A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

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Poem of the Day: GOSCELIN.VEdith.Vers

  1. Centena uos hinc paruulorum milia,
  2. Herodiana mactat quos uesania,
  3. Dulces amici sponsi collactanei,
  4. Fouete: lactens sponsam duxit lacteam.
  5. Vallate cunis florescentem floridis,
  6. Quem foeta patre uirgo lactat celibe,
  7. Reges adorant, angeli pronunciant,
  8. Cantant superna, stella signat pronuba,
  9. Quin angelorum pastorem bos collocat.
  10. Presepe regi celi thalamus ponitur.
  11. ...

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Word Form of the Day: mægenfultuma

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

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Metre of the Day

Riddles 2 1a

Scansion: xxxxSx
Type: a1d
Scansion: xxxx / x
Type: A3

Syntax: iN
Light Verse

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