Genesis A 37 |
ogan / wræclicne ham || weorce |
to |
leane / helleheafas || hearde n |
Genesis B 240 |
æt land buan / hwærf him þa |
to |
heofenum || halig drihten / sti |
Genesis B 243 |
on sande || nyston sorga wiht / |
to |
begrornianne || butan heo god |
Genesis B 254 |
ne swa micles wealdan / hehstne |
to |
him on heofona rice || hæfde |
Genesis B 259 |
wealdan / ac he awende hit him |
to |
wyrsan þinge || ongan him wi |
Genesis B 279 |
nis me wihtæ þearf / hearran |
to |
habbanne || ic mæg mid handu |
Genesis B 281 |
an || ic hæbbe geweald micel / |
to |
gyrwanne || godlecran stol / he |
Genesis B 285 |
s heardmode || hie habbaþ me |
to |
hearran gecorene / rofe rincas |
Genesis B 305 |
n þa deopan dala || þær he |
to |
deofle wearþ / se feond mid hi |
Genesis B 309 |
nd heo ealle forsceop / drihten |
to |
deoflum || forþon heo his d |
Genesis B 318 |
n sceoldon / worhte man hit him |
to |
wite || hyra woruld wæs gehw |
Genesis B 330 |
wæron þa befeallene || fyre |
to |
botme / on þa hatan hell || þ |
Genesis B 340 |
leof / drihtne dyre || oþ hie |
to |
dole wurdon / þæt him for gal |
Genesis B 361 |
e us hæfþ befælled || fyre |
to |
botme / helle þære hatan || h |
Genesis B 364 |
hit gemearcod || mid moncynne / |
to |
gesettanne || þæt me is sor |
Genesis B 407 |
das || þonne moton we hie us |
to |
giongrum habban / fira bearn on |
Genesis B 427 |
|| þæt hie heofonrice / agan |
to |
aldre || gif hit eower ænig |
Genesis B 436 |
|| him biþ lean gearo / æfter |
to |
aldre || þæs we her inne ma |
Genesis B 458 |
godes gegearwigean || þa him |
to |
gingran self / metod mancynnes |
Genesis B 475 |
|| her on worulde / habban him |
to |
wæron || witode geþingþo / o |
Genesis B 489 |
is ealra frecna mæste / leodum |
to |
langre hwile || þæt wiste s |
Genesis B 497 |
|| langaþ þe awuht / adam up |
to |
gode || ic eom on his ærende |
Genesis B 506 |
do geworhte || heofoncyninges / |
to |
þance geþenod || þinum hea |
Genesis B 516 |
ten || ac he his gingran sent / |
to |
þinre spræce || nu he þe m |
Genesis B 529 |
|| bedroren ne wurde / beswicen |
to |
swiþe || he cwæþ þæt þa |
Genesis B 541 |
cen / þe he me þurh treowe || |
to |
onsende / min hearra þurh hyld |
Genesis B 544 |
hæbbe me fæstne geleafan / up |
to |
þam ælmihtegan gode || þe |
Genesis B 557 |
eþ || nu sceal he sylf faran / |
to |
incre andsware || ne mæg his |
Genesis B 570 |
m wordum getrywþ / gif þu him |
to |
soþe sægst || hwylce þu se |
Genesis B 622 |
|| þeah he his wyrþe ne sie / |
to |
alætanne || þæs fela he me |
Genesis B 626 |
ban his hyldo forþ / þa gieng |
to |
adame || idesa scenost / wifa w |
Genesis B 654 |
et / his holdne hyge || þa heo |
to |
hire hearran spræc / adam frea |
Genesis B 660 |
es || his hyldo is unc betere / |
to |
gewinnanne || þonne his wiþ |
Genesis B 665 |
earf / he mæg unc ærendian || |
to |
þam alwaldan / heofoncyninge | |
Genesis B 684 |
de come / hio spræc him þicce |
to |
|| and speon hine ealne dæg / |
Genesis B 700 |
forlærde || mid ligenwordum / |
to |
þam unræde || idese sciene / |
Genesis B 703 |
m on helpe || handweorc godes / |
to |
forlæranne # || / heo spræc |
Genesis B 704 |
læranne # || / heo spræc þa |
to |
adame || idesa sceonost / ful |
Genesis B 717 |
and his heorte ongann / wendan |
to |
hire willan || he æt þam wi |
Genesis B 722 |
/ menniscra morþ || þæt hie |
to |
mete dædon / ofet unfæle || s |
Genesis B 728 |
|| and þinne willan gelæst / |
to |
ful monegum dæge || men synt |
Genesis B 732 |
/ healdan heofonrice || ac hie |
to |
helle sculon / on þone swearta |
Genesis B 753 |
forlætan || and on þæt lig |
to |
þe / hate hweorfan || eac is h |
Genesis B 777 |
/ burnon on breostum || hwilum |
to |
gebede feollon / sinhiwan somed |
Genesis B 790 |
iwan twa / adam gemælde || and |
to |
euan spræc / hwæt þu eue hæ |
Genesis B 813 |
wædo || nys unc wuht beforan / |
to |
scursceade || ne sceattes wih |
Genesis B 814 |
cursceade || ne sceattes wiht / |
to |
mete gemearcod || ac unc is m |
Genesis B 815 |
ihtig god / waldend wraþmod || |
to |
hwon sculon wit weorþan nu / n |
Genesis B 817 |
an || þæt he þe her worhte |
to |
me / of liþum minum || nu þu |
Genesis B 820 |
swa me nu hreowan mæg / æfre |
to |
aldre || þæt ic þe minum e |
Genesis B 829 |
|| willan cuþe / hwæt ic his |
to |
hearmsceare || habban sceolde |
Genesis B 834 |
his o min mod getweode / ac ic |
to |
þam grunde genge || gif ic g |
Genesis B 839 |
magon || bu-tu ætsomne / wesan |
to |
wuhte || uton gan on þysne w |
Genesis A 864 |
oruldgesceafta / het him recene |
to |
|| rice þeoden / his sunu gang |
Genesis A 898 |
dre beswac || and me neodlice / |
to |
forsceape scyhte || and to sc |
Genesis A 898 |
ce / to forsceape scyhte || and |
to |
scyldfrece / fah wyrm þurh fæ |
Genesis A 918 |
a || hu þu lifian scealt / þa |
to |
euan god || yrringa spræc / we |
Genesis A 936 |
þu her leofast / oþþæt þe |
to |
heortan || hearde gripeþ / adl |
Genesis A 955 |
hie him from swice / ac he him |
to |
frofre let || hwæþere forþ |
Genesis A 960 |
orteondra || teohha gehwilcre / |
to |
woruldnytte || wæstmas fedan |
Genesis A 972 |
te || willgebroþor / oþer his |
to |
eorþan || elnes tilode / se w |
Genesis A 1012 |
roþor þinne || and his blod |
to |
me / cleopaþ and cigeþ || þu |
Genesis A 1015 |
and on wræc hweorfan / awyrged |
to |
widan aldre || ne seleþ þe |
Genesis A 1016 |
þe wæstmas eorþe / wlitige |
to |
woruldnytte || ac heo wældre |
Genesis A 1020 |
þinum || swa þu abele wurde / |
to |
feorhbanan || forþon þu fle |
Genesis A 1031 |
ageat / dreor on eorþan || þu |
to |
dæge þissum / ademest me fram |
Genesis A 1033 |
rifest from / earde minum || me |
to |
aldorbanan / weorþeþ wraþra |
Genesis A 1108 |
| and his yldrum þah / freolic |
to |
frofre || fæder and meder / ad |
Genesis A 1118 |
æfde || þa he eft ongan / him |
to |
eþelstæfe || oþres striena |
Genesis A 1172 |
rynan || him bryd sunu / meowle |
to |
monnum brohte || se maga wæs |
Genesis A 1213 |
þe his gast onfeng / ær hine |
to |
monnum || modor brohte / he þa |
Genesis A 1224 |
hund wintra / and hundseofontig |
to |
|| sunu æfter heold / lamech l |
Genesis A 1258 |
bearn / torn niwiaþ || and him |
to |
nimaþ / mægeþ to gemæccum | |
Genesis A 1259 |
|| and him to nimaþ / mægeþ |
to |
gemæccum || minra feonda / þ |
Genesis A 1295 |
d spræc / nergend usser || and |
to |
noe cwæþ / ic wille mid flode |
Genesis A 1327 |
reamas || swiþor beataþ / þa |
to |
noe cwæþ || nergend usser / i |
Genesis A 1337 |
es || geteled rimes / þara þe |
to |
mete || mannum lifige / and þa |
Genesis A 1359 |
eora wif somed / and eall þæt |
to |
fæsle || frea ælmihtig / habb |
Genesis A 1361 |
ban wolde || under hrof gefor / |
to |
heora ætgifan || swa him æl |
Genesis A 1400 |
þam æt niehstan || wæs nan |
to |
gedale / nymþe heof wæs ahafe |
Genesis A 1463 |
ne wæg || werig sigan / hungri |
to |
handa || halgum rince / þa wæ |
Genesis A 1473 |
d brohte / elebeames twig || an |
to |
handa / grene blædæ || þa on |
Genesis A 1479 |
n / ane sende || seo eft ne com / |
to |
lide fleogan || ac heo land b |
Genesis A 1483 |
| þa hire þearf ne wæs / þa |
to |
noe spræc || nergend usser / h |
Genesis A 1500 |
|| æhtum sinum / þam þe him |
to |
dugeþum || drihten sealde / gl |
Genesis A 1501 |
eþum || drihten sealde / gleaw |
to |
þam gielde || and þa gode s |
Genesis A 1511 |
cwæþ / wuldris aldor || word |
to |
noe / tymaþ nu and tiedraþ || |
Genesis A 1525 |
eþance || ac ic monnes feorh / |
to |
slagan sece || swiþor micle / |
Genesis A 1526 |
gan sece || swiþor micle / and |
to |
broþor banan || þæs þe bl |
Genesis A 1528 |
morþ mid mundum || monn wæs |
to |
godes / anlicnesse || ærest ge |
Genesis A 1557 |
eomagum || ham staþelian / and |
to |
eorþan him || ætes tilian / w |
Genesis A 1610 |
st ellorfus || gangan sceolde / |
to |
godes dome || geomor siþþan |
Genesis A 1663 |
|| oþerne bæd / þæs hie him |
to |
mærþe || ær seo mengeo eft |
Genesis A 1666 |
andsocne / burh geworhte || and |
to |
beacne torr / up arærde || to |
Genesis A 1667 |
to beacne torr / up arærde || |
to |
rodortunglum / þæs þe hie ge |
Genesis A 1672 |
wunedon || larum sohton / weras |
to |
weorce || and to wrohtscipe / o |
Genesis A 1672 |
sohton / weras to weorce || and |
to |
wrohtscipe / oþþæt for wlenc |
Genesis A 1675 |
heora || ceastre worhton / and |
to |
heofnum up || hlædræ rærdo |
Genesis A 1681 |
|| and þæt beacen somed / þe |
to |
roderum up || ræran ongunnon |
Genesis A 1721 |
m abraham || idese brohte / wif |
to |
hame || þær he wic ahte / fæ |
Genesis A 1745 |
a spræc || heofonrices weard / |
to |
abrahame || ece drihten / gewit |
Genesis A 1747 |
and þine fare lædan / ceapas |
to |
cnosle || carran ofgif / fæder |
Genesis A 1783 |
ham wide || oþþæt ellenrof / |
to |
sicem com || siþe spedig / cyn |
Genesis A 1819 |
fæst wean || wæs þæt wite |
to |
strang / abraham maþelode || g |
Genesis A 1856 |
he lædan heht || leoflic wif |
to |
/ his selfes sele || sinces bry |
Genesis A 1865 |
teswingum / heht him abraham || |
to |
egesum geþreadne / brego egipt |
Genesis A 1867 |
pto || and his bryd ageaf / wif |
to |
gewealde || heht him wine ceo |
Genesis A 1876 |
n / bryd and begas || þæt hie |
to |
bethlem / on cuþe wic || ceapa |
Genesis A 1900 |
dig || abraham sprecan / fægre |
to |
lothe || ic eom fædera þin / |
Genesis A 2061 |
n || under nihtscuwan / hæleþ |
to |
hilde || hlyn wearþ on wicum |
Genesis A 2070 |
ir wera || abraham sealde / wig |
to |
wedde || nalles wunden gold / f |
Genesis A 2125 |
doma aldor || secgum befylled / |
to |
abrahame || him wæs ara þea |
Genesis A 2167 |
trymede tilmodigne || and him |
to |
reordode / meda syndon micla þ |
Genesis A 2176 |
me || gasta waldend / freomanna |
to |
frofre || nu ic þus feasceaf |
Genesis A 2204 |
e || gehet þe folcstede / wide |
to |
gewealde || ic þe wære nu / m |
Genesis A 2219 |
cipe || bearn gemæne / freolic |
to |
frofre || ongann þa ferhþce |
Genesis A 2220 |
re || ongann þa ferhþcearig / |
to |
were sinum || wordum mæþlan |
Genesis A 2267 |
ondlean || þæs þe ær dyde / |
to |
sarran || ac heo on siþ gewa |
Genesis A 2311 |
þe ic þe sealde geo / frofre |
to |
wedde || þæs þin ferhþ be |
Genesis A 2351 |
ædne hyge || heortan strange / |
to |
dreoganne || dæges and nihte |
Genesis A 2367 |
iþor stepan || and him soþe |
to |
/ modes wære || mine gelæstan |
Genesis A 2379 |
ldrice || he him þæs worhte |
to |
/ siþþan he on fære || furþ |
Genesis A 2424 |
lde / torn þrowigean || ac him |
to |
sende / stiþmod cyning || stra |
Genesis A 2440 |
|| siþþan sunnan eft / forþ |
to |
morgen || metod up forlæt / þ |
Genesis A 2441 |
orgen || metod up forlæt / þa |
to |
fotum loth # || / þam giestum |
Genesis A 2459 |
ean hofe || halige aras / weras |
to |
gewealde || wordum cwædon / þ |
Genesis A 2499 |
le freoþoscealcas || fægre |
to |
lothe / gif þu sunu age || oþ |
Genesis A 2529 |
tiþa weorþan || teng recene |
to |
/ þam fæstenne || wit þe fri |
Genesis A 2536 |
/ þa onette || abrahames mæg / |
to |
þam fæstenne || feþe ne sp |
Genesis A 2544 |
num || and sweartne lig / werum |
to |
wite || weallende fyr / þæs h |
Genesis A 2555 |
and brogan || bearwas wurdon / |
to |
axan and to yslan || eorþan |
Genesis A 2582 |
drync / þæt hie firendæda || |
to |
frece wurdon / synna þriste || |
Genesis A 2586 |
brego engla / wylmhatne lig || |
to |
wræce sende / waldend usser || |
Genesis A 2601 |
wa || druncnum eode / seo yldre |
to |
|| ær on reste / heora bega f |
Genesis A 2603 |
londenfeax / hwonne him fæmnan |
to |
bryde || him bu wæron / on fer |
Genesis A 2629 |
nas sende / heht hie bringan || |
to |
him selfum / þa wæs ellþeodi |
Genesis A 2637 |
cyning || þurh swefn sprecan / |
to |
þam æþelinge || and him yr |
Genesis A 2648 |
modgeþance || and him miltse / |
to |
þe seceþ || me sægde ær / |
Genesis A 2656 |
if abrahame || idese sine / wif |
to |
gewealde || gif þu on woruld |
Genesis A 2667 |
es weard || heht him fetigean |
to |
/ gesprecan sine || spedum sæg |
Genesis A 2673 |
t sylf cyning / him þa abraham |
to |
|| ofstum miclum / þa reordode |
Genesis A 2689 |
rþeode || wic getæhton / land |
to |
lissum || þu us leanast nu / u |
Genesis A 2719 |
him his wif ageaf / sealde him |
to |
bote || þæs þe he his bryd |
Genesis A 2722 |
eos || spræc þa wordum eac / |
to |
abrahame || æþelinga helm / w |
Genesis A 2728 |
þa eft raþe || oþre worde / |
to |
sarran || sinces brytta / ne þ |
Genesis A 2761 |
a com feran || frea ælmihtig / |
to |
sarrai || swa he self gecwæ |
Genesis A 2771 |
n || þæs þe hine on woruld / |
to |
moncynne || modor brohte / cnih |
Genesis A 2783 |
a cwæþ drihtlecu mæg / bryd |
to |
beorne || forgif me beaga wea |
Genesis A 2796 |
lommum || cyning engla spræc / |
to |
abrahame || ece drihten / læt |
Genesis A 2820 |
wesan fæle freond || fremena |
to |
leane / þara þe ic to duguþu |
Genesis A 2821 |
fremena to leane / þara þe ic |
to |
duguþum þe || gedon hæbbe / |
Genesis A 2849 |
m wordum || spræc him stefne |
to |
/ gewit þu ofestlice || abraha |
Genesis A 2853 |
/ onsecgan sunu þinne || sylf |
to |
tibre / siþþan þu gestigest |
Genesis A 2861 |
siþe || ac sona ongann / fysan |
to |
fore || him wæs frean engla / |
Genesis A 2880 |
s aldor / þa abraham spræc || |
to |
his ombihtum / rincas mine || r |
Genesis A 2886 |
þeling || and his agen sunu / |
to |
þæs gemearces || þe him me |
Genesis A 2892 |
tiber || þæt þu torht gode / |
to |
þam brynegielde || bringan |
Genesis A 2900 |
e stowe || þe him se stranga |
to |
/ wærfæst metod || wordum tæ |
Genesis A 2912 |
engle oncwæþ / him þa ofstum |
to |
|| ufan of roderum / wuldorgast |
Exodus 88 |
|| þa wæs þridda wic / folce |
to |
frofre || fyrd eall geseah / hu |
Exodus 192 |
þ oft gebad / horn on heape || |
to |
hwæs hægstealdmen / guþþrea |
Exodus 197 |
fuse / hæfdon hie gemynted || |
to |
þam mægenheapum / to þam ær |
Exodus 198 |
ynted || to þam mægenheapum / |
to |
þam ærdæge || israhela cyn |
Exodus 263 |
ig drihten || þurh mine hand / |
to |
dæge þissum || dædlean gyf |
Exodus 277 |
fne / lifigendra leod || þa he |
to |
leodum spræc / hwæt ge nu eag |
Exodus 278 |
odum spræc / hwæt ge nu eagum |
to |
|| on lociaþ / folca leofost | |
Exodus 319 |
| cneowmaga blæd / hæfdon him |
to |
segne || þa hie on sund stig |
Exodus 325 |
m || lange þolian / þonne hie |
to |
guþe || garwudu rærdon / þeo |
Exodus 397 |
ter foldan || folmum geworhte / |
to |
þam meþelstede || magan gel |
Exodus 402 |
na selost / his swæsne sunu || |
to |
sigetibre / angan ofer eorþan |
Exodus 405 |
þa he swa forþ gebad / leodum |
to |
lafe || langsumne hiht / he þ |
Exodus 425 |
dagum || lengest weorþan / awa |
to |
aldre || unswiciendo / hu þear |
Exodus 438 |
ofer eorþan || ealle cræfte / |
to |
gesecgenne || soþum wordum / n |
Exodus 457 |
ne þær ænig becwom / herges |
to |
hame || ac behindan beleac / wy |
Exodus 461 |
stodon || storm up gewat / heah |
to |
heofonum || herewopa mæst / la |
Exodus 509 |
com / ealles ungrundes || ænig |
to |
lafe / þætte siþ heora || se |
Exodus 548 |
rigaþ / weroda wuldorcyning || |
to |
widan feore / swa reordode || r |
Exodus 553 |
ngeton / modiges muþhæl || he |
to |
mænegum spræc / micel is þeo |
Daniel 25 |
rc gode / oft he þam leodum || |
to |
lare sende / heofonrices weard |
Daniel 38 |
ne leofost / herepaþ tæhte || |
to |
þære hean byrig / eorlum elþ |
Daniel 41 |
æstnod / weallum geweorþod || |
to |
þæs witgan foron / caldea cyn |
Daniel 42 |
s witgan foron / caldea cyn || |
to |
ceastre forþ / þær israela | |
Daniel 44 |
ron / bewrigene mid weorcum || |
to |
þam þæt werod gefor / mægen |
Daniel 54 |
oran / herige hæþencyninga || |
to |
þære hean byrig / israela || |
Daniel 64 |
fdon / þara þe þam folce || |
to |
friþe stodon / gehlodon him to |
Daniel 65 |
to friþe stodon / gehlodon him |
to |
huþe || hordwearda gestreon / |
Daniel 70 |
/ israela cyn || on eastwegas / |
to |
babilonia || beorna unrim / und |
Daniel 74 |
er ealle lufen / wæpna lafe || |
to |
weorcþeowum / onsende þa || s |
Daniel 87 |
| gode þancode / þe him þær |
to |
duguþe || drihten scyrede / þ |
Daniel 93 |
de gecorene / þa þry comon || |
to |
þeodne foran / hearde and hige |
Daniel 109 |
gan || on frumslæpe / siþþan |
to |
reste gehwearf || rice þeode |
Daniel 129 |
lwitgan || næs him dom gearu / |
to |
asecganne || swefen cyninge / h |
Daniel 150 |
|| oþþæt witga cwom / daniel |
to |
dome || se wæs drihtne gecor |
Daniel 181 |
|| on cneowum sæton / onhnigon |
to |
þam herige || hæþne þeode |
Daniel 191 |
| þafigan onginnan / þæt hie |
to |
þam beacne || gebedu rærde / |
Daniel 197 |
n / þæt hie him þæt gold || |
to |
gode noldon / habban ne healdan |
Daniel 200 |
| þe him gife sealde / oft hie |
to |
bote || balde gecwædon / þæt |
Daniel 202 |
ges || wihte ne rohton / ne hie |
to |
þam gebede || mihte gebædon |
Daniel 204 |
þider hweorfan wolden / guman |
to |
þam gyldnan gylde || þe he |
Daniel 204 |
m gyldnan gylde || þe he him |
to |
gode geteode / þegnas þeodne |
Daniel 208 |
ne wig wurþigean / þe þu þe |
to |
wuldre || wundrum teodest / þa |
Daniel 215 |
þe hie friþes wolde / wilnian |
to |
þam wyrrestan || weras ebrea |
Daniel 216 |
yrrestan || weras ebrea / guman |
to |
þam golde || þe he him to g |
Daniel 216 |
n to þam golde || þe he him |
to |
gode teode / noldon þeah þa h |
Daniel 222 |
wurfe || in hæþendom / ne hie |
to |
facne || freoþo wilnedan / þe |
Daniel 225 |
cyning || het he ofn onhætan / |
to |
cwale cnihta feorum || forþa |
Daniel 254 |
f / teonfullum on teso || þær |
to |
geseah / babilone brego || bli |
Daniel 263 |
laþ gedydon / næs him se sweg |
to |
sorge || þon ma þe sunnan s |
Daniel 265 |
ron / ac þæt fyr fyr scyde || |
to |
þam þe þa scylde worhton / h |
Daniel 284 |
þu eart mihtum swiþ / niþas |
to |
nergenne || is þin nama mær |
Daniel 304 |
manegum / þa usic bewræcon || |
to |
þæs wyrrestan / eorþcyninga |
Daniel 313 |
a nergend || genumen hæfdest / |
to |
abrahame || and to isaace / and |
Daniel 313 |
n hæfdest / to abrahame || and |
to |
isaace / and to iacobe || gasta |
Daniel 314 |
abrahame || and to isaace / and |
to |
iacobe || gasta scyppend / þu |
Daniel 320 |
o mænigeo || mære wære / had |
to |
hebbanne || swa heofonsteorra |
Daniel 338 |
n his wuldorhaman / se him cwom |
to |
frofre || and to feorhnere / mi |
Daniel 338 |
/ se him cwom to frofre || and |
to |
feorhnere / mid lufan and mid l |
Daniel 351 |
m fyre || frean mihtum / halgum |
to |
helpe || wearþ se hata lig / t |
Daniel 413 |
þæt we þry sendon / geboden |
to |
bæle || in byrnende / fyres le |
Daniel 415 |
nu ic þær feower men / geseo |
to |
soþe || nales me sefa leoge |
Daniel 430 |
þu þurfe / het þa se cyning |
to |
him || cnihtas gangan / hyssas |
Daniel 433 |
ron / hwurfon hæleþ geonge || |
to |
þam hæþenan foran / wæron |
Daniel 500 |
bearwe gelic / ac he hlifode || |
to |
heofontunglum / swilce he oferf |
Daniel 503 |
twigum and telgum || þær he |
to |
geseah / þuhte him þæt se wu |
Daniel 531 |
u hie cweþan woldon / þa wæs |
to |
þam dome || daniel haten / god |
Daniel 543 |
igu word || and in hige funde / |
to |
gesecganne || soþum wordum / h |
Daniel 550 |
worde cwæþ / æcræftig ar || |
to |
þam æþelinge / þæt is were |
Daniel 563 |
þ || swa se beam geweox / heah |
to |
heofonum || swa þu hæleþum |
Daniel 593 |
ceode / no þæs fela daniel || |
to |
his drihtne gespræc / soþra w |
Daniel 607 |
d sealde || gumena rice / world |
to |
gewealde || in wera life / þu |
Daniel 609 |
mære burh / þe ic geworhte || |
to |
wurþmyndum / rume rice || ic r |
Daniel 630 |
hwearf || in godes gemynd / mod |
to |
mannum || siþþan he metod o |
Daniel 634 |
leas / mætra on modgeþanc || |
to |
mancynne / þonne gumena weard |
Daniel 651 |
cwom / rædfæst sefa || þa he |
to |
roderum beseah / wyrd wæs gewo |
Daniel 698 |
eran cwome / herega gerædum || |
to |
þære heahbyrig / þæt hie ba |
Daniel 700 |
|| abrecan mihton / gesæt þa |
to |
symble || siþestan dæge / cal |
Daniel 715 |
æron / and mihtigran || mannum |
to |
friþe / þonne israela || ece |
Daniel 717 |
æt tacen wearþ || þær he |
to |
starude / egeslic for eorlum || |
Daniel 729 |
ealle || hwæt seo hand write / |
to |
þam beacne || burhsittendum / |
Daniel 738 |
n gaste || godes cræft micel / |
to |
þam ic georne gefrægn || gy |
Christ and Satan 63 |
|| lyþre gefered / segdest us |
to |
soþe || þæt þin sunu wær |
Christ and Satan 70 |
|| ufan forleton / hæfdon hym |
to |
hyhte || helle floras / beornen |
Christ and Satan 87 |
|| agan me burga gewald / eall |
to |
æhte || and þeos earme heap |
Christ and Satan 88 |
þeos earme heap / þe ic hebbe |
to |
helle || ham geledde / wene þ |
Christ and Satan 91 |
neowlan grund / nu ic eow hebbe |
to |
hæftum || ham gefærde / alle |
Christ and Satan 110 |
ic feran com / deofla menego || |
to |
þissum dimman ham / ac ic scea |
Christ and Satan 116 |
e wille || eard alefan / æþel |
to |
æhte || swa he ær dyde / ecne |
Christ and Satan 147 |
| þe he agan nyle / þa ic mot |
