Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: O’Reilly (2011)
Referenced in:
- dec: 4 - Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 1. 23 217
- dec: 213 - Dublin, Trinity College, 57 (A. 4. 5) (the ‘Book of Durrow’) 191-2, 204
- dec: 214 - Dublin, Trinity College, 58 (A. 1. 6) (the ‘Book of Kells’) 192-7, 194-5, 198, 202, 204
- dec: 290 - London, British Library, Add. 34890 (the ‘Grimbald Gospels’) 206-8
- dec: 301 - London, British Library, Add. 49598 (the ‘Benedictional of St Æthelwold’) 203-4
- dec: 343 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero D. iv (the ‘Lindisfarne Gospels’) 197-8
- dec: 362 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. ii (with London, British Library, Cotton Claudius A. iii, fols. 2-7 and 9* + Faustina B. vi, vol. i, fols. 95 and 98-100) 202-3
- dec: 378 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius C. vi (the ‘Tiberius Psalter’) 208-9
- dec: 380 - London, British Library, Cotton Titus D. xxvi + xxvii 211-14, 216
- dec: 430 - London, British Library, Harley 2904 (the ‘Ramsey Psalter’) 210-12
- dec: 831 - Hannover, Kestner-Museum, W.M. XXIa, 36 208-9
- dec: 861 - New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M 709 214-18
- dec: 939 - Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 32 (Script. eccl. 484), fols. 1-91 (the ‘Utrecht Psalter’) 202, 212, 213