A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: infectum

infectus#1 noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic

infectus#1 noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic

infectus#1 noun masc acc sg us_a_um

infectus#1 noun neut nom sg us_a_um

infectus#1 noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um

infectus#3 noun masc acc sg us_us

inficio participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic

inficio participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic

inficio participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4

inficio participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4

inficio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

inficio noun supine neut nom sg pp4

in-facio participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 comp_only poetic

in-facio participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 comp_only poetic

in-facio participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4 comp_only

in-facio participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4 comp_only

in-facio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4 comp_only

in-facio noun supine neut nom sg pp4 comp_only

infectus#1 noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic

infectus#1 noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic

infectus#1 noun masc acc sg us_a_um

infectus#1 noun neut nom sg us_a_um

infectus#1 noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um

infectus#3 noun masc acc sg us_us

inficio participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic

inficio participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic

inficio participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4

inficio participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4

inficio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

inficio noun supine neut nom sg pp4

in-facio participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 comp_only poetic

in-facio participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 comp_only poetic

in-facio participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4 comp_only

in-facio participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4 comp_only

in-facio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4 comp_only

in-facio noun supine neut nom sg pp4 comp_only

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

CVTHBERTH.Epig 6 e carne recessit, / linquit et infectum quod vult existere factum. / as
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 742 ntos, aliis sub gurgite uasto / Infectum eluitur scelus aut exuritur i
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 243 ma uolunt foedusque precantur / Infectum et Turni sortem miserantur in
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 1 # Carmina 04 / / Infectum quondam uitiis concordibus or
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 299 ante salus, qui iure creantis / Infectum suppleuit opus; solidumque de
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch05 106 nt (quoniam transire nequiuit / Infectum quod Christus ait), se prorsu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 86 laxauerit artus, / Morte obita, infectum ueluti sordescere coget. / Is i
££.PRVD.Praef 9 sub ferulis, mox docuit toga / Infectum uitiis falsa loqui non sine c
££.PRVD.Psych 100 dium Iordanis in undis / Abluit infectum, sanies cui rore rubenti / Haese