A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: deducat

deduco verb pres subj act 3rd sg conj3

deduco verb pres subj act 3rd sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

ALCVIN.Carm 4 74 utem, / Postea caelestem laetos deducat in aulam. / Omnibus his actis p
ALCVIN.Carm 20 41 illum, / Qui te perpetuam caeli deducat in aulam. / Et nunc, et semper,
ALCVIN.Carm 45 77 / Prospere qui semper te, rex, deducat euntem, / Et redeuntis iter pro
ALCVIN.Carm 53 2 am, / Quae te sub tectis domini deducat in aulam; / Nec tibi forte pede
ALCVIN.Carm 72 10 obis pia dona sophiae, / Et vos deducat per magna palatia caeli, / Qua
£.VERGIL.Georg03 122 sque Mycenas, / Neptunique ipsa deducat origine gentem. / His animaduer