Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 775
- Number
- 775
- Shelfmark
- Antwerp, Plantin-Moretus Museum, M. 16. 2 (47) (with London, British Library, Add. 32246)
- Date
- xi in. and xi1
- Origin
- s. xi1
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- Excerptiones de Prisciano (prob. Abingdon, s. xi in.)
- additions (made at Abingdon): four glossaries (an architectural glossary
- an end-page miscellaneous glossary
- an alphabetical glossary
- and a class glossary
- Remigius, Commentary on Donatus, Ars minor
- Ælfric, Colloquium
- Latin poems (on the virgins Æthelthryth, Ælfgifu and Eadgyth (Edith)
- on SS. Edward, Eustace and Kenelm (SK 656a)
- in commemoration of Archbishop Ælfric (SK Suppl. 12418a)
- a Latin verse riddle
- a Latin verse letter from Herbert to Abbot Wulfgar of Abingdon (SK Suppl. 15383a)
- an anonymous letter to ‘Ælf’: all s. xi1)
- Cat. Add. B.M. 1882-7 (1889) 96
- Förster (1917)
- Denucé (1927) 45-6
- Garmonsway (1939/1978) 3
- N.R. Ker (1957) no. 2
- N.R. Ker (1964) 2
- T.A.M. Bishop (1971) xii n. 2, xxiv
- Pheifer (1974) xxxvii-xxxviii
- D.W. Porter (1999b)
- D.W. Porter (2002) 3-4, 397
- ASMMF XIII (2006) 1-10 [no. 4
- Bremmer, Dekker]
- Lapidge (2006) 62, 293
- Wieland (2009) 144
- Gneuss (2012) 294
- Scragg (2012a) nos. 1, 1a, 2-4
- ASMMF XIII (2006) no. 4
- Lendinara et al. (2011) pl. III [Add. 32246, fol. 2v]
- Dümmler (1884) 351-3 [Latin verse letter from Herbert to Abbot Wulfgar]
- Förster (1917) 154-5 [poems SK 656a, 12418a, verse riddle, letter to ‘Ælf’]
- W.H. Stevenson (1929) 75-96 [Ælfric, Colloquium, coll. as R1 and R2]
- Meritt (1945) no. 22 [eight OE glosses to Excerptiones de Prisciano]
- Kindschi (1955) [alphabetical and class glossaries]
- D.W. Porter (2002) [Excerptiones de Prisciano coll. as B]
- J. Hill (2005b) 339-46 [base MS for Ælfric, Colloquium]
- D.W. Porter (2011a) [base MS for all four glossaries]
- D.W. Porter (2012) 239-45 [base MS for verse letter from Herbert to Wulfgar], 246-7 [anonymous letter to ‘Ælf’]
- Luick (1914-21) § 703.1
- Lapidge (1975a) 99 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 137]
- Hofstetter (1987) 515-17
- Dietz (1990)
- F. Kluge (1885a) 448-9
- Förster (1917)
- Ladd (1960)
- Buckalew (1978) 164 n. 2
- Lapidge (1988b) 260 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 218]
- A.K. Brown (1992) 105-6
- D.W. Porter (1996a)
- D.W. Porter (1996b)
- Budny (1997) I.446, 506
- Gwara—Porter (1997) 4-7, 44-8, 60-8
- Lazzari (1998-9)
- Lazzari (2003)
- Schreiber (2003) 109 n. 75
- Lazzari (2004)
- J. Hill (2005b)
- Lendinara (2010) 124-32
- D.W. Porter (2010)
- D’Aronco (2011) 247 and n. 81
- Giliberto (2011) 126 and n. 29
- Godden (2011) 92
- Healey (2011) 8
- Jayatilaka (2011) 117
- Lazzari (2011)
- D.W. Porter (2011b)
- Rusche (2011) 402-14
- D.W. Porter (2012)