne sē miċel |
A.3.22.40 105 |
wundne loccas. / Māra iċ eom |
and |
fǣttra || þonne ā·mæsted |
A.3.22.42 9 |
Nīed wesan / twēġa ōðer || |
and |
sē torhta æsċ / ān ān līn |
A.3.22.43 7 |
m / findaþ witode him || wiste |
and |
blisse, / cnōsles unrīm, || |
A.3.22.43 14 |
maĝan || ellor-fūse, / mōdor |
and |
sweostor. || Mann, sē þe wi |
A.3.22.44 3 |
Foran is þȳrel. / Biþ stīþ |
and |
heard, || stede hafaþ gōdne |
A.3.22.45 2 |
|| weaxan% nāthwæt, / þindan |
and |
þunian, || þecene hebban; / o |
A.3.22.46 2 |
wine || mid his wīfum twǣm / |
and |
his twēġen suno || and his |
A.3.22.46 2 |
wǣm / and his twēġen suno || |
and |
his twā dohtor, / swǣse ġe· |
A.3.22.46 3 |
htor, / swǣse ġe·sweostor || |
and |
hira% suna twēġen, / frēolic |
A.3.22.46 6 |
a || ǣġhwæðeres mid, / êam |
and |
nefa. || Ealra wǣron fīfe / e |
A.3.22.46 7 |
. || Ealra wǣron fīfe / eorla |
and |
idesa || inn-sittendra. |
A.3.22.47 5 |
estru, || þrymfæstne cwide / |
and |
þæs strangan staðol. || St |
A.3.22.49 5 |
m || sē wanna þeġn, / sweart |
and |
salu-nebb, || sendeþ ōðre / |
A.3.22.49 8 |
gas || oft wilniaþ, / cyningas |
and |
cwēne. || Iċ þæt cynn nū |
A.3.22.49 10 |
le, || þe him tō nytte swā / |
and |
tō duĝuþum dōþ || þæt |
A.3.22.50 7 |
ġif him þeġniaþ / mæġeþ |
and |
mæċġas || mid ġe·mete ri |
A.3.22.53 3 |
wudu weaxende. || Wæter hine |
and |
eorðe / fēdan fæġere, || o |
A.3.22.53 11 |
d æt·gædere; || hrǣd wæs |
and |
unlæt / sē æftera, || ġif s |
A.3.22.54 12 |
e menn / ferhþum frēoĝaþ || |
and |
mid fēo biċġaþ. |
A.3.22.55 3 |
nna, / wrǣtliċ wudu-trēow || |
and |
wunden gold, / sinċ searu-bund |
A.3.22.55 4 |
n gold, / sinċ searu-bunden || |
and |
seolfres dæl / and rōde tācn |
A.3.22.55 5 |
u-bunden || and seolfres dæl / |
and |
rōde tācn, || þæs ūs tō |
A.3.22.55 9 |
lu seċġan; / ðǣr wæs hlyne |
and |
āc || and sē hearda īw / and |
A.3.22.55 9 |
; / ðǣr wæs hlyne and āc || |
and |
sē hearda īw / and sē fealwa |
A.3.22.55 10 |
and āc || and sē hearda īw / |
and |
sē fealwa holen; || frēan s |
A.3.22.56 5 |
s wǣron / wēo ðǣre wihte || |
and |
sē wudu searwum / fæste ġe· |
A.3.22.59 9 |
yhtnes naman || dumba brōhte / |
and |
on ēaĝna ġe·sihð, || ġi |
A.3.22.59 11 |
tācen || on·ġietan cūðe / |
and% |
dryhtnes% dolh, || dōn swā |
A.3.22.59 18 |
ā hē on healle wæs / wielted |
and |
wended || wlancra folmum. |
A.3.22.7 4 |
hæleþa byht / hyrste mīne || |
and |
þēos hēa lyft, / and mec þo |
A.3.22.7 5 |
īne || and þēos hēa lyft, / |
and |
mec þonne wīde || wolcna st |
A.3.22.7 7 |
twe mīne / swōĝaþ hlūde || |
and |
swinsiaþ, / torhte singaþ, || |
A.3.22.7 9 |
ġe·tenġe ne bēom / flōde |
and |
foldan, || fērende gǣst. |
A.3.22.9 2 |
dēadne of·ġēafon% / fæder |
and |
mōdor; || ne wæs mē feorh |
A.3.22.9 5 |
|| wǣdum þeċċan%, / hēold |
and |
friðode, || hleo-sċeorpe wr |
A.3.22.9 12 |
hæfde swǣsra þȳ læs / suna |
and |
dohtra, || þȳ hēo swā dyd |
A.3.23 14 |
-rīċe / lifdon lāðlicost || |
and |
mec langode. / Hēt mec hālfor |
A.3.24 22 |
orðeþ. / Ufan hit is enġe || |
and |
hit is innan hāt; / nis þæt |
A.3.24 29 |
nnum || on·sæġd weorðeþ, / |
and |
þonne ā tō ealdre || or-le |
A.3.24 36 |
firena ġe·hwelċe, / þēawas |
and |
ġe·þōhtas; || þæt biþ |
A.3.24 41 |
bearna ġe·hwelċ / mid līċe |
and |
mid sāwle || lēanes friċġ |
A.3.24 44 |
·weorðan aefter weorolde || |
and |
sē biþ wīde cūþ. / Ne tȳt |
A.3.24 49 |
dre / libben on ġe·lēafan || |
and |
ā lufan dryhtnes / wyrċan on |
A.3.24 60 |
yneþ up-heofon. / Þonne weras |
and |
wīf || weorold ā·lǣtaþ, / |
A.3.24 102 |
onne ġe·ġæderod || gǣst |
and |
bān-sele, / ġe·samnod tō þ |
A.3.24 106 |
eofonum ġe·wearþ || hātes |
and |
ċealdes, / godes oþþe yfles: |
A.3.25 2 |
. || Þū ġe·sċōpe heofon |
and |
eorðan / and wunder eall, || m |
A.3.25 3 |
e·sċōpe heofon and eorðan / |
and |
wunder eall, || min wunder-cy |
A.3.25 5 |
don, || ēċe drihten, / miċel |
and |
maniġfeald. || Iċ þē, mǣ |
A.3.25 6 |
d, / mīne sāwle be·bēode || |
and |
mīnes selfes līċ, / and min |
A.3.25 7 |
es selfes līċ, / and min word |
and |
min weorc, || wītiġ drihten |
A.3.25 8 |
in weorc, || wītiġ drihten, / |
and |
eall min liðu, || lēohtes h |
A.3.25 9 |
n liðu, || lēohtes hīerde, / |
and |
þā maniġfealdan || mīne |
A.3.25 14 |
þēo || þinga ġe·hwelċe, / |
and |
on mē selfum, || sōþfæst |
A.3.25 22 |
þū mē, min frēa, || first |
and |
andġiet / and ġe·þyld and |
A.3.25 23 |
t and andġiet / and ġe·þyld |
and |
ġe·mynd || þinga ġe·hwel |
A.3.25 32 |
līf aefter ōðrum / ġe·sēo |
and |
ġe·sēċe, || þæt mē si |
A.3.25 45 |
|| on þīnne wuldor-drēam, / |
and |
mec ġe·lēoran lǣt, || lē |
A.3.25 59 |
rōwian. / For·stand þū mec |
and |
ġe·stīer him, || þonne st |
A.3.25 62 |
nre sāwle, / ġe·friða hire |
and |
ġe·feorma hīe, || fæder m |
A.3.25 65 |
nū-þā / sefa synnum fāh || |
and |
iċ ymb sāwle eom / fēam sī |
A.3.25 68 |
Þe sīe ealles þanc / meorda% |
and |
miltsa, || þāra þū mē se |
A.3.25 71 |
s þæs || ellen wille / habban |
and |
hliehhan || and mē hyhtan t |
A.3.25 71 |
wille / habban and hliehhan || |
and |
mē hyhtan tō, / frætwian mec |
A.3.25 72 |
ætwian mec on ferhþ-weġ || |
and |
fundian / self tō þām sīðe |
A.3.25 74 |
n sċeall, / gǣst ġearwian || |
and |
mē þæt eall for gode þoli |
A.3.25 93 |
nornaþ on his ġuĝuþe, || / |
and |
him ǣlċe mǣle || menn full |
A.3.25 94 |
taþ, / īeċaþ his iermþu || |
and |
hē þæt eall þolaþ, / sār- |
A.3.25 95 |
olaþ, / sār-cwide seċġa || |
and |
him biþ ā sefa ġōmor, / mō |
A.3.25 97 |
st / seċġe þis sār-spell || |
and |
ymb sīþ spræce, / langunge f |
A.3.25 98 |
þ spræce, / langunge fūs || |
and |
on laĝu þenċe, / nāt min || |
A.3.26 23 |
en-þrymm ā·rās / siġefæst |
and |
snotor. || Sæġde Iohannis, / |
A.3.26 30 |
en. / Wēne iċ full swīðe || |
and |
witod [] / [] tō dæġe || dri |
A.3.26 35 |
|| helle weallas / for·brecan |
and |
for·bīeġan, || ðǣre bur |
A.3.26 44 |
n || ġe·sēon mōste, / Ādam |
and |
Abraham, || Isac and Iacob, / m |
A.3.26 44 |
e, / Ādam and Abraham, || Isac |
and |
Iacob, / maniġ mōdiġ eorl, | |
A.3.26 45 |
aniġ mōdiġ eorl, || Moyses |
and |
Dauid, / Esias and Sacharias, | |
A.3.26 46 |
l, || Moyses and Dauid, / Esias |
and |
Sacharias, || / hēah-fædera |
A.3.26 57 |
ōdiġ fore ðǣre meniġu || |
and |
tō his mæġe spræc / and þ |
A.3.26 58 |
|| and tō his mæġe spræc / |
and |
þā will-cuman || wordum gr |
A.3.26 72 |
mē ġe·sealdest || sweord |
and |
byrnan, / helm and heoru-sċeor |
A.3.26 73 |
st || sweord and byrnan, / helm |
and |
heoru-sċeorp, || ā iċ þæ |
A.3.26 74 |
iċ þæt hēold nū ġīet, / |
and |
þū mē ġe·cȳðdest, || c |
A.3.26 76 |
ihel, || hū þū eart glēaw |
and |
sċearp, / milde and ġe·myndi |
A.3.26 77 |
art glēaw and sċearp, / milde |
and |
ġe·myndiġ || and mann-þw |
A.3.26 77 |
rp, / milde and ġe·myndiġ || |
and |
mann-þwǣre, / wīs on þīnum |
A.3.26 78 |
wīs on þīnum ġe·witte || |
and |
on þīnum worde snotor. || / |
A.3.26 82 |
m, || sibbe of·liste, / wynnum |
and |
wēnum, || hwonne we word god |
A.3.26 120 |
ld-hāde, || cyninga sēlost, / |
and |
fore ðǣre wunde, || weoroda |
A.3.26 122 |
m ǣriste, || æðelinga wynn / |
and |
fore þīnre mē[]ian nama, | |
A.3.26 123 |
ealle hell-wara || herġaþ |
and |
lof[] / []lum || þe þe% ymb s |
A.3.26 128 |
e·weald || sēċan woldest, / |
and |
fore% Hierusālem || on Iūd |
A.3.26 131 |
lēofa || þīnes eft-cymes, / |
and |
for Iordane || on Iūdēum, / w |
A.3.27 4 |
eorolde || weorðmynda mǣst, / |
and |
for ūssum drihtne || dōma s |
A.3.29 4 |
a. / Cyme þīn rīċe wīde || |
and |
þīn rǣdfæst willa / ā·rǣ |
A.3.3 4 |
en herede, / wīs on weorcum || |
and |
þās word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Met |
A.3.3 7 |
Is þīn nama mǣre, / wlitiġ |
and |
wuldorfæst || ofer wer-þēo |
A.3.3 9 |
hwǣm / sōðe ġe·swīðde || |
and |
ġe·siġefæste, / ēac þīne |
A.3.3 13 |
eorne, || gǣsta sċieppend, / |
and |
þurh hyldu help, || hāliġ |
A.3.3 14 |
/ nū we þeċ for þearfum || |
and |
for þrēa-nīedum / and fore |
A.3.3 15 |
fum || and for þrēa-nīedum / |
and |
fore ēað-mēdum || ārena b |
A.3.3 24 |
f || ġond landa fela / fracuþ |
and |
ġe·frǣġe || fold-būendum |
A.3.3 30 |
| hæfdes || / tō Abrahame || |
and |
tō Isace / and Iacobe, || gǣs |
A.3.3 31 |
tō Abrahame || and tō Isace / |
and |
Iacobe, || gǣsta sċieppend. |
A.3.3 43 |
litiĝa þīne word-cwidas || |
and |
þīn wuldor ūs. / Ġe·cȳþ |
A.3.3 44 |
wuldor ūs. / Ġe·cȳþ cræft |
and |
meaht, || nū þeċ Caldeas / a |
A.3.3 45 |
d meaht, || nū þeċ Caldeas / |
and |
ēac fela folca || ġe·freġ |
A.3.3 47 |
rihten, / siġe-rōf settend || |
and |
sōþ metod, / wuldres wealdend |
A.3.3 48 |
þ metod, / wuldres wealdend || |
and |
weorold-sċeafta.’ / Swā sē |
A.3.3 50 |
ġende wæs / metodes miltse || |
and |
his mōd-sefan / reahte þurh r |
A.3.3 54 |
an, / cōm him þā tō āre || |
and |
tō ealdor-nere / þurh lufan a |
A.3.3 55 |
d tō ealdor-nere / þurh lufan |
and |
þurh lisse. || Sē þone lī |
A.3.3 56 |
līeġ tō·sċēaf, / hāliġ |
and |
heofon-beorht, || hātan fȳr |
A.3.3 59 |
ǣ-fæstum þrymm. / To·swēop |
and |
tō·swengde% || þurh swīð |
A.3.3 62 |
þā sē enġel cōm, / windiġ |
and |
wynsum, || wedere on·līcost |
A.3.3 67 |
sē hāta līeġ / tō·drifen |
and |
tō·dwǣsċed, || ðǣr þā |
A.3.3 74 |
r, / weorold-sċeafta wuldor || |
and |
weorca ġe·hwelċ, / heofonas |
A.3.3 75 |
weorca ġe·hwelċ, / heofonas |
and |
englas || and hlūtor wæter, |
A.3.3 75 |
welċ, / heofonas and englas || |
and |
hlūtor wæter, / and eall mæ |
A.3.3 76 |
englas || and hlūtor wæter, / |
and |
eall mæġen || eorðan ġe· |
A.3.3 77 |
, sōþfæst cyning, || sunne |
and |
mōna%, / lēohte lēoman, || l |
A.3.3 79 |
oman, || libbende god, / hādre |
and |
hlūtre || and heofondreame / w |
A.3.3 79 |
de god, / hādre and hlūtre || |
and |
heofondreame / wæstm weorðian |
A.3.3 85 |
Trymmaþ eorð-welan, / hlēoþ |
and |
hlūttraþ. || Nǣfre hlisan |
A.3.3 90 |
þ || þenden we hēr bēoþ, / |
and |
ūs milde metod || māre ġe |
A.3.3 94 |
e·hwæs || sāwol of līċe. / |
and |
þeċ, god drihten, || gæsta |
A.3.3 95 |
as% herġen, / byrnende fȳr || |
and |
beorht sumor, / wearme weder-da |
A.3.3 99 |
ilde drihten, / and þeċ dæġ |
and |
niht, || dōmfæst cyning, / lo |
A.3.3 100 |
, || dōmfæst cyning, / lofien |
and |
lufien%, || lux et% tenebre, / |
A.3.3 103 |
|| druĝon hīe þæt lange. / |
And |
þeċ, Crīst cyning, || ċē |
A.3.3 104 |
olas weorðian, / fæder, forst |
and |
snāw, || folca wealdend, / win |
A.3.3 105 |
ldend, / winter-bitera weder || |
and |
wolcna ġe·nipu, / and þeċ l |
A.3.3 106 |
eder || and wolcna ġe·nipu, / |
and |
þeċ līexende || līeġetta |
A.3.3 109 |
en. || Ā þīn dōm sīe / god |
and |
ġenġe. || Þū þæs ġeorn |
A.3.3 111 |
herġe, / blētsien blǣdum || |
