Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Withers (2011)
Referenced in:
- dec: 290 - London, British Library, Add. 34890 (the ‘Grimbald Gospels’) 260-1
- dec: 315 - London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. iv 247-50, 251-2, 254-7, 265-9
- dec: 372 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius B. iv, fols. 3-9, 19-86 265-6
- dec: 382 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. viii, fols. 1-33 (the ‘New Minster Charter’) 264
- dec: 640 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Junius 11 (S.C. 5123) (the ‘Caedmon Manuscript’ or ‘Junius Manuscript’) 252-4, 255-6, 257, 264
- dec: 657 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud misc. 509 (S.C. 942) (with London, BL, Cotton Vespasian D. xxi, fols. 18-40) 251, 263
- dec: 905 - Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Library, W.H. Scheide Collection, 71 262-5
- dec: 921 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 274 (Y. 6) (the ‘Sacramentary of Robert of Jumièges’) 260, 262
- dec: 939 - Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 32 (Script. eccl. 484), fols. 1-91 (the ‘Utrecht Psalter’) 247, 257, 260-1