Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 384
- Number
- 384
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. vi, fols. 1-103
- Date
- ix2/4
- Origin
- Saint-Denis
- Provenance
- England by s. xi in.
- Thompson—Warner (1881-4) II.68, 79
- C.W. Jones (1939) 121
- C.W. Jones (1943) 146
- Laistner—King (1943) 149
- N.R. Ker (1957) no. 205
- Rella (1977) 25, 77-8, 165
- A.G. Watson (1979) I, no. 567
- Rella (1980) 112
- Santosuosso (1989)
- Budny (1992) 138
- Bischoff (1998—) II, no. 2426
- Karkov (2004) 66 nn. 70 and 72, 67 n. 79
- Keynes (2004) 151
- Hartzell (2006) no. 143
- Scragg (2012a) no. 598
- NPS I, pls. 166-7 [fols. 39v, 68r]
- A.G. Watson (1979) II, pls. 9(a)-(c) [fols. 24v, 26r, 89r]
- Santosuosso (1989) pl. 20(a) [fol. 26r]
- Budny (1992) pl. 8(g) [fol. 29v (detail)]
- Napier (1900) no. 31 [OE glosses]
- C.W. Jones (1943) [Bede, De temporum ratione, coll. as L
- repr. C.W. Jones (1977) 264-460]
- Ziolkowski (2007) 145 and n. 124
- R. McKitterick (2012) 328