and |
þīn blǣd wese / ā forþ ē |
A.3.3 113 |
e, || æl-mehtiġ god. / Wesaþ |
and |
weaxaþ || ealle wer-þēode, |
A.3.3 117 |
bryċe, || brēmen drihten. / |
and |
þeċ, hālĝa god, || hēa d |
A.3.3 119 |
tsum herien, / fǣġer folde || |
and |
fæder rīċe. / For·þon weal |
A.3.3 122 |
, sōþfæst cyning, || sǣs |
and |
wætera / hēa holmas, || hāli |
A.3.3 124 |
, / dōmlīċe dēop wæter; || |
and |
dryhtnes be·bod / ġeofon-flō |
A.3.3 134 |
llan, || wuldorfæst% cyning, / |
and |
þeċ ealle ǣ-sprynġe, || |
A.3.3 138 |
·sċōp / mannul tō miltse || |
and |
tō mæġen-ēacan. / Blētsien |
A.3.3 140 |
ċ, || bilewit fæder, / fiscas |
and |
fuĝolas, || fela-mihtiġne, / |
A.3.3 143 |
drihten, / herġen hāliġne || |
and |
heofon-fuĝolas%, / þā þe l |
A.3.3 145 |
sien þeċ, drihten, || dēor |
and |
nīeten. / Metod manna bearn || |
A.3.3 147 |
anna bearn || miltsum herġen / |
and |
ēċne god, || Israhela cynn. |
A.3.3 150 |
mæsseras || mǣrne drihten, / |
and |
þīne þēowas%, || þēoda |
A.3.3 152 |
hāliġra || hlūtre sāwle, / |
and, |
ēċe god, || ēað-mōd-heor |
A.3.3 153 |
-heorte. / Nū þeċ Ananias || |
and |
Azarias / and Misahel, metod, | |
A.3.3 154 |
þeċ Ananias || and Azarias / |
and |
Misahel, metod, || miltsum he |
A.3.3 157 |
ofonum, / þone sōðan sunu || |
and |
þone siġefæstan gǣst. / For |
A.3.3 160 |
re, || sē þe ūs bearh / fȳr |
and |
fēondas || and mid fiðerum |
A.3.3 160 |
s bearh / fȳr and fēondas || |
and |
mid fiðerum be·wrēah / wiþ |
A.3.3 189 |
-lufan / synne ġe·swencton || |
and |
ġe·siġe-fæston, / mōdum gl |
A.3.31.1 6 |
fter heandum, / ðǣr mec weras |
and |
wīf || wlance ġe·cyssaþ. / |
A.3.31.2 12 |
cann, / hū mec seaxes% ord || |
and |
sēo swīðre hand, / eorles in |
A.3.31.2 13 |
and, / eorles inn-ġe·þanc || |
and |
ord samod, / þingum ġe·þīe |
A.3.32 9 |
hēr cumen / on cēol-þele || |
and |
nū cunnan sċealt / hū þū y |
A.3.32 34 |
ne || siþþan motan / seċġum |
and |
ġe·sīðum || s[] / næġlede |
A.3.32 41 |
ded, || nacan ūt ā·þrang, / |
and |
on ȳða ġung [] sċolde || |
A.3.32 50 |
// //R// ġeador / //EA// //W// |
and |
//D// || āðe be·nemnan, / þ |
A.3.32 51 |
mnan, / þæt hē þā wǣre || |
and |
þā wine-trēowe / be him libb |
A.3.33 10 |
æs wāh ġe·bād / ræġ-har |
and |
read-fah || rīċe aefter ō |
A.3.33 30 |
þon þās hofu drēorĝiaþ, / |
and |
þæs teafor-ġēapa || tiġe |
A.3.33 33 |
ġō beorn maniġ / glæd-mōd |
and |
gold-beorht || gleoma ġe·fr |
A.3.33 34 |
gleoma ġe·frætwed%, / wlanc |
and |
wīn-gāl || wīġ-hyrstum s |
A.3.34.61 3 |
up ā·tēah / folmum sīnum || |
and |
frēan sealde, / holdum þēodn |
A.3.34.62 1 |
# Riddles 62 / / Iċ eom heard |
and |
sċearp || hin-ganges% strang |
A.3.34.62 3 |
r·cūþ, / wade under wambe || |
and |
mē weġ selfa / rihtne ġe·r |
A.3.34.64 1 |
# Riddles 64 / / Iċ seah //W// |
and |
//I// || ofer wang faran, / ber |
A.3.34.64 3 |
ðe / hæbbendes hiht || //H// |
and |
//Ā// / swelċe þrȳða dæl, |
A.3.34.64 4 |
lċe þrȳða dæl, || //Þ// |
and |
//E//. / Ġe·feah //F// and // |
A.3.34.64 5 |
// and //E//. / Ġe·feah //F// |
and |
//U// || flēah ofer //E// / // |
A.3.34.64 6 |
/ || flēah ofer //E// / //Ā// |
and |
//SP// || selfes þæs folces |
A.3.34.65 3 |
faþ, / hafaþ mec on headre || |
and |
min hēafod sċīreþ, / bīte |
A.3.34.66 4 |
ealle / flōdas on fæðmum || |
and |
þēs% foldan bearm, / grēne w |
A.3.34.66 9 |
ylle, / ealne% middan-ġeard || |
and |
mere-strēamas / sīde mid mē% |
A.3.34.67 15 |
ǣr guman druncon, / sinċe || |
and |
seolfre. || Seċġe sē þe c |
A.3.34.70 6 |
ċe || be weġe stande / hēah |
and |
hlēor-torht || hæleþum tō |
A.3.34.71 2 |
|| rēade be·wǣfed, / stīþ |
and |
stēap-wang. || Staðol wæs |
A.3.34.71 4 |
nū eom wrāðra lāf, / fȳres |
and |
fēole, || fæste ġe·nearwo |
A.3.34.72 10 |
oþ·þæt iċ wæs ieldra || |
and |
þæt ān for·lēt / sweartum |
A.3.34.73 2 |
ode% ðǣr mec fēddon / hrūse |
and |
heofon-wolcn%, || oþ·þæt |
A.3.34.73 15 |
ode ūtan we[] || / []ipe || / |
and |
tō wrōht-stæp[] || / []eorp |
A.3.34.73 18 |
xle ġe·gyrde, || / wō[] || / |
and |
swēora smæl, || sīdan feal |
A.3.34.73 20 |
ġel / sċīr be·sċīeneþ || |
and |
mec [] / fæġere feormaþ || a |
A.3.34.73 21 |
d mec [] / fæġere feormaþ || |
and |
on fyrd wiġeþ / cræfte on h |
A.3.34.74 2 |
e ġung, || feax-hār cwēne, / |
and |
ǣnliċ rinċ || on āne tīd |
A.3.34.74 3 |
e tīd; / flēah mid fuĝlum || |
and |
on flōde swamm, / dēaf under |
A.3.34.74 5 |
er ȳðe || dēad mid fiscum, / |
and |
on foldan stōp, || hæfde fe |
A.3.34.77 2 |
fēdde, || sund-helm þeahte, / |
and |
mec ȳða wruĝon || eorðan |
A.3.34.78 3 |
as || [] / []s || cynn[] mīnum / |
and |
[] || / []yde mē tō mos[] || |
A.3.34.79 1 |
/ / Iċ eom æðelinges || ǣht |
and |
willa. |
A.3.34.80 11 |
ġiedde. || Gōd is min wīse / |
and |
iċ selfa salu. || Saĝa hwæ |
A.3.34.81 2 |
ed-swēora, / hēafod hæbbe || |
and |
hēane steort, / ēaĝan and ē |
A.3.34.81 3 |
|| and hēane steort, / ēaĝan |
and |
ēaran || and ǣnne fōt, / hry |
A.3.34.81 3 |
steort, / ēaĝan and ēaran || |
and |
ǣnne fōt, / hryċġ and heard |
A.3.34.81 4 |
an || and ǣnne fōt, / hryċġ |
and |
heard-nebb, || hneccan stēap |
A.3.34.81 5 |
ard-nebb, || hneccan stēapne / |
and |
sīdan twā, || sāh on middu |
A.3.34.81 8 |
eþ || sē þe wudu hrēreþ, / |
and |
mec standende || strēamas b |
A.3.34.81 9 |
ēataþ, / hæġl sē hearda || |
and |
hrīm þeċeþ, / []orst []ēos |
A.3.34.81 10 |
þeċeþ, / []orst []ēoseþ || |
and |
fealleþ snāw / on% þȳrel-wa |
A.3.34.81 11 |
snāw / on% þȳrel-wambne || |
and |
iċ þæt []ōl[] / [] mæ[] || |
A.3.34.84 2 |
| wundrum ā·cenned%, / hrēoh |
and |
rēðe, || hafaþ ryne strang |
A.3.34.84 3 |
strangne, / grymme grymetaþ || |
and |
be grunde fareþ%. / Mōdor is |
A.3.34.84 7 |
| Nǣniġ ōðrum mæġ / wlite |
and |
wīsan || wordum ġe·cȳðan |
A.3.34.84 10 |
|| fæder ealle be·wāt / ōr |
and |
ende, || swelċe ān sunu, / m |
A.3.34.84 12 |
metodes bearn, || þurh []ed, / |
and |
þæt hīehste mæġe[]es gæ |
A.3.34.84 20 |
/ [] þon ǣr wæs || / wlitiġ |
and |
wynsum, || [] / Biþ sēo mōdo |
A.3.34.84 27 |
e·tenġe, / clǣn-ġeorn biþ |
and |
cystiġ, || cræfte ēacen. / h |
A.3.34.84 29 |
reoliċ, seldliċ; || framost |
and |
swīðost, / ġīfrost and grǣ |
A.3.34.84 30 |
most and swīðost, / ġīfrost |
and |
grǣdĝost || grund-bedd trid |
A.3.34.84 32 |
nder lyfte || ā·loden wurde / |
and |
ielda bearn || ēaĝum sāwe, |
A.3.34.86 3 |
snotre; / hæfde ān ēaĝe || |
and |
ēaran twā, / and [II] fēt, | |
A.3.34.86 4 |
n ēaĝe || and ēaran twā, / |
and |
[II] fēt, || [XII] hund hēa |
A.3.34.86 5 |
[XII] hund hēafda, / hryċġ% |
and |
wambe || and handa twā, / earm |
A.3.34.86 5 |
ēafda, / hryċġ% and wambe || |
and |
handa twā, / earmas and eaxle, |
A.3.34.86 6 |
mbe || and handa twā, / earmas |
and |
eaxle, || ānne swēoran / and |
A.3.34.86 7 |
and eaxle, || ānne swēoran / |
and |
sīdan twā. || Saĝa hwæt i |
A.3.34.87 3 |
eġn folĝode / mæġen-strang% |
and |
mund-rōf; || miċel mē þū |
A.3.34.88 2 |
ċ wēox ðǣr iċ s[] || / [] |
and |
sumor || mi[] / []mē || wæs m |
A.3.34.88 10 |
p-lang stōd, ðǣr iċ[] || / |
and |
min% brōðor; || bēġen wǣ |
A.3.34.88 19 |
; || is min āĝen% bæc / wann |
and |
wundorliċ. || Iċ on wuda st |
A.3.34.92 2 |
holte, / freoliċ feorh-bora || |
and |
foldan wæstm, / weres% wynn-st |
A.3.34.92 3 |
stm, / weres% wynn-staðol% || |
and |
wīfes sand, / gold on ġeardum |
A.3.34.93 4 |
llum sīnum, || / [] || / hēah |
and |
hiht[] || / []rpne, || hwīlum |
A.3.34.93 16 |
gra% brōðor / min āĝnode || |
and |
mec of earde ā·drāf. / Siþ |
A.3.34.93 25 |
|| Nū iċ blace swelġe / wuda |
and |
wætere, || w[]b[]be·fæðme |
A.3.34.93 35 |
| / []eorc || ēaĝum wlīteþ / |
and |
spe[]. || |
A.3.34.95 1 |
es 95 / / Iċ eom inn-drihten || |
and |
eorlum cūþ, / and ræste oft; |
A.3.34.95 2 |
-drihten || and eorlum cūþ, / |
and |
ræste oft; || rīċum and h |
A.3.34.95 2 |
, / and ræste oft; || rīċum |
and |
hēanum, / folcum ġe·frǣġe |
A.3.34.95 4 |
ġe·frǣġe || fēre% wīde, / |
and |
mē fremdes ǣr || frēondum |
A.3.4 20 |
| ac sē wang seomaþ / ēadiġ |
and |
ansund. || Is þæt æðele l |
A.3.4 37 |
ā him god be·bēad. / Wintres |
and |
sumeres || wudu biþ ġe·lī |
A.3.4 91 |
e sunnan || sīþ be·healdan / |
and |
on·ġēan cuman || godes can |
A.3.4 98 |
/ be·dīeglod on dæġ-red || |
and |
sēo deorce niht / wann ġe·w |
A.3.4 108 |
es cyme, / sweġel-candelle% || |
and |
simle swā oft / of þām wilsu |
A.3.4 124 |
|| flyhte on lyfte, / swinsaþ |
and |
singeþ || sweġle tō·ġēa |
A.3.4 131 |
|| weorold staðolode, / heofon |
and |
eorðan. || Biþ þæs hlēo |
A.3.4 132 |
llum sang-cræftum || swētra |
and |
wlitiġra / and wynsumra% || wr |
A.3.4 133 |
ftum || swētra and wlitiġra / |
and |
wynsumra% || wrenca ġe·hwel |
A.3.4 140 |
ōmran weorold. / Singeþ swā |
and |
swinsaþ || sǣlum ġe·bliss |
A.3.4 143 |
eþ. || Þonne swīĝaþ hē / |
and |
hlyst ġe·fēþ, || heafde o |
A.3.4 144 |
, / þrīst, þances glēaw || |
and |
þrīwa ā·sċæceþ / feðere |
A.3.4 147 |
| tīda ġe·mearcaþ / dæġes |
and |
nihtes. || Swā ġe·dēmed i |
A.3.4 149 |
can mōt / wanges mid willum || |
and |
welan nēotan, / līfes and lis |
A.3.4 150 |
|| and welan nēotan, / līfes |
and |
lissa, || landes frætwa, / oþ |
A.3.4 156 |
ynn%, || foldan ġe·blōwne, / |
and |
þonne ġe·sēċeþ || sīde |
A.3.4 158 |
ǣr nā% menn% būĝaþ / eard |
and |
ēðel. || Þǣr hē ealdor-d |
A.3.4 160 |
n, / ġe·þungen on þēode || |
and |
þraĝe mid him / wēsten weard |
A.3.4 165 |
ǣġhwelċ wille / wesan þeġn |
and |
þēow || þēodne mǣrum, / o |
A.3.4 170 |
, || weste stōwe, / be·holene |
and |
be·hȳde || hæleþa maniĝu |
A.3.4 172 |
bēam || on holt-wuda% / wunaþ |
and |
weardaþ, || wyrtum fæstne / u |
A.3.4 192 |
ung on·fōn. || Þonne feorr |
and |
nēah / þā swētostan || samn |
A.3.4 193 |
ah / þā swētostan || samnaþ |
and |
gadraþ / wyrta wynsume || and |
A.3.4 194 |
and gadraþ / wyrta wynsume || |
and |
wudu-blēda / tō þām eard-st |
A.3.4 203 |
| hūs ġe·timbreþ, / wlitiġ |
and |
wynsum || and ġe·wīcaþ ð |
A.3.4 203 |
mbreþ, / wlitiġ and wynsum || |
and |
ġe·wīcaþ ðǣr / self on þ |
A.3.4 204 |
ðǣr / self on þām solore || |
and |
ymb·seteþ ūtan / on þām le |
A.3.4 205 |
on þām leaf-sċade || līċ |
and |
feðere / on healfa ġe·hwǣre |
A.3.4 207 |
e·hwǣre || hālĝum stencum / |
and |
þām æðelostum || eorðan |
A.3.4 210 |
st, / ofer sċadu sċīeneþ || |
and |
ġe·sċæpu drēoĝeþ, / weor |
A.3.4 218 |
eþ, / fealu līeġ feormaþ || |
and |
fenix byrneþ, / fyrn-ġēarum |
A.3.4 221 |
feorh-hord, || þonne flǣsċ |
and |
bān / ād-līeġ ǣleþ. || Hw |
A.3.4 229 |
lad, / bān-fæt ġe·brocen || |
and |
sē bryne sweðraþ. / Þonne o |
The Phoenix 238 |
æstmum gelic / ealdum earne || |
and |
æfter ðon / feðrum gefrætwa |
A.3.4 248 |
ġe·fēan%, || þonne forst |
