Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 808
- Number
- 808
- Shelfmark
- Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 8654-8672
- Date
- ix1/3
- Origin
- prob. NE France (Channel coast?)
- Provenance
- s. x England? (prov. Saint-Bertin)
- collection of patristic comments on the gospels
- collection of creeds
- Pelagius, Libellus fidei ad Innocentium papam (CPL 731)
- Gennadius, Liber siue diffinitio ecclesiasticorum dogmatum (CPL 958)
- Bede, Historia ecclesiastica (CPL 1375)
- Admonitio generalis (of 789), Duplex capitulare missorum, and Capitula incerti anni
- excerpts mainly from Collectio canonum uetus Gallica (CPL 1784a)
- hymn for the coronation of a king (SK 7997)
- excerpts from biblical commentaries
- Isidore, Etymologiae (CPL 1187)
- pseudo-Bede, De sex dierum generatione
- Wigbod (pseudo-Bede), Quaestionum super Genesin dialogus
- Isidore, De ortu et obitu patrum (CPL 1191)
- Exorcismus and Benedictio aquae
- excerpts from writings about computus
- excerpts from ordines for the Office
- Van den Gheyn et al. (1901-48) II.274-5
- N.R. Ker (1957) Appendix no. 6
- CLA X (1963) no. 1542
- Bischoff (1966-81) I.248
- Mordek (1975) 274-6
- Bullough (1983) 47 n. 109
- Mordek (1995) 85-90
- Bischoff (1998—) I, no. 724
- Kéry (1999) 52, 75
- D. Ganz (2004) 500
- ASMMF XIII (2006) 51-61 [no. 21
- Bremmer, Dekker]
- Gneuss (2008b) 140
- Gneuss (2012) 295
- Mordek (1975) pl. IV(a) [fol. 130r (detail)]
- ASMMF XIII (2006) no. 21