to |
hæftum || ham geferian / bring |
Christ and Satan 148 |
ftum || ham geferian / bringan |
to |
bolde || in þone biteran gru |
Christ and Satan 152 |
ful oft wuldres sweg / brohton |
to |
bearme || bearn hælendes / þ |
Christ and Satan 175 |
þær wyrse gelamp / þonne ic |
to |
hihte || agan moste / nu ic eom |
Christ and Satan 189 |
rig || siþas wide / hwearf þa |
to |
helle || þa he gehened wæs / |
Christ and Satan 195 |
|| bearn waldendes / læte him |
to |
bysne || hu þa blacan feond / |
Christ and Satan 197 |
|| ealle forwurdon / neoman us |
to |
wynne || weoroda drihten / uppe |
Christ and Satan 207 |
munan soþ and riht / þonne we |
to |
hehselde || hnigan þencaþ / a |
Christ and Satan 237 |
rd aras / engla ordfruma || and |
to |
þæm æþelan / hnigan him san |
Christ and Satan 247 |
forþ / ana wiþ englum || and |
to |
him eallum spræc / ic can eow |
Christ and Satan 252 |
an us þis wuldres leoht / eall |
to |
æhte || þis is idel gylp / þ |
Christ and Satan 268 |
ot || hæþenre sceale / gripan |
to |
grunde || godes andsacan / sume |
Christ and Satan 278 |
fona rice || ham alefan / eþel |
to |
æhte || swa he ær dyde / swa |
Christ and Satan 287 |
s togenes || grene stræte / up |
to |
englum || þær is se ælmiht |
Christ and Satan 290 |
þan || ær geþencaþ / and us |
to |
þam halgan || helpe gelefaþ |
Christ and Satan 312 |
orcyninge || wunian moton / awa |
to |
aldre # || / agan dreama dream |
Christ and Satan 314 |
a dream || mid drihtne gode / a |
to |
worulde || a buton ende / eala |
Christ and Satan 334 |
nd gnornungc mecga / nabbaþ he |
to |
hyhte || nymþe cyle and fyr / |
Christ and Satan 356 |
e of eorþan cumaþ / bringaþ |
to |
bearme || blostman stences / wy |
Christ and Satan 360 |
mid his swiþran hond / lædeþ |
to |
lihte || þær hi lif agon / a |
Christ and Satan 361 |
lihte || þær hi lif agon / a |
to |
aldre || uplicne ham / byrhtne |
Christ and Satan 374 |
him þæt eft gehreaw / þa he |
to |
helle || hnigan sceolde / and h |
Christ and Satan 398 |
henþo geþoliaþ / hwearf þa |
to |
helle || hæleþa bearnum / meo |
Christ and Satan 401 |
þusenda || forþ gelædan / up |
to |
eþle || þa com engla sweg / d |
Christ and Satan 413 |
d ahton / haligne ham || heofon |
to |
gewalde / þa wit þæs awærgd |
Christ and Satan 425 |
t com || þegen hælendes / ham |
to |
helle || is nu hæftum strong |
Christ and Satan 428 |
|| eorre geworden / segdest us |
to |
soþe || þætte seolfa god / w |
Christ and Satan 434 |
| þæt freodrihten / wolde him |
to |
helpe || helle gesecan / ræhte |
Christ and Satan 435 |
ecan / ræhte þa mid handum || |
to |
heofencyninge / bæd meotod mil |
Christ and Satan 438 |
woce / in middangeard || mannum |
to |
helpe / nu is gesene || þæt |
Christ and Satan 452 |
| sealde him wites clom / atole |
to |
æhte || and egsan gryre / dimn |
Christ and Satan 456 |
ger || þæt se feþa com / up |
to |
earde || and se eca mid him / m |
Christ and Satan 459 |
m || handum halige / witigan up |
to |
eþle || abrahames cynn / hæfd |
Christ and Satan 492 |
lend god / se þæt wite ær || |
to |
wrece gesette / ferde to foldan |
Christ and Satan 493 |
ær || to wrece gesette / ferde |
to |
foldan || þurh fæmnan had / u |
Christ and Satan 504 |
of hæftum || ham gelædde / up |
to |
earde || þæt heo agan sceol |
Christ and Satan 511 |
c eft up becom || ece dreamas / |
to |
haligum drihtne # || / swa wul |
Christ and Satan 525 |
egn || gingran ætsomne / ealle |
to |
galileam || hæfdon gastes bl |
Christ and Satan 529 |
ce drihten / god in galileam || |
to |
þæs gingran þider / ealle ur |
Christ and Satan 531 |
wæs / feollon on foldan || and |
to |
fotum hnigon / þanceden þeodn |
Christ and Satan 544 |
r he his swat forlet / feollon |
to |
foldan || fulwihtes bæþe / f |
Christ and Satan 552 |
of hæftum || ham gelædde / up |
to |
eþle || þær we agan sceolo |
Christ and Satan 561 |
bringan wolde / haligne gast || |
to |
heofonrice / astah up on heofon |
Christ and Satan 566 |
hten || and hine forþ lædde / |
to |
þam halgan ham || heofna eal |
Christ and Satan 588 |
l betolden / leaþaþ us þider |
to |
leohte || þurh his læcedom / |
Christ and Satan 597 |
estreonan / hafaþ nu geþingod |
to |
us || þeoden mæra / ælmihtig |
Christ and Satan 617 |
uman || gaþ in wuldres leoht / |
to |
heofona rice || þær ge habb |
Christ and Satan 618 |
na rice || þær ge habbaþ / a |
to |
aldre || ece reste / þonne sto |
Christ and Satan 622 |
ped / wenaþ þæt heo moten || |
to |
þære mæran byrig / up to eng |
Christ and Satan 623 |
|| to þære mæran byrig / up |
to |
englum || swa oþre dydon / ac |
Christ and Satan 631 |
t sceaþena scræf || scufaþ |
to |
grunde / in þæt nearwe niþ | |
Christ and Satan 641 |
t forgeaton / þone þe hie him |
to |
hihte || habban sceoldon / uton |
Christ and Satan 649 |
wuldres leoht / gongan moten || |
to |
godes rice / and ymb þa wealla |
Christ and Satan 658 |
orþan tudor / up gelæddest || |
to |
þissum eadigan ham / swa wuldr |
Christ and Satan 670 |
|| cyning alwihta / brohte him |
to |
bearme || brade stanas / bæd h |
Christ and Satan 6 |
/ folc and foldan || foh hider |
to |
me / burh and breotone || bold |
Christ and Satan 7 |
me / burh and breotone || bold |
to |
gewealde / rodora rices || gif |
Christ and Satan 23 |
cunne / and ærest amet || ufan |
to |
grunde / and hu sid seo || se s |
Christ and Satan 28 |
/ grim græfhus || gong ricene |
to |
/ ær twa seondon || tida agong |
Christ and Satan 41 |
þuhte || þæt þanon wære / |
to |
helleduru || hund þusenda / mi |
Andreas 23 |
am wonge || ne wæteres drync / |
to |
bruconne || ah hie blod ond f |
Andreas 27 |
cne || ellþeodigra / dydan him |
to |
mose || meteþearfendum / þara |
Andreas 40 |
gedrehte / þa wæs matheus || |
to |
þære mæran byrig / cumen in |
Andreas 47 |
te wæron / eorre æscberend || |
to |
þam orlege / hie þam halgan |
Andreas 73 |
aswebban || ic beo sona gearu / |
to |
adreoganne || þæt þu driht |
Andreas 76 |
ruma || deman wille / forgif me |
to |
are || ælmihtig god / leoht on |
Andreas 81 |
g þrowian / edwitspræce || ic |
to |
anum þe / middangeardes weard |
Andreas 90 |
heofenum || swylce hadre segl / |
to |
þam carcerne || þær gecyþ |
Andreas 98 |
swegle || ne beo þu on sefan |
to |
forht / ne on mode ne murn || i |
Andreas 106 |
tyned || þær þu tyres most / |
to |
widan feore || willan brucan / |
Andreas 111 |
þe andreas || ædre onsende / |
to |
hleo ond to hroþre || in þa |
Andreas 113 |
eþ || of þyssum leodhete / is |
to |
þære tide || tælmet hwile / |
Andreas 119 |
lm ælwihta / engla scyppend || |
to |
þam uplican / eþelrice || he |
Andreas 132 |
|| hwile wunedon / hwylcne hie |
to |
æte || ærest mihton / æfter |
Andreas 136 |
|| wera endestæf / hwænne hie |
to |
mose || meteþearfendum / on þ |
Andreas 153 |
|| duguþe ond geogoþe / werum |
to |
wiste || ond to wilþege / fæg |
Andreas 153 |
eogoþe / werum to wiste || ond |
to |
wilþege / fæges flæschoman | |
Andreas 160 |
aflum / fira flæschoman || him |
to |
foddorþege / þa wæs gemyndig |
Andreas 206 |
t uneaþe || eallwealdan gode / |
to |
gefremmanne || on foldwege / þ |
Andreas 212 |
sæne weorþan / ne on gewitte |
to |
wac || gif þu wel þencest / w |
Andreas 221 |
æninga || mid ærdæge / emne |
to |
morgene || æt meres ende / ceo |
Andreas 234 |
hildlata / gearo guþe fram || |
to |
godes campe / gewat him þa on |
Andreas 236 |
ærdæge / ofer sandhleoþu || |
to |
sæs faruþe / þriste on geþa |
Andreas 287 |
eodmearce / mycel modes hiht || |
to |
þære mæran byrig / þeoden l |
Andreas 294 |
ice || ofer fisces bæþ / efne |
to |
þam lande || þær þe lust |
Andreas 295 |
ande || þær þe lust myneþ / |
to |
gesecanne || syþþan ge eowr |
Andreas 311 |
u || ceoles neosan / nafast þe |
to |
frofre || on faroþstræte / hl |
Andreas 313 |
s wiste || ne hlutterne / drync |
to |
dugoþe || is se drohtaþ str |
Andreas 324 |
| we his þegnas synd / gecoren |
to |
cempum || he is cyning on rih |
Andreas 342 |
al hraþe cunnan / hwæt þu us |
to |
duguþum || gedon wille / him |
Andreas 398 |
geferian || flotan userne / lid |
to |
lande || ofer lagufæsten / ond |
Andreas 424 |
gustream || land swiþe feorr / |
to |
gesecanne || sund is geblonde |
Andreas 449 |
de || friþes wilnedon / miltsa |
to |
mærum || þa seo menigo onga |
Andreas 458 |
r frean egesan / forþan ic eow |
to |
soþe || secgan wille / þæt n |
Andreas 483 |
ste wyrþest || wolde ic anes |
to |
þe / cynerof hæleþ || cræft |
Andreas 567 |
earn || se þe acenned wearþ / |
to |
hleo ond to hroþre || hæle |
Andreas 588 |
ere || ond wendan het / beornum |
to |
blisse || on þa beteran gecy |
Andreas 598 |
life || ond þurh lare speon / |
to |
þam fægeran gefean || þær |
Andreas 606 |
e || nalas feam siþum / folcum |
to |
frofre || beforan cyþde / þæ |
Andreas 612 |
rum / hæleþ hynfuse || hyrdon |
to |
georne / wraþum wærlogan || h |
Andreas 618 |
|| agef ondsware / secge ic þe |
to |
soþe || þæt he swiþe oft / |
Andreas 622 |
na / folcræd fremede || swa he |
to |
friþe hogode / him ondswarode |
Andreas 653 |
side herigeas / folc unmæte || |
to |
frean dome / þær hie hyrcnodo |
Andreas 658 |
him togenes || god herigende / |
to |
þam meþelstede || manige co |
Andreas 666 |
welfta sylf / þa we becomon || |
to |
þam cynestole / þær getimbre |
Andreas 711 |
a / tacna gecyþde || þær hie |
to |
segon / swylce he wrætlice || |
Andreas 778 |
m lædan || on þa leodmearce / |
to |
channaneum || cyninges worde / |
Andreas 794 |
g þriddan / iacob of greote || |
to |
godes geþinge / sneome of slæ |
Andreas 795 |
æpe þæm fæstan || het hie |
to |
þam siþe gyrwan / faran to fr |
Andreas 796 |
ie to þam siþe gyrwan / faran |
to |
frean dome || sceoldon hie þ |
Andreas 808 |
þa ricene het || rices hyrde / |
to |
eadwelan || oþre siþe / secan |
Andreas 810 |
|| swegles dreamas / ond þæs |
to |
widan feore || willum neotan / |
Andreas 828 |
h lyftgelac || on land becwom / |
to |
þære ceastre || þe him cin |
Andreas 909 |
ed geseald || þam þe seceþ |
to |
him / þa him fore eagum || ons |
Andreas 918 |
| gaste gesceþþan / feoll þa |
to |
foldan || frioþo wilnode / wor |
Andreas 938 |
er / geweorþaþ wuldorgifum || |
to |
widan aldre / cræfte ond mihte |
Andreas 969 |
sidan || swat ut forlet / dreor |
to |
foldan || ic adreah feala / yrm |
Andreas 974 |
/ þara þe þu gehweorfest || |
to |
heofonleohte / þurh minne nama |
Andreas 1027 |
egnas / begen þa gebroþor || |
to |
gebede hyldon / sendon hira ben |
Andreas 1039 |
ær wifa þa gyt || weorodes |
to |
eacan / anes wana þe fiftig # |
Andreas 1059 |
on ceastre / glædmod gangan || |
to |
þæs þe he gramra gemot / far |
Andreas 1068 |
herigeas / folces frumgaras || |
to |
þam fæstenne / wærleasra wer |
Andreas 1070 |
m comon / hæþne hildfrecan || |
to |
þæs þa hæftas ær / under h |
Andreas 1081 |
undra / ellreordigra || ænigne |
to |
lafe / in carcerne || cwicne ne |
Andreas 1089 |
onne hie þa belidenan || him |
to |
lifnere / deade gefeormedon || |
Andreas 1098 |
ealle || þa wæs eall geador / |
to |
þam þingstede || þeod gesa |
Andreas 1101 |
hira ærest || oþrum sceolde / |
to |
foddurþege || feores ongylda |
Andreas 1111 |
eald || eaforan geongne / lifes |
to |
lisse || hie þa lac hraþe / |
Andreas 1112 |
|| hie þa lac hraþe / þegon |
to |
þance || þeod wæs oflysted |
Andreas 1113 |
d / metes modgeomre || næs him |
to |
maþme wynn / hyht to hordgestr |
Andreas 1114 |
næs him to maþme wynn / hyht |
to |
hordgestreonum || hungre wær |
Andreas 1118 |
n feorh / breostum onbryrded || |
to |
þam beadulace / wæs þæt wea |
Andreas 1123 |
ogoþe || dæl onfengon / lifes |
to |
leofne || hie lungre to þæs |
Andreas 1123 |
lifes to leofne || hie lungre |
to |
þæs / hæþene herigweardas | |
Andreas 1136 |
þuhte / þeodbealo þearlic || |
to |
geþolianne / þæt he swa unsc |
Andreas 1152 |
gehwylcum || þara þe geoce |
to |
him / seceþ mid snytrum || þ |
Andreas 1160 |
|| welan ne benohton / beornas |
to |
brucanne || on þa bitran tid |
Andreas 1161 |
sæton searuþancle || sundor |
to |
rune / ermþu eahtigan || næs |
Andreas 1162 |
e / ermþu eahtigan || næs him |
to |
eþle wynn / fregn þa gelome | |
Andreas 1186 |
ce || þeode lærest / bældest |
to |
beadowe || wæst þe bæles c |
Andreas 1188 |
|| ond þu here fysest / feþan |
to |
gefeohte || eart þu fag wiþ |
Andreas 1196 |
ermeda || wordum lærde / folc |
to |
gefeohte || feondes cræfte / n |
Andreas 1203 |
dfrome || heriges brehtme / ond |
to |
weallgeatum || wigend þrungo |
Andreas 1205 |
nder cumblum || corþre mycle / |
to |
þam orlege || ordum ond bord |
Andreas 1234 |
ne / efne swa wide swa || wegas |
to |
lagon / enta ærgeweorc || inna |
Andreas 1248 |
ht gewat / sunne swegeltorht || |
to |
sete glidan / læddan þa leode |
Andreas 1250 |
þa leode || laþne gewinnan / |
to |
carcerne || he wæs criste sw |
Andreas 1270 |
ad || þa com hæleþa þreat / |
to |
þære dimman ding || duguþ |
Andreas 1284 |
es || earfeþsiþas / ic gelyfe |
to |
þe || min liffruma / þæt þu |
Andreas 1301 |
es muþ / folces gewinnan || nu |
to |
feala reordaþ / þa wæs orleg |
Andreas 1304 |
aras / oþþæt sunne gewat || |
to |
sete glidan / under niflan næs |
Andreas 1307 |
s steape / ond se halga wæs || |
to |
hofe læded / deor ond domgeorn |
Andreas 1311 |
nsyfre / þa com seofona sum || |
to |
sele geongan / atol æglæca || |
Andreas 1348 |
þurh searwe || ga þe sylfa |
to |
/ þær þu gegninga || guþe f |
Andreas 1351 |
tan || gif þu furþur dearst / |
to |
þam anhagan || aldre geneþa |
Andreas 1369 |
are swyltcwale || secgas mine / |
to |
þam guþplegan || gearwe sin |
Andreas 1398 |
lihte / ongan þa geomormod || |
to |
gode cleopian / heard of hæfte |
Andreas 1410 |
lifigende / fyrnweorca frea || |
to |
fæder cleopodest / cininga wul |
Andreas 1423 |
þe lagon / ne loc of heafde || |
to |
forlore wurde / gif we þine la |
Andreas 1432 |
siþ || wine leofesta / nis þe |
to |
frecne || ic þe friþe heald |
Andreas 1452 |
anc ond lof || þeoda waldend / |
to |
widan feore || wuldor on heof |
Andreas 1460 |
ondsacan || æþeling læddon / |
to |
þam carcerne || woldon cræf |
Andreas 1481 |
ne / ofer min gemet || mycel is |
to |
secganne / langsum leornung || |
Andreas 1507 |
þ onsende / wæter widrynig || |
to |
wera cwealme / geofon geotende |
Andreas 1539 |
tream || woldon feore beorgan / |
to |
dunscræfum || drohtaþ secan |
Andreas 1568 |
æfter sorge || gif we secaþ |
to |
him / þa þær andrea || orget |
Andreas 1605 |
e ar || hider onsende / þeodum |
to |
helpe || is nu þearf mycel / |
Andreas 1609 |
t || wordum retan / ne beoþ ge |
to |
forhte || þeh þe fell curen |
Andreas 1641 |
e || fullwihtes bæþ / dryhtne |
to |
willan || ond diofolgild / eald |
Andreas 1659 |
t wæs þam weorode || weorc |
to |
geþoligenne / þæt hie se leo |
Andreas 14 |
orhtlice || tireadigra / wenede |
to |
wuldre || weorod unmæte / to |
Andreas 15 |
e to wuldre || weorod unmæte / |
to |
þam halgan ham || heofona ri |
Andreas 21 |
ylde / þæt wæs satane || sar |
to |
geþolienne / mycel modes sorg |
Andreas 25 |
um / þurh andreas || este lare / |
to |
fægeran gefean || þær næf |
Andreas 30 |
e / ongan hine þa fysan || ond |
to |
flote gyrwan / blissum hremig | |
Andreas 39 |
eoda weorode / leofne lareow || |
to |
lides stefnan / mæcgas modgeom |
Andreas 53 |
scineþ / wlitige on wuldre || |
to |
widan ealdre / ece mid englum | |
The Fates of the Apostles 43 |
wearþ || wurd undyrne / þæt |
to |
indeum || aldre gelædde / bead |
The Fates of the Apostles 62 |
eoht / sawle gesohte || sigores |
to |
leane / hwæt we þæt gehyrdon |
The Fates of the Apostles 74 |
lif / mid wuldorcining || wiges |
to |
leane / næron þa twegen || to |
The Fates of the Apostles 95 |
/ wælreaf wunigean || weormum |
to |
hroþre / her mæg findan || fo |
The Fates of the Apostles 115 |
ruce / ah utu we þe geornor || |
to |
gode cleopigan / sendan usse be |
Soul and Body I 16 |
/ spreceþ grimlice || se gast |
to |
þam duste / hwæt druh þu dre |
Soul and Body I 17 |
te / hwæt druh þu dreorega || |
to |
hwan drehtest þu me / eorþan |
Soul and Body I 20 |
gelicnes || lyt þu gemundest / |
to |
hwan þinre sawle þing || si |
Soul and Body I 25 |
þu on eorþan scealt / wyrmum |
to |
wiste || hwæt þu on worulde |
Soul and Body I 37 |
re þritig || þusend wintra / |
to |
þinum deaþdæge || a ic unc |
Soul and Body I 38 |
þlice || nis nu huru se ende |
to |
god / wære þu þe wiste wlanc |
Soul and Body I 53 |
ra || nænigum lifigendra / men |
to |
gemæccan || ne meder ne fæd |
Soul and Body I 64 |
id wordum || swa þu worhtest |
to |
me / eart þu nu dumb ond deaf |
Soul and Body I 97 |
secgan / þonne ne biþ nan na |
to |
þæs lytel liþ || on lime a |
Soul and Body I 114 |
ne || on tyn healfa / hungregum |
to |
frofre || forþan hie ne mago |
Soul and Body I 117 |
ædle scearpran || se genydde |
to |
/ ærest eallra || on þam eor |
Soul and Body I 121 |
|| ufan on þæt heafod / ond |
to |
ætwelan || oþrum gerymeþ / w |
Soul and Body I 122 |
lan || oþrum gerymeþ / wyrmum |
to |
wiste || þonne þæt werie / l |
Soul and Body I 126 |
|| þæt mæg æghwylcum / men |
to |
gemynde || modsnotra gehwam / |
Soul and Body I 128 |
þæt sio halige sawl / færeþ |
to |
þam flæsce || frofre bewund |
Soul and Body I 154 |
on þyssum hynþum wat / wyrmum |
to |
wiste || ac þæt wolde god / |
Homiletic Fragment I 42 |
cræftig || sawle rædes / uton |
to |
þam beteran || nu we bot cun |
Homiletic Fragment I 45 |
d englum || agan moton / gastum |
to |
geoce || þonne god wile / eor |
Dream of the Rood 2 |
an wylle / hwæt me gemætte || |
to |
midre nihte / syþþan reordber |
Dream of the Rood 31 |
e feondas / geworhton him þær |
to |
wæfersyne || heton me heora |
Dream of the Rood 42 |
| ne dorste ic hwæþre bugan |
to |
eorþan / feallan to foldan sce |
Dream of the Rood 43 |
þre bugan to eorþan / feallan |
to |
foldan sceatum || ac ic sceol |
Dream of the Rood 58 |
þær fuse || feorran cwoman / |
to |
þam æþelinge || ic þæt e |
Dream of the Rood 59 |
hnag ic hwæþre þam secgum |
to |
handa / eaþmod elne mycle || g |
Dream of the Rood 74 |
þa us man fyllan ongan / ealle |
to |
eorþan || þæt wæs egeslic |
Dream of the Rood 83 |
mære gesceaft / gebiddaþ him |
to |
þyssum beacne || on me bearn |
Dream of the Rood 86 |
a || þara þe him biþ egesa |
to |
me / iu ic wæs geworden || wit |
Dream of the Rood 102 |
id his miclan mihte || mannum |
to |
helpe / he þa on heofenas asta |
Dream of the Rood 116 |
|| ond fea þencaþ / hwæt hie |
to |
criste || cweþan onginnen / ne |
Dream of the Rood 122 |
ian þenceþ / gebæd ic me þa |
to |
þan beame || bliþe mode / eln |
Dream of the Rood 129 |
well weorþian || me is willa |
to |
þam / mycel on mode || ond min |
Dream of the Rood 131 |
|| ond min mundbyrd is / geriht |
to |
þære rode || nah ic ricra f |
Dream of the Rood 141 |
ær is dryhtnes folc / geseted |
to |
symle || þær is singal blis |
Dream of the Rood 153 |
/ anwealda ælmihtig || englum |
to |
blisse / ond eallum þam halgum |
Elene 10 |
e wearþ / ahæfen hildfruma || |
to |
hereteman / wæs se leodhwata | |
Elene 16 |
/ geond middangeard || mannum |
to |
hroþer / werþeodum to wræce |
Elene 17 |
mannum to hroþer / werþeodum |
to |
wræce || syþþan wæpen aho |
Elene 23 |
ron hwate weras # || / gearwe |
to |
guþe || garas lixtan / wriþen |
Elene 32 |
|| beaduþreata mæst / hergum |
to |
hilde || swylce huna cyning / y |
Elene 34 |
tendra || awer meahte / abannan |
to |
beadwe || burgwigendra / for fy |
Elene 45 |
fære || ofstum myclum / bannan |
to |
beadwe || beran ut þræce / ri |
Elene 48 |
ofe || sona gegearwod / wæpnum |
to |
wigge || þeah hie werod læs |
Elene 49 |
eah hie werod læsse / hæfdon |
to |
hilde || þonne huna cining / r |
Elene 52 |
e || cyning þreate for / herge |
to |
hilde || hrefen uppe gol / wan |
Elene 56 |
træd || mægen samnode / cafe |
to |
cease || cyning wæs afyrhted |
Elene 63 |
r werodleste || hæfde wigena |
to |
lyt / eaxlgestealna || wiþ ofe |
Elene 65 |
lna || wiþ ofermægene / hrora |
to |
hilde || here wicode / eorlas y |
Elene 83 |
n hwopan / heardre hilde || þu |
to |
heofenum beseoh / on wuldres we |
Elene 154 |
a weard || þa wisestan / snude |
to |
sionoþe || þa þe snyttro c |
Elene 160 |
| yldra oþþe gingra / þe him |
to |
soþe || secggan meahte / galdr |
Elene 188 |
ealra / hæleþa cynnes || ond |
to |
heofonum astah / þus gleawlice |
Elene 193 |
/ on his dagana tid || dryhtne |
to |
willan / þa wæs on sælum || |
Elene 211 |
| þæs hie in hynþum sculon / |
to |
widan feore || wergþu dreoga |
Elene 216 |
ran foldwege || folca þreate / |
to |
iudeum || georne secan / wigena |
Elene 226 |
n þa ofstlice || eorla mengu / |
to |
flote fysan || fearoþhengest |
Elene 248 |
| cwen siþes gefeah / syþþan |
to |
hyþe || hringedstefnan / ofer |
Elene 273 |
eodmægen / guþrofe hæleþ || |
to |
hierusalem / cwomon in þa ceas |
Elene 286 |
usend || þæra leoda / alesen |
to |
lare || ongan þa leoflic wif |
Elene 302 |
generede / deofla gastum || ge |
to |
deaþe þone / deman ongunnon | |
Elene 319 |
tacna gehwylces || þe ic him |
to |
sece / eodan þa on geruman || |
Elene 325 |
