Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 300
- Number
- 300
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Add. 47967 (the ‘Tollemache Orosius’)
- Date
- x1 or x2/4
- Origin
- Winchester?
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- T.A.M. Bishop (1954-8b) 324-6
- N.R. Ker (1957) no. 133
- T.A.M. Bishop (1959-63a) 93
- T.A.M. Bishop (1964-8b) 247
- N.R. Ker (1964) 200 and n. 7
- Parkes (1976b) 156-7 [repr. Parkes (1991) 150-4]
- Bately (1980) xxiii-xxv
- Cat. Add. B.M. 1951-1955 (1982) 121-3
- Parkes (1983) 130, 135 n. 45
- Backhouse et al. (1984b) no. 2
- Webster—Backhouse (1991) 262-3
- Carley (1986) 117
- Dumville (1987) 170-1 n. 128
- Dumville (1992b) 67-8, 72
- Lapidge (1992d) 156 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 46]
- Conner (1993) 53
- M.P. Brown (1996) 180
- O’Brien O’Keeffe (1998a) 158 n. 40
- Edwards—Griffiths (2000)
- Roberts (2005) 52-5 [no. 9]
- Bately (2006) 40
- C. Bishop (2007b) 118
- D. Ganz (2012) 188 n. 4, 189 and n. 11
- R. Gameson (2012a) 39 and n. 95, 59 n. 195
- Scragg (2012a) nos. 21-2, 368
- F. Wormald (1945) 118 [repr. F. Wormald (1984) 57]
- F. Wormald (1952) 65 [no. 22]
- F. Wormald (1971b) 305 [repr. F. Wormald (1984) 76]
- E. Temple (1976) no. 8
- Brownrigg (1978) 253 n. 1
- Ohlgren (1986) no. 86
- M.P. Brown (1991) 50
- R. Gameson (2012c) 287 and n. 133
- A. Campbell (1953) [complete facsimile]
- F. Wormald (1984) pl. 58 [“p. 128” (detail)]
- Bately (1980) frontispiece [fol. 5v]
- M.P. Brown (1991) pl. 52 [fol. 1r]
- M.P. Brown (2005) pl. 71 [fol. 5v]
- Roberts (2005) pl. 9 [fol. 48v], p. 55 [fol. 1r]
- Cyrus (1968) [base MS]
- Bately (1980) [OE Orosius coll. as L]
- Bately (1980) xxxix-xlix
- Hofstetter (1987) 307-8
- Gretsch (1999a) 320
- Gretsch (2000) 98-102, 105
- Gretsch (2001) 172
- F. Wormald (1971b) [repr. F. Wormald (1984) 76-84]
- Saenger (1997) 41-2
- Gretsch (1999a) 320