Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Cahn—Marrow (1978)
Referenced in:
- mss: 857 - New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 401 + 401A (with Cambridge, University Library, Add. 3330 + London, British Library, Add. 50483K and 71687 + Oslo and London, the Schøyen Collection, 197 + Oxford, Bodleian Library, Arch. A. f. 131 (ptd bk.) and Lat. theol. d. 24, fols. 1 and 2 + Philadelphia, Free Library, John Frederic Lewis Collection, ET 121) 178-9 [no. 3
- mss: 858 - New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 516 177 [ no. 1
- mss: 859 - New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 578 182 [no. 7