A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: absolvendo

absolvo verb gerundive neut abl sg conj3

absolvo verb gerundive masc abl sg conj3

absolvo verb gerundive neut dat sg conj3

absolvo verb gerundive masc dat sg conj3

ab-solvo verb gerundive neut abl sg conj3

ab-solvo verb gerundive masc abl sg conj3

ab-solvo verb gerundive neut dat sg conj3

ab-solvo verb gerundive masc dat sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

ALCVIN.Carm 6 7 salus, ligni venerabilis ore / Absolvendo trahit praedam, carnale ligam
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 138 li, fateor, certamine pugnas: / absolvendo reos venis et me verbere torq