and |
snāw / mid ofer-mæġene || eo |
A.3.4 271 |
nod, || aefter bǣl-þræċe, / |
and |
þonne ġe·brinġeþ || bān |
A.3.4 271 |
þonne ġe·brinġeþ || bān |
and |
yslan, / ādes lāfe, || eft æ |
A.3.4 273 |
des lāfe, || eft æt·samne, / |
and |
þonne þæt wæl-rēaf || wy |
A.3.4 277 |
lāfe, / clamm be·clyppeþ || |
and |
his cȳþþu eft, / sun-beorht |
A.3.4 280 |
Eall biþ ġe·nīewod / feorh |
and |
feðer-hama, || swā hē æt |
A.3.4 286 |
ġeþ beadu-cræftiġ || bān |
and |
yslan / on þām êa-lande. || |
A.3.4 298 |
fiðeru / hwīt hindanweard || |
and |
sē heals grēne / neoðanweard |
A.3.4 299 |
sē heals grēne / neoðanweard |
and |
ufanweard || and þæt nebb l |
A.3.4 299 |
neoðanweard and ufanweard || |
and |
þæt nebb lixeþ / swā glæs |
A.3.4 301 |
m, || ġeaflas sċīene / innan |
and |
ūtan. || Is sēo ēag-ġe·b |
A.3.4 302 |
Is sēo ēag-ġe·byrd / stearc |
and |
hīewe || stāne ġe·līcost |
A.3.4 308 |
n, || wundrum fǣġer, / sċīr |
and |
sċīene. || Is sē sċield u |
A.3.4 317 |
aþ fiðerum, / ac hē is snell |
and |
swift || and swīðe lēoht, / |
A.3.4 317 |
/ ac hē is snell and swift || |
and |
swīðe lēoht, / wlitiġ and w |
A.3.4 318 |
| and swīðe lēoht, / wlitiġ |
and |
wynsum, || wuldre ġe·mearco |
A.3.4 324 |
, / þonne samniaþ% || sūðan |
and |
norðan, / ēastan% and westan, |
A.3.4 325 |
sūðan and norðan, / ēastan% |
and |
westan, || ēorod-cystum, / far |
A.3.4 326 |
ēorod-cystum, / faraþ feorran |
and |
nēan || folca þrȳðum / ðǣ |
A.3.4 332 |
|| weras ofer eorðan / wlite |
and |
wæstma || and ġe·writum% c |
A.3.4 332 |
eorðan / wlite and wæstma || |
and |
ġe·writum% cȳðaþ, / mundum |
A.3.4 334 |
marm-stāne% / hwonne sē dæġ |
and |
sēo tīd || dryhtum ġe·īe |
A.3.4 339 |
ōdiġne || mēaglum reordum, / |
and |
swā þone hālĝan || hringe |
A.3.4 344 |
ōðrum, / cræftum cȳðaþ || |
and |
for cyning mǣraþ / lēofne l |
A.3.4 375 |
him self ġe·hwæðer / sunu |
and |
swǣs fæder || and simle ēa |
A.3.4 375 |
ðer / sunu and swǣs fæder || |
and |
simle ēac / eft ierfe-weard || |
A.3.4 385 |
a nēotan / on sīn-drēamum || |
and |
siþþan ā / wunian on wuldre% |
A.3.4 391 |
d / healdaþ under heofonum || |
and |
him hēanne blǣd / on þām up |
A.3.4 394 |
t sē æl-mihtĝa / worhte wer |
and |
wīf || þurh his wundra spē |
A.3.4 395 |
f || þurh his wundra spēd, / |
and |
hīe þā ġe·sette || on þ |
A.3.4 405 |
wearþ / iermþu aefter ǣte || |
and |
hira eaforum swā, / sārliċ s |
A.3.4 406 |
wā, / sārliċ simble || sunum |
and |
dohtrum. / Wurdon% tēonlīċe |
A.3.4 418 |
e līf / heolstre be·hȳded || |
and |
sē hālĝa wang / þurh fēond |
A.3.4 423 |
·fēa, || mēðra frēfrend, / |
and |
sē ānga hiht, || eft on·t |
A.3.4 425 |
eorneras / wordum% seċġaþ || |
and |
writu cȳðaþ, / þisses fuĝo |
A.3.4 427 |
onne frōd of·ġiefeþ / eard |
and |
ēðel || and ġe·ealdad bi |
A.3.4 427 |
·ġiefeþ / eard and ēðel || |
and |
ġe·ealdad biþ. / Ġe·wīte |
A.3.4 430 |
m hē ġe·timbreþ || tānum |
and |
wyrtum / þām æðelostum || e |
A.3.4 435 |
er dēaðe, / ed-ġung wesan || |
and |
his eald-cȳþþu, / sun-beorht |
A.3.4 439 |
ēton / þone wlitiĝan wang || |
and |
wuldres setl, / lēofliċ on l |
A.3.4 454 |
dǣleþ, / duĝuþa lēasum || |
and |
him drihten ġe·cīeĝþ, / f |
A.3.4 458 |
odes ǣ / beald on brēostum || |
and |
ġe·bedu sēċeþ / clǣnum ġ |
A.3.4 459 |
ċeþ / clǣnum ġe·hyġdum || |
and |
his cnēo bīġeþ / æðele t |
A.3.4 467 |
amnaþ under sweġle || sīde |
and |
wīde / tō his wīc-stōwe, || |
A.3.4 471 |
cum || willan fremmaþ / mōde |
and |
mæġene || metodes cempan, / m |
A.3.4 478 |
%, || hyġe weallende / dæġes |
and |
nihtes || drihten lufiaþ, / l |
A.3.4 487 |
d, / ealdor ānra ġe·hwæs || |
and |
on eorðan fæðm / snūde send |
A.3.4 510 |
| on þā openan tīd / fǣġer |
and |
ġe·fēaliċ || fuĝoles tā |
A.3.4 513 |
dra%ð, / leomu līċ samod || |
and |
līfes% gǣst, / fore Cristes c |
A.3.4 532 |
/ for·sweleþ under sunnan || |
and |
hē selfa mid, / and þonne aef |
A.3.4 533 |
sunnan || and hē selfa mid, / |
and |
þonne aefter līeġe || līf |
A.3.4 536 |
ngen || fīra cynnes, / ǣnliċ |
and |
ed-ġung, || sē þe his āĝ |
A.3.4 541 |
, || sang ā·hebbaþ, / clǣne |
and |
ġe·corene, || herġaþ cini |
A.3.4 557 |
dǣda, || on grēotes fæðm, / |
and |
þonne aefter dēaðe || þur |
A.3.4 563 |
|| ende ġe·bīdan, / lēohtes |
and |
lissa. || Þēah min līċ s |
A.3.4 567 |
hwīle || sāwle ā·līeseþ / |
and |
on wuldor ā·weċeþ. || Mē |
A.3.4 576 |
acnaþ. || Bāna lāfe, / ascan |
and |
yslan, || ealle ġe·samnaþ / |
A.3.4 608 |
r sē langa ġe·fēa, / ēċe |
and |
ed-ġung, || ǣfre ne sweðra |
A.3.4 616 |
e·dryht / hǣlend herġaþ || |
and |
heofon-cininges / meahte mǣrsi |
A.3.4 622 |
Sibb sīe þē, sōþ god || |
and |
snytru-cræft, / and þē þanc |
A.3.4 623 |
þ god || and snytru-cræft, / |
and |
þē þanc sīe || þrymm-sit |
A.3.4 626 |
| mæġenes strengþu%, / hēah |
and |
hāliġ. || Heofonas sindon / f |
A.3.4 629 |
s wuldres, / uppe mid englum || |
and |
on eorðan samod. / Ġe·friða |
A.3.4 653 |
l swēotum || his fiðeru tū / |
and |
wynsumum || wyrtum ġe·fylle |
A.3.4 659 |
hīe drihtne tō ġiefe / worda |
and |
weorca || wynsumne stenċ / on |
A.3.4 662 |
mle / þurh weorold weorolda || |
and |
wuldres blǣd, / ār and anweal |
A.3.4 663 |
lda || and wuldres blǣd, / ār |
and |
anweald, || on þām uplican / |
A.3.4 665 |
iht cyning / middan-ġeardes || |
and |
mæġen-þrymmes, / wuldre be· |
A.3.4 671 |
ton% || maxima reġna / sēċan |
and |
ġe·sittan || sedibus altis, |
A.3.4 676 |
siĝora frēan || sīne fine, / |
and |
him lof singan || laude peren |
A.3.5 9 |
| Wæs his rīċe brād, / wīd |
and |
weorðliċ || ofer wer-þēod |
A.3.5 17 |
gǣston godes cempan || gāre |
and |
līeġe. / Sum wæs ǣht-weliġ |
A.3.5 26 |
| hæfde ealdor-dōm / miċelne |
and |
mǣrne. || þā his mōd on· |
A.3.5 45 |
|| Hēo þæt eall for·seah, / |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ || on w |
A.3.5 48 |
Ġif þū sōðne god / lufast |
and |
ġe·līefest || and his lof |
A.3.5 48 |
d / lufast and ġe·līefest || |
and |
his lof rǣrest, / on·ġietest |
A.3.5 61 |
ian || fērend snelle, / hrēoh |
and |
hyġe-blind, || hāliġre fæ |
A.3.5 65 |
ġen / synnum sēoce, || swēor |
and |
āðum. / Þā reordode || rī |
A.3.5 90 |
ǣmnan tō sprǣċe, / ān-rǣd |
and |
yreþweorg, || ierre ġe·bol |
A.3.5 94 |
dohtor min || sēo dīereste / |
and |
sēo swēteste || on sefan m |
A.3.5 112 |
e lēoht ġe·sċōp, / heofon |
and |
eorðan || and holma be·gang |
A.3.5 112 |
sċōp, / heofon and eorðan || |
and |
holma be·gang, / eodora ymb-hw |
A.3.5 121 |
des || ǣr ne ġe·swīcest, / |
and |
þū fremdu godu || forþ be |
A.3.5 122 |
mdu godu || forþ be·gangest / |
and |
þā for·lǣtest || þe ūs |
A.3.5 128 |
n. || Miċel is þæt anġinn / |
and |
þrēa-nīedliċ% || þīnre |
A.3.5 131 |
|| ā·ġeaf andsware, / glēaw |
and |
gode lēof, || Iuliana: / ‘I |
A.3.5 140 |
ā wæs ellen-wōd, || ierre |
and |
rēðe, / frecne and ferhð-gri |
A.3.5 141 |
, || ierre and rēðe, / frecne |
and |
ferhð-grimm, || fæder wiþ |
A.3.5 143 |
þrēaĝan, / wītum wǣġan || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘On |
A.3.5 144 |
·wend þeċ on ġe·witte || |
and |
þā word on·ċierr / þe þū |
A.3.5 150 |
þæt iċ lēasungum, / dumbum |
and |
dēafum || dēoful-ġieldum, / |
A.3.5 154 |
res ealdor / middan-ġeardes || |
and |
mæġen-þrymmes, / and him ān |
A.3.5 155 |
rdes || and mæġen-þrymmes, / |
and |
him ānum tō || eall be·þe |
A.3.5 157 |
|| min ġe·weorðe, / helpend |
and |
hǣlend || wiþ hell-sċaðum |
A.3.5 170 |
um || ġīe·n ġe·cwēmest, / |
and |
þē tō swā mildum || mund- |
A.3.5 180 |
ēasunga, / wēoh-weorðunga || |
and |
wuldres god / on·ġiete glēaw |
A.3.5 186 |
hine swīðe / folc-āĝende || |
and |
þā fǣmnan hēt / þurh nīþ |
A.3.5 188 |
þ-wræce || nacode þennan, / |
and |
mid swipum swingan% || synna |
A.3.5 198 |
ǣr wiþ hīe / ġe·þingie || |
and |
him þanc-wierðe / aefter leah |
A.3.5 207 |
sēlostan || sacan on·gunne, / |
and |
þā mildostan || þāra þe |
A.3.5 228 |
|| Hē be feaxe hēt / ā·hōn |
and |
ā·hebban || on hēanne bēa |
A.3.5 231 |
rymme, || siex tīda dæġes, / |
and |
hē ǣdre hēt || eft ā·set |
A.3.5 232 |
settan, / lāþ-ġe·nīðla || |
and |
ġe·lǣdan be·bēad / tō car |
A.3.5 248 |
ĝest þū, || sēo dīereste / |
and |
sēo wierðeste || wuldor-cyn |
A.3.5 252 |
an nylt, / glēaw-hyċġende || |
and |
his godum cwēman. / Wes þū o |
A.3.5 262 |
ende, / þeġn ġe·þungen || |
and |
tō þē sended, / hāliġ of h |
A.3.5 284 |
For·foh þone frǣtĝan || |
and |
fæste ġe·heald. / oþ·þæt |
A.3.5 292 |
tō sǣĝon / þæt ðǣr blōd |
and |
wæter || bū tu æt·gædere |
A.3.5 300 |
corenan || Crīstes þeġnas, / |
and |
þā hālĝan weras || hospe |
A.3.5 304 |
|| Crīstes þeġnas, / Petrus |
and |
Paulus. || Pilatus ǣr / on rō |
A.3.5 336 |
, / þæt hīe ūsiċ binden || |
and |
on bǣl-wielme / sūslum swinge |
A.3.5 340 |
hyġe, || we þā heardostan / |
and |
þā wierrestan || wītu ġe |
A.3.5 357 |
es lēas. / Iċ þæt wēnde || |
and |
witod tealde / þrīste ġe·þ |
A.3.5 361 |
iþ·sōce, siĝora frēan || |
and |
tō sǣmran ġe·buĝe, / on·s |
A.3.5 378 |
ann, / lēohtes ġe·lēafan || |
and |
hē lārum wile / þurh mōdes |
A.3.5 421 |
īste ġō / wǣrlēas wunne || |
and |
ġe·winn tuĝe, / hoĝodes wi |
A.3.5 427 |
stum || swelċes ġe·mōtes / |
and |
þȳ unbealdra, || þe þe of |
A.3.5 451 |
ah iċ þeċ ġe·dyrstiġ || |
and |
þus dol-willen / sīðe ġe·s |
A.3.5 466 |
ll þinga ġe·hwelċ / þolian |
and |
þafian || on þīnne dōm, / w |
A.3.5 472 |
lēoman / sweartum sċūrum || |
and |
iċ sumra fēt / for·bræc bea |
A.3.5 496 |
þā earfoþu || þe iċ ǣr |
and |
sīþ / ġefremede tō facne, | |
A.3.5 498 |
ðum wæs / rodor ā·rǣred || |
and |
ryne tungla, / folde ġe·fæst |
A.3.5 499 |
ungla, / folde ġe·fæstnod || |
and |
þā forman menn, / Adam and Ae |
A.3.5 500 |
|| and þā forman menn, / Adam |
and |
Aeue, || þām iċ ealdor oþ |
A.3.5 501 |
þām iċ ealdor oþ·þrang, / |
and |
hīe ġe·lǣrde || þæt hī |
A.3.5 504 |
wearþ / iermþu tō ealdre || |
and |
hira eaforum swā, / miercost m |
A.3.5 560 |
r || / heredon on hīehþu || |
and |
his hāliġ word%, / sæġdon s |
A.3.5 564 |
el godes / frætwum blīcan || |
and |
þæt fȳr tō·sċēaf, / ġe |
A.3.5 565 |
r tō·sċēaf, / ġe·frēode |
and |
ġe·friðode || fācnes clǣ |
A.3.5 566 |
nes clǣne, / leahtra lēase || |
and |
þone līeġ tō·wearp, / heor |
A.3.5 576 |
er-cræfte, / wīġes wōmum || |
and |
wudu-bēamum, / holte be·hlǣn |
A.3.5 579 |
m-fæt || lēades ġe·fylde, / |
and |
þā on·bærnan hēt || bǣl |
A.3.5 588 |
h þæs fȳres fnǣst || fīf |
and |
hund·seofontiġ / hǣðnes her |
A.3.5 595 |
Þā sē dēma wearþ / hrēoh |
and |
hyġe-ġrimm, || on·gann his |
A.3.5 596 |
eran, / swelċe hē grennode || |
and |
grist-bitode, / wēde on ġe·w |
A.3.5 598 |
r, / grymetade% ġealĝ-mōd || |
and |
his godu tǣlde, / þæs þe h |
