Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 308
- Number
- 308
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A. vii, fols. 11-178
- Date
- x2
- Origin
- S England
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- Priebsch (1925)
- F. Wormald (1945) 120, 134 [repr. F. Wormald (1984) 59, 72, 175 n. 40]
- N.R. Ker (1957) no. 137
- Bischoff (1971a) 105 and n. 158
- Bischoff (1986) 129, 278
- Robinson—Stanley (1991) 24
- ASMMF I (1994) 1-4 [no. 177
- Doane]
- Stanley (1994) 122-3
- Behaghel (1996) xxx-xxxii [Taeger]
- R. Gameson (2012d) 347-8
- Scragg (2012a) nos. 414a, 415-16
- F. Wormald (1945) 120, 134 [repr. F. Wormald 1984) 59, 72]
- Rice (1952) 179-80
- Raw (1976) 148
- E. Temple (1976) no. 33
- Ohlgren (1986) no. 138
- R. Gameson (1995b) 217 n. 152, 225 n. 194
- R. Gameson (2012c) 287 and n. 133
- Priebsch (1925) pls. I-III [fols. 7r, 12v, 163r], IV-V [fols. 5r, 15v, 35v (all details)]
- E. Temple (1976) ills. 123-4 [fols. 11r, 21v (details)]
- Robinson—Stanley (1991) pls. 19.4.1-5 [fols. 176r-178r]
- ASMMF I (1994) no. 177
- Roberts (2005) p. 59 [fol. 11r]
- Sievers (1878/1935) [base MS (= C) for Heliand]
- Storms (1948) no. 8 [OE charm]
- Behaghel (1996) [Heliand coll. as C]
- Priebsch (1925)
- Timmer (1948) 16-18
- Drögereit (1950)
- Werlich (1964) 181-5 [on fitts]
- Belkin—Meier (1975) [bibliography]
- Whitelock (1975) 19-20 and n. 5
- J. Campbell (1978) 257-8 and nn. 23-5
- Taeger (1981b) [textual criticism]
- Schwab (1988) 82-8
- R.L. Harris (1992) 65, 73 n. 67 et passim [see p. 489]
- Gallée (1993) 360-1
- Gneuss (1993) 100 n. 26
- Gullath (2003) 148-50
- R. McKitterick (2012) 331 and nn. 113-14