A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: heorot

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Beowulf 166b fremede, / heardra hīenþa. || Heorot eardode, / sinċ-fāĝe sæl ||
Beowulf 432b dryht, / þēs hearda hēap, || Heorot fǣlsian. / Hæbbe iċ ēac ġe
Beowulf 1017b ð·gār and Hrōð·ulf. || Heorot innan wæs / frēondum ā·fyll
Beowulf 1176b wolde / here-rinċ% habban. || Heorot is ġe·fǣlsod, / bēah-sele b
Beowulf 1369a tapa || hundum ġe·swenċed, / heorot hornum trum, || holt-wudu sē