les swa trages || swa hio him |
to |
sohte / hio þa on þreate || |
Elene 349 |
e || þanon ic ne wende / æfre |
to |
aldre || onsion mine / swa hit |
Elene 382 |
fdon / on sefan snyttro || heo |
to |
salore eft / ymb lytel fæc || |
Elene 410 |
þan / untraglice || þe ic him |
to |
sece / eodon þa fram rune || s |
Elene 19 |
þone halgan || handa sendan / |
to |
feorhlege || fæderas usse / þ |
Elene 56 |
g / þæt he him þa weadæd || |
to |
wræce ne sette / þæt hie for |
Elene 60 |
on || swa he þurh feondscipe / |
to |
cwale monige || cristes folce |
Elene 61 |
onige || cristes folces / demde |
to |
deaþe || swa þeah him dryht |
Elene 63 |
þæt he manegum wearþ / folca |
to |
frofre || syþþan him frymþ |
Elene 94 |
æs on sefan || selest þince / |
to |
gecyþanne || gif þeos cwen |
Elene 111 |
ohton || þa cwom þegna heap / |
to |
þam heremeþle || hreopon fr |
Elene 113 |
eow þeos cwen laþaþ / secgas |
to |
salore || þæt ge seonoþdom |
Elene 118 |
wæron / þurh heard gebann || |
to |
hofe eodon / cyþdon cræftes m |
Elene 129 |
orngeniþlan || þæs hio him |
to |
sohte / ac hio worda gehwæs || |
Elene 135 |
ond him yrre oncwæþ / ic eow |
to |
soþe || secgan wille / ond þ |
Elene 142 |
æt leas / apundrad weorþan || |
to |
woruldgedale / ne magon ge þa |
Elene 161 |
| ond þone ænne genam / iudas |
to |
gisle || ond þa georne bæd / |
Elene 165 |
dor acigde / elene maþelode || |
to |
þam anhagan / tireadig cwen || |
Elene 168 |
deaþ || swa þe leofre biþ / |
to |
geceosanne || cyþ ricene nu / |
Elene 169 |
yþ ricene nu / hwæt þu þæs |
to |
þinge || þafian wille / iudas |
Elene 178 |
leo || hlafes ne gime / gewende |
to |
wædle || ond þa wiste wiþs |
Elene 224 |
geaf ondsware / wiþsæcest þu |
to |
swiþe || soþe ond rihte / ymb |
Elene 239 |
n mæge / geclænsian || criste |
to |
willan / hæleþum to helpe || |
Elene 240 |
|| criste to willan / hæleþum |
to |
helpe || þæt me halig god / g |
Elene 264 |
n for hungre || is þes hæft |
to |
þan strang / þreanyd þæs þ |
Elene 265 |
æs þearl || ond þes þroht |
to |
þæs heard / dogorrimum || ic |
Elene 269 |
rhdrifen wære / ond þæt soþ |
to |
late || seolf gecneowe / þa þ |
Elene 277 |
im seo cwen bebead / stopon þa |
to |
þære stowe || stiþhycgende |
Elene 299 |
ras || þu geworhtest þa / ond |
to |
þegnunge || þinre gesettest |
Elene 458 |
þe worhte || weoroda dryhten / |
to |
feorhnere || fira cynne / lifes |
Elene 475 |
ox / of cildhade || symle cirde |
to |
him / æhte mine || ne mot æni |
Elene 482 |
an ham || oft getynde / geomrum |
to |
sorge || ic þurh iudas ær / h |
Elene 542 |
rlmægen || aras fysan / ricene |
to |
rade || sceoldon romwarena / of |
Elene 548 |
mæla / behyded wæs || halgum |
to |
teonan / cristenum folce || þa |
Elene 561 |
myclum || eft gearwian / sylfe |
to |
siþe || secgas ne gældon / sy |
Elene 566 |
n mosten / hæleþ hwætmode || |
to |
þære halgan byrig / heht hire |
Elene 571 |
ryhtnes / on caluarie || criste |
to |
willan / hæleþum to helpe || |
Elene 572 |
|| criste to willan / hæleþum |
to |
helpe || þær sio halige rod |
Elene 599 |
in þæs weres breostum / bylde |
to |
bote || he þæt betere gecea |
Elene 607 |
on þæt betere lif / gewended |
to |
wuldre || huru wyrd gescreaf / |
Elene 614 |
snoterne / hæleþa gerædum || |
to |
þære halgan byrig / þæt he |
Elene 617 |
ierusalem || iudas þam folce / |
to |
bisceope || burgum on innan / |
Elene 618 |
on innan / þurh gastes gife || |
to |
godes temple / cræftum gecoren |
Elene 633 |
fum || ond þæt word acwæþ / |
to |
þam bisceope || bald reordod |
Elene 660 |
rune ne maþ / gastes mihtum || |
to |
gode cleopode / eallum eaþmedu |
Elene 665 |
þa tacen forþ || þær hie |
to |
sægon / fæder frofre gast || |
Elene 686 |
/ þa wæs geblissod || se þe |
to |
bote gehwearf / þurh bearn god |
Elene 699 |
þe hire brungen wæs / gnyrna |
to |
geoce || gode þancode / sigora |
Elene 703 |
|| fram fruman worulde / folcum |
to |
frofre || heo gefylled wæs / w |
Elene 710 |
secean || soþfæstnesse / weg |
to |
wuldre || huru weroda god / gef |
Elene 718 |
orne secan / nearwe geneahhe || |
to |
hwan hio þa næglas selost / o |
Elene 720 |
cost || gedon meahte / dugoþum |
to |
hroþer || hwæt þæs wære |
Elene 722 |
gean || forþsnotterne / ricene |
to |
rune || þone þe rædgeþeah |
Elene 726 |
æs on sefan || selost þuhte / |
to |
gelæstenne || ond his lare g |
Elene 736 |
a || on his bridels don / meare |
to |
midlum || þæt manigum sceal |
Elene 760 |
wan / hire selfre suna || sende |
to |
lace / ofer geofenes stream || |
Elene 764 |
mena wiste / hæleþa cynnes || |
to |
þære halgan byrig / cuman in |
Elene 773 |
befæsted || oft him feorran |
to |
/ laman limseoce || lefe cwomon |
Elene 778 |
m bisceope || bote fundon / ece |
to |
aldre || þa gen him elene fo |
Elene 780 |
| þa hio wæs siþes fus / eft |
to |
eþle || ond þa eallum bebea |
Elene 807 |
|| þurh leohtne had / gamelum |
to |
geoce || gife unscynde / mægen |
Elene 879 |
c / forsawon synna weorc || ond |
to |
suna metudes / wordum cleopodon |
Elene 882 |
fes brucaþ / wuldorcyninges || |
to |
widan feore / amen || |
Christ A 3 |
ðe ða wyrhtan iu / wiðwurpon |
to |
weorce || wel ðe geriseð / ð |
Christ A 8 |
ll || eagna gesihðe / wundrien |
to |
worlde || wuldres ealdor / gesw |
Christ A 28 |
ontyne / weorðe ussum mode || |
to |
mundboran / ond ðæt tydre gew |
Christ A 30 |
o usic ðæs wyrðe || ðe he |
to |
wuldre forlet / ða we heanlice |
Christ A 32 |
heanlice || hweorfan sceoldan / |
to |
ðis enge lond || eðle bescy |
Christ A 36 |
gð manes leas || ðe he him |
to |
meder geceas / ðæt wæs gewor |
Christ A 57 |
wærgðo ond gewinnes || bist |
to |
wuldre full / halgan hyhtes || |
Christ A 65 |
cristes gebyrd || cwædon ðe |
to |
frofre / burga betlicast || nu |
Christ A 67 |
is ðæt bearn cymen / awæcned |
to |
wyrpe || weorcum ebrea / bringe |
Christ A 87 |
að || swa eft ripað / cennað |
to |
cwealme || cwæð sio eadge m |
Christ A 101 |
gemæne / werum ond wifum || a |
to |
worulde forð / in ðam uplican |
Christ A 124 |
æt seo fæmne gebær / geomrum |
to |
geoce || god wæs mid us / gese |
Christ A 148 |
m || hwonne bearn godes / cwome |
to |
cearigum || forðon cwædon s |
Christ A 181 |
hwylcre / firena gefylled || ic |
to |
fela hæbbe / ðæs byrdscypes |
Christ A 220 |
er lyfte / secg searoðoncol || |
to |
ðæs swiðe gleaw / ðe ðæt |
Christ A 223 |
eard / æt frymðe genom || him |
to |
freobearne / ðæt wæs ðara |
Christ A 230 |
or / nu sie geworden forð || a |
to |
widan feore / leoht lixende gef |
Christ A 255 |
urh ðin sylfes gong / eaðmod |
to |
eorðan || us is ðinra arna |
Christ A 268 |
e arisan || ond on ryht cuman / |
to |
ðam upcundan || æðelan ric |
Christ A 277 |
eorðan / ðara ðe gewurde || |
to |
widan feore / hu ðec mid ryhte |
Christ A 293 |
roden || ðe ða beorhtan lac / |
to |
heofonhame || hlutre mode / si |
Christ A 299 |
byrd || cennan sceolde / monnum |
to |
miltse || ond ðe maria forð |
Christ A 373 |
ym nu hæleða cyning / ne lata |
to |
lange || us is lissa ðearf / |
Christ A 414 |
oman || dugeðum cwome / heanum |
to |
hroðre || ðe in heahðum si |
Christ A 427 |
gend / his forgifnesse || gumum |
to |
helpe / dæleð dogra gehwam || |
Christ B 456 |
t dydon / ða se brega mæra || |
to |
bethania / ðeoden ðrymfæst | |
Christ B 461 |
gearwe / hæleð mid hlaford || |
to |
ðære halgan byrg / ðær him |
Christ B 475 |
engla / gefysed frea mihtig || |
to |
fæder rice / gefeoð ge on fer |
Christ B 479 |
t giefe || ond mid wunige / awo |
to |
ealdre || ðæt eow æfre ne |
Christ B 485 |
folc under roderum / hweorfað |
to |
hæðnum || hergas breotað / f |
Christ B 495 |
æs temples hrof || ðær hy |
to |
segun / ða ðe leofes ða gen |
Christ B 519 |
ona gehlidu || hlaford fergan / |
to |
ðære beorhtan byrg || mid |
Christ B 533 |
der / gewitan him ða gongan || |
to |
hierusalem / hæleð hygerofe | |
Christ B 552 |
|| wel ðæt gedafenað / ðæt |
to |
ðære blisse || beorhte gewe |
Christ B 577 |
ode || geatu ontynað / wile in |
to |
eow || ealles waldend / cyning |
Christ B 597 |
deað || swa him leofre bið / |
to |
gefremmanne || ðenden flæsc |
Christ B 610 |
aw ond ren || duguðe weccað / |
to |
feorhnere || fira cynne / ieca |
Christ B 613 |
uru ðære hælo || ðe he us |
to |
hyhte forgeaf / ða he ða yrmp |
Christ B 619 |
|| cwide eft onhwearf / saulum |
to |
sibbe || se ðe ær sungen w |
Christ B 620 |
æs / ðurh yrne hyge || ældum |
to |
sorge / ic ðec ofer eorðan ge |
Christ B 623 |
|| ond wræce dreogan / feondum |
to |
hroðor || fusleoð galan / ond |
Christ B 624 |
hroðor || fusleoð galan / ond |
to |
ðære ilcan scealt || eft ge |
Christ B 632 |
|| us se willa bicwom / heanum |
to |
helpe || on ða halgan tid / bi |
Christ B 648 |
|| ðone maran ham / hwilum he |
to |
eorðan || eft gestylde / ðurh |
Christ B 650 |
efe || grundsceat sohte / wende |
to |
worulde || bi ðon se witga s |
Christ B 690 |
n swegle || sibbe ræreð / ece |
to |
ealdre || engla ond monna / swa |
Christ B 722 |
onfeng butan firenum || ðæt |
to |
frofre gewearð / eallum eorðw |
Christ B 737 |
p / haliges hyhtplega || ða he |
to |
heofonum astag / on his ealdcy |
Christ B 749 |
n || mærðum tilgan / ðæt we |
to |
ðam hyhstan || hrofe gestiga |
Christ B 758 |
sellran gefeon / habbað we us |
to |
frofre || fæder on roderum / |
Christ B 773 |
ðan || eard weardien / utan us |
to |
fæder || freoða wilnian / bid |
Christ B 857 |
se drohtað strong / ærðon we |
to |
londe || geliden hæfdon / ofer |
Christ B 859 |
| ða us help bicwom / ðæt us |
to |
hælo || hyðe gelædde / godes |
Christ B 864 |
aras || ancrum fæste / utan us |
to |
ðære hyðe || hyht staðeli |
Christ C 887 |
mena bearn / eall monna cynn || |
to |
meotudsceafte / egeslic of ðæ |
Christ C 914 |
um ond liðe || leofum monnum / |
to |
sceawianne || ðone scynan wl |
Christ C 919 |
yflum || egeslic ond grimlic / |
to |
geseonne || synnegum monnum / |
Christ C 921 |
ð forworhte / ðæt mæg wites |
to |
wearninga || ðam ðe hafað |
Christ C 926 |
n / mid mægenwundrum || mongum |
to |
ðinge / ond him on healfa gehw |
Christ C 1026 |
um || folc anra gehwylc / cuman |
to |
gemote || moncynnes gehwone / |
Christ C 1041 |
ud || micel ariseð / dryhtfolc |
to |
dome || siððan deaðes bend |
Christ C 1065 |
hea rod / ryht aræred || rices |
to |
beacne / folcdryht wera || bifo |
Christ C 1078 |
/ swiðe gesæliglic || sawlum |
to |
gielde / wuldorlean weorca || w |
Christ C 1083 |
en || sarigferðe / ne bið him |
to |
are || ðæt ðær fore ellð |
Christ C 1090 |
| leodum byrhteð / ðæt ðeah |
to |
teonum || geteod weorðeð / ð |
Christ C 1091 |
m || geteod weorðeð / ðeodum |
to |
ðrea || ðam ðe ðonc gode / |
Christ C 1105 |
|| sorgum wlitað / geseoð him |
to |
bealwe || ðæt him betst bic |
Christ C 1106 |
him betst bicwom / ðær hy hit |
to |
gode || ongietan woldan / ond e |
Christ C 1136 |
r ðam halgan || huse sceolde / |
to |
weorðunga || weorud sceawian |
Christ C 1139 |
s segl / wundorbleom geworht || |
to |
wlite ðæs huses / sylf slat o |
Christ C 1153 |
hwæt eac scyldge men / gesegon |
to |
soðe || ðy sylfan dæge / ðe |
Christ C 1173 |
dra / laðlicne deað || leodum |
to |
helpe / ða wearð beam monig | |
Christ C 1176 |
reade ond ðicce / sæp wearð |
to |
swate || ðæt asecgan ne mag |
Christ C 1196 |
earcnanstan || eallum sceolde / |
to |
hleo ond to hroðer || hæle |
Christ C 1214 |
wita ne cuðon / forðon ðær |
to |
teonum || ða tacen geseoð / o |
Christ C 1242 |
|| sunnan beorhtran / oðer is |
to |
eacan || ondgete swa some / ð |
Christ C 1244 |
s giefe / ond on seoð || eagum |
to |
wynne / ðæt hi on heofonrice |
Christ C 1249 |
fordone / sar ðrowian || synna |
to |
wite / weallendne lig || ond wy |
Christ C 1263 |
willa geworden || magon weana |
to |
fela / geseon on him selfum || |
Christ C 1268 |
ðara || ðæt hy him yrmða |
to |
fela / grim helle fyr || gearo |
Christ C 1269 |
fela / grim helle fyr || gearo |
to |
wite / ondweard seoð || on ða |
Christ C 1273 |
|| earfeðu swa some / scyldgum |
to |
sconde || ðæt hi ðær scom |
Christ C 1288 |
hy unsælge || ær forhogdun / |
to |
donne || ðonne him dagas læ |
Christ C 1292 |
ne bið him hyra yrmðu || an |
to |
wite / ac ðara oðerra || ead |
Christ C 1293 |
wite / ac ðara oðerra || ead |
to |
sorgum / ðæs ðe hy swa fægr |
Christ C 1304 |
des bodan sægdon || ðæt hi |
to |
gyrne wiston / firendæda on hi |
Christ C 1337 |
englum || ond fore elðeodum / |
to |
ðam eadgestum || ærest mæ |
Christ C 1343 |
an || engla dreames / ond ðæs |
to |
widan feore || willum neotan / |
Christ C 1352 |
im ðurh minne noman / eaðmode |
to |
eow || arna bædun / ðonne ge |
Christ C 1357 |
fdon unsofte || adle gebundne / |
to |
ðam ge holdlice || hyge sta |
Christ C 1362 |
lange brucan / onginneð ðonne |
to |
ðam yflum || ungelice / wordum |
Christ C 1365 |
alda god / ne ðurfon hi ðonne |
to |
meotude || miltse gewenan / lif |
Christ C 1376 |
æt he him ær forgeaf / syngum |
to |
sælum || onginneð sylf cwe |
Christ C 1377 |
onginneð sylf cweðan / swa he |
to |
anum sprece || ond hwæðre e |
Christ C 1390 |
ða fægran || foldan gesette / |
to |
neotenne || neorxnawonges / beo |
Christ C 1398 |
orcum forlure || ðæt ic ðe |
to |
fremum sealde / ða ic ðe goda |
Christ C 1400 |
d ðe on ðam eallum || eades |
to |
lyt / mode ðuhte || gif ðu me |
Christ C 1404 |
efean || fremde wurde / feondum |
to |
willan || feor aworpen / neorxn |
Christ C 1421 |
wearð ic ana geboren / folcum |
to |
frofre || mec mon folmum biwo |
Christ C 1449 |
sidan || swat ut guton / dreor |
to |
foldan || ðæt ðu of deofle |
Christ C 1471 |
n || mid mine lichoman / heanum |
to |
helpe || hold gecypte / wurde |
Christ C 1479 |
st / ofslegen synlice || sylfum |
to |
sconde / for hwan ðu ðæt sel |
Christ C 1481 |
swæs on ðe / gehalgode || hus |
to |
wynne / ðurh firenlustas || fu |
Christ C 1513 |
gen || eall ge ðæt me dydan / |
to |
hynðum heofoncyninge || ðæ |
Christ C 1514 |
sceolon hearde adreogan / wite |
to |
widan ealdre || wræc mid deo |
Christ C 1518 |
olc || forð forlæteð / cwið |
to |
ðara synfulra || sawla feða |
Christ C 1535 |
a wic || womfulra scolu / werge |
to |
forwyrde || on witehus / deaðs |
Christ C 1543 |
sinnehte || synne forbærnan / |
to |
widan feore || wom of ðære |
Christ C 1555 |
esan / ne bisorgað he || synne |
to |
fremman / wonhydig mon || ne he |
Christ C 1567 |
bið / synne cwiðað || ac hy |
to |
sið doð / gæstum helpe || ð |
Christ C 1589 |
algan tid / soðfæst syleð || |
to |
sigorleanum / ðam ðe him on g |
Christ C 1596 |
an læteð / on gefean faran || |
to |
feorhnere / ac se bryne bindeð |
Christ C 1601 |
mmað / hwæt him se waldend || |
to |
wrace gesette / laðum leodum | |
Christ C 1606 |
eartum sawlum || ðonne synna |
to |
wrace / scyldigra scolu || ascy |
Christ C 1618 |
yred weorðan / æt domdæge || |
to |
deaðe niðer / under helle cin |
Christ C 1621 |
can || ðær hy leomu ræcað / |
to |
bindenne || ond to bærnenne / |
Christ C 1621 |
mu ræcað / to bindenne || ond |
to |
bærnenne / ond to swingenne || |
Christ C 1622 |
denne || ond to bærnenne / ond |
to |
swingenne || synna to wite / ð |
Christ C 1622 |
nne / ond to swingenne || synna |
to |
wite / ðonne halig gæst || he |
Christ C 1645 |
edyrde || dryhtne gelyfde / awo |
to |
ealdre || engla gemanan / bruca |
Vainglory 12 |
nd on his dægrime || druncen |
to |
rice / ðonne monige beoð || m |
Vainglory 25 |
nan / ungemedemad mod || sindan |
to |
monige ðæt / bið ðæt æfð |
Vainglory 61 |
orsawan hyra sellan || ða hi |
to |
swice ðohton / ond ðrymcyning |
Vainglory 66 |
afta || wearð him seo feohte |
to |
grim / ðonne bið ðam oðrum |
Widsith 67 |
|| glædlicne maððum / songes |
to |
leane || næs ðæt sæne cyn |
Widsith 72 |
ræge / leohteste hond || lofes |
to |
wyrcenne / heortan unhneaweste |
Widsith 94 |
e / minum hleodryhtne || ða ic |
to |
ham bicwom / leofum to leane || |
Widsith 95 |
| ða ic to ham bicwom / leofum |
to |
leane || ðæs ðe he me lond |
Widsith 134 |
him god syleð || gumena rice / |
to |
gehealdenne || ðenden he her |
The Fortunes of Men 50 |
insadum || bið ær his worda |
to |
hræd / sum sceal on beore || |
The Fortunes of Men 56 |
|| dreamum biscyred / ond hine |
to |
sylfcwale || secgas nemnað / m |
The Fortunes of Men 76 |
| ond he him brad syleð / lond |
to |
leane || he hit on lust ðige |
The Fortunes of Men 92 |
efan || eaðmod weorðeð / ond |
to |
hagostealdes || honda gelære |
Maxims I 35 |
ið se ðe his dryhten nat || |
to |
ðæs oft cymeð deað unðin |
Maxims I 52 |
ome fundian / fealwe on feorran |
to |
londe || hwæðer he fæste s |
Maxims I 90 |
rest gegretan / forman fulle || |
to |
frean hond / ricene geræcan || |
Maxims I 96 |
ceol cumen || ond hyre ceorl |
to |
ham / agen ætgeofa || ond heo |
Maxims I 110 |
he maran ðearf || ærðon he |
to |
meðe weorðe / seoc se bið ð |
Maxims I 111 |
eðe weorðe / seoc se bið ðe |
to |
seldan ieteð || ðeah hine m |
Maxims I 143 |
ond calcrondes / nænig fira || |
to |
fela gestryneð / wel mon sceal |
Maxims I 146 |
ig mon || genimeð him wulfas |
to |
geferan / felafæcne deor || fu |
Maxims I 154 |
træle || sceal bam gelic / mon |
to |
gemæccan || maððum oðres |
The Order of the World 30 |
rgan || ðonne him frea sylle / |
to |
ongietanne || godes agen bibo |
The Order of the World 32 |
oncian || ðeodne mærum / awa |
to |
ealdre || ðæs ðe us se eca |
The Order of the World 47 |
urh ða miclan gecynd / swa hi |
to |
worulde || wlite forð berað |
The Order of the World 97 |
dream / ece unhwylen || eadgum |
to |
frofre / forðon scyle mon gehy |
The Order of the World 100 |
ne lifes wynne || fundige him |
to |
lissa blisse / forlæte heteni |
The Order of the World 102 |
/ mid synna fyrnum || fere him |
to |
ðam sellan rice |
The Riming Poem 57 |
s oft geceosað / treowðrag is |
to |
trag || seo untrume genag / ste |
The Riming Poem 81 |
im ða bitran synne || hogað |
to |
ðære betran wynne / gemon mor |
The Panther 66 |
| geond woruld ealle / siððan |
to |
ðam swicce || soðfæste men |
The Panther 71 |
ngeard / god ungnyðe || ðe us |
to |
giefe dæleð / ond to feorhner |
The Panther 72 |
| ðe us to giefe dæleð / ond |
to |
feorhnere || fæder ælmihtig |
The Whale 14 |
e gehydað || heahstefn scipu / |
to |
ðam unlonde || oncyrrapum / se |
The Whale 36 |
ðæt hy wraðe secen / frofre |
to |
feondum || oððæt hy fæste |
The Whale 85 |
/ geseon moton || uton a sibbe |
to |
him / on ðas hwilnan tid || h |
The Whale 88 |
d swa leofne || in lofe motan / |
to |
widan feore || wuldres neotan |
The Partridge 5 |
lce tiid || swa ge mid treowe |
to |
me / on hyge hweorfað || ond g |
The Partridge 7 |
tra geswicað || swa ic symle |
to |
eow / mid siblufan || sona gecy |
The Partridge 14 |
an || friðes earnian / duguðe |
to |
dryhtne || ðenden us dæg sc |
Soul and Body II 16 |
de / spriceð grimlice || gæst |
to |
ðam duste / hwæt drug ðu dre |
Soul and Body II 17 |
ste / hwæt drug ðu dreorga || |
to |
hwon dreahtest ðu me / eorðan |
Soul and Body II 20 |
gelicnes || lyt ðu geðohtes / |
to |
won ðinre sawle sið || sið |
Soul and Body II 34 |
re ðritig || ðusend wintra / |
to |
ðinum deaðdæge || hwæt ic |
Soul and Body II 35 |
earfoðlice || nis nu se ende |
to |
god / wære ðu ðe wiste wlonc |
Soul and Body II 50 |
fre || nængum lifgendra / menn |
to |
gemæccan || ne medder ne fæ |
Soul and Body II 59 |
id wordum || swa ðu worhtest |
to |
me / eart ðu dumb ond deaf || |
Soul and Body II 90 |
secgan / ðonne ne bið nænig |
to |
ðæs lytel lið || on lime g |
Soul and Body II 109 |
ogen || on tyn healfe / hungrum |
to |
hroðor || forðon heo ne mæ |
Soul and Body II 112 |
dle scearpran || se geneðeð |
to |
/ ærest ealra || on ðam eorð |
Soul and Body II 115 |
nd ða toðas ðurhsmyhð / ond |
to |
ætwelan || oðrum gerymeð / o |
Soul and Body II 117 |
| ufon on ðæt heafod / wyrmum |
to |
wiste || ðonne bið ðæt we |
Soul and Body II 121 |
|| ðæt mæg æghwylcum / men |
to |
gemyndum || modsnotterra |
Guthlac A 10 |
ht ontyned || eart nu tidfara / |
to |
ðam halgan ham || ðær næf |
Guthlac A 13 |
| ond sawla ræst / ond ðær a |
to |
feore || gefeon motun / dryman |
Guthlac A 47 |
e || forðon se mon ne ðearf / |
to |
ðisse worulde || wyrpe gehyc |
Guthlac A 66 |
ð || haligra mod / ða ðe him |
to |
heofonum || hyge staðeliað / |
Guthlac A 84 |
ldes bidað || oft him brogan |
to |
/ laðne gelædeð || se ðe hi |
Guthlac A 98 |
in heofonum || him wæs hyht |
to |
ðam / siððan hine inlyhte || |
Guthlac A 125 |
ðe his giefe willað / ðicgan |
to |
ðonce || ond him ðas woruld |
Guthlac A 131 |
|| monnes feore / ðæs ðe him |
to |
honda || huðe gelædeð / buta |
Guthlac A 179 |
/ wæpnum || wong bletsade / him |
to |
ætstælle || ærest arærde / |
Guthlac A 188 |
hy æfeste || anforlætan / ac |
to |
guðlaces || gæste gelæddun |
Guthlac A 218 |
/ bad bisæce || betran hyrdes / |
to |
ðon ealdfeondas || ondan nom |
Guthlac A 225 |
yhten || ðurh deaðes cwealm / |
to |
hyra earfeða || ende geryme / |
Guthlac A 253 |
æs lyt tweoð / ðæt me engel |
to |
|| ealle gelædeð / spowende s |
Guthlac A 333 |
|| sawla gehwylcre / ðonne he |
to |
eorðan || on ðam anade / hleo |
Guthlac A 353 |
