abax noun masc gen pl x_cis
abacus noun masc gen pl us_i poetic
abacus noun masc acc sg us_i
abax noun masc gen pl x_cis
abacus noun masc gen pl us_i poetic
abacus noun masc acc sg us_i
Number of occurrences in corpus: 3
N.Schol.Abacus 1 | # Verses on the abacus / / Hanc | abacum | scrutare nimis, hac utere, me |
£.MART.CAP.Nupt7.725 3 | m quae instigat in artes, / Sic | abacum | perstare iubet, sic tegmine g |
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 86 | t patera fucante Falerna. / hic | abacum | picto bombycina flore decoran |