Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 803
- Number
- 803
- Shelfmark
- Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque municipale, 82
- Date
- x1
- Origin
- S England (prov. Saint-Bertin)
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- Cat. gén. Dép. (Quarto) IV.624 [Michelant]
- Hanssens (1933) 231-2
- Hanssens (1948-50) I.129
- Parkes (1983) 137 n. 50 [repr. Parkes (1991) 182 n. 50]
- Dumville (1987) 170 and n. 122, 175 and n. 165, 176 n. 172
- Dumville (1992a) 135
- Webber (1992) 71 and n. 111
- Dumville (1993d) 8-9
- Dumville (1994b) 209
- C.A. Jones (2001) 27-32
- R. Gameson (2002d) 187
- R. Gameson (2012d) 353 and n. 35, 354 and n. 38
- D. Ganz (2012) 192 and n. 26
- F. Wormald (1945) 120, 133 [repr. F. Wormald (1984) 59, 72]
- Rice (1952) 206
- E. Temple (1976) no. 29
- Brownrigg (1978) 259 n. 4
- Ohlgren (1986) no. 117
- R. Gameson (1995b) 3 n. 10, 11 n. 25, 122 n. 27, 230
- E. Temple (1976) ills. 101-2 [fols. 7r, 65r (details)]
- F. Wormald (1984) ills. 52, 53 [fols. 1v, 2r (details)]
- W. Schipper (2007a) figs. 1(a) [fol. 45r (detail)], 1(b) [fol. 114r (detail)]
- Hanssens (1948-50) II.59-60, 65-6, 77-81, 89-92, 261-5, 271-5, 277-302, 374-8, 468-73, 486, 509-13, 560-2 [Liber officialis (‘Retractatio prima’) coll. as B]
- Lambert (1969-72) nos. 348, 349
- Dumville (1993d)
- CSLMA I (1994) 131-5