yn sweðrade / woldun ðæt him |
to |
mode || fore monlufan / sorg ge |
Guthlac A 355 |
hte || ðæt he sið tuge / eft |
to |
eðle || ne wæs ðæt ongin |
Guthlac A 367 |
e || hu sceal min cuman / gæst |
to |
geoce || nemne ic gode sylle / |
Guthlac A 370 |
| ende geweorðe / ðæt ge mec |
to |
wundre || wægan motun / ne mæ |
Guthlac A 381 |
d || bu-tu geweorðen / eorðan |
to |
eacan || min se eca dæl / in g |
Guthlac A 406 |
mra gæsta / wæron hy reowe || |
to |
ræsanne / gifrum grapum || no |
Guthlac A 426 |
wiht gescod / ðæs ðe hy him |
to |
teonan || ðurhtogen hæfdon / |
Guthlac A 427 |
/ læddun hine ða of lyfte || |
to |
ðam leofestan / earde on eorð |
Guthlac A 432 |
e || ond swa ðearfendlic / him |
to |
earfeðum || ana cwome / gif hy |
Guthlac A 445 |
him se dryhtnes || dom wisade / |
to |
ðam nyhstan || nydgedale / hw |
Guthlac A 476 |
a || elne gebylded / sægde him |
to |
sorge || ðæt hy sigelease / |
Guthlac A 531 |
um / mægne gemeted || micel is |
to |
secgan / eall æfter orde || ð |
Guthlac A 539 |
s willan || is ðæs gen fela / |
to |
secgenne || ðæs ðe he sylf |
Guthlac A 549 |
re || fyl gehehton / no hy hine |
to |
deaðe || deman moston / synna |
Guthlac A 572 |
n sceolde / hweorfan gehyned || |
to |
helwarum / ond ðær in bendum |
Guthlac A 578 |
don cearfulle || criste laðe / |
to |
guðlace || mid grimnysse / ne |
Guthlac A 585 |
n swegle || forðon ðu synna |
to |
fela / facna gefremedes || in f |
Guthlac A 621 |
in life || swa is lar ond ar / |
to |
spowendre || spræce gelæded |
Guthlac A 636 |
ogan || deað ond ðystro / wop |
to |
widan ealdre || næfre ge ð |
Guthlac A 654 |
rhlocan / breostum inbryrded || |
to |
ðam betran ham / leomum inlyht |
Guthlac A 655 |
betran ham / leomum inlyhted || |
to |
ðam leofestan / ecan earde || |
Guthlac A 662 |
tag / ðurh idel gylp || ealles |
to |
swiðe / wendun ge ond woldun | |
Guthlac A 700 |
laðes wiht / ðæs ðe ge him |
to |
dare || gedon motan / ac ge hin |
Guthlac A 728 |
an domeadig || dryhtnes cempa / |
to |
ðam onwillan || eorðan dæl |
Guthlac A 733 |
fte || sigehreðig cwom / bytla |
to |
ðam beorge || hine bletsadon |
Guthlac A 741 |
|| dryhtne ðeowde / genom him |
to |
wildeorum wynne || siððan h |
Guthlac A 757 |
c god wyrceð || gæsta lifes / |
to |
trumnaðe || ðy læs ða tyd |
Guthlac A 766 |
ld || genge weorðe / ða he us |
to |
are || ond to ondgiete / syleð |
Guthlac A 766 |
orðe / ða he us to are || ond |
to |
ondgiete / syleð ond sendeð | |
Guthlac A 786 |
gle || ðær he symle mot / awo |
to |
ealdre || eardfæst wesan / bli |
Guthlac A 801 |
geðoht / fusne on forðweg || |
to |
fæder eðle / gearwað gæstes |
Guthlac A 813 |
lgan burg / gongað gegnunga || |
to |
hierusalem / ðær hi to woruld |
Guthlac A 814 |
nga || to hierusalem / ðær hi |
to |
worulde || wynnum motun / godes |
Guthlac B 836 |
e gebidan / ac æfter fyrste || |
to |
ðam færestan / heofonrices ge |
Guthlac B 840 |
r siððan a || in sindreamum / |
to |
widan feore || wunian mostun / |
Guthlac B 844 |
læstan / æfnan on eðle || hy |
to |
ær aðreat / ðæt hy waldende |
Guthlac B 851 |
de gyfl / ðæt ða sinhiwan || |
to |
swylte geteah / siððan se eð |
Guthlac B 894 |
efe || dugeðum gefremede / oft |
to |
ðam wicum || weorude cwomun / |
Guthlac B 916 |
| feorhcwealm bude / hwilum him |
to |
honda || hungre geðreatad / fl |
Guthlac B 1002 |
deophydig / gleawmod gongan || |
to |
godes temple / ðær he eðelbo |
Guthlac B 1005 |
nne / ond ða in eode || eadgum |
to |
spræce / wolde hyrcnigan || ha |
Guthlac B 1066 |
innan æle || nis me earfeðe / |
to |
geðolianne || ðeodnes willa |
Guthlac B 1077 |
ofe bearn / ne beo ðu on sefan |
to |
seoc || ic eom siðes fus / upe |
Guthlac B 1089 |
hðu || ðær min hyht myneð / |
to |
gesecenne || sawul fundað / of |
Guthlac B 1090 |
| sawul fundað / of licfate || |
to |
ðam longan gefean / in eadwela |
Guthlac B 1104 |
ymma ðrym || ðreata mæstne / |
to |
heofonum ahof || ða he from |
Guthlac B 1112 |
ægde / deophycgende || dryhtne |
to |
willan / gæstgerynum || in god |
Guthlac B 1117 |
ond his sefan trymman / wundrum |
to |
wuldre || in ða wlitigan ges |
Guthlac B 1118 |
e || in ða wlitigan gesceaft / |
to |
eadwelan || swa he ær ne si |
Guthlac B 1119 |
n || swa he ær ne sið / æfre |
to |
ealdre || oðre swylce / on ða |
Guthlac B 1147 |
nbehtðegn || æðeles neosan / |
to |
ðam halgan hofe || fond ða |
Guthlac B 1181 |
re leofestan || on longne weg / |
to |
ðam fægran gefean || forðs |
Guthlac B 1202 |
edogor || ongon ða ofostlice / |
to |
his winedryhtne || wordum mæ |
Guthlac B 1249 |
life her || ðe me alyfed nis / |
to |
gecyðenne || cwicra ængum / o |
Guthlac B 1264 |
n wille || nu of hreðerlocan / |
to |
ðam soðan gefean || sawel f |
Guthlac B 1269 |
e eom / weorce gewergad || ða |
to |
ðam wage gesag / heafelan onhy |
Guthlac B 1294 |
adig elnes gemyndig || spræc |
to |
his onbehtðegne / torht to his |
Guthlac B 1295 |
æc to his onbehtðegne / torht |
to |
his treowum gesiðe || tid is |
Guthlac B 1298 |
|| swa ic ðe ær bibead / lac |
to |
leofre || nu of lice is / goddr |
Guthlac B 1302 |
heafdes gimmas || biseah ða |
to |
heofona rice / glædmod to geof |
Guthlac B 1303 |
ða to heofona rice / glædmod |
to |
geofona leanum || ond ða his |
Guthlac B 1307 |
ig on upweg || englas feredun / |
to |
ðam longan gefean || lic col |
Guthlac B 1333 |
lagumearg snyrede / gehlæsted |
to |
hyðe || ðæt se hærnflota / |
Guthlac B 1343 |
lde / lace gelædan || laðspel |
to |
soð / cwom ða freorigferð || |
Guthlac B 1362 |
h cildes had / gumena cynnes || |
to |
godes dome / werigra wraðu || |
Deor 3 |
|| earfoða dreag / hæfde him |
to |
gesiððe || sorge ond longa |
Wulf and Eadwacer 12 |
|| bogum bilegde / wæs me wyn |
to |
ðon || wæs me hwæðre eac |
Wulf and Eadwacer 17 |
cerne earne hwelp / bireð wulf |
to |
wuda || / ðæt mon eaðe tosl |
Riddles 12 11 |
tre || wyrmeð hwilum / fægre |
to |
fyre || me on fæðme sticað |
Riddles 14 4 |
wilum weras cyssað / hwilum ic |
to |
hilde || hleoðre bonne / wilge |
Riddles 14 17 |
rdum || rincas laðige / wlonce |
to |
wine || hwilum wraðum sceal / |
Riddles 15 11 |
ðcnosle || hwonne gæst cume / |
to |
durum minum || him bið deað |
Riddles 2 6 |
galum || wisað hwilum / sylfum |
to |
sace || ðonne ic sinc wege / |
Riddles 20 6 |
galum || wisað hwilum / sylfum |
to |
sace. || þonne ic sinc wege / |
Riddles 22 2 |
tsomne cwom || siextig monna / |
to |
wægstæðe || wicgum ridan / h |
Riddles 22 6 |
a hi fundedon || ac wæs flod |
to |
deop / atol yða geðræc || of |
Riddles 22 12 |
le / ofer wætres byht || wægn |
to |
lande / swa hine oxa ne teah || |
Riddles 26 27 |
| frige hwæt ic hatte / niðum |
to |
nytte || nama min is mære / h |
Riddles 27 8 |
swingere || sona weorpe / esne |
to |
eorðan || hwilum ealdne ceor |
Riddles 28 7 |
wed geatwed || feorran læded / |
to |
durum dryhta || dream bið in |
Riddles 28 12 |
ð / meldan mislice || micel is |
to |
hycganne / wisfæstum menn || h |
Riddles 29 4 |
lic || listum gegierwed / huðe |
to |
ðam ham || of ðam heresiðe |
Riddles 29 9 |
/ ahredde ða ða huðe || ond |
to |
ham bedraf / wreccan ofer willa |
Riddles 29 12 |
an || forð onette / dust stonc |
to |
heofonum || deaw feol on eor |
Riddles 3 18 |
regan / streamas styrgan || ond |
to |
staðe ðywan / flintgrægne fl |
Riddles 30a 7 |
onhæbbe, || ond hi onhnigaþ |
to |
me / monige mid miltse, || þæ |
Riddles 31 23 |
e / mæg mid mægne || micel is |
to |
hycgenne / wisum woðboran || h |
Riddles 33 2 |
cymlic from ceole || cleopode |
to |
londe / hlinsade hlude || hleah |
Riddles 33 5 |
pe / wæs hio hetegrim || hilde |
to |
sæne / biter beadoweorca || bo |
Riddles 34 4 |
ngeð / hiðeð holdlice || ond |
to |
ham tyhð / wæðeð geond weal |
Riddles 36 13 |
ite || ðu wast gif ðu const / |
to |
gesecganne || ðæt we soð w |
Riddles 39 19 |
ðisne middangeard || mongum |
to |
frofre / næfre hio heofonum hr |
Riddles 39 20 |
æfre hio heofonum hran || ne |
to |
helle mot / ac hio sceal widefe |
Riddles 39 22 |
inges / larum lifgan || long is |
to |
secganne / hu hyre ealdorgescea |
Riddles 39 25 |
pu || ðæt is wrætlic ðing / |
to |
gesecganne || soð is æghwyl |
Riddles 4 16 |
yrft || utan ymbclyppe / ic eom |
to |
ðon bleað || ðæt mec beal |
Riddles 4 45 |
n wæs || geong acenned / mære |
to |
monnum || ðurh minre modor h |
Riddles 4 55 |
hrim heorugrimma || ðonne he |
to |
hrusan cymeð / ic eom ulcanus |
Riddles 4 65 |
ðeah ic ætes ne sy || æfre |
to |
feore / ic mæg fromlicor || fl |
Riddles 40 17 |
rft || utan ymbclyppe. / Ic eom |
to |
þon bleað, || þæt mec bea |
Riddles 40 46 |
n wæs || geong acenned / mære |
to |
monnum || þurh minre modor h |
Riddles 40 56 |
rim heorugrimma, || þonne he |
to |
hrusan cymeð; / ic / eom U |
Riddles 40 67 |
þeah ic ætes ne sy || æfre |
to |
feore. / Ic mæg fromlicor || f |
Riddles 41 5 |
ta bearn / ofer foldan sceat || |
to |
gefean agen / ne magon we her i |
Riddles 41 8 |
ðæs ða bearn doð / ðæt is |
to |
geðencanne || ðeoda gehwylc |
Riddles 48 8 |
| gleawe beðencan / hyra hælo |
to |
gode || swa se hring gecwæð |
Riddles 49 9 |
en / nemnan ne wille || ðe him |
to |
nytte swa / ond to dugðum doð |
Riddles 49 10 |
e || ðe him to nytte swa / ond |
to |
dugðum doð || ðæt se dumb |
Riddles 5 2 |
an || wundrum acenned / dryhtum |
to |
nytte || of dumbum twam / torht |
Riddles 50 2 |
an || wundrum acenned / dryhtum |
to |
nytte, || of dumbum twam / torh |
Riddles 54 2 |
n in wincsele || stop feorran |
to |
/ hror hægstealdmon || hof his |
Riddles 55 5 |
æl / ond rode tacn || ðæs us |
to |
roderum up / hlædre rærde || |
Riddles 59 17 |
ican || wunda cwæden / hringes |
to |
hæleðum || ða he in healle |
Riddles 6 2 |
soð || sigora waldend / crist |
to |
compe || oft ic cwice bærne / |
The Wife's Lament 51 |
ne / micle modceare || he gemon |
to |
oft / wynlicran wic || wa bið |
The Judgment Day I 9 |
ge || nis ðæt lytulu spræc / |
to |
geheganne || hat bið onæled |
The Judgment Day I 29 |
nsægd weorðeð / ond ðonne a |
to |
ealdre || orleg dreogeð / hwa |
The Judgment Day I 48 |
s / hergan on heahðu || hyhtum |
to |
wuldre / lifgen on geleafan || |
The Judgment Day I 88 |
ore his synnum || ne sceal se |
to |
sæne beon / ne ðissa larna to |
The Judgment Day I 89 |
to sæne beon / ne ðissa larna |
to |
læt || se ðe him wile lifga |
The Judgment Day I 93 |
ætweð / timbreð torhtlice || |
to |
sculon clæne / womma lease || |
The Judgment Day I 101 |
ebonnen / adames bearn || ealle |
to |
spræce / beoð ðonne gegædra |
The Judgment Day I 103 |
|| gæst ond bansele / gesomnad |
to |
ðam siðe || soð ðæt wile |
The Judgment Day I 113 |
/ for ðam ærende || ðæt he |
to |
us eallum wat / oncweð nu ðis |
Resignation 12 |
ær selast sy || sawle minre / |
to |
gemearcenne || meotudes willa |
Resignation 19 |
onne min ræd wære / forgif me |
to |
lisse || lifgende god / bitre b |
Resignation 21 |
gemon / cyninga wuldor || cume |
to |
gif ic mot / forgif ðu me min |
Resignation 25 |
fæst cyning || sendan wylle / |
to |
cunnunge || nu ðu const on m |
Resignation 41 |
in gearone ræd / nu ic fundige |
to |
ðe || fæder moncynnes / of ð |
Resignation 46 |
s gæstes || ðonne is gromra |
to |
fela / æfestum eaden || hæbbe |
Resignation 71 |
ond hlyhhan || ond me hyhtan |
to |
/ frætwian mec on ferðweg || |
Resignation 73 |
ferðweg || ond fundian / sylf |
to |
ðam siðe || ðe ic asettan |
Resignation 103 |
s freondes || ðe me gefylste / |
to |
ðam siðfate || nu ic me syl |
Resignation 114 |
|| foldan /unian / ðonne ic me |
to |
fremðum || freode hæfde / cy |
Resignation 116 |
me wæs a cearu symle / lufena |
to |
leane || swa ic alifde nu / gie |
The Descent into Hell 2 |
|| æðelcunde mægð / gierwan |
to |
geonge || wiston gumena gemot |
The Descent into Hell 25 |
rum || hlyhhende spræc / modig |
to |
ðære mengo || ymb his mæge |
The Descent into Hell 31 |
ic ful swiðe || ond witod / // |
to |
dæge || dryhten wille / // ges |
The Descent into Hell 33 |
igebearn godes / fysde hine ða |
to |
fore || frea moncynnes / wolde |
The Descent into Hell 37 |
ust ealra cyninga / ne rohte he |
to |
ðære hilde || helmberendra / |
The Descent into Hell 38 |
mberendra / ne he byrnwigend || |
to |
ðam burggeatum / lædan ne wol |
The Descent into Hell 51 |
/ mid ðy cyneðrymme || cuman |
to |
helle / ongeat ða geomormod || |
The Descent into Hell 57 |
odig fore ðære mengo || ond |
to |
his mæge spræc / ond ða wilc |
The Descent into Hell 69 |
|| bicgan wille / swa we ealle |
to |
ðe || an gelyfað / dryhten mi |
The Descent into Hell 71 |
adreag fela / siððan ðu end |
to |
me || in siðadest / ða ðu me |
The Descent into Hell 79 |
ðdest || ða ðu ðone cnyht |
to |
us / brohtest in bethlem || bid |
The Descent into Hell 85 |
cendest || ða ðu ðæt cild |
to |
us / brohtest in bethlem || we |
The Descent into Hell 97 |
on / berað in urum breostum || |
to |
bonan honda / sculon eac to uss |
The Descent into Hell 98 |
|| to bonan honda / sculon eac |
to |
ussum feondum || freoðo wiln |
The Lord's Prayer I 6 |
ðon on rumre foldan / syle us |
to |
dæge || domfæstne blæd / hla |
The Lord's Prayer I 9 |
læt usic costunga || cnyssan |
to |
swiðe / ac ðu us freodom gief |
The Lord's Prayer I 11 |
waldend / from yfla gehwam || a |
to |
widan feore |
Azarias 6 |
ðu eart meahtum swið / niðas |
to |
nerganne || is ðin noma mær |
Azarias 30 |
enra / ðreanyd || / || hæfdes / |
to |
abrahame || ond to isace / ond |
Azarias 30 |
|| hæfdes / to abrahame || ond |
to |
isace / ond iacobe || gæsta sc |
Azarias 37 |
rðan || ðæt swa unrime / had |
to |
hebban || swa heofonsteorran / |
Azarias 54 |
his wuldorhoman / cwom him ða |
to |
are || ond to ealdornere / ður |
Azarias 54 |
an / cwom him ða to are || ond |
to |
ealdornere / ðurh lufan ond ð |
Azarias 66 |
e || for frean meahtum / halgum |
to |
helpe || wearð se hata lig / t |
Azarias 81 |
/ ðurh lyft lætest || leodum |
to |
freme / mildne morgenren || mon |
Azarias 116 |
|| ær gesette / sinum bearnum |
to |
brice || bremen dryhten / ond |
Azarias 136 |
tor lætest / wæter wynlico || |
to |
woruldhyhte / of clife clænum |
Azarias 138 |
t us se cyning gescop / monnum |
to |
miltse || ond to mægeneacan / |
Azarias 138 |
escop / monnum to miltse || ond |
to |
mægeneacan / bletsien ðec || |
Azarias 159 |
sende || sigora waldend / engel |
to |
are || se ðe us bearg / fyr on |
Azarias 166 |
ac hy crist scilde / hwearf ða |
to |
healle || swa he hraðost mea |
Azarias 173 |
as || for gæstlufan / gebunden |
to |
bæle || in byrnendes / fyres l |
Azarias 175 |
|| nu ic ðær feower men / seo |
to |
soðe || nales me sylfa gerad |
Azarias 180 |
alg / brego caldea || gewat ða |
to |
ðam bryne gongan / anhydig eor |
Homiletic Fragment II 1 |
I / / gefeoh nu on ferðe || ond |
to |
frofre geðeoh / dryhtne ðinum |
Riddles 30b and 60 7 |
mec onhæbbe || hi onhnigað |
to |
me / modge miltsum || swa ic mo |
The Ruin 29 |
eall || betend crungon / hergas |
to |
hrusan || forðon ðas hofu d |
The Ruin 32 |
| hryre wong gecrong / gebrocen |
to |
beorgum || ðær iu beorn mon |
Riddles 63 13 |
/ /r/ /te getacnad || hwæt me |
to |
/ /leas rinc || ða unc geryde |
Riddles 69 1 |
arð on wege || wæter wearð |
to |
bane |
Riddles 70 6 |
h ond hleortorht || hæleþum |
to |
nytte. |
Riddles 73 15 |
eode || utan we/ / || /ipe / ond |
to |
wrohtstæp/ || / /eorp || eaxl |
Riddles 78 4 |
| cynn/ minum / ond || / /yde me |
to |
mos/ || / || swa ic him / || n |
Riddles 83 6 |
|| se me ærest wearð / gumena |
to |
gyrne || ic ful gearwe gemon / |
Riddles 88 26 |
e / wit wæron gesome || sæcce |
to |
fremmanne / næfre uncer awðer |
The Phoenix 40 |
|| ne him lig sceðeð / æfre |
to |
ealdre || ærðon edwenden / wo |
The Phoenix 60 |
ne hægl ne hrim || hreosað |
to |
foldan / ne windig wolcen || ne |
The Phoenix 83 |
ðæt onwended ne bið / æfre |
to |
ealdre || ærðon endige / frod |
The Phoenix 139 |
a || ðe dryhten gescop / gumum |
to |
gliwe || in ðas geomran woru |
The Phoenix 191 |
ðurh gewittes wylm || wendan |
to |
life / feorg geong onfon || ðo |
The Phoenix 195 |
yrta wynsume || ond wudubleda / |
to |
ðam eardstede || æðelstenc |
The Phoenix 198 |
gehwæs || ofer foldan gescop / |
to |
indryhtum || ælda cynne / swet |
The Phoenix 226 |
e || lucan togædre / geclungne |
to |
cleowenne || ðonne clæne bi |
The Phoenix 243 |
ndrad || sumes onlice / swa mon |
to |
ondleofne || eorðan wæstmas |
The Phoenix 275 |
fysed bið / agenne eard || eft |
to |
secan / ðonne fotum ymbfehð | |
The Phoenix 285 |
ede || bæle forðylmde / ascan |
to |
eacan || ðonne eal geador / be |
The Phoenix 346 |
| lædað mid wynnum / æðelne |
to |
earde || oððæt se anhoga / o |
The Phoenix 354 |
guðfrecan || geomormode / eft |
to |
earde || ðonne se æðeling |
The Phoenix 367 |
/ aweaht wrætlice || wundrum |
to |
life / forðon he drusende || d |
The Phoenix 386 |
a / wunian in wuldre || weorca |
to |
leane / ðisses fugles gecynd | |
The Phoenix 460 |
| ond his cneo bigeð / æðele |
to |
eorðan || flyhð yfla gehwyl |
The Phoenix 468 |
under swegle || side ond wide / |
to |
his wicstowe || ðær he wund |
The Phoenix 475 |
ad / in wuldres byrig || weorca |
to |
leane / ðæs ðe hi geheoldan |
The Phoenix 521 |
|| ðonne bryne stigeð / heah |
to |
heofonum || hat bið monegum / |
The Phoenix 542 |
tefn æfter stefne || stigað |
to |
wuldre / wlitige gewyrtad || mi |
The Phoenix 562 |
ic ðæs lifes ne mæg / æfre |
to |
ealdre || ende gebidan / leohte |
The Phoenix 565 |
ne || molsnad weorðan / wyrmum |
to |
willan || swa ðeah weoruda g |
The Phoenix 578 |
ð siððan / fugel on fotum || |
to |
frean geardum / sunnan togeanes |
The Phoenix 594 |
n ham || gæstas gecorene / ece |
to |
ealdre || ðær him yfle ne m |
The Phoenix 611 |
ið him on ðam wicum || wiht |
to |
sorge / wroht ne weðel || ne g |
The Phoenix 656 |
/ hleoðor haligra || ðe him |
to |
heofonum bið / to ðam mildan |
The Phoenix 657 |
a || ðe him to heofonum bið / |
to |
ðam mildan gode || mod afyse |
The Phoenix 658 |
ama dream || ðær hi dryhtne |
to |
giefe / worda ond weorca || wyn |
Juliana 41 |
cast || fæmnan gegyrede / bryd |
to |
bolde || heo ðæs beornes lu |
Juliana 51 |
wylce ic ðe secge || gif ðu |
to |
sæmran gode / ðurh deofolgiel |
Juliana 54 |
ban mec / ne geðreatian || ðe |
to |
gesingan / næfre ðu ðæs swi |
Juliana 62 |
lind || haligre fæder / recene |
to |
rune || reord up astag / siðð |
Juliana 86 |
ld giefe / ðeoden mæra || ðe |
to |
gewealde / dem ðu hi to deaðe |
Juliana 87 |
|| ðe to gewealde / dem ðu hi |
to |
deaðe || gif ðe gedafen ði |
Juliana 88 |
|| gif ðe gedafen ðince / swa |
to |
life læt || swa ðe leofre s |
Juliana 89 |
/ eode ða fromlice || fæmnan |
to |
spræce / anræd ond yreðweorg |
Juliana 99 |
isan gefongen / wiðsæcest ðu |
to |
swiðe || sylfre rædes / ðinu |
Juliana 102 |
edigra / feohgestreona || he is |
to |
freonde god / forðon is ðæs |
Juliana 106 |
ageaf ondsware / iuliana || hio |
to |
gode hæfde / freondrædenne || |
Juliana 114 |
ne mæg he elles mec / bringan |
to |
bolde || he ða brydlufan / sce |
Juliana 115 |
lde || he ða brydlufan / sceal |
to |
oðerre || æhtgestealdum / ide |
Juliana 123 |
ran sind / ðe ðissum folce || |
to |
freme stondað / ðæt ðu unge |
Juliana 132 |
d gode leof || iuliana / ic ðe |
to |
soðe || secgan wille / bi me l |
Juliana 137 |
ðu hæstlice / manfremmende || |
to |
me beotast / ne ðu næfre gede |
Juliana 155 |
d mægenðrymmes / ond him anum |
to |
|| eal biðence / ðæt he mund |
Juliana 162 |
an het || æfter leohtes cyme / |
to |
his domsetle || duguð wafade |
Juliana 170 |
ssum || gen gecwemest / ond ðe |
to |
swa mildum || mundbyrd secest |
Juliana 171 |
ldum || mundbyrd secest / hyldo |
to |
halgum || beoð ðe ahylded f |
Juliana 194 |
cra || worda gespræce / onsoce |
to |
swiðe || ðæt ðu soð godu |
Juliana 212 |
inra wita bealo / hæbbe ic me |
to |
hyhte || heofonrices weard / mi |
Juliana 215 |
ce / of gromra gripe || ðe ðu |
to |
godum tiohhast / ða sind geasn |
Juliana 219 |
soðe sibbe || ðeah ðe sece |
to |
him / freondrædenne || he ne f |
Juliana 221 |
ær / duguðe mid deoflum || ic |
to |
dryhtne min / mod staðelige || |
Juliana 233 |
niðla || ond gelædan bibead / |
to |
carcerne || hyre wæs cristes |
Juliana 246 |
stgeniðla / helle hæftling || |
to |
ðære halgan spræc / hwæt dr |
Juliana 262 |
ðende / ðegn geðungen || ond |
to |
ðe sended / halig of heahðu | |
Juliana 265 |
um wælgrim || witu geteohhad / |
to |
gringwræce || het ðe god be |
Juliana 271 |
aðelian / geong grondorleas || |
to |
gode cleopian / nu ic ðec beor |
Juliana 289 |
om / // ealra cyninga cyning || |
to |
cwale syllan / ða gen ic gecr |
Juliana 291 |
gon / waldend wundian || weorud |
to |
segon / ðæt ðær blod ond w |
Juliana 318 |
fæt secgan || hwa ðec sende |
to |
me / hyre se aglæca || ageaf o |
Juliana 321 |
ec min fæder || on ðas fore |
to |
ðe / hellwarena cyning || hide |
Juliana 361 |
/ wiðsoce sigora frean || ond |
to |
sæmran gebuge / onsægde synna |
Juliana 365 |
ine finde || ferð staðelian / |
to |
godes willan || ic beo gearo |
Juliana 376 |
n gebedstowe || swa ic brogan |
to |
/ laðne gelæde || ðam ðe ic |
