A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: disiecerit

disicio verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

dis-jacio verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

dis-jacio verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

disicio verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

dis-jacio verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

dis-jacio verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 290 nguis, / Vt bello egregias idem disiecerit urbes, / Troiamque Oechaliamque