A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: agnouere

a-nosco verb perf ind act 3rd pl perfstem poetic

a-nosco verb perf ind act 3rd pl perfstem poetic

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.i 7 eres, certatim dona ferentes, / agnouere suum regem magnumque patronum
£.LVCAN.Phars04 194 ulo uenia est erepta nocenti: / Agnouere suos. Pro numine fata sinistr
£.VERGIL.Aeneid09 659 nuem ex oculis euanuit auram. / Agnouere deum proceres diuinaque tela /
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm16 65 huic ora / Vertuntur; notum non agnouere furentes / Felicemque rogant. F
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.3 142 credas animalia puluere nexa. / agnouere uiri se numinis arte teneri. /