Juliana 408 |
um || selle ðynceð / leahtras |
to |
fremman || ofer lof godes / lic |
Juliana 412 |
cristes æ / mod gemyrred || me |
to |
gewealde / in synna seað || ic |
Juliana 416 |
/ weorðan in worulde || wyrme |
to |
hroðor / bifolen in foldan || |
Juliana 444 |
iðe || ic ðæt sylf gecneow / |
to |
late micles || sceal nu lange |
Juliana 455 |
wlitescyne || wuldres condel / |
to |
ðam wærlogan || wordum mæl |
Juliana 458 |
ær ðu heonan mote / hwæt ðu |
to |
teonan || ðurhtogen hæbbe / m |
Juliana 484 |
letan || sume ic larum geteah / |
to |
geflite fremede || ðæt hy f |
Juliana 497 |
ðe ic ær ond sið / gefremede |
to |
facne || siððan furðum wæ |
Juliana 504 |
æt him bæm gewearð / yrmðu |
to |
ealdre || ond hyra eaferum sw |
Juliana 517 |
e unmæte || hwæðre ic gong |
to |
ðam / agan moste || næs ænig |
Juliana 533 |
dan / on hyge halge || hæðnum |
to |
spræce / to his domsetle || he |
Juliana 534 |
halge || hæðnum to spræce / |
to |
his domsetle || heo ðæt deo |
Juliana 547 |
ðreades / ðurh sarslege || ic |
to |
soðe wat / ðæt ic ær ne si |
Juliana 557 |
gearwor / manes melda || magum |
to |
secgan / susles ðegnum || hu h |
Juliana 569 |
t ðam weligan wæs || weorc |
to |
ðolianne / ðær he hit for wo |
Juliana 573 |
cwale findan || næs se feond |
to |
læt / se hine gelærde || ðæ |
Juliana 613 |
ra ful / clæne ond gecorene || |
to |
cwale lædan / synna lease || |
Juliana 621 |
wiðast / geminsade || ðæt ic |
to |
meldan wearð / lætað hy lað |
Juliana 636 |
læded || londmearce neah / ond |
to |
ðære stowe || ðær hi stea |
Juliana 638 |
n / ongon heo ða læran || ond |
to |
lofe trymman / folc of firenum |
Juliana 640 |
m || ond him frofre gehet / weg |
to |
wuldre || ond ðæt word acw |
Juliana 646 |
n || ðær is help gelong / ece |
to |
ealdre || ðam ðe agan sceal |
Juliana 653 |
ufan sibbe / leohte geleafan || |
to |
ðam lifgendan / stane stiðhyd |
Juliana 665 |
erfeohtend / weges forwyrnen || |
to |
wuldres byrig / biddað bearn g |
Juliana 670 |
awl wearð / alæded of lice || |
to |
ðam langan gefean / ðurh sweo |
Juliana 672 |
eordslege || ða se synscaða / |
to |
scipe sceohmod || sceaðena |
Juliana 677 |
nd hine sylfne mid / ærðon hy |
to |
lande || geliden hæfdon / ður |
Juliana 685 |
olu || in ðam neolan scræfe / |
to |
ðam frumgare || feohgesteald |
Juliana 690 |
| lic haligre / micle mægne || |
to |
moldgræfe / ðæt hy hit gebro |
Juliana 708 |
r dædum || deman wille / lifes |
to |
leane || lagu feoh beofað / se |
Juliana 712 |
/ tearum mænan || wæs an tid |
to |
læt / ðæt ic yfeldæda || æ |
The Wanderer 11 |
durre / sweotule asecgan || ic |
to |
soðe wat / ðæt bið in eorle |
The Wanderer 30 |
nnað / hu sliðen bið || sorg |
to |
geferan / ðam ðe him lyt hafa |
The Wanderer 36 |
oguðe || his goldwine / wenede |
to |
wiste || wyn eal gedreas / for |
The Wanderer 66 |
a sceal geðyldig / ne sceal no |
to |
hatheort || ne to hrædwyrde / |
The Wanderer 66 |
ne sceal no to hatheort || ne |
to |
hrædwyrde / ne to wac wiga || |
The Wanderer 67 |
theort || ne to hrædwyrde / ne |
to |
wac wiga || ne to wanhydig / ne |
The Wanderer 67 |
ædwyrde / ne to wac wiga || ne |
to |
wanhydig / ne to forht ne to f |
The Wanderer 68 |
wac wiga || ne to wanhydig / ne |
to |
forht ne to fægen || ne to f |
The Wanderer 68 |
e to forht ne to fægen || ne |
to |
feohgifre / ne næfre gielpes t |
The Wanderer 69 |
o feohgifre / ne næfre gielpes |
to |
georn || ær he geare cunne / b |
The Wanderer 112 |
|| ne sceal næfre his torn |
to |
rycene / beorn of his breostum |
The Wanderer 115 |
am ðe him are seceð / frofre |
to |
fæder on heofonum || ðær u |
The Gifts of Men 60 |
e him gumena weard / hateð him |
to |
mærðum || maððum renian / s |
The Gifts of Men 61 |
um mæg wæpenðræce || wige |
to |
nytte / modcræftig smið || mo |
The Gifts of Men 63 |
remman / ðonne he gewyrceð || |
to |
wera hilde / helm oððe hupsea |
The Gifts of Men 76 |
god || sum bið bylda til / ham |
to |
hebbanne || sum bið heretoga |
The Gifts of Men 81 |
/ hafeces cræftig || sum bið |
to |
horse hwæt / sum bið swiðsne |
The Gifts of Men 96 |
ufæst || sum bið listhendig / |
to |
awritanne || wordgeryno / nis n |
Precepts 14 |
in mode / ða ðec geornast || |
to |
gode trymmen / fæder eft his s |
Precepts 25 |
ahta || ac ðu ðe anne genim / |
to |
gesprecan symle || spella ond |
Precepts 63 |
|| weoruda scyppend / hafa ðe |
to |
hyhte || haligra gemynd / ond a |
Precepts 64 |
|| haligra gemynd / ond a soð |
to |
syge || ðonne ðu secge hwæ |
Precepts 90 |
| eades hleotan / ne beo ðu no |
to |
tælende || ne to tweospræce |
Precepts 90 |
beo ðu no to tælende || ne |
to |
tweospræce / ne ðe on mode l |
Precepts 91 |
ce / ne ðe on mode læt || men |
to |
fracoðe / ac beo leofwende || |
The Seafarer 20 |
hwilum ylfete song / dyde ic me |
to |
gomene || ganetes hleoðor / on |
The Seafarer 37 |
lust || mæla gehwylce / ferð |
to |
feran || ðæt ic feor heonan |
The Seafarer 40 |
a ðæs god || ne in geoguðe |
to |
ðæs hwæt / ne in his dædum |
The Seafarer 41 |
ðæs hwæt / ne in his dædum |
to |
ðæs deor || ne him his dryh |
The Seafarer 41 |
s deor || ne him his dryhten |
to |
ðæs hold / ðæt he a his sæ |
The Seafarer 43 |
a his sæfore || sorge næbbe / |
to |
hwon hine dryhten || gedon wi |
The Seafarer 44 |
en || gedon wille / ne bið him |
to |
hearpan hyge || ne to hringð |
The Seafarer 44 |
ið him to hearpan hyge || ne |
to |
hringðege / ne to wife wyn || |
The Seafarer 45 |
n hyge || ne to hringðege / ne |
to |
wife wyn || ne to worulde hyh |
The Seafarer 45 |
ingðege / ne to wife wyn || ne |
to |
worulde hyht / ne ymbe owiht el |
The Seafarer 51 |
emoniað || modes fusne / sefan |
to |
siðe || ðam ðe swa ðence |
The Seafarer 61 |
eorðan sceatas || cymeð eft |
to |
me / gifre ond grædig || giell |
The Seafarer 69 |
a gehwylce / ær his tid aga || |
to |
tweon weorðeð / adl oððe yl |
The Seafarer 79 |
ðan || lifge mid englum / awa |
to |
ealdre || ecan lifes blæd / dr |
The Seafarer 101 |
le || ðe bið synna ful / gold |
to |
geoce || for godes egsan / ðon |
The Seafarer 119 |
ðonne eac tilien || ðæt we |
to |
moten / in ða ecan || eadignes |
Beowulf 14 |
rdum || ðone god sende / folce |
to |
frofre || fyrenðearfe ongeat |
Beowulf 26 |
eðeon / him ða scyld gewat || |
to |
gescæphwile / felahror feran | |
Beowulf 28 |
ære / hi hyne ða ætbæron || |
to |
brimes faroðe / swæse gesiða |
Beowulf 51 |
e mod || men ne cunnon / secgan |
to |
soðe || selerædende / hæleð |
Beowulf 95 |
ig || sunnan ond monan / leoman |
to |
leohte || landbuendum / ond gef |
Beowulf 124 |
non eft gewat / huðe hremig || |
to |
ham faran / mid ðære wælfyll |
Beowulf 133 |
an gastes || wæs ðæt gewin |
to |
strang / lað ond longsum || n |
Beowulf 137 |
re / fæhðe ond fyrene || wæs |
to |
fæst on ðam / ða wæs eaðfy |
Beowulf 158 |
enan ðorfte / beorhtre bote || |
to |
banan folmum / ac se æglæca | |
Beowulf 172 |
cða || monig oft gesæt / rice |
to |
rune || ræd eahtedon / hwæt s |
Beowulf 174 |
lest wære / wið færgryrum || |
to |
gefremmanne / hwilum hie geheto |
Beowulf 188 |
ðdæge || drihten secean / ond |
to |
fæder fæðmum || freoðo wi |
Beowulf 191 |
onwendan || wæs ðæt gewin |
to |
swyð / lað ond longsum || ðe |
Beowulf 234 |
ða men wæron / gewat him ða |
to |
waroðe || wicge ridan / ðegn |
Beowulf 257 |
ne geðoht || ofost is selest / |
to |
gecyðanne || hwanan eowre cy |
Beowulf 270 |
ðu us larena god / habbað we |
to |
ðæm mæran || micel ærende |
Beowulf 298 |
fne mannan / wudu wundenhals || |
to |
wedermearce / godfremmendra || |
Beowulf 313 |
rht getæhte || ðæt hie him |
to |
mihton / gegnum gangan || guðb |
Beowulf 316 |
word æfter cwæð / mæl is me |
to |
feran || fæder alwalda / mid a |
Beowulf 318 |
gehealde / siða gesunde || ic |
to |
sæ wille / wið wrað werod || |
Beowulf 323 |
ir / song in searwum || ða hie |
to |
sele furðum / in hyra gryregea |
Beowulf 327 |
ðæs recedes weal / bugon ða |
to |
bence || byrnan hringdon / guð |
Beowulf 360 |
e ðeaw / wulfgar maðelode || |
to |
his winedrihtne / her syndon ge |
Beowulf 374 |
fæder || ecgðeo haten / ðæm |
to |
ham forgeaf || hreðel geata / |
Beowulf 379 |
attas || geata fyredon / ðyder |
to |
ðance || ðæt he ðritiges / |
Beowulf 383 |
od / for arstafum || us onsende / |
to |
westdenum || ðæs ic wen hæ |
Beowulf 438 |
oððe sidne scyld / geolorand |
to |
guðe || ac ic mid grape scea |
Beowulf 460 |
æste / wearð he heaðolafe || |
to |
handbonan / mid wilfingum || ð |
Beowulf 473 |
| he me aðas swor / sorh is me |
to |
secganne || on sefan minum / gu |
Beowulf 489 |
ðe ða deað fornam / site nu |
to |
symle || ond onsæl meoto / sig |
Beowulf 525 |
soðe gelæste / ðonne wene ic |
to |
ðe || wyrsan geðingea / ðeah |
Beowulf 553 |
tum læg / golde gegyrwed || me |
to |
grunde teah / fah feondscaða | |
Beowulf 587 |
/ ðeah ðu ðinum broðrum || |
to |
banan wurde / heafodmægum || |
Beowulf 590 |
ah ðin wit duge / secge ic ðe |
to |
soðe || sunu ecglafes / ðæt |
Beowulf 601 |
nd sendeð || secce ne weneð / |
to |
gardenum || ac ic him geata s |
Beowulf 604 |
eodan || gæð eft se ðe mot / |
to |
medo modig || siððan morgen |
Beowulf 641 |
ldhroden / freolicu folccwen || |
to |
hire frean sittan / ða wæs ef |
Beowulf 647 |
æste || wiste ðæm ahlæcan / |
to |
ðæm heahsele || hilde geði |
Beowulf 665 |
fruma || wealhðeo secan / cwen |
to |
gebeddan || hæfde cyningwuld |
Beowulf 694 |
don gefrunen || ðæt hie ær |
to |
fela micles / in ðæm winsele |
Beowulf 714 |
am hean / wod under wolcnum || |
to |
ðæs ðe he winreced / goldsel |
Beowulf 720 |
e || healðegnas fand / com ða |
to |
recede || rinc siðian / dreamu |
Beowulf 766 |
sið / ðæt se hearmscaða || |
to |
heorute ateah / dryhtsele dyned |
Beowulf 905 |
ded || hine sorhwylmas / lemede |
to |
lange || he his leodum wearð |
Beowulf 906 |
wearð / eallum æðellingum || |
to |
aldorceare / swylce oft bemearn |
Beowulf 909 |
ceorl monig / se ðe him bealwa |
to |
|| bote gelyfde / ðæt ðæt |
Beowulf 919 |
scealc monig / swiðhicgende || |
to |
sele ðam hean / searowundor se |
Beowulf 925 |
hose / hroðgar maðelode || he |
to |
healle geong / stod on stapole |
Beowulf 933 |
ænigra me / weana ne wende || |
to |
widan feore / bote gebidan || |
Beowulf 955 |
|| ðæt ðin dom lyfað / awa |
to |
aldre || alwalda ðec / gode fo |
Beowulf 969 |
tfealh / feorhgeniðlan || wæs |
to |
foremihtig / feond on feðe || |
Beowulf 971 |
hwæðere he his folme forlet / |
to |
lifwraðe || last weardian / ea |
Beowulf 1003 |
orwena || no ðæt yðe byð / |
to |
befleonne || fremme se ðe wi |
Beowulf 1009 |
ða wæs sæl ond mæl / ðæt |
to |
healle gang || healfdenes sun |
Beowulf 1013 |
fan || sel gebæran / bugon ða |
to |
bence || blædagande / fylle ge |
Beowulf 1021 |
nes / segen gyldenne || sigores |
to |
leane / hroden hildecumbor || h |
Beowulf 1119 |
giddum || guðrinc astah / wand |
to |
wolcnum || wælfyra mæst / hly |
Beowulf 1138 |
wrecca / gist of geardum || he |
to |
gyrnwræce / swiðor ðohte || |
Beowulf 1139 |
æce / swiðor ðohte || ðonne |
to |
sælade / gif he torngemot || |
Beowulf 1154 |
n numen / sceotend scyldinga || |
to |
scypon feredon / eal ingesteald |
Beowulf 1158 |
e on sælade / drihtlice wif || |
to |
denum feredon / læddon to leod |
Beowulf 1159 |
f || to denum feredon / læddon |
to |
leodum || leoð wæs asungen / |
Beowulf 1171 |
um wes / goldwine gumena || ond |
to |
geatum spræc / mildum wordum | |
Beowulf 1186 |
he ðæt eal gemon / hwæt wit |
to |
willan || ond to worðmyndum / |
Beowulf 1186 |
on / hwæt wit to willan || ond |
to |
worðmyndum / umborwesendum ær |
Beowulf 1199 |
eða || syððan hama ætwæg / |
to |
ðære byrhtan byrig || brosi |
Beowulf 1207 |
wlenco || wean ahsode / fæhðe |
to |
frysum || he ða frætwe wæg |
Beowulf 1232 |
|| doð swa ic bidde / eode ða |
to |
setle || ðær wæs symbla cy |
Beowulf 1236 |
wom / ond him hroðgar gewat || |
to |
hofe sinum / rice to ræste || |
Beowulf 1237 |
r gewat || to hofe sinum / rice |
to |
ræste || reced weardode / unri |
Beowulf 1242 |
fletræste gebeag / setton him |
to |
heafdon || hilderandas / bordwu |
Beowulf 1251 |
wæs seo ðeod tilu / sigon ða |
to |
slæpe || sum sare angeald / æ |
Beowulf 1262 |
eamas || siððan cain wearð / |
to |
ecgbanan || angan breðer / fæ |
Beowulf 1272 |
|| ðe him god sealde / ond him |
to |
anwaldan || are gelyfde / frofr |
Beowulf 1279 |
|| sunu deað wrecan / com ða |
to |
heorote || ðær hringdene / ge |
Beowulf 1295 |
de / fæste befangen || ða heo |
to |
fenne gang / se wæs hroðgare |
Beowulf 1310 |
n || deadne wisse / hraðe wæs |
to |
bure || beowulf fetod / sigorea |
Beowulf 1330 |
wæs / wearð him on heorote || |
to |
handbanan / wælgæst wæfre || |
Beowulf 1336 |
|| heardum clammum / forðan he |
to |
lange || leode mine / wanode on |
Beowulf 1374 |
yðgeblond || up astigeð / won |
to |
wolcnum || ðonne wind styre |
Beowulf 1396 |
gehwylces || swa ic ðe wene |
to |
/ ahleop ða se gomela || gode |
Beowulf 1419 |
m scyldinga || weorce on mode / |
to |
geðolianne || ðegne monegum |
Beowulf 1422 |
etton / flod blode weol || folc |
to |
sægon / hatan heolfre || horn |
Beowulf 1472 |
m oðrum swa / syððan he hine |
to |
guðe || gegyred hæfde / beowu |
Beowulf 1506 |
r ða seo brimwylf || ða heo |
to |
botme com / hringa ðengel || t |
Beowulf 1507 |
o botme com / hringa ðengel || |
to |
hofe sinum / swa he ne mihte || |
Beowulf 1561 |
are || ðonne ænig mon oðer / |
to |
beadulace || ætberan meahte / |
Beowulf 1578 |
fela / ðara ðe he geworhte || |
to |
westdenum / oftor micle || ðon |
Beowulf 1585 |
lean forgeald / reðe cempa || |
to |
ðæs ðe he on ræste geseah |
Beowulf 1616 |
brodenmæl || wæs ðæt blod |
to |
ðæs hat / ættren ellorgæst |
Beowulf 1623 |
ðas lænan gesceaft / com ða |
to |
lande || lidmanna helm / swiðm |
Beowulf 1639 |
ælstenge || weorcum geferian / |
to |
ðæm goldsele || grendles he |
Beowulf 1640 |
s heafod / oððæt semninga || |
to |
sele comon / frome fyrdhwate || |
Beowulf 1654 |
dinga || lustum brohton / tires |
to |
tacne || ðe ðu her to locas |
Beowulf 1654 |
tires to tacne || ðe ðu her |
to |
locast / ic ðæt unsofte || ea |
Beowulf 1707 |
urðum spræcon || ðu scealt |
to |
frofre weorðan / eal langtwidi |
Beowulf 1709 |
ig || leodum ðinum / hæleðum |
to |
helpe || ne wearð heremod sw |
Beowulf 1711 |
arscyldingum / ne geweox he him |
to |
willan || ac to wælfealle / on |
Beowulf 1711 |
geweox he him to willan || ac |
to |
wælfealle / ond to deaðcwalum |
Beowulf 1712 |
illan || ac to wælfealle / ond |
to |
deaðcwalum || deniga leodum / |
Beowulf 1724 |
æc wintrum frod || wundor is |
to |
secganne / hu mihtig god || man |
Beowulf 1731 |
him on eðle || eorðan wynne / |
to |
healdanne || hleoburh wera / ge |
Beowulf 1742 |
sawele hyrde || bið se slæp |
to |
fæst / bisgum gebunden || bona |
Beowulf 1748 |
|| wergan gastes / ðinceð him |
to |
lytel || ðæt he lange heold |
Beowulf 1755 |
ge gefealleð || fehð oðer |
to |
/ se ðe unmurnlice || madmas d |
Beowulf 1782 |
dgewin || eagum starige / ga nu |
to |
setle || symbelwynne dreoh / wi |
Beowulf 1785 |
t wæs glædmod || geong sona |
to |
/ setles neosan || swa se snott |
Beowulf 1804 |
ton / wæron æðelingas || eft |
to |
leodum / fuse to farenne || wol |
Beowulf 1805 |
elingas || eft to leodum / fuse |
to |
farenne || wolde feor ðanon / |
Beowulf 1815 |
| eode weorð denum / æðeling |
to |
yppan || ðær se oðer wæs / |
Beowulf 1830 |
nda || ðegna bringe / hæleða |
to |
helpe || ic on higelac wat / ge |
Beowulf 1834 |
æt ic ðe wel herige / ond ðe |
to |
geoce || garholt bere / mægene |
Beowulf 1836 |
rf / gif him ðonne hreðric || |
to |
hofum geata / geðingeð ðeodn |
Beowulf 1851 |
e sægeatas || selran næbben / |
to |
geceosenne || cyning ænigne / |
Beowulf 1876 |
on meðle || wæs him se man |
to |
ðon leof / ðæt he ðone breo |
Beowulf 1888 |
ðe oft manegum scod / cwom ða |
to |
flode || felamodigra / hægstea |
Beowulf 1895 |
ra leodum / scaðan scirhame || |
to |
scipe foron / ða wæs on sande |
Beowulf 1917 |
aroðe || feor wlatode / sælde |
to |
sande || sidfæðme scip / once |
Beowulf 1922 |
tgold || næs him feor ðanon / |
to |
gesecanne || sinces bryttan / h |
Beowulf 1930 |
|| næs hio hnah swa ðeah / ne |
to |
gneað gifa || geata leodum / m |
Beowulf 1941 |
ið swylc cwenlic ðeaw / idese |
to |
efnanne || ðeah ðe hio ænl |
Beowulf 1961 |
|| ðonon eomer woc / hæleðum |
to |
helpe || hemminges mæg / nefa |
Beowulf 1967 |
i sið drugon / elne geeodon || |
to |
ðæs ðe eorla hleo / bonan on |
Beowulf 1974 |
gende cwom / heaðolaces hal || |
to |
hofe gongan / hraðe wæs gerym |
Beowulf 1983 |
e || liðwæge bær / hæleðum |
to |
handa || higelac ongan / sinne |
Beowulf 1990 |
an || ofer sealt wæter / hilde |
to |
hiorote || ac ðu hroðgare / w |
Beowulf 2005 |
gum || sorge gefremede / yrmðe |
to |
aldre || ic ðæt eall gewræ |
Beowulf 2010 |
ngen || ic ðær furðum cwom / |
to |
ðam hringsele || hroðgar gr |
Beowulf 2019 |
iðan / secge sealde || ær hie |
to |
setle geong / hwilum for duguð |
Beowulf 2039 |
on / oððæt hie forlæddan || |
to |
ðam lindplegan / swæse gesið |
Beowulf 2048 |
gecnawan / ðone ðin fæder || |
to |
gefeohte bær / under heregrima |
Beowulf 2071 |
geare cunne / sinces brytta || |
to |
hwan syððan wearð / hondræs |
Beowulf 2079 |
l wearð / mærum maguðegne || |
to |
muðbonan / leofes mannes || li |
Beowulf 2093 |
n ic on yrre || uppriht astod / |
to |
lang ys to reccenne || hu ic |
Beowulf 2104 |
|| syððan mergen com / ond we |
to |
symble || geseten hæfdon / ð |
Beowulf 2117 |
|| oððæt niht becwom / oðer |
to |
yldum || ða wæs eft hraðe / |
Beowulf 2203 |
emeceas / under bordhreoðan || |
to |
bonan wurdon / ða hyne gesohta |
Beowulf 2289 |
onfand / feondes fotlast || he |
to |
forð gestop / dyrnan cræfte | |
Beowulf 2325 |
wulfe || broga gecyðed / snude |
to |
soðe || ðæt his sylfes ham |
Beowulf 2362 |
ðritig / hildegeatwa || ða he |
to |
holme beag / nealles hetware || |
Beowulf 2368 |
ecgðeowes / earm anhaga || eft |
to |
leodum / ðær him hygd gebead |
Beowulf 2384 |
e / mærne ðeoden || him ðæt |
to |
mearce wearð / he ðær for fe |
Beowulf 2404 |
aras / bealonið biorna || him |
to |
bearme cwom / maððumfæt mær |
Beowulf 2410 |
isian || he ofer willan giong / |
to |
ðæs ðe he eorðsele || ann |
Beowulf 2416 |
rðan || næs ðæt yðe ceap / |
to |
gegangenne || gumena ænigum / |
Beowulf 2432 |
|| sibbe gemunde / næs ic him |
to |
life || laðra owihte / beorn i |
Beowulf 2445 |
geomorlic || gomelum ceorle / |
to |
gebidanne || ðæt his byre r |
Beowulf 2448 |
onne his sunu hangað / hrefne |
to |
hroðre || ond he him helpe n |
Beowulf 2452 |
ellorsið || oðres ne gymeð / |
to |
gebidanne || burgum in innan / |
Beowulf 2461 |
fter anum || ðuhte him eall |
to |
rum / wongas ond wicstede || sw |
Beowulf 2494 |
æs him ænig ðearf / ðæt he |
to |
gifðum || oððe to gardenum |
Beowulf 2494 |
ðæt he to gifðum || oððe |
to |
gardenum / oððe in swiorice | |
Beowulf 2498 |
wolde / ana on orde || ond swa |
to |
aldre sceall / sæcce fremman | |
Beowulf 2502 |
dugeðum || dæghrefne wearð / |
to |
handbonan || huga cempan / nall |
Beowulf 2519 |
nolde ic sweord beran / wæpen |
to |
wyrme || gif ic wiste hu / wið |
Beowulf 2556 |
næs ðær mara fyrst / freode |
to |
friclan || from ærest cwom / o |
Beowulf 2562 |
ogan || heorte gefysed / sæcce |
to |
seceanne || sweord ær gebræ |
Beowulf 2570 |
byrnende || gebogen scriðan / |
to |
gescipe scyndan || scyld wel |
Beowulf 2591 |
an lændagas || næs ða long |
to |
ðon / ðæt ða aglæcean hy | |
Beowulf 2639 |
| ðe he usic on herge geceas / |
to |
ðyssum siðfate || sylfes wi |
Beowulf 2644 |
is ellenweorc || ana aðohte / |
to |
gefremmanne || folces hyrde / f |
Beowulf 2648 |
dra guðrinca || wutun gongan |
to |
/ helpan hildfruman || ðenden |
Beowulf 2654 |
|| ðæt we rondas beren / eft |
to |
earde || nemne we æror mæge |
Beowulf 2684 |
an æt hilde || wæs sio hond |
to |
strong / se ðe meca gehwane || |
Beowulf 2686 |
swenge ofersohte || ðonne he |
to |
sæcce bær / wæpen wundrum he |
Beowulf 2804 |
e || æt brimes nosan / se scel |
to |
gemyndum || minum leodum / heah |
Beowulf 2815 |
e wyrd forsweop / mine magas || |
to |
metodsceafte / eorlas on elne | |
Beowulf 2845 |
lænan lifes || næs ða lang |
to |
ðon / ðæt ða hildlatan || h |
Beowulf 2882 |
weoll of gewitte || wergendra |
to |
lyt / ðrong ymbe ðeoden || ð |
Beowulf 2892 |
heht ða ðæt heaðoweorc || |
to |
hagan biodan / up ofer ecgclif |
Beowulf 2922 |
ngas || milts ungyfeðe / ne ic |
to |
sweoðeode || sibbe oððe tr |
Beowulf 2941 |
|| sum on galgtreowum / fuglum |
to |
gamene || frofor eft gelamp / s |
Beowulf 2960 |
eodon / syððan hreðlingas || |
to |
hagan ðrungon / ðær wearð o |
Beowulf 2992 |
ten / hreðles eafora || ða he |
to |
ham becom / iofore ond wulfe || |
Beowulf 2998 |
dohtor / hamweorðunge || hyldo |
to |
wedde / ðæt ys sio fæhðo || |
Beowulf 3001 |
e ic wen hafo / ðe us seceað |
to |
|| sweona leoda / syððan hie |
Beowulf 3016 |
|| nalles eorl wegan / maððum |
to |
gemyndum || ne mægð scyne / h |
Beowulf 3085 |
egongen || wæs ðæt gifeðe |
to |
