A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: euinctis

evincio participle perf part pass neut abl pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass fem abl pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass masc abl pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass neut dat pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass fem dat pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass masc dat pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass neut abl pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass fem abl pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass masc abl pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass neut dat pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass fem dat pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass masc dat pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass neut abl pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass fem abl pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass masc abl pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass neut dat pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass fem dat pl pp4

evincio participle perf part pass masc dat pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass neut abl pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass fem abl pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass masc abl pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass neut dat pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass fem dat pl pp4

ex-vincio participle perf part pass masc dat pl pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

£.VERGIL.Aeneid05 364 in pectore praesens, / Adsit et euinctis attollat bracchia palmis.” /