Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 483
- Number
- 483
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Royal 13. A. xi
- Date
- xi/xii or xii in.
- Origin
- not in England by 1100?
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- Helperic, De computo
- Dies Aegyptiaci
- Bede, De natura rerum (CPL 1343)
- Sphere of Pythagoras
- Bede, De temporum ratione (CPL 2320)
- treatises and excerpts on astronomical and computistical subjects (including SK 2501)
- Abbo of Fleury, De figuratione signorum
- Dungal, Letter to Charlemagne on eclipses
- Versus Dionisii de annis Domini (SK 814)
- Epiphanius (?), De mensuris et ponderibus (in Latin translation) (cpg3746)
- Bede, Epistola ad Wicthedum de paschae celebratione (CPL 2321)
- verses on the Seven Liberal Arts
- inc. ‘Presedeo cunctis baiulans hoc nobile sceptrum’]
- Warner—Gilson (1921) II.80-1
- C.W. Jones (1943) 153, 165, 171
- Laistner—King (1943) 139, 141
- C.W. Jones (1975) 177
- C.W. Jones (1977) 247
- C.W. Jones (1980) 634
- Webster—Backhouse (1991) no. 61
- R. Gameson (1999a) no. 548
- Chardonnens (2007b) 547
- Webster—Backhouse (1991) 77 [fols. 33v-34r]
- Dümmler (1895) 570-8 [Dungal, Epist. i
- this MS not used]
- C.W. Jones (1975) 189-234 [Bede, De natura rerum, coll. as E]
- R.B. Thomson (1985) 113-33 [Abbo, De differentia circuli et sphaerae, coll. as L]
- Liuzza (2005) 40-2 [Sphere of Pythagoras coll. as R]
- Van de Vyver (1935) 140-50 [Abbo, De figuratione signorum, De differentia circuli et sphaerae]
- McGurk (1974) 2-4 [Helperic]
- SK 814 [Versus Dionisii de annis Domini]
- BCLL no. 657 [Dungal, Epist. i]
- Bischoff—Lapidge (1994) 212-13 [Epiphanius, De mensuris et ponderibus]
- Baker—Lapidge (1995) xliv [Abbo, De differentia circuli et sphaerae]
- Knappe (1996) 134 n. 1, 196-7 and nn. [verses on the Seven Liberal Arts]
- Knappe (1998) 15 n. 44 [verses on the Seven Liberal Arts]
- R. Sharpe (2001) 3 [Abbo]
- Liuzza (2005) 34, 40-4 [Sphere of Pythagoras]
- CSLMA III (2010) 421-9 [Helperic]