swið / ðe ðone ðeodcyning | |
Beowulf 3136 |
eling boren / har hilderinc || |
to |
hronesnæsse / him ða gegireda |
Judith 7 |
e heo ahte trumne geleafan / a |
to |
ðam ælmihtigan || gefrægen |
Judith 9 |
rymlic / girwan up swæsendo || |
to |
ðam het se gumena baldor / eal |
Judith 11 |
æfndon rondwiggende || comon |
to |
ðam rican ðeodne / feran folc |
Judith 15 |
inu || ærest gesohte / hie ða |
to |
ðam symle || sittan eodon / wl |
Judith 16 |
symle || sittan eodon / wlance |
to |
wingedrince || ealle his weag |
Judith 36 |
igan mægð || ofstum fetigan / |
to |
his bedreste || beagum gehlæ |
Judith 40 |
gena brego || bearhtme stopon / |
to |
ðam gysterne || ðær hie iu |
Judith 43 |
ngunnon / ða torhtan mægð || |
to |
træfe ðam hean / ðær se ric |
Judith 54 |
ra || him ðe near hete / rinca |
to |
rune gegangan || hie ða on r |
Judith 72 |
n / laðne leodhatan || læddon |
to |
bedde / nehstan siðe || ða w |
Judith 96 |
ne / herbuendra || ðe hyne him |
to |
helpe seceð / mid ræde ond mi |
Judith 120 |
|| ac ðær wunian sceal / awa |
to |
aldre || butan ende forð / in |
Judith 131 |
nd ageaf / higeðoncolre || ham |
to |
berenne / iudith gingran sinre |
Judith 141 |
ie glædmode || gegan hæfdon / |
to |
ðam wealgate || wiggend sæt |
Judith 147 |
of || wæs ða eft cumen / leof |
to |
leodum || ond ða lungre het / |
Judith 152 |
eat || ond ðæt word acwæð / |
to |
ðam sigefolce || ic eow secg |
Judith 169 |
| ðæt wæs iudith cumen / eft |
to |
eðle || ond ða ofostlice / hi |
Judith 174 |
n || heafod onwriðan / ond hyt |
to |
behðe || blodig ætywan / ðam |
Judith 176 |
eow / spræc ða seo æðele || |
to |
eallum ðam folce / her ge mago |
Judith 189 |
|| ðæt ge recene eow / fysan |
to |
gefeohte || syððan frymða |
Judith 196 |
|| fynd syndon eowere / gedemed |
to |
deaðe || ond ge dom agon / tir |
Judith 200 |
rod || snude gegearewod / cenra |
to |
campe || stopon cynerofe / secg |
Judith 202 |
as || bæron sigeðufas / foron |
to |
gefeohte || forð on gerihte / |
Judith 213 |
| stopon heaðorincas / beornas |
to |
beadowe || bordum beðeahte / h |
Judith 220 |
er guðfanum || gegan hæfdon / |
to |
ðam fyrdwicum || hie ða fro |
Judith 275 |
a wearð sið ond late || sum |
to |
ðam arod / ðara beadorinca || |
Judith 281 |
he ða lungre gefeoll / freorig |
to |
foldan || ongan his feax tera |
Judith 283 |
mod / ond ðæt word acwæð || |
to |
ðam wiggendum / ðe ðær unro |
Judith 295 |
e || sweordum geheawen / wulfum |
to |
willan || ond eac wælgifrum / |
Judith 296 |
|| ond eac wælgifrum / fuglum |
to |
frofre || flugon ða ðe lyfd |
Judith 311 |
nnes || lythwon becom / cwicera |
to |
cyððe || cirdon cynerofe / wi |
Judith 313 |
an / reocende hræw || rum wæs |
to |
nimanne / londbuendum || on ða |
Judith 322 |
on swaðe reston / ða ðe him |
to |
life || laðost wæron / cwicer |
Judith 326 |
ndenlocc || wagon ond læddon / |
to |
ðære beorhtan byrig || beth |
Judith 334 |
awe lare / mægð modigre || hi |
to |
mede hyre / of ðam siðfate || |
Judith 345 |
ðe heo ahte soðne geleafan / |
to |
ðam ælmihtigan || huru æt |
Judith 347 |
sy ðam leofan drihtne / wuldor |
to |
widan aldre || ðe gesceop wi |
The Paris Psalter 100:1 3 |
wege || hwænne þu me wylle |
to |
/ / # / ic mid unbealuwe || ealre |
The Paris Psalter 101:1 3 |
enes weard || and gehlyde min / |
to |
þe becume || þeoda reccend / |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 3 |
ic geswenced sy || þu swæs |
to |
me / þin eare onhyld || and me |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 7 |
earon þines anes gear || awa |
to |
feore / / # / æt fruman þu || d |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 4 |
man wrigels deþ / and hi beoþ |
to |
worulde || wended syþþan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 3 |
heora sylfra cynn || syþþan |
to |
feore / on worulda woruld || we |
The Paris Psalter 103:7 2 |
|| neoþan swa swa ryfte / him |
to |
gewæde || woruhte swylce / sta |
The Paris Psalter 103:13 3 |
ldaþ / wyrta þu geworhtest || |
to |
wraþe manna / / # / eac þu him |
The Paris Psalter 103:14 2 |
eorþan || ut alæddest / hlaf |
to |
helpe || heortan manna / must a |
The Paris Psalter 103:25 4 |
ysmere || brade healdan / ealle |
to |
þe || ece drihten / ætes on e |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 1 |
/ / # / þæt he mid aþsware || |
to |
abrahame / and to isaace || eac |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 2 |
d aþsware || to abrahame / and |
to |
isaace || eac gesohte / and gle |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 4 |
lice || iacobe bead / þæt awa |
to |
feore || israheles cyn / his ge |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 2 |
sende æryst / ful wisne || wer |
to |
scealce / and þa bebohtan || b |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 5 |
ær hine grame æryst / hæfdon |
to |
hæfte || oþþæt hine halig |
The Paris Psalter 104:16 3 |
e || and hine þam leodum þa / |
to |
ealdormen || eallum sette / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 |
/ he sette hine on his huse || |
to |
hlafwearde / ealra him his æht |
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1 |
heora wæter swylce || wende |
to |
blode / on þam heora fisceas | |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 3 |
es weard || þe he hleoþrade / |
to |
abrahame || his agenum hysse / |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3 |
georne / and his æbebod || awa |
to |
feore |
The Paris Psalter 105:13 2 |
sende on heora muþas || mete |
to |
genihte / / # / ongunnon hi on þ |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 2 |
swylce || cealf ongunnan / him |
to |
godgylde || georne wyrcean / on |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 6 |
an / him þæt eall gewearþ || |
to |
æswyce / / # / ongunnan heora be |
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3 |
/ is his mildheortnes || mycel |
to |
worulde / / # / secge þæt nu-þ |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1 |
þære costunge || cleopedan |
to |
dryhtne / and he hi of þam ear |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 4 |
t hi cuþlice || on becwoman / |
to |
hiora cestre || eardungstowe / |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 3 |
mid godum / fæste gefylleþ || |
to |
feore syþþan / / # / þa þe he |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 1 |
/ hi on costunge || cleopedan |
to |
drihtne / and he hi of þam ear |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1 |
a hi on costunge || cleopedan |
to |
drihtne / and he hi of þam ear |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 1 |
a yþa || up astigene / / # / þa |
to |
heofenum up || heah astigaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 1 |
/ hi on costunge || cleopedan |
to |
drihtne / and he hi of earfeþu |
The Paris Psalter 106:31 3 |
otelum soþfæstra || secgean |
to |
worulde / / # / he on westenne || |
The Paris Psalter 107:8 1 |
u || heafdes mines / / # / ic me |
to |
cyninge || cenne iudas / syndan |
The Paris Psalter 107:12 3 |
g / ure feond gedon || fracuþe |
to |
nawihte |
The Paris Psalter 108:5 1 |
esete him synnfulle || symble |
to |
ealdrum / stande him on þa swy |
The Paris Psalter 108:6 2 |
/ and him his gebed || hweorfe |
to |
fyrenum / / # / gewurþe him west |
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3 |
e || earme þearfan / þonne hi |
to |
his huse || hleowes wilnian / / |
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2 |
/ ne his steopcildum || stande |
to |
helpe / / # / gangan ealle his be |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 3 |
alne / of þysse eorþan || awa |
to |
feore / / # / næs him milde gemy |
The Paris Psalter 108:24 4 |
ele || frecne onwended / eom ic |
to |
edwitstæfe || eallum geworde |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 4 |
eorcum / fægrum gefylde || and |
to |
his folce cwæþ / þæt he him |
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1 |
yþ his heorte gearo || hyhte |
to |
drihtne / getrymed and getyhted |
The Paris Psalter 112:2 2 |
etsad / of þyssan forþ || awa |
to |
worulde / / # / fram upgange || |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 2 |
n mæg || þone unagan / weccan |
to |
willan || and of woruftorde / |
The Paris Psalter 113:25 3 |
þ nu / of þyssan forþ || awa |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 114:2 1 |
hyrdest / / # / and þu þin eare |
to |
me || eadmodlice / hold ahyldes |
The Paris Psalter 114:5 2 |
ne nu / sawle on gesyntum || ic |
to |
soþan wat / þæt þu wære mi |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 1 |
emete lease / / # / hwæt mæg ic |
to |
gode || gyldan dryhtne / for ea |
The Paris Psalter 116:2 4 |
ce dryhtnes / wunaþ ece || awa |
to |
feore |
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3 |
/ ys his mildheortnys || mycel |
to |
worulde / / # / þæt israela cw |
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3 |
eþ / his mildheortnys || mære |
to |
worulde / / # / cweþe aarones hu |
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3 |
eþ / his mildheortnys || mære |
to |
worulde / / # / cweþan ealle þ |
The Paris Psalter 117:5 1 |
e / / # / ic on costunge || cigde |
to |
dryhtne / and he me gehyrde || |
The Paris Psalter 117:8 1 |
/ god ys on dryhten || georne |
to |
þenceanne / þonne on mannan w |
The Paris Psalter 117:8 2 |
/ þonne on mannan wese || mod |
to |
treowianne / / # / god ys on dryh |
The Paris Psalter 117:9 1 |
/ god ys on dryhten || georne |
to |
hyhtanne / þonne on ealdormen |
The Paris Psalter 117:9 2 |
þonne on ealdormen || ahwær |
to |
treowianne / / # / ealle me ymbse |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 3 |
es heah || and he me eac / ys a |
to |
worulde || worden on hælu / / # |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 2 |
s / dryhten ælmihtig || nolde |
to |
deaþe me / on ecnysse || æfre |
The Paris Psalter 117:21 4 |
mona heagost || halig dryhten / |
to |
wealles wraþe || wis teofrad |
The Paris Psalter 117:22 3 |
/ eallum eorþtudrum || eadgum |
to |
blisse / / # / eala þu dryhten g |
The Paris Psalter 117:25 1 |
|| deore onlyhte / / # / wutan us |
to |
symbeldæge || settan georne / |
The Paris Psalter 117:27 3 |
earfe / and þa wurde me || wis |
to |
hælu / / # / eac ic andette || e |
The Paris Psalter 117:28 3 |
in mildheortnyss || ys mycel |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 118:15 3 |
inra / ealra ofergittul || awa |
to |
feore / / # / ic on þinre soþf |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 3 |
mode || metegie georne / and me |
to |
frofre wat || þæt ic forþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:39 2 |
tt min || of awyrpan / þæt me |
to |
incan || ahwær gangeþ / forþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:44 2 |
þine || efne and healde / and |
to |
worulde on þære || wunian m |
The Paris Psalter 118:54 1 |
þine || anforleton / / # / ac me |
to |
sange || symble hæfde / hu ic |
The Paris Psalter 118:59 2 |
ic wegas þine || wise þence / |
to |
ferenne || fotum minum / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 118:66 2 |
ne tilne / and wisdomes || word |
to |
genihte / forþon ic þin bebod |
The Paris Psalter 118:76 2 |
od || mihtum geswiþed / and me |
to |
frofre || fæste gestande / swa |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 1 |
bealde gegange / / # / gehweorfen |
to |
me || þa þe hyldu to þe / eg |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 1 |
eorfen to me || þa þe hyldu |
to |
þe / egsan ahtan || and ealle |
The Paris Psalter 118:91 2 |
|| ealle worhtest / swa heo nu |
to |
worulde || wunian þenceaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 118:111 3 |
el getreowe / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
feore / þæt byþ heahbliss || |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3 |
symble biþ / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
feore / is þin swylce æþelne |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 3 |
|| andgyt hæbbe / syle me þa |
to |
soþe || and ic syþþan lifi |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2 |
gehygde / heortan minre || hige |
to |
drihtne / ceare cleopian || he |
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1 |
ohte geneahhe / / # / ic cleopode |
to |
þe || do me cuþlice / halne h |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3 |
e meted / and on ecnesse || awa |
to |
feore / ealle þine domas synt |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3 |
him æswic on þon || æfre |
to |
feore / / # / ic þinre hælu bad |
The Paris Psalter 119:1 1 |
Psalter: Psalm 119 / / # / ic me |
to |
drihtne || deorum cleopode / þ |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 3 |
hæfde / þonne ic him spedlice |
to |
|| spræce and hi lærde / þon |
The Paris Psalter 120:1 1 |
120 / / # / hof ic mine eagan || |
to |
þam hean beorge / þær ic ful |
The Paris Psalter 120:3 2 |
| on feondes geweald / ne hycge |
to |
slæpe || se þe healdeþ þe |
The Paris Psalter 120:7 3 |
ealde / of þisson forþ || awa |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 121:1 2 |
llum bliþe / þæt me cuþlice |
to |
|| acweden syndon / and on gode |
The Paris Psalter 121:9 2 |
es huse || georne þingie / and |
to |
minum drihtne || deorum sece / |
The Paris Psalter 122:1 1 |
Paris Psalter: Psalm 122 / / # / |
to |
þe ic mine eagan hof || ece |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 3 |
anda locaþ / swa us synt eagan |
to |
þe || ece drihten / urum þam |
The Paris Psalter 124:2 3 |
drihten / of þisson nu || awa |
to |
worulde / / # / næfre forlæteþ |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 2 |
te || swylce læteþ / þæt hi |
to |
unrihte || ahwær willen / hand |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 1 |
e / / # / þa þe gearwe beoþ || |
to |
gramum bendum / eft hi gelæde |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 1 |
: Psalm 128 / / # / oft me fuhtan |
to |
|| fynd on geoguþe / cweþan i |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 3 |
eac þæt sylfe / oft me fuhtan |
to |
|| fynd on geoguþe / ne mihton |
The Paris Psalter 128:3 5 |
amiaþ || swiþust ealles / þa |
to |
sione hete || swiþost hæfdo |
The Paris Psalter 129:1 1 |
: Psalm 129 / / # / ic of grundum |
to |
þe || geomur cleopode / drihte |
The Paris Psalter 130:5 2 |
reowigen / of þyssum nu || awa |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 131:14 2 |
ceas || sylfa drihten / and him |
to |
earde geceas || ærest æt fr |
The Paris Psalter 131:16 3 |
neahhe / heora hungrium || hlaf |
to |
fylle / / # / ec his sacerdas || |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 2 |
hten / lifes bletsunga || lange |
to |
feore / of þisson nu || awa to |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 3 |
to feore / of þisson nu || awa |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 134:7 3 |
icu || wind and liget / and þa |
to |
regne || recene wyrceþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 135:1 3 |
nd ic ful gearwe wat / þæt he |
to |
worulde byþ || wis and mildh |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4 |
his mildheortnes || is mycel |
to |
worulde / / # / he wundur dyde || |
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2 |
his mildheortnes || is mycel |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 3 |
þurh hearme geþoht / hi þæt |
to |
gefeohte georne || gefremed h |
The Paris Psalter 139:6 1 |
| þær ic siþade / / # / ic þa |
to |
drihtne cwæþ || þu me eart |
The Paris Psalter 139:6 3 |
|| halig drihten / nu ic stefne |
to |
þe || styrme hlude / / # / driht |
The Paris Psalter 140:1 1 |
Psalm 140 / / # / ic þe drihten |
to |
|| dyrum clypige / gehyr me hr |
The Paris Psalter 140:1 3 |
holdre stefne / þonne ic bene |
to |
þe || bidde ceare full / / # / s |
The Paris Psalter 141:1 1 |
lter: Psalm 141 / / # / min stefn |
to |
þe || styrmeþ drihten / and i |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 3 |
sawle || secean wolde / þa ic |
to |
þe drihten || digle cleopode |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 1 |
ga þu mid þinum esne || in |
to |
dome / forþon on þinre gesih |
The Paris Psalter 142:3 3 |
abbaþ me gehnæged || heanne |
to |
eorþan / and min lif swylce || |
The Paris Psalter 142:6 1 |
orne / / # / þonne ic mine handa |
to |
þe || holde þenede / and mine |
The Paris Psalter 142:8 3 |
htig drihten / forþon ic hycge |
to |
þe || helpe gelyfe / / # / do me |
The Paris Psalter 142:9 3 |
ic gange || gleawe mode / nu ic |
to |
drihtnes || dome wille / mine s |
The Paris Psalter 142:10 2 |
|| feondum minum / nu ic helpe |
to |
þe || holde gelyfe / lær me h |
The Paris Psalter 143:1 2 |
e deora god / þe mine handa || |
to |
hilde teah / and mine fingras | |
The Paris Psalter 143:1 3 |
ilde teah / and mine fingras || |
to |
gefeohtanne / / # / he is mildheo |
The Paris Psalter 143:18 1 |
ete fætte / / # / ne hreosaþ hi |
to |
hrusan || hearde gebiged / ne |
The Paris Psalter 144:1 1 |
# / ic me heahne god || hæbbe |
to |
cyninge / and ic naman þinne | |
The Paris Psalter 144:1 3 |
eode herige / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
worulde / / # / þuruh syndrige d |
The Paris Psalter 144:2 3 |
eode herige / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
worulde / / # / mycel is drihten |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 4 |
weorc / eall yldum cuþ || awa |
to |
feore / / # / andetten þe drihte |
The Paris Psalter 144:16 2 |
ihten / wisra gewenaþ || wiste |
to |
genihte / and þu him mete syle |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 5 |
er bletsian / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
feore |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 1 |
eardne geþoledan / / # / wreceþ |
to |
ræde || rice drihten / þara m |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 2 |
ice drihten / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
feore / and þin sione god || s |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 3 |
/ and þin sione god || symble |
to |
worulde |
The Paris Psalter 146:2 2 |
drihten / timbreþ tidum || and |
to |
somnaþ / þa þe ut gewitan || |
The Paris Psalter 146:9 2 |
rgum ut || blæde lædeþ / hig |
to |
helpe || hæleþa bearnum / / # |
The Paris Psalter 146:10 3 |
onne heo hropende / him cigeaþ |
to |
|| cuþes æses / / # / nafast þ |
The Paris Psalter 146:11 1 |
| cuþes æses / / # / nafast þu |
to |
manna || mægene willan / ne þ |
The Paris Psalter 147:7 3 |
rhtlice || burnan floweþ / and |
to |
wætere || weorþeþ sniome / / |
The Paris Psalter 51:7 4 |
| mines drihtnes / and me þæt |
to |
worulde || wat to helpe / / # / i |
The Paris Psalter 51:7 4 |
nd me þæt to worulde || wat |
to |
helpe / / # / ic þe andette || a |
The Paris Psalter 51:8 1 |
lpe / / # / ic þe andette || awa |
to |
feore / on þære worulde || þ |
The Paris Psalter 54:6 2 |
mode cwæþ || hwa me sealde / |
to |
fleogenne || fiþeru swa culf |
The Paris Psalter 54:15 1 |
inwitstæf / / # / ic soþlice || |
to |
sylfum drihtne / cleopode on co |
The Paris Psalter 54:22 1 |
þ he soþfæstum || syþþan |
to |
feore / þæt him yþende mod | |
The Paris Psalter 55:3 1 |
# / forþon monige synd || þe |
to |
me feohtaþ / wene ic me wraþe |
The Paris Psalter 55:3 2 |
me feohtaþ / wene ic me wraþe |
to |
þe || wuldres drihten / / # / ic |
The Paris Psalter 55:8 2 |
æcne || þonne ic me freoþu |
to |
þe / wordum wilnige || ic wat |
The Paris Psalter 56:2 1 |
ide / / # / heonan ic cleopige || |
to |
heahgode / and to wealdendgode |
The Paris Psalter 56:2 2 |
c cleopige || to heahgode / and |
to |
wealdendgode || þe me wel dy |
The Paris Psalter 56:5 4 |
etale || teonan gehwylcre / and |
to |
yfele gehwam || ungemet scear |
The Paris Psalter 58:1 2 |
onda minra || þe me feohtaþ |
to |
/ alys me fram laþum || þe me |
The Paris Psalter 58:8 2 |
þu hi drihten dest || deope |
to |
bysmre / nafast þu for awiht | |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3 |
þe me feale syndun / ne do hy |
to |
deadan || þy læs hi dollice |
The Paris Psalter 58:15 1 |
| hwommas ceastre / / # / efne hi |
to |
æte || ut gewitaþ / þær hi |
The Paris Psalter 59:11 3 |
g / ure fynd gedon || fracoþe |
to |
nahte |
The Paris Psalter 60:1 4 |
orþan || utgemærum / cleopige |
to |
þe || nu me caru beateþ / hea |
The Paris Psalter 60:3 1 |
feondum / / # / ic eardige || awa |
to |
feore / on þinum selegesceote |
The Paris Psalter 60:4 2 |
|| halig drihten / hu min gebed |
to |
þe || beorhte eode / yrfe þu |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 5 |
|| andweard gangan / and þær |
to |
worlde || wunian ece / / # / hwyl |
The Paris Psalter 61:3 2 |
|| men ongunnon / ealle ge þa |
to |
deadan || dædun sona / swa ge |
The Paris Psalter 61:5 2 |
ere ic me soþe || sawle mine / |
to |
gode hæfde || georne geþeod |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1 |
