Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Deshman (1977)
Referenced in:
- dec: 178 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 16. 3 (379)
- dec: 301 - London, British Library, Add. 49598 (the ‘Benedictional of St Æthelwold’) 154-73
- dec: 306 - London, British Library, Arundel 155, fols. 1-135 and 171-91 169-70
- dec: 378 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius C. vi (the ‘Tiberius Psalter’) 166-71
- dec: 538 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 4. 32 (S.C. 2176) (‘St Dunstan’s Classbook’) 148-52
- dec: 585 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 579 (S.C. 2675) (the ‘Leofric Missal’)
- facs: 585 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 579 (S.C. 2675) (the ‘Leofric Missal’) pls. I(a)-(b), II, V, VI, VIII(b) [fols. 61v, 154v (detail), 49v, 49r, 50v, 50r]
- dec: 684 - Oxford, St John’s College, 28 153-4
- dec: 886 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 6401 160-1
- facs: 886 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 6401 pl. V(d) [fol. 5v (detail)]
- dec: 939 - Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 32 (Script. eccl. 484), fols. 1-91 (the ‘Utrecht Psalter’) 156-8