A.3.5 601 |
s sēo wuldres mæġ / ān-rǣd |
and |
unforht, || eafoþa ġe·mynd |
A.3.5 608 |
hālĝan || hiht ġe·nīewod / |
and |
þæs mæġdnes mōd || miċe |
A.3.5 613 |
Hēt þā leahtra full / clǣne |
and |
ġe·corene || tō cwale lǣd |
A.3.5 616 |
| hearm-lēoþ ā·gōl, / earm |
and |
unlǣd, || þone hēo ǣr ġe |
A.3.5 617 |
r ġe·band / ā·wierĝedne || |
and |
mid wītum swang, / clipode þ |
A.3.5 620 |
ūssa / meaht for·hoĝode% || |
and |
mec swīðost / ġe·minsode, | |
A.3.5 631 |
m%, sċacan, / wīta nēosan || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Wā |
A.3.5 636 |
·lǣded || land-mearce nēah / |
and |
tō ðǣre stōwe || ðǣr h |
A.3.5 638 |
/ On·gann hēo þā lǣran || |
and |
tō lofe trymman / folc of fire |
A.3.5 639 |
fe trymman / folc of firenum || |
and |
him frōfre ġe·hēt, / weġ t |
A.3.5 640 |
ġe·hēt, / weġ tō wuldre || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ%: / ‘Ġ |
A.3.5 641 |
Ġe·munaþ wiĝena wynn || |
and |
wuldres þrymm, / hāliġra hih |
A.3.5 644 |
e, || þæt hine wer-þēode / |
and |
eall engla cynn || up on rodo |
A.3.5 655 |
fæstniaþ, / sōðe trēowe || |
and |
sibbe mid ēow / healdaþ æt h |
A.3.5 676 |
e for·nam / seċġa hlōðe || |
and |
hine selfne mid, / ær·þon h |
A.3.5 679 |
þrēa. || Þǣr [XXX] wæs / |
and |
fēowere ēac || fēores on· |
A.3.5 704 |
Ġōmor hweorfeþ / //C// //Y// |
and |
//N// . || Cyning biþ rēðe |
A.3.5 706 |
onne synnum fāh / //E// //W// |
and |
//U// || ācle bīdaþ / hwæt |
A.3.5 714 |
ġe·sċamode, / þenden gǣst |
and |
līċ || ġeador sīðodon / an |
A.3.5 721 |
man mīnum / ġemyne mōdiġ || |
and |
metod bidde / þæt mē heofona |
A.3.5 725 |
ēcnan tīd, / dǣda dēmend || |
and |
sē dēora sunu, / þonne sēo |
A.3.6 23 |
hrūsan heolstre be·wrāh || |
and |
iċ hēan þonan / wōd winter- |
A.3.6 34 |
Ġe·man hē sele-seċġas || |
and |
sinċ-þeġe, / hū hine on ġe |
A.3.6 39 |
nge for·þolian, / þonne sorh |
and |
slǣp || samod æt·gædere / e |
A.3.6 42 |
t hē his mann-drihten / clyppe |
and |
cysse || and on cnēo leċġe |
A.3.6 42 |
n-drihten / clyppe and cysse || |
and |
on cnēo leċġe / handa and h |
A.3.6 43 |
|| and on cnēo leċġe / handa |
and |
hēafod, || swā hē hwīlum |
A.3.6 48 |
rǣdan feðra, / hrēosan hrīm |
and |
snāw, || hæġle ġe·menġe |
A.3.6 63 |
ōgra ġe·hwǣm || drēoseþ |
and |
fealleþ, / for·þon ne mæġ |
A.3.6 89 |
-steall || wīse ġe·þōhte / |
and |
þis deorce% līf || dēope |
A.3.6 91 |
ġe·man / wæl-sleahta worn || |
and |
þās word ā·cwiþ: / ‘Hwǣ |
A.3.6 101 |
ġīfru, || wyrd sēo mǣre%, / |
and |
þās stān-hliðu || stormas |
A.3.7 22 |
sende / wīse ġe·þōhtas || |
and |
weorold-cræftas, / under ānes |
A.3.7 26 |
wīþ || of ġe·mete hweorfe / |
and |
þonne for·hyċġe || hēan- |
A.3.7 46 |
| hand biþ ġe·læred, / wīs |
and |
ġe·wealden, || Swā biþ wy |
A.3.7 59 |
|| sum searu-cræftiġ / goldes |
and |
ġimma, || þonne him gumena |
A.3.7 67 |
gāres. / Sum biþ ārfæst || |
and |
ælmes-ġeorn, / þēawum ġe· |
A.3.7 84 |
e || for gum-þeġnum, / lēoht |
and |
liðu-wāc. || Sum biþ lēof |
A.3.7 85 |
biþ lēof-wende, / hafaþ mōd |
and |
word || mannum ġe·þwǣre. / |
A.3.7 87 |
þearfe / mōde be·windeþ || |
and |
him metodes ēst% / ofer eorð- |
A.3.7 103 |
ana || ofer ealle menn / wlite |
and |
wīsdōm || and weorca blǣd; |
A.3.7 103 |
le menn / wlite and wīsdōm || |
and |
weorca blǣd; / ac hē missenl |
A.3.7 105 |
a cynne / ġielpes stīereþ || |
and |
his ġiefe bryttaþ, / sumum on |
A.3.7 113 |
|| sē ūs þis līf ġiefeþ / |
and |
his milde mōd || mannum cȳ |
A.3.8 6 |
|| gōda ġe·hwelċes / frēa |
and |
fultum, || fēond þām ōðr |
A.3.8 9 |
ā þenden þū libbe. / Fæder |
and |
mōdor || frēo þū mid heor |
A.3.8 12 |
fæst simle, / fǣġer-wyrde || |
and |
þē on ferhþe lǣt / þīne l |
A.3.8 25 |
ġe·sprecan simle || spella |
and |
lāra / rǣd-hyċġende. || Sī |
A.3.8 34 |
ran: / ‘Druncen beorh þē || |
and |
dolliċ word, / mān on mōde | |
A.3.8 35 |
olliċ word, / mān on mōde || |
and |
on mūðe lyġe, / ierre and æ |
A.3.8 36 |
|| and on mūðe lyġe, / ierre |
and |
æfste || and idese lufan. / Fo |
A.3.8 36 |
e lyġe, / ierre and æfste || |
and |
idese lufan. / For·þon% sċea |
A.3.8 46 |
hwæt sīe gōd oþþe yfel, / |
and |
tō·sċēd simle || sċearpe |
A.3.8 47 |
rpe mōde / on sefan þīnum || |
and |
þe ā þæt selle ġe·ċēo |
A.3.8 49 |
hyġe, / wunaþ wīsdōm inn || |
and |
þū wāst ġeare / andġiet yf |
A.3.8 64 |
yhte, || hāliġra ġe·mynd, / |
and |
ā sōþ tō siġe, || þonne |
A.3.8 73 |
an / forþ% fyrn-ġe·writu% || |
and |
frēan dōmas, / þā þe hēr |
A.3.8 79 |
n / warnaþ him wammas || worda |
and |
dǣda / on sefan simle || and s |
A.3.8 80 |
a and dǣda / on sefan simle || |
and |
sōþ fremeþ; / biþ him ġeof |
A.3.8 87 |
e. || Hæle sċeall wīsfæst / |
and |
ġe·metlīċe, || mōdes sno |
A.3.8 94 |
·myne / frōde fæder lāre || |
and |
þeċ ā wiþ firenum ġe·he |
A.3.9 21 |
gamene, || ganotes hlēoðor / |
and |
hwilpan swēġ || fore hleaht |
A.3.9 29 |
, || bealu-sīða hwon, / wlanc |
and |
wīn-gāl, || hū iċ wēriġ |
A.3.9 62 |
|| cymeþ eft tō mē / ġīfre |
and |
grǣdiġ, || ġielleþ ān-fl |
A.3.9 78 |
ielda bearn || aefter herien, / |
and |
his lof siþþan || libbe mid |
A.3.9 85 |
him || mǣrþa ġe·fremedon / |
and |
on dryhtlīcostum || dōme li |
A.3.9 87 |
tene, / wuniaþ þā wācran || |
and |
þās weorold healdaþ, / brūc |
A.3.9 89 |
, / eorðan indryhtu || ealdaþ |
and |
sēaraþ, / swā nū manna ġe |
A.3.9 105 |
grundas, / eorðan sċēatas || |
and |
up-rodor. / Dol biþ sē þe hi |
A.3.9 109 |
an sċeall strangum mōde% || |
and |
þæt on staðolum healdan, / a |
A.3.9 110 |
d þæt on staðolum healdan, / |
and |
ġe·wiss werum, || wīsum cl |
A.3.9 112 |
e·mete healdan / wiþ lēofne |
and |
wiþ lāðne || bealu, / þēah |
A.3.9 118 |
ġan || hwǣr we% hām āgen, / |
and |
þonne ġe·þenċan || hū w |
A.3.9 119 |
nċan || hū we þider cumen, / |
and |
we þonne ēac tilien, || þ |
A.4.1 33 |
d || hrīnġed-stefna, / īsiġ |
and |
ūt-fūs, || æðelinges fær |
A.4.1 39 |
e·ġierwan / hilde-wǣpnum || |
and |
heaðu-wǣdum, / billum and byr |
A.4.1 40 |
|| and heaðu-wǣdum, / billum |
and |
byrnum; || him on bearme læ |
A.4.1 58 |
| hēold þenden lifde, / gamol |
and |
gūð-rēow, || glæde Sċiel |
A.4.1 61 |
weoroda rǣswan%, / Heoru·gār |
and |
Hrōð·gār || and Halga til |
A.4.1 61 |
oru·gār and Hrōð·gār || |
and |
Halga til; / hīerde iċ þæt |
A.4.1 71 |
bearn || ǣfre ġe·frugnon, / |
and |
ðǣr on innan || eall ġe·d |
A.4.1 72 |
n || eall ġe·dǣlan / ġungum |
and |
ealdum, || swelċ him God sea |
A.4.1 73 |
ealde, / būtan folc-sċeare || |
and |
fēorum gumena. / Þā iċ wīd |
A.4.1 82 |
mble. || Sele hlīfode, / hēah |
and |
horn-ġēap, || heaðu-wielma |
A.4.1 94 |
tte siġe-hrēðiġ || sunnan |
and |
mōnan / lēoman tō lēohte || |
A.4.1 95 |
ōnan / lēoman tō lēohte || l |
and |
-būendum / and ġe·frætwode | |
A.4.1 97 |
ode || foldan sċēatas / limum |
and |
lēafum, || līf ēac ġe·s |
A.4.1 104 |
| sē þe mōras hēold, / fenn |
and |
fæsten; || fifel-cynnes eard |
A.4.1 112 |
s || ealle on·wōcon, / etonas |
and |
ielfe || and orc-nēas, / swel |
A.4.1 112 |
·wōcon, / etonas and ielfe || |
and |
orc-nēas, / swelċe ġīĝanta |
A.4.1 121 |
wera. || Wiht unhǣlu, / grimm |
and |
grǣdiġ, || ġearu sōna wæ |
A.4.1 122 |
, || ġearu sōna wæs, / rēoc |
and |
rēðe || and on ræste ġe· |
A.4.1 122 |
na wæs, / rēoc and rēðe || |
and |
on ræste ġe·nam / þrītiġ |
A.4.1 134 |
t ġe·winn tō strang, / lāþ |
and |
langsum. || Næs hit lengra f |
A.4.1 136 |
fremede / morð-beala māre || |
and |
nā mearn fore, / fǣhþe and f |
A.4.1 137 |
| and nā mearn fore, / fǣhþe |
and |
firene; || wæs tō fæst on |
A.4.1 143 |
|| hēold hine siþþan / fierr |
and |
fæstor || sē þǣm fēonde |
A.4.1 144 |
nde æt-wand. / Swā rīxode || |
and |
wiþ rihte wann, / ana wiþ eal |
A.4.1 153 |
|| hete-nīðas wæġ, / firene |
and |
fǣhþe || fela missera, / sīn |
A.4.1 160 |
rc dēaþ-sċūa, || duĝuþe |
and |
ġuĝuþe, / seomode and sierwe |
A.4.1 161 |
ĝuþe and ġuĝuþe, / seomode |
and |
sierwede, || sīn-nihte hēol |
A.4.1 188 |
að-dæġe || drihten sēċan / |
and |
tō fæder fæðmum || friðe |
A.4.1 192 |
t ġe·winn tō swīþ, / lāþ |
and |
langsum, || þe on þā lēod |
A.4.1 198 |
e || þisses līfes, / æðele |
and |
ēacen. || Hēt him ȳþ-lida |
A.4.1 261 |
gum-cynnes || Ġēata lēode / |
and |
Hyġe·lāces || heorð-ġe· |
A.4.1 277 |
|| uncūðne nīþ, / hīenþu |
and |
hrǣw-fiell. || Iċ þæs Hr |
A.4.1 279 |
d ġe·lǣran, / hū hē frōd |
and |
gōd || fēond ofer·swīðe |
A.4.1 282 |
a bisiĝu, || bōt eft cuman, / |
and |
þā ċear-wielmas || cōlran |
A.4.1 289 |
a || ġe·sċād witan, / worda |
and |
weorca, || sē þe wēl þen |
A.4.1 292 |
e·wītaþ forþ beran / wǣpen |
and |
ġe·wǣdu; || iċ ēow wīsi |
A.4.1 305 |
an || ġe·hroden golde, / fāh |
and |
fȳr-heard; || feorh-wearde h |
A.4.1 308 |
īe sæl% timbred, / ġeatoliċ |
and |
gold-fāh, || anġietan meaht |
A.4.1 334 |
ċieldas, / grǣġe sierċan || |
and |
grīm-helmas, / here-sċeafta h |
A.4.1 336 |
|| Iċ eom Hrōð·gāres / ār |
and |
ambiht. || Ne seah iċ ell-þ |
A.4.1 350 |
maniĝum ġe·cȳðed, / wīġ |
and |
wīsdōm): || ‘Iċ þæs wi |
A.4.1 354 |
mǣrne, || ymb þīnne sīþ, / |
and |
þē þā andsware || ǣdre |
A.4.1 357 |
ðǣr Hrōð·gār sæt / eald |
and |
an-hār% || mid his eorla ġe |
A.4.1 393 |
æt hē ēower æðelu cann, / |
and |
ġē him sindon || ofer sǣ-w |
A.4.1 408 |
| Iċ eom Hyġe·lāces / mǣġ |
and |
maĝu-þeġn; || hæbbe iċ m |
A.4.1 413 |
, || rinca ġe·hwelcum / īdel |
and |
unnytt, || siþþan ǣfen-lē |
A.4.1 421 |
·band, / īeðde etona cynn || |
and |
on ȳðum slōh / nicoras nihte |
A.4.1 424 |
scodon), / for·grand gramum || |
and |
nū wiþ Grendel sċeall, / wi |
A.4.1 431 |
cōm, / þæt iċ mōte ana || |
and |
mīnra eorla ġe·dryht, / þē |
A.4.1 439 |
sċeall / fōn wiþ fēonde || |
and |
ymb feorh sacan, / lāþ wiþ l |
A.4.1 458 |
% þū, || wine min Bēowulf, / |
and |
for ār-stafum || ūsiċ sōh |
A.4.1 466 |
ðum wēold || folce Deniġa% / |
and |
on ġuĝuþe hēold || ġinne |
A.4.1 489 |
·nam. / Site nū tō simble || |
and |
on·sǣl meta, / siġe-hreþ se |
A.4.1 498 |
am, / duĝuþ unlȳtel || Dena |
and |
Wedera. / Unferþ% maðelode, | |
A.4.1 509 |
for wlenċu || wadu cunnodon / |
and |
for dol-ġielpe || on dēop w |
A.4.1 523 |
|| ðǣr hē folc āhte / burh |
and |
bēaĝas. || Bēot eall wiþ |
A.4.1 536 |
ġe·cwǣdon || cniht-wesende / |
and |
ġe·bēotedon || (wǣron bē |
A.4.1 538 |
eċġ ūt / ealdrum nēðdon || |
and |
þæt ġe·æfndon swā. / Hæf |
A.4.1 547 |
a ċealdost, / nīpende niht || |
and |
norðan-wind / heaðu-grimm and |
A.4.1 600 |
ac hē lust wiġeþ, / swefeþ |
and |
sendeþ, || sǣċċe ne wēne |
A.4.1 602 |
ċ him Ġēata sċeall / eafoþ |
and |
ellen || unġāra nū, / gūðe |
A.4.1 608 |
|| sinċes brytta, / gamol-feax |
and |
gūð-rōf; || ġēoce ġe·l |
A.4.1 615 |
ld-hroden || guman on healle, / |
