Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: N.R. Ker (1962-92)
Referenced in:
- mss: 15 - Cambridge, University Library, Ii. 2. 11 (with Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501 (the ‘Exeter Book’), fols. 0-7) II.807
- mss: 143 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 313 / 20 II.246
- mss: 204 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Lit. A. 8 (68) II.267
- mss: 205.8 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Lit. E. 42 and E. 42A, pt. i II.289-97
- mss: 206 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 20 [olim Box CCC no. xixa] II.315
- mss: 207 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 25 II.315
- mss: 209 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 127/1 II.315-16
- mss: 210 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 127/12 II.316-17
- mss: 211 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 127/19 and PRC 49/1/1-2 II.317-18
- mss: 212.4.1 - 1. Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, PRC 49/2 II.315-16
- mss: 212.7 - Chichester, Diocesan Record Office, Ep. I/17/20 II.399
- mss: 212 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 128/52 II.321
- mss: 222 - Durham, Cathedral Library, A. III. 29 II.315
- mss: 256 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3500 II.800-7
- mss: 258.3 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3512 II.819-21
- mss: 258.8 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3548A II.839-40 [erroneously classed as ‘Sacramentarium’]
- mss: 258 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3507 II.813-14
- mss: 259.5 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, FMS/1, 2, 2a II.845
- mss: 259 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3548C II.840-1
- mss: 260 - Exeter Cathedral, FMS/3 II.845
- mss: 269.1 - Lichfield, Cathedral Library, 1a III.113-14
- mss: 269 - Lichfield, Cathedral Library, 1 (the ‘St Chad Gospels’) III.113-14
- st: 398 - London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A. xii, fols. 4-77 IV.813-14 [relationship to no. 258]
- mss: 501 - London, British Library, Loan 11 (the ‘Kidderminster Gospels’) III.15-17
- mss: 503 - London, College of Arms, Arundel 30, fols. 5-10 and 208 I.12
- mss: 522 - London, Society of Antiquaries, 154* I.307-8
- mss: 523 - London, Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine, 46 I.393-401
- mss: 669 - Oxford, All Souls College, SR. 80. g. 8 (pastedowns from printed book) (with Eton College 220 no. 1 and Oxford, Merton College, 2. f. 10 (printed book), pastedowns) II.789 and n. 2
- st: 736 - Salisbury, Cathedral Library, 135 II.835
- mss: 754.5 - Salisbury, Cathedral Library, 221 [formerly Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fell 4 (returned to Salisbury, August 1985)] IV.257-62
- mss: 754.6 - Salisbury, Cathedral Library, 222 [formerly Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fell 1 (returned to Salisbury, August 1985)] IV.257-62
- mss: 755.5 - Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury School, XXI IV.308-10
- mss: 758 - Wells, Cathdral Library, 7 IV.563-4
- mss: 759.1 - Winchester, Cathedral Library, 2 IV.579-80
- mss: 759.4 - Winchester, Winchester College, 5 IV.606
- mss: 759.5 - Winchester, Winchester College, 40A IV.628
- mss: 759 - Winchester, Cathedral Library, 1 (with London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius D. iv, vol. II, fols. 158-66) IV.578-9
- mss: 766 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Q. 8, fols. 164-71 [with Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 7, fols. 1-6] IV.679
- mss: 770.5 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 2 IV.678
- mss: 770 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 1 (with Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. bib. d. 1 (P) [S.C. 31089]) IV.678
- mss: 771 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 3 IV.679
- mss: 772 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 4 IV.679
- mss: 773.6 - York, Minster Library, XVI. Q. 1 IV.772-3
- mss: 773.7 - York, Minster Library, XVI. Q. 2 IV.773-4
- mss: 773 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 5 IV.679
- mss: 774 - York, Minster Library, Add. 1, fols. 10-161 IV.784-6