Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 385
- Number
- 385
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. vi, fols. 104-9
- Date
- [unknown]
- Origin
- [unknown]
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- Note
- 805814, Mercia
- ‘Metrical Calendar of York’ (incomplete)
- tables of Greek and Roman numerals
- chronological note on the death of King Æthelbald of Mercia
- Ages of the World
- encyclopedic notes: dimensions of Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem, of the Tabernacle, of St Peter’s basilica in Rome, of Noah’s Ark
- numbers of books of the Bible, number of languages of the world, number of bones, veins and teeth in a human body, dimensions of the world, number of verses in the Book of Psalms
- excerpts from Eucherius, Instructiones (CPL 489)
- two additional notes on measurements
- verses on the days of the week
- the Ages of Man
- list of popes from Peter to Leo III, with addenda
- names of the seventy-two disciples of Christ
- fifteen Anglo-Saxon episcopal lists
- Anglian collection of royal genealogies
- K. Sisam (1953a) 4-6
- K. Sisam (1953b) 289
- Dumville (1976) 24-5
- A.G. Watson (1979) I, no. 568
- Lapidge (1984) 328 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 345]
- Morrish (1988) 517, 522, 537
- Webster—Backhouse (1991) no. 29 [Prescott]
- Lapidge (1996c) 430
- M.P. Brown (1996) 170-2
- Webster—Brown (1997) 224 [no. 55]
- Karkov (2004) 66 nn. 69 and 72, 67 n. 79
- Keynes (2004) 151
- Dumville (2005) 310
- Keynes (2005b)
- Dekker (2007) 301-5
- M.P. Brown (2012) 164
- Thompson—Warner (1881-4) II, pl. 24 [fol. 104r]
- NPS I, pl. 165 [fols. 104r, 107r]
- A.G. Watson (1979) II, pl. 4 [fol. 106r]
- Sweet (1885) 167-71 [Anglian royal genealogies]
- M.R. James (1910) [disciples of Christ]
- M.R. James (1912) I.428-38 [lists of disciples of Christ, of Anglo-Saxon bishops and kings, coll. with those in no. 56]
- Wilmart (1934) 65-8 [Metrical Calendar of York]
- R.I. Page (1966) 3-7 [lists of Anglo-Saxon bishops]
- Dumville (1976) 30-1 [Anglian royal genealogies]
- Tristram (1985) 300-1 [Ages of the World]
- Dekker (2007) 283 [encyclopaedic notes, coll. in footnotes]
- Dekker (2010) 170-3 [base MS for Eucherius, three other texts]
- K. Sisam (1953b) [Anglo-Saxon genealogies]
- Stenton (1959) [Anglian royal genealogies]
- Dumville (1976) [Anglian royal genealogies]
- Dumville (1977) 90
- Lapidge (1984) 327-32 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 344-9] [Metrical Calendar of York]
- Tristram (1985) 83
- BCLL (1985) no. 1229
- Dolbeau (1992) [Seventy disciples]
- Bullough (2003b) 348 [Metrical Calendar of York]
- Bullough (2004) 106 n. 264, 208-9 and n. 237, 241-2 and n. 336
- Keynes (2005b)
- Dekker (2007) 256-8, 291, 293, 301-6, 309-10
- Dekker (2010) 156-8
- Gneuss (2012) 291