and |
þā freoliċ wīf || full ġ |
A.4.1 619 |
Hē on lust ġe·þeah / simble |
and |
sele-full, || siġe-rōf cyni |
A.4.1 621 |
ā || ides Helminga / duĝuþe |
and |
ġuĝuþe || dæl ǣghwelcne, |
A.4.1 630 |
wiĝa, || æt Wealh·þēon, / |
and |
þā ġieddode || gūðe ġe |
A.4.1 653 |
e, / Hrōð·gār Bēo·wulf || |
and |
him hǣl ā·bēad, / wīn-ærn |
A.4.1 654 |
ad, / wīn-ærnes ġe·weald || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Nǣ |
A.4.1 656 |
r ā·līefde, / siþþan iċ h |
and |
and rand || hebban meahte, / þ |
A.4.1 658 |
ūtan þē nū-þā. / Hafa nū |
and |
ġe·heald || hūsa sēlest, / |
A.4.1 674 |
rena cyst, || ambiht-þeġne, / |
and |
ġe·healdan hēt || hilde-ġ |
A.4.1 685 |
an dearr / wīġ ofer wǣpen || |
and |
siþþan wītiġ god / on swā |
A.4.1 689 |
on·fēng / eorles andwlitan || |
and |
hine ymb maniġ / snelliċ sǣ- |
A.4.1 698 |
u, || Wedera lēodum, / frōfor |
and |
fultum, || þæt hīe fēond |
A.4.1 745 |
es || eall ġe·feormod, / fēt |
and |
folma. || Forþ nēar æt-st |
A.4.1 749 |
ng hræðe / inwitt-þancum || |
and |
wiþ earm ġe·sæt. / Sōna þ |
A.4.1 760 |
prǣċe, || up-lang ā·stōd / |
and |
him fæste wiþ·fēng; || fi |
A.4.1 763 |
e swā, / wīdre ġe·windan || |
and |
on weġ þonan / flēon on fenn |
A.4.1 774 |
c hē þæs fæste wæs / innan |
and |
ūtan || īren-bendum / searu- |
A.4.1 780 |
ete || manna ǣniġ, / betliċ% |
and |
bān-fāh, || tobrecan meahte |
A.4.1 800 |
hyċġende || hilde-meċġas, / |
and |
on healfa ġe·hwone || hēaw |
A.4.1 807 |
s līfes / earmliċ weorðan || |
and |
sē ellor-gāst / on fēonda ġ |
A.4.1 826 |
þe ǣr feorran cōm, / snotor |
and |
swīþ-ferhþ, || sele Hrōð |
A.4.1 832 |
rĝe, || þe hīe ǣr druĝon / |
and |
for þrēa-nīedum || þolian |
A.4.1 835 |
ēor || hand ā·leġde, / earm |
and |
eaxle || (ðǣr wæs eall ġe |
A.4.1 839 |
ērdon folc-toĝan || feorran |
and |
nēan / ġond wīd-weĝas || wu |
A.4.1 846 |
men, || on nicora mere / fǣġe |
and |
ġe·flīemed || feorh-lāsta |
A.4.1 873 |
ow·ulfes || snytrum styrġan / |
and |
on spēd wrecan || spell ġe |
A.4.1 879 |
|| ġearwe ne wisson, / fǣhþe |
and |
firena, || būtan Fitela mid |
A.4.1 902 |
es || hild sweðrode, / eafoþ% |
and |
ellen. || Hē mid Ēotnum wea |
A.4.1 912 |
n, || folc ġe·healdan, / hord |
and |
hleo-burh, || hæleþa rīċe |
A.4.1 918 |
wæs morĝen-lēoht / sċofen |
and |
sċynded. || Ēode sċealc ma |
A.4.1 923 |
ċele, / cystum ġe·cȳðed || |
and |
his cwēn mid him / medu-stīġ |
A.4.1 927 |
apne hrōf, / golde fāĝne || |
and |
Grendles hand): / ‘Þisse ans |
A.4.1 939 |
lāðum be·weredon / sċuccum |
and |
sċinnum. || Nū sċealc hafa |
A.4.1 972 |
æðe || lāst weardian, / earm |
and |
eaxle. || No ðǣr ǣnġe sw |
A.4.1 993 |
od. || Fela þāra wæs, / wera |
and |
wīfa, || þe þæt wīn-reċ |
A.4.1 1008 |
ter simble. || Þā wæs sǣl |
and |
mǣl / þæt tō healle gēong |
A.4.1 1017 |
ele þǣm hēan, / Hrōð·gār |
and |
Hrōð·ulf. || Heorot innan |
A.4.1 1022 |
oden hilde-cumbₒr%, || helm |
and |
byrnan, / mǣre māðum-sweord |
A.4.1 1043 |
ġ, || þonne walu fēollon. / |
And |
þā Bēow·ulfe || bēġa ġ |
A.4.1 1045 |
|| anweald ġe·teah, / wiċġa |
and |
wǣpna, || hēt hine wēl br |
A.4.1 1048 |
heaðu-rǣsas ġeald / mēarum |
and |
māðmum, || swā hīe nǣfre |
A.4.1 1053 |
m ġe·sealde, / ierfe-lāfe || |
and |
þone ǣnne hēt / golde for·g |
A.4.1 1057 |
tiġ god || wyrd for·stōde / |
and |
þæs mannes mōd. || Metod e |
A.4.1 1061 |
a sċeall ġe·bīdan / lēofes |
and |
lāðes || sē þe lange hēr |
A.4.1 1063 |
lde brūceþ. / Þǣr wæs sang |
and |
swēġ || samod æt·gædere / |
A.4.1 1074 |
þǣm lind-pleĝan%, / bearnum |
and |
brōðrum; || hīe on ġe·by |
A.4.1 1087 |
|| eall ġe·rȳmdon, / healle |
and |
hēah-setl, || þæt hīe hea |
A.4.1 1089 |
otna bearn || āĝan mōston, / |
and |
æt feoh-ġiftum || Folc·wea |
A.4.1 1107 |
olde. / Ād% wæs ġe·efned || |
and |
iċġe gold / ā·hæfen of hor |
A.4.1 1116 |
fæstan, / bān-fatu bærnan || |
and |
on bǣl dôn / êame% on eaxle. |
A.4.1 1127 |
Frēsland ġe·sêon, / hāmas |
and |
hēa-burh. || Henġest þā- |
A.4.1 1148 |
grimne grīpe || Gūð·lāf |
and |
Ōs·lāf / aefter sǣ-sīðe, |
A.4.1 1153 |
læġen, / cyning on corðre || |
and |
sēo cwēn numen. / Sċēotend |
A.4.1 1171 |
lum wes, / gold-wine gumena || |
and |
tō Ġēatum sprec / mildum wor |
A.4.1 1174 |
ġiefena ġe·myndiġ, / nēan |
and |
feorran || þū nū hafast. / M |
A.4.1 1178 |
n þū mōte / maniġra medu || |
and |
þīnum māĝum lǣf / folc and |
A.4.1 1179 |
and þīnum māĝum lǣf / folc |
and |
rīċe, || þonne þū forþ |
A.4.1 1186 |
mann, / hwæt wit tō willan || |
and |
tō weorð-myndum / umbₒr-wes |
A.4.1 1189 |
re byre wǣron, / Hrēð·rīċ |
and |
Hrōð·mund || and hæleþa |
A.4.1 1189 |
ð·rīċ and Hrōð·mund || |
and |
hæleþa bearn, / ġuĝuþ æt |
A.4.1 1192 |
twǣm. / Him wæs full boren || |
and |
frēond-laðu / wordum be·wæ |
A.4.1 1193 |
-laðu / wordum be·wæġned || |
and |
wunden gold / ēstum ġe·īewe |
A.4.1 1195 |
|| earm-rēade% twā, / hræġl |
and |
hringas, || heals-bēaĝa mǣ |
A.4.1 1200 |
ġ || Brōsinga mene, / siġele |
and |
sinċ-fæt; || searu-nīðas |
A.4.1 1211 |
ninges, / brēost-ġe·wǣdu || |
and |
sē bēah samod; / wiersan wī |
A.4.1 1217 |
lf lēofa, / hyse, mid hǣle || |
and |
þisses hræġles nēot, / þē |
A.4.1 1218 |
ēot, / þēod-ġe·strēona || |
and |
ġe·þēoh tela, / cenn þeċ |
A.4.1 1219 |
la, / cenn þeċ mid cræfte || |
and |
þissum cnihtum wes / lāra lī |
A.4.1 1221 |
e·fēred || þæt þe feorr |
and |
nēah / ealne wīde-ferhþ || w |
A.4.1 1236 |
iĝum, || siþþan ǣfen cōm / |
and |
him Hrōð·gār ġe·wāt || |
A.4.1 1240 |
ġeond·brǣded wearþ / beddum |
and |
bolstrum. || Bēor-sċealca s |
A.4.1 1241 |
m. || Bēor-sċealca sum / fūs |
and |
fǣġe || flett-ræste ġe·b |
A.4.1 1272 |
ġiefe || þe him god sealde, / |
and |
him tō an-wealdan || āre ġ |
A.4.1 1273 |
|| āre ġe·līefde, / frōfre |
and |
fultum; || þȳ hē þone fē |
A.4.1 1276 |
sêon, / mann-cynnes fēond || |
and |
his mōdor þā-ġīet, / ġīf |
A.4.1 1277 |
s mōdor þā-ġīet, / ġīfre |
and |
ġealĝ-mōd, || ġe·ġān w |
A.4.1 1325 |
ra brōðor, / min rūn-wita || |
and |
min rǣd-bora, / eaxl-ġe·stea |
A.4.1 1337 |
lange || lēode mīne / wanode |
and |
wierde. || Hē æt wīġe ġe |
A.4.1 1338 |
e·crang / ealdres sċyldiġ || |
and |
nū ōðer cōm / mehtiġ mān- |
A.4.1 1417 |
wæter under stōd / drēoriġ |
and |
ġe·drēfed. || Denum eallum |
A.4.1 1430 |
þ || on seġl-rāde, / wyrmas |
and |
wild-dēor; || hīe on weġ h |
A.4.1 1431 |
| hīe on weġ hruron, / bitere |
and |
ġe·bolĝne, || bearhtm on· |
A.4.1 1439 |
arwod, / nīða ġe·nǣġed || |
and |
on næs toĝen, / wundorliċ w |
A.4.1 1444 |
| heandum ġe·broĝden, / sīd |
and |
searu-fāh, || sund cunnian, / |
A.4.1 1488 |
tan, || brēac þonne mōste. / |
And |
þū Un·ferþ% læt || ealde |
A.4.1 1499 |
hēold || hund missera, / grimm |
and |
grǣdiġ, || þæt ðǣr gume |
A.4.1 1533 |
hit on eorðan læġ, / stīþ |
and |
stīel-eċġ; || strenġe ġe |
A.4.1 1542 |
or·ġeald / grimmum grāpum || |
and |
him tō·ġēanes fēng; / ofer |
A.4.1 1545 |
æt þā þone sele-ġiest || |
and |
hire seax ġe·teah, / brād an |
A.4.1 1546 |
nd hire seax ġe·teah, / brād |
and% |
brūn-eċġ, || wolde hire be |
A.4.1 1549 |
t ġe·bearh fēore, / wiþ ord |
and |
wiþ eċġe || ingang for·st |
A.4.1 1553 |
fremede, / here-nett hearde || |
and |
hāliġ god / ġe·wēold wīġ |
A.4.1 1562 |
ce || æt-beran meahte, / gōd |
and |
ġeatoliċ, || ġīĝanta ġe |
A.4.1 1564 |
, || freca Sċieldinga / hrēoh |
and |
heoru-grimm || hrinġ-mǣl ġ |
A.4.1 1575 |
| Hyġe·lāces þeġn, / ierre |
and |
ān-rǣd. || Næs sēo eċġ |
A.4.1 1583 |
s Deniġa || fīf-tīene menn / |
and |
ōðer swelċ || ūt of·fere |
A.4.1 1590 |
ode, / heoru-swenġ heardne, || |
and |
hine þā heafde be·ċearf. / |
A.4.1 1603 |
estas setan% / mōdes sēoce || |
and |
on mere starodon, / wiston and |
A.4.1 1604 |
and on mere starodon, / wiston |
and |
ne wēndon || þæt hīe hira |
A.4.1 1611 |
| sē ġe·weald hafaþ / sǣla |
and |
mǣla; || þæt is sōþ meto |
A.4.1 1614 |
seah, / būtan þone hafolan || |
and |
þā hilt samod / sinċe fāĝe |
A.4.1 1622 |
gāst / of·lēt līf-daĝas || |
and |
þās lǣnan ġe·sċeaft. / C |
A.4.1 1629 |
wæs of þǣm hrōran || helm |
and |
byrne / lungre ā·līesed. || |
A.4.1 1649 |
ncon, / eġesliċ for eorlum || |
and |
ðǣre idese mid, / wlite-sīen |
A.4.1 1673 |
id þīnra seċġa ġe·dryht / |
and |
þeġna ġe·hwelċ || þīnr |
A.4.1 1674 |
|| þīnra lēoda, / duĝuþe |
and |
ġuĝuþe, || þæt þū him |
A.4.1 1681 |
wundₒr-smiða ġe·weorc || |
and |
þā þās weorold of·ġeaf / |
A.4.1 1683 |
ndsaca, / morðres sċyldiġ || |
and |
his mōdor ēac, / on ġe·weal |
A.4.1 1696 |
rihte ġe·mearcod, / ġeseted |
and |
ġe·sæġd || hwǣm þæt sw |
A.4.1 1698 |
|| ǣrest wǣre, / wriðen-hilt |
and |
wyrm-fāh. || Þā sē wīsa |
A.4.1 1700 |
ġ seċġan || sē þe sōþ |
and |
riht / fremeþ on folce, || feo |
A.4.1 1712 |
willan, || ac tō wæl-fielle / |
and |
tō dēaþ-cwalum || Deniġa |
A.4.1 1727 |
efan || snytre bryttaþ, / eard |
and |
eorlsċipe; || hē āh ealra |
A.4.1 1741 |
n || ofer-hyġda dæl / weaxeþ |
and |
wrīdaþ. || Þonne sē weard |
A.4.1 1750 |
lp seleþ / fædde% bēaĝas || |
and |
hē þā forþ-ġe·sċeaft / f |
A.4.1 1751 |
þ-ġe·sċeaft / for·ġieteþ |
and |
for·ġīemeþ, || þæs þe |
A.4.1 1759 |
·ulf lēofa, / secg betesta || |
and |
þe þæt sēlre ġe·cēos, / |
A.4.1 1767 |
ēaĝena bearhtm / for·siteþ |
and |
for·sweorceþ; || samnunga b |
A.4.1 1770 |
ssera / wēold under wolcnum || |
and |
hīe wīġe be·lēac / maniĝu |
A.4.1 1772 |
þisne middan-ġeard, / æscum |
and |
eċġum, || þæt iċ mē ǣn |
A.4.1 1800 |
rt; || reċed hlīfode / ġēap |
and |
gold-fāh; || ġiest inne sw |
A.4.1 1813 |
; || þæt wæs mōdiġ secg. / |
And |
þā sīþ-frame, || searwum |
A.4.1 1833 |
hē mec fremman wile / wordum% |
and |
weorcum%, || þæt iċ þe w |
A.4.1 1834 |
|| þæt iċ þe wēl herġe / |
and |
þē tō ġēoce || gār-holt |
A.4.1 1844 |
Þū eart mæġenes strang || |
and |
on mōde frōd, / wīs word-cwi |
A.4.1 1849 |
dor þīnne, / folces hierde || |
and |
þū þīn feorh hafast, / þæ |
A.4.1 1856 |
m sċeall, / Ġēata lēodum || |
and |
Gār-Denum, / sibb-ġe·mǣne% |
A.4.1 1857 |
r-Denum, / sibb-ġe·mǣne% || |
and |
sacu restan, / inwitt-nīðas, |
A.4.1 1863 |
aca || ofer hafu bringan / lāc |
and |
luf-tācen. || Iċ þā lēod |
A.4.1 1872 |
ieldinga, || þeġn betestan / |
and |
be healse ġe·nam; || hruron |
A.4.1 1898 |
, || hrinġed-stefna, / mēarum |
and |
māðmum; || mǣst hlīfode / o |
A.4.1 1921 |
elinga ġe·strēon, / frætwe |
and |
fǣt-gold; || næs him feorr |
A.4.1 1958 |
For·þǣm Offa wæs / ġiefum |
and |
gūþ-um, || gār-cēne mann, |
A.4.1 2027 |
ieldinga, / rīċes hīerde || |
and |
þæt rǣd talaþ, / þæt hē |
A.4.1 2033 |
n || þēodne% Heaðu-Beardna / |
and |
þeġna ġe·hwǣm || þāra |
A.4.1 2037 |
diaþ || gamolra lāfe, / heard |
and |
hrinġ-mǣl || Heaðu-Beardna |
A.4.1 2040 |
