Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Heslop (1990)
Referenced in:
- mss: 138 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 301 173-4, 181
- mss: 172 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 10. 4 (215) 154 n. 10, 166, 168, 171, 182
- mss: 290 - London, British Library, Add. 34890 (the ‘Grimbald Gospels’) 166, 182
- dec: 301 - London, British Library, Add. 49598 (the ‘Benedictional of St Æthelwold’) 163-5
- facs: 301 - London, British Library, Add. 49598 (the ‘Benedictional of St Æthelwold’) pls. I(c) [fol. 7v (detail)], II [fol. 68r]
- mss: 302 - London, British Library, Add. 57337 (the ‘Anderson Pontifical’) 169-70
- st: 306 - London, British Library, Arundel 155, fols. 1-135 and 171-91 154, 175-6, 182 [scribe]
- st: 324 - London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra C. viii, fols. 4-37 164, 167
- st: 337 - London, British Library, Cotton Julius A. vi 153-4
- st: 380 - London, British Library, Cotton Titus D. xxvi + xxvii 153-4
- st: 413 - London, British Library, Harley 76 153, 175, 182
- mss: 422 - London, British Library, Harley 603 (the ‘Harley Psalter’) 154 n. 9, 175
- mss: 446 - London, British Library, Royal 1. D. iii 152 n. 3
- st: 447 - London, British Library, Royal 1. D. ix 154, 168 n. 49, 181
- st: 501 - London, British Library, Loan 11 (the ‘Kidderminster Gospels’) 174 n. 64, 181
- dec: 554 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 155 (S.C. 1974) 153-4
- mss: 774 - York, Minster Library, Add. 1, fols. 10-161 166-70, 175, 182
- dec: 796 - Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale, 14 171-2
- facs: 796 - Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale, 14 pls. I (a)-(b) [fols. 18v, 19r (details)], IV (a)-(b) [fols. 10r, 58v (details)]
- mss: 796 - Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale, 14 153, 170-2, 182, 188-91
- mss: 812 - Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, G.K.S. 10 (2o) 191-5 et passim
- mss: 827 - Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. xvii. 20 173-4, 182
- mss: 831 - Hannover, Kestner-Museum, W.M. XXIa, 36 175-6, 182
- dec: 864 - New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M 869 (the ‘Arenberg Gospels’) 153 and n. 7, 165, 169-70 and n. 53, 170 and n. 55, 182
- mss: 877 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 272 152 n. 3, 173 and n. 62, 182
- mss: 880 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 987 153, 170-1, 173, 182
- mss: 921 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 274 (Y. 6) (the ‘Sacramentary of Robert of Jumièges’) 155, 182