hycge him halig folc || hælu |
to |
drihtne / doþ eowre heortan hi |
The Paris Psalter 61:10 2 |
wenan || welan unrihte / oþþe |
to |
reaflace || ræda þencean / / # |
The Paris Psalter 61:11 1 |
cean / / # / þeah þe eow wealan |
to |
|| wearnum flowen / nyllan ge e |
The Paris Psalter 61:12 2 |
fer middangeard / and him þæs |
to |
worlde || wuldor stande / and m |
The Paris Psalter 62:1 1 |
min god min || ic þe gearuwe |
to |
/ æt leohte gehwam || lustum w |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 3 |
templ / ece and wræclic || awa |
to |
feore / / # / gehyr us hælend go |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 4 |
on hwætum / þonne hi cynlice |
to |
þe || cleopiaþ sona / and þe |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 2 |
l manna cyn / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
feore / and he ofer ealle þeod |
The Paris Psalter 65:8 1 |
an / / # / he mine sawle || sette |
to |
life / ne læteþ mine fet || l |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 5 |
tah || ofer sunnan up / þam is |
to |
naman || nemned drihten / / # / w |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 3 |
tan || hæleþ sniome / and þa |
to |
yrre beoþ || ealle gecigde / a |
The Paris Psalter 67:15 1 |
/ # / gebeorh godes || bringeþ |
to |
genihte / wæstme weorþlice || |
The Paris Psalter 67:16 2 |
|| fægerum beorge / þær ge |
to |
genihte || geniomaþ wæstme / |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 2 |
e god || forþon hreoh wæter / |
to |
minum feore inn || floweþ an |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1 |
on / / # / ic þonne min gebed || |
to |
þe mihtig drihten / tidum send |
The Paris Psalter 68:17 2 |
ne gesyhþ / forþan me feondas |
to |
|| feohtaþ geneahhe / gehyr me |
The Paris Psalter 68:26 1 |
sar / / # / asete him þa unriht |
to |
|| þe hi geearnedan / and mid |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 4 |
lufiaþ / þær eardiaþ || awa |
to |
feore |
The Paris Psalter 70:2 1 |
n miht / / # / ahyld me þin eare |
to |
|| holde mode / and me lustum a |
The Paris Psalter 70:22 3 |
ende wæron ealle / þe me yfel |
to |
|| ær gesohton |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 2 |
|| ofer eall niþa bearn / and |
to |
widan feore || weorþeþ gebl |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 5 |
e gebletsad / on ecnesse || awa |
to |
worlde / / # / and þeos eorþe s |
The Paris Psalter 72:16 3 |
syne || and þu hi eaþe miht / |
to |
nawihte || forniman sneome / / # |
The Paris Psalter 72:17 3 |
ædra || ealle tolysde / and ic |
to |
nawihte eom || nyde gebiged / s |
The Paris Psalter 72:21 3 |
drihtnes / and ece dæl || awa |
to |
worulde / / # / forþan þa forwe |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 1 |
orweorþaþ || þe hira wynne |
to |
þe / habban noldan || ne heora |
The Paris Psalter 73:13 3 |
ldest siglhearwum || syþþan |
to |
mose / / # / þu sylfa eac || tos |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4 |
þa þe feogeaþ þe / and eft |
to |
þe || ealle stigaþ |
The Paris Psalter 74:4 1 |
yre || symble getrymme / / # / ic |
to |
yflum cwæþ || oft nalæs se |
The Paris Psalter 74:5 1 |
lpan þæs / / # / ne ahebbaþ ge |
to |
hea || eowre hygeþancas / ne g |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 3 |
nne hio swyþe beofaþ / þonne |
to |
dome || drihten ariseþ / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 75:9 1 |
ringen || gode and clæne / / # / |
to |
þam egsan sceal || æghwylc |
The Paris Psalter 76:1 1 |
mid stefne ongann || styrman |
to |
drihtne / and he me gehyrde || |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 1 |
/ # / þa ic sylfa cwæþ || ic |
to |
soþe wat / nele þis ece god | |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 4 |
dum / oþþe wiþ ende || æfre |
to |
worulde / his milde mod || mann |
The Paris Psalter 76:16 3 |
þ þær eþe þin spor || on |
to |
findanne / / # / folc þin þu fe |
The Paris Psalter 77:9 1 |
/ / # / þæt hi gleawne hiht || |
to |
gode hæfdan / and his weorþli |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 4 |
ortan || hige gestaþelod / nis |
to |
wenanne || þætte wolde god / |
The Paris Psalter 77:18 1 |
þam wæter cwoman || weorude |
to |
helpe / swyþe wynlice || wæte |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1 |
/ hi þa on heortan || hogedon |
to |
niþe / and geornlice || godes |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 6 |
t us witig god / mæge bringan |
to |
|| beod gegearwod / on þisum w |
The Paris Psalter 77:25 3 |
num || and hider rignan / manna |
to |
mose || manna cynne / sealde hi |
The Paris Psalter 77:25 6 |
cynn / and hwætenne || hæfdon |
to |
genihte / / # / and awehte þa || |
The Paris Psalter 77:27 1 |
þa eac feoll ufan || flæsc |
to |
genihte / swa sand sæs || oþ |
The Paris Psalter 77:33 2 |
hi sohton hine / and ær leohte |
to |
him || lustum cwoman / / # / syþ |
The Paris Psalter 77:37 2 |
hiora fyrendædum || nolde hi |
to |
flymum gedon / / # / he þa manig |
The Paris Psalter 77:44 1 |
r he wæterstreamas || wende |
to |
blode / ne meahte wæter drinca |
The Paris Psalter 77:66 2 |
tfæste eac / ece edwit || awa |
to |
feore / / # / and he georne wiþs |
The Paris Psalter 78:2 4 |
ealdon flæsc heora || fuglum |
to |
mose / haligra lic || hundum an |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 1 |
stan gelome / / # / ne gemune þu |
to |
oft || mihta wealdend / ealdra |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 2 |
ce agoten || þær þu gesawe |
to |
/ geonge for þe || gnornendra |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3 |
s || we þe andettaþ / and þe |
to |
worulde || wuldur sæcgeaþ / a |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 3 |
|| sealte gebræddest / and hi |
to |
flodas || forþ aweaxaþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 80:14 2 |
/ byþ hiora yfele tid || awa |
to |
feore / / # / he hi fedde || mid |
The Paris Psalter 82:3 2 |
re / syredan and feredan || and |
to |
swice hogedon / and ehtunga || |
The Paris Psalter 82:8 5 |
e / wurdan þa earme || eorþan |
to |
meohxe / / # / sete heora ealdorm |
The Paris Psalter 83:9 1 |
þines / / # / betere is micle || |
to |
gebidanne / anne dæg mid þe | |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 4 |
ann || se þe him ecean godes / |
to |
mundbyrde || miht gestreoneþ |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 3 |
on cneorisse / gecyr us georne |
to |
þe || crist ælmihtig / and þ |
The Paris Psalter 84:6 2 |
nd us þine hæle syle || her |
to |
genihte / / # / syþþan ic gehyr |
The Paris Psalter 84:7 4 |
seceþ geornast / and swiþust |
to |
þam || þe hine seceaþ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 85:2 2 |
cealc || forþon ic þe hihte |
to |
/ / # / miltsa me drihten || þon |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 1 |
drihten || þonne ic mægene |
to |
þe / þurh ealne dæg || elne |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 4 |
|| sawle bliþe / forþon ic hi |
to |
þe || hebbe genehhige / / # / fo |
The Paris Psalter 85:5 3 |
and eac beheald / hu ic stefne |
to |
þe || stundum cleopige / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 85:6 2 |
yssedan || þonne ic cleopode |
to |
þe / forþon þu me gehyrdest |
The Paris Psalter 87:1 2 |
d || dyre hælend / ic on dæge |
to |
þe || dygle cleopode / and on |
The Paris Psalter 87:3 3 |
fylled || is min feorh swylce / |
to |
helldore || hylded geneahhe / / |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 2 |
/ geworden for wædle || ic me |
to |
wuldres gode / þuruh ealne dæ |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 4 |
| elne clypige / and mine handa |
to |
þe || hebbe and þenige / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 87:13 1 |
ytnes || on eardige / / # / ic me |
to |
þe || ece drihten / mid modgeh |
The Paris Psalter 88:24 1 |
syþþan wealde / / # / he me him |
to |
fælum || fæder gecygde / wæs |
The Paris Psalter 88:26 1 |
|| ealra heahstne / / # / ic him |
to |
widan feore || wille gehealda |
The Paris Psalter 88:27 1 |
| weorþe and getreowe / / # / ic |
to |
widan feore || wyrce syþþan |
The Paris Psalter 88:41 3 |
manna bearn || on middangeard / |
to |
idelnesse || æfre geworhtest |
The Paris Psalter 88:46 2 |
a sy gebletsad || ece drihten / |
to |
widan feore || wese swa wese |
The Paris Psalter 89:6 4 |
onne forwisnaþ || weorþeþ |
to |
duste / / # / forþon we on þinu |
The Paris Psalter 89:8 2 |
l asettest / þær þu sylfa || |
to |
eagum locadest / and ure woruld |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 2 |
fægerum dagum / on þam þu us |
to |
eadmedum || ealle gebrohtest / |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 3 |
eard / þe me æt wunaþ || awa |
to |
feore / / # / ic to drihtne cwæ |
The Paris Psalter 90:2 1 |
wunaþ || awa to feore / / # / ic |
to |
drihtne cwæþ || þu me dyre |
The Paris Psalter 90:14 1 |
gebygean / / # / forþon he hyhte |
to |
me || ic hine hraþe lyse / nio |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 5 |
um || wisum lufadest / hihte ic |
to |
þinra handa || halgum dædum |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 6 |
þan / on worulda woruld || and |
to |
widan feore / / # / þu on ecness |
The Paris Psalter 91:13 2 |
/ þe hiom yldo gebidan || ær |
to |
genihte / and þa mid geþylde |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 2 |
geworden || wealdend drihten / |
to |
friþstole || fæst and gesta |
The Paris Psalter 94:8 1 |
isce || ær afedde / / # / gif ge |
to |
dæge || drihtnes stefne / hold |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 |
beornas sæcgeaþ / fram dæge |
to |
dæge || drihtnes hælu / / # / h |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 4 |
rþon he eadig com || eorþan |
to |
demanne / / # / he ymbhwyrft || e |
The Paris Psalter 98:7 3 |
holde mode / spræc him wordum |
to |
|| þurh wolcnes swyr / / # / hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 34 |
mwara bearn || and him recene |
to |
/ friþes wilnedon || he him f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 65 |
ldum treowum || þæt hi æft |
to |
him / comen on þa ceastre || l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 83 |
of þæm clammum || cleopode |
to |
drihtne / geomran stemne || gyd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 55 |
| buton se hlisa an / se is eac |
to |
lytel || swelcra lariowa / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 17 |
hit wesan sceolde / swa hit eac |
to |
worulde || sceal wunian forþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 54 |
ge durre / gemetgian || ær hit |
to |
micel weorþe / hæfþ se ælmi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 87 |
orþaþ him selfe || siþþan |
to |
nauhte / ac se ilca god || se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 24 |
þa || sweotolor gecnawan / and |
to |
heora cyþþe || becuman siþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 16 |
/ and moncynne || þara micles |
to |
feola / woroldwuniendra || win |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 46 |
s metes ne recþ / þincþ him |
to |
þon wynsum || þæt him se w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67 |
yt / wiþ his gecyndes || cymþ |
to |
þonne hit mæg / nis nu ofer e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 70 |
lnie || þæt hio wolde cuman / |
to |
þam earde || þe hio of beco |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 13 |
um / þeah hine se dysega || do |
to |
cyninge / hu mæg þæt gescead |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 13 |
orþan / and gesamnade || sawle |
to |
lice / æt fruman ærest || fol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 30 |
þanan / wyrþ on weorulde || |
to |
wuldre ne cymþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 11 |
de || bute him ær cume / hreow |
to |
heortan || ær he hionan wend |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 44 |
and æhta / and weorþscipes || |
to |
gewinnanne / þonne hi habbaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 14 |
etst / truwian sceolde || hi me |
to |
wendon / heora bacu bitere || a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 15 |
e unstilla || agna gesceafta / |
to |
þinum willan || wislice asty |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30 |
m hit his utan || ne com auht |
to |
þe / ac ic georne wat || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 36 |
| from gode selfum / næfst þu |
to |
ænegum || andan genumenne / fo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 91 |
|| wætum and cealdum / foldan |
to |
flore || fæste gesettest / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 100 |
|| bloweþ and groweþ / eldum |
to |
are || eorþe sio cealde / bren |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 104 |
|| þonne hio wære / fordrugod |
to |
duste || and todrifen siþþa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 154 |
er engla || fyr gebunden / efne |
to |
þon fæste || þæt hit fiol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 168 |
eah efneþe || up and of dune / |
to |
feallanne || foldan þisse / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 238 |
in flæsce || hwæt hi simle |
to |
þe / hionan fundiaþ || forþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 240 |
þe / æror comon || sculon eft |
to |
þe / sceal se lichama || last |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 253 |
|| urum modum / þæt hi moten |
to |
þe || metod alwuhta / þurg þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 256 |
ewit fæder / þeoda waldend || |
to |
þe cuman / and þonne mid open |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 279 |
io wlitige stow || þe se weg |
to |
ligþ / þe ealle to || a fundi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 280 |
þe se weg to ligþ / þe ealle |
to |
|| a fundiaþ / men of moldan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 2 |
ard / friora æghwilc || fundie |
to |
/ þæm ecum gode || þe we ymb |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 4 |
de || þe we ymb sprecaþ / and |
to |
þæm gesælþum || þe we se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 9 |
riodom || þæt he forþ cume / |
to |
þæm gesælþum || saula ræ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 19 |
tow / æfter þyssum yrmþum || |
to |
aganne / ac ic georne wat || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 24 |
gebetaþ / hiora scearpnesse || |
to |
þære sceawunga / soþra gesæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 42 |
þiostro || beorna gehwylcum / |
to |
metanne || wiþ þæt micle l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12 |
| swa he swiþost mæge / ealle |
to |
þæm anum || his ingeþonc / g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 57 |
e sceolde / eft gewendan || in |
to |
sinum / modes gemynde || he mæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 10 |
æt þu þe bet mæge / aredian |
to |
rodorum || rihte stige / on þo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 45 |
eorþest || on wege rihtum / up |
to |
þæm earde || þæt is æþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19 |
ehunde || wuhta gelicost / biþ |
to |
up ahæfen || inne on mode / fo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 21 |
m anra gehwilc / his tirwina || |
to |
fultemaþ / gif mon þonne wold |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 65 |
þonne nede || nearwe gebugan / |
to |
þara hlaforda || hæftedome / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46 |
swa swa wuldres cining / gif he |
to |
þæm rice wæs || on rihte b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 59 |
xes / cining þracia || com ane |
to |
/ ceole liþan || cuþ wæs son |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 66 |
| hi on sefan lufode / þæt he |
to |
his earde || ænige nyste / mod |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 79 |
ac || ræpan mænigne / sume hi |
to |
wulfum wurdon || ne meahton |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 87 |
ge giunge || ealle forhwerfde / |
to |
sumum diore || swelcum he ær |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 116 |
ge || monna æniges / eallunga |
to |
him || æfre onwendan / ac þa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 19 |
men || hine ær willaþ / foran |
to |
sciotan || swa swa fugla cyn / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 64 |
on his agen gecynd / weorþeþ |
to |
wætre || ne þincþ þæt wu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 77 |
iora ænig || æfre weorþeþ / |
to |
þon firwetgeorn || þæt he |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 60 |
nd || sæd and bleda / hærfest |
to |
honda || herbuendum / ripa rece |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 87 |
olden / æghwilc hiora || ealle |
to |
nauhte / weorþan sceoldon || w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 13 |
þeah wuhta gehwylc / onhnigen |
to |
hrusan || hnipaþ of dune / on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 14 |
on weoruld wliteþ || wilnaþ |
to |
eorþan / sume nedþearfe || su |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 20 |
|| ma up þonne niþer / habban |
to |
heofonum || þy læs he his h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 5 |
nglu genedest || þæt hi þe |
to |
heraþ / swylce seo sunne || sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 30 |
st þu wesan for þæm / ealles |
to |
ormod || ne þu þe æfre ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 33 |
ermettum || eft gescended / and |
to |
up ahafen || for orsorgum / wor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 34 |
um / woruldgesælþum || ne eft |
to |
waclice / geortreowe || æniges |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 7 |
hiora birhtu || ne biþ auht / |
to |
gesettane || wiþ þære sunn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 16 |
| gilpes and æhta / gedrinceþ |
to |
dryggum || dreosendne welan / a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 44 |
yfela || orsorh wunaþ / hopaþ |
to |
þæm ecum || þe þær æfte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 4 |
wæs / hehst under heofonum || |
to |
hryre monegum / wælhreowes gew |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 9 |
es || inwidþoncas / he het him |
to |
gamene || geara forbærnan / ro |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46 |
| heran sceolde / he hæfde him |
to |
gamene || þonne he on gylp a |
Metrical Psalm 91:13 2 |
/ ðe him yldo gebidan || ær |
to |
genihte / and þæ mid geðilde |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 5 |
m || wisum lufædest / hihte ic |
to |
ðinræ hændæ || hælgum de |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 6 |
n / on woruldæ% world% || and |
to |
widæn feore. |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 2 |
geworden || wealdend drihten / |
to |
friðstole fest || and gestæ |
Metrical Psalm 94:8 1 |
# Metrical Psalm 94:8 / / Gif ge |
to |
dege || drihtnes stefne / holde |
The Battle of Brunanburh 17 |
oþ sio æþele gesceaft / sah |
to |
setle || þær læg secg mæn |
The Battle of Brunanburh 28 |
bosme || land gesohtun / fæge |
to |
gefeohte || fife lægun / on þ |
The Battle of Brunanburh 34 |
þmanna bregu || nede gebeded / |
to |
lides stefne || litle weorode |
The Coronation of Edgar 2 |
gla waldend / corþre miclum || |
to |
cyninge gehalgod / on þære ea |
The Coronation of Edgar 13 |
/ leohta hyrdes || buton þær |
to |
lafe þa get / wæs wintergetel |
The Death of Edgar 11 |
fa || feng his bearn syþþan / |
to |
cynerice || cild unweaxen / eor |
The Death of Edgar 22 |
ode || þa wæs mærþa fruma / |
to |
swiþe forsewen || sigora wal |
The Death of Alfred 8 |
|| and her friþ namon / nu is |
to |
gelyfenne || to þan leofan g |
The Death of Alfred 8 |
namon / nu is to gelyfenne || |
to |
þan leofan gode / þæt hi bli |
The Death of Alfred 13 |
dde || þæt man hine lædde / |
to |
eligbyrig || swa gebundenne / s |
The Death of Alfred 15 |
nd hine swa blindne || brohte |
to |
þam munecon / and he þar wuno |
The Death of Edward 2 |
ord / sende soþfæste || sawle |
to |
criste / on godes wæra || gast |
The Rune Poem 26 |
indes scuras || weorþeþ hit |
to |
wætere syþþan / nied byþ ne |
The Rune Poem 28 |
þ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum / |
to |
helpe and to hæle gehwæþre |
The Rune Poem 47 |
þ hi brimhengest || bringeþ |
to |
lande / tir biþ tacna sum || h |
The Rune Poem 93 |
colian || hrusan ceosan / blac |
to |
gebeddan || bleda gedreosaþ / |
Solomon and Saturn 51 |
lic is se organ || ingemyndum / |
to |
begonganne || þam þe his ga |
Solomon and Saturn 67 |
foldan || næfre hie se feond |
to |
þæs niþer / feterum gefæstn |
Solomon and Saturn 7 |
mærþa þæs modige || þær |
to |
þam moning gelomp / suþ ymbe |
Solomon and Saturn 95 |
sces / micles and mætes || him |
to |