leĝan / swǣse ġe·sīðas || |
and |
hira selfra feorh. / Þonne cwi |
A.4.1 2046 |
nian, / wīġ-bealu weċċan || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwiþ: / ‘Meah |
A.4.1 2055 |
gǣþ, / morðres ġielpeþ% || |
and |
þone māðum bireþ, / þone |
A.4.1 2057 |
rǣdan sċoldest. / Manaþ swā |
and |
myndgaþ || mǣla ġe·hwelċ |
A.4.1 2065 |
elde / weallaþ wæl-nīðas || |
and |
him wīf-lufan / aefter ċear-w |
A.4.1 2086 |
-folm%. || Glōf hangode / sīd |
and |
seldliċ, || searu-bendum fæ |
A.4.1 2088 |
ġierwed / dēofles cræftum || |
and |
dracan fellum. / Hē mec ðǣr |
A.4.1 2099 |
e weardode / hand on Heorote || |
and |
hē hēan þonan / mōdes ġōm |
A.4.1 2104 |
mum || siþþan morĝen cōm / |
and |
we tō simble || ġe·seten h |
A.4.1 2105 |
en hæfdon. / Þǣr wæs ġiedd |
and |
glēo. || Gamela Sċielding, / |
A.4.1 2109 |
wīlum ġiedd ā·wræc / sōþ |
and |
sārliċ, || hwīlum seldliċ |
A.4.1 2138 |
mǣne, / holm heolfre wēoll || |
and |
iċ heafde be·ċearf / on þǣ |
A.4.1 2166 |
ē him ēst ġe·tēah / mēara |
and |
mādma. || Swā sċeall mǣġ |
A.4.1 2171 |
eardum, || nefa swīðe hold, / |
and |
ġe·hwæðer ōðrum || hro |
A.4.1 2175 |
| þrīe wiċġ samod / swancor |
and |
sadol-beorht; || hire siþþa |
A.4.1 2195 |
ow·ulfes || bearm ā·leġde / |
and |
him ġe·sealde || seofon þ |
A.4.1 2196 |
lde || seofon þūsendu, / bold |
and |
breĝu-stōl. || Him wæs bǣ |
A.4.1 2202 |
|| siþþan Hyġe·lāc læġ / |
and |
Heard·rǣde% || hildē-mēċ |
A.4.1 2225 |
as flēah, / ærnes% þearfa || |
and |
ðǣr inne fealh%, / secg synn- |
A.4.1 2237 |
aþ for·nam / ǣrrum mǣlum || |
and |
sē% ān þā-ġīen / lēoda d |
A.4.1 2269 |
|| unblīðe hwearf% / dæġes |
and |
nihtes, || oþ·þæt dēaðe |
A.4.1 2292 |
|| īeðe ġe·dīeġan / wēan |
and |
wræc-sīþ, || sē þe weald |
A.4.1 2296 |
te || sāre ġe·tēode, / hāt |
and |
hrēoh-mōd || hlǣw% oft ymb |
A.4.1 2317 |
/ nearu-fāĝes nīþ || nēan |
and |
feorran, / hū sē gūþ-sċað |
A.4.1 2319 |
aða || Ġēata lēode / hatode |
and |
hīende; || hord eft ġe·sċ |
A.4.1 2322 |
|| līeġe be·fangen, / bǣle |
and |
brande, || beorĝes ġe·truw |
A.4.1 2323 |
eorĝes ġe·truwode, / wīġes |
and |
wealles; || him sēo wenn ġe |
A.4.1 2343 |
e·bīdan, / weorolde līfes || |
and |
sē wyrm samod, / þēah þe ho |
A.4.1 2349 |
īġ || for wiht dyde, / eafoþ |
and |
ellen, || for·þon hē ǣr f |
A.4.1 2353 |
adiġ secg, || sele fǣlsode / |
and |
æt gūðe for·grāp || Gren |
A.4.1 2369 |
him Hyġd ġe·bēad || hord |
and |
rīċe / bēaĝas and breĝu-st |
A.4.1 2370 |
d || hord and rīċe / bēaĝas |
and |
breĝu-stōl, || bearne ne tr |
A.4.1 2387 |
nġum, || sunu Hyġe·lāces, / |
and |
him eft ġe·wāt || Angₑn- |
A.4.1 2395 |
|| sunu Ōht·heres, / wīĝum |
and |
wǣpnum; || hē ġe·wræc si |
A.4.1 2413 |
| sē wæs innan full / wrǣtta |
and |
wīra. || Weard unhīere, / ġe |
A.4.1 2420 |
Him wæs ġōmor sefa, / wǣfre |
and |
wæl-fūs, || wyrd unġemete |
A.4.1 2430 |
m fæder-ġe·nam; / hēold mec |
and |
hæfde || Hrēðel cyning, / ġ |
A.4.1 2431 |
ðel cyning, / ġeaf mē sinċ |
and |
symbₑl, || sibbe ġe·munde |
A.4.1 2434 |
his bearna hwelċ / Here·beald |
and |
Hǣð·cynn || oþþe Hyġe· |
A.4.1 2439 |
swencte, / miste mierċelses || |
and |
his mǣġ of·sċēat, / brōð |
A.4.1 2448 |
angaþ / hræfne tō hroðre || |
and |
hē him helpe% ne mæġ, / eald |
A.4.1 2449 |
hē him helpe% ne mæġ, / eald |
and |
infrōd, || ǣnġe ġe·fremm |
A.4.1 2462 |
hte him eall tō rūm, / wangas |
and |
wīċ-stede. || Swā Wedra he |
A.4.1 2471 |
, || swā dēþ ēadiġ mon, / l |
and |
and lēod-byriġ, || þā hē |
A.4.1 2472 |
fe ġe·wāt. / Þā wæs synn |
and |
sacu || Swēona and Ġēata / o |
A.4.1 2472 |
wæs synn and sacu || Swēona |
and |
Ġēata / ofer wīd% wæter, || |
A.4.1 2480 |
| mīne ġe·wrǣcon, / fǣhþe |
and |
firene, || swā hit ġe·frǣ |
A.4.1 2498 |
·foran wolde, / ana on orde || |
and |
swā tō ealdre sċeall / sæċ |
A.4.1 2500 |
sweord þolaþ, / þæt mec ǣr |
and |
sīþ || oft ġe·læste. / Si |
A.4.1 2509 |
|| Nū sċeall billes eċġ, / h |
and |
and heard sweord, || ymb hord |
A.4.1 2523 |
res || hātes wēne, / oreðes% |
and |
attres%; || for·þon iċ mē |
A.4.1 2524 |
·þon iċ mē on hæbbe / bord |
and |
byrnan. || Nylle iċ beorĝes |
A.4.1 2571 |
Sċield wēl ġe·bearh / līfe |
and |
līċe || lǣssan hwīle / mǣr |
A.4.1 2614 |
tān% bana / mēċes eċġum || |
and |
his māĝum æt-bær / brūn-f |
A.4.1 2621 |
hēold || fela missera, / bill |
and |
byrnan, || oþ·þæt his byr |
A.4.1 2638 |
|| ðearf ġe·lumpe, / helmas |
and |
heard sweord. || Þȳ hē ūs |
A.4.1 2640 |
, / on·munde ūsiċ mǣrþa || |
and |
mē þās māðmas ġeaf, / þ |
A.4.1 2659 |
ċe; || ūrum sċeall sweord |
and |
helm, / byrne and beadu-sċrūd |
A.4.1 2660 |
ċeall sweord and helm, / byrne |
and |
beadu-sċrūd%, || bǣm ġe· |
A.4.1 2682 |
|| sweord Bēow·ulfes, / gamol |
and |
grǣġ-mǣl. || Him þæt ġi |
A.4.1 2691 |
ā him rūm ā·ġeald, / hāt |
and |
heaðu-grimm, || heals ealne |
A.4.1 2696 |
eorl || ellen cȳðan, / cræft |
and |
cēnþe, || swā him ġe·cyn |
A.4.1 2701 |
þæt sweord ġe·dēaf, / fāh |
and |
fǣted, || þæt þæt fȳr o |
A.4.1 2704 |
wæl-seaxe ġe·bræġd / biter |
and |
beadu-sċearp, || þæt hē o |
A.4.1 2707 |
fieldon || feorh ellen wræc, / |
and |
hīe hine þā bēġen || ā |
A.4.1 2713 |
ca || ǣr ġe·worhte, / swelan |
and |
swellan; || hē þæt sōna o |
A.4.1 2723 |
ġe·lafode, / hilde sædne || |
and |
his helm% on·spēon. / Bēow· |
A.4.1 2751 |
-welan || min ā·lǣtan / līf |
and |
lēodsċipe, || þone iċ lan |
A.4.1 2759 |
tēnġe, / wunder on wealle || |
and |
þæs wyrmes denn, / ealdes ūh |
A.4.1 2763 |
| ðǣr wæs helm maniġ / eald |
and |
ōmiġ, || earm-bēaĝa fela / |
A.4.1 2775 |
him on bearm hladon% || bunan |
and |
discas / selfes dōme; || seġn |
A.4.1 2812 |
, || gold-fāĝne helm, / bēah |
and |
byrnan, || hēt hine brūcan |
A.4.1 2868 |
ealde / heall-sittendum || helm |
and |
byrnan, / þēoden his þeġnum |
A.4.1 2878 |
hte / æt-ġiefan æt gūðe || |
and |
on·gann swā-þēah / ofer min |
A.4.1 2884 |
. / Nū sċeall sinċ-þeĝu || |
and |
sweord-ġiefu, / eall ēðel-wy |
A.4.1 2896 |
a on wēnum, / ende-dōĝres || |
and |
eft-cymes / lēofes mannes. || |
A.4.1 2910 |
um || hēafod-wearde / lēofes |
and |
lāðes. || Nū is lēodum w |
A.4.1 2912 |
|| siþþan undierne% / Francum |
and |
Frēsum || fiell cininges / wī |
A.4.1 2929 |
a || fæder Ōht·heres, / eald |
and |
eġesfull || andslieht ā·ġ |
A.4.1 2932 |
be·rofene, / Anelan mōdor || |
and |
Ōht·heres, / and þā folgode |
A.4.1 2933 |
an mōdor || and Ōht·heres, / |
and |
þā folgode || feorh-ġe·n |
A.4.1 2943 |
an hīe Hyġe·lāces || horn |
and |
bīeman, / ġealdor on·ġēato |
A.4.1 2946 |
sēo swāt-swaðu || Swēona% |
and |
Ġēata, / wæl-rǣs wera || w |
A.4.1 2956 |
m || hord for·standan, / bearn |
and |
brȳde; || bēah eft þonan / e |
A.4.1 2987 |
yrnan, / heard sweord hilted || |
and |
his helm samod, / hāres hyrste |
A.4.1 2989 |
/ Hē þǣm% frætwum fēng || |
and |
him fæġere ġe·hēt / lēana |
A.4.1 2990 |
·hēt / lēana mid% lēodum || |
and |
ġe·lǣste%swā. / ġeald þon |
A.4.1 2993 |
hē tō hām be·cōm, / Eofore |
and |
Wulfe || mid ofer-māðmum, / s |
A.4.1 2995 |
rum || hund þūsenda / landes |
and |
locenra bēaĝa || ne þorfte |
A.4.1 2997 |
e þā mǣrþa ġe·slōĝon, / |
and |
þā Eofore for·ġeaf || ān |
A.4.1 2999 |
dde. / Þæt is sēo fǣhþu || |
and |
sē fēondsċipe, / wæl-nīþ |
A.4.1 3004 |
hēold / wiþ hettendum || hord |
and |
rīċe / aefter hæleþa hryre, |
A.4.1 3009 |
od-cyning || ðǣr sċēawien / |
and |
þone ġe·bringen, || þe ū |
A.4.1 3013 |
me || grymme ġe·ċēapod%, / |
and |
nū æt sīðostan || selfes |
A.4.1 3021 |
|| hleahtor ā·leġde, / gamen |
and |
glēo-drēam. || For·þon s |
A.4.1 3047 |
tod. / Him bī stōdon || bunan |
and |
orcas, / discas lǣĝon || and |
A.4.1 3048 |
and orcas, / discas lǣĝon || |
and |
dīeru sweord, / ōmġe, þurh |
A.4.1 3087 |
tyhte. / Iċ wæs ðǣr inne || |
and |
þæt eall ġond·seah, / reċe |
A.4.1 3094 |
Cwicu wæs þā ġīena, / wīs |
and |
ġe·wittiġ; || worn eall ġ |
A.4.1 3095 |
spræc / gamol on ġīehþe || |
and |
ēowiċ grētan hēt, / bæd þ |
A.4.1 3098 |
| beorh þone hēan, / miċelne |
and |
mǣrne, || swā hē manna wæ |
A.4.1 3102 |
stan || ōðre sīðe%, / sēon |
and |
sēċan || searu-ġimma% ġe |
A.4.1 3105 |
|| nēon sċēawiaþ / bēaĝas |
and |
brād gold. || Sīe sēo bǣr |
A.4.1 3107 |
fned, || þonne we ūt cymen, / |
and |
þonne ġe·ferġen || frēan |
A.4.1 3155 |
|| weorodes eġesan, / hȳnðu% |
and% |
hæft-nīed%. || Heofon rīe |
A.4.1 3157 |
ow on hōe, || sē wæs hēah |
and |
brād, / wǣġ-līðendum || w |
A.4.1 3159 |
endum || wīde ġe·sīene%, / |
and |
be·timbredon% || on tīen da |
A.4.1 3163 |
/ Hīe on beorh dydon || bēah |
and |
siġlu, / eall swelċe hyrsta, |
A.4.1 3171 |
%, / woldon ċeare% cwīðan || |
and% |
cyning% mǣnan, / word-ġiedd w |
A.4.1 3172 |
mǣnan, / word-ġiedd wrecan || |
and |
ymb wer% sprecan; / eahtodon eo |
A.4.1 3173 |
recan; / eahtodon eorlsċipe || |
and |
his ellen-weorc / duĝuþum dē |
A.4.1 3181 |
ld-cyninga% / manna% mildost || |
and |
mann-þwǣrost%, / lēodum lī |
A.4.1 3182 |
wǣrost%, / lēodum līðost || |
and |
lof-ġeornost. |
A.4.2 8 |
īn-hātan wyrċan ġeorne || |
and |
eallum wundrum þrymmliċ / ġi |
A.4.2 18 |
lōme, || swelċe ēac bunan |
and |
orcas / fulle flett-sittendum; |
A.4.2 23 |
ena, || on gyte-sǣlum, / hlōh |
and |
hlȳdde, || hlynede and dyned |
A.4.2 23 |
hlōh and hlȳdde, || hlynede |
and |
dynede, / þæt meahton fīra b |
A.4.2 25 |
ū sē stīþ-moda || styrmde |
and |
ġielede, / mōdiġ and medu-g |
A.4.2 26 |
styrmde and ġielede, / mōdiġ |
and |
medu-gāl, || manode ġe·nea |
A.4.2 41 |
ithe / fundon ferhð-glēawe || |
and |
þā framlīċe / lind-wīġend |
A.4.2 51 |
inne cōm / hæleþa bearna || |
and |
on hine nǣniġ / manna cynnes, |
A.4.2 59 |
ā beorhtan idese / mid wīdle |
and |
mid wamme be·smītan. || Ne |
A.4.2 79 |
e mēċe, / sċūrum heardne || |
and |
of sċeaðe ā·bræġd / swī |
A.4.2 82 |
end ealra / weorold-būendra || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ |
A.4.2 83 |
: / ‘Iċ þē, frymþa god || |
and |
frōfre gāst, / bearn eall-wea |
A.4.2 87 |
ū-þā / heorte% on·hǣted || |
and |
hyġe ġōmor, / swīðe mid so |
A.4.2 89 |
mē, sweġeles ealdor, / siĝor |
and |
sōðne ġe·lēafan, || þæ |
A.4.2 97 |
tō helpe sēċeþ / mid rǣde |
and |
mid rihte ġe·lēafan. || Þ |
A.4.2 100 |
þ hire weard / bismerlīċe || |
and |
þone bealufullan / listum ā· |
A.4.2 107 |
hē on swīman læġ, / druncen |
and |
dolĝ-wund. || Næs þā dēa |
A.4.2 113 |
wearf / under neowolne næss || |
and |
ðǣr ġe·niðerod wæs, / sū |
A.4.2 130 |
ungen, || þider inn lǣdde, / |
and |
hit þā swā heolfriġ || hi |
A.4.2 147 |
ft cumen / lēof tō lēodum || |
and |
þā lungre hēt / glēaw-hyġd |
A.4.2 150 |
|| hire tō·ġēanes gān, / |
and |
hīe ofostlīċe || inn for· |
A.4.2 151 |
