Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: ASMMF XVI (2008)
Referenced in:
- facs: 13 - Cambridge, University Library, Hh. 1. 10 no. 97
- mss: 13 - Cambridge, University Library, Hh. 1. 10 61-4 [no. 97
- facs: 122 - Cambridge, Jesus College, 15 (Q. A. 15), fols. i-x and 1-10 (binding leaves) no. 65
- mss: 122 - Cambridge, Jesus College, 15 (Q. A. 15), fols. i-x and 1-10 (binding leaves) 5-13 [no. 65
- facs: 177 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 15. 34 (369) no. 80
- mss: 177 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 15. 34 (369) 17-26 [no. 80
- facs: 182 - Cambridge, Trinity College, R. 9. 17 (819), fols. 1-48 no. 82
- mss: 182 - Cambridge, Trinity College, R. 9. 17 (819), fols. 1-48 35-41 [no. 82
- facs: 441 - London, British Library, Harley 5915, fols. 8 and 9 (with Bloomington, Indiana University, Lilly Library, Add. 1000) nos. 14, 277
- mss: 441 - London, British Library, Harley 5915, fols. 8 and 9 (with Bloomington, Indiana University, Lilly Library, Add. 1000) 1-3 [no. 14
- facs: 442 - London, British Library, Harley 5915, fol. 13 (with Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys 2981 (16)) nos. 66, 277a
- mss: 442 - London, British Library, Harley 5915, fol. 13 (with Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys 2981 (16)) 15-16 [no. 66
- facs: 538.5 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 4. 32 (S.C. 2176), fols. 10-18 no. 346
- mss: 538.5 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 4. 32 (S.C. 2176), fols. 10-18 82-3, 85-6 [no. 346
- st: 538.5 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 4. 32 (S.C. 2176), fols. 10-18 82-3 [Wilcox]
- facs: 538 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 4. 32 (S.C. 2176) (‘St Dunstan’s Classbook’) no. 346
- facs: 629 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 42 (S.C. 4117) no. 379
- mss: 629 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 42 (S.C. 4117) 93-106 [no. 379
- facs: 670 - Oxford, Brasenose College, Latham M. 6. 15 no. 409
- mss: 670 - Oxford, Brasenose College, Latham M. 6. 15 107-9 [no. 409