mose sceall / gegangan geara ge |
Solomon and Saturn 121 |
ic / mid þa fræcnan || feonde |
to |
willan / saturnus cwæþ # || / |
Solomon and Saturn 128 |
and forweorniaþ || weorþaþ |
to |
duste / swa þonne gefeallaþ | |
Solomon and Saturn 132 |
eorne / on fæstenne || feondum |
to |
willan / and wenaþ wanhogan || |
Solomon and Saturn 165 |
gedæled / leodum gelice || sum |
to |
lyt hafaþ / godes grædig || h |
Solomon and Saturn 167 |
þ / þurh geearnunga || eadgum |
to |
ræste / saturnus cwæþ # || / |
Solomon and Saturn 202 |
ld || widsiþ sceapen / oft heo |
to |
bealwe || bearn afedeþ / seolf |
Solomon and Saturn 203 |
alwe || bearn afedeþ / seolfre |
to |
sorge || siþþan dreogeþ / hi |
Solomon and Saturn 240 |
icle || gif heo gesegnod biþ / |
to |
þycgganne || gif he hit geþ |
Solomon and Saturn 250 |
eaft || on fæder geardas / eft |
to |
his eþle || þanon hit æror |
Solomon and Saturn 251 |
uom / hit biþ eallenga || eorl |
to |
gesihþe / þam þe gedælan ca |
Solomon and Saturn 264 |
hwæþerne aþreoteþ ær / ic |
to |
soþon wat || sægdon me gear |
Solomon and Saturn 276 |
| gif he biþ modes gleaw / and |
to |
his freondum wile || fultum s |
Solomon and Saturn 14 |
wepende || on weg faran / engel |
to |
his earde || and þæt eall s |
The Menologium 8 |
ged / on þam ylcan dæge || us |
to |
tune / forma monaþ || hine fol |
The Menologium 12 |
fulwihttiid / eces drihtnes || |
to |
us cymeþ / þæne twelfta dæg |
The Menologium 16 |
n / þætte solmonaþ || sigeþ |
to |
tune / butan twam nihtum || swa |
The Menologium 22 |
ge / bearn wealdendes || brohte |
to |
temple / þænne þæs emb fif |
The Menologium 29 |
n tun || geliden hæfde / werum |
to |
wicum || swylce eac is wide c |
The Menologium 34 |
r cymeþ / ufor anre niht || us |
to |
tune / hrime gehyrsted || hagol |
The Menologium 57 |
ymþ / seo mære tiid || mannum |
to |
frofre / drihtnes ærist || þ |
The Menologium 62 |
/ eallum eorþwarum || eadigum |
to |
blisse / ne magon we þa tide | |
The Menologium 72 |
fum / þæs þe eastermonaþ || |
to |
us cymeþ / þæt man reliquias |
The Menologium 89 |
/ sigelbeorhte dagas || sumor |
to |
tune / wearme gewyderu || þæn |
The Menologium 100 |
/ eaþmode him || eorlas funde / |
to |
godes willan || swa him se gl |
The Menologium 108 |
tiida lange / ærra liþa || us |
to |
tune / iunius on geard || on þ |
The Menologium 112 |
rhtust || and of tille agrynt / |
to |
sete sigeþ || wyle syþþan |
The Menologium 147 |
an / mid wuldorfæder || weorca |
to |
leane / swylce þæs ymb fif ni |
The Menologium 153 |
lean || fæmnan forgolden / ece |
to |
ealdre || þænne ealling by |
The Menologium 165 |
|| heleþum geþinged / fereþ |
to |
folce || swa hit foregleawe / e |
The Menologium 172 |
| gast onsende / matheus his || |
to |
metodsceafte / in ecne gefean | |
The Menologium 183 |
eþeahte / october on tun || us |
to |
genihte / winterfylleþ || swa |
The Menologium 195 |
/ blotmonaþ on tun || beornum |
to |
wiste / nouembris || niþa bear |
The Menologium 214 |
ela / clementes oft || clypiaþ |
to |
þearfe / and þæs embe seofon |
The Menologium 219 |
þænne folcum bringþ / morgen |
to |
mannum || monaþ to tune / dece |
The Menologium 219 |
þ / morgen to mannum || monaþ |
to |
tune / decembris || drihta bear |
The Menologium 228 |
on þas sidan gesceaft / folcum |
to |
frofre || nu ge findan magon / |
Maxims II 15 |
eolan || gode gesiþas / byldan |
to |
beaduwe || and to beahgife / el |
Maxims II 15 |
þas / byldan to beaduwe || and |
to |
beahgife / ellen sceal on eorle |
The Judgment Day II 28 |
nan / hate of hleorum || recene |
to |
tearum / ðænne ic synful slea |
The Judgment Day II 85 |
pe / and dædbote do || drihtne |
to |
willan / glæd bið se godes su |
The Judgment Day II 120 |
an brohte / æghwanum cumene || |
to |
his ansyne / ðæt gehwylc unde |
The Judgment Day II 132 |
æfre / oððe modar gebær || |
to |
manlican / oððe ða ðe wæro |
The Judgment Day II 138 |
geðohte / oððe seo tunge || |
to |
teonan geclypede / oððe manne |
The Judgment Day II 184 |
ode / awyrgedum gastum || weana |
to |
leane / ða oferswiðað || sef |
The Judgment Day II 191 |
|| susle on helle / ðær synt |
to |
sorge || ætsomne gemenged / se |
The Rewards of Piety 10 |
essylen / and se miccla hopa || |
to |
ðinum hælende / ðæt he ðin |
The Rewards of Piety 14 |
að / ða soðfæstan || sauwle |
to |
reste / on ða uplican || eadig |
The Rewards of Piety 30 |
he ðe ne forlæte || laðum |
to |
handa / feondum to frofre || ac |
The Rewards of Piety 31 |
te || laðum to handa / feondum |
to |
frofre || ac ðu fleoh ðanan |
The Rewards of Piety 37 |
ænne ðu hyra geweald nafast / |
to |
syllanne || hit bið swiðe y |
A Summons to Prayer 22 |
ginem almum] / and ðær æfter |
to |
|| [omnes sancti] / bliðmod bi |
A Summons to Prayer 25 |
ðe || [unica uoce] / ðingian |
to |
ðeodne || [thronum regentem] |
The Lord's Prayer II 2 |
wuldre || forðam we clypiað |
to |
ðe / are biddað || nu ðu yð |
The Lord's Prayer II 5 |
urh ðine æðelan hand || in |
to |
ðam flæsce / ac hwar cymð he |
The Lord's Prayer II 10 |
sa beorhtost || ealle abugað |
to |
ðe / ðinra gasta ðrym || anr |
The Lord's Prayer II 12 |
rym || anre stæfne / clypiað |
to |
criste || cweðað ealle ðus |
The Lord's Prayer II 33 |
nd ðin micele miht || mannum |
to |
frofre / swa ðu engla god || e |
The Lord's Prayer II 76 |
t || symle gelæstað / syle us |
to |
dæg || drihten ðine / mildse |
The Gloria I 26 |
gemærsodest hine || manegum |
to |
helpe / ðone heahan dæg || he |
The Lord's Prayer III 6 |
|| fæste gestaðelod / cume nu |
to |
mannum || mihta wealdend / ðin |
The Lord's Prayer III 7 |
m || mihta wealdend / ðin rice |
to |
us || rihtwis dema / and ðin g |
The Lord's Prayer III 13 |
wuldre / wynnum gewlitegod || a |
to |
worulde forð / syle us nu to d |
The Lord's Prayer III 14 |
a to worulde forð / syle us nu |
to |
dæge || drihten gumena / heofe |
The Lord's Prayer III 16 |
ðone ðu onsendest || sawlum |
to |
hæle / on middaneard || manna |
The Lord's Prayer III 27 |
|| ecan lifes / ne læd ðu us |
to |
wite || in wean sorge / ne in c |
The Creed 22 |
buendum || engla scyppend / se |
to |
frofre gewearð || foldbuendu |
Fragment of Psalm 101 3 |
ones weard || and gehlyde min / |
to |
ðe becume || ðeoda reccend |
Fragment of Psalm 24 2 |
ðu me || minra fyrena / gramra |
to |
georne || ðe ic geong dyde / a |
Fragment of Psalm 34 2 |
feoht swylce || ða me fuhtan |
to |
/ / # / gegrip gar and scyld || a |
Fragment of Psalm 5 1 |
nd eac ece god / / # / forðon ic |
to |
ðe || ece drihten / soðum geb |
Fragment of Psalm 5 2 |
e sylfne geseo || forðon ic |
to |
soðe wat / ðæt ðu unriht ne |
Fragment of Psalm 50 2 |
r / fram ðinre ansyne || æfre |
to |
feore / ne huru on weg aber || |
Fragment of Psalm 58 2 |
onda minra || ðe me feohtað |
to |
/ alys me fram laðum || ðe me |
Fragment of Psalm 87 1 |
ragment of Psalm 87 / / # / ic me |
to |
ðe || ece drihten / mid modgeh |
Psalm 50 7 |
fæstest || swiðe geðancol / |
to |
ðingienne || ðiodum sinum / w |
Psalm 50 23 |
rode / and him bezabe || brohte |
to |
wife / for gitsunga || ðe he g |
Psalm 50 27 |
oda aldor / dauid georne || and |
to |
dryhtne gebæd / and his synna |
Psalm 50 37 |
weoruda || adilga min unriht / |
to |
forgefenesse || gaste minum / a |
Psalm 50 79 |
gefean bliðse || forðweard |
to |
ðe / ðanne bioð on wenne || |
Psalm 50 90 |
tig god || modswiðne geðanc / |
to |
ðolienne || ðinne willan / an |
Psalm 50 91 |
olienne || ðinne willan / and |
to |
healdenne || halige domas / and |
Psalm 50 104 |
ldorlice || a forð sioððan / |
to |
ðinum willan || weorðan mot |
Psalm 50 107 |
t hio arlease || eft gecerdan / |
to |
hiora selfra || saula hiorde / |
Psalm 50 108 |
fra || saula hiorde / god selfa |
to |
ðe || gastes mundberd / ðurh |
Psalm 50 118 |
ine / and lof georne || liodum |
to |
bliðse / soð sigedryhten || s |
Psalm 50 124 |
moste / deadra neata || dryhtne |
to |
willan / ac ðe micle ma || meh |
Psalm 50 131 |
nu fræmsume || frofre ðine / |
to |
ðinum godan || gastes willan |
Psalm 50 147 |
ingode || ðiode aldor / dauid |
to |
dryhtne || deda gemyndig / ðæ |
Psalm 50 148 |
t hine mæhtig god || mannum |
to |
frofre / ðæs cynedomes || cri |
A Prayer 9 |
ippend / gemilsa ðyn mod || me |
to |
gode / sile ðyne are || ðynum |
A Prayer 47 |
hleem ðære byrig || beornum |
to |
frofre / eallum to are || ylda |
A Prayer 48 |
g || beornum to frofre / eallum |
to |
are || ylda bearnum / ðam ðe |
A Prayer 68 |
eofena drihten / and gebidde me |
to |
ðe || bearna selost / ðæt ð |
Thureth 3 |
|| frætewum belegde / ðureð |
to |
ðance || ðus het me wyrcean |
Thureth 4 |
ðance || ðus het me wyrcean / |
to |
loue and to wurðe || ðam ð |
Thureth 9 |
ega / wyle gemearcian || metode |
to |
lace / and he sceal æce lean | |
Thureth 11 |
s ðe he on foldan || fremað |
to |
ryhte |
The Seasons for Fasting 6 |
rd || sette for leodum / rincum |
to |
ræde || and him runa gescead |
The Seasons for Fasting 13 |
om ðæs of heofonum || hearm |
to |
leane / asende sigora god || an |
The Seasons for Fasting 14 |
de sigora god || and hie sona |
to |
him / fryða wilnodan || and ð |
The Seasons for Fasting 22 |
dryhten / on beam setton || and |
to |
byrgenne / gedemdon || he ðær |
The Seasons for Fasting 29 |
s lamb oððe styrc || leofum |
to |
tacne / ðe for worulde wæs || |
The Seasons for Fasting 56 |
eastertid || oðer fæsten / ys |
to |
bremenne || brytena leodum / mi |
The Seasons for Fasting 66 |
elicum || on ðam deoran hofe / |
to |
brymenne || beorhtum sange / on |
The Seasons for Fasting 81 |
xta samod || seofoða getinge / |
to |
gelæstanne || lifes ealdre / a |
The Seasons for Fasting 82 |
læstanne || lifes ealdre / and |
to |
bremenne || boca gerynum / emb |
The Seasons for Fasting 90 |
ðæs ðe moyses iu || mælde |
to |
leodum / na ðu ðæs andfeng | |
The Seasons for Fasting 115 |
can / elda orðancum || eallum |
to |
tacne / ðæt we mid fæstene m |
The Seasons for Fasting 125 |
angud wearð || styðum gyfle / |
to |
gefæstenne || feowertig daga |
The Seasons for Fasting 130 |
ra ðegen || mihta ne hæfde / |
to |
astigenne || stæppon on yppl |
The Seasons for Fasting 144 |
se ealda dyde || elias iu / is |
to |
hicganne || hu se halga gewat |
The Seasons for Fasting 158 |
feala || nanuht gyltig / leodum |
to |
lare || ðæt hie on lengten |
The Seasons for Fasting 194 |
on leahtrum hiora || ligegen |
to |
fæste / hwa mæg ðyngian || |
The Seasons for Fasting 205 |
emman / ryhthicgennde || ðe he |
to |
ræde tæchð / drince he him |
The Seasons for Fasting 219 |
synleas || syllan mote / ostran |
to |
æte || and æðele wyn / emb m |
The Seasons for Fasting 223 |
|| and ne wigliað / hwæne hie |
to |
mose fon || mæða bedæled / h |
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 6 |
eop || eorðan bearnum / heofon |
to |
hrofe || halig scyppend / ða m |
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 3 |
otturra || than him tharf sie / |
to |
ymbhycggannae || aer his hini |
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 3 |
ra # ðon him ðearf riae || / |
to |
ymbhycgenne || aer his hinion |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 3 |
otera || ðonne him ðearf sy / |
to |
gehicgenne || ær his heoneng |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 2 |
terscipe || ðe us wereda god / |
to |
frofre gehet || foldbuendum / h |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 21 |
weð æfter feldum || oð hit |
to |
fenne werð / ac hladað iow nu |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 24 |
gregorius || gegiered hafað / |
to |
durum iowrum || dryhtnes well |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 28 |
welc || ðyrelne cylle / brohte |
to |
ðys burnan || bete hine geor |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 5 |
ul eaðe mæg || upp gestigan / |
to |
ðam heofonlican hame || ðar |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 10 |
and ðonne ðurh his ingehygd / |
to |
ðissa haligra || helpe gelie |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 18 |
st and sceawast / ðæt ðu him |
to |
ðeossum halgum || helpe bidd |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 7 |
synum / geendigan || his aldre |
to |
willan / and him ðæs geunne | |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5 |
wið eal ðæt lað || ðe in |
to |
land fare / sygegealdor ic bega |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 20 |
|| ðinra engla / clipige ic me |
to |
are || wið eallum feondum / hi |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 3 |
ac ðu scealt north eonene || |
to |
ðan nihgan berhge / ðer ðu h |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 26 |
/ syððan him mon mægðan || |
to |
mete gegyrede / ðis is seo wyr |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 29 |
hrygc / ondan attres || oðres |
to |
bote / ðas nigun magon || wið |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 40 |
/ earmum and eadigum || eallum |
to |
bote / stond heo wið wærce || |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 23 |
ic wille ðin helpan / ðis ðe |
to |
bote esa gescotes || ðis ðe |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 23 |
bote esa gescotes || ðis ðe |
to |
bote ylfa gescotes / ðis ðe t |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 24 |
o bote ylfa gescotes / ðis ðe |
to |
bote hægtessan gescotes || i |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 1 |
# For Delayed Birth / / ðis me |
to |
bote || ðære laðan lætbyr |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 2 |
ære laðan lætbyrde / ðis me |
to |
bote || ðære swæran swærb |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 3 |
re swæran swærbyrde / ðis me |
to |
bote || ðære laðan lambyrd |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 5 |
an / sitte ge sigewif || sigað |
to |
eorðan / næfre ge wilde || to |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 6 |
to eorðan / næfre ge wilde || |
to |
wuda fleogan / beo ge swa gemin |
Instructions for Christians 5 |
wer þing || forð-steppende / |
to |
þæra ecan || eadignesse; / h |
Instructions for Christians 43 |
lt þu þæt æfre% || ayldan |
to |
lange / þæt ðu behatest% || |
Instructions for Christians 61 |
ære / on mægðhade || metode |
to |
willan, / and for Cristes lufa |
Instructions for Christians 95 |
nca gewylce, / þæt he þence |
to |
þam || ðe he þonne cweðe. |
Instructions for Christians 109 |
e sellan; || he bið gecoræn |
to |
þan / sygora wearde. || He sc |
Instructions for Christians 123 |
lfres, || and eac godes fele / |
to |
habbanne || her on weorulde. / |
Instructions for Christians 129 |
gon. / Ac se ðe hine sylfne || |
to |
swiðe ahefð / for his ofer-m |
Instructions for Christians 142 |
ela || manna ænegum, / gif he |
to |
swiðe ne bið || sylfe belea |
Instructions for Christians 145 |
earflicu || þegna gehwilcum / |
to |
habbanne || her on weorlde; / |
Instructions for Christians 149 |
of þæm cumað monige || men |
to |
heofonum. / Sceal æghwylc man |
Instructions for Christians 155 |
unde ær. / Spræc God geara || |
to |
Hieremie, / þan witegan, || a |
Instructions for Christians 163 |
gefremman. / Ne scealt þu beon |
to |
sene || ne to sið-geare, / ne |
Instructions for Christians 163 |
scealt þu beon to sene || ne |
to |
sið-geare, / ne to slapor ne |
Instructions for Christians 164 |
sene || ne to sið-geare, / ne |
to |
slapor ne to slaw, || gif þu |
Instructions for Christians 169 |
forð ofer þæt / þam æfre |
to |
|| eft ne gecyrre / þeah he n |
Instructions for Christians 180 |
æg || þegna eanig / onwendan |
to |
wille || gif he ne wolde ær. |
Instructions for Christians 194 |
drihten, / ælmihtig Godd, || |
to |
Ysaie; / weroda wuldor-kyning |
Instructions for Christians 195 |
aie; / weroda wuldor-kyning || |
to |
þam witegan spreac, / þeah ic |
Instructions for Christians 209 |
miht? / Ac hafa ðu geleafa || |
to |
lifes frumon; / gewuna þar ð |
Instructions for Christians 212 |
ota stepum || frea ealmihtig / |
to |
gesecanne || sinum% þegne, / |
Instructions for Christians 215 |
t fula sloh || fira eanegum / |
to |
ondrædanne, || gif hit forbu |
Instructions for Christians 230 |
is leoht || wera% æghwilcum / |
to |
habbanne || her on weoruldæ. |
Instructions for Christians 245 |
/ and na ymb þe sylfum || na |
to |
wel lætan, / naðer ne for cr |
Instructions for Christians 251 |
þon ðu mote habbe || ęce |
to |
medes / heofon-rices dæl; || |
Instructions for Christians 258 |
|| syndon ealle þreo / heonan |
to |
heofonum, || swa us se halga |
Instructions for Christians 262 |
tohope || þam ðe eallunga / |
to |
þam uplican hame || efestlic |
Instructions for Christians 264 |
s, || [filius dei], / þæt we |
to |
þam earde || becumon moton. / |
Grave 15 |
s þet eorðhus and grim inne |
to |
wunien. / ðer þu scealt wunie |
Grave 18 |
e freond, þe þe wylle faren |
to, |
/ ðæt efre wule lokien, hu |
Grave 22 |
sone þu bist ladlic and lad |
to |
iseonne. / For sone bið þin h |
The Battle of Finnsburh 14 |
|| gyrde hine his swurde / þa |
to |
dura eodon || drihtlice cempa |
The Battle of Finnsburh 20 |
freolic feorh || forman siþe / |
to |
þære healle durum || hyrsta |
The Battle of Finnsburh 27 |
t her witod / swæþer þu sylf |
to |
me || secean wylle / þa wæs o |
Waldere, Fragment II 20 |
unscende || æþelinges reaf / |
to |
habbanne || þonne hand were |
Waldere, Fragment II 26 |
ryh/ /a gehwilces / se þe him |
to |
þam halgan || helpe gelifeþ |
Waldere, Fragment II 27 |
þam halgan || helpe gelifeþ / |
to |
gode gioce || he þær gearo |
Waldere B 21 |
unscende || æðelinges reaf / |
to |
habbanne, || þonne hand were |
Waldere B 27 |
ryh/ /a gehwilces. / Se ðe him |
to |
ðam halgan || helpe gelifeð |
Waldere B 28 |
am halgan || helpe gelifeð, / |
to |
gode gioce, || he þær gearo |
The Battle of Maldon 3 |
an || and forþ gangan / hicgan |
to |
handum || and to hige godum / |
The Battle of Maldon 3 |
angan / hicgan to handum || and |
to |
hige godum / þa þæt offan m |
The Battle of Maldon 7 |
afoc wiþ þæs holtes || and |
to |
þære hilde stop / be þam man |
The Battle of Maldon 9 |
acian æt þam wige || þa he |
to |
wæpnum feng / eac him wolde ea |
The Battle of Maldon 11 |
|| his ealdre gelæstan / frean |
to |
gefeohte || ongan þa forþ b |
The Battle of Maldon 12 |
|| ongan þa forþ beran / gar |
to |
guþe || he hæfde god geþan |
The Battle of Maldon 27 |
ead || brimliþendra / ærænde |
to |
þam eorle || þær he on ofr |
The Battle of Maldon 28 |
ær he on ofre stod / me sendon |
to |
þe || sæmen snelle / heton þ |
The Battle of Maldon 38 |
llaþ mid þam sceattum || us |
to |
scype gangan / on flot feran || |
The Battle of Maldon 44 |
is folc segeþ / hi willaþ eow |
to |
gafole || garas syllan / ættry |
The Battle of Maldon 53 |
sceolon / hæþene æt hilde || |
to |
heanlic me þinceþ / þæt ge |
The Battle of Maldon 54 |
þæt ge mid urum sceattum || |
to |
scype gangon / unbefohtene || n |
The Battle of Maldon 62 |
te þær for wætere || werod |
to |
þam oþrum / þær com flowend |
The Battle of Maldon 64 |
r ebban / lucon lagustreamas || |
to |
lang hit him þuhte / hwænne h |
The Battle of Maldon 88 |
or his ofermode / alyfan landes |
to |
fela || laþere þeode / ongan |
The Battle of Maldon 91 |
eow is gerymed || gaþ ricene |
to |
us / guman to guþe || god ana |
The Battle of Maldon 92 |
ed || gaþ ricene to us / guman |
to |
guþe || god ana wat / hwa þæ |
The Battle of Maldon 97 |
æter || scyldas wegon / lidmen |
to |
lande || linde bæron / þær o |
The Battle of Maldon 126 |
þæt hyssa gehwylc || hogode |
to |
wige / þe on denon wolde || do |
The Battle of Maldon 129 |
heard || wæpen up ahof / bord |
to |
gebeorge || and wiþ þæs be |
The Battle of Maldon 130 |
stop / eode swa anræd || eorl |
to |
þam ceorle / ægþer hyra oþr |
The Battle of Maldon 148 |
fleogan of folman || þæt se |
to |
forþ gewat / þurh þone æþe |
The Battle of Maldon 157 |
hte / eode þa gesyrwed || secg |
to |
þam eorle / he wolde þæs beo |
The Battle of Maldon 162 |
ccg || and on þa byrnan sloh / |
to |
raþe hine gelette || lidmann |
The Battle of Maldon 164 |
rles || earm amyrde / feoll þa |
to |
foldan || fealohilte swurd / ne |
The Battle of Maldon 170 |
m leng || fæste gestandan / he |
to |
heofenum wlat # || / geþancie |
The Battle of Maldon 175 |
godes geunne / þæt min sawul |
to |
þe || siþian mote / on þin g |
The Battle of Maldon 177 |
riþe ferian || ic eom frymdi |
to |
þe / þæt hi helsceaþan || h |
The Battle of Maldon 195 |
|| ealle gemundon / þe he him |
to |
duguþe || gedon hæfde / swa h |
The Battle of Maldon 230 |
st || ealle gemanode / þegenas |
to |
þearfe || nu ure þeoden li |
The Battle of Maldon 233 |
ghwylc || oþerne bylde / wigan |
to |
wige || þa hwile þe he wæp |
The Battle of Maldon 243 |
de || and his linde ahof / bord |
to |
gebeorge || he þam beorne on |
The Battle of Maldon 290 |
n begen || on burh ridan / hale |
to |
hame || oþþe on here crincg |
The Battle of Maldon 319 |
s bearn || ealle bylde / godric |
to |
guþe || oft he gar forlet / w |