/ þurh þæs wealles ġeat || |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ / tō þ |
A.4.2 157 |
-blǣd / torhtliċ tō-weard || |
and |
tīr ġiefeþe / þāra lǣþþ |
A.4.2 163 |
, / weras wīf samod, || wornum |
and |
hēapum, / þrēatum and þrymm |
A.4.2 164 |
wornum and hēapum, / þrēatum |
and |
þrymmum || þrungon and urno |
A.4.2 164 |
atum and þrymmum || þrungon |
and |
urnon / on·ġēan þā þēodn |
A.4.2 169 |
udith cumen / eft tō ēðle || |
and |
þā ofostlīċe / hīe mid ēa |
A.4.2 174 |
ðan || hēafod on·wrīðan / |
and |
hit tō bīecþe || blōdiġ |
A.4.2 182 |
e·fremede, / sārra sorĝa || |
and |
þæt swīðor ġīet / īeċan |
A.4.2 192 |
forþ, / bord for brēostum || |
and |
byrn-hamas, / sċīre helmas || |
A.4.2 196 |
re / ġe·dēmed tō dēaðe || |
and |
ġē dōm āĝon, / tīr æt to |
A.4.2 201 |
| Stōpon cyne-rōfe / seċġas |
and |
ġe·sīðas, || bǣron siġe |
A.4.2 206 |
a ġe·feah / wulf on wealde || |
and |
sē wanna hræfn, / wæl-ġīfr |
A.4.2 244 |
on, || wreahton cumbol-wiĝan / |
and |
him forhtlīċe || fǣr-spell |
A.4.2 248 |
leþ || slǣpe tō·breġdan / |
and |
wiþ þæs bealufullan || bū |
A.4.2 254 |
le / þæt sē beorna breĝu || |
and |
sēo beorhte mæġeþ / on þǣ |
A.4.2 256 |
samne, / Iudith sēo æðele || |
and |
sē gāl-mōda, / eġesfull and |
A.4.2 257 |
and sē gāl-mōda, / eġesfull |
and |
āfor. || Næs þēah eorla n |
A.4.2 271 |
cohhetan, || ċierman hlūde / |
and |
grist-bitian, || gōde orfeor |
A.4.2 273 |
hira tīres æt ende, / ēades |
and |
ellen-dǣda. || Hoĝedon þā |
A.4.2 275 |
ne spēow. / Þā wearþ sīþ |
and |
læte || sum tō þǣm arod / |
A.4.2 282 |
eax teran, / hrēoh on mōde || |
and |
his hræġl samod, / and þæt |
A.4.2 283 |
de || and his hræġl samod, / |
and |
þæt word ā·cwæþ || tō |
A.4.2 295 |
hēawen, / wulfum tō willan || |
and |
ēac wæl-ġīfrum / fuĝlum t |
A.4.2 317 |
af, || hyrsta sċīene, / bord |
and |
brād-sweord, || brūne helma |
A.4.2 325 |
lanc, wunden-locc, || wǣĝon |
and |
lǣddon / tō ðǣre beorhtan b |
A.4.2 327 |
byriġ, || Bethuliam, / helmas |
and |
hup-seax, || hāre byrnan, / g |
A.4.2 337 |
-rōfe, || Holofernes / sweord |
and |
swātiġne helm, || swelċe |
A.4.2 338 |
e·reġnode rēadum golde || |
and |
eall þæt sē rinca bealdor / |
A.4.2 340 |
oþþe sundor-ierfes, / bēaĝa |
and |
beorhtra mādma, || hīe þæ |
A.4.2 347 |
ldre, || þe ġe·sċōp wind |
and |
lyfte, / rodoras and rūme grun |
A.4.2 348 |
ċōp wind and lyfte, / rodoras |
and |
rūme grundas, || swelċe ēa |
A.4.2 349 |
swelċe ēac rēðe strēamas / |
and |
sweġeles drēamas, || þurh |
The Paris Psalter 100:1 1 |
Psalm 100 / / # / mildheortnesse |
and |
dom || mihtigan drihtnes / sing |
The Paris Psalter 100:1 2 |
om || mihtigan drihtnes / singe |
and |
secge || and soþ ongyte / on u |
The Paris Psalter 100:1 2 |
n drihtnes / singe and secge || |
and |
soþ ongyte / on unwemmum wege |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 1 |
/ ic awyrgde fram me || wende |
and |
cyrde / nolde ic hiora andgit | |
The Paris Psalter 100:6 4 |
e / þa me symble mid || sæton |
and |
eodon / he me holdlice || her |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 3 |
le þe unriht || elne worhtan / |
and |
fyrena fela || gefremed habba |
The Paris Psalter 101:1 2 |
ihten / gehyr heofenes weard || |
and |
gehlyde min / to þe becume || |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 4 |
æs to me / þin eare onhyld || |
and |
me ofestlice gehyr / heofenes |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 2 |
droren syndan / smece gelice || |
and |
forspyrcende synd / mine mearhc |
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4 |
lic / þe on scræfe eardaþ || |
and |
ic spearuwan swa some / gelice |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3 |
ine feondas || fæste brohtan / |
and |
þa me heredan || hi me hraþ |
The Paris Psalter 101:7 2 |
c anlic ætt || æscean hlafe / |
and |
ic minne drinc || mengde wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 101:8 2 |
s þines / feor þu me ahofe || |
and |
gehnæctest eft / / # / dagas min |
The Paris Psalter 101:9 2 |
edruran || swa se deorca scua / |
and |
ic hege gelic || swa hit hra |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 3 |
n þe þu stiþlice || stanum |
and |
eorþan / eallum ætgædere || |
The Paris Psalter 101:13 3 |
e eorþbuend || egsan habbaþ / |
and |
þin wuldor ongitaþ || wise |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2 |
/ eft timbrade || ece drihten / |
and |
gesette sion || þurh his syl |
The Paris Psalter 101:15 2 |
fendra bene || þance gehyrde / |
and |
he ne forhogode || heora hold |
The Paris Psalter 101:16 2 |
a wislice || awriten standaþ / |
and |
on cneoressum || cyþed synda |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 3 |
e gebundene || bitere wæron / |
and |
þa bealdlice || bearn alysde |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 |
e sægd || soþ nama drihtnes / |
and |
his lof swylce || leoda bearn |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 3 |
num / on hierusalem || gleawast |
and |
mærust / / # / cumaþ folc syþ |
The Paris Psalter 101:20 2 |
syþþan || feorran togædere / |
and |
ricu eac || þæt hraþe drih |
The Paris Psalter 101:22 2 |
geworhtest / eorþan frætwe || |
and |
upheofen / þæt is heahgeweorc |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 1 |
/ sweotule þa forweorþaþ || |
and |
þu sylf wunast / eall forwisna |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3 |
l forwisnaþ || wædum anlice / |
and |
þu hi onwendest || swa man w |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 4 |
ndest || swa man wrigels deþ / |
and |
hi beoþ to worulde || wended |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 2 |
inra scealca || her bu namon / |
and |
þær eardedan || ealle þrag |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 3 |
ær eardedan || ealle þrage / |
and |
heora sylfra cynn || syþþan |
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2 |
mine sawle || bliþe drihten / |
and |
eall min inneran || his þæn |
The Paris Psalter 102:3 2 |
mandædum || miltsade eallum / |
and |
þine adle || ealle gehælde / |
The Paris Psalter 102:5 2 |
gesigefæste || soþre miltse / |
and |
þe mildheorte || mode getrym |
The Paris Psalter 102:6 3 |
domas || eallum þe deope her / |
and |
ful treaflice || teonan þoli |
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1 |
/ # / he his wegas dyde || wise |
and |
cuþe / moyse þam mæran || on |
The Paris Psalter 102:8 1 |
rahela / / # / mildheort þu eart |
and |
mihtig || mode geþyldig / ece |
The Paris Psalter 102:12 2 |
e bewindeþ / þes eastrodor || |
and |
æfter west / he betweonan þam |
The Paris Psalter 102:12 3 |
t / he betweonan þam || teonan |
and |
unriht / us fram afyrde || ægh |
The Paris Psalter 102:14 1 |
g god || þæt we synt moldan |
and |
dust / beoþ mannes dagas || ma |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3 |
ld || wislic standeþ / deorust |
and |
gedefust || ofer ealle þa þ |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 3 |
rn || þe his bebodu healdaþ / |
and |
þæs gemynde || mycle habba |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 |
|| heora bliþne frean / mægyn |
and |
mihta || þa his mære word / h |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 4 |
|| þa his mære word / habbaþ |
and |
healdaþ || and hyge fremmaþ |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 4 |
word / habbaþ and healdaþ || |
and |
hyge fremmaþ / / # / bletsian dr |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2 |
ten || eall his bearna mægen / |
and |
his þegna þreat || þe þæ |
The Paris Psalter 103:4 1 |
e / / # / he wolcen eac || worhte |
and |
sette / þæt he mihte eaþe || |
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2 |
englas deþ || æþele gastas / |
and |
his frome þegnas || fyr byrn |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 1 |
|| strangne egsan / / # / beorgas |
and |
feldas || ba astigaþ / on þæ |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 3 |
|| þe þu gestaþeludest him / |
and |
on þære stowe || standaþ f |
The Paris Psalter 103:10 2 |
denum yrnaþ || deope wyllan / |
and |
of midle || munta swylce / wæt |
The Paris Psalter 103:12 1 |
/ # / beorgas onfoþ || blædum |
and |
wæstmum / ufan eorþwæstme || |
The Paris Psalter 103:14 3 |
o helpe || heortan manna / must |
and |
windrinc || myclum blissaþ / / |
The Paris Psalter 103:15 2 |
e andwlitan || eac gescyrpeþ / |
and |
hlaf trymeþ || heortan manne |
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1 |
wildeor || wide toeornaþ / / # / |
and |
leon hwelpas || lange swylce / |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 |
i of siþum eft || gesamniaþ / |
and |
hi on holum || hydaþ hi geor |
The Paris Psalter 103:22 2 |
rc on morgen || man onginneþ / |
and |
þæt geendaþ || on æfynne / |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1 |
mære / / # / his is mycel sæ || |
and |
on gemærum wid / þær is unri |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 3 |
im on || ealra cwycra / mycelra |
and |
mætra || ofer þæne mægene |
The Paris Psalter 103:26 1 |
n eorþan || eac wilniaþ / / # / |
and |
him gesomnadum || swylce wyll |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 3 |
i gedrefde || deope weorþaþ / |
and |
him gast weorþeþ || georne |
The Paris Psalter 103:28 2 |
| sona weorþaþ / geedniwad || |
and |
þu eac scyppest / eorþan ansy |
The Paris Psalter 103:29 2 |
dor si wide || weruda drihtne / |
and |
on worulda woruld || wunie sy |
The Paris Psalter 103:31 2 |
tum drihtne / singe soþlice || |
and |
secge eac / þenden ic wunige | |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 1 |
drihten || deorne lufige / / # / |
and |
þa fyrenfullan || frecne for |
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1 |
m 104 / / # / andetaþ drihtne || |
and |
his ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice |
The Paris Psalter 104:1 2 |
ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice || |
and |
cwyce secgeaþ / his wundorweor |
The Paris Psalter 104:2 1 |
ode / / # / singaþ him swylce || |
and |
salletaþ / secgaþ his wundor |
The Paris Psalter 104:4 1 |
hten / / # / secaþ ge drihten || |
and |
ge syþþan beoþ / teonan gehw |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 |
e wræclice || wundur unlytel / |
and |
his muþes eac || mære domas |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 3 |
geweorþude || ofer werþeoda / |
and |
iacobes bearn || þone he gea |
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 |
edig / earun his domas || deore |
and |
