A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: inuictum

invictus noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic

invictus noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic

invictus noun masc acc sg us_a_um

invictus noun neut nom sg us_a_um

invictus noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um

in-vinco participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vinco participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vinco participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4

in-vinco participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4

in-vinco participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

in-vinco noun supine neut nom sg pp4

in-vivo participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vivo participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vivo participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4

in-vivo participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4

in-vivo participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

in-vivo noun supine neut nom sg pp4

invictus noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic

invictus noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic

invictus noun masc acc sg us_a_um

invictus noun neut nom sg us_a_um

invictus noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um

in-vinco participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vinco participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vinco participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4

in-vinco participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4

in-vinco participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

in-vinco noun supine neut nom sg pp4

in-vivo participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vivo participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic

in-vivo participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4

in-vivo participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4

in-vivo participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

in-vivo noun supine neut nom sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 12

N.Hymn.DeSAnd 28 ixit iniuria. / 5b. Quem uidens inuictum / per omnia / perduci iussit / cruc
N.PassEustace 210 m se uertat honorem; / Et uelut inuictum cupiebas te fore semper, [210
£.BOETH.Cons.Phil01.04 4 unamque tuens utramque rectus / Inuictum potuit tenere uultum, / Non ill
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 243 clipeum cape quem dedit ipse / Inuictum ignipotens atque oras ambiit
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 304 nosas dedit ad naualia pinus. / Inuictum tunc surgit opus, contexta le
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 497 nerosa fiet, nullique licebit / Inuictum uiolare caput uel laedere fer
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 655 diere uiri, quos liuor agebat / Inuictum superare uirum, ut iuncta cub
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 369 io feruente necauit / Addo quod inuictum dantemque ex hoste tropaea / Mo
££.PRVD.Ditt 65 s in signum sanguinis offert. / Inuictum uirtute comae leo frangere Sa
££.PRVD.Peristeph02 505 in auctorem tulit. / Dum daemon inuictum dei / Testem lacessit proelio, /
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 138 s, alumni carceris / Par semper inuictum mihi, / Cohibete paulum dextera
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 170 , hunc lacesse, hunc discute, / Inuictum inexsuperabilem / Nullis procel