Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 819
- Number
- 819
- Shelfmark
- Düsseldorf, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Fragm. K1: B215, K2: C118, K15:009, K19: Z 8/8, M.Th.u.Sch. 29a (4) (pastedowns)
- Date
- viii med.
- Origin
- prob. Northumbria
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- CLA VIII (1959) no. 1187
- Kotzor (1981) I.271*
- Bischoff—Brown (1985) 364
- Vezzoni (1987) [K2: C118]
- Barker-Benfield (1991) 53 and n. 43
- Vezzoni (1994) 42-3 [K2: C118]
- Gerchow (1999) 56 [nos. 4 and 18], 372 [no. 76]
- Zechiel-Eckes (2002) passim
- Zechiel-Eckes (2003) 27-8, 30-1, 47, 60, 65-6
- Lapidge (2006) 316-17, 341
- Biggs (2007a) 65-6 [C.D. Wright]
- Bremmer (2007) 41 and n. 62
- Love (2007) 74
- Garrison (2012) 645 n. 70
- Zechiel-Eckes (2002) pl. following p. 202 [K19: Z 8/8, fol. 2r]
- Zechiel-Eckes (2003) pls. 23 [K19: Z 8/8, fol. 2v], 25 [M.Th.u.Sch. 29a (4), back pastedown]
- Vezzoni (1987) [transcription of fragments of Pastor Hermas in K2: C118]
- Vezzoni (1994) 104-16 [K2: C118 (Pastor Hermas) coll. as D]
- Coens (1951) [Passio S. Iusti pueri]
- Biggs et al. (2001) 282-3
- Love (2007) [John Chrysostom]