A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: inciderint

incido#1 verb futperf ind act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#1 verb perf subj act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#2 verb futperf ind act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#2 verb perf subj act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#1 verb futperf ind act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#1 verb perf subj act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#2 verb futperf ind act 3rd pl perfstem

incido#2 verb perf subj act 3rd pl perfstem

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

N.PassEustace 719 s peccati si suadente maligno / Inciderint, necnon nos in sua vola vocabu
££.IVVENC.Euang02 590 eam ei forte pecuscula uestra / Inciderint, certe transibitis otia legis /