Number of occurrences in corpus: 13
Genesis A 2370b | raham fremede || swā him sē | ēċa | be·bēad, / sette friðu-tāce |
Genesis A 2898b | his eaforan, || swā him sē | ēċa | be·bēad, / þæt hē on hrōf |
Exodus 273a | r ġē sīðien. / Þis is sē | ēċa | || Abrahames God, / frumsċeaft |
Christ and Satan 276a | staðolode, / hwæðer ūs sē | ēċa | || ǣfre wille / on heofona rī |
Christ and Satan 456b | cōm / up tō earde, || and sē | ēċa | mid him / metod mann-cynnes || |
Christ and Satan 530b | der / ealle urnon, || ðǣr sē | ēċa | wæs. / Fēollon on foldan, || |
The Order of the World 32b | ealdre, || þæs þe ūs sē | ēċa | cyning / on gǣste wlite || for |
Guthlac A 381b | orðan tō ēacan, || min sē | ēċa | dæl / on ġe·fēan fareþ, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 70a | f hine ġe·ġrīpan mōt / sē | ēċa | dēaþ || aefter þissum weor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 74a | mearce healden. / Ac þonne sē | ēċa | || and sē æl-mihtĝa / þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 132a | is līf tēode, / þæt is sē | ēċa | || and sē æl-mihtĝa. / Eorð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 45a | æðela ġe·sċeafta, / ac sē | ēċa | god || ealle ġe·metĝaþ / s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 29a | rċeþ oftost. / Wēl lā, þū | ēċa | || and þū æl-mihtĝa, / ealr |