Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Rankin (1984)
Referenced in:
- st: 174 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 11. 2 (241) 112
- mss: 406.5 - London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. xii, fols. 116-60 112
- st: 425 - London, British Library, Harley 863, fols. 8-125 102
- facs: 431 - London, British Library, Harley 2961 (the ‘Leofric Collectar’) pls. XI(a)-(b) [fols. 29r, 29v]
- st: 431 - London, British Library, Harley 2961 (the ‘Leofric Collectar’) 102, 109, 111-12
- facs: 524 - London, Westminster Abbey Library, 36, nos. 17-19 [with London, BL, Add. 62104; London, BL, Harley 5977, no. 59; Lincoln, Cathedral Library, V.5.11 (ptd book), flyleaves; Oxford, BodL, Lat. liturg. e. 38, fols. 7, 8, 13 and 14; and (possibly) London, BL, Add. 79528 + London, Private Collector, s.n.] pl. IX(a) [Oxford, BodL, Lat. liturg. e. 38, fol. 7v (detail)]
- mss: 524 - London, Westminster Abbey Library, 36, nos. 17-19 [with London, BL, Add. 62104; London, BL, Harley 5977, no. 59; Lincoln, Cathedral Library, V.5.11 (ptd book), flyleaves; Oxford, BodL, Lat. liturg. e. 38, fols. 7, 8, 13 and 14; and (possibly) London, BL, Add. 79528 + London, Private Collector, s.n.] 102, 112
- facs: 585 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 579 (S.C. 2675) (the ‘Leofric Missal’) pls. IX(b)-(c), X [fols. 22r, 31v (detail), 139v]
- st: 585 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 579 (S.C. 2675) (the ‘Leofric Missal’) 103-12