Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 90
- Number
- 90
- Shelfmark
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 320, pt. ii (fols. 117-70)
- Date
- x2 or x ex.
- Origin
- Canterbury StA
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- formulas and directions for the use of confessors* (s. x/xi)
- Poenitentiale Theodori (incomplete) (CPL 1885)
- Gregory and Augustine of Canterbury, Libellus responsionum (CPL 1714)
- poem by Archbishop Theodore (SK 16100)
- Order of confession
- Poenitentiale Sangermanense
- encyclopedic notes (as in nos. 56 and 451): on Christ’s Incarnation, the Ages of the World, the Ages of Man, the numbers of bones, veins and teeth in humans, the Dimensions of the World, the Temple of Solomon, the Tabernacle, St Peter’s in Rome, Noah’s Ark, the numbers of books in the Old and New Testament, the number of verses in the psalms, units for measuring distances, the order of events in the Seven Days of Creation, the site of Jerusalem
- fragment of the Scriftboc*
- M.R. James (1912) II.132-7
- T.A.M. Bishop (1954-8b) 326, 330
- N.R. Ker (1957) no. 58
- T.A.M. Bishop (1971) no. 7
- Frantzen (1983a) 38
- Sauer (1991) 22-3
- Webster—Backhouse (1991) 74-5 [no. 58
- M.P. Brown]
- Dumville (1992a) 134
- Lapidge (1992a) 123 n. 111 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 411 n. 111]
- Budny (1997) I. 225-30 [no. 18]
- Delen (2002)
- Barker-Benfield (2008) I.754, II.1480, III.1811-12
- Scragg (2012a) no. 159
- Budny (1997) I.230 [inventory of decoration]
- Budny (1997) II, pls. 172-3 [pp. 83, 95]
- R. Gameson (2012) pl. 7b.3 [fol. 149r]
- Haddan—Stubbs (1869-71) III.176-203 [base MS (= C) for Poenitentiale Theodori]
- Finsterwalder (1929) 285-7 [Poenitentiale Theodori]
- Sauer (1993) [base MS for exhortations (pp. 42-3, 48, 50)]
- Lapidge (1995b) 275 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 240] [poem by Archbishop Theodore]
- Delen et al. (2002) [Poenitentiale Sangermanense rectius Cantabrigiense]
- Dekker (2007) 281-4 [chronological and other notes]
- Fulk—Jurasinski (2012) 79-80 [base MS for formulas and directions for the use of confessors], 81 [base MS for fragment of the Scriftboc]
- Lapidge (1975b) 817
- Scragg (1979) 260
- Frantzen (1983b) 131 nn. 30-1, 164 n. 40
- Frantzen (1985) 26-7
- Lapidge (1986b) 46-7 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 142-3]
- Bischoff—Lapidge (1994) 71, 186, 210
- A. Orchard (1994) 30
- Lapidge (1995b) 260, 275 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 225, 240]
- Dekker (2007)