mære / geond þisse eorþan || |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 2 |
e mid aþsware || to abrahame / |
and |
to isaace || eac gesohte / and |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 3 |
/ and to isaace || eac gesohte / |
and |
gleawlice || iacobe bead / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 104:10 1 |
ewitnesse || wel geheolde / / # / |
and |
him þa mid soþe || sægde c |
The Paris Psalter 104:12 2 |
him manna || mihte sceþþan / |
and |
he þearle for him || þrea g |
The Paris Psalter 104:14 1 |
om þa ofer eorþan || ermþu |
and |
hungor / wurdon wide menn || w |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 3 |
t / ful wisne || wer to scealce / |
and |
þa bebohtan || bearn iacobes |
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2 |
ule are / alysde hine lungre || |
and |
hine þam leodum þa / to ealdo |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 3 |
sylfes mod || geseted hæfde / |
and |
þa yldestan || ealle lærde / |
The Paris Psalter 104:19 2 |
r israhel becwom || on egypta / |
and |
se goda || iacob syþþan / eft |
The Paris Psalter 104:20 2 |
t eadige folc || ehte swyþe / |
and |
hio ofer heora feond || fæst |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 |
heo his folc || feodan swyþe / |
and |
his esnum eac || inwit fremed |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3 |
es scealc || samod ætgædere / |
and |
aaron eac || þone he ær gec |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 2 |
sylfe || soþne wisdom / worda |
and |
weorca || wundortacna / and for |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 3 |
rda and weorca || wundortacna / |
and |
forebeacna || þæt hio froml |
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1 |
heora || wel ne oncneowan / / # / |
and |
heora wæter swylce || wende |
The Paris Psalter 104:29 2 |
forwurdan || heora wingeardas / |
and |
ficbeamas || furþor ne mihto |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 2 |
cwoman / gangan gærshoppan || |
and |
grame ceaferas / ne mihte þa o |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 3 |
gyptum wæs || ahwær acenned / |
and |
frumcynnes || heora frean swy |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 |
nes || heora frean swylce / / # / |
and |
his þæt gode folc || golde |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 |
his þæt gode folc || golde |
and |
seolfre / geweorþade || and hi |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 2 |
de and seolfre / geweorþade || |
and |
hi wislice / leofe lædde || n |
The Paris Psalter 104:35 3 |
f garsecge || ganetas fleogan / |
and |
hi heofonhlafe || halige gefy |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1 |
ahame || his agenum hysse / / # / |
and |
his folc lædde || fægere on |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2 |
c lædde || fægere on blisse / |
and |
his þone gecorenan || heap c |
The Paris Psalter 104:39 3 |
on agene æht || oþre þeode / |
and |
hi folca gewinn || fremdra ge |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 |
r hi heoldan || halige domas / |
and |
his soþfæst word || swylce |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3 |
þfæst word || swylce georne / |
and |
his æbebod || awa to feore |
The Paris Psalter 105:2 2 |
re || mihta drihtnes / asprecan |
and |
aspyrian || oþþe spedlice / e |
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 |
is lofmægen || leode gehyran / |
and |
his gehyrnesse || her oncnawa |
The Paris Psalter 105:4 3 |
rþ hycgende || folces þines / |
and |
us mid hælo || her geneosa / / |
The Paris Psalter 105:5 1 |
mid hælo || her geneosa / / # / |
and |
us tidlice || teala sceawige / |
The Paris Psalter 105:5 4 |
inre þeode || þær blissian / |
and |
þæt yrfe þin || æghwær h |
The Paris Psalter 105:6 2 |
edan || mid urum fæderum ær / |
and |
we unsoþfæste || ealle wær |
The Paris Psalter 105:6 3 |
unsoþfæste || ealle wæron / |
and |
unrihtes || æghwær worhtan / |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 4 |
u hi alysdest || lifes ealdor / |
and |
hi generedest || on naman þi |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 2 |
adne sæ || ricene geþywdest / |
and |
þær wæron || þa wareþas |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 3 |
wæron || þa wareþas drige / |
and |
hi betweonum wætera || weall |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 3 |
eora feonda || fæcnum handum / |
and |
of feogendra || folmum swylce |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 4 |
of feogendra || folmum swylce / |
and |
heora feondas || flod adrenct |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 2 |
hi his wordon || wel gelyfdan / |
and |
him lofsangum || lustum cwemd |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 3 |
m lofsangum || lustum cwemdan / |
and |
þæs eft hraþe || ealle for |
The Paris Psalter 105:12 2 |
e ongunnan / gitsunge began || |
and |
gramlice / heora godes þær || |
The Paris Psalter 105:13 1 |
/ he him been sniome || brohte |
and |
sealde / sende on heora muþas |
The Paris Psalter 105:14 3 |
/ mærne moyses || ma bysmrian / |
and |
aaron mid || eac þone halgan |
The Paris Psalter 105:15 1 |
lgan / / # / þa eorþe togaan || |
and |
eall forswealh / on deope forwy |
The Paris Psalter 105:15 3 |
pe forwyrd || dathanes weorod / |
and |
abirones || eall ætgædere / / |
The Paris Psalter 105:16 2 |
swylce / on heora gemetinge || |
and |
þær maansceaþan / þa synful |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 4 |
on egyptum || æþele wundur / |
and |
on chananea || cymu worhte / an |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 5 |
nd on chananea || cymu worhte / |
and |
recene wundur || on þam read |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 4 |
dan gelyfan / ac hi granedan || |
and |
grame spræcan / noldan his wor |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 |
yran / / # / he his handa ahof || |
and |
hi hraþe wolde / on þam weste |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 3 |
am westenne || wide todrifan / |
and |
heora swæs cynn || sendan on |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 1 |
|| swa hit gedefe ne wæs / / # / |
and |
hi bysmredon || bealde drihte |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 3 |
a gemetincge || mægene ealle / |
and |
þær healicne || on hryre ge |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 3 |
ræc / he þæs hæl gehleat || |
and |
helpe fand / of cynna gehwam || |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 4 |
helpe fand / of cynna gehwam || |
and |
on cneorisse / / # / eac hi gefre |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 4 |
manfullum || mengdan þeode / |
and |
leornedan || laþ weorc gode / |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 5 |
leornedan || laþ weorc gode / |
and |
sceuccgyldum || swyþe guldan |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 2 |
m / sceuccum onsæcgean || suna |
and |
dohter / agutan blod swylce || |
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 |
im yrre wearþ || ece drihten / |
and |
he his yrfe || eall forhogode |
The Paris Psalter 105:30 2 |
ndgeweald || hæþenum sealde / |
and |
heora weoldan || þa him wyrr |
The Paris Psalter 105:31 2 |
ora costedan || cuþe feondas / |
and |
under handum || hynþe þoled |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 2 |
o us hale nu || halig drihten / |
and |
us se goda god || georne gesa |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 6 |
one halgestan || her andettan / |
and |
we on lofe þinum || lungre w |
The Paris Psalter 105:37 3 |
da woruld || wealdend drihten / |
and |
þæt fægere becweþe || fol |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 3 |
ifes weard || laþum of handa / |
and |
hi of sidfolcum || gesamnade / |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 3 |
heo gewiteþ || on westrodur / |
and |
fram sæ norþan || swycedan |
The Paris Psalter 106:4 1 |
genaman / / # / hæfde hi hungor |
and |
þurst || heard gewyrded / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1 |
ecne on || feorh aþolude / / # / |
and |
hi þa on þære costunge || |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2 |
tunge || cleopedan to dryhtne / |
and |
he hi of þam earfeþum || ea |
The Paris Psalter 106:7 2 |
n drihtnes / ealle andettaþ || |
and |
eac sæcgeaþ / mycel wundur hy |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2 |
on he gesedeþ || sawle idle / |
and |
þa hungrian || her mid godum |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 2 |
on þystrum || þrage sæton / |
and |
on deaþes scuan || deorcum l |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 4 |
we feterum / on wædle wrace || |
and |
on iserne / / # / forþon hi dyda |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 |
es spræce / æghwæs ægype || |
and |
his geþeaht swylce / þæs hea |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 2 |
orte wæs || hean on gewinnum / |
and |
untrume || ealle wæran / næfd |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2 |
tunge || cleopedan to drihtne / |
and |
he hi of þam earfoþum || ea |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1 |
arfoþum || eallum alysde / / # / |
and |
he hi of þam þystrum || þa |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 2 |
am þystrum || þanon alædde / |
and |
of deaþes scuan || deorcum g |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 3 |
es scuan || deorcum generede / |
and |
heora bendas towearp || bitre |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 2 |
an drihtnes / ealle andettan || |
and |
eac cweþan / mycel wundur his |
The Paris Psalter 106:15 2 |
æren dor || eaþe gescæneþ / |
and |
iserne steng || ana gebigeþ / |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2 |
tunge || cleopedan to drihtne / |
and |
he hi of þam earfoþum || ea |
The Paris Psalter 106:19 3 |
hi hrædlice || hælde wæron / |
and |
of heora forwyrde || wurdan g |
The Paris Psalter 106:21 2 |
n laces lof || lustum bringan / |
and |
his weorc wynsum || wide sæc |
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2 |
ihtnes weorc || digul gesawon / |
and |
his wundra wearn || on wæter |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2 |
tunge || cleopedan to drihtne / |
and |
he hi of earfeþum || eallum |
The Paris Psalter 106:28 3 |
s hweoþu || weorþeþ smylte / |
and |
þa yþe || eft swygiaþ / bli |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 |
|| þa þe brimu weþaþ / / # / |
and |
he hi on |